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Module 1: Progress Check

Name: Ezra Imanuel M. Mendoza Date: October 01, 2021

Course: Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering Yr. & Section: 1C

Essay: Answer the following questions.

1. Learning the importance of Production facilities, what are the advantages of having an
effective production facility?

In terms of having an effective production facility, they are numerous to mention. Thus, it
advantages on the consumers which are the top priority of every production organization because
a well-planned production function will lead to good quality products, higher rate of production
and lower cost per unit resulting in consumers will be benefitted from prices of goods and will
get good quality products. Next, the suppliers wherein every enterprise depends upon supplies of
raw materials, finished goods, spare parts, and many more then suppliers will always like to deal
with a concern having sound financial position. The company and its suppliers will have an
enduring relationship only if both are satisfied with each other’s dealings. On the other hand, it
also edges to the community hence, the economic and social stability of the community is linked
with the growth and development of its industrial structure. Resulting in the overall productivity
improvement will improve the economic welfare of the society. The advantages of various
segments of society improve the welfare of a nation. Better production management will result in
proper and economical use of natural resources and elimination of wastes simply, preserving and
saving the environment. An improved industrial climate will bring all-around development and
prosperity. In addition to what is said above, it also reduced labor costs by eliminating wasted
time and improving process and inventory costs by decreasing the need for safety stocks and
excessive work-in-process inventories. And lastly, optimized equipment usage and increased

2. And, what are the disadvantages of having a poor production facility?

Further on having a poor production facility surely cause a poor quality of products that
could greatly affect the expected outcome of manufacturing, low drastic performances and
outcomes. Some inherent challenges still exist in producing consistently good quality
including poor communication resulting from language barriers and time-zone differences,
training limitations, and reduced on-site technical support. Also, with low labor content, the
cost-benefit from lower labor costs can be negligible. Also, Extended Supply Chain, overall
supply chain due to additional transportation time and communication delays. This can be
very detrimental due to increased lead times to customers, incremental inventory carrying
costs, and rework that may be required for engineering changes that occur while products
are in the supply chain. Also, it could lead to a lack of control, companies will generally lose
some control and visibility, thus creating increased risks. Also, it could affect the Increased
Time-to-Market, as product lifecycles become much shorter, cycle-times for new production
introductions become much more critical. The time to transfer a product from engineering to
manufacturing is invariably longer. And lastly, loss of intellectual property wherein
intellectual property is generally at greater risk in this matter. At a minimum, the know-how
to manufacture products may be applied to competitors’ products. In some cases, all or part
of a design may be stolen to create a “knock-off” product.
3. Watch the uploaded video on your google classroom and make a reaction paper based on
what you have watched and observed.

Production simply determines to us that most of our things using every day take place in this
method. Thus, the uploaded videos clearly and detailed explained the production facilities in the
paper in Pixelle specialty solutions and ASEA Production Facility Tour

First, the production facilities on both videos are effective and efficient in every way from
the smallest part or place to the biggest part or place of the facilities. Not only the organization
benefits but also the nearby places but especially the environmental footprints, proving what is a
win-win situation is. I am surprised by what the Pixelle company conducts in their production
facilities everything is sorted and grouped accordingly and substantially. Also, the types of
machinery and equipment they are utilizing are far from what we can imagine in the products we
used in our lives. Truly, their production in papers goes hand in hand by the management of
different engineers and staff so thus, the outcome is ultimately effective and beneficial. Their
production facilities are well organized and critically checked appropriately. The pixel specialty
solutions in paper production, I found it very interesting and amazing to know the whole
processes of making it, from the forestry down to the real outcome of their product. Lastly, I
salute their commitment not only in their craft of production but also to help the environment, on
how they manage their waste products as they produce their products, on how to invest in
environmental ways of turning coal to clean gases that are not dangerous, and also their trees
selection ensuring the responsible harvesting of the trees that could greatly help the forest. To
conclude this part, every production organization needs to know very well and take by heart and
mind the commitment regarding the importance of saving and helping the environment.

Moving on to the next video, is the ASEA Production Facility Tour wherein the redox products
are produced. Firstly, I just want to site how detailed and sanitize their production facilities from
their water filtration down to their finish processes. Distinctively, I am astonished at how the
ASEA facilities are well sanitized and virus or bacteria-free production facilities. Their facilities
equipment are all synchronized and important in every way that is why their business is running
not only for their benefits but also to give the best quality for every human being's lifestyle. To
conclude, I am astounded by how they focused themselves on being the epitome of making
purified products.

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