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Table of Contents

The Artificer (Revised...Again) 3

Appendix A: Class Customization 20
Class Features .......................................................................4 Multiclassing ............................................................................... 20
Portable Forge ...............................................................................4 Alternate Invention Rules .........................................................20
Magical Analysis ........................................................................... 5
Spellcasting ....................................................................................5 Appendix B: Crafting Rules 21
Artificer Specialization ................................................................5
Artificial Augments .......................................................................5 Clarifications for the Portable Forge ......................................21
Wondrous Invention ..................................................................... 5 Crafting an Item ..........................................................................21
Tool Expertise ................................................................................6 Magical Item Crafting ................................................................21
Abiliy Score Improvement .......................................................... 6 Brewing Potions of Healing ..................................................... 21
Magical Infusion ............................................................................6 Poisons ......................................................................................... 21
Artificer's Affinity .......................................................................... 6
Animated Artifice ..........................................................................6 Appendix C: Artificer Spell List 22
Soul of Artifice ...............................................................................6
Artificer Specializations .......................................... 7 Credits .....................................................................................22
Alchemist ........................................................................................7
Runewright .....................................................................................8 Changelog ...........................................................................23
Machinist ......................................................................................10
Leadsmith .................................................................................... 12
Artificial Augments ..................................................... 13
Gnostic Concoctions ..................................................................13
Runic Inscriptions ......................................................................14
Marvelous Upgrades ..................................................................16
Thunderous Mods ...................................................................... 18

The Artificer

gnome sits hunched over a workbench,
pushing her self-made eyes of minute
seeing further up the bridge of her nose.
She tightens a cog, then affixes the finished
attachment to the chassis of a towering
mechanical man, its magical engine
whirring softly.
A dwarf in dark clothing steadies a long, metal pipe-
and-trigger contraption, and looks through a crystal
lens mounted atop. He views a distant tower ahead,
and then sights a single bandit lookout in front. The
dwarf grins — the bandit will feel the bite of the
bullet before he hears the crack of the gun.
An old, bearded half-orc swirls a sickly green poison
in its vial, then dips his darts into the mixture. His excite-
ment mounts, ready to test his newly brewed concoction
on any unsuspecting victim. It will be an interesting day
— even he isn't exactly sure what this potion will do...
Makers of magic-infused objects, artificers are defined
by their inventive nature. Like wizards, they see magic as
a complex system waiting to be decrypted and controlled
through a habit of thorough study. Artificers, though, focus
on creating marvelous new magical objects. Spells are often
too ephemeral and temporary for their tastes. Instead, they
seek to craft durable, useful items.
Cunning Inventors Almost every artificer has at least
Every artificer is defined by a specific craft. Artificers see one rival, someone whom they seek
mastering the basic methods of a craft as the first step to true to outdo at every turn. By the same token,
progress, the invention of new methods and approaches. artificers with similar philosophies and
Some artificers are alchemists, using their knowledge of theories band together into loose guilds. They
precious catalysts, they create potions and draughts to aid share their discoveries and work together to
them on their adventures. Other artificers are gunsmiths, verify their theories and keep ahead of their rivals.
students of warfare who craft deadly firearms that they
augment with magic. Others still are machinists, crafting
clockwork servants who carryout their needs and fight with Creating an
them on the battlefield. Alchemy, machinery, and gunsmithing Artificer
are the three most common areas of study for artificers.
All artificers are united by their curiosity and inventive When creating an artificer character, think
nature. To an artificer, magic is an evolving art with a leading about your character's background and drive
edge of discovery and mastery that pushes further ahead with for adventure. Does the character have a
each passing year. Artificers value novelty and discovery. This rival? What is the character's relation-
penchant pushes them to seek a life of adventure. A hidden ship with their mentor? Talk to your
ruin might hold a forgotten magic item or a beautifully DM about the role played by
crafted mirror perfect for magical enhancement. Artificers artificers in the campaign, and
win respect and renown among their kind by uncovering new what sort of organizations
lore or inventing new methods of creation. and NPCs to which you
might have ties.
Intense Rivalries
The artificers’ drive to invent and expand their knowledge
creates an intense drive to uncover new magic discoveries. Handbook References
An artificer who hears news of a newly discovered magic The Player's Handbook — PHB
item must act fast to get it before any rivals do. Dungeon Master's Guide — DMG
Xanathar's Guide to Everything — XGtE


The Artificer
— Spell Slots —
Proficiency Artificial Spells
Level Bonus Augments Features Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
1st +2 — Portable Forge, Magical Analysis — — — — — —
2nd +2 1 Spellcasting, Artificer Specialization 3 2 — — — —
3rd +2 1 Tool Expertise, Wondrous Invention 4 3 — — — —
4th +2 2 Ability Score Improvement 4 3 — — — —
5th +3 2 Specialization feature, Magical Infusion, Magic Crafting 5 4 2 — — —
6th +3 3 Artificer's Affinity, Wondrous Invention 5 4 2 — — —
7th +3 3 Specialitization feature 6 4 3 — — —
8th +3 4 Ability Score Improvement 6 4 3 — — —
9th +4 4 — 7 4 3 2 — —
10th +4 5 Inventive Expertise, Specialization feature 7 4 3 2 — —
11th +4 5 Wondrous Invention 8 4 3 3 — —
12th +4 5 Ability Score Improvement 8 4 3 3 — —
13th +5 6 — 9 4 3 3 1 —
14th +5 6 Specialization feature 9 4 3 3 1 —
15th +5 6 Wondrous Invention 10 4 3 3 2 —
16th +5 7 Ability Score Improvement 10 4 3 3 2 —
17th +6 7 Animated Artifice 11 4 3 3 3 1
18th +6 7 Specialization feature 11 4 3 3 3 1
19th +6 8 Ability Score Improvement 12 4 3 3 3 2
20th +6 8 Wondrous Invention, Soul of Artifice 12 4 3 3 3 2

Quick Build
You can make an artificer quickly by following these Equipment
suggestions. First, make Intelligence your highest ability You start with the
score, followed by Dexterity or Constitution. Second, choose following equipment, in
the guild artisan or sage background. addition to the equipment
granted by your background:
Class Features (a) a light hammer or (b) any simple weapon
As an artificer, you have the following class features. (a) a light crossbow and 20 bolts, or (b) 20 darts
(a) a scholar's pack or (b) a dungeoneer's pack
Hit Points Any two tools of your choice
Hit Dice: 1d8 Leather armor, a component pouch, and a dagger
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution Portable Forge
modifier per artificer level after 1st
Part of the reason that you have become an artificer is
Proficiencies because you are a prodigy with craft; you've learned how to
Armor: Light armor construct items on-the-go. At 1st level, you can craft non-
Weapons: Club, dagger, handaxe, light hammer, quarterstaff, magical items twice as quickly, and can use rests during
light crossbow, dart, blowgun, hand crossbow adventuring time to make progress in crafting an item.
Tools: Tinker's Tools, plus one of your choice To craft an item while adventuring, you can spend a short
Saving Throws: Constitution, Intelligence rest working on the item. You will not benefit from a short
Skills: Choose three from Arcana, History, Investigation, rest (using Hit Dice, etc) if you use this feature.
Medicine, Nature, Perception, and Sleight of Hand
During an adventure, two short rests spent using this feature Spellcasting Ability
count as one day of downtime. Therefore, a nonmagical item Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your artificer
that costs 100 gp can be completed in one workweek, or ten spells; your understanding of the theory behind magic allows
short rests, rather than 2 workweeks of downtime. you to wield these spells with superior skill. You use your
Other individuals can't help you if you attempt to craft an Intelligence whenever an artificer spell refers to your
item using this feature. spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Intelligence
This feature assumes the adoption of the rules specified in modifier when setting the saving throw DC for an artificer
the section Crafting an Item in XGtE (p.128), which is also spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.
found in Appendix B: Crafting Rules. However, your DM may
have different rules for crafting non-magical items in your Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
campaign. Discuss crafting for your game with your DM to Intelligence modifier
amend this feature as appropriate to your campaign.
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your
Magical Analysis Intelligence modifier
Starting at 1st level, you know the cantrip mending, and can Ritual Casting
cast it as a bonus action. You can cast any artificer spell you know as a ritual if that
Also starting at 1st level, your understanding of magic spell has the ritual tag.
items allows you to analyze and understand their secrets. You
know the artificer spells detect magic and identify, but you Spellcasting Focus
can only cast them as rituals. You don’t need to provide a You can use an arcane focus (chapter 5 in the PHB) as a
material component when casting identify with this feature. spellcasting focus for your artificer spells.
In addition, when you perform an identify ritual with a
magical item equal to or less than your level of crafting, you Artificer Specialization
may also attempt to glean the formula included in the making
of the item. Upon finishing the identify ritual, make an Arcana At 2nd level, you choose a specialization on which you intend
check; the DC for a common magical item is 15, and the DC to focus your magical craft: Alchemist, Runewright,
increases by 2 for every increase in rarity. Machinist, or Leadsmith, all of which are detailed at the end
On a success, you learn the formula (including components of the class description. Your choice grants you features at
and spells) required for crafting that sort of item. If the check 2nd level and again at 5th, 7th, 10th, 14th, and 18th.
fails, you may make another attempt at understanding the
item after a long rest. Artificial Augments
Through your esoteric studies, you have learned to further
Spellcasting your specialization with artificial augments. Each specializa-
As part of your study of magic, you gain the ability to cast tion includes a description of how its augments function.
spells at 2nd level. The spells you learn are limited in scope,
primarily concerned with modifying creatures and objects or Wondrous Invention
creating items. At 3rd level, you gain the use of a magic item that you have
Spell Slots
crafted. Crafting an item is a difficult task. Whenever you gain
The Artificer table shows how many spell slots you have to a magic item from this feature, it reflects long hours of study,
cast your spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of these tinkering, and experimentation that allowed you to complete
spells, you must expend a slot of the spell’s level or higher. an item of your own unique design.
You regain all expended slots when you finish a long rest. This unique item is able to copy the effects of a spell.
Choose a 1st level spell from the Wizard spell list. If the spell
requires a material component with a gold cost, you must
Spells Known of 1st Level and Higher provide that component when you complete work on the
You know three 1st-level spells of your choice from the item, and the component becomes a part of the item. If the
artificer spell list (Appendix C). spell consumes its material components, you must also
The Spells Known column of the Artificer table provide those components every time you use it.
shows when you learn more artificer spells of your The item can look however you like, as long as its form is
choice from this feature. Each of these spells appropriate for the effects of the spell. If the spell conjures a
must be of a level for which you have spell creature, the creature is considered a construct.
slots on the Artificer table. You can cast the spell from the item once per long rest.
Additionally, when you gain a level in Only you can use the item in this way.
this class, you can choose one of the art- You are assumed to work on this item in your leisure time
ificer spells you know from this feature and to finish it when you level up. You complete another item
and replace it with another spell from of your choice when you reach certain levels in this class: 6th,
the artificer spell list. The spell must 11th, 15th, and 20th level. If the item you craft replicates a
be of a level for which you have wizard spell, you must be able to cast a spell of equal level in
spell slots. order to craft the item.


Magical Crafting
Your Own Wondrous Inventions
Your inventive knowledge allows you to create magic items
Let's say you wish to invent something that mimics
the burning hands spell. An alchemist might
more quickly. Starting at 5th level, you can now craft magical
concoct a potion which, when drunk, allows the
items using the portable forge feature. Only wondrous items
user to belch a gout of fire. A runewright could may be crafted in this way, and you must still provide the
inscribe a new rune upon a simple trinket, and a appropriate formula and requisite materials to craft the item.
machinist may build a gauntlet that can be used to The rules for crafting magic items is included in Appendix B,
launch the fiery cone. A leadsmith, on the other XGtE (pp.128-129), or the DMG (pp. 128-129).
hand, may simply make a specialized pistol. Your artificer level determines the rarity of an item you are
Talk with your DM about inventive ways to make able to craft. Refer to the Magic Item Ingredients table in
your wondrous inventions unique to your Appendix B or XGtE (p. 129) to determine whether you are
character. So long as you both agree, it should able to craft a magical item.
work just fine.
Artificer's Affinity
At 6th level, you learn a special, artificer's unseen servant
spell. You can cast this spell once per long rest, and you do
If one of your Wondrous Inventions are lost or destroyed, not need to provide material components.
you can build a new one with 1 workday (8 hours per day) per The servant summoned from this casting lasts until it is
requisite artificer level, and 100 gp of raw materials per day. dispelled or its HP drops to 0, and it can use and is proficient
The new item must be a copy of the original item. with any tools that you possess and are proficient with as
well. When you are not actively commanding this servant, it
Tool Expertise will follow you within five feet.
Starting at 3rd level, choose two of your tool proficiencies. Your unseen servant may assist you in crafting non-magical
Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you items during a short rest. You can command your servant to
make that uses either of the chosen proficiencies. craft a non-magical item instead of you. The servant makes
In addition, when you make a check with any tool with progress toward crafting the item, and you still benefit from a
which you have proficiency, you may use your Intelligence short rest.
modifier in place of another ability. Also at 6th level, you can attune to up to four magic items.

Abiliy Score Improvement Inventive Expertise

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and At 10th level, you have developed expertise with your
19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice wondrous inventions. During a short rest, you can prepare
by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by one of your wondrous inventions to use again.
1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20
using this feature. Animated Artifice
At 17th level, you learn a special, artificer's animate objects
Magical Infusion spell. You can cast the spell once per long rest, with the
Starting at 5th level, when you cast an artificer spell with a following modifications: the transformations last for 1 hour
casting time of 1 action, you can increase its casting time to 1 (or until dispelled, or until the transformations drop to 0 HP),
minute. If you do so while holding a nonmagical item and you do not need to maintain concentration.
throughout the casting, you expend the spell slot, but none of Also at 17th level, you can attune to up to five magic items.
the spell’s effects occur. Instead, the spell transfers into that
item for later use if the item doesn’t already contain a spell Soul of Artifice
from this feature. This item is considered magical while it is At 20th level, your understanding of magical items is
infused with a spell. unmatched, allowing you to mingle your soul with items
Thereafter, any creature (with an Intelligence score of at linked to you. You can attune to up to six magical items at
least 6) that is holding the item can use an action to activate once. In addition, you gain a +1 bonus to all saving throws for
the item and cast the spell. The spell is cast using your every magical item to which you are currently attuned.
spellcasting ability. The creature that activated the item
controls the spell's targets and other effects. However, if the
spell has an area of effect, it is centered on the item. If the
spell requires concentration, the creature that activates the
Artificer Specializations
item maintains the concentration as if they had cast the spell. Artificers pursue a variety of specializations. The three most
When you infuse a spell in this way, it must be cast within common (if any artificer can be described as common) are
24 hours, or the spell fades and is lost. The spell will also alchemists, machinists, runewrights, and leadsmiths.
fade if you touch the item again after 8 hours.
You can have a limited number of infused spells at the
same time. The number equals your Intelligence modifier.


Alchemist You can only activate as many catalyst gems as you have
augments, and you can only have one of each concoction
To be an Alchemist is to be innovative and cunning above all prepared at a time. You prepare one of each concoction at the
else. These artificers pry into the elements of the world, end of a long rest.
theorizing formulae and concocting all sorts of elixirs and Once used, a concoction must be remade during a short
deadly poisons, which they use to slowly change the world. rest in order to use it again. You must forego the benefits of a
short rest in order to craft any concoction learned through
Bonus Proficiency this feature. An unseen servant may be commanded to craft a
When you choose this specialization at 2nd level, you gain concoction for you to gain the benefits of a short rest.
proficiency with alchemy supplies, as well as herbalism and Though many concoctions mimic the effects of spells, all
poisoner's kits. If you already have proficiency with any of effects are centered on the potion's application, and none
these tools, choose another artisan's tool of your choice. require concentration to maintain their effects.
Alchemist's Affinity Potion Prodigy
When you choose this specialization at 2nd level, you learn At 5th level, you have learned alchemical shortcuts in brewing
either the poison spray or acid splash cantrip. potions and poisons alike. You may now apply the benefits of
In addition, you can drink or administer a potion as a the portable forge feature to your potion and poison crafting.
bonus action, rather than as an action. Refer to the Magic Item Ingredients table in Appendix B, or
XGtE (p. 129) — your artificer level must be greater than the
Gnostic's Tome lowest CR Range to craft a potion of that rarity. For potions of
When you choose this specialization at 2nd level, it is healing, refer to the Potion of Healing Creation table, also in
assumed that, up to this point, you have been spending time Appendix B, or in XGtE (p.130).
during rests and downtime tinkering with your materials
working on a secret project. When you finish a long rest and Potency
level up, you have finished your project: your Gnostic's Tome. Also at 5th level, when applying a poison (including the venin
You determine your tome's appearance, how alchemical concoction) to a melee weapon, that weapon deals an
augments are recorded, etc. In addition, you have learned additional poison damage die to each strike. When applying
how to brew the Draught of Healing concoction. poison to ammunition, you can choose to apply the additional
If your tome is somehow destroyed or lost, you may poison damage die to each piece, or coat twice as many
reproduce the tome with three days of work (8 hours each pieces with one dose. If the poison does not normally deal
day) and 100 gp of raw materials (leather, vellum, etc). You damage, it now deals an additional 1d4 poison damage.
are able to recall your most recent concoctions, and by
expending the cost of each concoction (for experiments and Caduceus
tests), you can include those formulae in your tome. Starting at 7th level, you have finished constructing a unique,
simple weapon with which you are proficient: a caduceus
Alchemical Augments (rare), a magical (+0) rod, sceptre, or cane, inlaid with
When you finish writing your tome, you determine which malleable metals, and often crafted in the shape of a serpent,
alchemical augments, called concoctions, you have first or including serpentine motifs. You can craft it to deal any
discovered through your studies. Besides the Draught of weapon damage of your choice. It has the following statistics:
Healing, you learn one other concoction of your choice for Damage Weight Size Properties
your level, and add one of each to your inventory.
The Draught of Healing does not count toward your 1d6 any weapon type 3 lb. 2-4 ft length Finesse, light
number of known concoctions, and cannot be replaced by
another concoction. Whenever you learn a new concoction, In addition, the caduceus absorbs any injury poison or
you add one of its type to your inventory. healing potion applied to it. If multiple poisons or potions are
When you gain certain artificer levels, you gain additional applied, only the most recent application takes effect.
concoctions of your choice, as shown in the Artificial You can spend a full workweek and 250gp of raw materials,
Augments column of the Artificer table. Concoctions gained as well as a club or quarterstaff, to craft a new caduceus. If a
this way do not need the requisite catalyst — you have made magical club or quarterstaff is used in this process, the
a unique substitute through your studies instead. finished caduceus retains the bonus to attack and damage
Whenever you level up after 2nd level, you can add another rolls, but any other effects are lost.
concoction formula to your gnostic's tome. The concoction Poison. The caduceus applies the damage
must be of a level that you could learn at the time that you of the poison to every strike until you finish
learn it. A concoction learned in this way must be made with a short or long rest. Any other effects
the necessary catalyst. of the poison are only applied to
the first strike.
Catalysts Healing. After applying a potion
Concoctions are made possible by means of a catalyst: a of healing, you may touch up to
gemstone through which you coax pure arcane energy, two creatures with the caduceus;
transmuting a mixture of water and simple ingredients into the full effects of the potion are
unique fluids. The ingredients needed for your concoctions administered to both.
can be found in any component pouch.

Inner Panacaea Erilaz Scroll
The fumes that waft from your work with potions and When you choose this specialization at 2nd level, it is
poisons have slowly seeped into your own body and assumed that, up to this point, you have been spending time
transformed you. Starting at 10th level, you gain resistance to during rests and downtime tinkering with your materials
poison damage, and you are immune to being poisoned. working on a secret project. When you finish a long rest and
level up, you have finished your project: the Erilaz Scroll.
Master Brewer You determine the appearance of the scroll. You use this
At 10th level, and again at 18th level, you may craft an scroll to record the runes that you discover from your studies.
additional concoction by foregoing a short rest. If your scroll is somehow destroyed or lost, you may
reproduce the scroll with three days of work (8 hours each
Ouroboros day) and 100 gp of fine inks and raw materials (vellum,
Starting at 14th level, you have extensively studied many papyrus, etc). You are able to recall your most recent runes,
alchemical secrets. Add your Intelligence modifier + half your and by expending the cost of each runic inscription (for notes
artificer level to all poisons, or other concoctions that cause and tests), you can include each in your scroll.
damage, and hit points restored by potions of healing.
Runic Augments
The Philosopher's Stone When you finish writing your scroll, you determine which
You have unlocked the deepest secrets of alchemical science, runic augment, called an inscription, you have first
and discovered how to create the legendary philosopher's discovered through your studies. You add this inscription to
stone. At 18th level, you gain the use of your own stone, your erilaz scroll. You use your calligrapher's tools to inscribe
which you complete when you level up. As an action, you may these runes into your erilaz scroll, and onto weapons, armor,
use this arcane stone to manifest one of the following effects. amulets, and clothing.
Once the stone has been used a total of ten times, you must Whenever you learn a new inscription, you may inscribe it
roll a d100 after every subsequent use of the stone. On a once onto an item of the appropriate type, listed in its
1 through 5, the stone transmutes into lead and becomes description. The resulting rune remains on this item until you
permanently inert. If this occurs, you may craft a new stone inscribe that same rune on a different item.
after two workweeks (8 hours each day) and 15,000 gp of When you gain certain artificer levels, you gain additional
alchemical oils, powders of precious metals, and a gemstone runes of your choice, as shown in the Artificial Augments
worth at least 1,000 gp. column of the Artificer table. Inscriptions gained this way do
Life. You touch the stone to a willing craeture, and all not require a gold cost in fine inks when they are inscribed.
poisons, diseases, and curses are removed. The creature also Whenever you level up after 2nd level, you can add another
regains all of its hit points. The stone becomes inert until you inscription to your erilaz scroll. The inscription must be of a
finish a long rest. level that you could learn at at the time that you learn it. A
Wealth. Touch the stone to any non-magical item that is rune learned in this way must be written with the necessary
10 lb or lighter (20 lb if the item is made of lead). The item is fine ink every time it's inscribed. However, you can only have
permanently transmuted into pure gold. After the effect has as many active runes as the number of augments for your
been applied, the stone becomes inert for 1d4-1 days. artificer level. If you inscribe a rune past this number, one of
Youth. You touch the stone to any willing creature, and that your active runes, chosen at random, disappears. If the
creature's age is reduced by 3d10 years, or less if you choose. chosen rune is etched onto an object, the object is destroyed.
This effect can extend the creature's lifespan. After using the
stone in this way, the stone be-comes inert for 1d6-1 days, Ink
and you must immediately roll a d100 to see if the stone Runes are inscribed by one of two methods. The usual
transmutes into lead and becomes permanently inert. method is by using calligrapher's tools to apply the rune
using fine ink to an object. An object with an inscription
Runewright retains its effect until the same rune is inscribed again. It
takes one hour to inscribe a rune in this way.
Some artificers have become masters in the art of weaving The other way to inscribe a rune is to etch it into an object
the fabric of magic into the physical world of the multiverse. permanently. The process of etching a rune takes one
A weaver of magic of this type is called an Runewright. workday (8 hours), but does not require the use of ink. If a
rune is etched onto an item, that item must be destroyed for
Bonus Proficiency the rune to be usable again.
When you choose this specialization at 2nd level, you gain
proficiency with calligrapher's tools. If you already have this Alu Runes
proficiency, you can choose another artisan's tool. At 5th level, you have mastered the complex alu runes, which
you can inscribe onto a wand or other arcane focus.
Runic Words You can use this focus to cast the special runic bolt cantrip.
When you choose this specialization at 2nd level, you learn an This cantrip follows the casting rules for the firebolt cantrip,
exotic language (deep speech, celestial, abyssal, etc.). You use but you can choose whether it deals fire, cold, or lightning
this language to inscribe your runic magic. damage. Runic bolt follows cantrip damage progression.

If your runic focus is lost or destroyed, you may make another The process of tattooing a rune onto a creature takes one
with two days of study (8 hours each day) and 100 gp of wood workday (8 hours) multiplied by the rune's prerequisite level
and rare inks to test the proper runes to be etched onto the (minimum of 2), and the cost in fine inks to apply the rune is
wand. If you inscribe the alu runes onto a focus with multiplied by four. The effects of a tattoo are permanent. You
additional magical properties, the new runic focus retains all can tattoo a number of runes equal to twice your Intelligence
of its existing enchantments. modifier, but no creature can have more tattoos than your
At 10th level, you have learned to channel your spellcasting Intelligence modifier.
through this inscription. Using the runic focus, you may Once a rune has been applied twice in this way, you may no
expend a spell slot of the appropriate level and cast one of the longer apply it in any way, unless the body, or part of the body,
following spells: Aganazzar's Scorcher, Chaos Bolt, Ice Knife, of a creature with this tattoo is destroyed.
Lightning Arrow, or Lighting Bolt. You may cast any of these
spells at a higher level if you have the spell slots to do so. Somatic Runes
At 14th level, when you cast a spell with somatic component,
Expert Scrivener you can use your bonus action to trace a runic symbol in the
At 5th level, you have learned a myriad of esoteric secrets. air. This rune augments the spell in one of three ways.
You may now apply the benefits of the portable forge feature You must finish a short or long rest in order to use this
to your scroll crafting. Refer to the Magic Item Ingredients feature again.
table in Appendix B, or XGtE (p.129) — your artificer level Ansuz Rune. You can increase this spell's level by 1
must be greater than the lowest CR Range to inscribe a scroll without expending a higher spell slot.
of that rarity. Laguz Rune. You can maintain concentration on this spell
for a number of rounds equal to your Intelligence modifier.
Emet Rune Uruz Rune. You can increase the DC of this spell for one
At 7th level, you have discovered through your studies the round by an amount equal to your Intelligence modifier.
emet rune, an ancient inscription that gives life to non-living
material. You can etch this rune onto an amount of malleable Signature Inscription
material, like clay, that fits within a 5-foot cube. At 18th level, you have achieved such mastery over your runic
With 8 hours of work and 100 gp of material, you etch the arts that you can inscribe your favorite rune at will. Choose
emet rune and animate the material, forming an obedient any rune that does not have a prerequisite that you have
construct called a claywight. You can only have one of these recorded in your erilaz scroll. You can inscribe, etch, or tattoo
constructs at a time. You can etch this rune onto another this rune freely, without it counting toward your total number
amount of material to form a new claywight, or etch it again of augments. The time and cost of the rune still applies.
onto the old form if it was slain.
When formed , the claywight takes on the statistics found in Claywight Statistics
the Claywight table (at the end of this specialization
description). However, the construct may take any form of When you inscribe your claywight, choose the shape for it
Medium size that you choose. It obeys your commands as and use the statistics provided in the Runic Golem table. The
best it can. It rolls for initiative like any other creature, but contructs's form and other etched runes may amend these
you determine its actions, decisions, etc. If you are statistics. Hit points at first level and higher are calculated as
incapacitated or absent, it acts only to defend itself or in typical classes, and the claywight's spell save DC is your
coninue acting on any ongoing commands. spell save DC.
The claywight uses your proficiency bonus. In addition, it
adds this bonus to its AC and attack rolls, and all saving Claywight Forms
throws. It also gains proficiency in two skills of your choice. The form of your claywight determines its strengths and
The number of the claywight's hit dice is equivalent to weaknesses.
yours, and it increases its hit points accordingly. In addition,
the claywight gains one Ability Score Improvement, and Strong Form
whenever you gain an Ability Score Improvement class The claywight gains the following statistics.
feature, its abilities also improve, though Intelligence and
Charisma scores can't be improved. A Strength score of 16
Finally, you can etch into the body of the claywight any rune A Dexterity, Constitution, or Wisdom score of 13
that you know and have prepared, and it acts as a tattoo for This construct can make a single melee attak that deals
the claywightl. These etched inscriptions do not count against 1d8 bludgeoning damage
your number of inscriptions used.
If you wish to change the claywight's shape or form, you Flexible Form
must spend one workday (8 hours) to reshape the claywight The claywight gains the following statistics.
and etch the emet rune again. Reshaping the claywight in this
way removes all other etched runes on its form. A Dexterity score of 16
A Strength, Constitution, or Wisdom score of 13
Fleshwright This construct can make a single attack that deals 1d6
At 10th level, you have discovered another method of applying piercing damage; when it is formed, you decide if the
your inscriptions. Instead of other methods, you can use your attack is melee or ranged (ammunition, 20/60)
calligrapher's tools to tattoo the rune onto a creature.

Sturdy Form In addition, you can use this cantrip as a healing spell for
The claywight gains the following statistics. your mechanical marvel (described below) — your construct
instead regains Hit Points equal to half the lightning damage
A Constitution score of 16 (minimum of 1 HP). You may only use shocking grasp in this
A Strength, Dexterity, or Wisdom score of 13 way if the construct is at 0 HP.
This contruct can make a single melee attack that deals
1d10 bludgeoning or slashing damage Mechanical Marvel
When you choose this specialization at 2nd level, it is
Delicate Form assumed that, up to this point, you have been spending time
The claywight gains the following statistics. during rests and downtime tinkering with your materials to
A Wisdom score of 16 the completion of a mysterious contraption. When you finish
A Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution score of 13 a long rest and level up, you have finished your contraption:
This contruct can make a single ranged attack that deals your Mechanical Marvel.
1d8 piercing damage (ammunition, 20/60) Though magic played a part in its creation, the marvel is
not considered magical itself.
The marvel's proficiency bonus matches your own, and for
every increase in class level, the marvel increases in level and
Claywight gains an additional hit die. Additionally, whenever you gain an
ability score increase from this class, the marvel gains one as
Construct, unaligned
well, though it can't improve its Intelligence or Charisma.
Armor Class 10 + its proficiency bonus + its During a short rest, you may decide to spend the marvel's
Dexterity modifier hit dice to heal the marvel, though you must be present to
provide aid via your shocking grasp spell to power the
Shapes marvel's magical repair process. Long rests for the marvel
Monster Man Mouse follow the same rules as players.
The marvel obeys your orders to the best of its ability. In
Size large medium small combat, it rolls its own initiave and acts on its own. When
Skills athletics athletics, acrobatics, your marvel makes an attack action, it can attack only once,
acrobatics stealth unless an upgrade specifies otherwise. The marvel's attack
Speed 40 ft. 30 ft. 25 ft. and damage type is determined by the marvel's build
(detailed at the end of the machinist description).
Hit d10 d8 d6 If the construct's HP drops to 0, it will cease to function,
Die but will automatically stabilize; casting shocking grasp on the
Limbs quadrupedal bipedal any marvel will allow it to operate again. However, the marvel
may be destroyed in one of the following ways: the isntant
death rule (PHB p.197), or by sustaining total damage up to
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA half its maximum HP while unconscious.
If your marvel is lost or destroyed, you may reproduce the
10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 3 (-4) 9 (-1) 1 (-5) construct, exactly as it was, with three days of work (8 hours
each day) and 1,000 gp of raw materials. You may also choose
Damage Immunities poison, psychic to build a new marvel, by engaging in a full workweek (8
Condition Immunities exhaustion, charmed, hours each day), and 2,000 gp of raw materials.
poisoned, frightened, sleep
Senses passive Perception 10
Languages Creator's languages, but cannot speak Clockwork Augments
The creation of the mechanical marvel counts as your first
artificial augment. When you gain certain artificer levels, you
gain additional augments of your choice, as shown in the
Machinist Artificial Augments column of the Artificer table.
A Machinist is first and foremost a tinkerer, one who has Chassis and Build
unlocked the secrets that merge magic with the very physics When you finish building the marvel, determine its chassis
of the universe. They use their knowledge to construct type, and select a build option (detailed at the end of the
clockwork marvels to carry out their far-reaching plans. specialization description). Your construct's chassis
determines its frame and stance, but it can look however you
Bonus Proficiency like, as long as its form reflects its chassis and build.
When you choose this specialization at 2nd level, you gain
proficiency with smith's tools. If you already have this Cogs in the Machine
proficiency, choose another artisan's tool of your choice. Starting at 5th level, and whenever you level up, you can
choose one of the marvel's upgrades and replace it with
Reinvigoration another upgrade that you could learn at that level. Each
When you choose this specialization at 2nd level, you learn upgrade replaced in this way has a cost, listed in the
the shocking grasp cantrip if you don't know it already. description of the chosen upgrade.

Magic-Imbued Strikes
Starting at 7th level, your mechanical marvel's attacks count Mechanical Marvel
as magical for the purposes of overcoming resistances and Construct, unaligned
immunity from non-magical attacks and damage.
At 10th level, attacks made by your marvel increase in Armor Class 10 + its proficiency bonus + its
potency (+1 to attack and damage rolls). its attacks increase Dexterity modifier
in magical potency again at 14th level (+2 to attack and
damage rolls), and again at 18th level (+3 to attack and Chassis Types
damage rolls). Monstrous Humanoid Tiny Beasty
If the marvel already has use of magical weapons, as by the
deadly weaponry upgrade, it uses those weapon's statistics. Size large medium small
Skills athletics athletics, acrobatics,
Animated Servant acrobatics stealth
At 10th level, you learn a special, artificer's tiny servant spell. Speed 40 ft. 30 ft. 25 ft.
(XGtE pp.168-169 for the spell and stat block.)
You can cast this spell once per long rest. The servant Hit d10 d8 d6
summoned from this casting lasts until its HP drops to 0, it is Die
subjected to a dispel magic spell, you cast this spell again on Limbs quadrupedal bipedal any
a different object, or you cast your unseen servant spell.
Unless explicitly stated earlier in this description, the
animated servant follows the guidelines set out for conjured STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
familiars in the find familiar spell description (PHB p.240).
10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 3 (-4) 9 (-1) 1 (-5)
Deus ex Machina
At 14th level, if you are attacked and the attacker is within 5 Damage Immunities poison, psychic
feet of your mechanical marvel, the marvel can either impose Condition Immunities exhaustion, charmed,
disadvantage on the attack, or move to intercept the attack poisoned, frightened, sleep
and receive the damage itself. Senses passive Perception 10, darkvision 30 ft.
Languages Creator's languages, but cannot speak
Scrap Metal
At 18th level, you have become supremely familiar with your
mechanical marvel's construction. Whenever you finish a
long rest, you may choose any single Upgrade equipped to
your marvel, and replace it with any other upgrade. You do Flexible Build
not need to pay the cost in raw materials for making these The mechanical marvel gains the following statistics.
upgrades — you recycle the materials from the old upgrade
to construct the new one. A Dexterity score of 16
A Strength, Constitution, or Wisdom score of 13
Mechanical Marvel Statistics This marvel can make a single attack that deals 1d6
piercing damage; when the marvel is built, you decide if
When you construct your marvel, choose the chassis for your the attack is melee or ranged (bolt ammunition, 20/60)
marvel and use the statistics provided in the "Mechanical
Marvel" table. The marvel's build and any upgrades may Sturdy Build
overwrite these statistics except for it's Intelligence and The mechanical marvel gains the following statistics.
Charisma scores. Hit points at first level and higher are
calculated as in typical classes, and the marvel's spell save A Constitution score of 16
DC is your spell save DC. A Strength, Dexterity, or Wisdom score of 13
The marvel's appearance can be tailored to your choosing. This marvel can make a single melee attack that
deals 1d10 bludgeoning or slashing damage
Mechanical Marvel Builds
The manner in which you build your marvel is just as Intricate Build
important as its components and design. The build The mechanical marvel gains the following statistics.
determines your construct's strengths and weaknesses. A Wisdom score of 16
A Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution score of 13
Strong Build This marvel can make a
The mechanical marvel gains the following statistics. single ranged attack that deals
1d8 piercing damage (bolt
A Strength score of 16 ammunition, 20/60)
A Dexterity, Constitution, or Wisdom score of 13
This marvel can make a single melee attak that deals 1d8
bludgeoning damage

Leadsmith During a crafting session, you must have 2 gp of lead and
smith's tools available. To craft, roll a check with your smith's
Artificers whose expertise extends beyond enchantment, into tools; you are able to craft a number of bullets equal to half
engineering the very gears of war, are spoken of in awe and the value of the check that you rolled, rounded up.
fear as the humble Leadsmiths.
Gears of War
Bonus Proficiency Starting at 5th level, and whenever you level up, you can
When you choose this specialization at 2nd level, you gain choose one of the mods you have built and replace it with
proficiency with smith's tools. If you already have procifiency another mod that you could learn at that level. Each upgrade
with smith's tools, you can choose another artisan's tool of replaced in this way costs a certain amount of gold in raw
your choice. materials, as specified in the description of each mod.
Kickback Lord of War
When you choose this specialization at 2nd level, you learn Starting at 5th level, whenever you level up, you may also
either the thunderclap or the gust cantrip, if you don't know choose to forge an additional thundergun, of any type
the cantrip already. described in the thundergun feature. You must provide 500
gp of raw materials in order to forge this weapon.
Thundergun In addition, you may swap certain mods between your
When you choose this specialization at 2nd level, it is thunderguns. Whenever you finish a long rest, you can
assumed that, up to this point, you have been spending time reattach the following mods to any of your thunderguns:
during rests and downtime tinkering with your materials to aiming brace, bayonet, eagle's eye, hawk's eye, or owl's eye.
the completion of a secret weapon. When you finish a long
rest and level up, you finish the weapon: your Thundergun. Magic Bullets
The thundergun is a unique weapon made of heavy wood Starting at 7th level, attacks made with your thundergun
and iron, with which only you are proficient. You may use the count as magical for the purposes of overcoming resistances
thundergun as an arcane focus for your artificer spells. Also, and immunity from non-magical attacks and damage.
if you have an extra attack feature, you may use your bonus At 10th level, attacks made with this weapon increase in
action to reload, even in between attacks. potency (+1 to attack and damage rolls). Your attacks increase
This weapon uses the following statistics. You choose in magical potency again at 14th level (+2 to attack and
which type when you reach this level. All thunderguns have damage rolls), and again at 18th level (+3 to attack and
the loading property. damage rolls).
Name Damage Weight Properties
Arm of Fire
Pistol 1d8 5 lb. range 30/120, light At 10th level, you have learned to channel your spellcasting
piercing through your thundergun. Using your thundergun, you may
Musket 2d4 12 lb. range 80/320, two-handed cast one of the following spells: Aganazzar's Scorcher, Chaos
piercing Bolt, Fireball, Ice Knife, Lightning Arrow, Lightning Bolt.
Long 2d6 20 lb. range 100/400, heavy, two- Spells channeled through the thundergun follow standard
gun piercing handed spellcasting rules: you must expend a spell slot of the
appropriate level for the spell being channeled, and you may
If your thundergun is lost or destroyed, you may reproduce up-cast any spell for which you have available spell slots. The
the weapon, exactly as it was, with three days of work (8 thundergun acts as an arcane focus for these spells.
hours each day) and 500 gp of raw materials, plus any gold
and materials needed to reproduce its mods. Shootin' from the Hip
At 14th level, you have learned how to wield your thundergun
Iron Augments even more effectively. You are no longer at disadvantage while
The creation of the thundergun counts as your first artificial making a ranged attack with the thundergun at a creature
augment. When you gain certain artificer levels, you gain within 5 feet of you. The benefits of this feature are extended
additional augments of your choice, as shown in the Artificial to include the use of channeled spells.
Augments column of the Artificer table. In addtion, if provided an attack of oppportunity, you may
use your thundergun to make this attack within melee range
Leaden Ammunition
(channeled spells may not be used in this way, unless allowed
In addition to your weapon, you have studied the method of by another feat, such as Warcaster).
crafting the ammunition needed to use your thundergun. You
begin this specialization with 20 leaden rounds. To craft War Never Changes
additional ammunition, you must spend one hour to attempt At 18th level, your thundergun has become an extension of
to forge the individual bullets. You may also spend up to one your arm... a very malleable one. Whenever you finish a long
hour of a long rest to craft ammunition, and you still gain the rest, you may choose any single modification equipped to
benefits of that long rest. your thundergun, and replace it with any other mod. You do
not need to pay the cost in raw materials for making these
upgrades — you are now able to completely recycle the
materials from the old mod to build the new one.

Elemental Oil
Specialization Augments A diamond worth 50 gp
Gnostic Concoctions This concoction appears to be glistening oil, contained in a
If a gnostic concoction has prerequisites, you must meet small flask. As an action, throw the flask at a creature, or
them to learn it. You can learn the concoction at the same splash it on two creatures within 5 feet of each other, and
time that you meet its prerequisites. A concoction is usually within 5 feet of you. In either case, make a ranged attack. On
consumed, thrown (up to 60 feet away), or used as a ranged a hit, the creature takes 1d6 of either fire, cold, or acid
attack (with a range of 20/60). damage (you choose when the concoction is made).
On its next turn, the creature must make a Dexterity saving
Alkahest throw (if the damage is fire or acid), or a Constitution saving
Prerequisite: 15th level, a diamond worth 1,000 gp throw (if the damage is cold), or take an additional 1d6
damage of the chosen type.
This milky, opaque fluid is contained within a sealed leaden Both the initial and additional damages increase by 1d6
flask with a lead cap. As an action, you can unseal the flask whenever you gain a feature through this specialization.
and pour the concoction onto any object or material; this
concoction will proceed to affect the material as if by the Flash Point
disintegration spell. If an object is Medium or smaller, it is A crystal worth 50 gp
disintegrated entirely; if it is Large or larger, a 5-foot deep, 5-
foot diameter hole is created. This white powder ignites when exposed to air, and is
You can also make a ranged attack on a creature. On a hit, contained within a large clay bead. As an action, you can
the creature must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a throw this bead at any solid surface within range. The bead
failure, the creature is affected as if by the disintegrate spell. explodes on impact, mimicking the blindness/deafness spell.
You choose which effect when the concoction is made.
Prerequisite: 15th level, a cube of lead or gold worth 1,000 gp Icicle
Prerequisite: 6th level, a diamond worth 100 gp
This concoction appears to be water, with small flecks of gold,
and is contained within a glass flask. As an action, pour the This concoction, when catalyzed, solidifies into a form like an
contents of this flask on a single non-magical item that fits icicle. As an action, you can use the concoction in one of the
within a 5-foot cube and is no heavier than 10 pounds. Only following ways.
materials listed in the table below can be transmuted. The Frozen. Freeze liquid as if by the shape water cantrip
table below to determines the effect. (does not consume the concoction)
Material Effect
Chilly Shield. Crush it into powder over a willing creature,
affecting the creature as if by the armor of agathys spell
Wood, soil, or organic material Stone Encased in Ice. Throw it at a creature, affecting it as if by
Crystal Gemstone the hold person spell (the target makes a Dexterity saving
throw instead)
Lead Gold
Gold Lead Panacaea
Prerequisite: 8th level or 12th level, a pearl worth 250 gp
You can also make a ranged attack on a creature. On a hit,
the creature must make a Constitution saving throw. On a This watery amber-colored fluid is contained within a small,
failure, the creature is affected as if by the flesh to stone spell. stoppered glass flask. As an action, you or another creature
can drink it and be affected as if by the lesser restoration
Draught of Healing spell. Constructs and undead are unaffected by this
Herbalism kit concoction.
If this conoction is made at 12th level or highter, the
This concoction appears as water, and is contained in a large drinker is cured of blindness, deafness, poison, and all
flask. As an action, you or another creature can drink it, and diseases currently affecting it.
be affected as if affected by the cure wounds spell on yourself
at 1st level. This concoction is potent, and can be used twice Quickening Draught
before the flask is empty. However, the concoction takes time Prerequisite: 8th level, an amethyst worth 250 gp
to catalyze, and therefore can't be brewed during a short rest.
The concoction's healing power increases by 1d8 whenever This pale violet liquid is contained in a small glass vial. As an
you gain a feature through this specialization. action, you or a another creature can drink this concoction
and gain the benefits of the mobility feat (PHB p.168) for 1


Smoke Stick Diseased. The concoction mimics the effects of a disease
A polished crystal worth 50 gp of which you have knowledge. The condition is not
considered a disease, nor is it cured by attempts at curing
A dark grey substance is thickly applied to a small stick like disease. This effect lasts for up to 8 hours. An antitoxin also
incense; the concoction activates when touched. As an action, removes this poison's effect, and the creature suffers no
you can touch the stick and throw it within range. This lasting effects from the mimicked disease.
concoction mimics the fog cloud spell. Retching. The creature is affected as if by a stinking cloud
spell, and makes saving throws accordingly.
Tanglefoot Tar Sleepy. The creature must succeed on a Constitution
Prerequisite: 6th level, a piece of amber worth 100 gp saving throw or be affected as if by the sleep spell. The effect
lasts for one hour, and any damaging effects applied by the
This thick, tar-like substance is contained in a small glass venin take effect after the creature awakens.
flask. As an action, you can throw the flask at any solid
surface within range. The flask shatters on impact,
mimicking the entangle spell. However, instead of plants, the
concoction creates an area of sticky black tar, and the area Runic Inscriptions
persists for 10 minutes. All runes are inscribed using calligrapher's tools. If a runic
inscription has prerequisites, you must meet them to learn it.
Thunderstone You can learn the inscriptions at the same time that you meet
A quartz worth 50 gp its prerequisites. A rune will indicate onto what sort of item
This concoction, when catalyzed, solidifies into an opaque the rune can be inscribed or etched: a suit of armor, a
crystalline shard. As an action, you can throw the shard at a weapon, an amulet, an article of clothing, or as a tattoo.
point within range. The shard shatters on impact, mimicking Rune of Adventuring
the thunderwave spell. 50 gp of fine inks
The damage of this concoction increases by 1d8 whenever
you gain a feature through this specialization. Any worn item, tattoo. You gain 10 feet to your speed, and
non-magical difficult terrain doesn't hinder your movement.
True Elixir At 10th level, whenever you would take one level of
Prerequisite: 15th level, herbalism kit, a ruby worth 1,000 gp exhaustion, you can instead roll a DC 15 Constitution saving
This bright red fluid glows softly in its stoppered glass flask. throw. On a success, you avoid the effects of exhaustion. You
This concoction restores all hit points to whomever drinks it. must make this saving throw again every 8 hours until you
In addition, the drinker is affected as if by the goodberry spell take a long rest, and the DC increases by 5 for every
for 1d4 days. subsequent saving throw.
You may also pour this concoction into the mouth of a Rune of Armors
creature that has been deceased for no longer than ten days. Prerequisite: 8th level, 150 gp of fine inks
Roll a d20. On an 11 or higher, the creature is affected as if by
the raise dead spell. On a 10 or lower, nothing happens. Armor. You gain +1 to AC while wearing this armor, and the
The drinker of this concoction cannot benefit from its armor is considered magical. This rune can't affect armor
effects again for 1d8-1 days. The drinker makes the roll. that already provides a bonus to AC.
At 10th level, you gain +2 to AC while wearing this armor.
Venin At 19th level, you gain +3 to your AC.
A polished onyx or obsidian stone worth 50 gp Tattoo. When you are not wearing armor, your AC is 13 +
This concoction appears to be a simple poison. When the your Dexterity modifier.
concoction is made, choose its application: by contact, Rune of Arrows
ingested, inhaled, or injury (Appendix B or DMG p.257). Prerequisite: 6th level, 100 gp of fine inks
When a creature is exposed to this concoction's effect, it
takes 1d4 poison damage, and must make a Constitution Weapon (ranged). This weapon manifests incorporeal
saving throw or be poisoned until the end of your next turn. ammunition for each strike, and you are no longer required to
The damage of this concoction increases by 1d4 whenever provide ammunition for this weapon. In addition, all of your
you gain a feature through this specialization. attacks with this weapon deal your choice of piercing,
Starting at 6th level, you may replace the poison damage of bludgeoning, or force damage.
this concoction with one of the following effects. At 10th level,
you may apply an additional effect, or apply one effect and Rune of the Battle Master
retain the concoction's poison damage. Prerequisite: 8th level, 150 gp of fine inks
Delayed. The concoction deals 1d4 poison damage after a
period of time of up to 2d4-1 hours. Any item, tattoo. This inscribed item
Dire. The creature must succeed on a Constitution saving grants a creature in possession of this
throw every round for 1 minute. For every failed save, the object a fighting style of its choice.
creature suffers 1d4 poison damage.


Rune of Breath At 10th level, when you take damage, you can use your
50 gp of fine inks reaction to roll a dl2. Add your Constitution modifier to the
number rolled, and reduce the damage by that total. You must
Any worn item, tattoo. You gain one of the following features. finish a short or long rest to use this feature again.
Air. You gain the Second Wind feature from the Fighter
class (PHB p.72). Rune of Night
Sea. You gain the ability to breathe underwater. 50 gp of fine inks
Rune of Combat Amulet, clothing, tattoo. This inscribed item grants the
Prerequisite: 6th level, 100/500 gp of fine inks wearer darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of
you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim
Weapon, tattoo. You gain an extra attack whenever you take light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
the attack action.
At 16th level, you can learn this rune again (counting Rune of Proficiency
toward your total number of augments) to gain a third attack 50 gp of fine inks
whenever you take the attack action.
Armor, weaopn. You are considered proficient with this suit
Rune of the Elements of armor or weapon.
Prerequisite: 6th level, 100 gp of fine inks Tattoo. You gain all of the benefits of the Tavern Brawler
feat (PHB p.170) except for the Ability Score improvement.
Weapon. This weapon deals an additional 1d6 of either fire,
cold, or lightning damage. You must choose the type of Rune of Regeneration
damage at the end of a long rest. Prerequisite: 10th level, 300 gp of fine inks
At 6th level, 12th level, and again at 16th level, the damage
the rune provides increases by 1d6. Amulet, clothing, tattoo. While conscious, in combat, and
Tattoo. Your unarmed attacks gain this additional damage. your health is under half, you regains hit point equal to your
Constitution modifier every round.
Rune of Feats At 13th level, you can add your proficiency modifier to any
13th level, 500 gp of fine inks hit points you gain during a short rest.
Any item, tattoo. You gain any feat of your choosing Rune of Resilience
(PHB p.165-170). Once a feat is chosen through this rune, the Prerequisite: 10th level, 300 gp of fine inks
rune must be learned again (counting toward your total
number of augments) in order to change the chosen feat. Armor, amulet, tattoo. You gain +1 to all saving throws.
At 19th level, the benefit of this rune increases to +2 .
Rune of Glamour
50 gp of fine inks Rune of Resistance
Prerequisite: 12th level, 400 gp of fine inks
Armor, clothing. While wearing this armor, you can use a
bonus action to cause the armor or clothing to assume the Armor, clothing, tattoo. You have resistance to all non-magical
appearance of a different set of clothing or some other kind piercing, slashing, and bluudgeoning damage.
of armor. You decide what it looks like, including color, style,
and accessories, but the armor or clothing doesn't phsycially Rune of Skill
change. The illusory appearance last until you use this Prerequisite: 6th level, 100 gp of fine inks
property again or remove the armor or clothing.
Amulet, tattoo. At 8th level, you gain the ability to cast Amulet, clothing, tattoo. The wearer of this inscribed item
disguise self without expending a spell slot. gains proficiency with two additional skills.
At 12th level, choose two of your skill proficiencies. Your
Rune of Guidance proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make
50 gp of fine inks that uses either of the chosen proficiencies. You may choose
proficiencies granted by this item.
Amulet, tattoo. You can roll a d4 and add the number rolled At 13th level, you can choose another two skill
to one ability check of your choice. You can roll the die before proficiencies to gain this benefit.
or after making the ability check. You must take a short or
long rest to use this ability again. Rune of Talent
Prerequisite: 8th level, 150/500 gp of fine inks
Rune of Might Any worn item, tattoo. You gain +1 to any two ability scores of
Prerequisite: 6th level, 100 gp of fine inks your choice. You can choose which ability scores gain this
Any worn item, tattoo. You count as one size larger when bonus every time this rune is inscribed.
determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can At 16th level, you may learn this rune again (which counts
push, drag, or lift. toward your total number of augments) and gain this feature


Rune of Weal Helm: You install magical crystal lenses. The marvel has
50 gp of fine inks darkvision up to 60 feet, and in non-magical darkness or dim
light, any object or creature in line of sight is outlined as if
Amulet, tattoo. If you start your turn with 0 hit points, you can affected by the faerie fire spell (observable only by the marvel,
choose one of the following actions. and no other effects of the spell occur).
Safety. You stabilize.
Risk. Roll a d20 + your proficiency modifier. On a 16 or Arcane Shielding
higher, you can regain consciousness and 1 hit point, and Prerequisite: 15th level, 1,500 gp of gemstones
take your turn as normal. On a 15 or lower, you fail two death
saving throws. Engine: You install a device which generates an arcane shield.
The marvel gains advantage on all saving throws against
Rune of Weapons magic, and resistance to all spell attack damage for one
Prerequisite: 6th level, 100 gp of fine inks minute when this shield is activated.
The marvel must finish a long rest to recharge the shield.
Weapon. You gain +1 to attack and damage rolls while
wielding this weapon, and the weapon is considered magical. Arcane Sight
This rune can't affect a weapon that is already magical. Helm: You designed a special pair of goggles which allows
At 10th level, you gain +2 to attack and damage rolls. At you to see through the marvel's optics. Other creatures must
19th level, you gain +3 to these rolls. attune to these goggles in order to use them.
Tattoo. Your unarmed strikes are considered magical, and This upgrade can be used with other helm upgrades.
gain this bonus to attack and damage rolls. The bonus to
attack and damage rolls increases at 10th level, and again at Armor Plating
19th, without you having to learn the rune again. Prerequisite: 8th level, 400 gp of raw steel material
Rune of the Wizard Chassis: You replace the iron and tin of the chassis with steel
Prerequisite: 4th level, 100 gp of fine inks armor plating. The marvel's AC is now 16 + its proficiency
bonus. It also has disadvantage on stealth checks.
Amulet, tattoo. Choose a cantrip from the Wizard's spell list.
You can now cast that cantrip. Intelligence is your Channeling Cannon
spellcasting modifier for this cantrip. If you wish to change Prerequisite: 12th level, 500 gp of raw steel and crystal
the cantrip, you must inscribe the rune again.
Weapon System: You attach an arcane focusing contraption
Rune of Woe to the marvel. By touching the marvel and expending a spell
Prerequisite: 8th level, 200 gp of fine inks slot of the appropriate level, you may imbue the marvel with
the ability to cast one of the following spells: Aganazzar's
Weapon. Your attacks made with this weapon score a critical Scorcher, Chaos Bolt, Ice Knife, Lightning Bolt.
hit on a roll of 19 or 20. Spells channeled through the marvel follow standard
At 16th level, your attacks made with this weapon score a spellcasting rules: you must expend a spell slot of the
critical hit on a roll of 18-20. appropriate level for the spell being channeled, and you may
Tattoo. Any melee strike that you make scores a critical hit up-cast any spell for which you have available spell slots.
on a roll of 19 or 20. You do not gain the increased bonus at However, you do not need to provide material components to
15th level. cast these spells, even if the component would be consumed.
Chassis Upgrade
Prerequisite: 8th level
Marvelous Upgrades
If a marvelous upgrade has prerequisites, you must meet Chassis: You discover how to adjust the chassis size of the
them to build and use it. It is assumed that you have finished marvel. The size of the marvel is increased or reduced by one,
an upgrade and can use it at the same time that you meet its and its hit dice and hit points are recalculated accordingly. It
prerequisite. Unless otherwise stated, only one upgrade may retains all of its other statistics. Refer to the "Mechanical
be applied to each region of the marvel: the weapon system, Marvel" table to calculate hit dice and hit points.
the limbs, the chassis, the internal engine, and the helm. At 12th level, you can bolster a Large marvel to a Huge
size. If you choose this option, it has the following statistics.
Advanced Materials Size / Hit Die Hit Points at 1st Level Hit Points after 1st
Prerequisite: 8th level, 500 gp of adamantine Huge / d12 12 + Constitution 7 + Constitution
modifier modifier
Chassis: You layer the armor plating of the marvel's chassis
with strips of adamantine. The marvel becomes resistant to This upgrade can be used with other chassis upgrades.
all non-magical weapon attacks.
Arcane Optics
Prerequisite: 8th level, 250 gp of crystal materials


Cloaking Device Mobility Adaptation
Prerequisite: 8th level or 15th Level, 300 gp of gemstones Prerequisite: 8th level, 200 gp of raw materials
Engine: You install a device which generates a temporary Limbs: You install one of the following upgrades:
field of invisibility. The marvel can cast the spell invisibility on High Tension Springs: the marvel gains the Rogue's
itself once per day. Evasion feat (see PHB p.96)
If this is installed as an 15th level upgrade, the marvel can Submarine: swimming speed is now 30 feet
also cast the spell greater invisibility on itself once per day. Arachnoid Attachments: climbing speed is now 30 feet,
and the marvel can climb vertically or upside down
Cockpit Wings: flying speed is now 20 feet (Medium build) or 30
Chassis: You include a harness space within the chassis of feet (small build); a marvel that is Large or larger is too big
the marvel. While using your marvel as a mount, you are This upgrade can be used with other limbs upgrades.
considered proficient in vehicles (land), and you gain
advantage on any check you make to remain mounted. Overdrive
This upgrade can be used with other chassis upgrades. Prerequisite: 6th Level or 10th level
Deadly Weaponry Engine: You have fine-tuned the marvel's inner workings. The
1 two-handed or 2 one-handed weapons marvel gains the Fighter's Action Surge feature (PHB p.72).
If this upgrade is installed at 10th level, the marvel can also
Weapon System: You add weaponry to the marvel. The make two attacks whenever it takes the attack action.
marvel's melee attack uses the weapon's damage die/dice.
If two weapons are attached through this upgrade, two- Overload
weapon fighting rules apply, and the weapons do not have to Prerequisite: 10th level, 1,000 gp of crystal materials
have the light property. You may also upgrade the marvel with
magical weapons (i.e. flame tongue or a +1 maul) through Weapon System: You install a special discharge pack into the
this feature. engine. As an action, the marvel can release a blast of
This upgrade can be used with other weapon upgrades. lightning from its body. Each creature within a 10-foot radius
of the marvel must make a Dexterity saving throw against the
Longer Reach marvel's save DC. A creature takes 5d10 lightning damage on
Limbs: You add high-tension springs to the marvel's weapon a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful save.
attachments. The marvel's attacks can reach up to 10 feet. Once the marvel uses this feature, it must finish a long rest
to recharge the ability.
Magical Cannon
At Higher Levels. This damage increases to 6d10 at 14th
250 gp of metals and crystals level, and to 7d10 at 18th level.
Weapon System: You attach a focusing wand to the marvel. Relentless
The marvel can now cast firebolt and shocking grasp at will. Engine: You install thin protective plating around the engine.
The marvel uses your spellcasting modifier to cast these The marvel gains the Half-Orc's Relentless Endurance
cantrips, and these cantrips increase in damage normally. feature (PHB p.41).
Marvelous Armor Reserve Power
Prerequisite: 12th level, 1,000 gp of raw materials Prerequisite: 6th level, 250 gp of crystal material
Engine: You discover how to hollow out the interior of the Any: You add a crystaline node which conducts invigorating
marvel. As an action, you can enter the marvel and use it as a magic. As an action, touch the construct and expend a 1st
set of specialized armor. level spell slot to cast a 2nd level cure wounds on the marvel.
When in the marvel, your AC is 16 + your proficiency At Higher Levels. When you take this action and expend a
modifier. Your Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the healing increases by 2d8
change to those of your marvel; your Intelligence, Wisdom, for each slot level above 1st.
and Charisma stay the same. In addition, you gain any
features and other upgrades from which the marvel benefits. Spark of Life
This upgrade can be used with other engine upgrades. Prerequisite: 6th level, 250 gp of copper and crystal
Mechanical Pirate Helm. You install an finely-wrought mechanism in the head of
Limbs: You fine tune the marvel's ability to react. It gains the the marvel. The marvel gains an Intelligence score of 6,
Swashbuckler's Fancy Footwork feature (XGtE p.47). allowing it to make use of items, including objects infused
with magic, as by the Magical Infusion feature.
In addition, the marvel gains the ability to speak one
language that you know.


Specialized Attack Blunderbuss
Prerequisite: 6th level Prerequisite: 8th level, 500 gp of raw copper and brass
Weapon Systems: The marvel gains one of the following Barrel. You have converted the barrel of the thundergun to
features, based on its chassis type: magically shatter ammunition as it leaves the barrel, causing
Monstrous: Charger (PHB p.165) shrapnel to be expelled from the weapon instead of a single
Humanoid: Grappler (PHB p.167) round. As an action, you can make a single attack in a 15-foot
Tiny Beasty: Sneak Attack (see the Rogue class table, cone. If a creature is within the cone and within 5 feet of you,
PHB p.95; use sneak attack dice equal to half your level) it takes double damage. All creatures in the cone of effect can
make a Dexterity saving throw to halve the damage it
Upgraded Build receives. A weapon with this mod installed is unaffected by
Prerequisite: 10th level, 1,000 gp of raw materials other range grade modifications.
Engine: You have discovered how to improve the marvel. The Double Barrel
marvel's primary ability score increases by 4, and the ability's Prerequisite: 6th level, 250/500/750 gp of raw iron
max increases by the same amount. In addition, one of it's
secondary ability scores of your choice increases by 3. Barrel. You have affixed an additional barrel to the thunder-
This upgrade can be used with other engine upgrades. gun. You can now make an additional ranged attack when-
ever you take the attack action. You must use your bonus
action at the end of your turn in order to reload your weapon.
At 15th level, you can use another augment to install this
Thunderous Mods mod again and add a third barrel to your weapon, and so gain
If a thundergun modification has prerequisites, you must a third attack whenever you take the attack action.
meet them to build and use it. It is assumed that you have
finished a mod and can use it at the same time that you meet Eagle's Eye
its prerequisites. Only one mod can be attached to each part Prerequisite: 10th level, 500 gp of crystal
of the thundergun: the barrel, the frame, and the chamber. Frame. You have attached a series of magical focusing lens to
In addition, some mods modify the range of the weapon. the thundergun. While wielding the thundergun, you benefit
Weapon Range Grades from the Sharpshooter feat (PHB p.170).
Grade Ranges Weapon Typical Flintlock
1 20/60 thrown
Grade Ranges Weapon Prerequisite: 10th level, 750 gp of iron and flint
weapon 4 100/400 heavy
crossbow Chamber. You have replaced the firing mechanism of the
2 30/120 hand
5 150/600 longbow
weapon with a flintlock system. The damage dice from your
crossbow thundergun is now multipled by 4, and its range is reduced by
3 80/320 light 6 200/800 — one range grade. In addition, the weapon produces smoke
crossbow which lightly obscures a 5-foot cube in front of you. Finally,
the weapon takes an entire round to reload. If you take
Aiming Brace damage while reloading, you must make a Wisdom saving
150 gp of raw materials throw (as if maintaining concentration for a spell), or be
forced to restart.
Frame. You have attached a metal brace to the frame of the
weapon. On your turn, by spending no movement and lying Hawk's Eye
prone, attacks made with the thundergun at normal range are 150 gp of crystals
made with advantage, and attacks made at long range are
made without disadvantage. Frame. You have added a magical vision-enhancing lends to
This mod can be used with other frame mods. the weapon. You benefit from the archery fighting style when
attacking with this weapon.
50 gp of raw metals, and a light hammer, handaxe, or dagger Long Barrel
Prerequisite: 6th level, 250 gp of raw iron
Frame. You have attached a bayonet to the thundergun. You
can make a melee attack at a target within 5 feet using the Barrel. You have attached a longer barrel to the thundergun.
thundergun, and the attack deals 1d6 of the appropriate The weapon's range increases by one range grade.
damage. If the thundergun is counted as a magical weapon, This mod can be used with other barrel mods, and applies
the bayonet is also considered magical. You may also attach to all barrels
magical weapons to your weapon in this way. of the weapon.
This mod can be used with other frame mods.


Owl's Eye Shadowshot
Prerequisite: 6th level, 150 gp of crystals Prerequisite: 12th level, 750 gp of obsidian and raw metals
Frame. You have added a magical vision-enhancing lens to Barrel. You have magically enhanced the barrel of your
the thundergun. Looking through the lens grants you thundergun to draw dark magic from the Shadowfell. Any hit
darkvision up to 60 feet; if you already have darkvision, this you score against a creature that is surprised is a critical hit.
lens does not extend that ability. In addition, in non-magical In addition, the crack of every attack from the thundergun
darkness or dim light, any creature or object seen through can be heard up to 50 feet away. Finally, the ranges of the
the lens is outlined as if affected by faerie fire (no other thundergun are reduced by one range grade.
effects of the spell occur).
Quick Mag Barrel. You have sawn off the end of the barrel of the
Prerequisite: 8th level, 250 gp of raw metals thundergun. All attacks add +2 to damage rolls, and the
weapon's range is reduced by one range grade.
Chamber. You have tinkered a reloading mechanism to the This mod can be used with other barrel mods, and applies
thundergun. Unless otherwise specified by another mod, you to all barrels of the weapon.
can reload your thundergun as a free object interaction,
instead of using your bonus action. Uberkugel
Prerequisite: 12th level, 250 gp of copper, 750 gp of crystal
Prerequisite: 12th level, 750 gp of brass and steel Chamber. You have converted the firing chamber to imbue
each round with thunderous magic. Attacks deal additional
Chamber. You have replaced the firing chamber with a six- 1d8 thunder damage, and attacks from the thundergun can
chamber revolving mechanism. You can now make an be heard up to 400 feet away. In addition, the weapon's range
additional attack using a bonus action, and you add your is now increased by one range grade.
attack modifier to the damage roll. You can reload only after At 18th level, you can use another augment to install this
all chambers are empty, though reloading now takes a full mod again and add another 1d8 thunder damage.
action, regardless of how many chambers are empty. This mod can be used with other chamber mods.
In addition, if this mod is installed on a pistol, you gain an
extra attack with that weapon during the first round of


Appendix A: Customization Options
Multiclassing Alternate Invention Rules
When you advance in level, and at your DM's discretion, you Wondrous Invention
may take the option to multiclass into an Artificer. You must At 3rd level, you gain the use of a common magic item that
meet the following prerequisites to qualify for an Artificer. you have crafted. Choose an item from the list below. Crafting
Multiclassing Prerequisites an item is a difficult task. Whenever you gain a magic item
Ability Score Mimimum from this feature, it reflects long hours of study, tinkering, and
experimentation that allowed you to complete an item of your
Intelligence 13 own unique design.
The item can look however you like, as long as its form
Proficiences would not change the statistics or usage of the item crafted.
When you first multiclass into Artificer, you gain only some of In addition, only you can use the item - it is uniquely attuned
the class's starting proficiences as shown below. to you, though it does not count against the number of items
attuned to you.
Multiclassing Proficiencies Unlike normal magical item crafting, you don't require a
Proficiences Gained formula to design the item, and crafting cost is covered by
your normal living expenses. It is assumed that you work on
Light armor, hand crossbows, one skill from the class's this item in your leisure time and finish it when you level up.
skill list, Tinker's tools You complete another item of your choice when you reach
certain levels in this class: 6th, 11th, 15th, and 20th level.
Spellcasting If one of your Wondrous Inventions are lost or destroyed,
Spell Slots. You determine your available spell slots by you can build a new one. If the invention is common, you can
adding half (rounded down) of your artificer levels to the rebuild it by spending 1 workday and 25 gp of materials. If
levels of your other classes (PHB p.164). Use this total to the invention is uncommon, you can rebuilt it by spending 3
determine your spell slots by consulting the Multiclass workdays and 100 gp of materials. If the invention is of rare
Spellcaster table (PHB p.165). quality or higher, you can rebuild it by spending 1 workday (8
hours each day) per prerequisite level of the item, and 100 gp
of raw materials per day. The new item must be a copy of the
Alternate Starting original item. By replicating a lost item, the original lost item
is destroyed.
When you create an artificer, you receive equipment based on The common magic items listed for 3rd level are described in
a combination of your class and background. Alternatively, XGtE (pp.136-140). The other items are found in the DMG.
you can start with a number of gold pieces and spend them 3rd Level. Charlatan's die; clockwork amulet; ear horn of
on items (Chapter 5 of the PHB). hearing; ersatz eye; horn of silent alarm; lock of trickery;
mystery key; orb of direction or time; pipe of smoke
Starting Wealth for Artificers monsters; talking doll; tankard of sobriety; veteran's cane
Funds 6th Level. Driftglobe; eyes of charming, of minute seeing,
or of the eagle; goggles of night; sending stones; headband of
5d4 x 10 gp intellect; helm of comprehend languages; lantern of revealing;
rope of climbing
11th Level. Beads of force (1d4+1); chime of opening; cube
of force; dimensional shackles; folding boat; horseshoes of
Alternate Invention Alternatives
speed; ioun stone of awareness, protection, reserve, or
sustenance; iron bands of Bilarro
If you wish to invent a magic item that is not listed 15th Level. Crystal ball; horseshoes of a zephyr; ioun stone
for the following feature, talk with your DM to see of absorption, agility, fortitude, insight, intellect, leadership,
what you could invent. For example, if you are an or strength; mirror of life trapping
alchemist, you may wish to brew the recipe for an
eversmoking bottle. Or, if you have proficiency
20th Level. Crystal ball of mind reading, telepathy, or true
with jeweler's tools, you may wish to cut your very
seeing; cubic gate; ioun stone of greater absorption, mastery,
own gem of brightness. Or, invent something of or regeneration; iron flask (empty)
your own creation! Don't let us stop you!

Appendix B: Crafting Rules
The relevant information regarding item crafting, from XGtE Magic Item Ingredients
and the DMG, has been compiled into this appendix. Item Rarity CR Range Character Level
This information has not been changed to reflect the Common 1-3 2nd level
crafting features of the artificer class.
Uncommon 4-8 5th level
Clarifications for the Portable Forge Rare 9-12 10th level
The artificer can make progres toward the crafting of an item Very Rare 13-18 14th level
during adventure time, as well as downtime. Two short rests
spent crafting are the equivalent of one day of downtime. Legendary 19+ 20th level
In addition, the 4th level portable forge feature allows an
artificer to progress in crafting magical items twice as quickly Magic Item Crafting and Cost
(rounded up): an uncommon magic item can be completed in Item Rarity Workweeks* Cost*
one workweek, instead of two.
This feature stacks for the Alchemist, starting at 5th level: Common 1 50 gp
an uncommon potion or poison can be brewed in three days, Uncommon 2 200 gp
instead of two workweeks. (The cost is still only halved.) The Rare 10 2,000 gp
time it takes to brew a potion of healing is also halved with
this feature. Very Rare 25 20,000 gp
Legendary 50 100,000 gp
Crafting an Item
Xanathar's Guide to Everything (p.128) * Halved for a consumable item, like a potion/poison, or scroll
A character who has the time, the money, and the requisite To complete a magic item, a character also needs the
tools can use downtime to craft armor, weapons, clothing, or appropriate tool proficiency, as for crafting a nonmagical
other kidns of nonmagical gear. object. If all of the above requirements are met, the result of
Resources and Resolution. In addition to the appropriate the process is a magic item of the desired sort.
tools for the item to be crafted, a character needs raw
materials worth half of the item's selling cost. To determine Brewing Potions of Healing
how many workweeks it takes to create an item, divide its Xanathar's Guide to Everything (p.130)
gold piece cost by 50. A character can complete multiple
items in a workweek if the items' combined cost is 50 gp or A character who has proficiency with the herbalism kit can
lower. Items that cost more than 50 gp can be completed over create these potions. The times and costs for doing so are
longer periods of time, as long as the work in progress is summarized below.
stored in a safe location.
A character needs to be proficient with the tools needed to Potion of Healing Creation
craft an item and have access to the appropriate equipment. Type Time Cost
If need be, the DM will make any judgment calls regarding Healing (common) 1 day 25 gp
whether a character has the correct equipment.
If all of the above requirements are met, the result of the Greater healing (uncommon) 1 workweek 100 gp
process is an item of the desired sort. Superior healing (rare) 3 workweeks 1,000 gp
Supreme healing (very rare) 4 workweeks 10,000 gp
Magical Item Crafting
Xanathar's Guide to Everything, (pp.128-129)
Creating a magic item requires more than just time, effort, Dungeon Master's Guide (pp.257-258)
and materials. To start with, a character needs a formula for a
magic item in order to create it. The formula is like a recipe: A character who has proficiency with the poisoner's kit can
It lists the materials and steps required to make the item. create poisons. Poisons can be applied in the following ways.
In addition, your DM may determine that an item also Contact. A creature that touches contact poison with
requires an exotic material to complete it. This material exposed skin suffers its effects.
should be of a type related to the sort of magical effect the Ingested. A creature must swallow an entire dose of
item reproduces, and finding this material will likely take ingested poison to suffer its effects. Your DM might decide
place as part of an adventure. that a partial dose has a reduced effect, such as allowing
The Magic Item Ingredients table suggests the CR of a advanteage on the saving throw or dealing only half damage
creature that the characters need to face to acquire the on a failed save.
materials for an item. In addition, the character crafting the Inhaled. These poisons are powders or gases that take
item (namely, the Artificer) must be of a level greater than the effect when they are inhaled. A single dose fills a 5-foot cube.
lowest CR range of the related creature involved in acquiring Injury. A creature that takes slashing or piercing damage
the material. from a weapon or piece of ammunition coated with injury
poison is exposed to its effects.
Appendix C: Artificer Spell List
1st Level Barkskin 3rd Level Leomund's Secret Chest
Absorb Elements x Blur Catnap x Mordenkainen's Faithful
Alarm Continual Flame Counterspell Hound
Catapult x Darkvision Dispel Magic Mordenkainen's Private
Detect Poison and Disease Enhance Ability Elemental Weapon Sanctum
Expeditious Retreat Find Traps Flame Arrows x Otiluke's Resilient Sphere
False Life Flaming Sphere Glyph of Warding Polymorph
Jump Gust of Wind Haste Sickening Radiance x
Longstrider Heat Metal Meld into Stone Stone Shape
Mage Armor Invisibility Nondetection Stoneskin
Purify Food and Drink Knock Protection from Energy
Ray of Sickness Locate Object Sending 5th Level
Sanctuary Magic Mouth Slow Antilife Shell
Shield Magic Weapon Water Breathing Contagion
Sleep Protection from Poison Water Walk Creation
Snare x Pyrotechnics x Legend Lore
Tenser's Floating Disc Rope Trick 4th Level Passwall
Zephyr Strike x Shatter Arcane Eye Skill Empowerment x
Spider Climb Elemental Bane x Telekinesis
2nd Level Warding Bond Fabricate Transmute Rock
Alter Self Freedom of Movement
Arcane Lock Greater Invisibility

Spell List References

The spells listed with x are taken from Chapter 3 of Xanathar's
Guide to Everything. All other spells can be found in Part 3,
The Artificer (Revised... Again) D&D 5e class was
Chapter 11 of the Player's Handbook.
created/compiled by reddit user /u/JPGenn.

Content Credits
UA:Artificer released by WotC — the premise
of this D&D 5e class revision
UA: Artificer (Revised) by /u/forgottenduck —
"Mechanist" subclass & "Alchemist" potions
Artificer by Jeff "Hageshii01" Venancio —
"Wondrous Invention" & magical crafting rules
Artificer v3.2 by an unidentified HB author —
"Rune Smithing" subclass

Artistic Credits
Orc Wizard by Xiaodi-Jin (cover art)
Alternate logo and page stains by DracoExe
kingdoms by artcobain
Bramblewine by Lord_AO
Bearman by artcobain
rune by goldentigers
Gnome trinkets by OlgaDebras
Clockwork Dragoline by 000Fesbra000
Flintlock Pistol by Nosslak
Alchemist's workshop by Micheviouslittleelf
Gunslinger by Nick Robles


Version 2.2
Relocated Magical Crafting rules in the core class, &
amended the Magical Analysis feature
Added Inventive Expertise core feature
Clarified # of available wondrous inventions allowed
Clarified spellcasting ability for some marvel upgrades
Fixed Alternate Wondrous Invention rules for replacing
lost or destroyed inventions, including costs
additional round of proofreading
Version 2.1
Added Inventive Expertise improvement to core class
Added alternate rules for the Wondrous Invention core
feature to Appendix A
Added Runewright specialization and augments list
Renamed Gunsmith > Leadsmith
Updated thundergun statistics/mechanics
Updated Thunderous Mod mechanics; added Weapon
Range Grades table; added Quick Mag mod
Clarified language for all specialization augments
Fixed minor content errors
Version 1.2
Added Appendix A: Customization Options
Added Appendix B: Crafting Rules; some class feature
Rewrote rules/language for the Portable Forge core
feature; incorporated magic item crafting into the forge
Clarified rules for the Alchemist: the Gnostic's Tome,
Alchemical Augments, and the Caduceus features
Fixed the effects of the Draught of Healing and Venin
Fixed minor content errors
Version 1.1
Updated Mechanical Marvel statistics, builds
Updated names of specialization augments
Added Alchemical Augments: Elemental Oil, Icicle, Venin
Added Iron Augments: Flintlock, Long Barrel, Snubnose
Added spells from XGtE to the Artificer Spell List

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