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Extent of Awareness on Personal Hygiene Practices

Among Junior High School Students of

Xavier University- Ateneo de Cagayan,
A.Y 2020-2021

A Research Paper
Presented to the Faculty of the
College of Nursing- Xavier University Ateneo de Cagayan

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

in Nursing Research I (NCM 111)


Abedin, Jamil L.
Alguzar, Odessa Gayle A.
Arpa, Courtney Joy L.
Bergonia, Toni Roselle A.
Bersola, Jean Dominique B.
Bonghanoy, Joshua Allen O.
Burgos, Andrew Kyril B.
Catiil, John Ivan E.
Daclag, Paolo Victor L.
Damasco, Kaye Ivee V.
Dela Cruz, Juan Miguel A.
Emano, Kathryna Marie P.
Galagar, Hannah Bea Franchesca G.

November 2020

March 15, 2021- Version 3


This research paper entitled: “EXTENT OF AWARENESS ON PERSONAL

prepared and submitted by Mr. Jamil Abedin, Ms. Odessa Gayle
Alguzar, Ms. Courtney Arpa, Ms. Toni Roselle Bergonia, Ms. Jean
Dominique Bersola, Mr. Joshua Allen Bonghanoy, Mr. Andrew Kyril
Burgos, Mr. John Ivan Catiil, Mr. Paolo Victor Daclag, Ms. Kaye Ivee
Damasco, Mr. Juan Miguel Dela Cruz, Ms. Kathryna Marie Emano, and
Ms. Hannah Bea Franchesca Galagar in partial fulfillment for the
requirements of the course Nursing Research I (NCM 111), has been
examined and recommended for Oral Examination.

Glenda P. De Vera, RN, MAN

Research Adviser



Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination with a grade of


Roviech Echeveria, MAN, RN Mildred N. Pinque MN, RN

Panelist Panelist

Approved and accepted in partial fulfillment for the

requirements of the course Nursing Research I.

November 2020 Mary Grace M. Paayas, MAN, RN

Dean – College of Nursing

March 15, 2021- Version 3
November 23, 2020
(Date of Final Defense)


We hereby declare that this work entitled “EXTENT OF AWARENESS ON

2021” submitted as a requirement for Nursing Research I (NCM 111) at
the College of Nursing of Xavier University – Ateneo de Cagayan, is
our own work and that, to the best of our knowledge and belief, it
contains no material previously published or written by another person
nor material which to a substantial extent has been accepted for the
award of any other degree or diploma of a university or other institute
of higher learning, except where the due acknowledgements and
citations are made in the text.
We also declare that the intellectual content of this research study is
the product of our own work, even if we may have received
assistance from others on the style, presentation, and language

Abedin, Jamil L. Catiil, John Ivan E.

Alguzar, Odessa Gayle Daclag, Paolo Victor L.
Arpa, Courtney Damasco, Kaye Ivee V.
Bergonia, Toni Roselle A. Dela Cruz, Juan Miguel A.
Bersola, Jean Dominique Emano, Kathryna Marie P.
Bonghanoy, Joshua Allen O. Galagar, Hannah Bea
Burgos, Andrew Kyril B. Franchesca G.

BSN 2 - NC

March 15, 2021- Version 3

The student nurses would like to give credits and recognize the

people for the success of this case presentation. The student nurses

were able to finish and comply on time with the help of the following:

To Xavier University – Ateneo de Cagayan, for molding them

not just to be student nurses but as competent student nurses that

bring the characteristics the Ignatian way.

To the Xavier University - Ateneo de Cagayan, College of

Nursing, for inculcating and giving them the prior knowledge and

ethical skills needed to make this research proposal possible.

To Mrs. Mary Grace Paayas, MAN, RN, Dean of the College of

Nursing for being an inspiration to every student nurse and clinical

instructor that made them competent and passionate student nurses.

To Glenda P. De Vera, MAN, RN, Research Mentor, for her

dedication, camaraderie and patience towards guiding them

throughout the making of this proposal. Her passion towards this

course has molded each student nurse in becoming the best version

they could be.

To Mr. Jedifel Yburan, LPT, Research Statistician, for responding

to the request of examining the proposal’s respondents and sampling

March 15, 2021- Version 3
procedure, scoring procedure, and as well as the statistical treatment.

His guidance made this proposal reliable.

To Mrs. Mary Grace Santizas, RN and Mr. Juanito R. Oliveria II,

LPT, for accepting the request to review the questionnaire. Their

direction gave a very impact on this proposal’s validity.

They would also like to thank our beloved parents for the endless

love and support, for pushing them to become better every day, for

motivating them not to give up when things get rough, and for being

an inspiration in fulfilling their dreams.

To their fellow duty mates, for their full effort and sleepless nights

in making this proposal possible despite the hectic schedule and


Lastly, they would like to thank the Almighty Father for the gift

of education, the gift of wisdom, knowledge, and intelligence, and

the guidance that He has blessed them with as they continue this

journey to become health care providers and bring His work to

completion with a heart of magis. Without Him, they cannot succeed.

March 15, 2021- Version 3

Page Number

Cover Page i

Approval Sheet ii

Certificate of Originality iii

Acknowledgement iv

Table of Contents vi

List of Figure viii

List of Appendices ix

List of Tables xi


1 The Problem 1

Introduction 1

Theoretical and Conceptual Framework 2

Statement of the Problem 12

Hypothesis 13

Significace of the Study 14

Scope and Limitations 15

March 15, 2021- Version 3
Definition of Terms 18

2 Review of Related Literature and Studies 21

3 Reasearch Methodology 37

Introduction 37

Research Design 38

Research Setting 39

Respondents and Sampling Procedure 40

Data Gathering Instrument and Procedure 45

Scoring Procedure 51

Validity and Reliability 58

Statistical Treatment 61

Bibliography 64

A. Websites 64

B. Online Journals 71

C. Textbooks 79

Curriculum Vitae 128

March 15, 2021- Version 3

Figure Page

1 Schematic diagram showing the interrelationship 11

between the independent variables and the

dependent variables

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Appendix Page

A Letters Addressed to the Following 80

a. Principal 80

b. Junior High School Registrar 81

c. College Nurse Validator 82

d. Junior High School Nurse Validator 83

e. Teacher Validator 84

B Approval from the XU-Junior High School 85

C Agreement Forms of 88

a. CollegeNurse Validator 88

b. Junior High School Nurse Validator 89

c. Teacher Validator 90

D Curriculum Vitae of 91

a. Statistician 91

b. CollegeNurse Validator 95

c. Junior High School Nurse Validator 97

d. Teacher Validator 100

E Informed Assent and Consent To Participate In Research104

I. Information Sheet 104

II. Certificate of Consent (Parent) 112

March 15, 2021- Version 3
III. Certificate of Consent (Child) 114

F Informed Assent and Consent To Give Personal

Information 116

G Research Questionnaire 118

H Statistical Formula 126

March 15, 2021- Version 3

Table Page

1 Body Hygiene Scoring Range 52

2 Oral Hygiene Scoring Range 53

3 Handwashing Hygiene Scoring Range Part 1 54

4 Handwashing Hygiene Scoring Range Part 2 55

5 Hair Hygiene Scoring Range 56

6 Nail Hygiene Scoring Range 57

March 15, 2021- Version 3




Hygiene is defined as the practice of maintaining cleanliness

and decency of the self and direct surroundings to ensure prevention

of disease or infections through microorganisms (Gebreeyessus &

Adem, 2018). In low- and middle- income countries, around 827 000

people die due to inadequate water, sanitation, and hygiene each

year, representing 60% of the total deaths caused by diarrhea, and

insufficient hygiene practices is said to be the main cause in 432 000

of these deaths (World Health Organization, 2019).

One of many public locations that must follow constant

sanitizing is at school (Rifaai, et al, 2018). Since microorganisms choose

no specific age group, people of all ages are at risk, but younger

individuals are considered to have weaker immune systems, this

makes children in junior high school more susceptible to illness-causing

factors, especially if they lack knowledge on the proper sanitation

practices that must be applied daily. Maintenance and development

of health is important for the individuals who make up communities in

order to accelerate the productivity and development of countries

(Çelik & Yüce 2018).

March 15, 2021- Version 3


Students enrolled in Junior High School level are no exemption

for possible contact with harmful germs. Proper knowledge and skills

on hygiene practices may reduce school absences, prevent diseases

and may improve their academic performance. During this

pandemic, personal hygiene must be maintained and evaluated. This

is in line with both Xavier University's vision and a goal in Nursing

profession to expand knowledge on research that contribute in

experiencing excellence when applying learnings to achieve holistic

care of the self for the students. With this, the study seeks to focus on

junior high school students, specifically those enrolled in Xavier

University – Ateneo de Cagayan, since there is a need to stress on the

importance of how they maintain sanitation regularly and whether

they are aware of the proper hygiene practices.


The Self-Care Deficit Theory of Nursing formulated by Dorothea

Orem consists of concepts related to an individual’s practice of self-

care that promotes and maintains healthful functioning, personal

development, and well-being. This theory is considered to be a

general theory that is composed of three related theories such as self-

care, self-care deficit, and nursing systems. First, the theory of self-care

describes the practices deliberately performed by an individual and

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the reasons behind such actions. Second, the self-care deficit theory

explains the reason behind the need for a nursing intervention. And

lastly, the theory of nursing systems suggests how the nurse will

intervene to meet the patient’s self-care needs. The study is anchored

to Orem’s theory because the components of the theory provide self-

care requisites that are significantly related to the problem stated in

the study. With this, the theory is necessary for the effective primary

care prevention of communicable and non-communicable diseases.

The lack of self-care can greatly increase the risk of an individual in

acquiring various illnesses harmful for their health.

Personal hygiene is a form of self-care. The act of cleansing the

body, performing dental care, keeping clothes clean, and sanitizing

the surroundings and the objects that the person comes in contact

with, are centered on the promotion of the person’s own well-being.

These actions are intended for the protection of one’s self from

harmful microbes and pathogens that may contribute to poor health.

According to Gonzalo (2019), in one of the sub-concepts of Florence

Nightingale’s Environmental Theory she stated that providing clean air

and maintaining free ventilation is equally as important as keeping

pores of the skin free from all obstruction excretions. In addition,

Gonzalo (2019) also stated Nola Pender’s Health Promotion Model in

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which improved health, enhanced functional ability, and better

quality of life at all stages of development should be the result of

health promoting behaviors. Two of the additional concepts

mentioned relates to the main theory considering that they are

focused on the improvement of health of the individual through the

manipulation of the surrounding and the practice of health promoting

behaviors. These concepts emphasize cleanliness as an important

aspect in maintaining optimum health. The environment around us is

changing, which makes personal hygiene one of the primary

concerns for self-care. As early as the nursery years, self-care,

specifically personal hygiene must already be learned and practiced.

This practice then must be enhanced as one grows older since

personal needs and activities tend to increase as we age. As children,

we are taught the basics of hygiene, specifically handwashing, taking

regular baths, and covering our mouths when we cough, sneeze, or

when our mouth is full. But as we enter into our adolescent years, we

begin to experience changes in our body. According to Dowshen, S.

(2015), adolescents during puberty undergo general physical

changes like acne on the face and back, stronger body odor due to

active sweat glands, and pubic hair growth. Specific changes include

facial hair and body hair growth, and the experience of wet dreams

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for males. For females, breasts develop, and they experience

menstruation. These factors require enhancement of personal

hygiene practices for each individual. Hygiene doesn't only help

protect from infection, but it also helps in the transition of individuals

through different stages of life.


Biologically, both genders have specific health problems due

to their bodily differences and practices. It is important to recognize

that gender issues relating to health is not only of concern to those

who identify themselves as women as it was previously being

assumed. Over time, it is increasingly clear that men’s health too are

being affected by it. On more recent data, it has come to a point that

several factors, which includes hygiene practices, may contribute to

this phenomenon (Doyal, L.,2016).

Biological variations and social construct may be a factor to

both of the gender’s health as there is a significant difference

between their hygiene practices. In one study conducted by Suen, et

al. (2019), it was shown how those who have a more feminine role are

more likely to practice proper handwashing hygiene, which is

considered to be part of personal hygiene, compared to those who

are leaning more to the masculine role. With this, gender will be taken

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into consideration for this study as it will determine the differences

between their knowledge and practice on personal hygiene.


Religion are considered great factors in an individual’s

development, including their hygiene practices. For instance,

handwashing hygiene can be practiced for many purposes: hygienic,

ritual, or symbolic. Since religion is rooted into ones lives and how

practices are acquired, it has a great impact on the perspective and

awareness of the person. Religions contain different practices in terms

of hygiene, and some even contain none specifically.

Some of the common hygiene practices observed in religions

are the following: Islamic practices include ensuring precise

instructions from the Holy Quran and perform methodical ablutions

prior to praying which is done five times daily; Christian faith focused

more on spiritual behavior, though this does not imply the importance

of hygiene; Buddhist faith shows no specific practices in terms of

hygiene; and other cultures such as Hindu, may avoid the use of soap

and ensure vigorous rubbing instead. (WHO, 2010) All these

differences in hygiene practices among religions contribute to how

individuals are aware and influenced. Therefore, it is essential to

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consider religion in the determination of one’s knowledge and habits

in relation to personal hygiene.

Socioeconomic Status

This aspect pertains to a student’s family occupation, income,

and education. This is directly linked to the personal hygiene,

practices, and perception of an individual (Wang & Geng, 2020). The

socioeconomic status of an individual affects one's way of thinking

and level of awareness with regards to personal hygiene.

A family with high income practically means having the ability

to purchase and provide better health necessities and equipment

specific to hygiene, whereas some middle class and low income

families rely on what's available and most convenient to their budget.

Also, education, reinforced by the principles of parents, impacts a lot

of students because they adopt the practices taught by their parents.

On the other hand, parents who have no work and who became

irresponsible because of their social status may tend to ignore the

significance of health hygiene for their children (Galama & Kippersluis,


This implies that socioeconomic status as a key determinant in

uplifting the healthy practices specific to health hygiene for junior high

school students. Moreover, various studies have supported that

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socioeconomic status has the potential to impact the physical and

psychological health patterns of individuals (Kiyanji, 2010).

Availability of Resources

Effective hygiene communication in schools, markets,

industries, and health facilities helps in reaching out to a group of

people at once in a more specific area (Kumwenda, 2019). In

addition, the emerging of Internet technology offers numerous

opportunities for health education to be delivered in a cost- effective

way (Mo, 2012). Availability of resources and access to information

influences hygiene practices of an individual.

School-based hygiene education is important to decrease the

rate of transmissible diseases (Sachan et al. 2017). Children are

considered to be more receptive to learning and most likely to adopt

healthy behaviors at a younger age. As teenagers make the transition

into adulthood, they will face different changes, including ones that

will affect and impact hygiene (Chernyak, 2020). It was found out that

the main sources of information regarding basic personal hygiene

were family followed by school teachers (Rajbhandari et al. 2019).

Pediatricians can also be a useful source of information regarding

appropriate hygiene approaches. Thus, parents, school teachers and

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medical providers play a crucial role in developing the knowledge

and practices of a child towards personal hygiene.

Water Supply Consistency

Water is used for activities that are associated with cleaning

and drinking. It is essential for personal hygiene because it facilitates

with the cleansing of soiled or contaminated body, brushing of teeth,

and washing of hair. Without it, an individual would not be able to

effectively remove the dirt lying on the surface of their skin, oral cavity,

nails, and hair. Adequate water supply is beneficial for students

practicing handwashing because it plays a major role in the

improvement of health and education of the students (Antwi-agyei

et.al, 2017).

By determining the presence of water within the home of the

respondents, the researchers will be able to further identify the cause

of an increase or decrease in personal hygiene. Water scarcity or the

lack of access to water readily available at home and free from

contamination is estimated to over 2 billion people that are suffering

from it (WHO, 2017).

As of 2020, the presence of the COVID-19 pandemic had added

an additional challenge to a lot of Filipino families, which is the lack of

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access to life’s most critical resource – water (Water.org, 2020). With

the high number of people suffering from the lack of access to water,

it is probable that junior high school students may be part of the

number of people suffering from it. Thus, their practices on personal

hygiene may be compromised.

Overall, the Self-care Deficit Theory is the basis of the variables

included in the study as it emphasizes the concept on self-care

practiced by an individual. The schematic diagram in Figure 1 shows

the interrelationship between the independent variables and

independent variables.

March 15, 2021- Version 3


Independent Variables Dependent Variables

Characteristics of the The Personal Hygiene

Junior High School Practices of the Junior

Students at Xavier High School Students at

University- Ateneo de Xavier University-

Cagayan Ateneo de Cagayan in

terms of
 Gender

 Religion  Body Hygiene

 Socioeconomic  Oral Hygiene

Status  Handwashing

 Availability of Hygiene

Resources  Hair Hygiene

 Water Supply  Nail Hygiene


Figure 1. Schematic diagram showing the interrelationship between

the independent variables and the dependent variables

March 15, 2021- Version 3



This study aims to determine the extent of awareness on

personal hygiene practices among the Junior High School (JHS)

students of Xavier University- Ateneo de Cagayan, Cagayan de

Oro City. It specifically aims to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the students according to

1.1 Gender

1.2 Religion

1.3 Socioeconomic Status

1.4 Availability of Resources

1.5 Water Supply Consistency

2. What is the extent of awareness on personal hygiene practices

among the Xavier University- Ateneo de Cagayan Junior High

School (JHS) students in terms of

2.1 Body Hygiene

2.2 Oral Hygiene

2.3 Handwashing Hygiene

2.4 Hair Hygiene

2.5 Nail Hygiene

3. Is there a significant difference in the extent of awareness on

personal hygiene practices among the Xavier University-

March 15, 2021- Version 3


Ateneo de Cagayan Junior High School (JHS) students when

categorized according to

3.1 Gender

3.2 Religion

3.3 Socioeconomic Status

3.4 Availability of Resources

3.5 Water Supply Consistency


The first and second problems are hypotheses free. The third

problem will be tested at 0.03 level of significance. The following null

hypotheses will be formulated on the third problem as follows:

1. There is no significant difference in the extent of awareness on

personal hygiene practices among the Xavier University-

Ateneo de Cagayan Junior High School (JHS) students when

categorized according to the following:

1.1 Gender

1.2 Religion

1.3 Socioeconomic Status

1.4 Availability of Resources

1.5 Water Supply Consistency

March 15, 2021- Version 3



The study may be beneficial to the following:

The Xavier- Ateneo de Cagayan College of Nursing. The study

can help the academe by enhancing the knowledge gained by the

students regarding the effects between health and personal hygiene,

and help them be aware of the conditions of the students in the

University with regards to their hygiene practices. The findings from this

study can be utilized as a guide and basis in future practices.

Information and data gathered can be useful in enhancing and

modifying curricular activities relating to the field of school nurses.

The Student Nurses. Through this study, the knowledge and skills

regarding personal hygiene, thus allowing student nurses to provide

adequate patient education relating to hygiene when out in the field,

whether in the hospital, or in the school setting.

The Clinical Instructors. The information gained will allow them

to improve their practice in school nursing. The acquisition of new

knowledge can broaden and strengthen their knowledge and skills in

performing ideal interventions for the University.

The Future Researchers. This study will provide adequate

information with regards to personal hygiene, which could be

beneficial for future studies. These information given can assist in the

March 15, 2021- Version 3


improvement of current practices and answer questions in regards to

the health of the health and personal hygiene practices of the Junior

High School Students of Xavier University- Ateneo de Cagayan.

The Xavier University-Junior High School Community. The study

can help the XU-JHS community by enhancing the knowledge

gained by the students, the school nurses, and the teachers regarding

the effects between health and personal hygiene, and help them be

aware of the conditions of the students in the Junior High School with

regards to their hygiene practices.

The Parents of the Xavier University-Junior High School Students.

The students' family can benefit by enhancing the knowledge that

they already have, as well as help them be aware of the conditions

of their children in the Junior High School with regards to their hygiene



The research focuses primarily on the extent of awareness of

personal hygiene practices among the 7th to 10th grade students of

Xavier University Junior High School. The research will cover these

students’ awareness of personal hygiene, specifically in areas of

bodily hygiene, oral hygiene, handwashing hygiene, hair care

hygiene, and nail hygiene. These factors are assessed solely by

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gender, religion, socioeconomic status, availability of resources, and

water supply consistency. The data collection will be conducted by

the total population of enrolled Junior High students of Xavier

University - Junior High School in school year 2020-2021.

The junior high school students as younger individuals are

considered to have weaker immune systems, considering they are still

in their developing years. They are susceptible to illness-causing

factors, especially if they lack knowledge on the proper sanitation

practices that must be applied daily (Simon, Hollander, & McMichael,

2015). Junior High School (JHS) students were chosen to be the target

population and are considered to be part of the vulnerable group.

Individuals who are part of the vulnerable group and the non-

vulnerable group are included in the study regardless of age

forasmuch as the study focuses solely on JHS students. Considering

that the target population is part of the vulnerable group, the study

aims to promote the welfare of the chosen group by presenting the

importance of an enhanced personal hygiene. The non-vulnerable

group such as individuals that are ages eighteen to nineteen years

old are considered to be part of the target population only if they are

under any of the JHS levels. In addition, consent form from the parents

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will be required if participant is underage with the participant’s assent


The research shall not cover other problems that are not

considered such as toilet hygiene and cleanliness of surroundings. This

research shall be done through the utilization of online questionnaires

to these students as a survey and reference.

March 15, 2021- Version 3



To understand the study in an easier way, the following terms

are operationally defined as it is used in the study.

Availability of Resources. Refers to the access to the right

resources for the study, specifically about personal hygiene. In this

study it can be measured by where the respondents get their

resources on hygiene practices may it be in school, at home, medical

providers and on the internet.

Body Hygiene. Refers to the type of practice performed to keep

the body clean from dirt and sweat with the use of water, soap, and

body scrubs. It will be measured in terms of the respondent’s routine

of bathing such as the frequency and techniques of cleansing the


Gender. Refers to the biological features identifying humans as

female or male. Although these collections of biological features are

not mutually exclusive, since there are individuals that exhibit both,

they appear to distinguish humans as males and females.

Hair Hygiene. Refers to the overall term for hygiene involving the

hair which grows from the scalp. This includes the frequency of

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washing hair, the use of shampoo, chemicals, and as well as the

presence of scalp infections. Using and sharing of personal items for

hair drying and grooming are also included.

Handwashing Hygiene. Refers to the way of cleaning one’s

hands that substantially reduces potential pathogens or harmful

microorganisms on the hands, rubbing together all surfaces and

crevices of the hands using a soap or chemical and water. This will

also include a checklist as to when and how long they perform these


Nail Hygiene. Refers to the care of the fingernails and toenails,

include keeping nails clean and dry to keep bacteria from collecting

under the nails, cutting nails straight across with only slight rounding at

the tip, using a file to keep nails shaped and free of snags, and

avoiding nail-biting. This also includes the condition of the protective

layer underneath the nails.

Oral Hygiene. Refers to the practice of keeping the mouth,

teeth, and gums clean and healthy to prevent oral diseases. Good

oral hygiene involves regular brushing of the teeth, flossing of one’s

teeth, and technique used.

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Religion. Refers to the action or practice in believing and

worshipping a god or deity and applying these beliefs into the

devotee’s daily life. This will be identified by the religion they are in

and their practices at the start of the study.

Socioeconomic Status. Refers to the combined gross income of

both parents. The ranges are based from the 2018 Family and Income

Expenditure Survey (FIES), conducted by the Philippine Statistics

Authority (PSA).

Water Supply Consistency. Refers to the access of continuous

water flow for domestic water usage measured in terms of the length

in hours of continuous water flow in their residence.

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This chapter presents the related literature that support the

existing problem identified by the researchers through provision of an

overview regarding personal hygiene. It introduces previous research

regarding overall hygiene practices with focus on body, oral,

handwashing, hair, and nails. Along with this, studies on factors such

as gender, religion, socioeconomic status, resource availability, and

water supply consistency are also covered. The comprehensive

reviewing of such articles and resources provide evidence that there

is indeed an existing necessity to study on the awareness of secondary

level students when it comes to personal hygiene.


According to Pouramin, P., et.al, (2020), 71% of identified studies

reported a health outcome, suggesting an intersection of gender with

health. Half of these studies showed a relationship between health

and WASH, gender, and infantile diseases. Also, it was found that

people who lean on to the feminine side, mainly women and girls,

were at risk of exposure to contaminated water and of sustaining

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musculoskeletal trauma as a result of their as a result of their role as

water purveyors.

According to the study conducted by Clough, (2010), a feminist

analysis approach in making a link between sex differences and

patterns of hygiene shows that it is directly linked to the feminine

gender role which is assigned to females whereas males are assigned

to the masculine gender role, suggesting that their hygiene practices

may not be as closely related.

Social preferences for cleanliness are enforced more

aggressively for feminine persons than to those who are masculine,

this gender difference leaves those who are more feminine at greater

risk of developing allergies and asthma. Clough (2010), argues that

the hygiene hypothesis successfully identifies standards of hygiene

and sanitation as mediators of immune health. She argues that a

feminist analysis of the gendered standards of behaviors such as

cleanliness in children adds important resources to the empirical



Hygiene is from a Greek term “hygeria” which means “Goddess

of health” and defined as “The science and art which is associated

with the preservation and promotion of health” (Koenig, 2012). In

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relation to this statement devotion to a god and health has always

been related from the early years. Religion was always, and still in the

present, connected with health and well-being of the devotees for it

is also a factor to achieve healthy spiritual health.

Kiani and Saeidi (2015) stated that personal hygiene holds a

great piece and a great key factor in one’s spiritual life. The religion is

the source of the majority of mankind’s character, morale and

attitude. Moreover, the behavior of a person in which religion holds a

great part, is portrayed to his/her deeds towards personal hygiene.

Hand washing has been part of some religions in their various kinds of

religious activities. In Christianity, the cleansing of the sins of a Christian

soul is thru baptism which involves bathing the Christian which also

cleaning the physical body of a Christian physiologically. In Islam,

hand washing, as well as the washing of their feet, faces, and hair, are

needed before they pray and the Muslims pray five times a day. They

also put importance in eating their meals by washing their hands. In

this religion, the devotees are instructed, which was also stated in

Qur’an, to observe personal cleanliness before, during and after

praying. In other religion like Judaism and Sikhism, they have precise

rules regarding physical cleanliness written in their respective holy

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texts. This thus indicates that religion can be a factor towards a

person’s habits towards hygiene.


Socioeconomic status has been commonly used as a latent

construct for measuring family background (Bofah and Hannula

2017). In addition, the American Psychological Association (APA)

defines socioeconomic status as “the social standing or class of an

individual or group” (APA 2018).

Income of the family is one of the most important factors that

play a significant role to predict cleanliness behavior. Living condition

of underprivileged was considerably communities characterized by

insecure residential status. Socio-economic status of slum dwellers can

be characterized through structural quality of housing, overcrowding

and inadequate access to as mainly low income groups with

inadequate education, also hazardous source of water, sanitation

and other infrastructure (Kiyanji, 2020).

Arguments have shown as to whether socioeconomic status

has or has no influence on people's lifestyle specific to health.

However, many studies have supported that socioeconomic status is

correlated to people’s perception and practices in health

management and hygiene. Lifestyle had significant positive effects

March 15, 2021- Version 3


on both physical and psychological health; and lifestyle mediated the

relationship between socioeconomic status and health (Wang &

Geng, 2020).


The best lifetime beliefs and habits develop at the most

significant period of a child’s life which is spent at school. A school-

based program is considered the most effective way to develop and

form the health habits of a child because they are easily approached

and their teachers are considered as role models that transmit values

of life (Reddy et al .,2019).

A study conducted by Sachan, et al. (2017) analyzes the

impact of school health education programs on personal hygiene

among school children of Lucknow district. The study was also

performed to assess the current level of knowledge and practicing

behavior regarding basic hygiene which were bathing, tooth

brushing, and taking care of nail and hair. Ages of the respondents

ranged from 10 to 12 years old and it was conducted on 800 students.

Before the survey was conducted, the respondents were asked to

answer a pretest about personal hygiene where a result of 53.8%

(poor) visual display of good and bad personal hygiene and explain

its benefits of this practice. A structured questionnaire was then given

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(posttest). The results were the knowledge of the students regarding

general body cleanliness was 87.5% (highly satisfactory). Knowledge

and practice regarding change of clothes on alternate days was

79.5%. Also, 79.5% were found that students were washing their hair

once a week and 70% students washed their hands before meals. The

overall knowledge of the students about personal hygiene practices

and knowledge was marked as poor at the time of the pretest but

were then highly satisfactory in the posttest.

A public health problem that most often affects school children is

personal hygiene deficiency. This is attributed because of inadequate

knowledge and practice of personal hygiene. (Rajbhandari et

al.,2018). A study was conducted to investigate knowledge and

practices of personal hygiene of a secondary education level, grades

nine and ten school children in Bhaktapur district, Kathmandu valley,

Nepal. Data were collated and analyzed using a self- administered

questionnaire. Age bracket of the respondents were from ages 15

and 16 years old and a majority of 88.5% had a good knowledge level

on personal hygiene and female students were found to have more

knowledge on personal hygiene than the male students. However a

majority of the respondents exhibited moderate to poor level personal

hygiene in terms of practice dimension.

March 15, 2021- Version 3



In 2020, the global pandemic such as the COVID-19 had a

tremendous effect on the health of the people of different classes all

over the world. During the start of the health crisis, healthcare

practitioners had emphasized the importance of handwashing with

the use of water and soap as one of the best preventive measures for

the coronavirus. Accordingly, much of the world’s population do not

have access to water, soap, or even toilets. Less than half of health

care facilities in the underdeveloped countries lack basic water

services. (Laliberte, G., 2020)

Hundreds and millions of people do not have access to clean

water in developing nations. (UNICEF. Water Sanitation and Hygiene,

2017). Currently, many developing countries already struggle to cope

with consistent water shortages and they lack adequate water

infrastructure. High population growth and rapid urbanization cause

more pressure to these limited water resources which in turn results in

poor access to improved water sources and limits hygienic practices

in the communities, as these hygienic practices highly depend on the

availability of safe water. (Eid E. The Importance of Water, Sanitation,

and Hygiene as keys to National Development. John Hopkins; 2015).

Most of the hygiene practices require the use of clean water.

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Inadequate and unclean water results in contamination of hands and

food that results in the spreading of infections. Lack of water supply

limits good hygiene practices such as bathing and hand washing.

According to Khalifa and Bidaisee (2018), the lack or absence of

clean water may prevent the growth of crops, building of homes, and

maintenance of health. This may lead to children not being able to

attend school and the employment of the given region may be at risk.

In conclusion, water is an essential element that allows us to

perform our daily activities. It is significantly important for the

maintenance of health and the promotion of proper hygiene. It is

utilized to create a chemical reaction with cleansing soaps to

facilitate the removal of bacteria or dirt on the body. Without it,

proper hygiene among individuals may be difficult to maintain or



Body hygiene is mostly associated with the concept of bathing.

Bathing is an act of cleansing the body’s layer of protection, which is

the skin, cleaning dirt and sweat that has accumulated and dried on

the surface of the skin. This collection of impurities located between

skin folds such as the armpits, neck, inner thighs, and buttocks may

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produce foul odors. In a study conducted by Lam et.al (2018) about

the microbial basis of body odor in prepubescent children and

teenagers, he stated that bacterial decomposition of naturally

secreted, non-odorous constituents of sweat causes body odor. A

wide range of bacteria but primarily Corynebacterium species have

been associated with bad odor produced by the body.

According to Johnson (2020) in his article on washing and

bathing, the activity of cleansing the body is a key element of

maintaining adequate health by protecting the body from harmful

diseases, infections, and ailments. In addition, the World Health

Organization (2019) stated that the increase in the incidence of

various infectious diseases among adolescents, for example,

schistosomiasis, may be due to the daily activities of adolescents

during that period of their lives. Thus, in relation with the study

conducted by the researchers, teenagers are experiencing changes

in their body that prepares them to become full grown adults. These

changes may include hormonal and body changes that can greatly

have an impact in their need for an enhanced proper hygiene.

Proper body hygiene is achieved by cleansing the body from

impurities acquired in performing strenuous activities that cause

sweat, allowing bacterial decomposition, and resulting with the

March 15, 2021- Version 3


production of a foul body odor. Thus, bathing is important in achieving

proper body hygiene and decreasing the risk of acquiring diseases or



Oral health is essential for general health and quality of life

(Naseem, Fatima & Ghazanfar, 2017). Christine Jones (2014)

concluded that disorders of the mouth can add significantly to the

discomfort, social isolation and distress of ill patients, and severely

impair their nutritional intake. Even a minor alteration in the health of

the oral cavity can have a significant effect on a person’s wellbeing.

In addition, Pandey, Chandra, and Rathod (2017) see a lot with

orthodontic treatments in today's youth. Which is why the research

focused on oral hygiene and considered oral hygiene with

orthodontic implants, or students with braces. It was also stated that

hygiene instruction is essential in all cases of orthodontic treatment

and the use of adjuncts must be reinforced. Although orthodontic

treatment recognized benefits in enhancing esthetics, function, and

self-esteem, orthodontic appliances can cause unwanted

complications of enamel demineralization, tooth decay, and


March 15, 2021- Version 3



Hand hygiene or also known as handwashing is cost effective

and acknowledged in ruling out communicable disease. A public

health concern that is still prevalent are the transmission of

communicable diseases and physical contact of contaminated

hands which play a great role in mode of transmission. In the literature,

it is shown that proper handwashing reduces the risk of disease

transmission through wet, lather, scrub, rinse, and dry. Hand washing

is like a "do-it-yourself" vaccine - it involves five simple and effective

steps (Tamilarasi, et al., 2016)

According to a UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Fund) report

at 2016, involving children themselves as active participants in

promoting hand washing with soap in schools creates a sense of

ownership in the children and they are likely to take further into their

adulthood. With the simple habit of handwashing, it can serve as a

vital role in protecting your health from diseases brought by

contaminated hands (Tamilarasi, et, al., 2016).


Assessing of one’s hair can be done when the hair is being

groomed as part of assisting or undertaking personal care. Grooming

March 15, 2021- Version 3


provides the ideal opportunity to observe for any abnormality or

conditions such as dandruff, psoriasis, or head lice etc. According to

Jones (2014) Care of the hair is an important aspect of personal care,

as the condition and style of a person’s hair can have an influence on

their wellbeing.

Hair care is an essential part of personal hygiene and has an

important role in maintaining self-esteem and quality of life. In a study

conducted by Shepherd (2019), washing and styling hair can also be

a valuable social activity and help boost their self-esteem and sense

of wellbeing. Caring for the hair provides an opportunity to observe

one’s scalp for signs of pressure damage, dandruff or dry skin and

underlying skin conditions as well as observation for head lice.

Scalp care is essential because it determines the health and

condition of the hair and prevents the diseases of scalp and

hair. According to a study by Nayak, Ann, Azhar, Ling, Yen, and Aithal

(2017) Skin problems can readily occur in the scalp because the

awareness regarding the importance of scalp care is low when

compared with the face. It was found that the graying of hair was

least among Malay students although their scalp condition was not

very healthy. This evidences the fact that graying of hair is caused by

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the loss of the pigment-forming melanocytes from the hair follicles and

genetic factors or even climatic factors might influence the graying

of hair rather than the scalp or hair condition. At the end of the study,

the researchers suggests that students should be educated regarding

best hair care practices to improve their scalp hair condition and



Fingernails and toenails are important organs in our body, it

serves as protection for the fingertips and toes. American Academy

of Dermatology stated that 99% of people will experience a nail

disorder during their lifetime (Crutchfield, 2013). Many of these

disorders will require medical intervention. Also, nail disorders are the

chief complaint in 10% of all medical visits to dermatology specialists

in the United States (Leone and Schupbach, 2017).

Not only that, in a study by Reich and Szepietowski (2011),

severe nail involvement was also shown to negatively impair social

functioning and to interfere with work ability, thus markedly

influencing a patient’s well-being. Healthy nails are shiny, smooth, and

uniform in consistency on both the surface and free-margin views.

They have attached cuticles, nail folds, and nail plates. In addition,

healthy nails should not be cracked, rigid, or broken (Draelos, 2013).

March 15, 2021- Version 3


Lomax et al. (2016) concluded that maintaining healthy nails is

accomplished by use of safe grooming practices. It is important for

people to be aware of any possible complications that their nails may

acquire so that they can be avoided or diagnosed early and treated.


The goal of this literature review is to show that there is no

significant difference in the extent of awareness on personal hygiene

practices among the Xavier University - Ateneo de Cagayan Junior

High School students based on their gender, religion, socioeconomic

status, availability of resources and water supply consistency. A

thorough review of the literature was conducted regarding these

identified factors. Overall hygiene practices with focus on body

hygiene, oral care, handwasing hygiene, hair hygiene and nail

hygiene was also covered.

Factors influencing awareness of personal hygiene are

classified according to gender, religion, socioeconomic status,

availability of resources and water supply consistency. First is

according to gender, the link between gender role is not related with

hygiene practices. Second is according to religion, one’s religion is

connected to their health and well-being as cleaning the physical

body affects the spiritual health. Third is according to socioeconomic

March 15, 2021- Version 3


status, sedentary lifestyle and limited education due to low economic

status affects an individual’s health practices as there may be less

exposure to information and recreational activities promoting health

management. Fourth is according to availability of resources, school

children with personal hygiene deficiency exhibit moderate to poor

levels of personal hygiene practices. Lastly is according to water

supply consistency, availability of water in the community is important

as poor access to improved water sources limits hygienic practices of

an individual.

Hygiene practices are categorized according to personal

hygiene, body hygiene, oral hygiene, handwashing hygiene, hair

hygiene and nail hygiene. First category is body hygiene, cleansing

the body is important in maintaining adequate health and decreases

the risk acquiring diseases.. Second category is oral hygiene,

observing oral care is important for general health as it can affect a

person’s well-being even with a minor alteration in health. Third

category is handwashing hygiene, handwashing is known to be a cost

effective method in reducing the risk of disease transmission and

promoting handwashing with soap is an effective way to create a

sense of ownership with children that they will eventually carry further

into their adulthood. Fourth category is hair hygiene, which is

March 15, 2021- Version 3


considered as an essential part of personal hygiene as it plays a role

in maintaining self-esteem. Last category is nail hygiene, taking care

of the nails is important to prevent nail disorders that may require

medical intervention.

Based on the current evidence, the reviewed literature supports

in determining if there is a relationship between the identified factors

and hygiene practices. Current research supports that the identified

factors influence hygiene practices of an individual, as discussed

above; however, a continuation of current research with

strengthened methodologies will help in identifying whether or not

there is a significant relationship of the identified factors towards

personal hygiene practices.

March 15, 2021- Version 3





The students of Xavier University – Junior Highschool is in the

stage of adolescence where the onset of major changes in their body

begins to take place. These changes require them to establish their

personal hygiene practices in order to achieve better health free from

communicable diseases. As they begin to have independence and

control over their own bodies, they as well start to discover various

hygiene practices that would satisfy their needs. As stated by Erik

Erikson’s on his Psychosocial Development Theory, adolescence is the

stage where individuals develop a sense of self and personal identity.

The individual becomes aware of their personal preferences that

would benefit their own health and needs.

In a study conducted by Rajbhandari et al., (2018) on the

knowledge and practice of personal hygiene among secondary

school students of grade nine and ten in Bhaktapur district, Nepal, it

was shown that majority of participants ages 15-16 years old resulted

with a good knowledge level on personal hygiene. However, majority

of the participants had moderate to poor hygiene practices. With this,

the study aims to determine the knowledge level on personal hygiene

March 15, 2021- Version 3


of Junior High School students given that poor hygiene practices has

been attributed to inadequate knowledge of personal hygiene and its

practices (Rajbhandari et al., 2018).

This chapter presents the research design, setting, information

on the respondents and sampling procedure, data gathering

procedure, scoring, and the statistical treatment to be used in

analyzing and interpreting the data that will be gathered in the study.


The study follows a descriptive research design because it aims

to measure the extent of awareness through fact-finding with

adequate definition of “what is”. This design is concerned with what

exists and involves interpreting the significance of what is to be

defined. It also describes the characteristics of individuals, groups,

physical environment or conditions (Polit and Beck, 2012). In this study,

the researchers aim to identify and analyze the extent of awareness

of students regarding their hygiene practices. Since the researchers

are only limited to identifying and measuring the variables of the

study, this type of research design would allow appropriate

presentation of the data that will be identified and measured. The

survey that will be conducted will facilitate in collecting the pre-

March 15, 2021- Version 3


existing data that will be effectively interpreted and evaluated with

the use of this design.


The research will be conducted by the total population of

enrolled 7th grade, 8th grade, 9th grade, and 10th grade students in

school year 2020-2021 at Xavier University - Junior High School with its

long history and its large number of students that would become the

respondents. The campus has three buildings: the Main Building, the

Canteen, and the Faber Hall. The school is located at El Camino

Street, Masterson’s Avenue, Pueblo de Oro, Upper Carmen, Cagayan

de Oro City in school year 2020-2021. The school is also near the Xavier

University Grade school, Senior High School and the Sports Center.

Due to the occurring pandemic, instead of going to the location and

conduct a written survey to the Junior High School, it will have to

become an online survey where the students can input their answers.

The selections are based on the following criteria: first, the setting

should be convenient for the researchers; it should be accessible.

Second, the school must have the appropriate number of students

that will yield adequate representations.

The school is convenient for the researchers to conduct the study

considering their locations. Aside from that, the researchers believe that the

March 15, 2021- Version 3


school has the appropriate number of students that supports the study. The

school will benefit knowing that the data can help the school regarding the

health and hygiene of their students. Due to the pandemic, however, face-

to-face interaction is not possible thus, the researchers will use the platform

Gmail in giving the letters and as well as the Google Forms for the answering

of the questionnaire. The participants have a specified time of 1 to 3 days to

respond thoroughly to the questions provided by the questionnaire and will

only take less than 20 minutes to answer. If the participants have no

internet access available, the researchers can contact them via the

use of cellular phones. This is by reminding the respondents in

advance to schedule themselves for the forthcoming survey

questionnaire response. If the participants are also unfamiliar with

Google forms thus making it more difficult for them to access, another

option, Microsoft Forms, can be used. Xavier University junior high

school students have been using Microsoft Teams for their online

classroom educational platform, which is also much easier for them to

use and access.


This study uses simple random sampling to obtain the number

of participants with due consideration and consultation with the

research adviser and statistician. According to Ochoa (2017), simple

March 15, 2021- Version 3


random sampling (SRS) is a sampling method in which all of the

elements in the population—and, consequently, all of the units in the

sampling frame—have the same probability of being selected for the

sample. Simple random sampling is when the population sample

subjects are homogeneous with one another on variables. In our

study, this sample subject is also known as the students of Xavier

University- Ateneo de Cagayan Junior High School Department. This

type of sampling assures a high degree of likeness (Polit & Beck, 2014).

The study uses simple random sampling because it ensures each

element of the population has an equal and independent chance of

being chosen. A lottery method will be utilized wherein each student

will be assigned a number and the researcher randomly picks a

number to create the sample. The researchers will be using a

computer program that generates random picking of numbers.

Although this method is time consuming and requires a complete

listing of the population, simple random sampling is the most unbiased

of the probability methods, it is easy to analyze data and compute

errors, and little knowledge of the population is needed (Polit & Beck,


The process of learning personal hygiene and grooming in an

adolescent life is important for health. With this, the study seeks to

March 15, 2021- Version 3


focus on junior high students, specifically those who are enrolled in

Xavier University. Exclusively, students in all year levels, as in 7th to 10th

grade, including both male and females and those who identify of

other gender, are chosen to be respondents to this research.

However, according to TASCC (2020), youth with disabilities may need

extra support to follow hygiene rules and routines. Due to their

condition, it is likely that they may struggle in knowing when to fix a

hygiene problem, or even perform hygiene practices at the moment.

Given that the aim of this study is to identify implications of overall

health and psychological issues, persons with disabilities this will be

excluded in the participating respondents as their condition itself is a

factor to an expected lack of awareness of personal hygiene

practices. In addition, indigenous persons are also excluded in the

participating respondents. According to UNDESA (2009) the most

commonly named characteristics of indigenous peoples are: (1) Self-

identification as indigenous people at an individual and/or collective

level, (2) Historical continuity in and strong cultural links to specific

territories and resources, (3) Unique social, economic and political

systems that are to some degree maintained, (4) Unique languages,

cultures, beliefs and knowledge systems that are to some degree

maintained, (5) Determination to sustain and develop their identity

March 15, 2021- Version 3


and unique systems as distinct peoples and communities, and (6)

Being non-dominant groups in society. Since the selected group of

respondents do not have any individuals fitting of these

characteristics, Indigenous people will not be included as

participating respondents of the study.

The researchers will introduce the study to the XU JHS

participants prior to giving them their online survey questionnaire to

give them an idea of what the research is about, the purpose and

what the researchers are trying to achieve. Due to the current

pandemic, the researchers are limited to using the internet as a mode

of communicating and cannot give any physical token to the

respondents. Thus, at the end of the research, the researchers shall

interpret and exhibit the findings of the research to the participants

through google meet. The researchers then will describe to the

respondents the five hygienic in terms of body, oral, handwashing,

hair, and nail as an important aspect on self-care, making this google

meet beneficial to them. The researchers shall also emphasize that

the research does not intend to criticize the subjects’ hygienic

practices or self-esteem, but rather help them improve their hygienic


March 15, 2021- Version 3


The contents of the survey may cause sudden awareness in the

respondent. Some may find the questions offensive or judgmental,

which may lead them to not answer the questions properly. In order

to prevent this, it shall be explained clearly in the consent forms which

will be given out to each responded that the survey is intended to

identify their awareness on personal hygiene, that it is purely for

research purposes only. It is not intended to criticize them on their

hygiene practices. Emphasis will be given on the fact that the

information gathered from the respondents, including their identity, is

highly confidential and that the information will only be seen by the

researchers, and no one else. Nonetheless, there are no physical risks

for the survey will only be held online.

Prior to data collection, respondents' informed parental

consent and informed assent will be sought. Respondents will be

informed about the purpose of the study and be made to understand

that participation will be voluntary. Refusal to participate will not

affect their status as a student. All respondents will be assured that

their information will only be used for research purposes, and strict

confidentiality will be observed. The respondents will also be informed

that they can withdraw from the study at any time, and are at liberty

not to answer any questions from the questionnaire they do not want

March 15, 2021- Version 3


to. Respondents may withdraw or may be withdrawn from the study if

one of the following applies: (a) Wishes to withdraw consent to

participate in the study; (b) Transferring to another school; (c) Non

response of all the items in the questionnaire; and (d) Not completing

the study follow – up.

The overall population of Xavier University- Ateneo de Cagayan

Junior High School Students is 1909. The respondents of this study are

obtained using the Cochran’s formula which will be shown at the

appendix. As shown, the research will have 780 respondents where

the margin of error is 3% which makes the confidence level to 97%.


The study aims to gather data through efficient but also

respondent-friendly methods and therefore will utilize a questionnaire

to collect data. Firstly, the questionnaire will contain a consent form

which includes the purpose and benefits of the study, the need for

completeness, the date in which researchers will need the answered

forms, and guarantee of confidentiality while acknowledging their

participation. The questionnaire contains 2 important parts: first is the

respondent information part containing the name (optional), sex, and

religion of the client, followed by their socioeconomic status,

March 15, 2021- Version 3


availability of resources, and water consistency. The second part is

further divided into subparts with statements concerning Body

Hygiene, Oral Hygiene, Handwashing Hygiene, Nail Hygiene, and Hair

Hygiene. In this part, a Likert Scale type of questionnaire is used as a

quantitative instrument to measure extent of awareness through

allowing respondents to read given statements and encircling their

corresponding answers under Always (5), Very Often (4), Sometimes

(3), Rarely (2), or Never (1). With the Likert scale as questionnaire basis,

statements regarding the aforementioned variables will be presented

and respondents will leave a mark under the option most applicable

to them: Always means that the hygiene practices are applicable to

the student at all times, Very Often if the hygiene practices applies to

the student frequently, Sometimes if the respondent adheres to the

hygiene practices at times, Rarely if he or she finds it possible but less

likely, and Never if the hygiene practices are entirely inapplicable to

the student.

The researchers will secure an agreement with the school’s

principal/director, Mrs. Pamela Q. Pajente, PhD, to conduct a survey

focusing on the hygiene of their students. In addition, the email

address of the students will also be asked from Mrs. Pajente through

the school registrar. The researchers will utilize the online form of

March 15, 2021- Version 3


conducting a survey essential for the study. An online survey

administration website called Google Forms is considered to be the

most convenient and effective tool to use in providing the

questionnaires virtually. With the consideration of the risk of possible

leakage of such data, the researchers will make sure that the

gathered data will be kept secured, which are only accessible by the

researchers alone. The questionnaires are going to be strictly

distributed through student emails owned by the respondents to

enhance the exclusivity of the questionnaires, and to prevent

unauthorized access from other individuals that are not included in

the sample size.

The researchers have taken note that it is essential to obtain

consent from the participants that their contact information will be

used. In order to ensure that there is no violation of provisions under

the Data Privacy Law, the researchers will obtain permission from the

students of Xavier University Junior High School to allow access to their

school emails to be used for research purposes. This will be attained

through requesting assistance from the Registrar’s Office, along with

the School President and Vice Presidents for Academics and

Administration, to distribute a consent form via the Help Desk of the

Junior High School department responsible for email blasts. Upon

March 15, 2021- Version 3


communicating and asking for queries with the Junior High School

regarding this matter, they agreed with this said process but to use the

google forms instead where students and their parents can input their

personal information and as well as tick a box if they will allow the

researchers to have their personal information once the research

board of the Xavier University will give the clearance. Thus, consent to

use students’ XU e-mails and attain parents’ contact information will

be sought through without violating the said Law.

Afterwards, the researchers will send the Participant Information

Sheet (PIS), the Consent Form for parents and Assent Form for students

to the details or email addresses provided in the Google Form. The

process will then begin of giving the participants 14 days to respond.

Once given the consent and assent, the researchers will then send the

link for the google form to be answered by the participant, ensuring


The identity and rights of the participants, as well as all the data

gathered for the study shall remain confidential. The members of the

research team comprising of 14 individuals, are the only ones allowed

to have access to the gathered data. A copy of the data that will be

gathered is going to be uploaded on a website utilized in storing files

March 15, 2021- Version 3


such as a Google Drive. To enhance the security of the files, access to

the drive is requested through e-mail and are only granted by the

owner of the given drive. In addition, a master copy of the file will be

kept inside a document folder in a personal computer secured with a

password. This is to ensure that the gathered data will not be subject

for loss which may compromise the entire study. After termination of

the study, the data generated will be secured in a google drive that

is password-protected and can only be accessed by the research

team. Confidentiality of the gathered data are subject to legal

limitations and responsibilities. Participants can access his/her records

and will also be emailed of the results of the research study. In

addition, participants will be approached and given information

when any publication or article will be made, and as well as changes

or amendments of the provided details from the research study, and

as well as the use of pseudonyms or identity markers will be used to

reflect the name of the participants whenever publications

originating from the research study will happen.

To put in simpler process, the study will be utilizing google forms

to be disseminated by the XU Help Desk with coordination of the XU

JHS registrar in giving informed consent and assent forms with regards

to asking of their personal details such as their email addresses,

March 15, 2021- Version 3


contact numbers, and permission to communicating with them in

these platforms will also be sought. This will only be sent once

clearance form from the XU College Research Board will be submitted

to the XU JHS Registrar. In addition, all forms will be reviewed by the

registrar’s office, assistant principals for academics and

administration, and the principal. This method is used in order to

ensure confidentiality and not to breach regulations of the Data

Privacy Act of 2012. After acquiring their approval through their

response of yes in the google form disseminated by the XU Help Desk,

the researchers will then send to their email addresses given at the

google form the Patient Information Sheet (PIS), Informed Consent

form for the parents and Informed Assent form for the students for them

to read. A google form link will also be attached in the electronic mail

if they want to participate that is with the same content of the informed

and assent forms. If they will be participating in the study through

answering yes and giving their permission in the google form link

provided, another google form link will be sent in their email addresses

containing the research questionnaire. They will then be given 14 days

to answer. It is to reiterate that confidentiality will be maintained and

that if they want to review their answers or ask for queries, they can do

so by just communicating.

March 15, 2021- Version 3



The questionnaire is organized and sectioned into two parts. The

first part contained the information on demographic variables of

respondents including gender, religion, socioeconomic status,

availability of resources and water supply consistency. More

specifically, these variables will be recorded accordingly as follow (a)

gender: female/ male; (b) religion: Baptist/ Islam/ Roman Catholic/

Seventh Day Adventist/ Others; (c) Socioeconomic status: monthly

income of both parents; (d) availability of resources: parents/ school

teachers/ medical providers; and (e) water supply consistency:

everyday/ every other day/ once a week/ never/ others.

The second part included information on practices towards

body hygiene, oral hygiene, handwashing hygiene, hair hygiene and

nail hygiene. A Likert-scale is used wherein the scores will be tallied

and the sample mean scores will be determined. Questions and

statements will be used to determine practices in each subpart and

the respondents chose between five answers, “always”, “very often”,

“sometimes”, “rarely” or “never” based on the questions asked.

March 15, 2021- Version 3


I. Body Hygiene

Table 1. Body Hygiene Scoring Range

Response Mean Frequenc Descriptor Remarks – Interpretati

s score y –Personal Level of on
interv hygiene Awarenes
al Practices s

Always 4.21- 7 times a Extremely are
(5) 5.00 week Aware observed
at all times

Very Very
3.41 - 5-6 times Moderate are
Often Satisfacto
4.20 a week ly Aware observed
(4) ry

2.61 - 3-4 times Satisfacto Somewha are
3.40 a week ry t Aware observed
at times

Rarely 1.81 - 1-2 times Slightly are less
(2) 2.60 a week Aware likely

Never 1.00 - 0 times a Not at all
Poor are not
(1) 1.80 week Aware

March 15, 2021- Version 3


Table 1 shows the modified Likert scale for the respondents’

frequency in body hygiene practices.

II. Oral Hygiene

Table 2. Oral Hygiene Scoring Range

Response Mean Frequenc Descriptor Remarks – Interpretati

s score y –Personal Level of on
interv hygiene Awarenes
al Practices s

Always 4.21- 7 times a Extremely are
(5) 5.00 week Aware observed
at all times

Very Very
3.41 - 5-6 times Moderate are
Often Satisfacto
4.20 a week ly Aware observed
(4) ry

2.61 - 3-4 times Satisfacto Somewha are
3.40 a week ry t Aware observed
at times

Rarely 1.81 - 1-2 times Slightly are less
(2) 2.60 a week Aware likely

March 15, 2021- Version 3


Never 1.00 - 0 times a Not at all
Poor are not
(1) 1.80 week Aware

Table 2 shows the modified Likert scale for the respondents’

frequency in oral hygiene practices.

III. Handwashing Hygiene

Table 3. Handwashing Hygiene Scoring Range Part 1

Response Mean Frequenc Descriptor Remarks – Interpretati

s score y –Personal Level of on
interv hygiene Awarenes
al Practices s

Always 4.21- 7 times a Extremely are
(5) 5.00 week Aware observed
at all times

Very Very
3.41 - 5-6 times Moderate are
Often Satisfacto
4.20 a week ly Aware observed
(4) ry

2.61 - 3-4 times Satisfacto Somewha are
3.40 a week ry t Aware observed
at times

March 15, 2021- Version 3


Rarely 1.81 - 1-2 times Slightly are less
(2) 2.60 a week Aware likely

Never 1.00 - 0 times a Not at all
Poor are not
(1) 1.80 week Aware

Table 3 shows the modified Likert scale for the first part of the

respondents’ frequency in handwashing hygiene practices.

Table 4. Handwashing Hygiene Scoring Range Part 2

Response Mean Freque Descriptor Remarks – Interpretation

s score ncy –Personal Level of
interv hygiene Awarenes
al Practices s

Practices are
Always 4.21- Every Extremely observed
(5) 5.00 time Aware every time in
a day

Practices are
Very Very
3.41 - > Half Moderate more than
Often Satisfacto
4.20 times ly Aware half times with
(4) ry
the number of
times in a day

March 15, 2021- Version 3


Practices are
Sometim observed half
2.61 - Half Satisfacto Somewha
es times with the
3.40 times ry t Aware
(3) number of
times in a day

Practices are
observed less
Rarely 1.81 - < Half Slightly than half
(2) 2.60 times Aware times with the
number of
times in a day

Never 1.00 - Not at all Practices are

0 times Poor
(1) 1.80 Aware not observed

The table above shows the modified Likert scale for the first part

of the respondents’ frequency in handwashing hygiene practices.

IV. Hair Hygiene

Table 5. Hair Hygiene Scoring Range

Response Mean Frequenc Descriptor Remarks – Interpretati

s score y –Personal Level of on
interv hygiene Awarenes
al Practices s

Always 4.21- 7 times a Extremely are
(5) 5.00 week Aware observed
at all times

March 15, 2021- Version 3


Very Very
3.41 - 5-6 times Moderate are
Often Satisfacto
4.20 a week ly Aware observed
(4) ry

2.61 - 3-4 times Satisfacto Somewha are
3.40 a week ry t Aware observed
at times

Rarely 1.81 - 1-2 times Slightly are less
(2) 2.60 a week Aware likely

Never 1.00 - 0 times a Not at all
Poor are not
(1) 1.80 week Aware

Table 5 shows the modified Likert scale for the respondents’

frequency in hair hygiene practices.

V. Nail Hygiene

Table 6. Nail Hygiene Scoring Range

Response Mean Frequenc Descriptor Remarks Interpretation

s score y – Personal – Level
interv hygiene of
al Practices Awaren

March 15, 2021- Version 3


Practices are
Always 4.21- Extremel
Weekly Excellent observed
(5) 5.00 y Aware
once a week

Practices are
Very Very Moderat
3.41 - Every 2-3 observed
Often Satisfacto ely
4.20 weeks once every
(4) ry Aware
2-3 weeks

Sometim Somewh Practices are

2.61 - Every Satisfacto
es at observed
3.40 month ry
(3) Aware monthly

Practices are
Rarely 1.81 - Every 2 Slightly observed
(2) 2.60 months Aware once every 2

Practices are
Every 3 Not at observed
Never 1.00 -
or more Poor all once every 3
(1) 1.80
months Aware or more

Table 6 shows the modified Likert scale for the respondents’

frequency in nail hygiene practices.


The validity of the questionnaire will be determined through

conducting a pilot study to identify potential problems in the structure

March 15, 2021- Version 3


or coherence of the questionnaire used. The questionnaire will be pilot

tested and distributed to thirty (30) respondents who are not included

in the sample size. In addition, study will have a 97% margin of error. In

confirming the construct validity, the researchers based the

questionnaire on similar surveys that were used in previous studies. The

researchers also ensured that sources of previous studies are credible

and appropriate for the research study. However, the researchers

modified the questionnaire by only choosing questions that are

applicable in the study setting. The researchers have chosen two (2)

individuals who are experts in their respective fields to evaluate the

validity of questionnaires. To assist in evaluating the questionnaires, we

have chosen two school nurses, one from the College Department,

Mrs. Mary Grace Santizas, RN, and one from The Junior High School

Department, Mrs. Annie T. Sevilla, RN. In addition, we also have a

faculty of Xavier University - Junior High School who is an English and

Research teacher, Mr. Juanito R Oliveria II, LPT. The researchers have

sent out a letter to them stating that their assistance in the research is

limited to guiding the researchers with the validity of the

questionnaires and giving feedback to aid the research and make it

better. Both Mrs. Santizas and Mr. Oliveria have agreed to the

entreaty. In addition, a preliminary draft of the survey questionnaire

March 15, 2021- Version 3


will be distributed to the research advisor, Mrs. Glenda P. De Vera, RN,

MAN and the research committee of Xavier University College of

Nursing. Based on their comments, feedback and suggestions the

survey questionnaire will be revised accordingly.

The reliability index used for the Likert scale which is utilized by

the researchers and the respondents and is asked to respond from 1

to 5 on whether they always, very often, sometimes, rarely, or never

conduct those health practices mentioned in the said questionnaire.

The researchers have consulted with statistician Mr. Jedifel Yburan on

how to make the study more accurate and concise, and succor in

forging valid and reliable queries for our questionnaire. Cronbach’s

alpha is used to determine the validity or reliability of the instrument. It

is a measure of internal consistency, that is, how closely related a set

of items are as a group. It is considered as a measure of scale

reliability. A "high" value for alpha does not imply that the measure is

one-dimensional. If, in addition to measuring internal consistency, it

also indicates evidence that the scale in question is one-dimensional

so that additional analyses can be performed.

March 15, 2021- Version 3



In order to interpret the data precisely, the researchers will use

statistical tools to the data gathered. The study will use descriptive

statistics and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics will evaluate the

approach that uses descriptive panels to measure the product's

sensory characteristics through identifying a subject’s pattern in order

to summarize the gathered quantitative data and answer questions

about who, what, where, and to what extent. Inferential statistics

infers the relationship between the independent and dependent


For the first and second problem statement, descriptive statistics

will be utilized such as the percentage and frequency, weighted

mean and standard deviation. This determines the classifications of

the respondents according to their demographic information such as

age, gender, parents’ monthly income and year level (Grade 7-10).

For the second problem statement, this determines the hygiene

practices of the respondents in terms of Body, Oral, Hand, Hair and

Nail hygiene. Computing the mean will show the average response of

a given variable. In solving the standard deviation (SD) among data

gathered, in order to indicate the measurement of spread of data

March 15, 2021- Version 3


distribution, it is considered homogeneous if the SD is 0.5 or less and

heterogeneous if a widespread of 1.2 or more. By using this sample

technique, it will relate with the mean in order to summarize

continuous data and will help identify the diversity of the Junior High

school students’ relations to the study’s identified independent

variables. The variance will be used to evaluate how far of each

variable in the data is from the mean. The use of Cochran's formula is

appropriate in situations with large populations. Thus, it allows the

researchers to calculate the ideal sample with a given desired level

of precision, estimated proportion of the attributes that is presented in

the population and the desired confidence level.

For the third problem statement, ANOVA will be utilized to test

the hypothesis where it is appropriate to compare the means of a

continuous variable in two or more independent comparison

variables. A null hypothesis for ANOVA is when the average value of

the dependent variable (mean) is significant for all groups. Therefore,

in using this research hypothesis, it captures any differences in means.

A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) reflects what variables will

be used in order to determine whether there are any statistically

significant differences of more than two independent variables.

Preferred multiple t-tests will also be used for questions in the

March 15, 2021- Version 3


questionnaires containing two choices for the yes or no questions and

the gender of the respondent. F-Tests will be used for questions that

contain multiple selection of choices. Thus, this would allow significant

reduction of the probability of error over the multi sample groups.

March 15, 2021- Version 3




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November 3, 2020
Ms. Pamela Q. Pajente, PhD
Principal of Junior High School Department
Xavier University – Ateneo de Cagayan

I am Kathryna Marie P. Emano and together with my
colleagues, we are 3rd year level students from the Xavier University –
Ateneo de Cagayan College of Nursing. We are currently conducting
a research study on the extent of awareness of personal hygiene
practices among the Junior High School students of Xavier University –
Ateneo de Cagayan as a partial requirement for our NCM 111 –
Nursing Research 1 course. This study is related to health and
sanitation, and the title and purpose of our study are stated below to
give you a better idea of the goals we aim to achieve.
Title of the Research Study: Extent of Awareness on Personal
Hygiene Practices Among the Junior High School Students of Xavier
University- Ateneo de Cagayan, A.Y 2020-2021
Purpose of the Study: The purpose of this research is to measure
the awareness of personal hygiene practices among the Junior High
School (JHS) students of Xavier University- Ateneo de Cagayan,
Cagayan de Oro City.
For us to effectively collect and analyze the data needed for
our research study, we would like to ask for a copy of the list of Junior
High School students, along with their school e-mail, as a mode of the
strict distributions of the questionnaires. Rest assured that the personal
information of the students will be kept with strict confidentiality and
will only be used for the sole purpose of accomplishing the objectives
of the study.
We hope for your kind consideration.

Sincerely, Noted by:

____________________________ ________________________________
Ms. Kathryna Marie P. Emano Mrs. Glenda P. De Vera, RN, MAN
Principal Investigator College of Nursing
0977 023 1469 Xavier University

March 15, 2021- Version 3



March 15, 2021- Version 3



November 3, 2020

Mrs. Mary Grace V. Santizas, RN

University Nurse
Xavier University – Ateneo de Cagayan


I am Kathryna Marie P. Emano and together with my

colleagues, we are 3rd year level students from the Xavier University –
Ateneo de Cagayan College of Nursing. We are currently conducting
a research study on the extent of awareness of personal hygiene
practices among the Junior High School students of Xavier University –
Ateneo de Cagayan as a partial requirement for our NCM 111 –
Nursing Research 1 course. This study is related to health and
sanitation, and the title and purpose of our study are stated below to
give you a better idea of the goals we aim to achieve.
Title of the Research Study: Extent of Awareness on Personal
Hygiene Practices Among the Junior High School Students of Xavier
University- Ateneo de Cagayan, A.Y 2020-2021
Purpose of the Study: The purpose of this research is to measure
the awareness of personal hygiene practices among the Junior High
School (JHS) students of Xavier University- Ateneo de Cagayan,
Cagayan de Oro City.

Additionally, we would like to ask for your assistance in checking

the questions of our survey. As an expert of your field, your feedback
could help our team in checking the validity and reliability of our
We hope for your kind consideration.

Sincerely, Noted by:

____________________________ ________________________________
Ms. Kathryna Marie P. Emano Mrs. Glenda P. De Vera, RN, MAN
Principal Investigator College of Nursing
0977 023 1469 Xavier University

March 15, 2021- Version 3



January 28, 2021

Mrs. Annie T. Sevilla, RN

Junior High School Nurse
Xavier University – Ateneo de Cagayan


I am Kathryna Marie P. Emano and together with my

colleagues, we are 3rd year level students from the Xavier University –
Ateneo de Cagayan College of Nursing. We are currently conducting
a research study on the extent of awareness of personal hygiene
practices among the Junior High School students of Xavier University –
Ateneo de Cagayan as a partial requirement for our NCM 111 –
Nursing Research 1 course. This study is related to health and
sanitation, and the title and purpose of our study are stated below to
give you a better idea of the goals we aim to achieve.
Title of the Research Study: Extent of Awareness on Personal
Hygiene Practices Among the Junior High School Students of Xavier
University- Ateneo de Cagayan, A.Y 2020-2021
Purpose of the Study: The purpose of this research is to measure
the awareness of personal hygiene practices among the Junior High
School (JHS) students of Xavier University- Ateneo de Cagayan,
Cagayan de Oro City.

Additionally, we would like to ask for your assistance in checking

the questions of our survey. As an expert of your field, your feedback
could help our team in checking the validity and reliability of our
We hope for your kind consideration.

Sincerely, Noted by:

____________________________ ________________________________
Ms. Kathryna Marie P. Emano Mrs. Glenda P. De Vera, RN, MAN
Principal Investigator College of Nursing
0977 023 1469 Xavier University

March 15, 2021- Version 3


November 3, 2020

Mr. Juanito R Oliveria II, LPT

Instructional Technology Specialist/English & Research
Xavier University – Ateneo de Cagayan


I am Kathryna Marie P. Emano and together with my

colleagues, we are 3rd year level students from the Xavier University –
Ateneo de Cagayan College of Nursing. We are currently conducting
a research study on the extent of awareness of personal hygiene
practices among the Junior High School students of Xavier University –
Ateneo de Cagayan as a partial requirement for our NCM 111 –
Nursing Research 1 course. This study is related to health and
sanitation, and the title and purpose of our study are stated below to
give you a better idea of the goals we aim to achieve.
Title of the Research Study: Extent of Awareness on Personal
Hygiene Practices Among the Junior High School Students of Xavier
University- Ateneo de Cagayan, A.Y 2020-2021
Purpose of the Study: The purpose of this research is to measure
the awareness of personal hygiene practices among the Junior High
School (JHS) students of Xavier University- Ateneo de Cagayan,
Cagayan de Oro City.

Additionally, we would like to ask for your assistance in checking

the questions of our survey. As an expert of your field, your feedback
could help our team in checking the validity and reliability of our
We hope for your kind consideration.

Sincerely, Noted by:

____________________________ ________________________________
Ms. Kathryna Marie P. Emano Mrs. Glenda P. De Vera, RN, MAN
Principal Investigator College of Nursing
977 1469 Xavier University

March 15, 2021- Version 3



From the OIC Principal during November:

March 15, 2021- Version 3


From the Assistant Principal for Academics and Principal Approval:

March 15, 2021- Version 3


Approval to not violate the Data Privacy Law given by the JHS

March 15, 2021- Version 3





This is to acknowledge that Mrs. Mary Grace V. Santizas, RN

received the study entitled “Extent of Awareness on Personal Hygiene
Practices Among the Junior High School Students of Xavier University-
Ateneo de Cagayan, A.Y 2020-2021” from Ms. Kathryna Marie P.
Emano, the principal investigator, for the purpose to measure the
awareness of personal hygiene practices among the Junior High
School (JHS) students of Xavier University- Ateneo de Cagayan,
Cagayan de Oro City.

Upon receiving, Mrs. Mary Grace V. Santizas, RN have also

checked the questions of the attached survey and did examination
as an expert in her field given November 6, 2020. She take
responsibility in validating their questions on their research survey.

Signed by:

_______________________________ ____________________________
Mrs. Mary Grace V. Santizas, RN Kathryna Marie P. Emano
University Nurse Principal Investigator
Xavier University 0977 023 1469

Noted by:

Mrs. Glenda P. De Vera, RN, MAN
College of Nursing
Xavier University

March 15, 2021- Version 3




This is to acknowledge that Mrs. Annie T. Sevilla, RN received

the study entitled “Extent of Awareness on Personal Hygiene Practices
Among the Junior High School Students of Xavier University- Ateneo
de Cagayan, A.Y 2020-2021” from Ms. Kathryna Marie P. Emano, the
principal investigator, for the purpose to measure the awareness of
personal hygiene practices among the Junior High School (JHS)
students of Xavier University- Ateneo de Cagayan, Cagayan de
Oro City.

Upon receiving, Mrs. Annie T. Sevilla, RN have also checked the

questions of the attached survey and did examination as an expert in
her field given November 6, 2020. She take responsibility in validating
their questions on their research survey.

Signed by:

_______________________________ ____________________________
Mrs. Annie T. Sevilla, RN Kathryna Marie P. Emano
Junior High School Nurse Principal Investigator
Xavier University 0977 023 1469

Noted by:

Mrs. Glenda P. De Vera, RN, MAN
College of Nursing
Xavier University

March 15, 2021- Version 3




This is to acknowledge that Mr. Juanito Rama Oliveria II

received the study entitled “Extent of Awareness on Personal Hygiene
Practices Among the Junior High School Students of Xavier University-
Ateneo de Cagayan, A.Y 2020-2021” from Ms. Kathryna Marie P.
Emano, the principal investigator, for the purpose to measure the
awareness of personal hygiene practices among the Junior High
School (JHS) students of Xavier University- Ateneo de Cagayan,
Cagayan de Oro City.

Upon receiving, Mr. Juanito Rama Oliveria II have also checked

the questions of the attached survey and did examination as an
expert in her field given November 6, 2020. She take responsibility in
validating their questions on their research survey.

Signed by:

_______________________________ ____________________________
Mr. Juanito Rama Oliveria II Kathryna Marie P. Emano
Instructional Technology Specialist/ Principal Investigator
English & Research 0977 023 1469
Xavier University

Noted by:

Mrs. Glenda P. De Vera, RN, MAN
College of Nursing
Xavier University

March 15, 2021- Version 3




Educator and Data Analyst
#1314 Corrales Extension, Puntod, Cagayan de
Oro City, Misamis Oriental, Philippines 9000
Mobile Phone: (0917)-187-86-42/(0955)-933-61-31

Personal Information
Mailing : #1314 Corrales Extension, Brgy. Puntod,
Address Cagayan de Oro, Misamis Oriental, Philippines
Tel. No. : 088-327-9842
Mobile No. : 09171878642/09559336131
Email Address : jedifelmacasyburan@gmail.com
Date of Birth : November 1, 1988

Educational Attainment
Degree : Master of Science in Teaching Mathematics
Date : March, 2013 (Completed Academic Requirements)
Graduated : University of Science and Technology of Southern
Institution Philippines
Degree : Bachelor of Sciences in Mathematical Sciences
Obtained major in Mathematics Teaching
Date : April, 2009
Graduated : University of Science and Technology of Southern
Institution Philippines
Degree : Data Analyst (Recipient of Project Sparta –
Obtained Department of Science and Technology Scholar)
Date : March 2019 – (On-going)
Graduated : Department Of Science and Technology Philippines
Work Experience
Designation :Data Analyst
College/Depart : Liceo de Cagayan University – Senior High
ment School Department and College of Arts and

March 15, 2021- Version 3


Period Covered : 2014 – present

Designation : Faculty
College/Depart : Liceo de Cagayan University – Senior High
ment School Department and College of Arts and
Period Covered : 2014 – present
Designation : Department Chairperson
College/Depart : Liceo de Cagayan University – Senior High
ment School Department
Period Covered : 2017 – 2018
Designation : Faculty
College/Depart : Pilgrim Christian College - Junior High School
ment Department and College of Education
Period Covered : 2011 – 2014
Designation : Data Analyst
College/Depart : Pilgrim Christian College - Junior High School
ment Department
Period Covered : 2012 – 2014
Designation : Prefect of Discipline
College/Depart : Pilgrim Christian College - Junior High School
ment Department
Period Covered : 2012 – 2014
Mathematics in the Modern World Edition 1
Date Published Mutya Publishing House, Inc., 2018
Mathematics in the Modern World Edition 2
Date Published Mutya Publishing House, Inc., 2019
“PRECALCULUS”: A Modular Approach K to 12
Senior High School - STEM
Date Published Liceo Press, 2016

Licensure and Eligibility

Title PRC Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET-
Date Passed September, 2009
Title Civil Service Eligibility – Professional
Date Passed November, 2009

Social and Extracurricular Activities

Affiliation : International Alliance of Mathematics
Teachers Inc. (I AM TEACHERS INC.)
Position Held : Member

March 15, 2021- Version 3


Period : 2018 - present

Affiliation : KAALAM – CCSP (Kabatan-onan Alang
Kanato Moalagad – Cagayan de Oro
Scholarship Program)
Position Held : Alumnus - Member
Period : 2009 - present

Professional Developmental Seminars and Trainings (From 2011 –


Seminars, Symposia Specify whether

Workshops, Conferences, speaker,
Conventions coordinator, Date
Attended/Conducted resource person
or participant
Practical Research Research Adviser June 2016 -
and Data Analyst present
(Senior HS
Experimental Psychology Resource Person October 16,
Final Defense 2016
Leadership Training Seminar – Resource October 7, 2016
Senior High School Speaker
Experimental Psychology Resource Person September 2,
Proposal Defense 2016
Seminar on Communicating Participant August 23, 2016
with Parents
Understanding the 21st Participant June 2, 3, and 4,
Century Learners and 2016
Assessing Learning Outcomes
– A seminar workshop
2013 Functional Literacy, Participant October 20,
Education and Mass Media 2015
Survey (FLEMMS)
TITLE OF Specify whether DATES
resource person
or participant

March 15, 2021- Version 3


Capacity Building Seminar for Participant 05 / 26 / 2014 to

Grade 9 Teachers 05 / 29 / 2014
Conference on R.A. No. Participant 03 / 20 / 2014 to
10627 Anti – Bullying Act of 03 / 20 / 2014
2013, DepEd Order
No. 5, s. 2013 and DepEd
Order No. 40, s. 2012
Enhancing Instruction in Participant 02 / 15 / 2014 to
Standard-Based Curriculum 02 / 15 / 2014
for Seamles K to 12
2013 Teachers Conference Participant 10 / 25 / 2013 to
10 / 26 / 2013
The Christian Curriculum and Participant 10 / 19 / 2013 to
Classroom Management 10 / 29 / 2013
2013 Student Leadership Participant 08 / 29 / 2013 to
Conference 08 / 31 / 2013
Formative Assessment with Participant 06 / 28 / 2013 to
Grading System and 06 / 29 / 2013
Differentiated Instruction
30 Hour Computer Literacy Participant 05 / 20 / 2013 to
Training in MS Word, MS Excel, 05 / 24 / 2013
PowerPoint, and the Internet
Learning in the 21st Century Participant 05 / 16 / 2013 to
Seminar 05 / 16 / 2013
Windows in the Classroom Participant 05 / 16 / 2013 05
/ 16 / 2013
Christian Perspective in Participant 05 / 16 / 2013 to
Disaster Risk Reduction and 05 / 16 / 2013
Management (DRRM)
and Child Protection in
Emergencies (CPIE)
Media, the Internet and the Participant 02 / 25 / 2012 to
Phenomenon of Social 02 / 25 / 2012
Networking: There
Impact on Classroom
Instruction, School
Performance and
Perceptual Learning Styles Participant 02 / 10 / 2012 to
02 / 10 / 2012

March 15, 2021- Version 3




Contact Information

Name: Mary Grace V. Santizas

Address: B4L24 Amorsolo Street, Philamlife

Village, Pueblo de Oro,

Cagayan de Oro City, 9000.

Telephone: (088) 327 8291

Cell Phone: 09178367510

Email: msantizas@xu.edu.ph

Personal Information

DOB: October 15, 1967

POB: Abucay, Bataan

Citizenship: Filipino

Gender: Female

Civil Status: Married

Educational Background

Tertiary: Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Liceo de Cagayan

Cagayan de Oro City

March 15, 2021- Version 3



Secondary: Pilgrim Institute

Cagayan de Oro City


Primary: Tomas Pinpin Memorial Elementary School

Abucay, Bataan


Work Experience

 University Nurse, Xavier University- Ateneo de Cagayan

June 2003- Present

 Staff Nurse, Dubai Department of Health and Medical Services

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

October 1991- October 1997

 Staff Nurse, Madonna and Child Hospital

Cagayan de Oro City

January 1989- October 1991

March 15, 2021- Version 3




B10 L51-52, Tandang Sora St.

Regency Plains Subd., Iponan

9000 Cagayan de Oro City

Cell #: 09651981033

Personal Profile

Age: 45 yrs.old

Date of Birth: May 12, 1975

Place of Birth: Don Carlos, Bukidnon

Sex: Female

Height: 5’1”

Weight: 136 lbs.

Nationality: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Civil Status: Married

Name of Spouse: Ricky Michael M. Sevilla

Occupation: Government Employee

Name of Children: Michael Adrianne T. Sevilla

Zyrah Annavieve T. Sevilla

March 15, 2021- Version 3


Parents: Constantino Silva Tecson

Anania Cuanan Tecson

Educational Attainment:

College: Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Cagayan Capitol College

Cagayan de Oro City

June 1992 – March 1996

High School: Loyola High School

Don Carlos, Bukidnon

June 1988 – March 1992

Elementary: Don Carlos Central Elementary School

Don Carlos, Bukidnon

June 1982 – March 1988

Work Experience:

School Nurse: Xavier University Junior High School Infirmary

Xavier University Junior High School

Pueblo de Oro, Cagayan de Oro City

November 2018 – present

March 15, 2021- Version 3


Nurse Assistant: Xavier University High School Infirmary

Xavier University High School

Pueblo de Oro, Cagayan de Oro City

November 2003 – October 2018

Staff Nurse: St. Scholastica’s Convent Infirmary

St. Scholastica’s Convent

Wagner Road, Baguio City

January 1998 – September 1999

Peralta Medical Clinic

Don Carlos, Bukidnon

February- April 1997

March 15, 2021- Version 3





+63 955 914 2828

Masters in Education Major Xavier University – Ateneo de Cagayan
in School Management June 2015- Present
Bachelor of Secondary Liceo de Cagayan University
Education Major in English April 2011
Summa Cum Laude
Class Valedictorian

1. Communication (Spoken & Written) 7. Technology in Education
2. Information & Communication 8. Classroom Management
Technology 9. Program/Activity
3. Leadership & Collaboration Organization
4. Teacher Training & Facilitation 10. Professionalism
5. Social Involvement & Volunteer Works 11. Performing Arts
6. Basic Guidance & Counseling 12. Arts & Design



Philippine & Xavier University Pueblo, SY 2011-2012
Asian History Junior High CDOC
teacher School
Disciplinary Xavier University Pueblo, SY 2012 to
Board Chair Junior High CDOC present

March 15, 2021- Version 3


Disciplinary Xavier University Pueblo, February 2012

Board Chair Junior High CDOC & December
School 2013
Disciplinary Xavier University Pueblo, October 2015,
Board Junior High CDOC February
School 2016, March
Awards & Xavier University Pueblo, January 2014,
Recognition Junior High CDOC 2015 & 2016
Head Xavier University Pueblo, SY 2013-2014
Moderator Junior High CDOC
(Second Year School
Class Xavier University Pueblo, SY 2011 to
Moderator Junior High CDOC present
(All Year Levels) School
Club Xavier University Pueblo, SY 2012 to
Moderator Junior High CDOC present
(IVAC, School
Promotions Xavier University Pueblo, February 2016
Committee Junior High CDOC
Member School
Student Bulua National Bulua, CDOC February 2011
teacher High School
Student LDCU High Carmen, December
teacher School CDOC 2011
President Liceo de Kauwagan, SY 2010-2011
Central Cagayan CDOC
Student University
President Liceo de Kauwagan, SY 2009-2010
COE Student Cagayan CDOC
Body Org University
Editor-in-Chief Liceo de Kauwagan, SY 2009-2010
The Ember Cagayan CDOC
(COE) University
Cluster Liceo de Kauwagan, SY 2006-2009
President Cagayan CDOC
English (BSED) University

March 15, 2021- Version 3


Honorary Liceo de Kauwagan, SY 2009-2011

Member G-clef Cagayan CDOC
(Chorale) University



Microsoft Microsoft Incorporated May & July
Ambassadorship & Philippines 2017 to
Microsoft Certified present
Educator (MCE)
Microsoft Innovator Microsoft Incorporated December
Educator (MIE) Certified Philippines 2016
YSEALI Membership Young South Asian December
Grant Leaders Initiative 2016
YOUTeacH Philippines YOUTeacH Philippines January 2017
Select Member for
Fr Giuseppe SJ Award for Xavier University Junior SY 2012-2017
Most Outstanding Club High Schoo
Licensed Professional Professional Regulation September
Teacher (LPT) Commission 2011
National Scholarship Commission on Higher SY 2006 – 2011
Grant (Academic Education
Full Academic Liceo de Cagayan SY 2006 – 2011
Scholarship (Highest QPI University
AYLA Qualifier (School-Ayala Youth January 2011
based Nomination) Foundation
Batch Valedictorian Liceo de Cagayan April 2011
Summa Cum Laude Liceo de Cagayan April 2011
Outstanding Leadership Liceo de Cagayan April 2011
Award University
Batch Valedictorian & Manuel Lugod Central March 2002 &
Salutatorian School & Agusan March 2006
National High Schoo

March 15, 2021- Version 3


National Journalist Department of March 2002

Award Education



Xavier University Corrales Avenue, Cagayan de
Oro City
YOUTeacH PHILIPPINES US Embassy to the PHIL, Makati
Microsoft in Education Makati City, PHL (Philippine
Young South East Asian US Embassy to the PHIL, Makati
Leadership City
PEN International ***


National Teacher Trainer

Private Education
Assistance Committee
(PEAC) & DepEd
(3 years till present)
Concurrent InstaGrammar Society for Technology in
Speaker Version 2.0 Education Philippines (STEP) 2017,
Ateneo de Cebu, Cebu City
Concurrent SNAP: A Story- Society for Technology in
Speaker Telling Education Philippines (STEP) 2016,
Method Ateneo de Davao Unversity
Concurrent InstaGrammar Frontiers & Innovators of
Speaker Technology (FIT 2015) Xavier
School, San Juan (National)
Concurrent InstaGrammar Society for Technology in
Speaker Education Philippines (STEP) 2015,
Ateneo de Cagayan (High School)
Resource Social Media Rosevale School, February 2016
Speaker & Internet Upper Balulang, Cagayan de Oro
Privacy City
Teacher INSET 2015 St Therese Mission High School, May
Trainer 2015

March 15, 2021- Version 3




Title of Project: Extent of Awareness on Personal Hygiene Practices

Among the Junior High School Students of Xavier University- Ateneo

de Cagayan, A.Y 2020-2021

Principal Investigator: Ms. Kathryna Marie P. Emano



Advisor: Mrs. Glenda P. De Vera, RN, MAN


Other Investigators: Abedin, Jamil; Alguzar, Odessa Gayle

Nikkola; Arpa, Courtney; Bergonia, Toni Roselle; Bersola, Jean

Dominique; Bonghanoy, Joshua Allen; Burgos, Andrew Kyril; Catiil,

John Ivan; Daclag, Paolo Victor; Damasco, Kaye Ivee; Dela Cruz,

Juan Miguel; Galagar, Hannah Bea Franchesca

You are one of the 780 students who is invited and requested to

participate in a research study conducted by the above-mentioned

researchers through Google forms. Please take as much time as you

need to read this detailed terms and conditions, and answer the given

questionnaire. A copy of the consent form will be provided should you

decide to participate in the study.

March 15, 2021- Version 3


1. Purpose of the Study: The purpose of this research is to measure

the awareness of personal hygiene practices among the Junior

High School (JHS) students of Xavier University- Ateneo de

Cagayan, Cagayan de Oro City.

2. Procedure to be followed: Participating in the study first includes

signing the consent form to be followed by answering the 35

given questions provided by the questionnaire. The

questionnaire comprises of dichotomous and Likert scale types

of questions produced by the researchers to assess the

participant in relation to the study. The questionnaire is divided

into two parts and an instruction before each part is provided

to guide the participant in answering the sets of questions

thoroughly and completely. First part is the respondent

information part containing the name (optional), sex, and

religion of the client, followed by their socioeconomic status,

availability of resources, and water consistency. The second

part is further divided into subparts with statements concerning

Body Hygiene, Oral Hygiene, Handwashing Hygiene, Nail

Hygiene, and Hair Hygiene where the participants will rate each

statement from 1 to 5, depending on the instructions given. The

March 15, 2021- Version 3


questions are designed in a manner that is easy to be

understood and comprehended.

3. Duration/Time and Location of study to be conducted: The

research study and questionnaire will be answered through

Google Forms and communicated with the use of XU Mail or

Gmail. The approached participants have a specified time of

1-3 days to respond thoroughly to the questions provided by the

questionnaire and will only take less than 20 minutes to answer.

If the participants have no internet access available, the

researchers can contact them via the use of cellular phones.

This is by reminding the respondents in advance to schedule

themselves for the forthcoming survey questionnaire response.

If the participants are also unfamiliar with Google forms thus

making it more difficult for them to access, another option, such

as Microsoft Forms, can be used.

4. Possible Risks and Discomforts: Possible discomfort may include

anticipation of the outcomes and as well as possible fear that

one's personal hygiene would be measured by the

questionnaire. However, regardless of their level of conformity,

the respondents are not subject to judgment. The researchers

will introduce the study to the XU JHS participants, prior to giving

March 15, 2021- Version 3


them their online survey questionnaire to give them an idea of

what the research is about, the purpose and what the

researchers are trying to achieve. The researchers shall

emphasize that the research does not intend to criticize the

subjects’ hygienic practices or self-esteem, but rather help

them improve their hygienic practice.

5. Benefits from the Study: Due to the current pandemic, the

researchers are limited to using the internet as a mode of

communicating and cannot give any physical token to the

respondents. Thus, at the end of the research, the researchers

shall interpret and exhibit the findings of the research to the

participants through google meet. The researchers then will

describe to the respondents the five hygienic in terms of body,

oral, handwashing, hair, and nail as an important aspect on

self-care, making this google meet beneficial to them. The

researchers shall also emphasize that the research does not

intend to criticize the subjects’ hygienic practices or self-

esteem, but rather help them improve their hygienic practice.

6. Statement of Confidentiality:

A. In order to ensure that there is no violation of provisions

under the Data Privacy Law, the researchers obtained

March 15, 2021- Version 3


permission from the students of Xavier University Junior

High School to allow access to their school emails to be

used for research purposes. This was attained through

requesting assistance from the Registrar’s Office, along

with the School President and Vice Presidents for

Academics and Administration, to distribute a consent

form via the Help Desk of the Junior High School

department responsible for email blasts. The students and

their parents can input their personal information and as

well as tick a box if they will allow the researchers to have

their personal information in the given Google Forms

distributed by the Junior High School Department.

B. The identity and rights of the participants, as well as all

the data gathered for the study shall remain confidential.

The members of the research team comprising of 14

individuals, are the only ones allowed to have access to

the gathered data. After termination of the study, the

data generated will be secured in a google drive that is

password-protected and can only be accessed by the

research team. Confidentiality of the gathered data are

subject to legal limitations and responsibilities.

March 15, 2021- Version 3


Participants can access his/her records and will also be

emailed of the results of the research study.

C. Participants will be approached and given information

when any publication or article will be made, and as well

as changes or amendments of the provided details from

the research study.

D. The use of pseudonyms or identity markers will be used to

reflect the name of the participants whenever

publications originating from the research study will


7. Right of Research Participant to Ask Questions: If you have any

queries about your rights as a participant of the research study,

you may contact Ms. Kathryna Marie P. Emano with your

concerns through 0977-023-1469 or messenger with name Trina


8. Participation and Withdrawal: Your presence is voluntary and

with your will in this research report. Respondents may withdraw

or may be withdrawn from the study if one of the following

applies: (a) Wishes to withdraw consent to participate in the

study; (b) Transferring to another school; (c) Nonresponse of all

the items in the questionnaire; and (d) Not completing the study

March 15, 2021- Version 3


follow – up. If circumstances occur that warrant doing so, the

investigator will exclude you from this study. If you wish not to

participate or to withdraw from this research, please notify the

research representative through the contact number provided.

You will not be penalized or given sanction in any way.

9. Approved by the XU Research Ethics Committee (XU REC): This

research study has been approved by the XU REC and if you

wish to ask furthermore regarding your rights, you may contact

them at reo@xu.edu.ph or +63 88 853 9800 local 1967.

10. Summary of the Process: To put in simpler process, the study will

be utilizing google forms to be disseminated by the XU Help

Desk with coordination of the XU JHS registrar in giving informed

consent and assent forms with regards to asking of their

personal details such as their email addresses, contact

numbers, and permission to communicating with them in these

platforms will also be sought. This will only be sent once

clearance form from the XU College Research Board will be

submitted to the XU JHS Registrar. In addition, all forms will be

reviewed by the registrar’s office, assistant principals for

academics and administration, and the principal. This method

is used in order to ensure confidentiality and not to breach

March 15, 2021- Version 3


regulations of the Data Privacy Act of 2012. After acquiring their

approval through their response of yes in the google form

disseminated by the XU Help Desk, the researchers will then

send to their email addresses given at the google form the

Patient Information Sheet (PIS), Informed Consent form for the

parents and Informed Assent form for the students for them to

read. A google form link will also be attached in the electronic

mail if they want to participate that is with the same content of

the informed and assent forms. If they will be participating in the

study through answering yes and giving their permission in the

google form link provided, another google form link will be sent

in their email addresses containing the research questionnaire.

They will then be given 14 days to answer. It is to reiterate that

confidentiality will be maintained and that if they want to review

their answers or ask for queries, they can do so by just


March 15, 2021- Version 3



Please affix your name, electronic signature, and the date if you
agree to participate and have thoroughly read the details above.


“I have read the foregoing information, or it has been read to me. I

have had the opportunity to ask questions about it and any questions
that I have asked have been answered to my satisfaction. I consent
voluntarily for my child to participate as a participant in this study.”

Print Name of Parent or Guardian: _________________________

Signature of Parent or Guardian: __________________________

Date (MM/DD/YYYY):________________________

If Alternatively Schooled

“I have witnessed the accurate reading of the consent form to the

potential participant, and the individual has had the opportunity to
ask questions. I confirm that the individual has given consent freely.”

Print name of witness ____________________________

Thumb print of participant: ___________________

Signature of witness: _________________________

Date (MM/DD/YYYY):________________________


“I have accurately read out the information sheet to the potential

participant, and to the best of my ability made sure that the
participant understands that the following will be done:

March 15, 2021- Version 3


1. He/she will be contacted through XU Mail

2. He/she will answer the questionnaire sent accordingly

3. He/she will submit it though google forms

I confirm that the PARENT was given an opportunity to ask questions

about the study, and all the questions asked by the participant have
been answered correctly and to the best of my ability. I confirm that
the individual has not been coerced into giving consent, and the
consent has been given freely and voluntarily.

A copy of this Informed Consent Form has been provided to the parent
or guardian of the participant.”

Print Name of Researcher taking the assent: _________________________

Signature of Researcher taking the assent: __________________________

Date (MM/DD/YYYY):_____________________________

An Informed Assent Form will _/_ OR will not ____ be completed.

March 15, 2021- Version 3



Please affix your name, electronic signature, and the date if you
agree to participate and have thoroughly read the details above.


“I have read this information (or had the information read to me) I
have had my questions answered and know that I can ask questions
later if I have them.

I agree to take part in the research.”

Print Name of Child: _________________________

Signature of Child: __________________________

Date (MM/DD/YYYY):________________________

If Alternatively Schooled

“I have witnessed the accurate reading of the consent form to the

potential participant, and the individual has had the opportunity to
ask questions. I confirm that the individual has given consent freely.”

Print name of witness (not a parent) ____________________________

Thumb print of participant: ___________________

Signature of witness: _________________________

Date (MM/DD/YYYY):________________________

I have accurately read or witnessed the accurate reading of the

assent form to the potential participant, and the individual has had the
opportunity to ask questions. I confirm that the individual has given
assent freely.

March 15, 2021- Version 3


Print Name of Researcher: _________________________

Signature of Researcher: __________________________

Date (MM/DD/YYYY):______________________________


“I have accurately read out the information sheet to the potential

participant, and to the best of my ability made sure that the
participant understands that the following will be done:

1. He/she will be contacted through XU Mail

2. He/she will answer the questionnaire sent accordingly

3. He/she will submit it though google forms

I confirm that the CHILD was given an opportunity to ask questions

about the study, and all the questions asked by the participant have
been answered correctly and to the best of my ability. I confirm that
the individual has not been coerced into giving consent, and the
consent has been given freely and voluntarily.

A copy of this Assent Form has been provided to the participant.”

Print Name of Researcher taking the assent: _________________________

Signature of Researcher taking the assent: __________________________

Date (MM/DD/YYYY):_____________________________

Copy provided to the participant _____ (initialed by


Parent/Guardian has signed an informed consent

___Yes ___No _____ (initialed by researcher/assistant)

March 15, 2021- Version 3




In partial compliance with Nursing Research, students of Xavier

University – College of Nursing are conducting a study on the Extent
of Awareness of Personal Hygiene Practices Among the Junior High
School Students of Xavier University – Ateneo de Cagayan. The study
seeks to focus on students enrolled in Xavier University Junior High
School. Hygiene habits have a great impact on one’s health and it is
crucial to discuss basic concepts that aid in preventive measures for
long-term self-care.
With this, please affix your name, a check in the box, and the
date if you agree to participate and hereby agree to the following:
i. Upon checking the box in the Google Form, I agree to allow
researchers from the XU-College of Nursing to use the
following contact details for study purposes:
a. My Xavier University e-mail address;
b. My contact number;
c. My parents’ contact details.
ii. I understand that the abovementioned contact details will
be used solely for research purposes and for obtaining
consent to send research-related documents (Information
Sheet, Assent form, Parent’s consent, and Research
iii. I agree that this consent form is for allowing access to my
contact information which will be provided to the
researchers by the XU Registrar.

Sincerely, Noted by:

________________________ ________________________
Kathryna Marie P. Emano Glenda P. De Vera, RN, MAN
Principal Investigator Research Adviser

March 15, 2021- Version 3


I have thoroughly read the above statements and agree by:

For the Student:
a. Inputting my name
b. Checking the box found in the google forms
c. Inputting the date of when I agreed (MM/DD/YYY)

For the Parent or Guardian:

a. Inputting my name
b. Checking the box found in the google forms
c. Inputting the date of when I agreed (MM/DD/YYY)

March 15, 2021- Version 3



PART 1: Demographic Profile

Instruction: Please put a check (/) mark on the item or choice that
corresponds to your answer.

1. Gender (I am a _______)

____ Male ____ Female

2. Religion (I am a/an _______)

____ Baptist ____ Seventh Day Adventist

____ Islam ____ Others (please specify)

____ Roman Catholic

3. Combined Monthly Income of Parents (My parents’ combined

income is Php____)

____Less than 10,957 ____ 76,700 - 131,484

____ 10,958 - 21,914 ____ 131,485 - 219,140

____ 21,915 - 43,828 ____ More than 219,141

____ 43,829 - 76,699

4. Availability of Resources (My source/s of information on personal

hygiene is/are____) Select all that apply

____ Parents

____ School Teachers

____ Medical Providers

March 15, 2021- Version 3


____ Internet

5. Water Supply Consistency (The water in my house runs for _____

hours in a day)

____ Less than 5 ____ 13-19

____ 6-12 ____ 20-24

PART II. Extent of Awareness on Personal Hygiene Practices

I. Body Hygiene

Instructions: Please check (/) the line that corresponds to your level
of compliance with the following matters.
1 = Never (I don't apply this statement towards my personal
2 = Rarely (I apply this statement 1-2 times a week towards my
personal hygiene practices)
3 = Sometimes (I apply this statement 3-4 times a week towards my
hygiene practices)
4 = Very Often (I apply this statement 5-6 times a week towards my
personal hygiene)
5 = Always (I apply this statement everyday towards my personal

1. I take a bath every day.

___ 1 ___ 2 ___ 3 ___ 4 ___ 5

2. I clean my underarm when taking a bath.

___ 1 ___ 2 ___ 3 ___ 4 ___ 5

March 15, 2021- Version 3


3. I use my own soap products when I take a bath

___ 1 ___ 2 ___ 3 ___ 4 ___ 5

4. I use a personal towel.

___ 1 ___ 2 ___ 3 ___ 4 ___ 5

5. I put my dirty clothes in the bin (laundry basket) after using or

before taking a bath.

___ 1 ___ 2 ___ 3 ___ 4 ___ 5

6. I wear a clean or fresh set of clothes after taking a bath.

___ 1 ___ 2 ___ 3 ___ 4 ___ 5

II. Oral Hygiene

Instructions: Please check (/) the line that corresponds to your level
of compliance with the following matters.
1 = Never (I don't apply this statement towards my personal
2 = Rarely (I apply this statement 1-2 times a week towards my
personal hygiene practices)
3 = Sometimes (I apply this statement 3-4 times a week towards my
hygiene practices)
4 = Very Often (I apply this statement 5-6 times a week towards my
personal hygiene)
5 = Always (I apply this statement everyday towards my personal

1. I brush my teeth after breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

___ 1 ___ 2 ___ 3 ___ 4 ___ 5

March 15, 2021- Version 3


2. I clean my tongue every time I brush.

___ 1 ___ 2 ___ 3 ___ 4 ___ 5

3. I rinse my mouth with water after breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

___ 1 ___ 2 ___ 3 ___ 4 ___ 5

4. Every time I brush my teeth, I use up, down, and sideways


___ 1 ___ 2 ___ 3 ___ 4 ___ 5

5. I use dental floss at least once a day.

___ 1 ___ 2 ___ 3 ___ 4 ___ 5

III. Handwashing Hygiene

Instructions: Please check (/) the line that corresponds to your level
of compliance with the following matters.
1 = Never (I don't apply this statement towards my personal
2 = Rarely (I apply this statement 1-2 times a week towards my
personal hygiene practices)
3 = Sometimes (I apply this statement 3-4 times a week towards my
hygiene practices)
4 = Very Often (I apply this statement 5-6 times a week towards my
personal hygiene)
5 = Always (I apply this statement everyday towards my personal

1. I wash my hands 3-5x a day.

__ 1 __ 2 __ 3 __ 4 __ 5

March 15, 2021- Version 3


2. I wash hands before and after eating.

__ 1 __ 2 __ 3 __ 4 __ 5

Instructions: Please check (/) the line that corresponds to your level
of compliance with the following matters.
1 = Never (I don't apply this statement towards my personal
2 = Rarely (I apply this statement less than half times with the
of times I do this in a day towards my personal hygiene)
3 = Sometimes (I apply this statement half times with the number of
times I do
this in a day towards my personal hygiene)
4 = Very Often (I apply this statement more than half times with the
number of times I do this in a day towards my personal hygiene)
5 = Always (I apply this statement every time I do this in a day
towards my
personal hygiene)

1. It takes me up to 1 minute when washing my hands.

__ 1 __ 2 __ 3 __ 4 __ 5

2. I use disposable towels or personal hand towels when drying my


__ 1 __ 2 __ 3 __ 4 __ 5

3. I apply antibacterial soap when hand washing.

__ 1 __ 2 __ 3 __ 4 __ 5

4. I wash my hands after touching dirty surfaces.

__ 1 __ 2 __ 3 __ 4 __ 5

March 15, 2021- Version 3


IV. Hair Hygiene

Instructions: Please check (/) the line that corresponds to your level
of compliance with the following matters.
1 = Never (I don't apply this statement towards my personal
2 = Rarely (I apply this statement 1-2 times a week towards my
personal hygiene practices)
3 = Sometimes (I apply this statement 3-4 times a week towards my
hygiene practices)
4 = Very Often (I apply this statement 5-6 times a week towards my
personal hygiene)
5 = Always (I apply this statement everyday towards my personal

1. I wash my hair.

___ 1 ___ 2 ___3 ___4 ___ 5

2. I use shampoo in washing my hair.

___ 1 ___ 2 ___ 3 ___ 4 ___ 5

3. I use my own hairbrush or comb.

___ 1 ___ 2 ___ 3 ___ 4 ___ 5

4. I do not share my hairbrush or comb with others.

___ 1 ___ 2 ___ 3 ___ 4 ___ 5

5. I use my own towel in drying my hair.

___ 1 ___ 2 ___ 3 ___ 4 ___ 5

6. I do not share my towel with others.

___ 1 ___ 2 ___ 3 ___ 4 ___ 5

March 15, 2021- Version 3


7. I do not experience itching or irritation of my scalp.

___ 1 ___ 2 ___ 3 ___ 4 ___ 5

V. Nail Hygiene

Instructions: Please check (/) the line that corresponds to your level
of compliance with the following matters.
1 = Never (I apply this statement every 3 or more months towards
personal hygiene practices)
2 = Rarely (I apply this statement once every 2 months towards my
personal hygiene practices)
3 = Sometimes (I apply this statement monthly towards my personal
4 = Very Often (I apply this statement every 2-3 weeks towards my
personal hygiene)
5 = Always (I apply this statement weekly towards my personal

1. I cut/trim my nails.

___ 1 ___ 2 ___ 3 ___ 4 ___ 5

2. I remove the dirt found underneath my nails.

___ 1 ___ 2 ___ 3 ___ 4 ___ 5

3. I use my personal nail cutter when cutting my nails.

___ 1 ___ 2 ___ 3 ___ 4 ___ 5

4. I use other tools, aside from nail cutters, in cleaning my nails like

cuticle pusher, cuticle nipper, nail buffer, and nail file.

___ 1 ___ 2 ___ 3 ___ 4 ___ 5

5. I do not bite or chew my nail/s.

March 15, 2021- Version 3


___ 1 ___ 2 ___ 3 ___ 4 ___ 5

6. I control myself from biting off or ripping jagged pieces of skin near

the root of my nail (hangnail).

___ 1 ___ 2 ___ 3 ___ 4 ___ 5

March 15, 2021- Version 3



Cochran’s Formula – Help in determining sample size

𝑍 2 𝑝𝑞 Finding 𝑛𝑜 ; where:
𝑛𝑜 =
e = desired level of precision (margin of

(2.17)2 𝑥 0.5 𝑥 0.5 error)

𝑛𝑜 =
p = estimated proportion of population

1.1775 which has the attribute in question

𝑛𝑜 =

𝑛𝑜 = 1, 308 Z = z-score based on confidence level

𝑛𝑜 Finding 𝑛; where:
𝑛 − 1
1+ 𝑜𝑁
𝒏𝒐 = Cochran’s sample size

1308 recommendation
1308 − 1
1+ 1909 N = population of Xavier University-

Ateneo de Cagayan Junior High

1.68 School Students

𝒏 = new, adjusted sample size for

𝑛 = 779 ≈ 780
finite population

Cronbach’s Alpha – Measure scale of reliability

March 15, 2021- Version 3


 N = the number of items.
 c̄ = average covariance between item-pairs.
 v̄ = average variance.

ANOVA – Compares the mean differences between the groups that

have split on two independent variables

March 15, 2021- Version 3



Contact Information

Name: Abedin, Jamil L.

Address: Philamlife Village, B3 L28,

Baldimore St., Cagayan de

Oro City

Telephone: None

Cell Phone: 09275791909

Email: 20160010589@my.xu.edu.ph

Personal Information

DOB: June 16, 1999

POB: Tugaya, Lanao del Sur

Citizenship: Filipino

Gender: Male

Civil Status: Single

Educational Background

Tertiary: Xavier University – Ateneo de Cagayan, College of

Nursing (2018 - Present)

Secondary: Xavier University (2016-2018)

Rosevale School (2012 – 2016)

March 15, 2021- Version 3


Primary: Rosevale School (2009 – 2012)

Liceo de Cagayan University (2008 – 2009)

School of Our Lady of Trinity (2006 – 2008)


 2nd Place Mr. Nursing (2019)

 3rd Honors (2016)

 Best Editor Award (2016)

 2nd Place Filipino Pagbaybay (2015)

 3rd Honors (2009)


 Video and Photo Editing


 Dysrhythmias & Conduction Disorder Webinar (2020)

 Photography Workshop (2014)

 Filipino News Writing Training (2015)


 Xavier University Council of Nursing Students (2019 – 2020)

 Biophilic (2016-2017)

March 15, 2021- Version 3



Contact Information

Name: Alguzar, Odessa Gayle Nikkola A.

Address: Barangay 2, Talakag, Bukidnon

Telephone: N/A

Cell Phone: 09358616976

Email: 20180014882@my.xu.edu.ph

Personal Information

DOB: July 22, 1999

POB: Talakag, Bukidnon

Citizenship: Filipino

Gender: Female

Civil Status: Single

Educational Background

Tertiary: Xavier University – Ateneo de Cagayan, College of

Nursing (2018-Present)

Secondary: Saint Joseph High School of Talakag, Inc. (2018)

Primary: Talakag Central Elementary School (2012)


March 15, 2021- Version 3


 1st Honorable Mention (2012)

 With Honors (2018)


 Computer skill

 Time management skill

 Organizational skill


 Dysrhythmias & Conduction Disorder Webinar (2020)


 None

March 15, 2021- Version 3



Contact Information

Name: Arpa, Courtney Joy L.

Address: Block 24 Lot 31 Gran Europa

Lessandra, Barangay Lumbia

Cagayan de Oro City

Telephone: 850-1814

Cell Phone: 09166659570

Email: 20160010479@my.xu.edu.ph

Personal Information

DOB: June 20 2000

POB: Butuan City

Citizenship: Filipino

Gender: Female

Civil Status: Single

Educational Background

Tertiary: Xavier University Ateneo de Cagayan- College of Nursing

Secondary: Corpus Christi School Pueblo Campus

Primary: Assumption Montessori School


March 15, 2021- Version 3


 CCS Next Top Model 1st runner up (S.Y 2013-2014)

 CCS Declamation Contest (2014-2015)

 Miss Intramural games (2014-2015)

 ABM Ambassadress 2nd runner up (S.Y 2016-2017)

 Second semester 2nd honor (S.Y 2017-2018)


 Great communication skills

 Flexible

 Interpersonal skills

 Time management skills

 Professionalism

 Strong work ethic


 Heart to heart talks: “Dysrhythmias”

 Conduction Problems across the Digital Nation (S.Y 2020-



 XU Council of Nursing (S.Y 2020-2021)

 Red Cross Youth (S.Y 2018-2019)

 Sidlak (S.Y 2017-2018)

March 15, 2021- Version 3



Contact Information

Name: Bergonia, Toni Roselle A.

Address: Blk 24, Lot 15, Johndorf

Subdivision, Barra, Opol,

Misamis Oriental

Telephone: 850-1600

Cell Phone: 09351188029

Email: 20180014045@my.xu.edu.ph

Personal Information

DOB: August 31, 1999

POB: Cagayan de Oro City

Citizenship: Filipino

Gender: Female

Civil Status: Single

Educational Background

Tertiary: Xavier University Ateneo de Cagayan, College of Nursing

Secondary: Liceo de Cagayan University

Primary: Merry Child School


March 15, 2021- Version 3


 Service Award for Spiritual Involvement (2016)

 PSYSC Leadership Awardee Liceo (2016)

 3rd Honor (2016)

 3rd Honor (2017)

 Half Academic Scholar (2016-2018)

 With Honors (2018)


 Critical Thinking Skills

 Leadership Skills

 Communication Skills

 Decision Making Skills

 Can manage time

 Flexible

 Committed to the task given

 Works well under pressure


 Clean and Green Seminar (2017)

 College Fair and Career Talk (2017)

 National Youth Science, Technology and Environment

Summer Camp (Leadership Training) (2015)

March 15, 2021- Version 3


 Philippine Society of Youth Science Club (PSYSC)- President


 Senior High School Student Council (SHSC)- STEM

Representative (2016-2017)

 Senior High School Student Council (SHSC)- Treasurer

Representative (2017-2018)

 Fishers of Men (FOM)- Auditor (2015-2016)

 Philippine Society of Youth Science Club (PSYSC)- Vice

President (2014-2015)

March 15, 2021- Version 3



Contact Information

Name: Bersola, Jean Dominique B.

Address: Block 3 Lot 6 Xavier Heights,

Upper Balulang, Cagayan de

Oro Cty

Telephone: N/A

Cell Phone: 0955 048 2166

Email: 2012000618@my.xu.edu.ph

Personal Information

DOB: October 19, 2000

POB: Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea

Citizenship: Filipino

Gender: Female

Civil Status: Single

Educational Background

Tertiary: Xavier University – Ateneo de Cagayan College of

Nursing (2018 – Present)

March 15, 2021- Version 3


Secondary: Xavier University – Ateneo de Cagayan Senior High

School: Science, Technology, Engineering, and

Mathematics (2016 – 2018)

Xavier University – Ateneo de Cagayan Junior High

School (2012 – 2016)

Primary: The International School of Lae, Papua New Guinea

(2004 – 2012)


 Second Honor – Xavier University Senior High (2017)

 First Honor – Xavier University Senior High (2016)

 Third Honor – Xavier University Junior High (2015)

 Third Honor – Xavier University Junior High (2014)

 Writer of the Fortnight – The International School of Lae (2010)

 Principal’s Award – The International School of Lae (2010)

 Student of the Fortnight – The International School of Lae (2007,

2008, 2010)


 Communication/Interpersonal Skills

 Leadership Skills

 Comprehension Skills

March 15, 2021- Version 3


 Writing Skills


 Global Leadership Forum (2020)

 Oro Youth: Social Analysis During Crisis (2020)

 Oro Youth: Resource Mobilization During Crisis (2020)

 Crisis Management – Human-Centered Design (2020)

 Oro Youth: The Power of Stories During Crisis (2020)

 Oro Youth: Digital Citizenship (2020)

 Oro Youth: Good Governance (2020)

 Oro Youth: Project Proposal Making (2020)

 Self-care in a Time of Crisis (2020)

 Systems Thinking (2018)

 Bridging Leadership (2017)

 Asset-Based Community Development (2017)


 Xavier University – Central Student Government (2020 – Present)

 Council of Nursing Students (2018 – Present)

 Ateneo Ignatian Spirituality Engagement (2020 – Present)

 Oro Youth Leadership Academy (2020)

 Ateneo School for Upcoming Leaders (2017 – 2019)

March 15, 2021- Version 3


 Sidlak – Catholic Youth Ministry (2016 – 2017)

 Light Cavalry Leadership Community (2014 – 2016)

March 15, 2021- Version 3



Contact Information

Name: Bonghanoy, Joshua Allen O.

Address: Block 21, Lot 20 ,Mockingbird st.

Morning Mist Village, Pueblo de Oro,

Cagayan de Oro City

Telephone: N/A

Cell Phone: 09227656967

Email: 201130192@my.xu.edu.ph

Personal Information

DOB: January 16, 2000

POB: Cagayan de Oro City

Citizenship: Filipino

Gender: Male

Civil Status: Single

Educational Background

Tertiary: Xavier University Ateneo de Cagayan, College of Nursing

Secondary: Xavier University Junior High school

Primary: St. Mary’s school


March 15, 2021- Version 3


 2nd and 3rd honors (elementary)

 3rs honors grades 1q and 12 senior high school

 1st runner up foundation day singing competition

 first place grade 5 declamation contest

 1st runner up elocution contest

 3rd place interschool elocution contest

 champion in tanghalang kampion singing competition and

modern dance competition

 magis awardee of glee club 2 times in a row


 Singing

 Dancing

 Speech

 Acting

 Essay writing


 Philosophy club seminars (2), Commitment to God seminar,

Peace Ta seminar


 Glee club

March 15, 2021- Version 3


 Dance society (junior and senior high)

 Philosophy club

 Campus Chapel Aids

March 15, 2021- Version 3



Contact Information

Name: Burgos, Andrew Kyril B.

Address: Blk 13 Lot 7 Hillsborough Pointes

Telephone: 8584933

Cell Phone: 09266852111

Email: 20160010015@my.xu.edu.ph

Personal Information

DOB: October 1, 1999

POB: Cagayan de Oro City

Citizenship: Filipino

Gender: Male

Civil Status: Single

Educational Background

Tertiary: Xavier University- Ateneo de cagayan

Secondary: Xavier University- Ateneo de Cagayan

Primary: Corpus Christi School


 Deportment awardee (2009)

March 15, 2021- Version 3


 Deportment awardee (2010)

 Deportment awardee (2012)

 Third Honor grade 12 (2018)


 Leadership

 Discipline

 Public speaker

 Time-bounded


 Philippine Military Academy (PMA) Cadetship Seminar

 Philippine Merchant Marine Academy (PMMA) Cadetship


 Youth leadership for sustainable development seminar (2017)


 Council of Nursing Students (3rd year Vice year level


 Organization of kagay-anon Mountain bikers (member)

March 15, 2021- Version 3



Contact Information

Name: Catiil, Ivan John E.

Address: Zone 2, Sinaloc, El Salvador

City, Philippines

Telephone: N/A

Cell Phone: 09560473923

Email: 20160009889@my.xu.edu.ph

Personal Information

DOB: January 25, 2000

POB: Zamboanga City, Philippines

Citizenship: Filipino

Gender: Male

Civil Status: Single

Educational Background

Tertiary: Xavier University - Ateneo de Cagayan (2018 - Present)

Secondary: Xavier University - Ateneo de Cagayan SHS (2016 - 2018)

March 15, 2021- Version 3


Alubijid National Comprehensive High School (2012 -


Primary: Sinaloc Elementary School (2009 - 2012)

Southcom Elementary School (2006 - 2009)


 None


 Writing Skills

 Leadership Skills

 Communication Skills


 Heart to heart talks: “Dysrhythmias”


 None

March 15, 2021- Version 3



Contact Information

Name: Daclag, Paolo Victor L.

Address: B9 L12, Cedar Street. Golden

Glow North 1, Pueblo de Oro,

Cagayan de Oro City

Telephone: 851-9230

Cell Phone: 0906-300-5525

Email: 200330072@my.xu.edu.ph

Personal Information

DOB: January 2, 2000

POB: Cagayan de Oro City

Citizenship: Filipino

Gender: Male

Civil Status: Single

Educational Background

Tertiary: Xavier University– Ateneo de Cagayan College of Nursing

Secondary: Xavier University– Ateneo de Cagayan Senior High School

Primary: Xavier University – Ateneo de Cagayan Grade School


March 15, 2021- Version 3


 2010 – MAGIS Award in Photography

 2013 – Mr. Photogenic Award

 2013 – Loyalty Award

 2016 – Loyalty Award

 2017 – 2nd Runner Up: ABM Ambassador

 2018 – Loyalty Award


 Basic First Aid

 Basic Life Support

 Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint

 Basic Photoshop & Video Editing


 2016 – Red Cross Youth Emergency First Aid Training and


 2016 – Red Cross Youth Basic Life Support Training and Seminar

 2016 – Leadership Development Seminar

 2016 – Change Leadership

 2017 – Red Cross Youth Chapter Youth Facilitator Training and


March 15, 2021- Version 3


 2018 – Red Cross Youth Emergency First Aid Training and


 2019 – Xtatic Summer Dance Workshop: Electrify

 2019 – Stock Market and Trading Seminar

 2020 – Contact Tracing Webinar

 2020 – Mental Health Webinar


 2016 – 2018: Xavier University Junior Finance Executives

 2016 – Present: Xavier University Red Cross Youth

 2018 – Present: Xavier University Council of Nursing Students

 2018 – Present: Xavier University Electoral Commission

March 15, 2021- Version 3



Contact Information

Name: Damasco, Kaye Ivee V.

Address: Block 20 Lot 16 Xavier Heights


Telephone: N/A

Cell Phone: 09556519957

Email: 200820201@my.xu.edu.ph

Personal Information

DOB: November 22, 1999

POB: Cagayan de oro

Citizenship: Filipino

Gender: Female

Civil Status: Single

Educational Background

Tertiary: Xavier University Ateneo de Cagayan, College of Nursing

Secondary: Xavier University Junior High School

Primary: Xavier University Grade School


March 15, 2021- Version 3


 None


 Leadership Skills

 Communication Skills

 Secretariat Skills


 Heart to heart talks: “Dysrhythmias”


 Xavier University Council of Nursing

March 15, 2021- Version 3



Contact Information

Name: Dela Cruz, Juan Miguel A.

Address: 382 Zone 1 Kauswagan Cagayan

de Oro City

Telephone: N/A

Cell Phone: 09564674973

Email: 20180013989@my.xu.edu.ph

Personal Information

DOB: Nov. 25, 1999

POB: Valencia City, Bukidnon

Citizenship: Filipino

Gender: Male

Civil Status: Single

Educational Background

Tertiary: Kong Hua School

Secondary: Kong Hua School

Primary: University of Science and Technology of Southern



March 15, 2021- Version 3


 None


 Drawing (traditional and digital)


 Digital and Traditional Graphic Design Workshop by OBRA CDO

Creative Community


 None

March 15, 2021- Version 3



Contact Information

Name: Emano, Kathryna Marie P.

Address: Tipolohon, Upper Camaman-an,

Cagayan de Oro City

Telephone: N/A

Cell Phone: 0977 023 1469

Email: 20180013965@my.xu.edu.ph

Personal Information

DOB: September 10, 2000

POB: Cagayan de Oro City

Citizenship: Filipino

Gender: Female

Civil Status: Single

Educational Background

Tertiary: Xavier University– Ateneo de Cagayan College of Nursing

Secondary: Corpus Christi High School- Macasandig Campus

Primary: Corpus Christi Grade School- Macasandig Campus


March 15, 2021- Version 3


 First Honors (2008-2011)

 Second Honors (2012)

 Third Honors (2013)

 Merry Chefs Awardee (2013)

 Second Honors (2014-2016)

 CSG Awardee (2016)

 YFC Awardee (2016)

 Science Honors’ Circle Awardee (2016)

 Science Voyagers Awardee (2016)

 Second Honors (2016)

 First Honors (2017-2018)

 YFC Awardee (2018)

 CSG Awardee (2018)

 Loyalty Awardee (2018)

 Best in Research (2018)

 High Honors Award (2018)


 Interpersonal and Communication Skills

 Self-evaluation Skills

 Microsoft Office (Document, Excel, and PowerPoint)

 Documentation

March 15, 2021- Version 3


 Management

 Problem-Solving, Writing, and Auditing

 Critical Thinking

 Leadership

 Executive and Legislative Skills


 Philippine Science Youth Camp and Training (2013)

 Basic Orientation Leadership Training Seminar (2016-2019)

 Covenant Training Seminar (2013-2017)

 Soaring High with EF Airlines (2018)

 HIV Seminar (2018)

 First Aid and Dressing Seminar (2019)

 Heart to heart talks: Dysrhythmias and Conduction Problems

across the Digital Nation (2020)

 Global Leadership Forum (2020)

 Be A Buddy, Not A Bully (2020)

 The Ripple of influence- A Shared Leadership (2020)

 Nursing Kamara (2021)


 Merry Chefs (2012-2013)

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 Science Voyagers Year Level Representative (2013-2016)

 Science Honors’ Year Level Representative (2014-2016)

 Central Student Government (CSG) Treasurer (2015-2018)

 Youth for Christ Year Level Representative, Secretary and

President (2013-2018)

 Seekers of the Lord Member (2017-2018)

 CSG Department of Communication and Management (2018-


 Council of Nursing Students Member, Executive Treasurer and

Executive Secretary (2018-2021)

 CSG Department of Treasury (2020-2021)

March 15, 2021- Version 3



Contact Information

Name: Galagar, Hannah Bea

Franchesca G.

Address: #133 F.M. Paclar St. 6th Division,

Patag, Cagayan de Oro City

Telephone: 858-9906

Cell Phone: 09976235079

Email: 2012000491@my.xu.edu.ph

Personal Information

DOB: April 11, 2001

POB: Cagayan de Oro City

Citizenship: Filipino

Gender: Female

Civil Status: Single

Educational Background

Tertiary: Xavier University Ateneo de Cagayan (2018 - present)

Secondary: Xavier University Junior High School (2013 - 2016)

Xavier University Senior High School (2016 - 2018)

March 15, 2021- Version 3


Primary: Children’s Progressive School (2006 - 2013)


 Third Honor – Xavier University Senior High (2018)

 Third Honor – Xavier University Senior High (2017)

 Third Honor – Xavier University Junior High (2015)


 Communication skills

 Collaboration skills

 Listening skills

 Critical thinking skills

 Writing skills


 Heart to heart talks: Dysrhythmias and Conduction Problems

across the Digital Nation (2020)


 Peer Facilitators Club (2014-2016)

 Xavier University – Ateneo Mountaineering Society (2017)

 Vox Vitae (2018)

March 15, 2021- Version 3

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