Creative Thinking Style and The Discovery of Entre

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Creative thinking style and the discovery of entrepreneurial opportunities in


Article  in  Revista de Negócios · April 2015

DOI: 10.7867/1980-4431.2015v20n1p3-12


7 805

4 authors, including:

Héctor Montiel-Campos Francesc Sole

Universidad de las Americas Puebla Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya


Madet Ruiseñor Quintero

Universitat Ramon Llull


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Creative thinking style and the discovery of entrepre-
neurial opportunities in startups
Héctor Montiel Campos1 Francesc Solé Parellada2 Madet Ruiseñor Quintero3 Francisco Alfonso
Aguilar Valenzuela4
Universidad de las Américas Puebla , e-mail:
Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, e-mail:
Universidad Ramon Llull, e-mail:
Centro de Investigación en Alimentación y Desarrollo, e-mail:


Creativity. It is generally accepted that the concept of entrepreneurship seeks to understand how
opportunities are identified and exploited. However, academic research so far has been
Opportunity, startups, mainly conceptual. Consequently, it has been suggested that scholars in this field of
Entrepreneurship. research should be more concerned about the origin and nature of opportunities rather
than their characteristics. The objective of this research was to explore the relationship
Founder-manager. between the creative thinking style used by the founder-manager and the type of entre-
preneurial opportunity that he/she decided to exploit. This research empirically tested
two types of creative thinking (adaptive and innovative) and two types of entrepreneur-
ial opportunity (Kirznerian and Schumpeterian). Both perspectives have opposing
Received 29.10.14 views. To explore this relationship, a gradual statistical analysis of the answers provided
Revised 30.03.15 by 116 founder-managers of startups was compiled. First, a confirmatory factor analysis
Accepted 06.04.15 was performed in order to test scale´s components. Second, correlation and regression
DOI:10.7867/1980-4431.2015v20n1p3-12 analysis were used to analyze the relation between creative thinking and entrepreneuri-
ISSN 1980-4431 al opportunity. Results indicate that the thinking style that prefers to generate original
ideas when confronted with a problem is strongly related to the innovative entrepre-
Double-blind review
neurial opportunities, requiring intellectual creativity from the manager leading to a
wealth of new information. Similarly, a thinking style that prefers exhaustive, accurate
and methodical styles is related to the incremental entrepreneurial opportunities, rely-
ing on existing patterns to make things better. Other relationships between the creative
thinking style and the entrepreneurial opportunity are identified in the document, as
well as theoretical and practical implications of each of them.

1 Introduction nesses grow, or else, to identify entrepreneurial

opportunities (FILLIS; RENTSCHLER, 2010).
Creativity is a trait that individuals, groups Creativity plays an important role in the entrepre-
and organizations possess that consists in a think- neurial process, thus allowing entrepreneurs to
ing process associated with imagination, intuition, participate in an increasingly competitive and dy-
perspicacity, inspiration, and which leads to the namic environment (ZHOU, 2008).
generation of ideas (GEORGE; ZHOU, 2007; The entrepreneurial opportunities topic is an
ZHOU; HIRST; SHIPTON, 2010). Creativity is a important research area in the entrepreneurship
process of divergent and convergent thinking field (CASSON; WADESON, 2007). Identifying
(HENNESSEY; AMABILE, 2010). Sternberg entrepreneurial opportunities is a contributing fac-
(1999) mentions that creativity is the capacity of tor in the economic sustainability of enterprises,
making something novel as well as useful. Crea- especially for startups. Launching opportunities
tivity is a quality that is often attributed to entre- for new products or services arise from the chang-
preneurs and has been described by Morris and ing environment, and more creative individuals
Kuratko (2002) as the soul of entrepreneurship. have been found to be more likely to recognize
Entrepreneurs use their creativity to design inno- entrepreneurial opportunities (HEINONEM;
vative solutions, in order to overcome resource HYTTI; STENHOLM, 2011). Due to the inherent
limitations to market and make their new busi- differences entrepreneurs mention while interact-

Revista de Negócios, v. 20, n. 1, p. 3-12, April, 2015.

ing with changing situations, entrepreneurial op- ferent cognitive styles. Cognitive styles refer to
portunities are not easy to describe due to their the different ways in which people prefer to or-
subjective nature (ECKHARDT; SHANE, 2003). ganize and process information (MESSICK,
In this regard, it turns out that creativity is not 1984). Kirton’s Theory (1976; 2003) addresses the
something homogeneous either (UNSWORTH, creativity type or style that people prefer to exhib-
2001; PRETORIOUS; MILLARD; KRUEGER, it. Kirton’s theoretical continuum goes from a
2005). Consequently, creativity may be seen as more adaptive orientation, which is a preference to
the ability entrepreneurs have to conceive new work within the current model or system to be im-
combinations of independent elements that can proved, to an innovative orientation, which relates
generate a new product or an improved product, to a preference for the challenge or the going be-
service, process, or a practice which adds value yond the current model or system. Kirton men-
when compared to what already existed (DAYAN; tions that both styles have the same value and, as
ZACCA; BENEDETTO, 2013). such, one style isn’t more important than the oth-
In recent years, a special interest in under- er.
standing how entrepreneurs discover opportunities Unlike other creativity theories, which focus
has emerged, nevertheless, little attention has been on understanding it as a quantifiable ability, Kir-
paid to the elements that lead entrepreneurs into ton’s knowledge-based theory explores the differ-
becoming more creative (SHALLEY; ZHOU; ent ways in which creativity is expressed. Kirton
OLDHAM, 2004). The former takes to argue that developed a measurement of 32 items, the Kirton
the entrepreneur’s creative capacity impacts the Adaption-Innovation Inventory (KAI), to evaluate
entrepreneurial process, specifically in the genera- people’s preference along the adaptor-innovator
tion of innovative solutions that satisfy the mar- continuum. The measurement generates four
ket’s needs (PRETORIOUS, MILLARD; KRUE- scores: three scores in variables and one total
GER, 2005). That is why the goal of this research score. One variable is called Sufficiency of Origi-
is to identify the existing relation between creative nality (SO), which evaluates the degree to which a
thinking style and the type of entrepreneurial op- person prefers to generate original ideas when
portunity identified by the entrepreneur, which faced with a problem (an innovative trend), or
foster his/her business’ growth. else, to focus on a few more viable ideas (an adap-
To achieve this research objective, this pa- tive trend). Another variable considers people’s
per is structured as follows: after the introduction, preference to be thorough, precise and methodical
the theoretical framework is developed, and after- (an adaptive trait). This variable is called Efficien-
wards, the methodology used for this project is cy (EFF). The third variable is called Rule/Group
described. The research outcomes are shown in a Conformity (RGC), which measures a person’s
following section so that, lastly, general comments preference to respect (adaptive), or to resist rules
are made and the project’s main conclusions are and authority (innovative). The combination of the
shown. three variables generates a person’s general pref-
erence between adaptive and innovative. The total
2 Theoretical framework score ranges between 32, the adaptation’s pole, to
160, the innovation pole.
Given the relevance of creativity, a series of Several studies with different aims have not-
theories and models have been developed, which ed the benefits of the KAI scale. For example,
help to further know its nature, in such a way that some research projects have studied the interac-
a greater and better impact on it can be achieved. tion between the creative styles defined by Kirton
Osborn (1963) was one of the pioneers by intro- and the creative process in problem solution
ducing the Creative Problem Solving, a cognitive (MCFADZEAN, 1998; PUCCIO, 1999; PUCCIO;
model that describes the different stages of the WHEELER; CASSANDRO, 2004; ISAKSEN;
creative thinking through which it can deliberately TREFFINGER, 2004). Other projects have ex-
move to solve complex problems. Osborn’s work plored the link between cognitive styles and per-
detonated the development of further proposals, sonality (ISAKSEN; LAUER; WILSON, 2003;
for example Kirton’s (1976) theory, the Buffalo SHALLEY; ZHOU; OLDHAM, 2004; PUCCIO;
Creative Process Inventory (MACKINNON, GRIVAS, 2009). Despite the various studies in
1978), the Four Sight Model (ISAKSEN; DOR- which the KAI scale has been used, there are those
VAL; TREFFINGER, 1994), and the Creative who do not share the distinction of its creative
Problem Solving Profile (BASADUR; GRAEN; styles, preferring a conceptual analysis of various
WAKABAYASHI, 1990). All these proposals aim regards of novelty in problem solution
to better understand the creative process. (KAUFMANN, 2003; 2004).
In 1976 Kirton developed a theory of cogni- Shane and Venkataraman (2000) mention
tive basis on creativity in which, instead of focus- that people differ in their ability to identify entre-
ing on how creative a person is, the focus is on the preneurial opportunities, that is, to combine con-
expression of creativity through qualitatively dif- cepts and information in a novel way. From Shane
Revista de Negócios, v. 20, n. 1, p. 3-18, April/June 2015.
and Venkataraman’s (2000) proposal, the rele- tive and move away from existing knowledge,
vance of understanding how entrepreneurial op- while opportunities are not as innovative and rep-
portunities are discovered and exploited in the en- licate existing organizational patterns. Whatever
trepreneurship field has been accepted. McMullen, kind of opportunity, entrepreneurship consists in
Plummer and Acs (2007) mention that in recent the perception of previously unnoticed profit op-
years, literature on the nature of opportunities has portunities and this argument suggest that the
multiplied, although the later has mainly grown most opportunities are Kirznerian, where
conceptually. “opportunities” are essentially synonymous with
Shane (2003) defines an entrepreneurial op- arbitrage possibilities (MCCAFFERY, 2014).
portunity as “a situation in which a person can There are few research articles that have in-
create a new means-ends framework for recom- quired about the differentiation between Kirzneri-
bining resources that the entrepreneur believes an and Schumpeterian opportunities. For instance,
will yield a profit” (p. 18). Shane mentions that, to Craig and Johnson (2006) in a study involving 103
date, two explanations about the discovery of op- Engineering and Business students identify that
portunities are identified, which are central in the Engineering students have a greater inclination
entrepreneurship field, but at the same time are towards Schumpeterian opportunities. In another
opposite. These are known as the Kirznerian document, Samuelson and Davidsson (2009) iden-
(1973) and the Schumpeterian (1934) views. tify in 259 individuals that the process of creating
Essentially, what makes Kirzner’s and an enterprise is different when it comes to innova-
Schumpeter’s view different is knowing if the ex- tion and imitation. De Jong and Marsili (2010,
istence of entrepreneurial opportunities involves a 2011) identify in 184 high-tech small business
differential access to existing information, or the owners that Schumpeterian opportunities are cor-
introduction of new information. Kirzner (1973; related with an innovative behavior, an ambition
1999) argues that the existence of entrepreneurial for growth and a strategic emphasis on new prod-
opportunities only requires a differential access to uct development. In contrast, Kirznerian opportu-
existing information, that is, people benefit from nities were associated with exploiting the current
existing information asymmetries in the market. demands.
Kirzner (1973) explains that people use infor- In the light of the above, the intention of this
mation that they already own to form a guess research was to broaden the research on Kirton
about the efficient use of resources. This guess is and Shane theories by exploring the link that ex-
not always correct and it causes shortages or sur- ists between the type of creativity (adaptive-
pluses in the market (KIRZNER, 2009), which innovative) and the type of entrepreneurial oppor-
paves the way for new opportunities to emerge tunity (Kirznerian-Schumpeterian) that an entre-
that someone may identify (TANG; KACMAR, preneur identifies. Thus, at a higher level of this
BUSENITZ, 2012). In contrast, Schumpeter research, an analysis of the creative qualities asso-
(1934) emphasizes that the new information is ciated with the type of entrepreneurial opportunity
what explains the existence of entrepreneurial op- was proposed. Beyond the chance of using a pop-
portunities. Schumpeter argues that changes in ular scale such as KAI for research purposes, the
technology, politics, regulation, macroeconomic types of entrepreneurial opportunity described by
agents, and social trends create new information Shane (2003) make it possible to identify a series
that people may use to propose new ways to com- of cognitive preferences for those opportunities.
bine resources.
Literature shows that the Kirznerian and 3 Methodology
Schumpeterian views represent different types of
opportunities and that both are present in the econ- 3.1 Participants and data collection
omy at the same time (ECKHARDT; SHANE, The empirical study was performed with
2003; MCMULLEN; PLUMMER; ACS, 2007). information that was collected through a question-
Shane (2003) performs a comparative analysis of naire that was sent to entrepreneurs in Mexico.
both types of opportunity aiming to emphasize the Although the survey addresses the founder-
different effects on the economic activity. Schum- manager, establishing criteria that attempted to set
peterian opportunities emerge from destabilizing relative equality of conditions in their answers
forces, while Kirznerian opportunities emerge was considered important. Among the criteria
from equilibrating forces. Ergo, Kirznerian oppor- were that the startup had to be new, that is, it
tunities strengthen the established way of doing should have started operations three and a half
things, whilst Schumpeterian opportunities disrupt years at the most when the survey was implement-
the existing system. In this line of reasoning, the ed (GEM, 2013). Likewise, the startup should
disrupting nature of Schumpeterian opportunities have belonged to the manufacturing sector and
makes them more relevant, as well as rare, com- had 30 employees at the most so that it would be
pared to Kirznerian opportunities (SHANE, 2003). considered as a Small Company, according to
Besides, Schumpeterian opportunities are innova- Mexico’s Ministry of Economy. Initially 872
Revista de Negócios, v. 20, n. 1, p. 3-12, April, 2015.
startups were identified that possessed those char- was accepted through Cronbach’s alphas in each
acteristics in the Mexican Information System, of the scale’s components. Later, a confirmatory
and from which greater information could be re- factor analysis was performed in order to test if
trieved. the dimensions that integrated the creative think-
Previous to the definite data collection, a ing style and the type of entrepreneurial oppor-
test with five founder-managers was performed in tunity represented different dimensions. The mod-
order to identify if the wording of the question- el was evaluated using the c2/df, Goodness-of-Fit
naire was appropriate. The observations made Index (GFI) (JÖRESKOG; SÖRBOM, 1996), and
were incorporated in the final version of the ques- the Comparative Fit Index (CFI) (BENTLER,
tionnaire. In essence, adjustments consisted only 1992). The threshold for c2/df should be less than
of making the wording of some items more under- three or less than two in a more restrictive sense
standable, without modifying the aim of each one (PREMKUMAR; KING, 1994). The GFI and CFI
of them. The final questionnaires were sent elec- values should be above 0.90 (JÖRESKOG;
tronically between June 2013 and January 2014. SÖRBOM, 1996). Once the scales were validated,
The questionnaires were addressed to the founder- a correlation analysis was performed to examine
manager of the startup along with a letter explain- the relationships between the variables of both
ing the goal of the research. The entrepreneur was scales. Lastly, a regression analysis was used to
asked to evaluate the opportunity he/she was com- analyze the relation among creative thinking style
mercially exploiting at the time, in order to con- and entrepreneurial opportunity type variables.
trast two theories.
Lastly, 116 questionnaires were received, 4 Results
which represented a reply of approximately 13%.
The reply percentage is low, but it is consistent Regarding the reliability analysis and fol-
with this data collection technique. An analysis lowing Hair et al.’s, (2007) recommendations, the
was performed to identify if a difference or a bias SO, EFF, and RGC variables, which represent the
existed among those who replied the questionnaire creative thinking style were reliable enough
at the beginning or at the end of the collection pe- (Cronbach´s a > 0.70 and mean correlation >
riod (ARMSTRONG; OVERTON, 1977). The 0.40). As for the type of entrepreneurial oppor-
results confirmed there was no bias, therefore, the tunity, each dimension was also reliable enough,
questionnaires could be combined. although each dimension had two items.
In the confirmatory factor analysis, the crea-
3.2 Measurements tive thinking style resulted in good fit: c2/df =
To measure the creative thinking style, Kir- 2.61, GFI = .913, CFI = 0.940. All the factors
ton’s (1976; 2003) theory was used, specifically loaded into acceptable and significant ranges in p
the KAI scale derived from this theory. The KAI = 0.001, whose range was between 0.74 and 0.85
scale consists of 32 sentences, 13 of which meas- indicating a convergent validity (ANDERSON;
ure the SO, 7 measure the EFF, and 12 measure GERBIN, 1988). The average variance was 0.75,
the RGC. For each sentence, the respondent indi- which is slightly above the threshold suggested by
cates in a five-point Likert scale to what degree Bagozzi and Yi (1988). Regarding the type of en-
he/she agrees with the given sentence. trepreneurial opportunity, the model also showed
The type of entrepreneurial opportunity was an acceptable adjustment: c2/df = 2.88, GFI
measured using Shane’s (2003) theory, particular- = .920, CFI = 0939. All the factors loaded into
ly De Jong and Marsili’s (2010, 2011) proposal acceptable and significant ranges in p = 0.001,
who developed and validated a 5 dimension scale, from 0.77 to 0.83 indicating a convergent validity.
through which it seeks to identify the type of op- The average variance was 0.71.
portunity (Kirznerian or Schumpeterian): 1. Arbi-
trage-innovation; 2. Equilibrating-disequilibrating;
3. Discovery-creation; 4. Common-rare 5. No new
information-requires new information. Each di-
mension consists of two bipolar sentences that are
evaluated in a five-point scale, indicating towards
which pole there is a greater description of its re-

3.3 Data analysis

The data analysis was performed gradually,
in order to improve the research results. First, the
reliability and adequacy of each scale was ana-
lyzed from the sample’s nature. The reliability

Revista de Negócios, v. 20, n. 1, p. 3-12, April, 2015.

Table 1. Descriptive Statistics for creative thinking style and entrepreneurial opportunity type (N=116)

Variable M SD Minimum Maximun

Creative Thinking Style
Sufficiency of Originality 3.94 1.14 26 55
Efficiency 3.72 1.33 15 29
Rule/Group Conformity 3.55 1.32 26 45
Entrepreneurial Opportunity Type
Arbitrage-Innovation 4.04 0.96 2 10
Equilibrating-Disequilibrating 3.84 0.97 3 10
Discovery-Creation 3.97 1.02 2 10
Common-Rare 3.77 0.89 2 10
No new information-Requires 3.83 1.07 2 10
new information

Source: Developed by the authors.

In regards to the general preference which creative thinking style is practically the only one
helps identify the KAI scale, between adaptive that correlates positively and significantly with all
and innovative, the analyzed sample earned an the variables of the entrepreneurial opportunity
average value of 127.1, which indicates a greater type. Among these correlations, the one between
orientation towards innovation. the SO and Arbitrage-Innovation (r = 0.41, p <
Table 1 shows the descriptive statistic of the 0.05), as well as the one between SO and Discov-
participating founder-managers in the study, who ery-Creation (r = 0.34, p < 0.01) excel. Regarding
solved sentences to identify the creative thinking the EFF variable, the correlation between it and
style and the type of entrepreneurial opportunity. Arbitrage-Innovation, as well as Common-Rare
The relation among the variables was analyzed are significant and negative (r = -0.22, p < 0.01 y
through the correlation coefficients calculation, r = -0.25, p < 0.05, respectively). Lastly, the RGC
which can be observed in Table 2. From the 15 variable shows a correlation that is also significant
correlations, 8 are statistically significant. It is in- with the Equilibrating-Disequilibrating variable (r
teresting to observe that the variable SO of the = -0.31, p < 0.01).
Table 2. Correlation Coefficients between creative thinking style and entrepreneurial opportunity type (N=116)

Entrepreneurial Opportunity Type

No new infor-
Arbitrage- Equilibrating- Discovery-
Common-Rare mation-Requires
Innovation Disequilibrating Creation
new information
Creative thinking
Sufficiency of 0.41* 0.29 0.34** 0.21* 0.27
Efficiency -0.22** 0.12* -0.06 -0.25* -0.13**

Rule/Group Con- -0.10* -0.31** -0.12 -0.15* 0.09

* p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01

Source: Developed by the authors

A correlation coefficient analysis was per- gression (beta) coefficients for each variable of the
formed among the variables in the KAI scale. The KAI scale can be observed in relation with the
results indicated that the former were significant five dimensions of the entrepreneurial opportunity
in all comparisons (SO-EFF, r = 0.33; SO-RGC, r type, as well as the total variance explained (see
= 0.41; EFF-RGC, r = 0.47). From this, a regres- R2).
sion analysis was performed to analyze the rela- With this analysis, six coefficients were
tion between creative thinking style variables and identified. Out of the three variables of the KAI
those from entrepreneurial opportunity type by scale, the SO variable generated the most signifi-
removing the shared variance among the KAI cant coefficients, all being positive. The positive
scale variables. In Table 3, the standardized re- coefficient with Arbitrage-Innovation indicates a
Revista de Negócios, v. 20, n. 1, p. 3-12, April, 2015.
clear relation with the type of opportunity identi- shows a positive and significant coefficient with
fied by the entrepreneur. In this case, the entrepre- Discovery-Creation, which indicates that the other
neur portrays a clear tendency towards identifying opportunities the entrepreneur is identifying are
non-conventional opportunities. The opportunity not obvious in benefits, in other words, the entre-
is not a true reflection of what exists, but of some- preneur is not finding the opportunities, but, once
thing that perhaps has not been experienced yet the first aspects of the opportunity are identified
and, therefore, is unknown. In this sense, the en- which make it attractive to his/her interests and
trepreneur must be a person who enjoys generat- goals, the entrepreneur decides to work on these
ing new ideas and experimenting with new possi- first findings in such a way that he/she develops or
bilities that reflect his/her preference for change. creates the opportunity. Evidently, this also helps
This approach leads the entrepreneur to defy the understand the significant coefficient SO has with
existing paradigms and to rely more on creativity. No new information-Requires new information.
Opportunity identification implies that entrepre- Due to the result obtained, it can be established
neurs use creative processes to perceive new ideas that originality in the opportunity the entrepreneur
and to put them into action (DIMOV, 2007). One develops demands him/her to get new infor-
would assume that creativity is a factor that has mation, which may not be within his/her reach.
been extensively researched in an area that focuses This outcome does not indicate exactly the type of
on identifying new opportunities. However, this is information needed, but it does unveil that the in-
not the case and the existing empirical findings are formation or knowledge that the entrepreneur has
mixed or non-conclusive. DeTienne and Chandler is not enough. This result is consistent with
(2004) showed that creativity is positively related Gielnik et al., (2012), who use an experimental
to opportunity identification while Hansen, Lump- design to test the hypothesis that diversity of in-
kin and Hills (2011) found only partial support for formation moderates the effect of divergent think-
their hypothesis that creativity underlies oppor- ing on business idea generation.
tunity identification. On the other hand, SO also
Table 3. Standardized Regression Coefficients between creative thinking style and entrepreneurial opportunity type (N=116)

Entrepreneurial opportunity type

No new infor-
Arbitrage- Equilibrating- Discovery- Common-Rare
Innovation (t) Disequilibrating (t) Creation (t) (t)
new information (t)
Creative thinking
Sufficiency of 0.31* 0.13 0.27* 0.09 0.23**
Originality (3.22) (1.38) (2.68) (0.53) (2.67)
-0.21** -0.08 -0.25* -0.15 -0.12
Efficiency (-2.35) (-0.32) (-2.67) (-1.32) (-1.17)
Rule/Group Con- -0.22* -0.18 0.12 -0.06 -0.15
formity (-2.14) (-1.17) (1.22) (-0.55) (-1.20)
R2 0.19 0.09 0.11 0.11 0.13
F-value 7.23 3.40 4.47 4.64 5.06
* p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01
Source: Developed by the authors.

On the other hand, the EFF dimension of the identifying an entrepreneurial opportunity. Lastly,
creative thinking style shows two relations that the RGC dimension also shows a negative coeffi-
are negative. The relation with Arbitrage- cient with Arbitrage-Innovation, indicating that
Innovation indicates that when the entrepreneur the entrepreneur, when being more respectful of
wants to be methodic, he/she sticks more towards the status quo leans towards the incremental and
identifying small existing variants of entrepre- becomes less tolerant to change so that novelty
neurial opportunities, that is, in this case, the en- seems very challenging and, therefore, may be
trepreneur uses an increasing creativity relying on avoided or rejected.
existing patterns, so he/she may be figuring out The combination of these results, three posi-
how to do things better. In addition to this, the tive SO, two negative EFF, and one negative RGC
negative relation that also exists with Discovery- with three dimensions of the type of entrepreneur-
Creation helps reinforce the impression that preci- ial opportunity leads to remark that the goal of the
sion, comprehensiveness, and the methodical, investigation has been accomplished, since a
slow the entrepreneur’s disruptive facet when greater relation between an innovative thinking
Revista de Negócios, v. 20, n. 1, p. 3-12, April, 2015.
style and the identification of more Schumperian opportunity. It is exactly this balance, where the
entrepreneurial opportunities is detected. KAI scale identifies that creativity must not only
result in something original, but in something use-
5 Discussion and implications ful as well.
Another issue that the regression analysis
The results of this research show how the also reveals is that the SO and the EFF variables
entrepreneurial opportunity type aligns with the have a good relationship with the Discovery-
creative thinking styles and how these statistically creation dimension. In this relationship, the SO
significant relationships appear in the expected variable pulls towards a Schumpeterian opportuni-
theoretical sense. In particular, a clear relationship ty while the EFF pulls towards a Kirznerian op-
between the SO variable with the Shumpeterian portunity. This result may indicate that the entre-
type opportunities emerges. It is not surprising preneur has a certain ability to identify the prag-
that people with a high degree of originality and matic side of entrepreneurial opportunities. That
useful sense of things relate with innovation, the is, the entrepreneur is sensitive to the information
disequilibrating, creation, the rare, as well as with that surrounds him/her, in a way that it helps him/
the need to obtain new information. In this per- her identify entrepreneurial opportunities consid-
spective, Shane and Nicolaou (2015) confirmed ering previous experience. He/she does not stop
that people with creative personalities are more being interested in what is new, which is estab-
likely than others to identify business opportuni- lished in the existing relation between SO and cre-
ties and start businesses. The EFF variable shows ation.
a qualitatively different approach, which causes Lastly, the SO variable again shows a good
the entrepreneur not to leave aside elements such relationship towards the Schumpeterian type of
as productivity, an element that looks very favored opportunities, which now becomes evident with
by organizational routines. The enterprise will al- the “requires new information” dimension. This
ways look for a way to achieve a better and great- relationship may indicate that the entrepreneur,
er performance, for which it will use its best prac- being more interested in novelty, must then use
tices, but results show that this regard pulls more new information. This may indicate, in an indirect
towards Kirznerian opportunities, that is, opportu- way, that the entrepreneur’s mindsets are enough
nities of the incremental type. In this situation, the for entrepreneurial opportunities of the Kirznerian
entrepreneur will select entrepreneurial opportuni- type, but not for the Schumpeterian type. Our re-
ties which are better, considering the circumstanc- sults are complementary to other approaches to
es and the moment its business is facing. Under analyzing the role of creativity in entrepreneur-
certain circumstances, it will be possible to identi- ship. Our study does not challenge the importance
fy and work on more innovative opportunities, or of creative thinking style for opportunity recogni-
else, more conventional ones. On the other hand, tion. It follows the approach of Kozbelt, Beghetto
we find the RGC variable, which relates more evi- and Runco (2010), who argue that to truly explain
dently with the balancing nature of opportunities. creativity one must also delve more deeply into
In other words, people’s attachment to a greater understanding people. Besides, creativity research
plurality and inclusion for decision making pulls and theory, argue that creativity vary from domain
towards Kirznerian opportunities. This variable to domain (BAER, 2010).
may restrict the entrepreneur’s innovative capaci-
ty, since he/she must consult, and if so, consider 6 Limitations and future research
the group’s stance, if that is his/her approach. This
may give clue to consider that the leadership style In light of the obtained results of this re-
influences the group’s creative capacity. search, it is necessary to consider some limita-
On the other hand, the regression analysis tions, which does not detract the findings. First, it
clearly shows that the three variables of the crea- is important to consider the limitation that may
tive thinking style have a better relationship with generate the entrepreneurial opportunity evaluated
the arbitrage-innovation dimension of entrepre- by the entrepreneur. It would be interesting to
neurial opportunities. The SO variable relates with standardize an opportunity, which could be Kir-
innovation, and the EEF and RGC variables relate znerian or Schumpeterian, in such a way that,
with arbitrage. The combination of these three through an analysis of the former, a greater ten-
variables explains 19% of the arbitrage-innovation dency towards the increasing or disruptive in its
dimension. One more time, the results show that thinking style could be identified. This task may
the variables may play in opposite senses in Kir- be considered in future research projects.
ton’s KAI scale. In other words, when facing the On another hand, and as a second topic to
same opportunity, the entrepreneur will be think- reflect on, it would be interesting to analyze the
ing in an original way, but, at the same time, he/ relationship that may exist between the types of
she must be thinking about how to do it, without entrepreneurial opportunities and those of entre-
this lessening the attractiveness of the identified preneurial alertness. This relationship could gener-
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