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Module 13 Soul Making

At the end of this module you are expected to:

• Define What is Soul Making
• Identify the word metaphor in soul making
• Recognize Soul Making as Poetry Making and Poetry of
Soul Making .
Soul Making is the process where the basic seed of divine
intelligence in all humans goes through necessary experience,
especially suffering the transform into a unique Soul
Soul Making is a Metaphor
The Term soul making is a metaphor. The word "metaphor" is
comprised of two greek words Meta- above and Phero- to carry
Metaphor is an image or phrase that carries the reader above
the literal sensory realm of invisible imagination.
Soul Making is Poetry Making
The word making in soul making comes out the greek word
poieo meaning to be the author or maker of something.
The making is not done by impersonal processes but by
intelligent forces. soul making ir really psycho- poeisis for soul
The Poetry of Psyche
Soul Making or Psycho Poetic composing of all emotions,
human institutions, feelings, ideas, pains and pleasures and the
writing instruments that compose our souls.
References and Supplementary Materials
Books and Journals
• Fernandez, Steven Patrick (2010) Making Theatre; The Craft of the
Stage. Iligan City: MSU – Iligan City: MSU Iligan Institute of Technology,
Mindanao State University

.Online Supplementary Reading Materials


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