Chef Joy Catering Service

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Caloocan City
College of Engineering
Computer Studies and Systems

Online Booking for Chef Joy Catering Service of Caloocan City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for Capstone Project Development (CPD111)

For the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Presented by

John Christian Cipres

Christian Joshua O. Delgado

Grant Louis D. Nuguid

Renz Raniel D. Raymundo

John Dale E. San Pedro

Prof. Kathleen M. Dimaano


October 2019

Chapter 1


1. Introduction

Online catering booking is the ability to view and select tentative courses, themes

and other inclusion regarding a certain event. From the use of a website that

consists of the necessary objectives for the planned event, such as the selection

of desired date, menu and other requests, this website also comes with photos of

the menu, packages, and inclusions which serve as references to the client.

Online catering booking is a necessity in today’s industries, especially in busy

communities; it is also highly needed by other clients who have hectic schedules.

Nowadays, online booking for catering businesses is not usually used, but

introducing an online booking feature to their website can change the way how

businesses handle their work. This feature helps the client and administrators

use their time efficiently and reduce the meetings needed to plan a certain event.

Adaptation to the social environment helps people learn more about

computers and advanced technology that make their lives easier. Online booking

is one of the developments regarding the process of planning an event. The

unique feature of this website is its capability to compute nutritional fact such as

the calories that a single serving course has.

1.2 Background of the study

1.2.1 Company Background

Chef Joy Catering Services is among the well-known catering services in

Caloocan City. It was established by Mrs. Jocelyn Escobar-Ocampo in 2010.

Mrs. Escobar-Ocampo first started her business by making chocolates and

supplying and organizing children’s parties in their area. After earning a certain

amount of profit, the idea of starting a catering business came to Mrs. Escobar-

Ocampo. In 2010, Mrs. Escobar-Ocampo strived and started to make the

catering business possible, step-by-step. It has been difficult for the business to

grow due to multiple competitors and financial issues but with the help of her

friends, the business was able to endure and overcome the difficult challenges it


In the next years, Chef Joy Catering Services became well-established

and started serving multiple clients and network stations in Metro Manila. Mrs.

Escobar-Ocampo’s goal is to be financially stable and to help others by giving

people work.

1.2.2 Existing Processes

Chef Joy Catering Services provides quality services for its clients through

providing the needs for different events like the food, menu, lights, sound system

and other necessities. Chef Joy Catering Services also supervises the records

such as contracts, menus, packages, inclusions and transactions manually using

logbooks and compilers stacked in a file cabinet. Due to this method of handling

of records, updating outdated records becomes difficult, time inefficient and

causes confusion. Clients are required to visit the catering’s office to reserve the

desired event date, browse the menu and view photographs of the previous

event. These steps result in a prolonged time to reserve an event that causes

problems. By the help of online booking, clients will have the capability to book

an event regardless of the place and time as long as they are connected to the

internet. It will also help the company for the advisement of the business.

1.3 Objective of the Study

1.3.1. General Objective

The general objective of this study is to develop an Online Booking

System for Chef Joy Catering Services of Caloocan City that will ease their task

on a daily basis by developing a system that will show the various menu,

packages and inclusions offered by the catering services. The administrator will

have the capability to disable specific dates to deny any further reservation on a

specific day and manage the menu, packages and inclusions. The system will

have a calorie counter that shows how many calories a single serving contains.

The system will also have monthly or annual reports that will help the owner to

manage the business.

1.3.2 Specific Objectives

1. To develop an Online Booking System for Chef Joy Catering Services

for their clients

2. To show the various menus, packages and inclusions offered by the

catering services to the client

3. To give the administrator the capability to disable date, manage the

menu packages, inclusions and prices

4. To generate a system that will show the number of calories per serving

5. To generate reports such as monthly or annual reports that will help

the owner in decision-making

1. Scope and Limitation of the Study

The scope of the study is focused on Chef Joy Catering Service and

catering’s existing procedure which includes manually keeping records of their

clients’ information and records of their past, current and upcoming booking of


Client Module - The clients will be able to book their preferred necessities

for an event and pick their own set of menu packages when the website is

launched. The clients will be able to see an overview of the available menu as

their reference wherein they can see what the catering offers an event. The

clients can book anytime and anywhere without any hassle, and the mode of

payment is done personally during the contract signing. The client can only book

the available date, menu and packages displayed on the website. Clients are

required to fill up a registration form at the Registration Module. However, if the

user is not registered, no possible transaction can be made other than viewing

the website. In terms of client inquiry, the admin will communicate with the client

by the means of the contact details provided by the client upon registration.

Administration module – This includes features such as Menu Overview,

Inclusion Overview, Package Overview, Report Overview, Pending Booking

Overview and User Overview. The programming language will be used for the

system follows (HTML) HyperText Mark Up Language, (PHP) Perl HyperText

Preprocessor, (MySQL) My Structured Query Language (MySQL) and


Transaction Module – The admin can confirm or validate the status of

the client request in terms of policy and payments.

Report Generation Module – The admin can generate reports in terms of

client request, client status and statistics of the business

This study is limited to an online website – any browser with an internet

connection can access the system. The system can also only reserve available

dates shown in the system while foods to be served in the booking can only be

selected from the given menu. Payment will be done personally at the caterer’s

office for the contract signing. Other mode of payments for the booking is not

accepted through the system. The system will run on an operating system with at

least 1 gigahertz or faster, 32-bit or 64-bit processor, 2 gigabyte RAM (32-bit) or

higher 16 GB available hard disk space (32-bit) or 20 GB (64-bit) and DirectX 9

graphics device with WDDM 1.0 or higher driver.

1. Significance of the study

This study is significant to the following beneficiaries:

· To the Clients, the result of this study will benefit clients due to it being an

online website that is accessible at any time with an internet connection.

Clients can also check available dates for booking and see a list of menus

available for catering. Clients can also use this to keep in touch with the

company for immediate updates and changes to the booking

· To the administrators, the result of this study will benefit the

administrator due to it being an online website; the administrator interacts

and checks with the clients on what they need and want. Its database

system it can also help the administrator handle future bookings easily

and efficiently.

· To the owner, the result of this study will benefit the owner to receive

more clients and make it more known among online users. The online

website will also serve as an online brochure for the owner’s company, it

will attract more clients for future accommodations and this will make the

company more reachable for future clients.

· To the students, the result of this study will benefit the students due to it

being a well-functioning system. Information technology students can

study the flow of the system, the coding and how it works. They can also

adapt the system’s features and gather information from this study and

implement it in their own. They can also study the web GUI and the design

of the whole system as their guide and collect ideas and help

conceptualize ideas for their own study.

· To the future researchers, the result of this study will benefit future

researchers due to it an online booking, future researchers can use this

study as a guide and basis in composing their own study. Future

researchers can adopt ideas and gather information from the study and

implement it in their study. The study can also be used in the related

system and studies of their own research.

6. Operational Definition of Terms

The following terminologies were used for the better understanding of the


Administrator - a person legally vested with the right of administration of an


Business - a commercial or sometimes an industrial enterprise

Catering Service - the business of providing food service at a remote site or a

site such as a hotel, hospital, pub, aircraft, cruise ship, park, filming site or studio,

entertainment site or event venue.

Clients - a person who engages in the professional advice or services of


Cross-Platform Apache MySQL PHP and Perl (XAMPP) - stands for Cross-

Platform, Apache, MariaDB, PHP and Perl. It is a simple, lightweight Apache

distribution that makes it extremely easy for developers to create a local web

server for testing and deployment purposes.

Database - a usually large collection of data organized especially for rapid

search and retrieval (as by a computer).

Event places - a place where events of a specific type are held.

HTML - Hypertext Markup Language, a standardized system for tagging text files

to achieve font, color, graphic, and hyperlink effects on World Wide Web pages.

Javascript - an object-oriented computer programming language commonly

used to create interactive effects within web browsers.

Menu - a list of dishes available in a restaurant.

MySQL - is an Oracle-backed open-source relational database management

system (RDBMS) based on Structured Query Language (SQL). Originally

conceived by the Swedish company MySQL AB, MySQL was acquired by Sun

Microsystems in 2008 and then by Oracle when it bought Sun in 2010

Online - connected to, served by, or available through a system and especially

a computer or telecommunications  system (such as the Internet)

PHP - a script language and interpreter that is freely available and used primarily

on Linux Web servers. PHP was originally derived from Personal Home

Page Tools.

PhpMyAdmin - stands for a free and open-source administration tool

for MySQL and MariaDB. As a portable web application written primarily in PHP, it

has become one of the most popular MySQL administration tools, especially

for web hosting services.

Website - a group of World Wide Web pages usually containing hyperlinks to

each other and made available online by an individual, company, educational

institution, government or organization

Chapter 2


This chapter presents studies and systems from books, theses, journals,

dissertations and internet articles related to the current study.

2.1 Related Systems

The resort proprietor can use the online booking system to assist update

and improve their present scheme. The system is an easy-to-use interface for

clients. The system is a user-friendly interface that allows clients to readily book

through online in any case and make reservation easier and more trouble-free.

By adding new customers to the database, filling in an application form to be

recorded in the database and adding the proposed system will automatically

generate an ID number that will also serve as evidence of being a registered

user. The website can be browsed in the scheme by both member or staff and

clients. Comments or suggestions are also welcome in the chat box of the

website. A user can share their preferred social networking site with a particular

page. This will assist the website as part of the marketing strategy to gain more

spectators. The client may refer to the “About Us” page containing the context of

the resort and some data about the resort.

Only other services provided by the resort proprietor are shown in the

scheme. The scheme exhibited on the website are only the packages of the

offered reservation. In this scheme, if the member is not enrolled, no feasible

transaction can be made other than viewing the entire website, the administrator

can only send a response to any message sent by the customer at a specified

moment in terms of customer investigation (Oribiana, 2015).

The system is a web-based application that enables clients to make

internet inquiries and provide the necessary information to book for service. It

adopts the Shangri-La Hotel in Singapore virtual tour function and also lays out

well-designed hotel data. The manual reservation scheme is substituted by an

internet reservation scheme. Management can take reports saying the present

condition at any moment in order to put in place the needed measure. Since no

data is disposed of, the system enables secure customer data.

Glenda Delizo and Mischelle Esguera created and designed an internet

hotel reservation and management scheme for the Batangas University Lyceum

College of International Tourism and Hospitality Management. It provides user-

friendly characteristics to familiarize CITHM learners with the internet hotel

reservation scheme, assess it and highlight the advantages it can bring to

university and employees. It will also supply additional information in its course of

operation at the front desk. The researcher used the programming language of

the System Development Life Cycle and the 2008 Microsoft Web Developer. The

software created served as an instrument to familiarize CITHM learners with how

to run an online booking scheme for hotels. The software created was an efficient

help for the teachers to teach their students the fundamental activities of the

hotel reservation scheme. It also supplied safety online to safeguard customers’

privacy and economic data.

Travelers can use online security to book spaces from home to safeguard

their privacy and economic data. Online consumers in separate hotels can also

compare rates and amenities. These kinds of online hotel reservation systems

are becoming a common hotel room reservation technique.

Scientists think that the expertise acquired in system growth will be an

efficient instrument in offering the learners in the sectors with the necessary IT

abilities. It will benefit the University as the use of the scheme as a learning

instrument will enhance instruction delivery and prove cost-effective (Delizo,


There is a website made that has an “About Us" page that allows clients to

send messages. More importantly, at their own speed, clients can create

reservations. This study was categorized into four groups: system monitoring

which can be performed by an administrator, filling forms to make inquiries and

reservations, approving or deleting inquiries and a virtual tour (Benile, 2014).

Cinema being the social, financial and cultural impact of contemporary

culture is a severe incident, one of the cultural operations is the most common

out-of-home. Cinemas are regarded as integral to the towns and add to local

geography and identity definition. A popular reference or landmark that is

associated with a place for many people since it represents an important social

and cultural practice. They also contribute to the collective memory reservation.

Theater management system is an online ticket selling software that is easy to

understand, easy to use and fast for customers that provides the service's point-

and-click simplicity. Specifically for internet ticket sellers, this strong software

program is intended for theater owners. The intuitive visual interface retrieves,

exchanges and creates daily selling elements for both customers and

administrators to report quickly and easily. Theater management saved all back-

end functionality film details, ticket prices and time display, client data and sales
history in a database, such as daily, weekly, monthly, and film-like reports that

manage controls such as theater administrator smart counter reports (Rajouria,


The TTS Catering Booking scheme was designed to promote an online

catering menu reserved for customers. The researchers understand that

individuals are too busy with their own company nowadays and have little time to

go out and find the appropriate catering for their case. By using online, the menu

and the price offered by the catering businesses can be surveyed. The catering

offers a complete variety of activities, including company meetings, conferences,

exhibitions, unique events, marriages and other social opportunities. The

project's goal is to develop the internet catering reservation system’s database

system. The main point of creating this scheme was to assist catering

administrators handle the catering company and assist customers in ordering

and booking table online. Based on this project, the group wants to enhance

catering business management, upgrade the manual system and make it easy

and systematic to access the company. The scheme also enhanced the current

customer's services while creating fresh business possibilities for the catering

business (Qayyum, 2014).

There are two websites in the scheme: the Administrator page and the

Customer page. The administrator page has the power to access the entire

scheme and has the ability to update all the client’s documents for reservations

taken through phone calls or walk-in clients, alter the client reservation status

and update the resort's list of amenities. The Administrator page also includes

computation of reservation bills, add-ons and report generation.

The proponent's scheme also includes two websites comparable to Royal

Palm Paradise Resort's Online Billing and Booking System where the

administrator page will handle all the customer or user transactions. Everyone

can see accounts, update all documents and list the installations in the resort on

the Administrator page (C.L., 2013).

There is also a project called Online Dorms Systems that enables

customers from anywhere to book a space in the dorm. This is an automated

system that enables customers to search for room accessibility in the dorm. The

accessible rooms are provided with accessible status, displaying all accessible

rooms as of that specific search date. Upon booking the space, the customer can

cancel the reservation within 48 hours. It also includes a user login idea. As the

user with his email ID creates his own account, he can log in to his account. For

the administrator who has control over the dorms system application, there is an

administrator login page. He can also review the profit and development of

businesses. The suggested scheme also decreases considerable effort for the

student and the dorms administrator. This application aims to develop an online

dorm system that is useful for applications developed within an organization to

improve software quality and reliability. This scheme can be used against an

application or module to decrease student issues, assign dorms to people and

solve student issues (Adithya, 2015).

The online booking scheme of university sports facilities based on

Zhengzhou University's table tennis hall intended to combine the experience of

current online booking schemes – the primary techniques and the primary ideal

of constructing these systems at home and abroad. Based on the overall

requirement analysis, the fundamental features of the scheme are intended,

including user registration and login, internet venue booking, private center,

message board and database design. Java programming language, JSP (a web

platform development technology), MySQL database handling technology, JDBC

data access model, MyEclipse development platform and Tomcat server were

used to develop the system. The system has performed functions such as online

reservation and online message. The system experiments are conducted in

excellent circumstances.

The use of the scheme has compensated for the present luck of the

management of sports venues, solved the issues of the online booking feature of

university sports venues, enhanced the effectiveness of venues and satisfied the

requirements of effective use of venues. The scheme can be an experience of

other college sports venues being managed Can, 2017).

The system is a user-friendly interface that allows clients to book readily

online in any case and make reservation easier and more trouble-free. By adding

new customers to the database, an application form will be filled out to be

recorded in the database and the proposed system will automatically generate an

ID number that will also serve as evidence that they are a registered user. Both

members or staff and customers can browse the website in the system.

Comments or suggestions are also welcome in the chat box of the website. A

user can share his or her preferred social networking site with a particular page.

As part of the marketing strategy, this will assist the website gain more

spectators. In some resort data, the client may prefer the About Us page with the

context of the resort. The system only shows the resort owner's other services.

The scheme exhibited on the website shows only the packages of the offered

reservation. In the scheme, if the member is not enrolled, no transaction can be

made other than viewing the entire website. In terms of customer investigation,

the administrator can only send a response to any client-set message at a

specified moment (Oribiana, 2015).

Patel M. (2015) built a system that introduces an easy-to-use way,

interactive and up-to-date menu with all accessible alternatives. Customers can

choose to put an order that will land in the cart for one or more products. Before

checking out, customers can view all the order information in the cart. Ultimately,

the client receives information on the order confirmation. Once the order has

been put, it will be entered in the database and collected in nearly real-time. This

enables restaurant employees to pass the orders rapidly as they are received,

and process all orders with minimal delays and confusion efficiently and


2.2 Related Studies

Online hotel reservation is one of the recent internet arena methods that

enable visitors to book a hotel anywhere in the globe, depending on their tastes

and preferences. In other words, online hotel reservations are one of the

internet's great amenities.

Booking a hotel through the internet is not only quick but also inexpensive.

Many of the hotel suppliers now have their locations on the internet, which in turn

enables customers to visit these locations and view each of their facilities and

amenities. Thus, the suggested computerized internet hotel management system

is set to discover a more convenient, well-organized, quicker, efficient and

precise way to handle the hotel's present manual system for both close and

distant customers (Origima, 2014).

People are becoming more and more frequent at restaurant dining for their

meals nowadays. It has about 35 thousand to 40 thousand people staying in this

tiny town, especially in Kampar. Therefore, there will be a lot of individuals

particularly UTAR students (Tunku Abdul Rahman University) searching for

restaurants they prefer for their breakfast, lunch and dinner. At this time,

restaurants that still use traditional food order technique as their food order

process experience a lot of trouble.

The traditional technique of food ordering in their restaurant is not effective

enough to deal with a crowded scene. Traditional techniques of food order can

be categorized into two paper-based and verbal classifications. First, the waiter

will record products that clients order and transfer the food order paper to the

kitchen for further processing for paper-based food order technique. This is the

technique most restaurants in Kampar are using. Furthermore, this technique is

still considered effective if restaurants are not crowded, but a lot of human errors

will occur while restaurants are crowded with clients like food serving not in

sequence, lack of food order paper, error in recording the name of the food and

so on. Second, the verbal technique of ordering food is even worse than the

technique of ordering food based on paper. This technique requires staff to

remember the food order of all clients by depending on their memory and then

staff will physically achieve the food order signal to the chef in the kitchen. Verbal

food order technique includes weaknesses such as causing staff who are unable

to memorize all the food order during the restaurant to be crowded with clients

and the issues listed above. Such weaknesses will, therefore, have a huge effect

on the profitability of the restaurants

To conclude, this paper was written to propose an effective food order

scheme to improve and enhance the current traditional food order management

system and provide restaurants with comfort, accessibility and integrity. It

became helpful at the end of the project and has made an enormous contribution

to dealing with crowded condition during operating hours for restaurants in

Kampar (Leong, 2016).

Healthcare appointment reservation and scheduling systems are used to

keep and handle access to hospital-based service suppliers. It could influence

the administration of appointment planning schemes in many ways, which

involves the time of arrival and consultation variance, preferences of doctors,

dates and other data related to the administration staff's technology and maturity

level. A suitable scheduling and reservation scheme must, therefore, be created

by taking into account the required variables and characteristics that will raise

patient hope and satisfaction, which in turn improves the profit margin. An

internet reservation and scheduling system will enable people to create their

appointment reservations online securely. The web-based appointment and

booking scheme could significantly increase patient satisfaction with original

registration and reduce waiting time compared to the current planning

techniques. This article focuses primarily on analytical research of the online

booking and scheduling scheme with its architecture and advantages (Sherly,


The system's payment method is through a credit card where a deposit of

50 percent is needed for each reservation made. This is why the system can be

used to collect data and show accessible reservation spaces.

The suggested scheme is comparable to Waterville Island Resort's Online

Billing and Booking System because it will also have a database that will store all

data for safety purposes. The suggested scheme will also use credit cards as the

payment method and the hotel will also require a down payment of 50 percent for

any reservation (Condino, 2013).

Restaurants have used multiple techniques of creating reservations to

maximize their restaurant's cover count. Online reservation systems made it

simple for restaurants to develop a restaurant-specific table layout and handle

their reservations as well as table seating during service. Booking is the end

result of the decision process but this study investigates guests' pre-purchase

decision thinking to better understand the value of an online booking system,

reaching that end result. It evaluates the efficiency of the scheme for all

customers looking at how to buy choices were made in other restaurant sectors

(Smith, 2013).

Web design has been recognized as the main factor in website and

electronic commerce adoption and achievement. In order to obtain a successful

e-commerce website, we analyzed from a marketing point of perspective the

primary elements that could affect the attitudes and behaviors of internet

customers. The author highlighted the main website success factors to improve

customer satisfaction rates. The authors recognized with this purpose the

determinants of a successful e-commerce website linked to the data it provides,

the familiarity with it, the feelings it produces, and the quality of its service and

system. Using an assessment team of specialists, they found that the

achievement of an e-commerce website depends primarily on the ease of use of

the scheme, the quality of the data and the service, the quality of the website

design and the emotions of hedonic enjoyment (Flavian, 2016).

Continuous development in internet usage has turned the world into a

virtual marketplace. Multiple internet applications’ reliability has become more

essential for users. The rapid development of internet-available online apps

drives user interface designers to be more competitively creative. It is anticipated

that websites will at least provide users with a satisfactory experience. Numerous
studies concentrating on usability heuristics design to assess websites have

been performed (Esmeria, 2017).

Another excellent illustration of Internet trade is Electronic Internet

ticketing. The objective is to facilitate the internet purchase or reservation of

tickets, making the method easier to access and more convenient. Tickets can

be bought from any place through these services and at any moment, provided

there is an Internet connection. Typically, tickets are ordered from a website

providing data about tickets as well as the purchase or reservation service.

Internet or internet ticketing is about offering customers and customers with a

helpful and effective service. The goal is to make it simpler to buy or book

tickets. This will, of course, promote sales. Online ticketing system was used in

particular by companies selling travel tickets, performing arts, game tickets,

concerts, films and many other events (Nkrumah, 2013).

Since the introduction of internet restaurant reservation systems in 1998,

clients have been able to search for restaurants and create reservations based

on parameters such as moment, price, place and accessible cuisine. On the

other side, restaurant managers subscribe for a fee to these restaurant

management services, which helps them substitute reservation systems for

paper and mobile advancement of technology, and increased use of mobile

devices and accessibility of broadband remains to contribute to the growth of

these platforms. There are, however, distinct views about these platforms'

usefulness, efficiency and cost-benefit ratio. Some restaurant owners complain

that these platforms have greater subscription and maintenance costs than the
sum they receive for their job. For others, since reservation systems regulate and

have access to the client database, the reservation systems may have more

access and a greater connection with customers than the establishments that

subscribe. However, restaurant owners subscribing are required to maintain the

scheme because it helps restaurants become more available to clients (Latona,


Hotels used the websites in the past only to promote their products and

services but they are now used to attract clients and provide them with the

chance to book rooms straight online without using other intermediaries.

The primary goal of this paper was to define the amount of hotel uptake of

online booking systems in Romania. To promote this goal, we have created a

qualitative study based on several research techniques including assessment of

websites, review of papers such as advertising materials, private observations

and formal statistical analysis. The document begins with a Romanian hotel

sector presentation concentrating on the primary features of distinct kinds of

hotel units. Over the past ten years, the Romanian hotel sector has grown

steadily, providing a broad variety of accommodations with diversity, availability

and affordability. Furthermore, we concentrated on literature review, and since

the current literature on hospitality has a restricted number of articles

investigating the perceptions of hotel website customers about the significance of

particular characteristics of hotel websites, we generated a structure with

characteristics to analyze hotel websites. The results of our studies on the

application of booking engines on hotel websites in Romania will also be

presented. The outcomes of this study were then used to review the online

booking engines used by Romanian hotels and highlight the primary features and

characteristics of these schemes (Rus, 2014).

2.3. Synthesis of the Reviewed Studies and Systems

The studies and literature gathered above discuss things related to the

development of an Online Catering booking; a few studies included customer to

proprietor collaboration for a much convenient transaction. These days, many

clients are allowed to visit the sites and view the offices offered by every one of

them. There are proposed modernizations to an online booking such as the

studies of Origima, S. (2014, April 12). In terms of online booking, the study of

Rajouria, R. (2015) stated that online booking currently has social, modern

economic and social impact.

Online booking is considered integral to the cities and the commitment to

the definition of local. In addition, the simplicity of information and online booking

is emphasized in the study of Qayyum, A (2014). Online booking also includes

facilitated customer reserved catering menu through the web. As we probably are

aware, these days, individuals are excessively occupied with their own business

and private affairs and do not have much time to go out and locate reasonable

providing catering services for their occasion. By utilizing the web, they can look

at the menu and the value that the providing catering services offer. The catering
provides services for a full range of occasions, including birthday parties, special

occasions, wedding occasions and other special events. Based on the details,

features and recommendations from studies and literatures, the proponents

adopted the development of online booking catering using HTML, CSS,


The researchers used some of their codes as a template for internet

catering booking to enhance their front end. The foundations for developing the

internet catering reservation interface were simplicity, flexibility, consistency and

functionality. Images, prices and descriptions of activities and equipment were

also made accessible on the website to better familiarize customers with the

place, and to provide a secure and effective way to book a catering event, just

like other online booking schemes, the website will be introduced.

2.4. Conceptual Framework

Fig. 2.1 Conceptual Framework

Figure 2.1. The Input–Process–Output (IPO) model presents the widely

used method of Systems Analysis and Software Engineering to distinguish the

design and elements of an existing processing program or other processes. It is

the most basic structure to describe the flow and process of information.

The input consists of the elements that the system will require for the

booking to be transformed into output after it is processed. All the given elements

are essential and necessary for the system to be fully functional and for it to

perform correctly the operations it is designed with.

The process is the most important part of the development and the

transformation that occurs in the system. It processes the inputs and performs

different operations that will result in the output for the client’s needs.

The Output is a fully functional booking system that will allow the clients to

make a booking without needing to go to the main office. The system can show

what is the available inclusion such as available time, date, packages and menu

for the client’s viewing. Clients can make a selection available for their events.

The administrator can access databases to make updates to the client booking

and change the inclusion of events packages.

Chapter 3


This section aimed to (1) depict the exploration procedure of this study, (2)

clarify the specimen determination, (3) portray the methodology utilized as a part

of planning, instrument and gathering of information and (4) give a clarification of

the measurable strategies used to dissect the information.

3.1. Research Method

The proponents used Online Research Method wherein information was

gathered using the web and other studies related to this research. The
proponents also used Mixed Methods to collect different data that can benefit the


3.2. Project Design

3.2.1 Context Diagram

Fig. 3.1: Context Diagram

Figure 3.1 presents how the flow of the data connected through the

interactive digital map system. It shows how the system is involved or used by

the users (such as Administrators, Clients and Site visitors) and vice versa. From

Figure 3.2.2, it shows how the system responds to each user’s requests. After

the client placed the necessary information to the system for registration, the

system will automatically let the client access parts of the system for event

creation. The administrator can add and manage dates, menu, packages and

prices. If the client has finished creating an event, the system will let the

administrator view the pending events for approval. Once approved, the system

will change the status of the event to “verified”.

3.2.2 Diagram 0

Fig. 3.2: Diagram 0: Online Booking for Chef Joy Catering Services of Caloocan City

Figure 3.2 shows an expanded view of the context diagram from Figure

3.1. It specifies the processes that occur in the system and to the data involved.

Upon registration, the client can now make an event profile for the event. This

includes the date of the event, the name of the event and its motif. The client has
an option, the client can choose a packaged deal or a build your own menu

selection for the event. A view of the package list or the menu list will be shown

to the client. If the clients are satisfied, they can now submit and wait for the

administrator’s approval. If the event’s status is now approved, the administrator

can now print the contract. The administrator can access and manage the

database’s content. The admin can manage the menu list, available dates, prices

and delete accounts created.

Fig. 3.3: Diagram 3.0: Online Booking for Chef Joy Catering Services of Caloocan


Fig. 3.3 shows the flow of the menu selection of the system. The system

will let the client choose a package or a build your own for the event's menu. A

list for the respective selections will be shown. If the build your own is selected, a

view for the selected menu will be shown for the order managing. Once

submitted, the data will be saved to the database and will be evaluated by the


3.3. Project Development

3.3.1 SDLC Model

Fig. 3.4: SDLC Using Iterative Incremental Model

The proponents used the iterative incremental model in developing the

system (see Figure 3.3). This model shows that phases can be repeated and

iterated from planning to test before the full deployment of the system.  It can flag

errors in software creation before they are discovered (at a much higher cost) in

successive stages. But it is much more than that, of course, since SDLC can also

lay out a plan for getting everything right the first time (Half, R., 2018).

The following are the descriptions of each phase based from Rosenblatt

(2013) together with the activities of the proponents in line with each phase.

Initial Planning – The very first step is conceptualizing the project and its

needs to be fully functional and interactive to provide the client’s needs and

wants. During this stage, the website must be complete on what details it

requires from the clients’ side. Next, it needs to ensure the booking is stored in
the database for the booking to be finalized. The admin updates the clients days

before the booking day is due.

Analysis – This refers to the investigation of business processes and

identification of the system’s function to fulfill the needs of users. Its purpose is to

create a website that implements a booking system for a food catering company.

Many catering companies are lack online booking. Moreover, not all catering

company has a system to reserve the date on the website; the customers still

need to contact or go to the company to reserve the day that they want. In the

website, you will see if the company is available or not. In this phase, the

proponents made a thorough research of related studies and similar systems and

made a synthesis from all the information gathered. The scope and limitations of

the study were also considered to emphasize the goals of developing the system.

Design – This phase aimed at developing a website. This includes the

site’s user interface for easy access. The website’s interactive user interface

layout was built in HTML; the buttons, icons and logo were modified in CSS and;

necessary pages such as an “About Us” page and “Menu” page were added.

Adobe Photoshop was also utilized for the images that will be used in the

interface. The grid must be correctly aligned and the text must be readable.

Meanwhile, the design of the database was managed in XAMPP - SQL and PHP

language for the storing of the bookings made.

Testing – As part of the implementation, the proponents made a dry run

of the prototype to detect errors and bugs throughout the whole system. The dry

run was made to ensure the quality of the system. If the system is complete and

no errors and no bugs are present, the proponents can proceed to the next step.

If an error occurs, the proponents will simply correct the system or will return to

the earlier phases to improve the system.

Evaluation – It refers to the assessment that determines if the system

works correctly or the functions, costs and benefits match their expectations.

After the system had been deployed, the proponents sought an evaluation from

the Owner and other respondents – 50 people from the University of the East

Caloocan. The results were used for the improvement of the system before

uploading the final layout of the system.

Deployment – This is the system’s actual use and application. It consists

of user training, system installation and updating of data. Since the owner of Chef

Joy Catering Service approved the deployment of the system to the internet for

their business, the proponents will require a domain to be fully functional on the

internet for client access.

3.4 Project Planning and Management

3.4.1 Gantt Chart

Table 3.1: Gantt Chart for the Capstone Development


Initial Planning W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

Initial Research

Identifying System


Set objectives

Propose system

System title


Features &
Research of
related studies
Synthesis, Scope
& Limitation
Diagrams and

GUI Layout

GUI Design

Floors Design

Database Design


Initial Prototype

Partial Testing


Dry Run & Error



Table 3.1 illustrates the estimated timeframe of the whole system for the

first semester. It shows the estimated frameworks’ end and upcoming activity

developments. The time is expressed in weeks through the presentation of w1,

w2, w3 and w4 under the specific month. Also, the phases (shaded red) are

divided into sub-activities. The red marks represent the duration of each activity.

3.4.2 Project Planning and Management

Fig. 3.4: Work Breakdown Structure

Figure 3.4 shows the phases and activities in the study made by each member.

Each member is assigned to focus on tasks like programming and design, while

others are assigned on research and debugging.

During the Initial Planning, the proponents made research about online

bookings and web development systems to help in the planning phase and

conceptualize for the proposed website. The next phase was documentation and

in this phase, the company problems were identified in order to provide the

solutions needed in the system proposal. In this stage, the title was composed,

and the proponents named the study “Online Booking System for Chef Joy

Catering Services of Caloocan City”. The features and functionalities needed

were analyzed based on the gathered information through related literature and

studies of the system. Models such as Context Diagram, Diagram 0 and

Conceptual Framework were constructed to help in the planning of the website

while Flowcharts was eventually used to see how the system will run.

The Design phase involved major tasks such as creating the main index of

the website and designing the Graphical User Interface (GUI). In the creation of

the site, some pages such as an “About Us” page was implemented. This gives

information to the clients and a registration page for future clients’ information.

After creating the pages, the proposed features were implemented by the

proponents by coding, and they also started to construct an initial prototype.

Respective database tables were implemented for the registration, booking

inclusion and for the time and dates of the booking. Other proponents not

involved in the coding monitored the programmers and debug the prototype to
immediately correct the errors. After the full development of the prototype, the

proponents have done a dry run in the system and the errors detected were

corrected and altered. In the final debugging phase, system enhancements

would be done if no errors are detected.

After the deployment of the module, the website was evaluated by

students, IT Department staff and IT specialists. The data was interpreted by

computation of weighted mean and its rating scale was compared. The

interpretations and the basis for the overall rating: of the system shall be used for

further improvements before its deployment.

3.5. Description of Respondents

Owner - The Owner of Chef Joy Catering who has been managing the

business since 2009. The owner serves as the primary and most important

respondent due to her position in the company.

Staff - The staff of Chef Joy Catering who has knowledge in the IT field

and has working experiences that will benefit the proponents’ study. They will

participate in the evaluation of the website, and they will help the proponents

identify the weakness of the website and what it is needed.

Admin - The administrator, who handles the company’s staff and clients,

will serve as a respondent due to his position as an admin. The admin will be the

main handler of the said website and will discuss what is most importantly

needed in the prototype.

Chapter 4


Through this section, the proponent wished to highlight the system's capa

city by showing the system modules. Besides this, this section also sought to pre

sent the outcomes of the evaluation of the suggested scheme by the respondent.

4.1. Project Description

The developed system proposed for Online Booking for Chef Joy Catering

Service of Caloocan City is an online booking that allows their potential

customers to browse their products conveniently. Through the developed system,

Chef Joy will be able to build a relationship with their target market and also

provide a whole new shopping experience to their customers.

4.2. Project Capabilities

Through the utilization of the digital media and the Internet, listed below

are the capabilities of the system:

a) Accessibility. The system will be most accessible in all places as long as there

is internet access available to the area.

b) Mobility. As long as the admin or the client has access to the Internet, both

parties can achieve their objectives towards using the website.

c) Comparability. With the system being available online, the client will also be

able to compare the price between other catering services or estimate the total

cost of the event that they desire.

4.3. Project Structure

To provide a more context on the proposed system, shown below are the

screenshots of some of the modules and HIPO model of the proposed system:


Fig: 4.1 Home Page

In this home page, the potential clients can browse the top-selling menu and the
gallery. By clicking the “Book an event here”, the client will proceed to the login

Fig: 4.2 Login Page

In the Login Page, clients can input their username and password. They can also
create an account by clicking the register button.

Fig: 4.3 Registration Page

In the registration page, clients need to fill up all the information that is needed
for the event.

Fig 4.4: Home Client Page

In the home client page, clients can book an event by filling up the form and the
appropriate fields. Clients can also see the transaction history they created by
clicking the TransactionID.

Fig 4.5: Build Page

In the build page, clients can pick their own desired dishes and drinks, or add a
chair and table for the event. If they are done choosing the dishes, they just need
to click the view button and they will be able to see the dishes they have picked.

Fig 4.6: View Page/Cart Page

In the View Page/Cart Page, clients can see the dishes that were selected and
the clients also have the capability to remove what was previously selected. In
this page, clients are required to input the required information for the event.

Fig 4.7: Package Page

In this page, clients are capable of choosing from the already prepared packages
offered by the catering.


Fig. 4.8: Admin Module

This is login page of the admin module.

Fig. 4.9: Home page of admin (back end)

After logging in admin, the user will be directed to this page. To go back to

the front-end part of the admin, the user just needs to click the logout button.

Fig. 4.9: Menu Panel Module

In this module, the user will see a list of all menus and the admin has the option

to delete a dish.

Fig. 4.10: Menu Entry Module

In this module, the user can add new dishes by just putting the name of the dish
and selecting its type in a category – whether it is beef, pork, chicken, fish or
vegetable. The admin can also put price, calories, description and image.

Fig. 4.11: Inclusion Module

In this module, admin can see all inclusions and can delete.

Fig. 4.12: Adding Inclusion Module

In this module, the admin can add new inclusion – just input inclusion

name, price, description, and an image to show to their clients.

Fig. 4.13: Package Module

In this module, admin can see all the package they have and the admin

can also delete a package if it is not available.

Fig. 4.14: Adding Package Module

In this module, the admin can add a new package. The admin just has to

input event type, price, description, and an image to show to the clients the new

package and what the catering has.

Fig. 4.15: Transaction Module

In this module, admin can see all the transaction of the clients.

Fig. 4.16: Sales Report Module

In this module, admin can see the total monthly profit or annual profit and

can see the total booking.

Fig. 4.17: Event Module

In this module, admin can see all events and the admin can also cancel an


If the event is approved by the admin, an admin will call the client to process the

transaction. The admin needs to click the TransactionID.

Fig. 4.18: Official Contract Module

After clicking the TransactionID, the admin will print the contract to finalize all the

transaction. Meanwhile, the client should read all the terms and conditions of the


Fig. 4.17: Down Payment Module

In this module, after calling the client and discussing everything to the client,

such as what should be done. For example, the client’s total amount due is

52,650 PHP, the client has to tell the admin how much his/her down payment will

be. All transactions will be done personally.

Fig. 4.19: Disable Dates Module

In this module, admin can disable and enable dates if the dates are fully

Fig. 4.20: Accounts Module

In this module, the admin can see the users of the system and can also

search their accounts and delete the accounts.

Chapter 5


5.1. Summary of Findings

Overall, the suggested scheme obtained from the participants was the

"very satisfying" rating. The respective grade indicated that the system works

according to the system requirements. Although the scheme has passed the

assessment, the respondents’ feedback also indicated that there are still some

elements to be enhanced in the systems.

5.2. Conclusions

Although there are still a significant number of people who prefer to

conduct their transactions through conventional means, we still cannot deny the

fact that technology has already changed the way how we should go through

some of our basic tasks such as shopping. Through this study, the proponents

were able to identify the benefits of e-commerce as well as some of the negative

aspects that entail it.

With the recent advancements in technology, it is safe to say that we will

still see new marketing innovations that different businesses will use in order to

dominate their chosen field.

There are still variables that eager customers to go to the catering

services office through the use of an online booking scheme. Some customers

still want their required event to have a private touch. On the other side, we, the
proponents, found that Chef Joy Catering Services’ administration is profoundly

satisfied with the system's capacities that help them advertise, handle and

prevent obsolete data such as menu, packages and prices. Through this

research, the advocates were able to understand the advantages of the company

by having an online booking scheme.

5.3. Recommendations

For future researchers who would pursue a study that has a similar topic,

the proponents of this study would like to point out some items that may

potentially help with the enhancement of the proposed system:

1. Conduct more research on the layout of the system in order to make it more

user-friendly and to make the content more appealing to the users;

2. To look for other platforms in which the system can be implemented and;

3. Conduct a system evaluation with the target users of the system in order to be

able to assess the developed system and to see if it conforms to the

requirements of the users.


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Nkrumah, J., (2013) An Online Cinema Booking / Ticket Purchasing System. Retrieved

Oribiana, C. and Cerafica, R. (2015, April) Online Booking System of Sallie Ville Resort
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Oribiana, V. (2015). Online Booking System of Sallie Ville Resort. Retrieved from

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Patel, M., (2015) Online Food Order System for Restaurants. Retrieved from


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Appendix A

Acceptance Letter from the


Appendix B

Project Cost

Appendix C

Deployment Pictures

Appendix E

Program Listing

Appendix F

Certificate of Grammarian /
Plagiarism Report
Curriculum Vitea


This is to certify that the undersigned has reviewed and went through

all the pages of the Thesis entitled “ONLINE BOOKING FOR CHEF JOY


Christian Joshua O. Delgado, Grant Louis D. Nuguid, Renz Raniel D.

Raymundo and John Dale E. San Pedro, aligned with the set of structural

rules that govern the composition of sentences, phrases, and words in the

English Language.


Reyanne Louisse Ampong


Diploma of the Grammarian

Resume of the Grammarian

Curriculum Vitae

Address: 233 A Mabini St. Caloocan City Caloocan City, NCR 1400
Birthdate: November 29, 1997
Civil Status: Single
Gender: Male
Nationality: Filipino
Grant Louis Dizon Mobile: 09351687003

Nuguid Home: 09351687003

OBJECTIVE 2019 Dec Bachelor's/College Degree
University Of The East-Caloocan (UE)
Looking for a position in an Major: BSIT
Information Technology where I Field of Study: Computer Science/Information Technology
can apply my skill and gain more
knowledge to your company and 2019 Feb High School Diploma
willing to learn
La Consolacion College Caloocan City

• C# Programming • PHP • HTML • CSS & Bootstrap
• Microsoft Word, • Programming • Photoshop, Adobe • Python
Excel, Powerpoint Language Illustrator

• English • Tagalog

2017 Internet Of Things

2017 Internet Of Things

Kathleen Dimaano
My Professor
Professor At University Of The East
University Of The East

View more of my ResumèLink at

Address: 13 Guadalupe St. Morning Breeze Caloocan City, NCR
Birthdate: December 26, 1995
Civil Status: Single
Gender: Male
Nationality: Filipino
Mobile: 09952087671

Christian Joshua EDUCATION

Orfiano Delgado 2019 Jun Bachelor's/College Degree
University Of The East-Caloocan (UE)
Major: Multimedia
Field of Study: Computer Science/Information Technology
2013 Mar High School Diploma
"To build a long-term career in De La Salle Araneta University
healthcare with opportunities for
career growth"
"To keep up with the cutting edge
of technologies"
"To use my skills in the best • Basic Adobe • Microsoft Office (MS • Basic Video Editing
possible way for achieving the Photoshop Word, Excel,
company's goals" Powerpoint)
"To enhance my professional skills
in a dynamic and fast-paced
workplace" LANGUAGES
"To solve problems in an
effective/creative manner in a • Engilsh • Filipino
challenging position"
"Seeking a responsible job with an
opportunity for professional SEMINARS
2017 Data Analysis And Visualization 2017
Using Python

View more of my ResumèLink at



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