Error Correction

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Error correction:

There are three types of common mistakes in English.

A. Spelling mistakes, for example chelf [instead of shelf.].

Telephon [instead of telephone] and zandal [instead of sandal].

Sometimes a word or letter is not needed and sometimes a word or

letter is missing.

B. Grammar mistakes, such as the wrong conjugation of verbs or

the writing of plural nouns; for example: babys [instead of babies],

countrys [instead of countries] She go [instead of she goes]. I’ve

never see a ghost. [Seen].

C. Punctuation mistakes, such as the use of capital letters after a

period or at the beginning of a sentence. washington is the capital

city of the United States.

Exercise: find the mistake and correct it.

1. How often do you buy new clothes? [Punctuation mistake]

2. How many pairs of shoes do you have? [Grammar mistake]

3. Julie Montague is 28 years old. She’s a lawyer. [Punctuation


4. Jim Jones is 34. He´s a teacher. [Punctuation mistake]

5. He has green eyes and brown hair. [Grammar mistake]

6. I like to go to the movies. [Grammar mistake]

7. She is a teacher. [Spelling mistake, missing letter]

8. Her sister’s eyes are brown. [Spelling mistake, there´s an extra


9. My favorite color is blue. [Spelling mistake, missing letter]

10. I work in an office. [Spelling mistake]

Grammar. Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.

1. I like_________ other people to be as healthy as they can be.

a) helping b) help c) don’t help d)


2. I travel long distances. I spend a lot of time alone, an it’s


a) tire b) tired c) tires d) tiring

3. Nadia Rice___________ a teacher.

a) am b) are c) is d) can

4. I go to the movies________ a week.

a) once b) one c) never d) two

5. Fabio Ingrosso_________________ a kitesurfer since 2005.

a) will be b) have been c) haven’t been

d) has been
6. Longford House ______________ built in 1565.

a) has b) was c) were d) are

7. My husband ______________on a business trip to a town called Itu

in Brazil last summer.

a) go b)goes c)went


8. It is easier to decide what to do if you___________ a close friend

about the problem.

a) tell b) say c) tells d) says

9. You____________ try to exercise more often.

a) need b) have c) doesn´t d) should

10. Whenever I smell roses, it___________________ me think of my


a) makes b) make c) making d) made

REASelect the part of the sentence which is incorrect:

1. She’s good in baseball.

a) She’s

b) good
c) in [at]

d) baseball

2. I found a tasty recipe in me new cookbook.

a) a tasty

b) recipe

c) me [my]

d) new cookbook.

3. I’ve be living in the same apartment for three years.

a) I’ve be living [I’ve been living]

b) the same

c) apartment

d) three years

4. Sammy have been playing for the Chicago Cubs since 2013.

a) Sammy

b) have been [has been]

c) Chicago Cubs

d) 2013.

5. If he get married, he’ll have a family.

a) If
b) get married [gets]

c) he’ll

d) a family

6. When people drink, they tends to fight more.

a) when

b) people drink

c) they tends [they tend]

d) fight more

7. Traffic signs needs to be clear to help with traffic flow.

a) traffic signs

b) needs to be [need to be]

c) to help

d) traffic flow

8. It’s danger for people to play in the street.

a) it’s danger [dangerous]

b) people

c) to play

d) the street

9. The population of the world are increasing.

a) the population

b) of

c) the world

d) are increasing [is increasing]

10. The doctor told me to get some rests.

a) the doctor

b) told me

c) to get

d) some rests [some rest]


This section is designed to measure your ability to read and

understand short passages similar in topic and style to those that

students are likely to encounter in North American universities

and colleges.

Directions: In this section you will read several passages. Each

one is followed by a number of questions about it. You are to

choose one best answer, (A), (B), (C) or (D), to each question.

Romantic music from the nineteenth century differed greatly from

the classical music of the eighteenth century. Classical music was

primarily concerned with strict form and style.

Romantic composers, however, wanted to express their feelings

and thoughts through music. Their music was less structured than

the music of the classists.

Its goal was to fill the listener with emotion, with thoughts of

beauty, wonder, and nature, and with poetry. [5]

1. What is the topic of this passage?

(a) The characteristics of romantic music.

(b) Various types of music.

(C) Popular music in the eighteenth century.

(d) A comparison of romantic and classical music.

2. The word “greatly” in line 1 could be best replaced by which of

the following?

(a) Famously

(b) Tremendously

(c) Structurally

(d) Slightly

3. According to the passage, classical music

(a) Expresses feelings and thoughts

(b) was popular in the nineteenth century

(c) Has rigid forms

(d) Is less structured than romantic music

4. The word “form” in line 2 is closest in meaning to

(a) Structure

(b) Meter

(c) Meaning

(d) Use

5. It can be inferred from the passage that romantic music

(a) Developed prior to the eighteenth century

(b) Did not have a strict form

(c) Came before classical music

(d) was more concerned with form than feeling.

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