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British Medical Bulletin, 2019, 131:57–70

doi: 10.1093/bmb/ldz023
Advance Access Publication Date: 26 September 2019

Invited Review

Community-acquired acute bacterial meningitis in

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adults: a clinical update
Jayne Ellis1,*, Akish Luintel1,† , Arjun Chandna 1,† and
Robert S. Heyderman 1,2
1 Hospital for Tropical Diseases, University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, 235 Euston Rd,

Bloomsbury, London NW1 2BU, UK and 2 Division of Infection and Immunity, University College London,
Rayne Building, 5 University Street, London WC1E 6JF, UK
*Correspondence address. Hospital for Tropical Diseases, University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, London,
UK. E-mail:
Editorial Decision 27 June 2019; Accepted 27 June 2019

Background: Acute bacterial meningitis (ABM) in adults is associated with a
mortality that may exceed 30%. Immunization programs have reduced the
global burden; in the UK, declining incidence but persistently high mortality
and morbidity mean that clinicians must remain vigilant.
Sources of data: A systematic electronic literature search of PubMed was
performed to identify all ABM literature published within the past 5 years.
Areas of agreement and controversy: Clinical features cannot reliably dis-
tinguish between ABM and other important infectious and non-infectious
aetiologies. Prompt investigation and empirical treatment are imperative.
Lumbar puncture (LP) and cerebrospinal fluid microscopy, biochemistry and
culture remain the mainstay of diagnosis, but molecular techniques are
increasingly useful. The 2016 UK joint specialist societies’ guideline provides
expert recommendations for the management of ABM, yet published data
suggest clinical care delivered in the UK is frequently not adherent. Anxiety
regarding risk of cerebral herniation following LP, unnecessary neuroimag-
ing, underutilization of molecular diagnostics and suboptimal uptake of
adjunctive corticosteroids compromise management.

© The Author(s) 2019. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:
58 J. Ellis et al., 2019, Vol. 131

Growing points: There is increasing recognition that current antibiotic regi-

mens and adjunctive therapies alone are insufficient to reduce the mortality
and morbidity associated with ABM.
Areas timely for developing research: Research should be focused on opti-
mization of vaccines (e.g. pneumococcal conjugate vaccines with extended
serotype coverage), targeting groups at risk for disease and reservoirs for
transmission; improving adherence to management guidelines; develop-
ment of new faster, more accurate diagnostic platforms (e.g. novel point-of-
care molecular diagnostics); and development of new adjunctive therapies

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(aimed at the host-inflammatory response and bacterial virulence factors).

Key words: bacterial meningitis, meningitis, adults, lumbar puncture

Introduction and meningococcal meningitis cases offset by a rise

Acute bacterial meningitis (ABM) is a medical emer- in ABM due to Gram-negative Enterobacteriaceae,
gency associated with considerable morbidity and such as Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumo-
mortality. It is widely acknowledged that prompt niae, particularly in those aged >65 years.5,7 Table 1
recognition, appropriate investigation and treatment shows the incidence by year in England and Wales for
save lives.1 Nonetheless, even when optimal man- the six main causes of ABM (Public Health England
agement is delivered, mortality has changed little (PHE) data).
in the past 20 years.2–4 A number of management
challenges continue to exist. Here, we present a Streptococcus pneumoniae
clinical update on ABM in adults for physicians S. pneumoniae is the commonest cause of community-
(emergency medicine and acute medicine front-line acquired ABM in adults in England and Wales,
staff and specialist clinicians), providing an update responsible for 30% of laboratory-confirmed
on the epidemiology of ABM in the UK, highlighting cases (PHE data 2017). The case-fatality ratio for
important advances in disease prevention, diagnosis pneumococcal meningitis has been estimated to
and treatment. In the light of continuing controversy be 30%.4
and uncertainty over the best way to reduce the Nearly 100 different pneumococcal serotypes
high mortality, we summarize the important future (based on the capsular polysaccharide) have the
research directions. potential to affect humans. The current pneumococ-
cal conjugate vaccine (PCV) used in the UK targets
13 of the most common disease-causing serotypes. A
Epidemiology of ABM in adults 56% reduction in invasive pneumococcal disease
Community-acquired ABM in adults is a relatively (IPD) among adults has been reported since the
rare,5 high-impact medical emergency in the UK.5,6 introduction of the PCV7 into the routine infant
Although incidence is higher in children (and highest schedule and its replacement by PCV13 in April
in neonates), over half of ABM cases in England 2010.8 This indirect protection is thought to be due
and Wales are adults.5 During 2004–11, the overall to the interruption of person-to-person spread.
incidence risk of laboratory-confirmed ABM was Continued surveillance is critical as replacement
1.05 per 100 000 adults,5 peaking during winter by nonvaccine pneumococcal serotypes is increas-
months. This incidence has remained stable over the ingly being reported.8, 9 Indeed, a rise in nonvaccine
past decade with falling numbers of pneumococcal serotypes has to some extent offset the benefits of
Acute bacterial meningitis: a clinical update, 2019, Vol. 131 59

Table 1 Incidence per 100 000 people of the main causes of laboratory-confirmed ABM in adults in England
and Wales, 2013–17 (data from PHE)∗

Annual incidence
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Streptococcus pneumoniae 0.12 0.13 0.17 0.18 0.18

Neisseria meningitidis 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.06 0.06
Escherichia coli 0.05 0.07 0.06 0.04 0.07
Haemophilus influenzae 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.02
Listeria monocytogenes 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.02

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Streptococcus agalactiae 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01

∗ Data for community-acquired S. aureus acute meningitis were not available.

vaccine introduction9 and may explain the persis- September 2015 the UK became the first country in
tently high incidence of IPD in the elderly. the world to introduce the new generation of MenB
vaccines into the national immunization programme.
The vaccine is anticipated to protect against 73–88%
Neisseria meningitidis of invasive strains, but ongoing surveillance will be
N. meningitidis remains the second leading cause of essential to determine true vaccine effectiveness.16
community-acquired ABM in adults in England and Until recently IMD due to other capsular groups
Wales, responsible for 10% of laboratory-confirmed was uncommon in the UK. Historically, serogroup
cases (PHE data 2017). While the risk of invasive A (which causes epidemic meningitis in Africa)
meningococcal disease (IMD) is highest in infancy, was prevalent in the first half of the 20th century.
a second peak occurs between 15 and 19 years More recently, outbreaks of meningococcus group
with incidence of 3.2 per 100 000, reducing to 0.5– W (MenW) have been associated with the Hajj
0.7 per 100 000 for those >25 years.10 Case-fatality pilgrimage but cases have reduced since the Saudi
ratios have been estimated at 7%4 but reach 15% Arabian government has mandated vaccination with
for those >65 years and are higher in those with the quadrivalent ACWY vaccine for nondomestic
meningococcal sepsis.10 pilgrims.17 However, since 2014 the UK and several
Most N. meningitidis human disease is caused by other countries have seen a dramatic increase in
one of six serogroups (A, B, C, W, X and Y). Vacci- MenW cases, accounting for 24% of IMD in
nation against meningococcus group C (MenC) was England during 2014–15. This prompted emergency
introduced in the UK in 1999 after MenC-related MenACWY vaccination introduction, replacing
IMD had doubled during the 1990s11 . Reductions routine MenC vaccination in children 13–14 years,
in incidence of >97% were seen within a decade.12 with a catch-up programme for 14–18 years and
Today, >75% of IMD in adults in the UK is caused university entrants aged <25 years. Early analyses
by meningococcus group B (MenB),10 although cer- indicate promising results.18
tain groups remain at risk of MenC, for example men Both MenW and meningococcus group Y (MenY)
who have sex with men.13,14 are implicated in disease in older adults, often with
Development and implementation of a MenB vac- other comorbidities. The incidence of invasive MenY
cine has been more challenging due to the poor disease has been increasing in Sweden, Canada and
immunogenicity of the serogroup B capsule, anti- the US.19 Historically MenY has been associated with
genic diversity, propensity for genetic recombina- outbreaks in care homes.20 For all serogroups, out-
tion and uncertainties regarding impact on mucosal breaks of meningococcal meningitis are associated
carriage and secular trends in MenB incidence.15 In with higher case-fatality ratios than sporadic cases.21
60 J. Ellis et al., 2019, Vol. 131

Other bacteria noid space, the relative lack of host defence mecha-
Most other causes of community-acquired ABM in nisms facilitates bacterial replication. Bacterial com-
adults occur in those with particular risk factors for ponents trigger microglia and phagocytic cells to
immune compromise or immunosenescence such as release pro-inflammatory mediators25 such as TNF,
alcohol dependency, pregnancy, diabetes mellitus, IL-6 and IL-1B. These cause increased BBB perme-
patients taking immunosuppressive medications ability, leading to leucocyte adhesion to the BBB and
and old age.7 These include Enterobacteriaceae invasion, thrombosis and further inflammation.
such as E. coli and rarely Listeria monocytogenes,
Haemophilus influenzae, Streptococcus agalactiae,

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CNS inflammation and tissue injury
Staphylococcus aureus,22 which are associated with
CNS inflammation and disruption of the BBB results
mortality estimates ranging from 30% to 60%.7,22,23
in CNS tissue damage through apoptotic neuronal
injury, oedema, microvascular thrombosis and raised
intracranial pressure.26 The excessive neutrophil-
Pathogenesis driven inflammatory responses typical of ABM26
Almost all bacteria that cause community-acquired result in oxidative stress driving neuronal death and
ABM colonize mucosal surfaces and then relatively dysfunction.26 Bacterial cell lysis in ABM, exacer-
rarely, gain access to the bloodstream and then bated by antibiotic treatment, releases further pro-
multiply in sufficient numbers to then cross the inflammatory agents such as lipopolysaccharide,
blood–brain barrier (BBB) into the cerebrospinal teichoic acid and peptidoglycans worsening neuronal
fluid (CSF) to cause central nervous system (CNS) damage.24 For this reason, adjunctive steroids and
inflammation and tissue injury. Disease also occurs other anti-inflammatory agents have been tested as
following direct bacterial translocation from the part of the management of meningitis.27
upper respiratory tract to the meninges through the
cribriform plate.1
Clinical presentation
Presenting features of ABM in adults vary accord-
Bacterial colonization and invasion ing to patient age28 and cannot reliably distinguish
Colonization requires that bacteria are able to bacterial from viral meningitis or other differential
adhere to cell surfaces and avoid both innate and diagnoses.29 Empirical antibiotic therapy must often
adaptive host defence mechanisms. Streptococcus be commenced on the basis of suspicion while await-
pneumoniae and N. meningitidis are both highly ing results of diagnostic procedures.
successful colonizers of the human nasopharynx.24 The most consistent clinical symptom in ABM
Following initial engagement with the upper respi- is headache;4 however, no individual symptom can
ratory tract mucosa via hair-like appendages called satisfactorily discriminate ABM from other condi-
fimbriae or pili, S. pneumoniae binds to polymeric tions.30 The presence of two or more of headache,
immunoglobulin receptors of epithelial cells via neck stiffness, fever and altered consciousness, has
the bacterial adhesin, choline-binding protein A, a sensitivity of 95% for ABM.4 A purpuric or
and N. meningitidis binds to host ligands such petechial rash is most predictive of N. meningitidis
as carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell-adhesion but many patients with meningococcal meningitis do
molecules and cell surface integrins via opacity not have a rash, and conversely not all patients with a
proteins, OpA and OpC, respectively.1 meningococcal rash have meningitis. In adolescents,
Bloodstream invasion allows bacteria to reach the presence of sepsis with or without shock should
and then cross the BBB, either transcellularly or raise suspicion of IMD, particularly if associated
paracellularly to the CNS.1 Once in the subarach- with a rash. These patients may not always have
Acute bacterial meningitis: a clinical update, 2019, Vol. 131 61

clinical evidence of meningitis.31,32 Pathognomonic Confirming the diagnosis of ABM

clinical examination findings do not exist. Kernig’s Given the failure of clinical characteristics alone
and Brudzinski’s signs are often cited but their to discriminate ABM from other differential diag-
sensitivity can be as low as 5%.33 noses,29 access to and timely use of accurate micro-
Clinicians must therefore have a high index of biological diagnostics is essential. CSF microscopy,
suspicion of ABM in adults with a febrile illness, biochemistry and culture to confirm aetiology and
where there is not an obvious focus of infection. Par- antimicrobial susceptibility of causative pathogens
ticularly, young fit adults may appear relatively well remain the mainstay of diagnosis.32
at presentation. Parental or family concerns should

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not be ignored. Patients with proven ABM may have
prodromal respiratory viral illnesses. ABM should Timing of lumbar puncture
be considered in anyone with a severe headache A lumbar puncture (LP) is essential in the investiga-
and sinusitis or acute otitis media, where it is most tion of patients with suspected meningitis and must
often associated with S. pneumoniae36 . Character- be performed without delay, provided there are no
istic features such as neck stiffness and headache specific contraindications. In a recent multi-centre
are less frequent in the elderly, particularly those prospective cohort study of adults with suspected
with Gram-negative bacillary meningitis (GNBM).7 meningitis in 42 UK hospitals, the median time to
These patients may present with systemic compli- LP was 17 h (IQR 8–29).37 Delayed LPs led to a
cations such as distant foci of infection or septic reduction in pathogen detection, increased exposure
shock.7 to unnecessary anti-infectives and prolonged hospi-
Whenever a diagnosis of ABM is suspected, other tal stay.37
infectious causes of meningitis (viral, mycobacterial, An LP should be performed before administration
fungal and parasitic), brain abscesses and extra- of antibiotics unless there are specific neurological
cranial infections that can mimic ABM (pneumonia contraindications (see below) or evidence of severe
and retropharyngeal abscesses) should be consid- sepsis, respiratory compromise or a rapidly evolving
ered. Immune compromise and particularly HIV meningococcal rash, in which case empirical antibi-
infection should be ruled out, particularly where otics should be given without delay.32 LP should be
there is an unusual presentation of a common performed within 1 h of arrival at hospital provided
pathogen or the presentation of an unusual organ- that it is safe to do so. Treatment should be com-
ism. Non-infectious mimics of ABM include sub- menced immediately after the LP has been performed
arachnoid haemorrhage, autoimmune syndromes, and within the first hour.32 CSF culture positivity rate
paraneoplastic syndromes, migraine and rarely med- declines by >30% when LP is performed >4 h after
ications, such as lamotrigine and cotrimoxazole.35 initiation of antibiotics;38 however, the cell count and
biochemistry remain informative up to 24–72 h later.

Nosocomial meningitis
Nosocomial meningitis most commonly follows Neuroimaging
neurosurgical procedures and trauma. A detailed In most cases of ABM neuroimaging is not indicated
description is outside the scope of this review. prior to LP and can result in delays to antibiotic ther-
Altered mental status occurs less frequently than apy and increased mortality.32 Neuroimaging should
in community-acquired ABM.36 There is a higher be performed before proceeding to LP if one or more
incidence of GNBM including Pseudomonas aerugi- of the following clinical signs are present: (i) focal
nosa.7 Staphylococcus aureus, including methicillin- neurological signs (ii) presence of papilloedema (iii)
resistant strains, is more common in nosocomial continuous or uncontrolled seizures or (iv) Glasgow
meningitis associated with invasive procedures.36 Coma Scale (GCS) ≤ 12 or a rapidly declining con-
62 J. Ellis et al., 2019, Vol. 131

Table 2 CSF features typical of bacterial, viral, tuberculous and fungal meningitis.

Normal Bacterial Viral Tuberculous Fungal

Opening pressure (cm CSF) 12–20 Raised Normal/mildly Raised Raised

Appearance Clear Turbid Clear Clear/cloudy/ Clear/cloudy
CSF WCC (cells/μl) <5 Raised (10–10 000, Raised (typically Raised (typically Raised (typically
typically >100) 5–1000) 5–500) 5–500)
Predominant cell type NA Neutrophils Lymphocytes∗ Lymphocytes∗∗ Lymphocytes

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CSF protein (g/l) <0.4 Raised Mildly raised Markedly raised Raised
CSF glucose (mmol) 2.6–4.5 Low Normal/slightly Very low Low
CSF/plasma glucose ratio >0.66 Low Normal/slightly Very low Low

∗ Predominant cell type may be neutrophils with Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) meningitis.
∗∗ May be neutrophilic in early disease

scious level.32 It is important to recognize that normal investigation of ABM. Typical CSF changes can help
computerized tomography (CT) does not exclude distinguish probable bacterial and viral meningitis
raised intracranial pressure in the context of these (Table 2).
warning signs. A recent prospective cohort study
from the Netherlands, demonstrated cerebral herni- CSF microscopy and culture
ation following LP in ABM to be a rare event. A
A raised CSF white cell count (WCC) (>5 cells/μl)
total of 3.1% (47/1533) of episodes had a clinical
with a predominance of neutrophils is typical of
deterioration possibly caused by LP; two patients
ABM. WCC, however, may be normal (especially
deteriorated within 1 h after LP (0.1%). It remains
in early disease or immunodeficiency), and lympho-
uncertain whether LP was causal in this deterio-
cytes may predominate in partially antibiotic-treated
ration. Significantly, in 43 of the 47 patients with
ABM or L. monocytogenes meningitis.42
deterioration, a CT head was performed prior to LP;
CSF microscopy and Gram staining for bacteria
this highlights the lack of reliability of CT reporting
has a sensitivity of 50–99% (dependent on organism
of contraindications to LP.39 )
and prior antibiotics) and a specificity of 97–100%
in the diagnosis of ABM.4 CSF culture is subse-
CSF opening pressure and collection quently required for confirmation of the causative
CSF opening pressure should be measured (unless pathogen and for antibiotic susceptibility testing.
LP is performed in seated position, which artificially The sensitivity of CSF culture depends upon whether
raises the opening pressure) and is usually raised antibiotics were administered pre- or post-CSF col-
(>20 cm H20) in ABM.4 Often inappropriately small lection. CSF may be rendered sterile by administra-
volumes of CSF are taken at LP, which limits diag- tion of empirical antibiotics, within 2 h in meningo-
nostic capacity. CSF is produced at a rate of 22 ml/h coccal meningitis and within 4 h in pneumococcal
and 15 ml or more can be taken safely.38,39 meningitis.43

CSF biochemistry Molecular CSF diagnostics

CSF protein, glucose (with concurrent serum glu- In contrast to CSF culture, polymerase chain reac-
cose) and lactate should always be measured in the tion (PCR) can detect bacterial DNA in CSF for
Acute bacterial meningitis: a clinical update, 2019, Vol. 131 63

several days after antibiotics have been administered. Treatment

PCR has high sensitivity (87–100%) and specificity It is essential that patients with suspected ABM
(98–100%).1 CSF PCR for S. pneumoniae and N. are stabilized rapidly and appropriate investigations
meningitidis should be performed in all cases of obtained without delay. Empirical antibiotics should
suspected ABM.30 Where no causative pathogen can be administered immediately after LP. A user-friendly
be identified by culture or pathogen-specific PCR, management algorithm has been developed through
then PCR for 16S ribosomal RNA, which targets the a collaboration between several UK specialist soci-
highly conserved 16S rRNA gene present in almost eties to support a more unified approach to the
all bacteria may be useful.30 As molecular diagnostics management of ABM.32

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including the potential for whole genome sequencing
direct from clinical samples become more robust and
more accessible, these may replace standard Gram Antibiotics
stain and culture. The choice of antibiotics in ABM is a three-stage
process. Empirical antibiotics should be given based
Throat swab on clinical suspicion; antibiotic choice may then be
modified with the results of the CSF gram stain (if
In relation to the diagnosis of meningococcal disease,
positive), followed by a definitive antibiotic regimen
it is important that clinicians remember to take a
based on CSF culture and susceptibilities if avail-
bacterial throat swab for microscopy and culture.
able. In presence of a suggestive CSF profile but
This is because in the majority of cases, naso-
the absence of a confirmatory diagnostic, choice of
pharyngeal meningococcal isolates from patients
definitive antibiotic therapy should be guided by up-
with suspected ABM are almost always identical
to-date information on relative prevalence of bacte-
to those from their blood or CSF.34 Growth of the
rial meningitis pathogens and other patient-specific
bacteria provides drug susceptibility testing and
factors, e.g. age and co-morbidities.
sufficient DNA for genome sequencing to evaluate
The recommended empirical regimen in the UK
vaccine coverage.34
is a third-generation cephalosporin (ceftriaxone or
However, given the possibility of asymptomatic
cefotaxime), which has bactericidal activity for both
meningococcal carriage in healthy persons, a positive
S. pneumoniae and N. meningitidis, while achieving
throat swab cannot be considered a confirmatory
good CNS penetration.24 If there is a history
test and should be interpreted in caution where the
of anaphylaxis to penicillins or cephalosporins,
clinical syndrome is not compatible with ABM.
IV chloramphenicol 25 mg/kg 6-hourly can be
given.32 Amoxicillin 2 g, 4-hourly should be added
Blood culture and other blood tests if the patients are at-risk of L. monocytogenes
Blood cultures should be taken as routine. If taken meningitis.1
prior to antibiotic administration, the yield can be Resistance to penicillin resulting in treatment fail-
as high as 74%.30 Meningococcal and pneumococcal ure is rare for S. pneumoniae and extremely rare
PCR on blood are useful adjunctive diagnostics that for N. meningitidis in the UK. However, in patients
are more sensitive than bacterial culture, particu- who have recently travelled abroad, the empirical
larly if antibiotics have already been administered.44 regimen should be discussed with an infection spe-
HIV testing should be offered to all patients with cialist. Generally, if there is concern about resistance,
suspected ABM. The use of serum procalcitonin vancomycin 15–20 mg/kg 12-hourly or rifampicin
measurement remains limited due to cost but where 600 mg twice daily (BD) is administered alongside
available has been reported to have a sensitivity of empirical ceftriaxone or cefotaxime. Cephalosporins
∼95% and a specificity of ∼100% in distinguishing should be continued with vancomycin as CNS pene-
bacterial from viral meningitis in adults.45 tration of vancomycin is suboptimal.32
64 J. Ellis et al., 2019, Vol. 131

Table 3 Antibiotic treatment regimens recommended to common ABM-causative pathogens recommended

antibiotic regimen including first line therapy, alternative regimen in case of contraindications to first line
treatment options and duration of treatment34

Causative Gram stain Antibiotics Penicillin allergy/ Recommended duration

pathogen alternative regimen

Streptococcus Gram-positive Cefotaxime 2 g 6-hourly Chloramphenicol ≥10 days (up to 14 days

pneumoniae diplococci or ceftriaxone 2 g BD 25 mg/kg, 6-hourly dependent on clinical

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Neisseria Gram-negative Cefotaxime 2 g 6-hourly Chloramphenicol 5 days
Meningitidis diplococci or ceftriaxone 2 g BD 25 mg/kg, 6-hourly
Listeria Gram-positive rods Amoxicillin 2 g 4-hourly Cotrimoxazole 21 days
Monocytogenes 10–20 mg/kg in four
divided doses

The definitive antibiotic regimens that target the review showed severe hearing loss was significantly
isolated bacteria are summarized in Table 3. reduced by corticosteroids; this was especially true
in high-income countries. Subgroup analysis in this
Duration of therapy data showed a significant reduction in mortality in
S. pneumoniae meningitis but not in N. meningitidis
There is little evidence to guide duration of antibi-
or H. influenzae meningitis.53
otics for ABM outside paediatric trials. A meta-
Current recommendations are that Dexametha-
analysis of all-cause ABM in children demonstrated
sone 10 mg four times daily (QDS) should be pre-
non-inferiority between 4 and 7 and 7 and 14 days of
scribed empirically within 12 h of the first dose of
treatment.46 A study on IMD showed 3 days of ben-
antibiotics for suspected ABM and should continue
zylpenicillin treatment was sufficient.47 Therefore,
for 4 days if S. pneumoniae meningitis is confirmed.34
the duration of antibiotics in adults is based largely
There remains concern that corticosteroids
on expert opinion and is dependent on the organ-
reduce the permeability of the BBB and therefore
ism isolated and clinical response (Table 3). Listeria
reduce concentrations of antibiotics within the
ABM is recommended to be treated for 21 days, but
CSF.29 However, given that current recommended
again there is no available trial data to support this
parenteral doses of antibiotics for ABM achieve CSF
concentrations well above the minimum inhibitory
concentrations for all of the typical ABM-causative
Adjunctive corticosteroids pathogens, it is doubtful that any reduction in BBB
Corticosteroids improve outcomes in ABM, due to permeability mediated by dexamethasone would
reduction in inflammation.34 Initial trials in children result in a clinically significantly reduction in antibi-
illustrated benefit in H. influenzae meningitis, with otic efficacy and therefore adjunctive corticosteroids
reduction in hearing loss.50 A Dutch multi-centre should not be withheld based on this concern alone.29
trial of adult ABM showed reduction in mortality
particularly in pneumococcal meningitis.51
A subsequent meta-analysis investigating corti- Other adjunctive therapies
costeroid use showed no difference in mortality but Numerous adjunctive interventions have shown
some improvement in hearing loss.52 However, the promise in tissue culture and animal models.29
data were heterogeneous including studies from both These adjunctive therapies typically target the host-
high- and low-resource settings. The 2015 Cochrane inflammatory response and bacterial virulence
Acute bacterial meningitis: a clinical update, 2019, Vol. 131 65

Table 4 Common management pitfalls encountered in the management of patients with ABM

Management pitfall Clinical guidelines

• Unnecessary neuroimaging prior to LPs remains • Neuroimaging should only be performed before proceeding to
common LP if one or more of the following clinical signs is present: (i)
focal neurological signs, (ii) presence of papilloedema, (iii)
continuous or uncontrolled seizures or (iv) GCS ≤ 12.

• Significant delays in LPs result in • LP should be performed without delay in patients with
- Reduced pathogen detection suspected meningitis unless the criteria for neuroimaging are met.

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- Increased exposure to anti-infectives • An LP should be performed before administration of
- Increased duration of hospital stays antibiotics unless there is evidence of severe sepsis or a rapidly
- Increased mortality evolving meningococcal rash in which case empirical antibiotics
should not be delayed.

• Often inappropriately small volumes of CSF are • CSF is produced at a rate of 22 ml/h and up to 15 ml can be
taken at LP, which limits diagnostic capacity taken safely.

• Suboptimal HIV testing • All patients with meningitis should be offered an HIV test.

• Suboptimal use of molecular diagnostics • All patients with suspected meningitis should have
- Blood sent for Pneumococcal and meningococcal PCR
- CSF sent for pneumococcal and meningococcal PCR
- If no aetiology is identified on culture or pathogen specific
PCR testing and ABM remains likely, then 16S rRNA PCR should
be performed on CSF.

factors. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are key therefore intravenous continuation therapy via
immune mediators that promote BBB disruption and outpatient antibiotic therapy (OPAT) services is
brain injury; doxycycline is as an effective MMP increasingly being used for management of ABM.
inhibitor and in animal models, when given as Benefits include reduced costs, shorter inpatient
an adjunct alongside ceftriaxone, has been shown stays, fewer nosocomial infections and increased
to downregulate CSF inflammation leading to patient satisfaction.58
reduced mortality and attenuated hearing loss.54 The 2016 UK joint specialist societies’ guideline
Rifampicin although bacteriostatic has significant on the diagnosis and management of acute menin-
anti-inflammatory properties and has also shown gitis suggest that ABM can be managed in an out-
promise as a potential adjunct in human studies.55,56 patient setting if, based on CSF culture and drug
Adjunctive magnesium, which targets pneumococcal susceptibility testing, a suitable antibiotic is iden-
pneumolysin-driven neuronal injury, was associated tified, and patient-specific criteria for safe OPAT
with improved survival in mice with pneumococcal management are met:
meningitis.57 To date, however, there is a lack of
clinical trial data in humans and therefore insuffi- 1. afebrile and clinically improving;
cient evidence to recommend these interventions in 2. have received 5 days of inpatient management;
routine clinical care. 3. have reliable intravenous access;
4. be able to access medical advice/care from the
Outpatient antibiotic therapy services OPAT team 24 h a day;
Except for chloramphenicol, oral switches do not 5. have no other acute medical needs other than
achieve sufficient antibiotic levels in the CSF and for parenteral antimicrobials.34
66 J. Ellis et al., 2019, Vol. 131

Suggested OPAT regimes are no prophylaxis is indicated except in an institutional

outbreak setting.
ceftriaxone 2 g BD IV (ceftriaxone 4 g Once daily
(OD) can be used after the first 24 h of therapy);
• ceftriaxone 2 g BD IV and rifampicin 600 mg BD Future directions
for penicillin resistant pneumococci.
Early diagnosis, rapid diagnostics and appropriate
clinical management are essential to minimize the
Antimicrobial prophylaxis for contacts risk of poor outcomes in ABM. Despite the existence
Contact tracing and the community public health of widely available national guidelines on meningitis

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management of suspected bacterial meningitis case management,34 published data suggest that the
should be managed by the appropriate health clinical care delivered in the UK remains subopti-
protection teams; all suspected cases of ABM should mal. Inappropriate neuroimaging leads to delays in
be notified to the local Health Protection Unit. LP and antibiotic administration. Suboptimal use
of molecular diagnostics and HIV-testing has also
Prophylaxis for N. meningitidis contacts been highlighted as areas for improvement.39,59–61 A
national audit to evaluate current meningitis man-
Secondary cases of IMD are estimated to occur in
agement across the UK is ongoing and will provide
2–4 per 1 000 cases of close contacts.34 Most patients
important up-to-date data on clinical care.
with meningococcal meningitis have become colo-
Delayed LPs in particular have been shown to be
nized with the causative bacteria in the preceding
associated with increased mortality in ABM.62 The
7 days; therefore, household contacts as well as
potential impact of the 4-h emergency department
‘kissing contacts’ should receive prophylaxis.34
targets has been cited as possible explanation for
Antibiotics should be given to healthcare staff only if
LP delay.39 Physicians’ fear of cerebral herniation
they have been in close contact with a confirmed case
following LP, leading to unnecessary neuroimaging,
of meningococcal disease, for example, if they have
is also an important factor.63 Several studies demon-
been heavily exposed to respiratory secretions or
strate that complications following LP in ABM are
droplets from intubation or while performing
extremely rare, and there is little evidence that the
cardio-pulmonary resuscitation.34 Vaccination should
two are causally related.41 Education programs for
be offered to any unvaccinated contacts of cases
frontline emergency and acute physicians to empha-
for nongroup B serogroup. Close contacts have an
size the urgency and importance of LPs are urgently
increased risk of IMD for 6 months following expo-
required. Whether a protocolized, goal-directed ther-
sure and GPs should be alerted to this possibility.34
apy approach would improve outcomes in ABM in
the UK is yet to be evaluated.
Prophylactic regimens There is a clear need to improve on current
• 500 mg ciprofloxacin Single dose given immedi- diagnostics in ABM, particularly in the era of
ately (STAT) for adults (>12 years) increased prior antibiotics and anti-microbial
• 250 mg ciprofloxacin STAT for children (5– resistance (AMR). In the report from McGill et al.
12 years) (2018) the aetiology was unknown in 42% of
• 30 mg/kg ciprofloxacin STAT up to 125 mg stat cases.39 The lack of a confirmed microbiological
for children (<5 years) diagnosis impedes pathogen-directed therapies,
increases exposure to unnecessary broad spectrum
Where ciprofloxacin is contraindicated, rifampicin anti-infectives, potentially worsens outcomes and
can be given as an alternative. hinders trials of new treatments. Optimization
Close contacts of pneumococcal meningitis are of point-of-care PCR diagnostics, transcriptomics
not thought to have any increased risk; therefore, research to identify RNA signatures associated with
Acute bacterial meningitis: a clinical update, 2019, Vol. 131 67

ABM and loop-mediated isothermal amplification- therapy. Further research is required in how best to
based assays62 may each play a role. However, it improve diagnosis and clinical care in the UK along-
is the expanded use of whole genome sequencing side the testing of adjunctive therapies to further
in clinical care as it becomes increasingly rapid, improve outcomes.
accessible, affordable and directly applicable to
clinical specimens without the need for culture that
has the greatest potential to transform meningitis
We would like to thank Dr Mary Ramsay, Director of the
diagnostics, particularly prediction of genotypic
Health Protection Research Unit in Immunization at Public
drug resistance63 .

Downloaded from by guest on 04 October 2021

Health England and her team, for the epidemiology data
Further research is also required into adjunctive provided and her support in writing this manuscript.
therapies alongside antibiotics to limit neuronal
injury and improve outcomes. Although several
Conflicts of interest
potential targets and interventions have been
tested in animal models57 and small retrospective The authors declare that they have no competing
human studies55 , robust multinational multi-centre interests.
randomized clinical trials in humans will be required
for their formal evaluation. References
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