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BSBMGT516: Task 2

 When you finish this task, save the document as a WORD file to use if needed for reassessment.
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For this task, you will have to look at a problem that exists in a workplace and then
lead a team of staff members to come up with possible ways of investigating the
issue and putting in place continuous improvements processes to overcome it.

When completing this task, you will need to show your understanding of this unit.
You will be expected to apply the theory of the unit as you create your own
processes. You will not be assessed on the ideas themselves, but how you lead the
team in doing this.

You have two options for completing this assessment. (ONLY USE ONE OF THE

Option A: - Use your own situation

Think about your current workplace that has a particular issue that causes
problems for staff or customers. Imagine you are a manager and you have
been chosen to lead a team of three other staff members that must come up
with continuous improvement processes to overcome this issue and ways of
implementing these changes.

Although you are leading the team, you need to encourage your team to take
ownership of the continuous improvement process and to think of ways that
they can improve the business

There are various strategies that you believe may lead to improvement, but
you are aware that the ideas need to come from the team rather than being
imposed by you.

Option B: - A given case study

You will be provided with a scenario of a workplace issue (see below) in a

business that causes problems for staff or customers. You have been chosen to
lead a team of three other staff members that must come up with continuous
improvement processes to overcome it and ways of implementing these

BSBMGT516T2RI 20/1/2020 to be reviewed 20/1/2021

If you choose to complete OPTION B – use the scenario below when completing the
task questions.

You are the manager of Fashion First - a ladies fashion clothing shop in a major shopping centre.
You are competing with franchises such as Sussan, Sportsgirl and Katies on the same floor of the
centre. Rental in this prime retail location is high and sales turnover is critical to survival of the
shop. The shop is doing OK but needs to increase its market share in comparison with franchises.
In order to do this, you need to establish a “point of difference” that will build and maintain a loyal
customer base.
You have a team of 3 retail assistants.
You need to encourage your team to take ownership of the continuous improvement process,
thinking of ways that they can improve customer service standards and the quality of displays so
as to continuously improve sales turnover.
There are various strategies that you believe may lead to improvement, but you are aware that
the ideas need to come from the team rather than being imposed by you.

2.1 Which option are you using?

a. Option A: Give a detailed description of the issue in your workplace (must be 150 – 250 words).
NOTE: if choosing Option B, do not answer this part.

b. Option B: If choosing Option B, write OPTION B below.

Now continue this assessment based on the option you chose (A or B)

2.2 You have some of your own ideas about how to improve the issue, but you understand that you need to
encourage your team to take ownership of the continuous improvement process and that it is important for ideas to
come from your group.
What are three strategies you can use to make sure that your three team members are actively encouraged to
participate in decision making processes, assume responsibility and exercise initiative? And how would you support
your staff in each area to help them do it
Strategy you will use (50-100 words) Support you will give staff (50-100 words)

2.3 Once your team has come up with some possible ideas to improve the workplace issue, what are zzzzzzz

BSBMGT516T2RI 20/1/2020 to be reviewed 20/1/2021

2.4 List two ways you will provide effective mentoring and coaching processes to make sure that your team members
are able to implement and support the changes that are necessary from your teams plan to solve the problem? (100
words each)

2.5 Now that everyone in the business is aware of the changes that need to be made to improve the business, it is
important to collect information on how the changes are effecting the business (are they work, or are they even being
a. List at least five types of information that could be collected to monitor the effectiveness of the change and how
you would collect the information
Type of information How would you collect the information
E.g Customer complaints E.g By looking the percentage increase or decrease in
customer complaints

b. Explain how you would you store this information in a knowledge management system.

2.6 As the leader of the team, how would you monitor the team and identify ways that the team or business could
a. Monitor:

b. Identify ways to improve:

2.7 Now that the change is happening and you are monitoring the effects of the change, you will be getting a good
idea if the changes are working and what other processes may need to change.
a. What are two ways that you could make adjustments to processes in the business?

b. List three different ways that you can keep stakeholders informed about this?

2.8. As you work through the changes needed to improve the problem, you have been collecting information about
the effectiveness of them. As the team leader, it is your responsibility to keep your three team members informed

BSBMGT516T2RI 20/1/2020 to be reviewed 20/1/2021

about how things are going.
a. List two ways you will give your team feedback on their outcomes of the continuous improvement efforts. (50-100
words each)

b. Explain two ways you will keep a record of how each team member is performing in achieving these outcomes?
(50 -100 words each)

2.9 The owner of the company is very happy with the way that you led your team through the process of continuous
improvement. Your final task in the process is to explain how you would use lessons learnt from this process to help
the business make other future improvements.
List three ways that you could use lessons learnt in this process, to help future continuous improvement.

BSBMGT516T2RI 20/1/2020 to be reviewed 20/1/2021

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