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Written Part -40

1. "The Dying Buriganga River"

One of the sources of water in our country are rivers and buriganga is one of them but the river
is dying day by day.The Buriganga is dying because of pollution. Huge quantities of toxic
chemicals and wastes from mills and factories, hospitals and clinics and households and other
establishments are dumped into the river every day. The city of Dhaka discharges about 4500
tons of solid waste every day according to the Department of the Environment (DoE). Moreover,
20,000 tons of tannery wastes, including some highly toxic materials, are released into the river
every day. We humans have successfully killed one of our rivers.Unless we take care of our
rivers there may come a time when our rivers will no longer be a blessing for us. It is high time
to take action against these risks.

2. What is personification ? example

Ans: Personification is a kind of metaphor in which you describe an inanimate object, abstract
thing, or non-human animal in human terms. It is used to create more interesting and engaging
scenes or characters
That piece of chocolate cake is calling my name.

Chocolate cake doesn’t have the ability to call after someone, but we use personification to
express the feeling of desire and hunger“calling our name.”

3. I love to rise in the summer morn……

Ans: "I love to rise in the summer morn……O what a sweet company!" these lines are taken
from the poem 'The School Boy' and it is written by William Blake a famous English poet.

"The School Boy" is a poem written in the pastoral tradition that focuses on the downsides of
formal learning and our traditional school snatches all the joy or sign of creativity from a school

4. How to minimize the chance of getting infected by Corona ….

1. Getting vaccinated as soon as it’s one's turn and follow local guidance on vaccination.
2. Keeping social distance, Avoid crowds and close contact from people.
3. Wearing a properly fitted mask regularly in public places where maintaining social
distance is tough.
4. Cleaning hands frequently with sanitizer or soap and water.
5. Covering mouth and nose with a bent elbow or tissue when coughing or sneezing.
6. Avoiding touching eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
7. If one has symptoms or tests positive for COVID-19, self-isolating until recovery.
8. Doing physical exercise to maintain a healthy immune system.
9. Taking balanced food and maintaining good food habits to be a healthy person.
10. Cleaning high touch surfaces daily. This includes tables, doorknobs, light switches,
handles, desks, phones, keyboards, toilets and sink.

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