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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V (Bicol)
Division of Masbate City


Teacher’s Feedback:
NAME: _______________________________

GRADE& SECTION:____________________

DATE SUBMITTED: ____________________


Prepared by:


Subject Teacher ERA E. DEOCARIZA
Read the question in each item carefully. Choose and write the letter of
the correct answer on the space before the number.

___1. We use summarizing to________.

A. Retell a story C. Reduce information to essential ideas
B. Get through an article more quickly D. Understand easily
___2. What do a movie review and a book report have in common?
A. They are both forms of reaction papers.
B. They are all about a movie.
C. They are both easy to make.
D. They are forms of reports.
___3. Which of the following is needed to make objective assessment?
A. Tradition B. Opinions
C. Reactions D. Facts
___4 How can you avoid bias?
A. Focus only on your own opinion.
B. Use facts to support your stand.
C. Be direct to the point in stating your opinion.
D. Do not express your opinions.
__5. What can we use to help organize our thoughts in writing the paper?
A. Create an outline first before writing.
B. Write everything that comes into your mind.
C. Put all the facts in the body of your paper.
D. Remove all unnecessary ideas included in the paper.
___6. Which critical approach focuses on understanding ways gender roles are
reflected or contradicted by texts?
A. Reader-response C. Feminism
B. Historicism D. Marxism
___7. What does this statement from The Digital Divide: The Challenge of
Technology and Equity mean? “As technology has become a tool for learning in
almost all courses taken by students, it will be seen as a means to an end rather
than an end in itself.”
A. Technology is used to reach goals and finish tasks.
B. Technology is already a course to be taken in college.
C. Technology means the end.
D. Technology is the end of all means.
___8. What part in your concept paper which you are going to elaborate your
specific claims made in your thesis statement?
A. Introduction B. Body
C. Conclusion D. Thesis Statement
____9. How can you develop a concept paper through explanation?
A. By giving thorough explanation
B. By providing examples of situations
C. By giving background of the topic
D. None of the above
__10. The following are needed in developing the paragraph of writing the
concept paper, EXCEPT:
A. explanation B. explication C. definition D. labelling
___11. The following can be done in making explication in making concept
paper, EXCEPT:
A. comparison and contrast B. description
C. cause and effect D. historical mode
___12. How can you avoid plagiarism in writing your concept paper?
A. Cite and recognize all the sources of the information
B. Choose only the relevant sources to be cited
C. Only cite the source of the famous information
___13. Why should we cite specific sources?
A. It shows where you got your facts.
B. It makes the paper longer.
C. It adds to the creativity.
D. It makes the paper interesting.
___14. What techniques in writing organizes a material in a logical way into
main ideas, supporting ideas, and supporting details?
A. Outlining B. Paraphrasing C. Precis Writing D.
___15. Which critical approach focuses on understanding texts by viewing texts
in the context of other texts?
A. Reader-response B. Feminism
C. Historicism D. Structuralism
For # 16-20 Analyze each statement and write E if it shows an effective
way of writing a concept paper; and N if it’s not.

___16. Rino fails to indicate the page number in his concept paper.
___17. Andrew included a literature review for his term paper.
___18 .Geryl includes in the references all journals he used but excludes the
books he cited.
___19. Maxine sticks to one format every time she submits concept paper to
various agencies.
___20. Dally uses different style and approach in presenting the ideas in a
concept paper which is fit to the context of discipline.
___21. The following are the purposes of writing academic texts EXCEPT
A. to inform the reader
B. to back up claims with evidence
C. to provide non-biased facts
D. to enjoy leisure time
___22. Which of the following shows the examples of academic texts?
A. text messages, translations, essays, research papers and research
B. conference paper, academic journal, dissertation and thesis, personal
journal entries
C. conference paper, academic journal, dissertation and thesis, abstract
and explication
D. personal journal entries, reader response writing, memoirs, letters, e-
mails, and text message
___23. Which of the following observes content and style of academic texts
when writing?
A. critical questions and issues are avoided.
B. personal and subjective point of view is taken strictly
C. facts and evidence from credible sources are provided
D. the emotional appeal or the opinions of the author are covered.
___24. Which of the following is true about the structure of academic texts?
A. organized in an uncertain way
B. the material can hardly be understood
C. with unclear structure
D. the text can be navigated easily
___25. In this format, the summarized idea comes after the citation. The
author’s name/s is/are connected by an appropriate reporting verb.
A. Idea Heading Format C. Date Heading Format
B. Author Heading Format D. Title Heading Format

For # 26-30
Write the word UP if the statement is True and DOWN if it is False.
____26. A reaction paper, review and critique generally used the same
organization of ideas.
____27. Feminist criticism relates to conflicts between ideas.
____28. The name of an author and title of the reviewed article are placed at
the end of a review or critique.
____29. When writing a review, reaction paper, or critique, only one
perspective should be used.
___30. Marxist criticism involves the analysis of the intrinsic features of a text.
For number 31-40
Read the procedure of cooking scrambled eggs in the box. Then, fill in the sequence chart
with the correct step or sequence, as mentioned in the procedure.


First, get ready of the following ingredients:
4 ounces of white fish meat, finely minced
2 ½ tablespoon flour
½ teaspoon salt
6 eggs beaten
3 tablespoon sugar
Next, mix together fish, flour and salt. Then, add beaten eggs and mix well. When
thoroughly blended, add sugar. Heat oil in a pan, and then pour in egg mixture. Cover and
simmer for fifteen minutes. Turn and cook the other side. Finally, slice and make four

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