Application of After-Closure Analysis To A Dual-Porosity Formation, To CBM, and To A Fractured Horizontal Well

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Application of After-Closure Analysis

to a Dual-Porosity Formation, to CBM, and

to a Fractured Horizontal Well
M.Y. Soliman, Carlos Miranda, and Hong Max Wang*, SPE, Halliburton Energy Services

Summary permeability. One major weakness in the before-closure-analysis

Published techniques for after-closure analysis of fracturing data techniques is the strong dependence on the assumed fracture-
usually assume the presence of a vertical fracture intersecting propagation model. In addition, the change of model dimensions
a vertical well. In addition, these published techniques usually (fracture length and width) during the test makes a unique analysis

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assume that the formation is homogeneous. When the formation is difficult to achieve. Analysis of after-closure data would, to some
naturally fractured or the well is horizontally intersecting a trans- extent, eliminate this problem. Two basic approaches have been
verse vertical fracture, those assumptions are obviously violated developed for analysis of after-closure data.
and the published analysis techniques might not be applicable. Gu et al. (1993), Abousleiman et al. (1994), Nolte et al. (1997),
Through the use of analytical and numerical solutions and applica- and Soliman et al. (2005) presented techniques to analyze the
tion to actual field data, this paper investigates the analysis of after- after-closure data. Those analysis techniques represent two basic
closure data for heterogeneous formations, a naturally fractured approaches for analysis of data. Both approaches rely on the well-
formation, a CBM, and a fractured horizontal well. testing technology.
This paper briefly reviews the various available techniques for The first approach for after-closure analysis was developed
after-closure analysis, pointing out the strengths and weaknesses by Nolte et al. (1997). In this approach, the after-closure-analysis
of each. An analytical solution for an injection-falloff test for a model was developed by assuming a constant injection pressure
naturally fractured formation has been developed and is presented. followed by shut-in. The solution of this problem can be found
This solution might be used to analyze data for a minifrac test in the classical description of heat flow in solids. Manipulating
in a naturally fractured formation where the fracture has healed. the solution to account for closure time, the falloff equation was
Numerical simulation validated the developed solution for a frac- developed. The basic weakness of this approach is that one has to
ture that has healed. The same numerical simulator was used to assume the prevailing flow regime during the after-closure period.
expand the solution to a situation where the fracture maintains On the basis of this approach, two models were developed for
residual conductivity. pseudoradial- or pseudolinear-flow conditions.
The solution for a minifrac test in the case of a transverse frac- The second approach was developed by Soliman et al. (2005)
ture is also presented and discussed. Using a numerical simulator, and is grounded in well-test-analysis technology. It is similar to an
minifrac tests are simulated and analyzed for both heterogeneous approach that had been developed earlier for analysis of well-test
formations and fractured horizontal wells. Guidelines for the data when the producing time is short (Soliman et al. 2004). Rather
analysis of such data have been developed and presented. than considering the test as a constant-pressure injection, as in the
Field data are also presented. One case presents a minifrac test first approach, the test is considered to be a constant-rate test. This
for a heterogeneous formation. A case for a transverse fracture is actually a more-realistic approach because most injection tests
intersecting a horizontal well is also presented and analyzed. are conducted at a constant rate. Even if the rate is not exactly
A third case for CBM is discussed. constant, Soliman et al. (2004) have shown that the effect of a
somewhat varying rate on the final analysis is relatively minor.
Brief Review of After-Closure Analysis If the fracture-efficiency test (FET) is considered to be a pump-
Because the frequency of performing buildup tests has declined in/shut-in test with analogy to the standard injection-falloff test,
because of costs associated with performing them, fracturing tests techniques developed for well testing can be used to analyze the
have gained popularity. This is especially true in tight formations falloff data. The fact that injection time is considerably shorter than
where classical buildup tests take a long time and analysis may the shut-in time has to be considered. Strictly speaking, the FET
not be unique. The majority of those tight formations, especially test is not a conventional well test because of the propagation of
gas reservoirs, will have to be fractured any way to produce those the fracture during the pumping period and the decline in fracture
tight reservoirs economically. A fracturing test will have to be run width during the shut-in period preceding closure. However, the
to gain insight into the best procedure, technique, and fluids to pumping period of an FET test is usually short. Theory, simulation,
create a hydraulic fracture. Developing techniques to analyze those and practical experience have shown that specialized well-testing
tests to gain further information on reservoir properties, especially techniques can be applied to the falloff period after the closure of
permeability, eliminates the necessity for running a buildup test. the fracture with a high degree of accuracy. In other words, the
The early development of fracture-diagnostic techniques (Nolte effect of fracture propagation during the pumping period on the
1979, 1986, 1990; Tan et al. 1990) aimed at determining fracture- falloff period can be small enough that ignoring it will not result
closure pressure and leakoff coefficient. Later developments (May- in significant error in the calculation.
erhofer et al. 1995; Valkó and Economides 1999) concentrated Because the falloff period is usually much longer than the pump-
on the transient analysis of the before-closure data, leading to ing period, the technique developed by Soliman et al. (2004, 2005)
the calculation of reservoir properties such as initial pressure and can be used to analyze the falloff data, beyond the closure time, to
determine reservoir and fracture properties. Using that technique, it
is possible to identify one of several flow regimes, depending on the
*Now with Sharp-Rock Technologies.
reservoir, fracture, and perforation schemes. The flow regime can
be linear, pseudoradial, bilinear, or spherical flow. The most simple
Copyright © 2010 Society of Petroleum Engineers
and most common flow regime that has been observed is pseudora-
This paper (SPE 124135) was accepted for presentation at the SPE Annual Technical dial flow. Other flow regimes have been observed, such as bilinear
Conference and Exhibition, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 4–7 October 2009, and revised
for publication. Original manuscript received 2 March 2009. Revised manuscript received
and spherical flow. The methodology of analysis used for various
10 June 2010. Paper peer approved 20 July 10. flow regimes is discussed in detail by Soliman et al. (2005).

472 November 2010 SPE Production & Operations

Chipperfield (2006) and Uribe et al. (2007) published exten- to calculate the distance to the boundary regardless of how long
sions of the after-closure-analysis methodology. Chipperfield the shut-in period might be. Earlougher and Kazemi (1980) stated
expanded on work published by Houze et al. (1988). In both that the radius of investigation during a drawdown period should
approaches, it was assumed that either the created fracture will be at least four times the distance to a sealing fault to observe a
completely close during the shut-in period or the shut-in time will doubling of the slope during a buildup period.
be long enough that a pseudoradial-flow regime will dominate the Another example illustrating this can be seen in a falloff/
well behavior. In the simulated example discussed by Uribe, the buildup test performed on a dual-porosity system. In a dual-poros-
shut-in period was almost 500 days. The field example presented ity system, one would observe the wellbore-storage effect followed
by Chipperfield showed the start of radial flow, indicating that the by the effect of the fracture system, a transition period, and eventu-
hydraulic fracture was closed. ally the total system, including the matrix contribution to flow. For
This paper examines the application of after-closure analysis to the shut-in period to reflect this total system, the flow period has
a naturally fractured formation (dual-porosity system), a coalbed- to be long enough to observe the total-system effect. The use of
methane (CBM) reservoir, and a fractured horizontal well. Our superposition does not eliminate the need for a long flow period.
treatment of the naturally fractured reservoirs is different from Fig. 1, presented in Soliman et al. (1996), shows the buildup
previous studies. In Houze’s work, the fracture was assumed to be response for various producing times, as well as the response from
of uniform flux. The infinite-conductivity solution was calculated a long flow period (or a shut-in period with an infinitely long flow
from the uniform-flux solution. In this paper, we examine the case period). Fig. 1 indicates that as the flow time gets longer, the behavior
for a finite-conductivity fracture. We also examine dual situations of the shut-in period approaches that of a flow period. It is also clear

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for when the hydraulic fracture closes and when it stays open during that the shut-in period would not reveal a flow regime that had not
the shut-in period (falloff). Our analysis is based on a well-testing been fully investigated by the preceding flow period. For example, if
approach that makes no assumption regarding the flow regime. the flow period is terminated before the matrix system is fully investi-
Furthermore, all previously published techniques implicitly gated, the shut-in period might not reveal reliable information on that
assume that the injected-fracturing-fluid properties are identical to portion of the reservoir (matrix), as in the examples just discussed.
formation-fluid properties. The effect of fluid properties has been The analytical solution developed by Serra et al. (1983) was
examined by Chen et al. (2006), who reported that under the radial- used to create Figs. 2 and 3, showing falloff (or buildup) tests
flow regime, well analysis is controlled mainly by the injected fluid. where the flow period is fairly short. The data are plotted in the
Soliman et al. (2010) showed that in the fractured-well case, the situ- format that will be used in the analysis of the after-closure tests.
ation may be more complex and well behavior will also depend on Because of the short injection (or producing) time, the early-time
the mobility ratio. The worst-case scenario for these analyses exists straight line (radial flow) that usually characterizes the dual-
when the injected fluid is less mobile than the reservoir fluid. porosity system is not apparent. The dip in the derivative curve
that indicates the presence of heterogeneity is apparent; this is
FETs in a Dual-Porosity System followed by a straight-line slope of –1, indicating the presence
It is almost customary to treat the shut-in periods (buildup and of the long-term radial-flow regime. The graphs also show that it
falloff) in much the same fashion as the flow (production/injection) might take several cycles for the later-time straight line to show.
period is treated. It should be recognized that analysis of the shut-in The data, when plotted using conventional methods, yielded less-
period may be very different from analysis of the flow period. This characteristic behavior.
is especially true in the case of heterogeneous reservoirs such as The storativity () and transmisivity () values may be calcu-
the dual-porosity systems discussed. It may be stated that what is lated from the dip in data, as shown in Figs. 2 and 3. The equations
not fully detected during the flow period cannot be fully detected used in the calculations were presented by Bourdet and Gringarten
during the shut-in period. This can be easily visualized in a test (1980) and Bourdet et al. (1983) and were summarized very well
where more than one flow regime may be encountered during a by Chipperfield (2006).
flow/injection period such as effect of boundaries, dual-porosity Because the late-time data indicate a radial-flow regime, the
systems, and fractured reservoirs. For example, if the flow period analysis of the data follows the standard methodology for radial
is too short to fully observe the effect of a boundary, the shut-in flow. Eqs. 1 through 3 give long-term expressions that can be used
period will not be able to accurately show the effect of the bound- to analyze these data. The analysis technique is discussed in detail
ary either. Thus, the shut-in period, in this case, should not be used by Soliman et al. (2005).

Fig. 1—Effect of production/injection time on shut-in period.

November 2010 SPE Production & Operations 473

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Fig. 2—Shut-in period response for a dual-porosity system, CD=0, ␻ = 0.01, ␭ = 1.0E − 5.

1694.4Vinj  ⎛ 1 ⎞ residual conductivity. In such a case, the long-term data may not
p fo − pi = ⎜⎝ ⎟⎠ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (1) follow the radial-flow pattern unless the fracture is very short, the
kh t
permeability is high, and/or the shut-in time is unreasonably long.
A commercially available numerical simulator was used to model
⎛ 1694.4Vinj  ⎞ such cases and will be investigated next.
( )
log p fo − pi = log ⎜
⎝ kh ⎟⎠ − log ( t ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (2) Fig. 4 shows the response from the numerical simulator when
the fracture closes completely after injection. The simulation
shows that it can be expected that the data will eventually indicate
⎛ p ⎞ ⎛ 1,694.4Vinj  ⎞ radial-flow behavior during the falloff period. The graph shows
log ⎜ − t fo ⎟ = log ⎜ ⎟⎠ − log(t ). . . . . . . . . . . . . (3) that, as the injection time declines, the derivative graph changes
⎝ t ⎠ ⎝ kh
shape. Shorter time shows a derivative-positive slope. This behav-
ior is caused by the transition to matrix-dominated behavior and
In this paper, the after-closure analysis for a heterogeneous can be observed only in a dual-porosity system. This behavior
reservoir (dual-porosity system) is investigated under two main occurs because of the extremely high contrast in transmissibility
scenarios. In the first scenario, the fracture is assumed to heal between the fracture and matrix systems.
completely and have no residual fracture conductivity. Figs. 2 As the flow period gets shorter, the difference between the
and 3 showed the expected behavior of the first scenario. In the investigated areas in the fracture and the matrix systems gets larger.
second scenario, it is assumed that the fracture maintains some Figs. 5 and 6 show the pressure distribution inside the reservoir

Fig. 3—Shut-in period response for a dual-porosity system, CD =100, ␻ = 0.01, ␭ = 1.0E − 5.

474 November 2010 SPE Production & Operations


16-hr Derivative 16-hr dp

8-hr Derivative 8-hr dp

4-hr Derivative 4-hr dp

Change in Pressure and Derivative, psi



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10 100 1000 10000
Time, min

Fig. 4—Falloff period following an injection period.

after 4 and 16 hours of production, respectively, indicating that In all cases, the falloff data in the pressure and derivative
after long flowing time, the investigated areas of the matrix and plots both approach a straight line that appears to have a slope
the fracture become comparable. This change in the characteristic of approximately 2⁄3. Further research is necessary to develop an
of the diagnostic derivative plot is given in Fig. 4. analysis model similar to Eqs. 1 through 3 for evaluation of this
When the fracture maintains some or much of its conductiv- straight line.
ity during the falloff period, the shape of the derivative gives a Because of the heterogeneity of the naturally fractured forma-
very clear indication of the presence of the dual-porosity system. tion, it is important that the flow period reach a stabilized matrix
Numerical simulation may be the best method to study well per- flow (beyond the dip in the pressure derivative plot). The shut-in
formance under such conditions where the fracture is usually of period will have to be several times that time duration. Bourdet
finite dimensionless conductivity. et al. (1983) and Houze et al. (1988) give guidelines for the time
Figs. 7 through 9 show the various effects on pressure behav- necessary to run a buildup test. Similar guidelines would apply to
ior. Fig. 7 shows the identical case, for two fracture lengths. The the cases discussed in this paper.
derivative does not approach any of the previously recognized
slopes, making the analysis of the closure data unfeasible at this Example 1—Dual-Porosity Model
time, except through matching with an analytical or numerical Fig. 10 is the job chart for an FET that was performed on a natu-
simulator. Fig. 8 shows the effect of the storativity factor ( ) on rally fractured formation. Unfortunately, only surface data were
pressure response, while Fig. 9 shows the effect the transmissivity recorded, with lower gauge resolution than is necessary to analyze
( ) on the pressure behavior. a complex case, such as this FET in a dual-porosity reservoir.

Fig. 5—Pressure distributions inside fracture and matrix systems following 4 hours of production, ␻ = 0.01, ␭ = 1.0E − 5.

November 2010 SPE Production & Operations 475

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Fig. 6—Pressure distributions inside fracture and matrix systems following 16 hours of production, ␻ = 0.01, ␭ = 1.0E − 5.

The use of a relatively low-resolution gauge is responsible for gauges when running FETs in all cases, and especially in tight and
the significant scattering of data that is clearly apparent in the naturally fractured formations.
derivative plot, shown in Fig. 11. However, the general shape of
the derivative plot appears to mimic the simulated data reported in FETs in CBM Reservoirs
Figs. 7 through 9 including the presence of the dip in the deriva- CBM represent a very special case of gas reservoirs. Most CBM
tive. The shape of the data indicates the presence of a hydraulic reservoirs are wet systems where there is no free gas. All gas is
fracture intersecting the wellbore and indicates that the reservoir adsorbed on the grains of coal in micropores. The cleat system
is naturally fractured. Unfortunately, the test was also too short (macropores) is initially occupied with water. To start producing
to analyze further. The use of a surface gauge with relatively low the adsorbed gas, the reservoir will first have to be dewatered. Fluid
resolution contributed to the inability to produce quantitatively flowing in the cleat system follows the Darcy equation, while on
analyzable data. It is definitely advised to use high-resolution the other hand, gas desorption follows diffusion equations. For gas

Dp 50-ft fracture

Dp 100- ft fracture

Derivative 50- ft fracture

Derivative 100- ft fracture

Pressure Drop and Derivative



10 100 1000 10000
Time, min

Fig. 7—Effect of fracture length on the falloff period, ␻ = 0.01, ␭ = 1.0E − 5.

476 November 2010 SPE Production & Operations

10000 Dp Omega=0.1
Dp Omega=0.03
Dp Omega=0.01
Derivative Omega=0.1
Derivative Omega=0.03
Derivative Omega=0.01

Pressure and Derivative, psi


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10 100 1000 10000
Time, min

Fig. 8—Effect of reservoir storativity on the falloff period, ␭ = 1.0E − 5.

to desorb, water in the cleat system will have to be removed first Thus, tests performed on a CBM system before dewatering can
in order to reduce pressure, a process that is usually referred to as be analyzed in conventional fashion, assuming a homogeneous sys-
dewatering. Once the pressure inside the cleat system drops below tem and ignoring the adsorbed gas. After dewatering, the fluid flow
the critical pressure, gas will desorb from the surface of the coal is affected by both the diffusion process of the adsorbed gas and
grains and will start flowing to the cleats and through the cleat the Darcy flow in the cleat system, making an FET virtually impos-
system to the wellbore. sible to analyze, except when employing a matching technique

Dp Lambda=1.0E-4
Dp Lambda=1.0E-5
Dp Lambda=1.0E-6
Derivative Lambda=1.0E-4
1000 Derivative Lambda=1.0E-5
Derivative Lambda=1.0E-6
Pressure and Derivative, psi



10 100 1000 10000
Time, min

Fig. 9—Effect of reservoir transmissivity on the falloff period, ␻ = 0.01.

November 2010 SPE Production & Operations 477

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Fig. 10—Pressure vs. time for an FET in a naturally fractured formation (Example 1).

using a numerical simulator. It would be difficult to achieve a temperature effect is possible, as shown by Soliman (1986). How-
unique match because of the complex processes that control res- ever, this increase in pressure usually indicates that the fracture
ervoir behavior. has not closed yet. As a result, after-closure analysis might not
be applicable.
Testing CBM Reservoirs After Dewatering
Several tests were performed after the dewatering process. In all Example 2—CBM Testing Before Dewatering
cases, the data were unanalyzable. This might be a result of the very In this section, an FET is analyzed that was performed on a CBM
complex behavior expected because of the nature of adsorption/ reservoir before dewatering occurred. The FET was performed by
desorption of the gas on and from the surface of the coal grains. injecting 2% KCl brine.
In many cases, the pressure during the shut-in period was Fig. 12 shows the diagnostic derivative plot of this example.
actually increasing, rendering the data unanalyzable. The increase The graph clearly shows that the data eventually follow a straight
in pressure might be a result of increased fluid temperature if at line with slope of –¾, indicating that the bilinear-flow regime
the same time the leakoff is very small. This phenomenon usu- dominates the after-closure behavior. Eqs. 4 and 5 are expressions
ally occurs in a very tight, hot reservoir where the expansion of used for analyzing this flow regime. It should be noted that because
fluid inside the wellbore and the fracture caused by heating of the end of the bilinear-flow regime has not been observed yet,
the fracturing fluid is larger than the leakoff rate. Correcting for fracture length cannot be calculated. In addition, the calculated

Pressure Derivave, psi

100 1000 10000

Total Test Time, sec

Fig. 11—Diagnostic derivative plot for dual-porosity formation (Example 1).

478 November 2010 SPE Production & Operations

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Fig. 12—Diagnostic derivative of CBM example of FET performed before dewatering (Example 2).

permeability is that of the cleat system. The formation permeability Vinj  1

k = 264.6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (5)
is calculated using Eq. 5 and using the last point on the bilinear-
( )
h br 2.637 t
flow regime. In this case, the bilinear-flow regime dominated the ebf

whole test. Consequently, the last point in the test was used as tebf
in Eq. 5. In this case, the calculated value represents the upper The initial reservoir pressure was calculated using the Cartesian
bound on reservoir permeability. plot, as shown in Fig. 13. As indicated therein, the initial reservoir
pressure is the intercept on the y-axis. This initial reservoir pressure
⎛ 1 ⎞ 0.75 is used to create the log-log plot of pressure decline vs. time. This is
Vinj 1 ⎛ 1⎞
p fo − pi = 264.6 ( ) 0.75
⎜ c k⎟ ⎜⎝ ⎟⎠ , shown in Fig. 14, which indicates a slope of 3⁄4, confirming that the
h ⎝ t ⎠ kf wf t bilinear-flow regime dominates the after-closure period. Using the
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (4) slope of the straight line in Fig. 13 (3,594 psi/hr0.75) or the intercept

Fig. 13—Cartesian plot for CBM example (Example 2).

November 2010 SPE Production & Operations 479

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Fig. 14—Log-log plot for CBM example (Example 2).

of the straight line at 1 hr in Fig. 14 (3,598 psi/hr0.75), the formation vertical-well case. It should also be possible to observe a spherical
height-permeability product is calculated. The difference between flow, perhaps followed by a long-term pseudoradial-flow regime.
the two possible values is only 0.1%, further strengthening confi- Soliman et al. (2005) presented models for predicting the
dence in the validity of the analysis. behavior of a fracturing test performed on a horizontal well drilled
in the direction of minimum stress, when the created fracture is
Fractured Horizontal Well transverse to the wellbore. In the next section, we present a field
Fracturing a horizontal well represents a very special case that is case that was performed on a horizontal well. To the knowledge of
still relatively uncommon. A fracture intersecting a wellbore can the authors, no field case has been presented until now.
be longitudinal or transverse, depending on the orientation of the
wellbore with respect to the in-situ stress. Example 3—Fractured Horizontal Well
If the well is drilled in the direction of the maximum stress, the The FET was performed by pumping 11,700 gal of gelled fluid at 35
created fracture would be longitudinal. The observed data from an bbl/min. The job chart is given in Fig. 15. The diagnostic derivative
FET should be fairly similar to what would be observed in case of plot (Fig. 16) shows a slope of –1.5, indicating that the spherical-
an FET on a vertical well. In other words, it would be possible to flow regime dominates the reservoir. The presence of a spherical-
observe linear-, bilinear-, and radial-flow regimes. flow regime implies that after closure, the fracture might not have
If the well is drilled in the direction of minimum stress to create significant residual conductivity. The schematic in Fig. 17 shows
a transverse fracture at the well, the perforated interval is usually why spherical flow is likely to be seen in this case. To run the FET,
no longer than four times the diameter of the wellbore. In this case, approximately 3 ft of the casing was perforated and a transverse
the created fracture is transverse to the wellbore and the behavior fracture was created. The fluid flow is likely to be influenced by
of an FET would be fairly complex. Linear/radial flow can be this limited perforated interval. In addition, Fig. 15 indicates that
observed if the fracture is large and has some residual conductivity. the fracture has most probably closed very quickly. The expressions
This flow period is equivalent to the bilinear-flow period in the used in analysis of a spherical-flow regime are given as:

Fig. 15—Job chart for FET on a horizontal well (Example 3).

480 November 2010 SPE Production & Operations


Pressure Derivave, PSI


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100 1,000 10,000
Total Test Time, sec

Fig. 16—Diagnostic derivative plot for testing on a horizontal well (Example 3).

⎛ ⎞ should be converted to the correct units. In case of spherical flow,
( ) 1
p fo − pi = 29434 Vinj  ct ⎜⎝ ⎟⎠ , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (6) this is done by dividing those values by (3,600)1.5, which will yield
k t 1.5
a slope (on Fig. 18) or intercept (at time = 1 hour in Fig. 19) of
78.96 psi/hr1.5.
⎛ ∂p fo ⎞ ⎛ ⎛ ⎞ ⎞

( ) ⎜⎝ ⎟⎠ ⎟ − 1.5 log ( t ).
log ⎜ − t = log ⎜ 4, 414.5 Vinj  ct Conclusions
⎝ ∂t ⎟⎠ ⎝ k ⎠
• Models for a naturally fractured reservoir (dual porosity) have
been developed.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (7) • Because of reservoir heterogeneity, a long shut-in period after
fracture closure might be necessary for analysis.
The test data were further plotted, as in Figs. 18 and 19, follow- • What is not investigated during the flow period will probably
ing the procedure developed herein by Soliman et al. (2005). The not be investigated during the shut-in period. This observation is
initial reservoir pressure at the wellhead condition is the intercept important during analysis of heterogeneous reservoirs. This will
in Fig. 18. Hydrostatic pressure will have to be added to this value mean that both the injection and shut-in periods will have to be
to calculate reservoir pressure at downhole conditions. fairly long when testing a naturally fractured formation.
Entering fluid and reservoir parameters into Eq. 7, the reservoir • Further research is necessary to develop a quantitative analysis
permeability was calculated. The formation permeability calcu- for after-closure analysis when the fracture retains significant
lated herein was within 8% of the formation permeability calcu- residual conductivity.
lated using drillstem tests performed on offset vertical wells. • At this time, only qualitative analysis is possible.
It should be noted that time in Eqs. 6 and 7 is in time units of • To improve the chances of obtaining reliable analysis, it is rec-
hours, while the slope and intercept in Figs. 18 and 19 are based ommended that downhole shut-in be employed. It is also recom-
on time in seconds. Thus, before using Eqs. 6 or 7, those values mended that a high-resolution gauge be used.
• CBM reservoirs should be tested before dewatering. A successful
field test has been presented.
• A successful field case was presented for an FET on a horizontal
• Three field cases have been presented discussing unconventional
application of after-closure analysis.

ct = total formation compressibility, psi–1
CD = dimensionless wellbore storage
h = formation height, ft
k = formation permeability, md
kfwf = fracture conductivity, md-ft
Pfo = pressure during the falloff period, psi
pi = initial reservoir pressure, psi
PD = dimensionless pressure
rw = wellbore radius, ft
t = total time, hours
Fig. 17—Schematic of fluid flows around a short fracture inter- tD = dimensionless time
secting a horizontal well. tebf = time at end of bilinear flow

November 2010 SPE Production & Operations 481

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Fig. 18—Cartesian plot for fractured horizontal well (Example 3).

Fig. 19—Log-log plot for fractured horizontal well (Example 3).

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 = viscosity, cp tion-Falloff-Production Tests. Paper SPE 103271 presented at the SPE
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Chipperfield, S. 2006. After-Closure Analysis to Identify Naturally Frac-
 = transmissivity, dimensionless
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Acknowledgments Earlougher, R.C. Jr. and Kazemi, H. 1980. Practicalities of Detecting Faults
The authors of this paper thank Halliburton for allowing this work From Buildup Testing. J Pet Technol 32 (1): 18–20. SPE- 8781-PA.
to be published. doi: 10.2118/8781-PA.
Gu, H., Elbel, J.L., Nolte, K.G., Cheng, A.H-D., and Abousleiman, Y.
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ity Determination by Micro or Mini-Hydraulic Fracturing. Journal of tions Symposium, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA, 21–23 March. doi:
Energy Resources Technology 116 (2): 104–114. 10.2118/25425-MS.
Bourdet, D. and Gringarten, A.C. 1980. Determination of Fissure Volume Houze, O.P., Horne, R.N., and Ramey, H.J. Jr. 1988. Pressure-Transient
and Block Size in Fractured Reservoirs by Type-Curve Analysis. Paper Response of an Infinite-Conductivity Vertical Fracture in a Reservoir
SPE 9293 presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhi- with Double-Porosity Behavior. SPE Form Eval 3 (3): 510–518; Trans.,
bition, Dallas, 21–24 September. doi: 10.2118/9293-MS. AIME, 285. SPE- 12778-PA. doi: 10.2118/12778-PA.
Bourdet, D., Ayoub, J., Whittle, T.M., Pirad, Y-M., and Kniazeff, V. 1983. Mayerhofer, M.J., Ehlig-Economides, C.A., and Economides, M.J. 1995.
Interpreting Well Tests in Fractured Reservoirs. World Oil 72 (Octo- Pressure-Transient Analysis of Fracture Calibration Tests. J Pet Technol
ber): 77–87. 47 (3): 229–234. SPE- 26527-PA. doi: 10.2118/26527-PA.

482 November 2010 SPE Production & Operations

Nolte, K.G. 1979. Determination of Fracture Parameters from Fracturing Tan, H.C., McGowen, J.M., and Soliman, M.Y. 1990. Field Application of
Pressure Decline. Paper SPE 8341 presented at SPE Annual Technical Minifracture Analysis to Improve Fracturing Treatment Design. SPE
Conference and Exhibition, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 23–26 Septem- Prod Eng 5 (2): 125–132. SPE- 17463-PA. doi: 10.2118/17463-PA.
ber. doi: 10.2118/8341-MS. Uribe, O., Tiab, D., Restrepo, D., and Chipperfield, S. 2007. Advances in
Nolte, K.G. 1986. General Analysis of Fracturing Pressure Decline with After-Closure Analysis for Naturally Fractured Reservoirs. Paper SPE
Application to Three Models. SPE Form Eval 1 (6): 571–583. SPE- 107257 presented at the Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum
12941-PA. doi: 10.2118/12941-PA. Engineering Conference, Buenos Aires, 15–18 April. doi: 10.2118/
Nolte, K.G. 1990. Fracturing-Pressure Analysis: Deviations from Ideal 107257-MS.
Assumptions. Paper SPE 20704 prepared for presentation at the SPE Valkó, P.P. and Economides, M.J. 1999. Fluid-Leakoff Delineation in
Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, New Orleans, 23–27 High-Permeability Fracturing. SPE Prod & Fac 14 (2): 110–116. SPE-
September. 56135-PA. doi: 10.2118/56135-PA.
Nolte, K.G., Maniere, J.L., and Owens, K.A. 1997. After-Closure Analysis
of Fracture Calibration Tests. Paper SPE 38676 presented at the SPE M.Y. Soliman is the chief reservoir engineer with Halliburton
Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, San Antonio, Texas, Energy. He is also an adjunct professor of petroleum engineering
USA, 5–8 October. doi: 10.2118/38676-MS. at the University of Houston. His areas of interest include well-
Serra, K., Reynolds, A.C., and Raghavan, R. 1983. New pressure Transient test analysis, diagnostic testing, fracturing and numerical simula-
tion. Soliman holds a BS degree in petroleum engineering from
Analysis Methods for Naturally Fractured Reservoirs. J Pet Technol 35
Cairo University. He holds MS and PhD degrees from Stanford
(12): 2271–2283. SPE- 10780-PA. doi: 10.2118/10780-PA. University. He is a distinguished member of SPE and a licensed

Downloaded from by Bandung Inst. of Tech. user on 07 June 2021

Soliman, M.Y. 1986. Technique for Considering Fluid Compressibility professional engineer by the State of Texas. He has authored
and Temperature Changes in Mini-Frac Analysis. Paper SPE 15370 or co-authored more than 150 technical papers and holds 17
presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, patents. Carlos G. Miranda is a senior consultant for the Global
New Orleans, 5–8. October. doi: 10.2118/15370-MS. Petroleum Engineering Division of Halliburton Consulting and
Soliman, M.Y., Azari, M., Ansah, J., and Kabir, C.S. 2004. Design, Inter- Project Management. He’s held several positions with Halliburton
pretation, and Assessment of Short-Term Pressure-Transient Tests. worldwide since 1995. He has been extensively dedicated to the
Paper SPE 90837 presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference research and implementation of reservoir simulation and pro-
duction optimization techniques for shale gas formations and
and Exhibition, Houston, 26–29 September. doi: 10.2118/90837-MS.
to the analysis of injection tests to determine reservoir proper-
Soliman, M.Y., Craig, D., Bartko, K., Rahim, Z., Ansah, J., and Adams, ties for unconventional reservoirs. He holds a BS degree in petro-
D. 2005. New Method for Determination of Formation Permeability, leum engineering from Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria,
Reservoir Pressure, and Fracture Properties from a Minifrac Test. Paper Peru. Hong (Max) Wang is a licensed petroleum engineer reg-
ARMA/USRMS 05-658 presented at the 40th US Symposium on Rock istered in Texas. He currently works for Sharp-Rock Technologies,
Mechanics (USRMS), Anchorage, 25–29 June. Inc. in Houston. Prior to his work for Sharp-Rock, he worked for
Soliman, M.Y., Hunt, J.L, Rezk, M., and Puthigai, S. 1996. Considerations PetroChina, Schlumberger, and Halliburton. During his 20 years in
in Modern Analysis of Well Test Data. Paper SPE 36123 presented at the industry, Wang has acquired extensive experience in drilling
the Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference, fluids, cementing, rock mechanics, and hydraulic fracturing. He
has conducted extensive studies on lost circulation prevention
Port of Spain, Trinidad, 26–29 April.
and control and wellbore strengthening/stabilization. His current
Soliman, M.Y., Miranda, C., Wang, H.M., and Thornton, K. 2010. Inves- interests are on new technologies that reduce non-productive
tigation of Effect of Fracturing Fluid on After-Closure Analysis in time, enhance ROP, and improve borehole quality. He holds an
Gas Reservoirs. Paper SPE 128016 presented at the North Africa MS degree in chemical engineering from South China University
Technical Conference and Exhibition, Cairo, 14–17 February. doi: of Technology and a PhD degree in petroleum engineering
10.2118/128016-MS. from University of Wyoming.

November 2010 SPE Production & Operations 483

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