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Cavite School of Life


In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the subject Immersion Research

“Effects of Social Media as a Marketing Tool to Business”

Academic Year 2017- 2018

Presented to:

Ms. Jhonalyn P. Gonza

Research Adviser


Antonio, Mary Charisse C.

De Ocera, Zhoniel A.

Famy, Renz Gabriel Z.

Dela Cruz, John Paulo S.

Lucas, Ludd Elis P.

12- A (ABM)

The research is entitled “The Effects of Social Media as a Marketing Tool to

Business.” This study aims to know the effects of social media as a marketing tool of

business. Also, it helps the businessmen to know if it really helps them to have a good

impact to their business. This study also aims to know if this marketing tool is really

effective for business.The respondents of this study are the businessmen who are using

social media as a marketing tool. The respondents are expected to be 10 people. The

study used convenient sampling and quota sampling because they have a specific

amount of respondents and they chose respondents that are convenient for them. The

instrument that will be used in this study is through asking certain series of questions or

by interview method.The study is in Cavite area and is conducted for approximately 1-3

months. The study concludes that social media affects the business by gaining a lot of
The Effects of Social as a Marketing Tool to Business
customers and it helps them to be known as business. Also, it affects the business

through the promotions that the businessmen make through social media.

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First, the researchers would like to acknowledge the Almighty God for giving

them the strength and wisdom that they need during their research. They would also

like to thank Him for guiding them by providing them blessings. And last, they would like

to thank Him for making their research a successful one.

Second, they would like to thank my parents for being there with them when they

needed a moral support. They are the ones who give them inspiration and courage so

that they can face what is ahead of they. They also want to thank them for the financial

support that they are giving to them. Lastly, they want to thank them for the love and

care that they are giving to them.

Third, they want to thank their research teacher, Ms. Jhonalyn P. Gonza, for she

taught them what they needed to know as The

a research
Effects of student.
Social as aAlso, theyTool
Marketing want to thank
to Business

her personally for being kind and patient to them in our entire research period.

Fourth, they want to thank their validator, Mr. Manny Alvarez Esguerra, for

validating their questionnaires so that they can have the right data.

The researcher would also like to thank the people they interviewed for

answering the questions with honesty, and last, the researcher would also like to thank

their family and friends for supporting them.

2|P a g e

This study is wholeheartedly dedicated to the researcher’s beloved parents, who

have been their source of inspiration and gave them strength when they thought of

giving up, who continually provide their moral, spiritual, emotional, and financial support.

To their friends and classmates who encourage them to finish the study to the future

researcher who are finding sources for their future problems And lastly, the researcher

dedicated their research to God, for giving them guidance, strength, power of mind,

protection and skills and for giving a healthy life.

The Effects of Social as a Marketing Tool to Business

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Table of Contents...............................................................................................................iv

CHAPTER I- Introduction

1.1 Introduction.............................................................................................................6
1.2 Statement of the Problem.......................................................................................8
1.3 Hypothesis..............................................................................................................8
1.4 Theoretical/Conceptual Framework........................................................................8
1.5 Significance of the Study........................................................................................9
1.6 Scope and Limitation..............................................................................................9
The Effects of Social as a Marketing Tool to Business
1.7 Definition of Terms..................................................................................................10


2.1 Related Literature

2.1.1 Foreign........................................................................................................12

2.1.2 Local...........................................................................................................32


3.1 Research Design..................................................................................................35

3.2 Determination of Sample Size..............................................................................35

3.3 Sampling Design and Technique..........................................................................36

3.4 Research Instruments...........................................................................................36

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3.5 Validation of Research Instrument........................................................................37

3.6 Research Locale………………....................................................................................37

3.7 Time Dimension…………….......................................................................................37

3.8 Data Gathering Procedure.....................................................................................37

3.9 Data Processing Method….....................................................................................38


4.1 Results and Discussion..........................................................................................39


The Effects of Social as a Marketing Tool to Business

5.1 Summary………………………………………………………………………………………………………..49

5.2 Conclusions.........................................................................................................49

5.2 Recommendations...............................................................................................50


Curriculum Vitae...............................................................................................................v

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This chapter represents the contents of Chapter 1 in which it included the

background of the study, statement of the problem, theoretical/conceptual framework,

research hypothesis, significance of the study, scope and limitation of the study and

definition of terms.

1.1. Background of the Study

Social media has trended to promote a business today. This was the reason why

a lot of business was known in social media first before the actual world. However, there

were still businesses who believe that social media was a threat for them.
The Effects of Social as a Marketing Tool to Business

In an era where technology prevailed, entrepreneurs as well as marketers saw

the need to keep up with the fast pace of change or risk being outdated. Gone were the

days when a pure-bricks business model will thrive well in current market scenario. It

was practically impossible to design a marketing strategy without considering social

networks. Social media had become really important gradient in today’s marketing mix

in general and in promotion mix in particular. (Bashar, 2014)

Social media has advanced from simply providing a platform for individuals to

stay in touch with their family and friends. Now it was a place where consumers can

learn more about their favorite companies and the products they sell. Marketers and

retailers has utilized these sites as another way to reach consumers and provide a new

way to shop. “Technology related developments such as the rise of powerful search

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engines, advanced mobile devices and interfaces, peer-to-peer communication

vehicles, and online social networks have extended marketers’ ability to reach shoppers

through new touch points” (Shankar et al. 2011, 30).

Social media has a very significant role in furnishing the information to

consumers in much a faster pace which leads them to decision making. Hence, the

present study was designed to study the impact of social media and its role in


Businessmen these days are on the competitive era. One of the competitiveness

that they sought was the marketing strategy or tool that they have used to boost their

sales and to engage customers. However, a lot of businessmen were still unsure of the

social media as a marketing tool because they didn’t experience yet using this. Provided
The Effects of Social as a Marketing Tool to Business
with the questionnaires and interviews, the question of every businessmen who wanted

to engage in a social media business will now have an answer. With this study, it aimed

to know the effects of social media as a marketing tool of business. The researchers

believed that it has negative and positive effects that are not yet known by a lot of


Also, it helped the businessmen to know if it really helps them to have a good

impact to their business. This study also aimed to know if this marketing tool was really

effective for business.

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1.2. Statement of the Problem

1. What were the effects of social media to business?

2. How effective was social media as a marketing tool to business?

3. Did businessmen accept social media as a marketing tool to business?

1.3. Theoretical/Conceptual Framework

Independent Intervening Dependent

Social Media Maketing
TV Television
Sales talk

The Effects of Social as a Marketing Tool to Business

Figure 1 shown the conceptual framework of this research. The independent

variable in this research is social media. There is also a dependent variable in which it

was the marketing tool. Marketing tool can be change based on the result and was

affected by the independent variable. However, there are some factors that are other

than the independent variable, but can still affect the dependent variable. It includes the

flyers, T.V. advertisements and sales talk.

1.4. Research Hypothesis

1. There was an effect of using social media as marketing tool to business.

2. Social media has an effect as a marketing tool to business.

3. Businessmen did accept social media as marketing strategy to business.

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1.5. Significance of the Study

The results of the study will be of great benefit to the following:

• Future businessmen

- This study will benefit the future businessmen as it will help them know how

effective social media as a marketing tool to their business.

• Consumers

- This study will benefit the consumers as they can easily browse at the social

media about a specific business that uses social media as their marketing tool. This

also helps them to easily determine the products and services offered by the business.
The Effects of Social as a Marketing Tool to Business

• ABM Students

- This study will benefit the ABM students as they will gain knowledge on the

effects of using social media as their marketing tool to advertise their product.

• Future researchers

- This study will benefit the future researchers as they can expound this study

and use this as a basis for future researchers.

F. Scope and Limitation

The study was about the effects of social media as a marketing tool for business.

The researchers believed that it has negative and positive effects that are not yet known

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by a lot of businessmen. Also, it helped the businessmen to know if it really helps them

to have a good impact to their business. This study also aimed to know if this marketing

tool is real effective for business.

Our chosen respondents are businessmen who are using social media as

marketing tool. This study will take place around Cavite area for about 1 to 3 months.

1.6. Definition of Terms

For a better understanding of this study, the following terms are conceptually and

operationally defined.

• Social media– is a computer-based technology that facilitates the sharing of ideas

and information and the building of virtual networks and communities (from

Investopedia). In this study, social media were used as

The Effects a platform
of Social of business.
as a Marketing Tool to Business

• Marketing– is the philosophy that firms should analyze the needs of their customers

and then make decisions to satisfy those needs, better than the competition (from My

Marketing Notebook). In this study, it is the process of selling through social media as a

marketing tool.

• Technology–refers to methods, systems, and devices which are the result of scientific

knowledge being used for practical purposes (from Collins Dictionary). In this study,

technology is a tool used by businessmen to boost their sales in business.

• Business– An organization or economic system where goods and services are

exchanged for one another or for money (from Business Dictionary). In this study, it is

the idea of having social media as a strategy

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• Marketing tool–The techniques and materials used by those who are involved in the

promotion of goods and services (from Business Dictionary). In this study, social media

is used as a marketing tool by the businessmen.

The Effects of Social as a Marketing Tool to Business

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Review of Related Literature

This chapter includes the review of related literature that came from journals,

books, thesis and online sources.

2.1. Foreign

To consider social media as a marketing tool a retailer must understand every

aspect of it. Social media cannot be understood without first defining Web 2.0: a term

that describes a new way in which end users use the World Wide Web, a place where

content is continuously altered by all operators in a sharing and collaborative way

(Kaplan and Haenlein 2010). “It is much more to do with what people are doing with the

The Effects
technology than the technology itself, for rather of Social retrieving
than merely as a Marketing Tool to Business
information, users

are now creating and consuming it, and hence adding value to the websites that permit

them to do so” (Campbell et al. 2011, 87). Web 2.0 has evolved from simple information

retrieval to interactivity, interoperability, and collaboration (Campbell et al. 2011).

Kaplan and Haenlein (2010, 61) define social media as “a group of Internet

based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web

2.0, and allow the creation and exchange of user generated content.” Sinclaire and

Vogus (2011, 294) cite O’Reilly’s (2005) definition: “social media is a broad term that

describes software tools that create user generated content that can be shared.”

However, there are some basic features necessary for a website to meet the

requirements as a social network website: the site must contain user profiles, content, a

method that permits users to connect with each other and post comments on each

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other’s pages, and join virtual groups based on common interests such as fashion or

politics. (Gross &Acquisti, 2005; Ellison, Steinfield& Lampe, 2007; Lenhart& Madden,

2007; Winder, 2007; Boyd & Ellison, 2007 as cited in Cox 2010)

Social media as a marketing (SMM) is commonly used in business today. Rouse

(2014) defined social media as a marketing as a form of Internet marketing that utilizes

social networking websites as a marketing tool. The goal of social media is to produce

content that users will share with their social network to help a company increase brand

exposure and broaden customer reach.

SMM helps a company get direct feedback from customers (and potential

customers) while making the company seem more personable. The interactive parts of

social media give customers the opportunity to ask questions or voice complaints and
The Effects of Social as a Marketing Tool to Business
feel they are being heard. This aspect of SMM is called social customer relationship

management (social CRM).

SMM became more common with the increased popularity of websites such as

Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, LinkedIn, and YouTube. In response, the Federal Trade

Commission (FTC) has updated its rules to include SMM. If a company or its advertising

agency provides a blogger or other online commenter with free products or other

incentives to generate positive buzz for a product, the online comments will be treated

legally as endorsements. Both the blogger and the company will be held responsible for

ensuring that the incentives are clearly and conspicuously disclosed, and that the

blogger’s posts contain no misleading or unsubstantiated statements and otherwise

complies with the FTC’s rules concerning unfair or deceptive advertising.

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To broaden the explanation for the benefits of social media to business, a study

from Cambridge that is entitled, “The Common Benefits of Social Media for Business”

explained it. First, it said that it is for brand building.

Social media increase brand awareness.With nearly half of the world’s population

using social media platforms, they’re a natural place to reach new and highly targeted

potential customers.Consider that 60 percent of Instagram users say they discover new

products on the platform.For example, when Absolut Vodka ran an Instagram campaign

to promote its limited edition Spark bottle, the company achieved a five-point lift in brand


Also, it humanize the brand. A UK study from Trinity Mirror Solutions  found that more

than half of adults do not trust a brand until they see “real-world proof” that the brand is
The Effects of Social as a Marketing Tool to Business
keeping its promises.

The ability to create real human connection is one of the key benefits of social

media for business. We call these Meaningful Relationship Moments. Introduce your

followers to the people who make up your company and showcase how existing

customers are using and benefiting from your products.A social media advocacy

program can be a great way to humanize the brand.

It establish your brand as a thought leader. No matter what industry your

business is in, social media offers the opportunity to establish your brand as a thought

leader—the go-to source for information on topics related to your niche.

Like brand advocacy, thought leadership is a great way to build consumer trust.

In fact, LinkedIn research in partnership with Edelman shows that marketers

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underestimate just how much thought leadership can impact trust, especially for B2B

marketers. About half of B2B marketers surveyed believed their thought leadership

would build trust in their companies. However, more than 80 percent of buyers said

thought leadership builds trust.

The 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer also found that 63 percent of people trust

technical experts, compared to only 42 percent of people who trust businesses.

Hootsuite CEO Ryan Holmes has more than 1.5 million followers on LinkedIn,

where he shares his insights about social media and entrepreneurship. LinkedIn—

particularly the LinkedIn Publishing Platform—is a great social network to focus on

when aiming to establish yourself as a thought leader.

It helps you stay top of mind.Most social media users log into their accounts at
The Effects of Social as a Marketing Tool to Business
least once per day, according to Pew Research Center, and many people are checking

social multiple times per day.

Social media gives you to the opportunity to connect with fans and followers

every time they log in. Keep your social posts entertaining and informative, and your

followers will be glad to see your new content in their feeds, keeping you top of mind so

you’re their first stop when they’re ready to make a purchase.

Second, social media has benefits for business growth.

Well, actually, it increase website traffic.Social media posts and ads are key

ways to drive traffic to your website. Sharing great content from your blog or website to

your social channels is a great way to get readers as soon as you publish a new post

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Participating in social chats—like the weekly #HootChat on Twitter—can also be

a great way to increase your visibility, get attention from new people, showcase your

expertise, and drive traffic to your website.

Offer great value in the chat, rather than being too promotional. Just make sure

your website address is included in all of your social media profiles so that people who

want to learn more about you can do so with one easy click. Even better, use a pinned

post to highlight a landing page on your website that’s relevant to the chat.

It also generate leads. Social media offers an easy and low-commitment way for

potential customers to express interest in your business and your products. Lead

generation is such an important benefit of social media for business that many social

networks offer advertising formats specifically designed to collect leads.

The Effects of Social as a Marketing Tool to Business
For example, Renault Europe used Facebook lead ads that allowed people

interested in learning more about a new model to book a test drive directly from

Facebook, with just a couple of taps.The ads had a 7.9 times lower cost per lead than

ads linking to a form on the car manufacturer’s website.

It boost sales.No matter what you sell, social media can help you sell it. Your

social accounts are a critical part of your sales funnel—the process through which a

new contact becomes a customer.

As the number of people using social media continues to grow and social sales

tools evolve, social networks will become increasingly important for product search and

ecommerce. The time is right to align your social marketing and sales goals.For

individual sales professionals, social selling is already a critical tool.

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It gives you an opportunity to partner with influencers.Word of mouth drives 20 to

50 percent of purchasing decisions. When you get people talking about your product or

company on social media, you build brand awareness and credibility, and set yourself

up for more sales.

One key way to drive social word of mouth is to partner with influencers—people

who have a large following on social media and can draw the attention of that following

to your brand.

Research from Nielsen, Carat, and YouTube shows that collaborating with an

influencer can give your brand four times more lift in brand familiarity than collaborating

with a celebrity.

Third, social media benefits to content creation and distribution of business.

The Effects of Social as a Marketing Tool to Business

It really promotes content.Promoting your content on social channels is a great

way to get your smart, well-researched content in front of new people, proving your

expertise and growing your audience.

For example, Adobe used LinkedIn Sponsored Content to showcase its research,

including infographics and videos.Marketing decisions-makers exposed to Adobe’s

promoted content were 50 percent more likely to view Adobe as shaping the future of

digital marketing and 79 percent more likely to agree that Adobe could help them

optimize media spend.

To maximize the social media for business benefits, make sure to have a content

marketing plan in place.

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It help the business to go viral. As people start liking, commenting on, and

sharing your social posts, your content is exposed to new audiences—their friends and

followers. Going viral takes this concept one step further. As people share your content

with their networks, and their networks follow suit, your content spreads across the

internet, getting thousands or even millions of shares.

This exposure is especially beneficial because all those shares, likes, and

comments show an existing connection with your brand. If I see that my friend likes your

article, I may be inclined to check out what you have to say, even if I’ve never heard of

your company before. In a world where there is far more content than any one person

could ever consume, a friend’s social share acts as a kind of pre-screening.Going

viral is no easy task, of course, but without social media it would be next to impossible.

The Effects of Social as a Marketing Tool to Business

It can be a source content for your business.There are two key ways businesses

can source content on social media:

Source ideas: Ask your followers what they want, or engage in social listening, to

come up with ideas for content you can create yourself. Put simply: Give people what

they’re asking for. It’s a sure way to create content that people will want to read and


Source material for posts: Create a contest or use a hashtag to source user-

generated content(UGC) you can share. Getting your followers involved can build

excitement about your brand while also providing you with a library of social posts to

share over time.

Fourth, social media benefits for communication.

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It clearly imply the reputation management. Your customers are already talking

about you on social media, whether or not you’re there to respond. If you and your team

are on the ball, you can pick up on important social posts about your brand to highlight

the positive and address the negative before it turns into a major issue.

It can clear and solve a crisis communication. For example, when a Philadelphia

Starbucks store had two black men arrested, the hashtag #BoycottStarbucks went viral,

and fast. The hashtag was used more than 100,000 times in just three days. That is

officially a crisis.

Starbucks, to its credit, responded quickly.

After this first apology, the company followed up with several more statements on

social media, and announced that it would close all of its stores for a day of racial-bias
The Effects of Social as a Marketing Tool to Business
training. It remains to be seen what the long-term effects of this incident will be for the

Starbucks brand, but the consequences would almost certainly been worse if the

company had not responded quickly and appropriately on social media.

Silence is not an option when it comes to responding to crises on social media.

Maintaining well-run and managed social accounts and having a plan in place can help

make sure you’re present and ready to engage if the worst occurs.

It helps maintain customer and audience engagement. Social networks give you

the opportunity to interact directly with customers and fans, and likewise give them the

chance to interact directly with your brand. Unlike traditional media, which offers only

one-way communication, social media is a two-way street.

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If you want customers and followers to be engaged, you have to be engaged

yourself. Stay active and respond to comments and questions on your own social media

posts in a way that’s appropriate to your brand.You can also use social media

monitoring to keep an eye on what people are saying across the social web.

It gives customer service and customer support.People expect brands to be

available on social media and seek out their social accounts for customer

service. Research published in the Harvard Business Review shows that brands who

don’t meeting those expectations damage their bottom line.

The HBR research, which specifically looks at Tweets, shows that customers

who receive a response to their Tweet would be willing to spend more with the brand on

a later purchase, especially if they get a response within five minutes. That holds true
The Effects of Social as a Marketing Tool to Business
even when the initial Tweet was a flat-out complaint.

Fifth, the benefit of social media is to gain insights.

It can clearly give a monitor conversations that are relevant to your brand. We

mentioned social media monitoring above as an important element of audience

engagement. But it’s also important as a key source of intelligence about your brand,

your competitors, and your niche.

It helps you learn more about your customers.Social media generates a huge

amount of data about your customers in real time. You can use that information to make

smarter business decisions.

20|P a g e
All of the major social networks offer analytics that provide demographic

information about the people interacting with your account. This can help you tailor your

strategy to better speak to your real audience..

It also helps the business to gauge sentiment around your brand. Lots of

mentions is a good thing, right? Sure, in many cases. But if you’re getting lots of

mentions with a negative sentiment, you need to do some quick thinking to figure out

what’s gone wrong and address the problem.

Hootsuite’s social engagement coordinator, Nick Martin, defines social media

sentiment as “the perceived positive or negative mood being portrayed in a social media

post or engagement.” While it’s important to know how much people are talking about

your brand online, it’s also important to know how people actually feel about your brand.
The Effects of Social as a Marketing Tool to Business
Social media keep an eye on the competition. It’s also important to know what

people are saying about your competitors.Forexample, tracking mentions of your

competitors might reveal pain points with their products that you could reach out to

address, winning new customers in the process.

When Uber Canada launched a promotion to deliver free ice cream for a day in

Vancouver, things went spectacularly wrong. People couldn’t get their free ice cream,

and they were not happy about it. They took to social media to complain.

The social team at Skip The Dishes saw an opportunity and reached out to

people complaining about Uber with a free ice cream delivery of their own, in the form of

a Skip The Dishes credit. All those Uber haters quickly turned into Skip The Dishes

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fans, and new customers (since you had to create a Skip The Dishes Account to get

your free ice cream).

Monitoring the competition on social media also means you’ll be aware when you

competitors launch new products, run promotions, and release new reports or data.

Of course, it helps you to stay on top of industry news.In the online world, things

move fast—and you can’t afford to be left behind. Keeping a virtual ear to the ground

through social listening makes sure you’re always informed about upcoming changes to

your industry that could affect the way you do business.

Sixth, one of the benefits of social media is the advertising.

Social ads are an inexpensive way to promote your business and distribute

content. They also offer powerful targeting The

of you
as areach the Tool
Marketing righttoaudience

and make the most of your budget.

Savvy marketers have embraced this key benefit of social media for business:

They will spend twice as much on Facebook ads in 2018 as they will on newspaper


With ad targeting options including demographic information, geography,

language, and even online behaviors, you can craft specific messages that best speak

to different groups of potential customers, and only pay for the exact viewers you want

to reach.

It means retargeting. People who have abandoned products in a shopping cart

are prime potential customers. They have already found your website, browsed your

22|P a g e
products, and made a decision about what they might want. People abandon shopping

carts for many reasons, but someone who has expressed this degree of interest in your

company should not be ignored.

Using tracking tools like the Facebook Pixel, you can show these potential

customers social media ads for the exact products they have browsed on your website

or placed in the shopping cart.

For example, the craft site Craftsy used retargeting Facebook ads to promote

products to people who had already interacted with a product page on the Craftsy site.

The campaign saw a 4.3 times return on ad spend and 33 percent increase in

Facebook-driven revenue.

And the most important benefit of social media

The Effects is forasproving
of Social the Tool
a Marketing Reporting and
to Business

analytics (ROI).

It is always a challenge for marketers to prove return on investment. But with

social media tracking and analytics tools, you can see the full impact of your social

media activities, from follows to engagements right through to purchases.

Tools like Google Analytics and Hootsuite Impact track website traffic generated

from social media, conversions, email sign-ups, and ROI for both organic and paid

social media campaigns.

UTM parameters are another great tracking tool that will help you see which

social networks are providing the most benefits for your business.

23|P a g e
Social media has become a powerful platform for marketing due to the high

brand exposure and great return on investment. When more than 3 billion people are

browsing social media content, it opens an infinite opportunity for brands and business

to promote products and services using social media.Social media marketing has

positive effects on your business. It offers an opportunity for the public to find you on

social media.

According to Uma Bhat (2016), Here are 6 Positive Effects of Social Media

Marketing on Your Business. First, it has an effect on website traffic. Many people are

spending a considerable amount of time on social media.By 2019, it is estimated that

there will be around 2.77 billion social media usersaround the globe, up from 2.46 billion

in 2017. This makes it a perfect medium to drive traffic to your website. Social media

when done right has great potential to become a major

The Effects source
of Social as aofMarketing
traffic toTool

Social media supports various formats, hence when you are sharing text,

images, videos, podcasts, etc. you can draw in more audience  to your website. Social

media is a great medium where the posts can be easily shared thereby allowing your

brand to reach to multiple users, in different locations across different time zones.The

key here is that social media directly impacts the traffic that comes to your website.

Second, it has an effect on brand awareness.Social media offers immense

opportunities for brands to come out with their creativity in crafting social media

campaigns and promotions. It’s a platform for most of the brands to engage their

audience and to capture their attention in an effort to improve brand awareness.

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Building brand awareness requires dedicated efforts over a long period of time

where you need to constantly prove to your customers that they can lay their trust on

your brand.

Being visible on many social media platforms will help you to connect with more

social media audience and offer you the initial foothold. Content that you produce can

create the image of an expert. Make sure to enrich your articles with educational

content, creative infographics, informative charts and impressive pictures. Educational

content helps to position your brand as an authority.When you focus on teaching and

not selling on social media, your brand awareness will grow multiple folds.

Third, it has an effect on brand loyalty. All marketers agree that their most

ideal customer is one who is a loyal customer since we all know that keeping customers
The Effects of Social as a Marketing Tool to Business
is more cost-effective and efficient than finding new ones.

Brand loyalty is an action where consumers prefer to purchase one brand’s

products over another. Brand loyalty develops when a company fosters a trusting

relationship. Brand loyalty is extremely important to any businesses as it leads to

repeated buying by consumers, which leads to higher revenues and customer referrals.

Brands need to leverage the power of social media to build loyalty by building

connections with prospects and customers. Cultivate audience on Facebook, Twitter,

Instagram and many other social media platforms. This helps create a fan base of loyal

customers and brand followers who will purchase your products and carry your brand

on their shoulders as a brand ambassador.

25|P a g e
According to a research, 66% of users between the ages of 18 and 24 years old

are more loyal to the brands they follow on social media.

Brand loyalty can be built by offering excellent customer service over social

media. Be quick to resolve queries and complaints that have been posted on social

media. Share the experiences of customers on social media which helps to gain trust

from social media audience.

Fourth, it has an effect on customer service.Social media has changed the

face of customer service. Customers today, prefer to post on social media rather than

talking to call center executives. They would rather share their problems faced relating

to the product on social media, with an intention to gain immediate action from the

The Effects of Social as a Marketing Tool to Business
Brands won’t dare to hamper their brand image on social media and hence will

dive into the solution mode.  This will not just help the customers; it also demonstrates

how responsive the brands are towards their customer complaints.

This brand action creates a positive impact on the social media audience by

depicting that you take care of the customers on real-time basis and that you are very


Fifth, it has effects on competition. Social media is changing the nature of

competition. With social media marketing, you seem to be competing with everyone on


26|P a g e
You cannot ignore the presence of brands on social media. For example

Facebook is a heavily crowded marketplace, but you have no other option than to

become part of it, because odds are high that your competition is also there on


Competition drives most of the brands to perform higher on social media. You

can easily check your competitors actions, the campaign they launched recently, posts

are they are floating, best performing posts, and so on.

For example, Cloohawk is a social media management tool that offers a feature

‘Your competitors’ best posts’ which allows you to see at a glance the best performing

posts of your competitors.

Your competitors might already be ahead of you in building a strong social media
The Effects of Social as a Marketing Tool to Business
brand presence and there are high chances that they are investing their time and efforts

to build a positive online social presence to gain business.

When you don’t have a social media brand presence, you are automatically

passing on the advantage to your competitors. Not having a social media brand

presence will deprive you of all the benefits of social media.

Sixth, it has effects on sales. Social media offers an opportunity for brands to

increase conversions due to the interaction that they have with customers.As per

research social media marketing has a 100% higher lead-to-close rate than outbound

marketing. This data makes social media marketing critical for all brands, whether big or

small, and for those who are who are trying to increase sales.

27|P a g e
When a brand chooses a proactive social media marketing approach, it will

strengthen its marketing strategy. You should learn how to engage and inform your

social media audience about your products so that ultimately they will buy. Many brands

have already embedded the ‘Buy’ button on their sites so as to take the social media

interactions up to sales.

A high percentage, as high as 90%, of marketers claim that social media has

huge effect on their brand. Hence social media marketing has become a substantial

portion of every marketing strategy.

The positive effects of social media marketing are so great that you will miss out

on a phenomenal marketing opportunity if you fail to implement it. It is vital for retailers

and marketers to be aware of the factors that affect consumer attitudes and motives
The Effects of Social as a Marketing Tool to Business
because consumers are increasingly creating content about brands, something

previously controlled solely by companies (Heinonen 2011). As a result, current

research has examined what aspects of social media sites affect consumer attitudes

and motives.

Chu (2011) examined the link between Facebook brand related group

participation, advertising responses, and the psychological factors of self-disclosure and

attitudes among members and nonmembers of Facebook groups. The study determined

that users who are members of groups on Facebook are more likely to disclose their

personal data than nonmembers are. Chu (2011) explains group participation and

engagement with online ads requires a higher level of personal information because

users openly reveal their connections with Facebook groups and promote brands or

28|P a g e
products when they pass on ads to their friends. “Facebook groups provide channels

that consumers deem useful when seeking self-status in a product category, as does

passing on viral content about brands to their social contacts” (Chu 2011, 40). Chu

(2011) also found that users who are Facebook group members maintain a more

favorable attitude toward social media and advertising. Users who have more positive

attitudes toward advertising are more likely to join a brand or a retailer’s Facebook

group to receive promotional messages.

Based on this result, Chu (2011) suggests that a link exists between consumers’

use of and engagement in group applications on a social media sites. The relationship

between consumers’ use of and engagement with group applications influences the rate

and effectiveness of advertising on social media, particularly Facebook. Generally, as

Chu (2011) notes, Facebook’s college-aged

The users have
Effects of Socialthe
as amost favorable
Marketing Tool to attitudes

toward social media advertising and are the largest growing demographic, which

suggests that social media sites are a potentially rich platform for online advertising

campaigns, especially for companies with a younger target market. Cox (2010) also

investigated the correlation between age and attitude and found that social network user

attitude toward online advertising formats (i.e. blogs, video, and brand channel or page)

differed to some extent across age groups. She explains that users who fall in the 18-28

age brackets had strong positive attitudes towards blogs, video, and brand channel ad

formats. This was because users’ found these ad formats to be eye catching,

informative, and amusing. The 35-54 age groups preferred ad formats on video and

brand channels because they found them to be more eye catching, informative, and had

better placement within the online page layout.

29|P a g e
Overall, online advertising formats with positive attributes are welcomed by

users; however, ads that are intrusive or interfere with online social networking

activities, such as pop up, expandable, or floating formatted ads were disliked by

network users (Cox 2010). According to Chi (2011) users perceive advertising

differently depending on the social network, which suggests user motivations for online

social networking may play a vital role in defining consumer’s responses to social media

marketing. As mentioned previously in the explanation of Pookulangara and Koesler’s

(2011) study, the technology acceptance model (TAM) was also used by Harris and

Dennis (2011). Harris and Dennis (2011), however, used TAM as a loose framework

that combined trust and the factors associated with TAM (i.e. perceived enjoyment,

ease of use, and usefulness). The TAM determined that consumers, specifically

students, hold a hierarchy of trust when using social media such as Facebook.
The Effects of Social as a Marketing Tool to Business
Student’s trust ‘real’ friends, then Facebook friends, followed by expert blogs and

independent review sites and lastly celebrities and e-retailer sites (Harris and Dennis

2011). Di Pietro and Pantano (2012) conducted further research using the TAM to

discern that enjoyment is the major factor that influences consumers to use social

networks as a platform for assisting in their buying decisions. They found that the fun

provided by Facebook, as well as the opportunity it provides users to ask for

suggestions in an easy and entertaining way, motivates individuals to pay more

attention to the products promoted on Facebook.

“Facebook promotes a consumer to consumer approach, exploited by consumers

to share experiences and create a common knowledge on products and services; on

the other, it provides managers a direct channel for communicating with clients through

30|P a g e
a business to consumer approach” ( Di Pietro and Pantano 2012, 20). Retailers can

improve their Facebook page appeal by adding games, contests, and interactive

applications, which can attract more users (Di Pietro and Pantano 2012).

Viral advertising has become a way in which retailers are marketing and

providing more information on their brands or products. A viral approach to online

advertising has a major advantage because communication is more targeted to a

brand’s intended consumer (Bampo et al., 2008). This can be attributed to the fact that

“viral communication affords the marketer a greater degree of creative license through a

message delivery medium that is more intimate and personalized, thereby increasing

the likelihood of reaching hard to get audience members” (Bampo et al. 2008, 274).

Viral advertising is “unpaid peer to peer communication of provocative content

originating from an identified sponsor using

Thethe Internet
Effects of Socialtoaspersuade
a Marketingor influence
Tool an
to Business

audience to pass along the content to others” (Porter and Golan as cited by Chu 2011,

31). Viral advertising differs from UGC because an identified sponsor is associated with

the ad, thus signifying the origin of the ad and who created it. Numerous studies of viral

advertising have found that humor, sexuality, stealth, and positive experiences are

relevant factors that contribute to the success of viral advertising.

A research entitled, ``Social Media as a Marketing Tool for Business, Effective or

Not?`` tells that since social media sites can be exploited for the information it provides

on consumer behavior with regards to their purchasing intentions, research further

suggests that businesses should incorporate social networking sites into their business

model or promotional mix. A business model is a system of codependent structures,

activities, and processes that serve as a firm’s organizing logic and create value for

31|P a g e
customers, itself, and its partners (Sorescu et al. 2011). Mangold and Faulds (2009)

recommend that social media should be regarded as an integral part of an

organization’s integrated marketing strategy and should not be taken lightly. As Curran

et al. (2011) points out, almost 1 in every 13 person in the world is an active Facebook

user, which points to the potential of finding a ready market for any product or service.

2.2. Local

Filipinos are a sociable lot. Aside from making the Philippines the text capital of

the world, they also made the Philippines the second top country in the world, next to

Brazil, for Facebook penetration (92.2%).

Needless to say, if your company or brand is not yet in social media marketing, it

is missing its vast potential to promote brand awareness

The Effects of Socialand engagement.
as a Marketing Tool toHowever,

once it is in, the bigger challenge is how to keep your engagement level high with good


“Any smart business knows that the best way to market today means having a

visual content strategy in place,” reminds Sweeney. “If you haven’t been pushing visual

content at all, now is a great time to start creating a cohesive visual brand through

social media.”

Rory Kelly of advises the social media manager to be current

by posting real-time posts. “News-jacking current buzz and trends is a great way to join

the conversation. The topics you news-jack don’t necessarily have to be connected

directly to your brand or service, but they do serve to humanize it.”

32|P a g e
Kelly cites the example of an Oakley Facebook post of a Russian doll wearing a

pair of Oakley Ski Goggles wishing Team Oakley good luck in the recent Winter

Olympics. The post is witty, current, relevant, popular, and engaging.

Marketing strategist Nancy Wagner of cautions about re-posting

“Instead of creating formal business postings, designate someone in your business to

urated content too much that it looks automated.

Write the posts from a more personal, first-person point of view,” writes Wagner. “Keep

the posts aligned with your corporate branding, values and mission, but encourage

humor and engaging content that shows the personal side of your business. Add humor

whenever possible to show your business is approachable and down to earth and to

encourage people to share the posts on their page.”

The Effects of Social as a Marketing Tool to Business

Brands in the Philippines are placing social media at the heart of their strategy as

they strive towards 360-degree customer engagement, according to a study released

recently by consultancy firm TNS (Taylor Nelson Sofres).

Zoë Lawrence, digital director for Asia Pacific for TNS, said: “It’s no secret that

social has become an intrinsic part of our daily lives – 97% of connected consumers in

the Philippines use social networks, switching between Facebook and Google+ and

Instagram as the top three channels.

“This mass adoption of social provides marketers with an array of sources when

it comes to developing strategies and evaluating the effectiveness of their marketing

activity. As the digital ecosystem evolves, we will continue to identify new ways to build

33|P a g e
insights. However, whatever the metric used, it’s important to ensure marketers are

monitoring the indicators that contribute to sales.”

The Effects of Social as a Marketing Tool to Business

34|P a g e


This chapter presents a description of research design selection, determination

of sample size, sampling design and techniques, research instrument, validation of

research instrument, data gathering procedure, and data processing method.

3.1. Research Design

This study was a qualitative research. .Qualitative research was designed to

reveal a target audience’s range of behavior and the perceptions that drove it with

reference to specific topics or issues. It used in-depth studies of small groups of people

to guide and support the construction of hypotheses. (QRCA, 2019)

The Effects of Social as a Marketing Tool to Business

Qualitative research is a type of social science research that collects and works

with non-numerical data and that sought to interpret meaning from these data that

helped people understand social life through the study of targeted populations or

places. (Crossman, 2019)

3.2. Determination of Sample Size

The respondents of this study were the businessmen who are using social media

as a marketing tool. The respondents were expected to be 10 people. This study chose

these kind of respondents for they know that they can provide a precise information

when it comes to the study.

35|P a g e
3.3. Sampling Design and Techniques

This study both used scientific and non-scientific sampling but it only chose the

few specific technique for the sampling design. In scientific sampling, the study used

claster sampling for it chose the respondents who are fitted in this study. While in non-

scientific sampling technique, the study used convenient sampling. The study chose

businessmen who are using social media for they are the most convenient and valuable

for their study. This study also used quota sampling because there are only certain

number of respondents in this research.

Quota sampling is a sampling methodology wherein data is collected from a

homogeneous group. It involved a two-step process where two variables can be used to

filter information from the population. It can easily be administered and helps in quick
The Effects of Social as a Marketing Tool to Business

3.4. Research Instrument

The instrument used in this study was through asking certain series of questions

or by interview method. Therefore, the researchers used recording materials like cell

phones or any gadgets that is used to record the interviewee’s voice. In addition, the

study can get information from casual conversation that happens after the interviews or

while gathering data from the respondents.

36|P a g e
3.5. Validation of Research Instrument

The validation of research was the process of checking the research instrument

by the experts to come up for a good and precise information that the researcher need

for research. (Lay, 2012)

In order to validate a research instrument, experts and professionals are needed.

In this study, the people who are conveniently and valuble for validation of the

instrument were the teachers of Cavite School of Life-Dasmariñas in English and

Research. They were the recommended validator for this study since they are available

and convenient for the researchers. The study also included the experts who are

outside the school and has an idea in this study.

3.6. Research Locale

The Effects of Social as a Marketing Tool to Business

The study was conducted inCavite area since the chosen respondents will be

from around Cavite area also.

3.7. Time Dimension

This study was conducted for approximately 1-3 months of researching,

interviewing the respondents, gathering data and making the findings, conclusions, and

the solutions.

3.8. Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers used the interview method. The interviewers will be asking

series of questions generally in a face to face contact to the interviewee. The

researchers used a camera and a sound recorder for the interview. While the

37|P a g e
respondent is answering, the researchers will use a recording device to record every

details and data that was being spoken. A camera will be used as well for

documentation and proof through pictures. After that, the researchers will write down

every important informations that will greatly contribute for their study. Before the

interview,an approval letter will be given to the principal of Cavite School of Life –

Dasmariñas Campus as a permission for the researchers’ interview to their


3.9 Data Processing Method

The study collected the data by means of interview that is done to the

respondents who are the business who uses social media. After the respondents have

taken the interview, theanswers were checked, interpreted and analyzed.

The Effects of Social as a Marketing Tool to Business

38|P a g e

Results and Discussion

This chapter contains the results and discussions of the study. It was taken by

the interview method and was taken with the consent of the interviewee.

1st Interviewee

Owner: Merierose Elcol

Business: Sweetique

Product: Sweets like Rocky Road bars, Choco Crinkles, Banana Cake and more

1. Do you use social media as a marketing tool?

Yes, because my business is in Facebook.

The Effects of Social as a Marketing Tool to Business

2. What are the effects of social media in your business?

Since social media is the fast gateway for the business, I can say that social

media really helps me to reach customers even from afar. I really prefer social

media than the actual selling because it is fast and accessible.

3. Is social media really helpful to your business?

Yes. It helps me access customers 2x more than the actual selling customers.

4. How does social media affect your business?

In terms of promotion, social media affect my business.

5. Does social media helps you to advertise products?


39|P a g e
6. Does social media helps your business to gain customers?


7. Does social media helps you to sell the products more effectively?


2nd Interviewee

Owner: Kuhleen Bugarin

Product: Graham Cakes

1. Do you use social media as a marketing tool?

Yes. I used Instagram and Facebook.

2. What are the effects of social media in your business?

Social media helps me gain customers.

The Effects of Social as a Marketing Tool to Business

3. Is social media really helpful to your business?


4. How does social media affect your business?

Social media affects my business in the way that it quickly shows my business to

a lot of customers and they can buy quickly.

5. Does social media helps you to advertise products?


6. Does social media helps your business to gain customers?


7. Does social media helps you to sell the products more effectively?


40|P a g e

Owner: Crissele Castillo

Business: WJC Travel and Tour

Service: Providing people the tours that they want to have

1. Do you use social media as a marketing tool?

I use Facebook for the promotion of the business.

2. What are the effects of social media in your business?

Social media helps the business to be seen easily especially for our customers

that are in other regions of the country.

3. Is social media really helpful to your business?

Yes. It helps us reach our customersThe

in another
Effects of places
Social asthat needs our
a Marketing Tool service.
to Business

4. How does social media affect your business?

As what I said before, it helps us promote our business.

5. Does social media helps you to advertise products?


6. Does social media helps your business to gain customers?


7. Does social media helps you to sell the products more effectively?


41|P a g e
4th Interviewee

Owner: Justhine Loise Rondael

Product: Food and delicacies

1. Do you use social media as a marketing tool?


2. What are the effects of social media in your business?

It attracts customer and it helps us earn in the fastest way.

3. Is social media really helpful to your business?


4. How does social media affect your business?

The access.
The Effects of Social as a Marketing Tool to Business
5. Does social media helps you to advertise products?


6. Does social media helps your business to gain customers?


7. Does social media helps you to sell the products more effectively?


42|P a g e
5th Interviewee

Owner: Shanen Logdonio

Product: Buy and sell products

1. Do you use social media as a marketing tool?


2. What are the effects of social media in your business?

The positive effect is it is easy to connect to the consumers, has a faster

transaction and it is free to use while the negative effect is it is not that reliable, it

is prone to bogus and there illegitimate people.

3. Is social media really helpful to your business?

The Effects of Social as a Marketing Tool to Business
4. How does social media affect your business?

Social media strongly affect the business because it’s my main source of buyers

or consumers because I don’t own a place to put on my items.

5. Does social media helps you to advertise products?


6. Does social media helps your business to gain customers?


7. Does social media helps you to sell the products more effectively?


43|P a g e
6th Interviewee

Owner: Daniel Angelo Benitez

Business: Sweetique

Product: Sweets like Rocky Road bars, Choco Crinkles, Banana Cake and more

1. Do you use social media as a marketing tool?

Yes, we use both Facebook and Instagram.

2. What are the effects of social media in your business?

It serves as inexpensive and reliable marketing platform.

3. Is social media really helpful to your business?

Positive. It provides a convenient way to gain customers that are beyond the

capabilities of traditional marketing. The Effects of Social as a Marketing Tool to Business

4. How does social media affect your business?


5. Does social media helps you to advertise products?

Help gain new customers and serves as a platform for customer interactions.

6. Does social media helps your business to gain customers?


7. Does social media helps you to sell the products more effectively?

Yes, Social media helps the business accurately satisfy customer’s demand

through constant interaction.

44|P a g e
7th Interviewee

Owner: Mark Famy

Product: Bike Parts

1. Do you use social media as a marketing tool?

Yes, of course.

2. What are the effects of social media in your business?

The effects of social media in my business are through the effectivity of it in

social advertising, branding, and easy access to my clients through auto-chat

messages. The social media has a positive effect since social media has been

widely used for social media marketing and advertisement. It is important to know

the social media branding aside the use of social media itself. Social media will
The Effects of Social as a Marketing Tool to Business
definitely give you a punch of trends as it advertises your specific brands,

services or products if you know how to collaborate with other social media

businesses seriously – it will not work if you do not know the standards of the

social media branding,

3. Is social media really helpful to your business?


4. How does social media affect your business?

It affects on the way how I wanted to be known. For it to work, for instance, I

deliver my business through my video editing and graphic designing service, I

provide actual portfolios of my creative outputs and designs. I do consider how I

show it in a creative way, since first to feast is the eyes. And this is how social

45|P a g e
media works – it literally shows my work without any expenses, it also shows it in

the most convenient way possible in attracting my target market.

5. Does social media helps you to advertise products?


6. Does social media helps your business to gain customers?


7. Does social media helps you to sell the products more effectively?


8th Interviewee

Owner: Arniel Lucas

Business: ARShoppe
The Effects of Social as a Marketing Tool to Business

Product: GPP and Factory Unlock Phones

1. Do you use social media as a marketing tool?


2. What are the effects of social media in your business?

It is easier to use because I can communicate with my customers and it is

convenient. It positively affect my business because it is easier to reach transact

with the customer.

3. Is social media really helpful to your business?

Yes, because I can just update my prices easier and everyone can see it.

4. How does social media affect your business?

46|P a g e
It makes my business better because everyone can visit my page and might

have interest.

5. Does social media helps you to advertise products?


6. Does social media helps your business to gain customers?


7. Does social media helps you to sell the products more effectively?


9th Interviewee

Owner: John Buenavista

The Effects of Social as a Marketing Tool to Business
Product: K-pop Merchandises

1. Do you use social media as a marketing tool?


2. What are the effects of social media in your business?

As a K-pop merchandise seller, I earned more in social media than the actual

selling because most of the customers are on the internet.

3. Is social media really helpful to your business?


4. How does social media affect your business?

The power of promotion is in social media.

5. Does social media helps you to advertise products?

47|P a g e

6. Does social media helps your business to gain customers?


7. Does social media helps you to sell the products more effectively?



Owner: Berting Lopez

Business: BagoonganTayoDyan

Product: Bagoong Paste, Processed Dilis and Homemade Sardines.

1. Do you use social media as a marketing tool?

The Effects of Social as a Marketing Tool to Business

2. What are the effects of social media in your business?

It helps the business to gain more customers than our stall in Makati. It is also

easy to reach for the customers who are far from our place. It is good to have

social media as a marketing tool in business because we noticed that our

customers grow everyday because of it.

3. Is social media really helpful to your business?


4. How does social media affect your business?

We gain a lot of customers because of it and we became known already in


5. Does social media helps you to advertise products?

48|P a g e

6. Does social media helps your business to gain customers?


7. Does social media helps you to sell the products more effectively?


The Effects of Social as a Marketing Tool to Business

49|P a g e

Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation

5.1. Summary

Summary contained the results that answer the statement of the problem of this

study. The first statement of the problem was “What are the effects of social to

business?” According to the datas, social media has both positive and negative effects.

First, the positive effects were it helped reach the people quickly, it helped to reach the

people even from afar, it helped businessmen and customers to transact easily and it

promoted business easier than the actual selling. On the other hand, the negative

effects are it was not that reliable, it was prone to bogus and modus and there were

illegitimate people.
The Effects of Social as a Marketing Tool to Business
The second statement of the problem was “How effective is social media to

business?” The respondents answered that the social media was effective when it

comes to promotion, access and it was easy to get customers.

Last, the third statement of the problem was “Do you accept social media as a

marketing tool to business?” All the respondents answered “yes” because all of them

uses social media for their businesses.

5.2. Conclusion

The study concluded that the social media affects the business when it came to

gaining customers. Also, it helped promote business because of the quick access.

However, some of the businessmen said that social media can also have a negative

50|P a g e
effect especially because of the illegitimate people and the scams. Social media was

really effective as a marketing tool with the help of promotion. It was the best gateway to

gain customers. Also, this study concluded that businessmen accepts social media as a

marketing tool because all of them were already using it.

5.3. Recommendation

The researchers would like to recommend their research to:

• Students

The researchers would like to recommend this study to students so they may

know what are the possible effects of social media as marketing tool to business. This

research may be informative as they plan to build a mini-business.

The Effects of Social as a Marketing Tool to Business

• Teachers

The researchers would like to recommend this study to teachers so that other

than having their job as a teacher, they can also have another job or putting up another

business so that they could have more source of income other than teaching.

• Future businessmen

The researchers would like to recommend this study to the future businessmen

because this study may help them to analyse what are the positive and negative effects

of social media as marketing tool to business.

• Future researchers

51|P a g e
Also to the future researchers, the researchers would like to recommend this

study to them because as a researcher, this study is very helpful for it tells them the

effects of social media as marketing tool to business. Also, if they will continue this

study, time management and reliable sources are needed.

The Effects of Social as a Marketing Tool to Business

52|P a g e

Thilaga, S. (2016), A Literature Review On The Impact Of Social Media And Its

Role In Marketing. International Journal of Informative & Futuristic Research.

Paquette, Holly (2013), Social Media as a Marketing Tool: A Literature Review.

University of Rhode Island, Rhode Island, Kingston, USA.

Bashar, Abu (2012), Effectiveness of Social Media as a Marketing Tool: An

Empirical Study. International Journal of Marketing, Financial Services & Management


Al-Sadani, Abdulwahab (2015), How effective is social media as the main

marketing tool for small and medium-sized nterprises? Helsinki Metropolia University of

Applied Sciences, Helsinki, Finland.

Sofres, T. N. (2016, September). Study: Social media taking over in PH

marketing, customer service. Retrieved from

social-media-taking-over-in-ph-marketing-customer-service/ .

International Institute of Digital Marketing.(2014, May).Social media for modern

marketing.Retrieved from


Digital Marketing Philippines (2017, November). Outsource Social Media

Marketing to Philippines. Retrieved from -to-philippines/

53|P a g e

Name: Mary Charisse C. Antonio

Age: 17

Birthdate: August 28, 2001

Grade & Section: 12 – A (ABM)

Strand: Accountancy and Business Management

The Effects of Social as a Marketing Tool to Business

Name: Zhoniel A. De Ocera

Age: 18

Birthdate: September 2, 2000

Grade & Section: 12 – A

Strand: Accountancy and Business Management

54|P a g e
Name: Renz Gabriel Z. FAMY

Age: 18

Birthdate:September 7, 2000

Grade & Section: 12 - A

Strand: Accountancy and Business Management

Name: John Paulo S, Dela Cruz

Age: 18

Birthdate: September 21, 2000

The Effects of Social as a Marketing Tool to Business
Grade & Section: 12 - A

Strand: Accountancy and Business Management

Name: Ludd Ellis P. Lucas

Age: 18

Birthdate: August17, 2000

Grade & Section: 12 - A

Strand: Accountancy and Business Management

55|P a g e

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