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Poinciplon of Mawnagememt

COTNplex issueN ielatecd

to cdiscni mnatiM One o maj 10ad blocf
Succ esS of Un
cngunizoaticn. Tn the
menucmecl, Ramorn ho 1stn
munagen at ReliGunçe -Jio-Mont 1s
fai ng the SAme Kird of
1SSDe a0
memtioMecl above. As
these 15s0a ane pifocnitu tared ba
ne pmisocnng
mincoty Umpioyecs in Reliamce Jio-Mant, Raman snauel taRt
Cortain Mu to addness thin
pnobiera, uihion willbe ohao

0U pnopen empoyee 1edessal thienvamce

system nut be put in place to
addiess tne issueA facrd
bg the emplonyee in the compam. LEtn
Uinployta tinmiy beieve that dison iminarti cm is
langely prevalemtinthe
Compny, tnun this
mau not jurt affror it's ncpufration but it will aBo
affet the suctestul wmting of the
cmpcuny moving fowand
A qoo d teed badh System mue
b undentakem by hamam
Undto stwnduna tht uiws 0t the emplyee gne Ramam a mne
Cnon pnspective
aiye of the disoininostion Piedaitnq
wrthin the
Lwyina doun cUtain quideline thrt hndi the qcftiurtia of

imi0otion, 0 the COmpamy tuould De

DUmetician. Te tnoe
9uideNin ane not tollaWtc, *nn aiec epunoasiom u) il be
Tutd by the defautten
Apiapen euand-incecrtiue Systerm Casm be usnderstnKern b3
D c t t t n e pnfrnnanc e of eacm oftne esiplnyeeb, Htten eva

diecic wno
PoonnaMce of cacm of the emplautca, Romam Con
this will be
dennue mne fainen wage tham the othen emplonyro,

ninabon by
Moe Junt equitabie ethod of ncducing dis
of eacn of tne empiyees
Weighing the pufomamce
disiminati om Omong the
) An othen wang to ednuce

thavel padkagea, p70u"J

mpioyee 1S t0o offn them heatth incetiuC,
in he emplcuen senme ot
Odnes,etc. Whion
belongingness thin the cOmpamy amd subs equerirtiy
wn K perfaMemce
eTD piyrth by moriuafting thom to upiftthein

and0 the Sucs of the ongauni zgtign.

amd COTEibute Dne t

Condou oting an annuol Meeting cn a mcmthly nMertingto

wuld be idral a b n s
T0tiuyeot tne woning one cmocsn
would 9Ue am an an extematuc looK iMo the phoblenta
COwrEed by the cCnpauny, ama. yill Simurtamroniy.hetp Rasmam
to cOme wp with junntieUbie mcanunen to dutcome thoa iss uC

T aden toin prove the opeatUnal ett(enco0fmy

will pe suggntin CevtatN COntio tod, whiom will
be a
Since the CO pan 15 a pnoject baned (GmpounJ, * wvtn cadhu

wold IKe to (aecitc a 6ysten

P ot DEg wDiqbe, I
eiune t i r t
depani tentation baned on the pmoject thS

taon P o j noje1S Catened. to s pecrtican 1 exeduero

ttrotiu Cn tne
tne bani
bni of
to eTnpiy
mpioyeen een on
of ne poy
e t i ieno
would impmeve
thn shilU2 (xpntise honed to Ca
cam e the 5 KiI
Oc Uhe empioyeia anca ot expen
meetn then
taK whin
Ou i a t Spegfic
Thin will suppont bmootn funotioning efffiuene

CRM would be 1deu to impnove tne

Hdopung e n u 1 n O n m e n t t h a t

smooth wnKing
Imtegnasting a
of the C pany. CUtomens

nelauon witd ttin

the building of good
aci litata Cam
to 9ow 05 now the company
an nealy heip the company
the itnurts of the austomens
fonation gancling
dis liKe about the
iKe about tDe Pho0ot, uhat thy
whot they
wllrthen Ue
tne tompamy an inmignt into
p1odudt, etc., will give
cut taking now i s t u r t f u l o Should thy
appoacn tney
a COmpletely ditfencmt appnoocin
und etaKing
un dortaKing
Stuctune wuid De helpfulto
King an nganiAatiCMal
Cmaerta wnin ne
wrmin tNe
n i e wold be Snae of mden
tne comp amy
twill avoicl tne scatto
A mop chaln of cCmncunc
Mens of uK that
nuauy pivail when thene isnt a mop
Comna d to nepent to

DSig Mng a sepenate fo eadn

poect manag ey P0J
old taçirtate the eane in the ccm pirti on 0 tnt Ua1 p10)edits

undengo1ng 10 the Com amy. ThMS would alsSo SMo-tDon he u) iR

ooK ioAal
Of He top managerm enmt an hey have wll aw na
ponts baned Om eadn pnojet nthen tham g0ng tmugh

epott whiom necstn a ot, of conrfunicn fonthe top Manageh

F o m tht a negionel Standand, 0nganiaticnalStnueru
Oustom.on bast. but
Fiint n rt deao wth a Smal pnopntim of

COTmp ani a divns y hein op enotiona t beromea veny dftiourt

MGintoin a Standandize d O1ganiA0tiOmal stuctune hots why

Mulinational cM panie mefen to hme a moe decetoliatd.

0 tnoy hove to meet Ene ising nttds

01gm130ti Unal stnustune

0f tne Muldpie Ctome b a a situasted in yanioa Contnio ail

the wold.. Tt becomea Uny drtf intt fon (Maltinatiunal Companies

to Gpaate thiough a d ceTrtnalized. ongamizationdl stugeune, Adopt

decentalizatiom to an tent. 1s 1deal, b ut yu o benusmd crtam

maitintignal cempamer
imits t uld be vny dittitult fon

Opate this wold ead to Cen piex 19UNCWA wCNKings

to urtnational
be diffionult fon
tnt COm pasny which wUld
tt compam y
openatimn of
COMpaM t0 MOnitn Contno, Tne

w d
id 90 Dery ond its (Omtol.
SecIOn- B (S
ntnodnictim Thi cane looKinto the uniounpog1ams th

Col the
pany TIC hoa undtaKe to bo95t nunal denelopmeint i
Alld ttoncny. Tnae pno0anam fauutoten tne women.
0 t a bg 9iuing thom inuotment n u thple a enu a to hont

n ontt neatly impnove the woking candrti Ot in sudn nuna


fnobien any of he people in suon nunal aneaa aae liong btle

ne poventy line, t Bm sucn pnoqnamb i e sig nrticant c

COTtnibutea totnein livelinoocL 0 a lange wO.LacK af

ds en cAS IS amajn disaep am ou tne compcmy Munt tochit
02a ne people In SDch w a l pats dot hove adtquate Knowlrdgt

i pn0gnamea tednaiquea LtC unts to
Dpiem enrt

HOaiS The Runal Depelopmemt pn6qnOUmne ¥nom he cagivn

0 langtly Deen a Succorful uentune wnn We loor *om tne Ptsp rertioe

0t tne 1N unasl one a

pople ne pmognamme ha aceelearttd
U a outopmemt in anancl Ka0 illagh by tonnin9 u
thewnmens animan nun beundn,
qemenating altenatiue
InCome, pomoti ng heanth 3 yQIeme 10i1atiuctune denel opntnt,
tc The com paun y haaieal y bemefi ttel om thepletnoa
0t nunal an
pi ence tney have ganaeirel thtougn 1urtin9 n

ne om en's Economit EmpowenMeire Paogncirne w aunnrc o9 TIC

to b0ost the iNceme srtuatrd
qun en ating capasbititiea ot tne uo
n unol (neao. The chf
hiqniugnt of this p1ogncunhe 1s it
W omn 10 Unal nca 0m opportnit to 10rtiote Uein dwn

MiCo eMt nprisen , that wjill elavate the nunal l0in stundenda a

well Self-Help Grrups (SHG) ane ano peneritted from udn a pognon

n o they can acquine cetain manKet pnod t s hom this p1og10m unrco

S T a t inttntDt to the qual people Wone0 doe totis pn09Un

tnom thi
CCAUM ndD Call thomatlv9a Ome d otoib utons. me tanning
of thue wOmesn lioe belo
P0gam S neall9 veny mpontaot 0 mang

tne BPL. This inItiatiue 1S0 t bemtfia fo the cennuTDnS

IS aUo benefiian for LTC.

Recomm ndrtiom Aatnen than jut oNng onsphene such aThe

WOm em s Ermomic mpou Ciment hognamme", ITC

SnOuid nO

Sudn a eadn en mOn ane

diutnsi t o Uninia SpDa

given a Moltitude of 0p portumtita to wakon.

C c a s n also dinrotly Cam anb0 dinecrzlu Cmtbure

devel op Ment 0t Suon Unal aneas

Couid a0 ertablISh Snoo College in uiucn qunalanas

thaft coutd tani ty accelen ate th ei devetopment
netthat the
COmoLSI ONLnom the cane o yem, we can eamly itsipet

URal aNran hanve neally bnefitted hom

tne paognammea unds
ha aao helpea neloed TrC yen tpe conunse of
TC. It
10/trutiUS, T naD
fnom Ducn
a b e 9annecdl a lot of (xpniesnce.

Mamagemnt anpeot
Cuntomey Aelat1connip
P imptemt a

Wne dintotec

NENy paoaname Da Ql the pnognasmmeA

tO ea Un ftuatea
of tnun o tCn dis
UmI ze Meet the van icn nce eda

n a l oNtaD, AI in all, tnese vemtun havemoyemto Dttut

ot Lndia.
in nuna) pants
O n botnITC Omd thein custoDens

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