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1 Choose the correct option.

1 Where __________?
a you work b you do work c do you work
2 I __________ to leave at eight tomorrow morning.
a need b am needing c needs
3 Where did you __________ that bag?
a get b got c getting
4 Jo’s not as clever __________ she thinks she is.
a than b that c as
5 Not __________ people live round here.
a much b many c some
6 I haven’t got __________ money to pay for this.
a so b too c enough
7 Jake caught the __________ fish you’ve ever seen.
a most big b bigger c biggest
8 Neither __________ are out-going.
a them b of them c from them
9 You __________ come to the party if you don’t want to.
a can’t b mustn’t c don’t have to
10 If __________ money in shares, we’ll hopefully make money in the future.
a we invest b we’ll invest c we’d invest
11 You __________ go and see a doctor. You look awful.
a should b ought c can
12 __________ go cycling without a helmet.
a No b Not c Don’t

/ 12

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1 Gareth __________ (not know) Lisa very well, but he likes her.
2 While I __________ (ride) home on my bike, it started to rain.
3 I __________ (never / hear) of Smoke. Are they a good band?
4 Why __________ (we / not / go) out this evening? Come on! I feel like doing something fun.
5 We __________ (go) on holiday in June. The flight’s booked.
6 Where __________ (you / think) of staying when you get there on Friday?
7 How long __________ (you / have) that coat? I really like it. Where did you get it?
8 I can’t __________ (say) no to chocolate.
9 I’ll marry you if you __________ (buy) me a ring.
10 If we catch the next bus, we __________ (get) to the theatre before eight.
11 You __________ (not have) to wash all my clothes, mum. I could have washed them myself.
12 You should __________ (watch) that film one day! It’s great.
13 If you feel ill, __________ (call) the doctor immediately.
14 __________ (not / go) in the sea in bad weather.
15 Jo and I __________ (get) married in June. We’ve sent the invitations out and we’re so excited.
16 What time __________ (Paul / go) to bed last night?
/ 16

3 Complete the sentences with adjectives or nouns formed from the word in brackets.
1 You should wait at the __________ (board) gate until the plane is ready.
2 Check the __________ (depart) board for the time your flight is leaving.
3 Our local restaurant is friendly but there isn’t much __________ (choose) on the menu.
4 The food tasted __________ (disgust).
5 There is a __________ (grow) interest in women’s football around the world.
6 Andy has a very __________ (stress) job.
7 My neighbours are all very __________ (friend) people.
8 The band gave a great __________ (perform).
9 We rented a holiday flat in the __________ (history) city centre.
10 I hope to get a good __________ (qualify) in engineering.

/ 10

4 Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.

1 I’m advising a major company __________ how to develop their software.
a by b on c for
2 My new coat is exactly the right size but it doesn’t __________ me. I don’t look good in it.
a fit b suit c show
3 Mobile phones are __________ sale in our local electronics store.
a at b in c on
4 You should get your money __________ if you return it with the receipt.
a back b over c up
5 A premier league team are playing at the football __________ in our city this weekend.
a place b ground c centre
6 Don’t forget to check __________ online before you go to the airport.
a in b up c out
7 These vegetables are __________. They haven’t been cooked at all.
a mild b roast c raw
8 Joe is already out on the running __________. He’s competing in the 800 metres.
a track b court c pitch
9 I __________ a medal for coming second.
a drew b won c scored
10 I don’t get on with my flat __________.
a mate b friend c partner
11 My brother and I __________ turns to clean the bathroom.
a make b do c take
12 I’ve had __________ throat all week.
a a sore b an upset c a sick

/ 12


5 Listen to the radio programme and choose the correct answers. Each question has only one
correct answer.
1 What do we find out about the opening of Café Football?
a It opened to the public recently.
b It will open to the public soon.
c It hasn’t been built yet.
d It won’t open until next summer.
2 Which of the following statements about Café Football is true?
a It is owned by a football club.
b It serves breakfast, lunch and dinner to the general public.
c It is inside a new hotel.
d It has a red and blue décor.
3 What does Charlie say about the menu or the waiters?
a The waiters aren’t very experienced.
b The waiters look like famous football players.
c There are a lot of different dishes on the menu.
d The dishes on the menu are quite expensive.
4 What did Charlie order?
a fish and chips
b a burger
c Chinese Chicken
d chicken wings
5 What does Susie say about the desserts?
a She thinks they didn’t taste good.
b There wasn’t enough variety.
c The portions were too small.
d She didn’t like the chocolate cake.

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6a Complete the text with the sentences below. There is one sentence you don’t need.
A It wasn’t good news for the world record holder.
B Everybody expected her to lose the match.
C It was a popular victory with everybody in her sport.
D And, fortunately, it was a dream that came true for her five years later.
E The player has never won a race before.
F She only had to win a few more points.
G That’s still a world record today.
H The remarkable long-distance athlete finished in twenty-third place.


6b Read the text and decide if these sentences are true (T), false (F) or not given (NG).
1 Jana won the Wimbledon Final twice. T / F / NG
2 Jana played better at the start of the 1993 Wimbledon final than she did at the end. T / F / NG
3 Jana played better tennis in 1998 than she did in 1993. T / F / NG
4 Jana was older than her opponent in the 1998 Wimbledon final. T / F / NG
5 Between 2002 and 2007, Paula won four marathons. T / F / NG
6 Paula wasn’t successful in the Olympics of 1996 and 2002 because of injury. T / F / NG
7 Paula wasn’t able to compete in the marathon in the Olympics in 2008. T / F / NG
8 Paula retired as soon as the Olympics finished in 2008. T / F / NG

So near yet so far … sports stars and their dreams

Jana Novotná
In 1993, Jana Novotná, from the Czech Republic, was one of the best tennis players in the world, and
she was playing great tennis. She reached the final of Wimbledon, the world’s most important
tournament, beating her opponents with an exciting style of tennis. In the final, however, she had to
play world number one, Steffi Graf of Germany. 1________. From the start of the match, Jana played
brilliantly, and, in the final set, she was winning 4-1. 2________. But then she got nervous, and
started making mistakes. The German player became more confident, and, in the end, Jana lost. She
was really disappointed and started to cry after the match finished.
In tennis, if you want to be a great player, you have to win one of the Grand Slam tournaments – the
Australian Open, the US Open, Wimbledon, or the French Open. Naturally, Jana aimed to be a
champion. 3________. In 1998, Jana reached the Wimbledon Final again. She was nervous, of course,
but this time she didn’t start making lots of mistakes, and she beat her opponent. 4________. It was
also her only success in any Grand Slam tournament. At the age of 29, Jana was the oldest women’s
singles champion at Wimbledon in history.
Paula Radcliffe
In the New York Marathon, in 2007, the British athlete Paula Radcliffe crossed the finishing line in
first place. It was only her fourth city marathon, but she was already a winner in the other three. In the
Chicago Marathon of 2002, and the London Marathon of 2003, she broke the women’s world record.
Her amazing world record time of two hours, fifteen minutes and twenty-five seconds was much
faster than anybody believed a woman could run. 5________. In her career, Paula had risen to every
challenge on the road, but she hadn’t achieved her goal on the running track. In the Olympic Games
of 1996, she was fifth, in 2000, she finished fourth, and in 2004, she didn’t finish because she hurt her
leg before the race. However, in 2007, everybody believed that she was now the greatest female
marathon runner in history. Surely, she could win the marathon at the Beijing Olympic Games in
Three months before the games, Paula felt some pain in one of her legs, and went to see a doctor.
6________. She was carrying an injury. Despite this, she continued to train every day, and to try to
find a way to be at her best. On the day of the race, she started well and felt confident, but she
couldn’t keep up with the leaders. 7________. Unfortunately, she didn’t win the gold medal that she
had dreamed of winning all her life.


7 Talk about one of the following topics.

 what you’re doing at work at the moment
 where and what to eat in your city
 a person who is important to you

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8 Write one of the following.

 a story about a journey when something went wrong
 a description of your house and apartment
 My first day at school. Write an essay, describing your feelings and experiences.

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