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Tech Avion and FUT Millionaire

Tech Avion is a method popularised by French traders. I have seen it described multiple
times in English but never very well in my opinion. Here we will explain which players to
target and how it works rather than just a list of players with buy prices and sell prices.

Tech Avion vs FUT Millionaire

I spent a long time when I first started trading hearing both of these terms used pretty
much interchangeably. However, there is a difference between Tech Avion and FUT
Millionaire - the players used and sell price calculations.

Tech Avion can be used on any meta players, predominantly it is used for players
between 20k and 100k but the method I will teach can be used for all within reason.

FUT Millionaire on the other hand is used for players between 800 and 5000 coins making
it an effective low budget method and perfect for if you’re just starting out with these two
very similar methods.

The Basic Method

The methods for both are extremely similar. In basic terms: buy a player with a chemistry
style, 7+ contracts (some may argue 99 contracts is desirable for Tech especially but from
experience this is only necessary if an item has not sold after a few re-lists) for the going
rate for the player. List this player for an amount above the going rate, re-list until it sells
then repeat the process. With a full transfer list you may only get 5 sales at a time,
sometimes less and sometimes more. This means that it requires patience but everything
will sell eventually.

The process relies on people being lazy. There are casual players that do not care about
getting the cheapest player available and will be some of the first that they see. The
chemistry style and contracts makes our cards the most desirable most of the time which
results in sales that we call ‘Lazy Sales’. A ‘Lazy Buyer’ is a person who buys these cards.
We only use meta players and players that have SBC demand in these methods since
those players have the most demand and that therefore increases the chances of our
players being bought.

Finding Cards for FUT Millionaire

Futbin is the best website for finding cards to use for these methods. It is an incredibly
useful resource for traders, so much so that there will be a whole chapter dedicated to
using it effectively later in this guide. For now though I will explain how to use it to find the
players we need.

After you launch futbin, go to the player tab. From there, we want to filter the cards so we
only see the ones between 800 coins and 5000 coins - the price range we use for this
method. To do this, click the coin icon and fill in the price details as below. Then click
‘Filter by Price’.

Next, we want to order the cards we see by popularity. Click the Fire icon (3rd from the
right) to do this. From here, go to Version - Gold - Gold Rare so we only see the gold rare
players that we will use for this method.

You will now have a list somewhat similar to the below image. You have just found the
best players to use for FUT Millionaire!

It’s important to only use one of each player at a time for this to be effective otherwise
you are providing competition for your own cards! Keep this in mind as we move to the
next section.

FUT Millionaire Method

So after buying the players at their going price (remember any chemistry style and 7+
contracts) what do we do next? List them.

The price we list at is the key difference between FUT Millionaire and Tech Avion. For this
method we use a simple table that calculates a sell price based on buy price.

So for example, if I buy a player for 2300 coins, I will add 800 coins to it and sell for 3100
coins. This would give me a PAT of 645 coins which appears small by itself but remember
that we do this for transfer lists full of cards at a time (75-100 cards). This small profit
soon adds up to a nice total.

Once a card has sold, re-buy it and repeat! There are people that make millions of coins
solely using this method so if you have the patience it can be very profitable.

Finding Cards for Tech Avion

The process is very similar to the one previously detailed. The only difference is that we
set the price range to between 20k and 100k (you don’t necessarily need a price range at
all, this is just the one I use) and we allow all cards, not just golds. Remember to sort by
Popular and you should get a list similar to the one below.

This gives us a list of cards that include both specials and gold cards. For this method I
avoid goalkeepers but you can include them, it’s solely personal preference.

Tech Avion Method

After buying the players (only one of each for previously described reasons), we can list
them up. To calculate sell price in Tech Avion we use a simple formula:

Sell Price = Buy Price x 1.14

This means that if I buy a player for 33k for example, I would sell for 37.5k. The method is
really simple but surprisingly effective if you have enough patience. I have seen accounts
with 30 million+ coins that use these two methods as their base throughout the year. The
beauty is that it does not require a large budget to get started and can pay off massively.

Tech Avion and FUT Millionaire are often ignored in the trading community but once you know the
basic principles they are both easy and effective ways to make coins consistently throughout the
year. As always, if you have any questions ask and we’ll be able to guide you.

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