Apricot Oat Slices: Print Page

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Apricot Oat Slices http://www.deliaonline.com/home/Print-Recipe.html?PID=6426&amp...

Apricot Oat Slices

The day we tested these lovely, oaty, chewy cakes, I took them to a football club board meeting, and they all disappeared in moments

Makes 15 Ingredients
110g porridge oats
This recipe is from Delia's Cakes
225g plain wholemeal flour
75g dark brown soft sugar
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
150g block butter, melted
For the filling:
350g ready-to-eat dried apricots (or dried dates), chopped
Pre-heat the oven to 200°C, gas mark 6
A Silverwood oblong tin 20cm by 26cm, 4cm deep

First measure the dry ingredients into a bowl, then stir in the butter quite thoroughly.

Next sprinkle half the mixture over the base of the tin and, using your hands, press and even it out to form a base without any gaps. Then
arrange the filling carefully all over this.

Sprinkle the rest of the mixture evenly over the filling and press this down firmly. Bake near the centre of the oven (or just above) for about
20–25 minutes until golden brown.

Leave in the tin for 10 minutes, then cut into 15 squares, cool on a wire rack and store in an airtight tin.

Note: these can be made with the same quantity of any other fruit. I particularly like dates but these need to be simmered in 6 tablespoons of
water for about 10 minutes in advance. Or you can use fresh fruits – plums are good

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1 de 1 12/05/2013 22:27

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