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Wednesday March 9th 2011

Exhibition Journal Entry

Our group has been working on our Tourism concept questions, and researching. We have
accomplished finding someone to interview and we have just written an email to our
interviewee. We have found out the positives and negatives of all the compass lenses. I think we
found it rather challenging to think up really great questions, but we got pretty good ones in the
end. I think it’s frustrating for us to have to try and find juicy information from only one resource
sometimes. We really need to get cracking on interviewing someone, getting organized properly
and finding suitable jobs for each member of our group. My responsibility is to make sure
everybody is doing something related to the Exhibition and that they are not fooling around.
That’s a big job! Poor you. We need to make some serious decisions on what we’re doing. I hope
one of our goals is to be organized. Some problems with our group is that not everybody is fully
into it yet, and that not everybody is very sure of what to do. I will try my best to help everyone
getting involved. I think I have shown that I am a thinker, inquirer, communicator, reflector and
a principled person. I’m determined to be committed, to cooperate, to appreciate what other
people do, show creativity, confidence and curiosity. I think we’ll head in the same direction,
researching and interviewing. We will have to get that done soon. I am really hopeful about this
Exhibition and I hope that we do really well.

Izzy, you have excellent goals for your group’s inquiry as well as personal goals for yourself. I
hope that your group works well with you to make this inquiry a success. You have the right
attitude and skills to make that happen.

Tuesday 15th March 2011

Reflection Entry

Our group has been focusing on interviews lately. Arranging dates and times, and figuring out
appropriate people to interview. So far we have accomplished interviewing 2 people. We have
many more scheduled for the next passing days. I used to think that tourism isn’t a very
interesting topic, or is a very big issue, but now I’m starting to see the bigger picture and I’m
getting a lot more enthusiastic. As we have progressed we’re starting to see more and more of
the bigger picture. We have learned that normal everyday things that we as tourists do, can
have a big impact on Thailand. Our group found it quite challenging to arrange times and dates
to interview and finding out information. It’s really frustrating to have to figure everything out
all over again with the slightest problem in the Exhibition. We still need to do a few more
interviews and we need to start grouping our information, and deciding a way to present our
information. A few of my responsibilities were making sure that my group members were
staying focused and were on task. Another responsibility I took was writing emails to
interviewees. In our group we’ve made a decision of some of the possibilities of ways of
presenting, and of whom we should interview. Our goal is to get as many interviews as possible
providing lots of information. We have decided to change how we managed things and how we
interview people. We have decided to change the way we manage things because we have
found quicker, easier ways to do jobs. We changed how we interviewed people because we
learned about the rights of the interviewee. There were a few problems with scheduling
interviews and giving jobs to group members. We have solved the interview problems, but we
still haven’t resolved the jobs problem. I think I have shown that I am a risk taker, thinker,
inquirer, open-minded, knowledgeable, communicator, principled, balanced and reflective.
(Almost all of the Learner Profile?) And I think I have shown all of the Attitudes during this week:
commitment, cooperation, independence, appreciation, empathy, creativity, confidence,
curiosity, and empathy. After all our interviews, I think we will start sorting it out our
information and finding ways to present it.

Sounds like your plans are challenging but going well. Your group is doing a great job of finding
helpful and interesting people to interview.

Thursday 24th March 2011

Exhibition Reflection Entry

This week our group has been mainly focusing on our presentations. Last week we had planned
in doing our presentations, but we’ve tweaked our presentations a bit from last week. We are
currently working on a Prezi, an infografic and an electric quiz. I think I am contributing more
than my share, which is fine; (and I think it should be like that otherwise I don’t have anything to
do). I have been working on both the infografic and the Prezi. I really enjoy this Exhibition but, as
I think I’ve mentioned before, I don’t feel very interested in my topic yet. Anyway, we still need
to finish up all of our presentations, which I don’t think will be too challenging. We may even
add another presentation! (if we have time). We may need to add a few things here and there in
our presentation, but otherwise I feel quite confident in our Exhibition. I really hope we do well
and reach higher than Yr6 expectations. I can’t wait to see how the Exhibition turns out; it’ll be
really exciting!

Keep up the good work, Isabella. Your efforts are paying off. I’m glad you feel confident about
what you and your group have achieved so far.

Friday 1st April 2011

Final Reflection

During the 2 Exhibition days, it was quite chaotic. I was nervous, excited, bored and confused all at the
same time. The first day went pretty well for us. We were organized, on time, and cooperative. But the
second day wasn’t in our favor. It was downhill with our presentations – our presentations were never
really on time.

But, all in all, I thought that this was a great experience for each and every one of us. I learned a lot
about looking through different perspectives; the current trends and the probable and preferable
futures. I also learned about different presentation styles and especially making it simple clear and to
the point. The process of the Exhibition taught me even more. I learned about the rights of the
interviewee and ways to interview people. I also learned how to gather relevant information.
To sum everything up throughout the entire Exhibition, I think that this was a very worthwhile
experience. I think this because we have all gained something useful from this Exhibition that will help
us in the future.

Absolutely! You have all “gained something useful from this Exhibition that will help you in the future”.
And that’s what it’s all about. Even if everything didn’t go perfectly on the Exhibition days, you learned a
lot in the process that you can use in the future. Thank you for your tremendous attitude and efforts,
Izzy. You were an amazing inquirer and a remarkable group leader. You should be proud of yourself.

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