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Kabasalan,Zamboanga Sibugay
An extension program with
Zamboanga City State Polytechnic College
Zamboanga City

Name: Jeancy C. Jocson Date: April 28,2021

Course/Year: BSIT-FT 1 Rating:

Fiction Story
She’s in the Dark

She was once a happy girl, carefree and free-spirited.She used to flash an every-ready
sweet smile. She had dreams-big dreams, but she did not realize that the world is bigger
and quite scary. But everything changed, when she sensed rejections from people.. when
they started to judge her. After all the things they did to her, she could never be the
same girl anymore.

She now questions her worth no thanks to those worthless people. She feels bad about
herself. Her dreams seem to have died,and now she feels like her very existence is
disaster. She feels that she’s such a big failure. She has been loosing interest in all things
that she love doing before. When people ask her how she feels, she simply cannot
articulate her feelings. She cannot describe the turbulence she feels inside.She is now a
sad girl… a very sad and insecure girl.Someone who needs validation from people. She badly
needs to be accepted by those around her. What’s more, she has learned how to fake her

She will tell you she is okay.She will even flash a smile, but deep inside, she is breaking
into pieces. She wants to shout, but nothing comes out of her mouth other than signs of
desperation. She wants to shout out loud as possible so people will know that is struggling,
but her voice simply refuses to cooperate. She feels that everything she does is pointless.
She thinks that she is living a purposeless life. Her mind is clouded with doubts and what

People would often tell her to be happy and let go out of negative thoughts. They would
tell her to move forward and stop being so dramatic. But what they fail to realize is that
she is trying so hard to be happy.She is doing her best to forget her worries, but
sometimes, it is way to hard to fight against her own thoughts.It is way to hard to fight
the feeling of emptiness that gets heavier and heavier each day. She gets slowly consumed
inside every single day.

Her enemy gets worse at night. She hates the deafening silence. She can hardly sleep at
night. She is continually bothered by her own thoughts. She hears her thought racing.And
when morning comes, she feels the need to sleep again.She feels tired of everything.

She is tired of people showing her fake love and fake friendship. She has grown sick and
tired of those people who often tell her that they will be there for her, but cannot be
found when she needs them the most.She is tired of fake friends who show up only when
they need something from her. Those people whom she expects support from are the ones
pulling her down. She is tired of people who judged her without knowing the real
story.Those who know nothing about her struggles and her vulnerabilities in life.

She is losing focus. The future is too uncertain for her. She gets too indicisive. She
cannot compose her thoughts very well. She has dark thoughts in mind that cloud any zest
for life. As a matter of fact, she hates life so much.

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