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Academic Writing & Speaking

10 Basic Sentence Patterns

1. S + V + O.

2. S + V + O, co-ordinator S + V + O.

3. S + V + O; conjunctive adverb, S + V + O.

4. S + V + O; S + V + O.

5.1. S, adjective clause, V + O.

5.2. Reduced non-restrictive adjective clause, S + V + O.

6. S + V + O, adjective clause.

7. S + V + O, which + verb + object.

8.1. Subordinator S + V + O, S + V + O.

8.2. S + V + O subordinator S + V + O.

9. [Subordinator S + V + O] + V + O.

10. S + V + [subordinator S + V + O].

Mr. Ha’s TOEFL iBT & IELTS Courses Tel: 091210.8989

Academic Writing & Speaking

1.1 [Increased cost of education] has caused [many students to have financial problems].

1.2 Because of increased cost of education, [many students] are having [financial problems].

2.1 Many students are having financial problems, for the cost of education has risen.

2.2 The cost of education has risen, so many students are having financial problems.

3. The cost of education has risen; therefore, many students are having financial problems.

4. Three hundred guests attended his wedding; two attended his funeral.

5.1 Ngo Bao Chau, a Vietnamese professor of mathematics, won the Fields Medal.

5.1 Ngo Bao Chau, who was born and raised in the intellectual family in Hanoi, won the Fields

5.2 Born and raised in the intellectual family in Hanoi, Ngo Bao Chau won the Fields Medal.

5.2 A Vietnamese professor of mathematics, Ngo Bao Chau won the Fields Medal.

6.1 Ngo Bao Chau won the Fields Medal, which is awarded to talented young mathematicians.

6.2 Ngo Bao Chau won the Fields, international Medals for outstanding discovering in

7.1 The cost of education has risen, which caused many students to have financial problems.

7.2 Many students are having financial problems, which results from the increase in the cost of

8.1 Because the cost of education has risen, many students have financial problems.

8.2 Many students are having financial problems due to the fact that the cost of education has

9. [That the cost of education has risen] caused [many students to have financial problems].

10. [The government] is investigating [how the hotel fire began].

Mr. Ha’s TOEFL iBT & IELTS Courses Tel: 091210.8989

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