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Hello again. In this video, we will look at the second sub-skill, fluency. This refers to how continuously
and effortlessly you can speak without excessive hesitation or any noticeable interruption of speech.
Before we learn more about this, we would you to try a read-aloud item. Follow the instructions you will
find on the slide, and record your answer so that you can check how you did later.

How do you think you did? Were you fluent? Now, let's analyse Shaoling's response to reading aloud the
same text. As you listen to her, consider the following. Is her flow of the speech continuous and natural?
Is she repeating words unnecessarily?

Ath-le-tes preparing for the Olympics often follow a training sch-, schedule prepared by their coach
which has their training, has them training six days a week. They spend at least a couple hours a day
training and change up their routines so that they are constant, constantly challenging their body. Ath-
le-tes training for the Olympics usually take one day a week off... off to rest, physical and mentally,
physically and mentally.

Shaoling managed to read the text aloud within the allocated time. But, there were some evident
problems in her attempt in relation to fluency. Her pace was affected due to problems when saying the
words schedule and constantly. She did not always group words properly to produce clear meaning, nor
did she apply the appropriate pausing at commas and full stops. This not only affected her fluency, but
also the overall understanding of some of the sentences she said.

Now, listen to the attempt you did, and check your fluency. Did you speak continuously without
repeating words unnecessarily?

In the next step, we will give you some strategies as to how to improve your overall fluency.

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