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Name: ____________________________ Rating:_____________

Section: ______________ Date: ______________

Module 2 Activity 1

Answer the following questionnaire. (adapted from Bradford University) Put a check in
the column that best describes what is true to you.


Always Sometimes Never Your

(10) (5) (0) Score

1 I exert effort to find out why I need to do a

particular task.

2 I reward myself when I work.

3 I see to it that I give myself regular breaks

from work.

4 I am able to keep my concentration and

does not let my mind “drift away.”

5 I have ways of dealing with distractions.

6 I am willing to do the work I do not enjoy

because I see it as important.

7 I seek clarification from the teacher about her

expectations and standards.

8 I go to tutorials to improve my school work.


Always Sometimes Never Your

(10) (5) (0) Score

1 I make a weekly timetable for the school

work I need to accomplish.

2 I make a review schedule for examinations.

3 I plan to get the necessary resources and

equipment prior to starting work.

4 I submit all my assignments on time.

5 I have a place to work where I won't be |


6 I have time for family commitments and

relaxation as well as studying.

7 I prioritize tasks which should be done first,

second and so on.

8 I make lists of things to do.

9 I make a list of valuable references with

bibliographic details, page numbers of
quotes and so on.

10 I review my work before submitting it.


Always Sometimes Never Your

(10) (5) (0) Score

1 I discuss work assignments with other


2 I share resources with other students.

3 I keep cuttings from newspapers and

magazines which may be of help to me.
4 I make sure I see TV programs which may
be useful.

5 I read the topic assigned before a session.

6 I ask questions and generally take part in

group discussions

7 I listen out for key ideas when someone is


8 When I am listening to someone, I try to

anticipate what they will say next.


Always Sometimes Never Your

(10) (5) (0) Score

1 I get so worried about assignments that they

make me feel ill.

2 This worry about assignments makes me

feel depressed.

3 I feel miserable about doing assignments.

4 I let these concerns about the work get on

top of me.

5 When I need to work, others always succeed

in persuading me to go out.

6 I have difficulty in talking to others about my


7 I ignore my personal fitness through worrying

about assignments.

8 The stress of assignments causes me to get

behind and I never seem to catch up.

Always Sometimes Never Your

(10) (5) (0) Score

1 My notes indicate the main ideas, rather

than merely repeat what has been said.

2 I listen for key ideas when listening to a


3 I approach tutors for help.

4 I organize or file my notes regularly.

5 I re-write my notes under key ideas,

headings, using numbering or lettering

6 I have a shorthand technique of my own.

7 I underline or highlight key ideas so they

stand out.

8 I decide before reading a book whether it is

vital or background reading.

9 I go over a book before diving into chapter


10 I check the contents page for relevance

before reading a book.

11 I look for summaries at the end of chapters.


Always Sometimes Never Your

(10) (5) (0) Score

1 I see to it that I understand what is really

being asked for in the assignment/project.

2 I read other references and read about the

3 I make an outline/plan before doing my

4 I check for spelling mistakes.

5 My essays have clear introductions.

6 My essays have a conclusion.

7 I frequently check back to the title during

the writing of an essay.

8 My essay/research paper has a full set of

references and a bibliography.

9 I review project/assignment before

submitting it

10 I request someone else to look at/read my

project/assignment before submitting it.

The six parts of the questionnaire pertain to the following aspects of study habits:
Part 1 Motivation
Part 2 Organizing and planning your work
Part 3 Working with others; Utilizing resources and feedback
Part 4 Managing school work stress
Part 5 Note-taking and reading
Part 6 Preparing an assignment/project

Use the scoring guide below

Scoring for Part 1 Motivation

Score: 10 for Always
5 for Sometimes
0 for Never

Feedback: © Scores from 55 to 80 mean that you do not appear to have many
problems in getting down to work and keeping to it.
© Scores from 31 to 50 mean that you sometimes get down to work but
you can be distracted, you might not always be certain why you have to
work. You probably could benefit from learning some techniques that help
you get down to work more consistently and keep at it.
© Scores of 30 and below signify that you really do have problems in
getting down to work. Unless you develop skills in this area you are likely
to have many unsatisfactory experiences as a student throughout your life.
You need to take action.

Scoring for Part 2 Organizing and Planning your Work

Score: 10 for Always
5 for Sometimes
0 for Never

Feedback: © Scores from 70 to 100 mean you are well-organized and plan
ahead for your work.
© Scores from 40 to 65 mean you are not as well-organized as
you can be. Your time management may benefit from a closer analysis
© Scores of 35 and below mean you have little organization, probably deal
with things as they happen, constantly doing things at the last minute,
often not getting work completed.
You need to take action.

Scoring for Part 3

Score: 10 for Always
5 for Sometimes
0 for Never

Feedback: © Scores from 55 to 85 mean you make full use of resources

available, listen well and take an active part in seminars.
© Scores from 35 to 50 mean you probably collect resources, but you
need to ask yourself how to use them more effectively.
© Scores of 30 and below mean there are important resources around you
that you are ignoring. You may not be hearing much of what is being said.
You need to know what resources are available, and you need to find out
where they are and what they have to offer.
You need to take action.

Scoring for Part 4 Managing School Work Stress

Score: 10 for Never
5 for Sometimes
0 for Always

Feedback: © Scores from 65 to 80 mean that although you sometimes get stressed
and worried you have the skills of knowing how to minimize problems and
look after yourself.
© Scores from 40 to 65 mean that you handle your anxieties and concerns
moderately well but could develop skills to manage them more effectively.
© Scores of 35 and under mean that you are likely to get overwhelmed
with your problems which will make you much less effective as a student.
You need to acquire the skills of managing stress more effectively.
You need to take action.

Scoring for Part 5 Note-taking and Reading

Score: 10 for Always
5 for Sometimes
0 for Never

Feedback: © Scores from 75 to 110 mean you prepare well and read
efficiently, learning as you go. You waste little time reading irrelevant
© Scores from 45 to 70 mean your reading and note taking skills are
adequate, but could be improved.
© Scores of 40 and below mean your notes are likely to be of little use to
you, if they exist at all. You spend a lot of time reading or sitting in but
come home with very little. You need to become more selective in what
you read or write down.
You need to take action.

Scoring for Part 6 Preparing an Assignment/Project.

Score: 10 for Always
5 for Sometimes
0 for Never

Feedback: © Scores from 70 to 100 mean that your essays are well thought
out, researched and clearly written.
© Scores from 40 to 65 mean that there is room for improvement
although you do demonstrate some skills.
© Scores of 35 and below mean that you probably wonder why your
essays always get such low marks. Resources and support are available
to help you improve your essay writing skills.
Take action now.


My Score in the Study Habits Questionnaire

Aspect of Study Habits My Score Interpretation

Part 1 Motivation

Part 2 Organizing and

Planning Your Work

Part 3 Working with Others,

Utilizing Resources and

Part 4 Managing School

Work Stress

Part 5 Note-taking and


Part 6 Preparing an

What did you discover about yourself using this questionnaire? What aspects are you
strong in? What aspects do you need to improve in?





Lucas, M.R., Corpuz, B. (2014). Facilitating Learning: A Metacognition Process.

Lorimar Publishing, Quezon City.

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