Ass - 1 (2021-22)

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College of Engineering (A) :: Department of Mechanical Engineering 
Thermal Turbomachines :: Assignment – I,  
B.E. VII Sem Mechanical Engineering – A (2021‐22) 

Note: Answer Part A and Part B

Answer Part A and Part B as per SET indicated against Roll No’s.
The assignment to be submitted in A4 size sheet only.
Date submission on or before is 10.10.2021.
Upload assignment – I in Microsoft Teams.

Part - A
1. What is the basic difference between compressible and incompressible fluid flow?
2. Write the steady flow energy equation for an adiabatic flow of air.
3. Define the mach number in terms of bulk modulus of elasticity.
4. Explain the meaning of stagnation state with example.
5. Distinguish between static and stagnation pressures.
6. Differentiate between the static and stagnation temperatures.
7. What is the use of mach number?
8. Write down the relationship between stagnation and static temperature in terms of the flow,
mach number for the case of isentropic flow.
9. Give the expression of P0, P for an isentropic flow through a duct.
10. Name the four reference velocities that are used in expressing the fluid velocities in non-
dimensional form?
11. What are the different regions of compressible flow?
12. Define M* and give the relation between M and M*.
13. If an aeroplane goes to higher altitudes maintaining the same speed, the Mach number will
remain constant. Say true or false.
14. A plane travels at a speed of 2400 Km/h in an atmosphere of 5°C, find the mach angle
15. Define mach angle and mach wedge.
16. How will you illustrate the role of mach number as a measure of compressibility?
17. . Define zone of action and zone of silence with neat sketch.
18. . Find the sonic velocity in oxygen when it is at 110° C, γ=1.4 and molecular weight 32
19. Give the difference between normal and oblique shock
20. Calculate the strength of shock wave when normal shock appears at M = 2
21. Shock waves cannot develop in subsonic flow? State the reason.
22. What is meant by normal shock as applied to compressible flow?
23. What is Prandtl-Meyer relation? What its significance?
24. Show the sound wave movement pattern when an object producing sound waves moves with
(i) subsonic velocity and (ii) supersonic velocity
25. Define Mach cone, Mach angle and strength of shock wave.
26. Compare normal shock waves with Oblique shock waves.
27. Derive the expression for the Density ratio across the normal shock (Rankine-Hugoniot
28. Prove that Impossibility of a shock wave in a subsonic flow.
29. Derive expressions for pressure, temperature and density ratios at two distinct points in an
isentropic flow in terms of mach number.
30. Define shock wave and what are the effects of shock waves in gas dynamic applications

Part - B
5 2 o
1. Atmospheric air at 1.1×10 N/m and 65 C is accelerated isentropically to a Mach number of
1. Find final temp, pressure and flow velocity.
2. The pressure, temperature and velocity of air at a point in the flow field are 1.2×105 Pa, 37 oC
and 250 m/s respectively. Find the stagnation pressure and stagnation temperature
corresponding to given condition.
3. Air at stagnation condition has temperature of 700 K. Find the maximum possible velocity.
What would be the sonic velocity if the flow velocity is half of the maximum velocity?
4. Air is discharged into the atmosphere from a big vessel through a nozzle. The atmospheric
pressure and temperature are 1.1 bar and 40 oC and the jet velocity is 100 m/s. Find the chamber
pressure and temperature.
5. At a section in a flow of a perfect gas, the properties of the gas are P = 4 bar p = 4.5 kg/m3 and
c =200 m/s. Estimate the stagnation properties of the gas and its enthalpy.
6. An aeroplane travels at a speed of 900 km/hr in air at a pressure of 0.5 bar and temperature of
-15°C. Calculate the pressure, density, temperature and enthalpy at a stagnation point on the
7. A stream of air flows with a velocity of 250 m/s in a duct of 100mm diameter. Its temperature
and pressure at a section are 5C and 40 Pa. Calculate the stagnation properties at the section
and the flow rate through the duct.
8. Oxygen at 200kPa flows through a duct at a velocity of 50m/sec. Find the Mach number at a
point where its density is 2.9kg/m3
9. A gas has a molecular weight of 64 and a specific heat ratio of 1.3. Calculate the speed of sound
in the gas if the temperature is -20C. If this gas is flowing at a velocity of 500m/sec, calculate
the Mach number and Mach angle.
10. A supersonic plane moves with a mach number of 2.2 at an elevation of 1000 m above a certain
point F. If the atmospheric temperature is 22 C, what is the time lapse at which the sonic boom
reaches an observer at F after the plane is directly overhead? How far will the plane be from F
at that instant of the boom reaching F? (R = 287 kJ/kg K  = 1.4)
11. Air in a reservoir has a temperature of 27C and a pressure of 8bar.The air is allowed to escape
through a channel at a rate of 2kg/s. assuming that the air velocity in the reservoir is negligible
and the flow through the channel is isentropic. Find i) Flow Mach number ii) The velocity iii)
Area at a point in the channel where static pressure is 5.6bar, Take =1.4.
12. An aeroplane is moving in an atmosphere with pressure 44 k Pa(abs) and density 0.63 kg/m3.
A pitot tube on the plane records the stagnation pressure as 70 kPa (abs). Estimate the speed
of the airplane and the stagnation temperature.
13. Find sonic velocity of following i) Oil of specific gravity 0.82 and bulk modulus 150,000N/cm2
ii) Steel (density=820gm/cm3) and its modulus of elasticity 220GPa iii) Mercury having
density=13,600kg/m3 and bulk modulus of elasticity 25,50,000N/cm2.
14. A stream of air flows in a duct of 100 mm diameter at the rate of 1 kg/s. The stagnation
temperature is 37°C. At one section of the duct the static temperature is 10°C. Calculate the
mach number, velocity and stagnation pressure at this section.
15. The state of a gas (γ =1.3, R =0.469 kJ/kg K.) upstream of normal shock wave is given by the
following data: Mx =2.5, Px =2 bar. Tx =275 K. Calculate the Mach number, pressure,
temperature and velocity of a gas down stream of shock: check the calculated values with those
given in the gas tables.
16. An Aircraft flies at a Mach number of 1.1 at an altitude of 15,000 metres. The compression in
its engine is partially achieved by a normal shock wave standing at the entry of the diffuser.
Determine the following for downstream of the shock. 1. Mach number 2. Temperature of the
air 3. Pressure of the air 4. Stagnation pressure loss across the shock.
17. Air is expanded from a reservoir in which the pressure and temperature are maintained at 1000
kPa and 30°C. At a point in the flow at which the static pressure 150 kPa a normal shock wave
occurs. Find (i) Strength of shock wave (ii) Static properties after the shock and (iii) Entropy
rise across shock wave
18. Air flows adiabatically in a pipe. A normal shock wave is formed. The pressure and temperature
of air before the shock are 200 kN/m2 and 25C respectively. The pressure just after the normal
shock is 400 kN/m2 calculate i) Mach number before shock ii) Mach number, static temperature
and velocity of air after shock iii) loss of stagnation pressure of air.
19. Air enters a normal shock at 26 kPa, 230 K, and 815 m/s. Calculate the stagnation pressure and
Mach number upstream of the shock, as well as pressure, temperature, velocity, Mach number,
and stagnation pressure downstream of the shock. Calculate the entropy change of air across
the normal shock wave.
20. An observer on the ground does hear the sonic boom caused by an aero plane moving at 5 km
altitude until it is 9 km past him. What is the Mach number of the plane?
21. A supersonic aeroplane travels at M= 2.5 at an altitude 10km where temperature= -150C and
pressure = 0.25 bar. Calculate Po,To and Mach number.
22. The pressure ratio across a steep wave is 3.5. If the initial pressure and temperature of the gas
at rest are 1.38 bar and 310 K respectively, determine the velocity of the wave and the Mach
number of the flow induced by the wave?
23. An aircraft flies at a Mach number of 1.2 at an altitude of 16000 m (p=103 mbar, T=216.65K).
The compression in its engine is partly achieved by a normal shock wave standing at the entry
of its diffuser. Determine immediately downstream of shock: (a) Mach Number b) Temperature
of air c) Pressure of air d) stagnation pressure loss across shock.
24. The conditions upstream of a normal shock are as below: Mach number = 2.0, Static pressure
= 1.8 bar, Static temperature = 275 K. Determine the Mach number, pressure, temperature and
velocity downstream of the normal shock? Assume the specific heat ratio of the medium as 1.3
and the gas constant is 0.469 kJ/kg K
25. Write down the four basic equations which satisfy the state points before and after a normal
shock wave?

Set No Part A Part B Roll Numbers

A 1,6,11,16,21,26 1,6,11,16,21 1, 6, 11, 16, 21, 26, 31, 36, 41, 46, 51, 56, 301, 306
B 2,7,12,17,22,27 2,7,12,17,22 2,7,12,17,22,27, 32, 37, 42, 47, 52, 57, 302, 17-042
C 3,8,13,18,23,28 3,8,13,18,23 3,8,13,18,23,28, 33, 38, 43, 48, 53, 58, 303, 17-008
D 4,9,14,19,24, 29 4,9,14, 19, 24 4, 9, 14, 24, 29, 34, 39, 44, 49, 54, 59, 304,
E 5,10,15,20,25,30 5, 10, 15, 25 5, 10, 15, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 305, 17-305

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