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Section: NG

1. A man in his early 70s, was having problems chewing his food. He was asked to stick
out his tongue. It deviated to the right, and its right side was quite wasted. What cranial
nerve was impaired?

The cranial nerve that was impaired is the twelfth cranial nerve which is the
hypoglossal. The hypoglossal nerve is a nerve that is considered as motor nerve which
is responsible for the tongue muscles.

2. Mr. X is the star of his hometown hockey team. During the game, he is walloped on
his backside with a hockey stick so hard that he hits the ice. When he tried to get up, he
is unable to flex his left hip or extend his left knee, but he has no pain Which nerve has
been damaged?

The femoral nerve, which originates at lumbar vertebrae one, two, three, and four
experienced trauma by the hockey stick. The femoral motor nerve innervates the rectus
femoris muscle, which is only one of four quadriceps muscles that cause both hip joint
flexion and knee joint extension. This nerve is also responsible for cutaneous sensation
in that area. Clancy is not feeling any pain which further indicates femoral nerve
damage. (Holt, 2009)

3. Mr. X was accidentally struck in the head with a baseball bat. He fell to the ground,
unconscious. Later, when he regained consciousness, he was unable to remember any
of the events that happened during the 10 minutes before the accident. Explain.

A severe blow to the head is likely to cause loss of consciousness lasting

seconds up to months. A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury caused by a
bump, blow, or jolt to the head or by a hit to the body that causes the head and brain to
move rapidly back and forth wherein, effects may include headaches and problems with
concentration, memory, balance and coordination fortunately these effects are usually
temporary. Mr. X being hit by the baseball bat caused him to lose consciousness and
caused the brain to have concussion which caused his memory loss. If the gravity and
Section: NG

extent of the damage is not severe Mr. X may expect to gain his memory back very
soon or never. Medical providers may describe a concussion as a “mild” brain injury
because concussions are usually not life-threatening. Even so, the effects of a
concussion can be serious (What is Concussion, 2019).

Holt, E. (2009). Chapter 7. Retrieved September 18, 2021, from

(2019). What is Concussion. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved September 18, 2021,

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