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Title : Depression and How to Face It

Name : Azura Azza Tsabita

Student Number : 20200340095

Parents nowadays mostly ignore obvious signs of depression and behave as if

depression is not a big deal for their children. An article with the title Teenage
Depression: If A Parent Doesn’t Get Treatment For A Child, Is That Abuse? by Michael
Saphiro shows that between 12% - 26% of parents being unwilling to seek help for their
child’s depression. This article indirectly says that most parents are not well-educated
about depression by seeing how they refuse treatment after their child was diagnosed by
professionals. In this opportunity, I would like to react to this article.
First of all, I think that this article has a good structure. Each paragraph has its
main ideas. Start with some evidence as a hook and the main topic of the article which
was one barrier to depression’s treatment. Symptoms and depression risk are the next
topic to be told. There is also some evidence as supporting details in each paragraph.
Secondly, depression is a common mental disorder that more than 264 million
people come through it based on World Health Organization or known as WHO.
Depression is not easy to deal with and as parents, they should know that depression
should be handled by professionals such as child psychiatrists or psychologists and they
should not refuse if their child has to be treated. Based on a study by the Department of
Exceptional child Psychology, University of Tehran, state that there is a correlation
between having depression with thoughts of suicide. That is the main reason why
depression should be handled by professionals.
Thirdly, as a person who experienced depression, some support systems are very
important. Each of us must have at least one support system who knows what we’ve
been through so far. Without being a people pleaser, there must be someone that wants
to hear our problems and advising us. And as a friend who knows other people’s
struggles, giving the best reaction and empathy of ours are necessary. People who deal
with depression need lots of support while they seek help from professionals.
Lastly, after reading the article, I can relate to whom get depressed and not well-
treated because of their parents underestimate their feeling. I could relate that struggling
with depression by ourselves without any helps from professional is extremely hard.
In summary, this article shows a very important problem that happens around us.
In the future, we should not see depression as an easy thing to deal with. I highly
recommend this article to every parent to educate them about their child’s depression
and how to face it.


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