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7 (a) Table 7.1 shows the deficiency diseases of children of different ages admitted to a hospital.

Table 7.1

number of children
deficiency 0–12 13–24 25–36 37–48 49–60
disease months months months months months
kwashiorkor 19 16 3 1 1
marasmus 48 24 2 0 0

(i) Describe the general trends seen in Table 7.1.




..................................................................................................................................... [2]

(ii) A total of 212 children were admitted to the hospital.

Calculate the percentage of these children with kwashiorkor.

.......................................................% [2]

(b) Treatment of kwashiorkor and marasmus includes an increase of one particular nutrient in
the diet.

State the name of this nutrient.

............................................................................................................................................. [1]

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(c) Fig. 7.1 is a photograph of a person with a deficiency disease called rickets.

Fig. 7.1

State and explain the cause of the appearance of the person shown in Fig. 7.1.




............................................................................................................................................. [2]

(d) Describe the importance of fibre in the diet.


............................................................................................................................................. [1]

(e) A diet containing too much fat can cause coronary heart disease.

State two other risk factors for coronary heart disease.

1 ................................................................................................................................................

2 ................................................................................................................................................

[Total: 10]

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1 Fig. 1.1 is a diagram of the alimentary canal and associated organs.




Fig. 1.1

(a) Use the letters in Fig. 1.1 to identify a

site of protease secretion, ........................

site of bile production. ........................


(b) Describe how bile aids digestion.




(c) The wall of the small intestine is covered in villi.

Explain the importance of the villi that line the small intestine.




(d) Crohn’s disease is a long-term disease that causes inflammation and damage to the small

Suggest one long-term effect of Crohn’s disease if it is left untreated.



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1 (a) The lining of the small intestine is covered with villi.

Fig. 1.1 shows a cross-section of a villus.


Fig. 1.1

(i) Using the letters A, B, C and D in Fig. 1.1, identify the part where

fat is absorbed, ................................

glucose enters the blood stream. ................................


(ii) Explain how the shape of the villus is related to its function.




(b) Fats are an important part of the diet.

State the smaller basic units that make up fats.


(c) Describe how bile aids the breakdown of fats.




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(d) A person eats too much fat in their diet. One of the consequences of this is obesity.

Suggest a disease that can be caused by too much fat in the diet.


(e) One way to reduce the risk of obesity is to reduce the amount of fat eaten.

Suggest one other way to reduce the risk of obesity.



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7 Fig. 7.1 shows an X-ray of a molar tooth.

Fig. 7.1

(a) Identify the parts labelled A, B and C in Fig. 7.1.

A ...............................................................................................................................................

B ...............................................................................................................................................

C ...............................................................................................................................................

(b) Consuming sugary food and drinks can increase the risk of tooth decay.

Describe, in detail, the process of tooth decay.





............................................................................................................................................. [3]

(c) Describe the role of teeth in terms of mechanical digestion.


............................................................................................................................................. [1]
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(d) Chemical digestion also occurs in the mouth.

Describe the role of enzymes in the chemical digestion that occurs in the mouth.





............................................................................................................................................. [3]

[Total: 10]

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1 Two experiments were set up as in Fig. 1.1. The apparatus is a model of the digestion and For
absorption of starch in the alimentary canal. Examiner's

glass rod

visking tubing


starch and amylase

Fig. 1.1

The piece of “visking tubing” represents the alimentary canal. The visking tubing is a
selectively permeable membrane, which allows smaller molecules to pass through it but not
larger molecules.

In experiment 1, the liquid inside the visking tubing was starch solution.

In experiment 2, this liquid was a mixture of starch solution and amylase solution.

Both experiments were left for one hour. After this time, the liquid inside the visking tubing
and the water in the beaker were each tested with iodine solution and with Benedict’s

The results are shown in Table 1.1.

Table 1.1

experiment liquid tested test colour obtained conclusion

inside visking iodine test

tubing Benedict’s test blue
water in the iodine test brown
beaker Benedict’s test blue

inside visking iodine test brown

tubing Benedict’s test red
water in the iodine test brown
beaker Benedict’s test red

(a) (i) Fill in the colour that was obtained for the top row of the Table 1.1. [1]

(ii) In the top row of the last column of the table, state what can be concluded from
this result. [1]

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(iii) Fill in the remainder of the last column of Table 1.1, stating in each case whether For
starch or sugar is present or absent. [2] Examiner's

(b) (i) Explain what the results from experiment 2 tell you about the effect of amylase on
starch molecules.


(ii) What do the results from experiment 2 tell you about the ability of sugar
molecules to pass through the visking tubing?

Explain your answer.


(c) For the experiment shown in Fig. 1.1,

(i) state which part of the alimentary canal is represented by the visking tubing,


(ii) state what the beaker of water represents.


(d) Using the results of these experiments, explain why starch needs to be digested in the
alimentary canal.


© UCLES 2013 0654/61/O/N/13 [Turn over

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