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“Science revolves around facts while literature around the philosophy to arrive

at that fact.” A quote to infer how substantial and crucial is the study of
humanities to shape our thought process. In true words, it has been named
liberal arts as metamorphically, it provides liberty to think. The study of
literature provides exposure to the various people around us and develops in us
the ability of judgement. A clear evidence is how differently can the same text
of literature, or the same verse of poetry can be perceived in different ways,
while a scientific statement is often unquestionable. While brainstorming on the
subject matter of humanities, one develops a broader spectrum of thinking,
learns to look at things from different perspectives, and be little rigid but more
fluid about the views that appear. A notable book I read which expanded my
way of looking at the world was ‘Never Eat Alone’ by Keith Ferrazzi. Without
giving spoilers, I’d say, it helped me revive my notions about living in the
current economy with integrity.

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