Mistaking The CEO For A Gigolo Chapter 1 Merged

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Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo

Chapter 1

“You’re the one they sent me?”

In a luxurious suite, Nicole Lane extended her hand and shoved the surprised
man onto the bed.

The next thing he knew, she had straddled him.

Lifting her slender hand to pat the man’s face, her eyes gleamed brightly with
satisfaction as she cooed, “Well, you’re quite easy on the eyes!”

The woman’s breath reeked of alcohol, causing Evan Seet’s features to contort
with disgust.

There were plenty of women who tried to seduce him, but this was the first time
he encountered one who used such a method.

It was practically unprecedented!

The woman’s fair and slender arms were wrapped tightly around his neck as she
leaned closer to him. “Kiss me!”

“Are you sure you wanna do this?” Evan avoided the woman’s rosy lips and
calmly asked.

“That’s enough nonsense! Are you a real man?”

How can she still be asking this question at a time like this?
Evan narrowed his eyes a fraction before abruptly rolling them over. With a dark
expression on his face, he stared at the woman beneath him.

“Am I a real man, you ask? You’ll be sure to find out in a moment!”


In the next second, a searing pain tore through Nicole’s body.

The next day.

Nicole woke up aching all over. The moment she opened her eyes, she took in
the opulent design of the room she was in with a frown between her brows.

This is…

She sat up abruptly.

Right then, the heart-wrenching scenes from last night played in her mind like a

That’s right.

The night before, she had witnessed her beloved Zach tangled up in the sheets
with another woman. Thus, out of spite, she had found herself a gigolo to
retaliate against him.

“This is payback, you filthy scumbag!”

“What are you mumbling about?”

A deep and sexy baritone voice sounded from behind Nicole and startled her
train of thoughts.
She lifted her head to see a man coming out of the bathroom with a towel
wrapped around his waist, concealing his most treasured asset.

I have to admit. This man has an amazing figure. It’s no surprise that he’s a

“Why haven’t you left yet?” Nicole asked.

Evan’s lips arched into a mocking smile. “Because I’m curious. Now that you’ve
successfully seduced me, how do you plan on holding me responsible for you?”

In the past, all those women who approached him were always trying to hold him
accountable for whatever deeds were done the night before. He had heard this
phrase so many times that he could probably hear it in his sleep.

Yet, to his utter shock, this woman in front of him gave a response so different
than the rest – Nicole gave him an eye roll. “Why the hell would I want a gigolo to
take responsibility for me?”

With that said, she got dressed and swiftly took out one thousand in cash from
her bag before pompously throwing the stack of banknotes onto the bed. “Here’s
your pay. Make sure you keep it well. Your service last night wasn’t too shabby.”

Evan’s eyes darkened when he heard her words. Service?

Does this woman have a death wish?

As he was still seething with fury, Nicole was already making her way out.

“Stop right there!”

Evan gritted the words through his teeth with a dark and dangerous undertone in
his voice.
At that moment, Nicole paused mid-step and glanced back at him with a strained
smile. “Is that too little? Well, I’m sorry, but you’re only worth that much!”


“Anyway, I’ll be leaving now. Ciao!”

She waved her hand and practically made a run for the exit. As Evan watched
the door slam shut, the scowl on his face deepened.

“You’re one dead meat, woman!”

Nine months later.


The sound of multiple babies crying filled the operating room.

Looking at the little creatures waiting to be fed, Nicole started to panic a little.

This was her first time being a mother, and she had given birth to four babies at
one go!

Just as she was racking her brain for a way to unlock her “supermom” abilities,
an interview on the financial news channel caught her attention.

Nicole’s eyes almost popped out of their sockets when she saw the handsome
and lavishly-dressed man seated in the middle.

What the hell is this? Even gigolos can be on the financial news channel
With a bewildered expression, she listened to the interviewer’s question. “Mr.
Seet, rumor has it that you’ve been searching for a particular person for a very
long time, but to no avail. Could you enlighten us about this person? Our viewers
may be able to provide you with some valuable information!”

Evan turned towards the camera, his gaze turning solemn. “I’m looking for a
woman. She left some money with me, and I’d like to give it back to her – a

A hundredfold!

The last two words were emphasized.

Following that, he also briefly described what the woman looked like.

Later on, he highlighted an important fact. “Even her family doesn’t know where
she is. Thus, whoever provides me useful clues, you shall be generously
rewarded with an amount of no less than one million!”

One million… just to find me? Isn’t this man being overly generous?

A heavy sense of foreboding clawed at Nicole’s chest. After checking his

background, her heart turned cold.

Crap! This man isn’t a gigolo!

He’s the president of Seet Group International – Evan Seet!

But I was so daft that I even called him a gigolo… Oh god, what have I done?

Looking at the man’s icy face in the interview, Nicole shuddered involuntarily.

It’ll be over for my babies and I if he finds me!

No, I can’t let that happen. I must think of a way to prevent that from happening.

Sometime after the interview, Evan received a special gift.

His frosty eyes deepened as he looked at the gift in his arms – it was a baby
swaddled in garments. With a puzzled expression, he asked, “This is?”

“Mr. Seet, this is the child born to the woman you were looking for. She died in a
car crash and left only this child behind.”
Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 2

Five years later.

At Y City’s airport.

Nicole’s face was completely covered behind a pair of shades and a face mask.
In fact, she was so wrapped up that she resembled a mummy.

She wondered whether the man who wanted to “give it back to her a
hundredfold” had continued searching high and low for her over the past five

If it weren’t to save a certain someone, she would never risk coming back.

She dragged her suitcase forward with a pounding heart, and her pace
quickened the more she walked. Meanwhile, the three little ones behind her
tagged along as they tried to match her pace with their stubby legs.

Suddenly, a high-pitched voice sounded loud and clear behind her, “Mommy,
you’re walking too fast. I’m getting hungry just trying to keep up! I feel like eating
chocolate, cupcakes, French toast, and -”

“Shhh…” Nicole looked back and put a finger to her lips, afraid that they might
attract too much attention – unwanted attention.

The voice belonged to a girl named Maya. She was Nicole’s youngest child and a
glutton through and through.
“Behave, Maya. Mommy will bring you to get some dessert later, okay?”

Maya’s eyes lit up, and she nodded enthusiastically.

Standing beside her was Nina, who was a carbon copy of Maya. She shook her
head in an adult-like manner and heaved a deep sigh. “If you keep eating this
much, you’ll become a fat pig! We should take care of our body, Maya.”

Maya turned to glance unhappily at Nina. “Don’t say it like you don’t eat!”

“That’s called tasting. I only have one bite!”

“One bite still counts!”

“No, it doesn’t!”

“Yes, it does!”

“No, it doesn’t! Tell her, Juan!”

Nina couldn’t take it anymore and seek for her brother’s help.

Abruptly being put in a tough spot, Juan scratched his head, unsure of what to

Since Nina and Maya were both his sisters, so he didn’t know who he should

“I think… you’re both right!”

Hearing his reply, both Nina and Maya rolled their eyes at Juan and harrumphed
loudly before storming ahead.
“Alright, that’s enough now, kids. Come on.”

Nicole gently rubbed Juan’s head, to which he nodded and trailed after her.

Among the three, Maya was the smallest in size. Fuming and stomping forward
without looking where she was going, she accidentally bumped against a
woman’s leg and fell back onto the floor.

“What the hell? Are you blind?”

Maya looked up at the woman who looked like she wanted to bite her head off.

This lady is so fierce.

“Maya! Are you okay?”

Seeing her sister being knocked down, Nina rushed forward and helped Maya
up. Then, she gave the woman a once-over.

Although the woman was very beautiful, she couldn’t hold a candle to their

Besides, Nina didn’t like how rude she was, and it was clearly written all over her

“Why are you looking at me like that? Apologize!” The woman yelled at Nina.

“I’m sorry, ma’am!” Maya said in her cute voice and looked at the woman with
large eyes that gleamed with sincerity.

Nina, on the other hand, gave her little sister a flat stare. What is Maya doing?
Why did she apologize!

“You too! Apologize to me!” The woman ordered Nina in a superior tone.
However, Nina stared unflinchingly at her and stood there without saying a word.

“What’s going on?”

“What’s wrong?”

A man and a woman’s voice sounded in unison.

One of the voices belonged to Nicole, while the other…

The other voice sounded rather familiar to Nicole, so she instinctively looked up,
and her heart almost stopped. She hastily bowed her head, cursing vehemently
in her heart.

It’s that man from five years ago! Freakin’ Evan Seet!

What a pathetically small world! I can’t believe I ran into him the second I step
foot in this country!
Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 3

“Evan, this kid is plain rude. She won’t apologize even after bumping into me.
Just look at her…”

Evan tipped his chin down to glance at Nina. She was fair-skinned, and her clear
eyes had a stubborn glint to them.

With her head still lowered, Nicole peeked at Evan, who was staring intently at
Nina, all the while praying that he wouldn’t perceive the similarities between
Nina, Maya, and her.

God help me! Please!

She muttered a silent prayer under her breath.

Juan, who noticed how odd his mother was behaving, followed her line of sight
and studied Evan with slightly narrowed eyes.

That’s weird.

This man… kinda looks like me?

Juan’s curiosity was piqued. He was about to walk forward to examine his
lookalike more closely, but Nicole caught his arms before he could take a step.
She then fished out a child-sized mask and hastily covered his little face with it.

My dear boy, please don’t cause me any trouble!

If Evan sees your face… It’ll all be over! You’ll lose your beloved Mommy forever!

Even though Juan couldn’t understand the intention behind his mother’s actions,
he didn’t go any further. Hence, allowing Nicole to pull him tightly towards her.

“Is this your child?”

Evan’s deep and magnetic voice almost caused Nicole to jump out of her skin.

She nodded stiffly but did not dare make a sound for fear that he would recognize
her voice.

“You should discipline your child from a young age, or she’ll grow up to become
an uncivilized person!”

“Who are you to say that? This lady was the one who spoke rudely to Maya first!
If she didn’t go around bullying kids, I would’ve said sorry ages ago.”

After that, Nina raised her chin and returned Evan’s gaze without a trace of fear
in her eyes.

“This child of yours is a feisty one, huh!” The young woman standing beside Evan
gaped at Nina with a startled look on her face.

Evan’s mouth lifted slightly around the edges. This little girl seems to be very
well-spoken, and her headstrong personality reminds me of someone.

She reminds me of…

At that thought, he peered even closer at Nina’s snowy-white face.

Then, he transferred his gaze to Maya.

Finally, his eyes fell upon Nicole, who was covered from head to toe.
These two children look so similar to that woman. Could their mother be…

Nicole looked up just then. When her gaze met with Evan’s keen ones, her grip
subconsciously tightened on Juan’s clothes.

Evan’s gaze deepened, and he strode towards Nicole. Every step he took filled
her racing heart with dread.

Oh, God! What should I do?

What if this bastard insists on seeing my face?

She could hear her rapidly beating heart that was going to fly out of her chest any
moment now.

Evan came to a stop right in front of her and fixed her a penetrating stare.

It’s over. It’s all over.

I’m done for!

Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 4

Evan was interrupted by Juan the moment he spoke.

“I need to pee. I can’t hold it anymore. I need to pee.”

Juan cutely tugged on Nicole’s sleeve. Although he had no idea what was going
on, he could feel his mother’s anxiety.

Since Mommy is scared of this man, I’ll help Mommy to get as far away as
possible from him.

Nicole never expected Juan to be so quick-witted. She was taken aback for a
split second but quickly altered her voice and said, “Alright. Mommy will bring you
to the toilet.”

With that, she hauled Juan away and fled as if her life depended on it.

Huh? What’s going on?

Nina and Maya exchanged glances before hurrying after them.

Evan intended to go after them, but the woman, Sofie, called out to him.

“Forget about it, Evan. An apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree. Seeing how
uncultured the child is, I bet their mother isn’t too far off either, so there’s no need
to try reasoning with people like them.”

Evan glanced back at Sofie and recalled what Nina had said.
He then let out a humorless chuckle, and a sardonic smile appeared on his lips.

“Well, I don’t think the child was being unreasonable. Also, she’s not necessarily
the uncultured one.”

After he was done saying his piece, he lifted his foot and walked forward.

“What do you mean by that, Evan? You can’t possibly believe a kid’s words over
mine, right? The two of us grew up together, so we’re practically family!”


Even though the Sweeting family was close with the Seets, he had zero affection
for the eldest daughter of the Sweeting family. If he didn’t urgently need the
valuable information they had on a certain person, he would never have agreed
to pick her up from the airport.

With that, Evan completely turned a deaf ear to what Sofie said behind him as he
opened the car door to slide in.

Sofie followed suit and hopped into the car while grumbling under her breath,
“Evan, that woman was under layers and swaths of clothing. I have a feeling that
she must be hiding some kind of secret, or maybe… she’s a fugitive!”


After dropping an order, Evan closed his eyes to relax, treating Sofie as if she
was air.

Sofie was at a loss for words.

Seeing how unreceptive he was, Sofie angrily clamped her mouth shut, then
switched to a topic she knew concerned him more.
“Kyle’s illness…”

After a long pause, Evan replied in a low voice, “As long as we can find the
miracle doctor, Dr. Tussaud, he will recover.”

This Dr. Tussaud was widely known around the globe.

A few years ago, she had saved the Queen of S Nation, who was terminally ill,
with only a few acupuncture needles. Since then, she had shot to fame all over
the world. She was rumored to have legendary medical skills that had already
reached a divine level.

There was a hint of smugness in Sofie’s eyes. Only her father had information on
this miracle doctor, so this information could serve as a bargaining chip to make
Evan agree to whatever she wanted.

Perhaps she could become a part of the Seet family sooner than expected by
using this to persuade Evan into marrying her.

This was also why her father, Anthony, urged her to return to the country.

“Don’t worry, Evan. My father will definitely help you find that doctor.”

“He’d better.” Evan’s eyes were ominous.

Kyle’s illness cannot be left untreated any longer.

The Sweeting residence.

Evan, dressed in an expensive black custom-made suit, was lounging in the main
seat of the semicircle leather sofa while drumming his fingers on the armrest.
Sofie’s father, Anthony, was obviously the head of the Sweeting family, but sitting
next to Evan made him break out in cold sweat.

“Mr. Sweeting, I’ve done as you requested. When are you planning to divulge the
information you have on Tussaud?”

Anthony was a sly old fox. By using the information he had on Dr. Tussaud, he
created an opportunity for Sofie to be together with Evan, albeit a slim one.

But if he disclosed the information so easily, he would then lose his chance to get
Sofie married into the Seet family.

With that deep in thought, Anthony leisurely took a sip of his tea. “Well, about
that. Let’s give it some time, shall we? I’ve received news that this miracle doctor
has returned to the country earlier than expected. I have already asked someone
to find out about her schedule.”

As soon as he finished his sentence, Evan pinned him with a look that could

His knuckles cracked as he balled his hands into fists. Was this sly old fox lying
to me when he said he knew of her whereabouts?

Before Anthony could regain his bearings, Evan had already shot up from his
seat and was now taking long strides towards the main door.

“Evan, where are you going?” Sofie frantically chased after him.

“I’ll find Dr. Tussaud on my own, so rest assured, I won’t be troubling the
Sweeting family from now on.”

How dare they toy with me!

At a dessert store called Fairy Tale Ice Cream Bar.

Maya stared wide-eyed at the desserts in front of her, practically drooling.

“Mommy, can I have the desserts now?”

“Go ahead!” Nicole could clearly see the eagerness in Maya’s eyes.

As soon as she got her mother’s permission, she immediately picked up the
piece of chocolate cake and began devouring it.

“Hold your horses, Maya. Don’t finish it all at once. Mommy will get a take-out
box from the staff, and we’ll pack the rest of the cake for later, okay?”

Maya nodded obediently, so Nicole got up with the remaining cakes in hand and
went towards the front counter.

“Two pieces of cheesecake. Take-out, as usual.”

Just then, a cold masculine voice came from behind her.

Why does this person’s voice sound so much like that man’s?

Out of curiosity, Nicole turned her head to see who was standing behind her.
Lo-and-behold, she clashed gazes with Evan.

Time seemed to have come to a standstill right at that moment.

Nicole’s expression instantly changed, and her heart started to hammer against
her ribcage.

Could this day get any worse? I thought I’d just avoided a major catastrophe, but
then I bump into him here again?
She quickly turned back and grabbed the take-out box while trying her best to
remain composed as she walked away.

Did Evan Seet recognize me?

He obviously saw me!

If he really does recognize me…

No. Just to be safe, I won’t go back to the three kids now lest I expose their

Thus, she casually made her way to another empty table, packing up the
remaining cakes before hastening out of the shop with her head bowed.


Nicole ran into a rock-hard chest. She rubbed her head and looked up, only to be
met with Evan’s gorgeous face that could probably make heaven’s weep.

“Still trying to run?”

Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 5

His voice was bone-chilling as if it came from the depths of hell.

Frightened out of her mind, Nicole skirted around him.

He can’t stay here. If the three kids come looking for me…

With this train of thought, she made a mad dash for the exit.

Evan’s gaze darkened, and he quickly went after her.

She’s running? So, it’s really her!

Nicole panted as she ran. When she looked over her shoulder, she couldn’t help
herself from swearing like a trooper.

Why can’t I seem to lose him? Gah! Is he even human? How is he so fast?

During the past few years of staying abroad, she was only given the opportunity
to gain medical skills. No one taught her how to escape from a dire situation. If
someone did, she wouldn’t be running for her life right now!


Suddenly, Nicole was pushed to the ground.

“It really is you!” Evan’s demonic voice sounded from above her.
Nicole inhaled sharply from the pain and looked up to see Evan’s glacial
expression. She was slightly dazed, and an idea came up to her. Instantly, she
schooled her features to show a look of confusion. Ah, I know! I’ll just pretend to
be clueless!

“Who… Who are you?”

Evan frowned slightly before releasing a cold snort.

“I guess I’ll just have to refresh your memory a little bit!”

With that, he hauled her up from the ground and mercilessly dragged her with

“H-Help! He’s kidnapping me! This is sexual harassment! Help me-”

Nicole’s screams for help were cut off when the back of her neck was suddenly
karate-chopped. Instantly, her vision went dark, and she passed out immediately

Half an hour later.


A bucket of ice-cold water was dumped onto Nicole, waking her up with a jolt
while looking like a wet rat.

She opened her eyes and wiped her face in panic. Then, she spotted Evan
staring at her with a terrifying expression on his face.

Where am I?

Her eyes darted around the space as memories flooded her mind in raging
torrents. Everything’s over. I’ve really fallen into Evan Seet’s hands!
“Do you remember who I am now?”

Nicole froze up and shook her head vigorously, still feigning ignorance.

“Does this place seem familiar?”

Nicole’s heart skipped a beat. Five years ago, it was in this room that she had
assumed he was gigolo!

“No? Then, I guess ‘ll just have to make you remember!”

As soon as he said that, Nicole was picked up from the ground and thrown onto
the bed.

This particular action of Evan’s resembled hers from five years ago when she
had roughly pushed him onto the bed.

Mimicking her actions five years ago, he got on top of her body and tapped her
cheek. “If you still don’t remember, then I’m going to…”

Nicole’s heart galloped in her chest, and her cheeks heated up.

“No! I-I-I remember now! I remember! You’re Mr. Seet!”

Evan released a wicked chuckle before getting off her. He then took off his coat
and flung it aside with a look of disgust on his face.

“Good. Now that you remember, any last words?”


Does Evan Seet want me dead that bad?

How brutal!

“What happened five years ago was an accident! Mr. Seet, you’re the president
of Seet Group. You can’t take a person’s life just because of an accident. It’ll ruin
your reputation!”

“Don’t worry. No one would dare say a single word without my permission!”

“But you can’t-”

“You shouldn’t even be alive. You died in a car accident five years ago,
remember? I’d be doing you a favor!”

Nicole was speechless.

Whatever Nicole planned to say next got stuck in her throat, and she stayed
silent for quite a while.

Evan scrutinized her with a vicious gleam in his eyes. What a cruel woman. To
fake her death, she was willing to abandon her newborn child.

A woman like her is unworthy to be a mother!

When he thought about all those times Kyle cried for his mother, the bitter
resentment he had for Nicole intensified.

Noticing Evan’s eyes grow colder with each passing second, Nicole felt that the
odds were against her, and her life was hanging in the balance.

She could almost feel the flames of hell licking her skin.

I came back to save a life, not to throw my own away!

If I die, what will happen to my children?

“Died in a car crash! Consider this granting your wish.”

Hearing that, all color drained from Nicole’s face.

She was about to beg for mercy when Evan’s phone rang. He glanced at it and
swiftly answered the call.

“Mr. Seet, you must come back quickly. Kyle’s condition is worsening.”
Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 6

Worry was etched between Evan’s brows. “I understand. I’ll be there soon!”

After ending the call, Evan’s entire demeanor gave off a cold vibe, causing the
temperature in the room to drop abruptly.

Nicole shivered, petrified by how he currently looked.

“Change of plans. Letting you die in a car accident is too mild a punishment. You
should atone for your sins first.”

Atone for my sins?

What… What does he have in mind?

Nicole was too caught up in her thoughts to notice that Evan had already opened
the door and given an order to the bodyguards outside.

“Keep an eye on this woman. Under no circumstances is she allowed to leave

this room. And certainly not without my permission.”

Only then did Nicole come back to her senses.

He’s holding me prisoner here! But my three kids are still waiting for me at the
dessert shop!

Before Evan stepped out, she quickly jumped off the bed and chased after him.

However, she was still a step too late.

The door was slammed shut into her face with a loud bang.

A silver Rolls-Royce slowly drove up to Hillside Villa, where two rows of maids
had already respectfully lined up on both sides of the porch.

“Mr. Seet!” They greeted him in unison.

After Evan slammed the car door shut, he carried two packed boxes of
cheesecakes and hurried upstairs with an anxious expression.

“How’s Kyle?” His voice was chilly when he asked his butler, Blake, who was
walking beside him.

“He threw up blood again just now…” Blake said, his voice shaking slightly.

“Has he had his medicine?”

Blake heaved a sigh and replied, “Kyle poured it away again.”

Evan paused for a moment and frowned. “Alright.”

Once they were upstairs, Evan realized that Kyle’s room was locked from the
inside. He carefully tried turning the doorknob, but it wouldn’t budge.

“I don’t wanna drink it!” A child’s protest came from inside the room.
“Open the door, Kyle. It’s Dad!” Evan urged him in a harsh tone, the command in
his voice matching his unyielding stance.

All noise ceased in the room that instant.

Soon after that, the door was unlocked with a clack.

A handsome young boy who resembled a delicate doll stood on the other side of
the door. His complexion was pale as he stared at Evan with red-rimmed eyes
and an aggrieved pout on his lips.

“I don’t wanna drink the medicine, Dad.”

“Be a good boy, Kyle. You’re sick, so you need to take your medicine to get
better.” Evan bent down to caress Kyle’s mop of hair.

Evan was notoriously known to be cold and ruthless. Hence, the rare occurrence
of him exhibiting patience and affection only happened when his son was

“I said I don’t wanna drink it! And I’m not sick!”

Suddenly, Kyle seemed distressed for some reason. Then, he shoved Evan’s
hand away with a rebellious look on his face, resembling an angered lion cub.

“What exactly do you want then, Kyle?” Evan was beside himself with rage.

Kyle’s big and round eyes reddened again, and his lips started to tremble. “I want
my mommy.”


Evan immediately thought of the woman who tried to play dumb in front of him.
Five years ago, that woman faked her death and cold-heartedly sent away her
infant son to the Seet family.

But in reality, she’s been living happily over the past five years!

Kyle, on the other hand, has been sick ever since he was a child. And all the
while suffering from the lack of a mother’s love!

Damn you, Nicole! You don’t deserve to be a mother at all!

Taking in a deep breath, Evan articulated every word and said, “Kyle, I’ll say it
again, so listen carefully. Your mother is dead. You only have me – your dad!”

“I don’t wanna hear it! You’re lying. You’re lying!” Kyle covered his ears with both
hands, his face contorted in anger.

With a loud bang, Kyle slammed the door shut and quickly locked it again.

“Mr. Seet, Kyle is, after all, only a child…” The butler said apprehensively.

“Confiscate his Lego and iPad later! It’s time to let him reflect on his actions!”

With a somber expression, Evan turned to walk away but paused after two steps.
“Also, tell the kitchen to continue boiling the medicinal herbs!”

At the entrance of The Passion.

Juan’s obsidian eyes surveyed the brightly lit bar.

He glanced down at the location tracker on his wrist. Yes. Mommy is here.
The three of them had waited for their mother at the dessert store for a very long
time, but she never appeared.

Worried that something had happened to their mother, Juan told Nina to take
Maya home first while he went to look for their mother.

This was the first time Juan came to a place like this. As soon as he entered the
bar, he saw men and women swaying wildly to the beat on the dance floor; it was
a mess of tangled bodies.

The pounding music was deafening, and the chaotic atmosphere made his head

Yet, he didn’t linger around but instead directly ran towards the private rooms at
the back of the bar.

The GPS shows that Mommy is at the back.

However, Juan was stumped to come face to face with rooms that all looked the
same. There are so many rooms here. How is it possible to find Mommy?

Just when he fell into deep thought with a frown, a voice sounded from behind

“Is that you, Kyle? What are you doing here?”

Hearing that voice, Juan turned around. Then, he lifted his head to look at the
towering man in black with doubt swirling in his eyes.
Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 7


Is he talking to me?

Faced with his silence, the man bent down to respectfully ask, “Kyle, are you
here to see Mr. Seet? Well, he just left.”

Mr. Seet…

He sounds important.

The wheels in Juan’s head turned. Since I don’t know how I’m gonna find
Mommy, maybe I could…

He cleared his throat and took on the regal stance of a leader.

“I was sent here by Mr. Seet!”

Mr. Seet?

Um… That’s a formal way to address his father. Well-mannered as always. I

guess this is expected of the Seet family’s little prince.

Even so, the man remained cautious. “Kyle, did Mr. Seet, your father,” he
emphasized, “give you any orders before sending you here?”
Juan was secretly delighted but showed none of it on the outside. All he did was
nod his head as he quickly adapted to the situation.

“Ah, yes. My dad sent me here to look for a woman.”

The man’s eyes widened in realization. “A woman? Was it the one Mr. Seet said
not to let out under any circumstances?”

As soon as Juan heard that, his eyes darkened. No wonder Mommy disappeared
for such a long time. She was held here by that old pervert, Mr. Seet!

His small hands balled into fists by his sides. “Yes. That’s her. Bring me to her.”

“Alright. Follow me, Kyle!”

Soon after that, Juan was brought to the door of the room Nicole was held in.
With a wave of his hand, he ordered, “Open the door!”

Several bodyguards who were on duty looked at each other and hesitated.

“Kyle, Mr. Seet ordered us not to let this woman out…”

“My dad personally told me to take this woman away! You dare go against my
dad’s orders?”


The bodyguards were caught in a dilemma and also found it a little strange. Why
would Mr. Seet allow his son to come alone and take the woman away?

Not to mention, Kyle had always been reluctant to speak. He would say less than
ten words on a good day, but today, he was acting the exact opposite of how he
usually was!
To be safe, one of the bodyguards suggested, “Kyle, I think we should call Mr.
Seet first. It might be better to have someone with you when you send this
woman back.”

Juan instantly panicked when he heard this.

If they make the call, I’ll be exposed. How will I save Mommy then?

“My dad needs to see her urgently. If this matter is delayed, I’ll tell my dad that
you disobeyed a direct order from him and deliberately made things difficult for
me. When that time comes, you’ll all be in deep trouble!”

Deliberately made things difficult for him?


Everyone knew that Kyle was the most beloved prince of the Seet family. Hence,
they would never dare to cause trouble for him even if they were given nine lives!

If Kyle complained to his father about the bodyguards, based on the latter’s
overprotective streak, they were afraid to even imagine what kind of cruel
punishment they would have to endure.

With that, they weighed their very limited options and finally decided to do as
“Kyle” said.

The door abruptly opened, and it startled Nicole, who was pacing around the
room while racking her brain for a way to escape.

When she saw Juan standing just beyond the threshold, confusion lined her

Juan was afraid that his mother’s reaction would blow his cover, so he quickly
spoke, “Hey, you! My dad wants to see you! Follow me!”
As he was speaking, he also gave Nicole a furtive wink.

At first, Nicole was shocked by what he said, but after seeing his meaningful
wink, realization dawned on her.

Is Juan here to… save me?

When Juan noticed that his mother was dripping wet, his brows instantly knitted
together into a frown.

He didn’t just lock Mommy up. He even made her soaking wet! That Mr. Seet, I’ll
make sure we get even!

After we leave this place, I’ll make sure to pay it back to him!

“Stop stalling for time and come with me!” Juan urged.

He turned on his heels and walked out with Nicole scampering after him.

At Hillside Villa.

“Mr. Seet, Kyle fell asleep after drinking his medicine. He kept mumbling about
wanting his mother in his sleep…”

Blake sighed with heartache when he spoke about this.

Evan, however, stood by the windows with an expression as cold as ice.

He wants his mother…

That woman! Who the hell does she think she is?

Who gave her the right to do this to Kyle!

Evan clenched his fists as a glint of malevolence flashed across his eyes. He
abruptly whipped around and snatched up his coat before walking straight out.

“Where are you going, Mr. Seet?”

Where am I going?

I’m going to ask that woman how she can so shamelessly live her life!

I’m going to make her pay the price!

Without a single reply, he sped towards The Passion in his Rolls-Royce.

Just then, Evan’s phone rang all of a sudden, and he quickly swiped to answer.

After answering the phone, his brows formed into a small frown right before he
made a sharp U-turn, heading towards the company instead.

There was an urgent crisis at the company, and he had to call for an emergency
meeting which lasted for three hours.

After the meeting, Evan returned to his office, clearly exhausted. He sat down
and leaned back against his chair, his whole body exuding weariness as he
massaged the space between his brows.

When he thought about the woman still locked up in the room, he immediately
made a call. “How’s the woman?”

“The woman? Mr. Seet, wasn’t she taken away by Kyle?”

Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 8

Evan’s expression instantly sank.

“M-Mr. Seet, Kyle took the woman away saying that you gave the order…”

Kyle took Nicole away?

A hint of doubt appeared in Evan’s eyes.

“Are you sure it was Kyle?” he accentuated every word.

“Mr. Seet, how could we be mistaken? All of us saw him with our own eyes! Kyle
insisted that it was you who wanted to see the woman…”

Kyle said that?

I raised him single-handedly, and that kid has never once lied!

But he made up such a lie in order to save that woman!

Most importantly, how and when did he even chance upon that fool?

“Find that woman this instance!”

Evan’s infuriated roar shocked the bodyguard on the other end of the line, and he
repeatedly promised that they would.

As soon as Evan hung up the phone, he flew into a rage and was just about to
vent it out on something when someone knocked on his office door.

“Come in!”

That icy voice made Evan’s assistant, John, gulp in fear outside the door.
Mustering up all the courage he had, he pushed the door opened and cautiously
made his way in.

Evan then raised his head and sliced him a cold look. Meanwhile, John forced a
smile that looked more like a grimace.

“You better have something worth my while!”

John suddenly remembered his purpose of coming here after Evan’s warning.

“Mr. Seet, our company’s network has been hacked, and the whole system


Evan immediately switched on his computer to verify it. True enough, the
network’s encryption key had been tampered with. On the black screen, a string
of red wordings glared back at him: Evan Seet, how dare you bully my woman?
Are you seeking death?

“Who did this?” Evan’s face grew impossibly darker.

“W-We don’t know yet!”

In the next second, the sound of a glass shattering reverberated through the
office. It came from a limited edition mug that was thrown to the ground, spilling
water everywhere and littering the floor with tiny glass shards.

“Well then, find out who did this! Unless you prefer facing the consequences!”

“Y-Yes! Yes!”

John pivoted around and left the office like his tail was on fire as he was too
afraid to stay a second longer. Releasing a long sigh of relief, he felt as if he had
just escaped hell itself.

What should I do?

How am I going to find the culprit?

The biggest problem is that even the company’s experts are at their wits’ end!

At Parkland Garden.

Juan sat in front of his computer with a cheeky grin on his face. Several hours
had passed, but Evan’s company network was still down. He felt delighted just
thinking about it.

This is what you get for bullying my mommy!

“Juan! Juan, come quick! You’re on TV!” Maya’s voice drifted into the study,
stirring Juan’s curiosity.

I know that I’m quite handsome, but isn’t this way too much?

How could I possibly have gotten on the news right after I come back?
Juan walked into the living room with a bewildered expression. When he glanced
at the TV screen, his eyes widened into the size of soccer balls.

The little boy on TV, who was wearing a suit, looked exactly like him!

Right then, Nina and Nicole came to the living room as well after hearing Maya’s

The TV was broadcasting news about the president of Seet Group, who was
offering a hefty reward to whoever succeeded in locating a particular individual.

Nicole’s heart skipped a beat. Five years ago, Evan had also offered a reward of
one million in order to find her whereabouts. Could it be…

The scene on the TV screen switched to show Kyle’s handsome face again.

This is…

Nicole’s heart lurched, and she quickly walked nearer to the TV to have a closer

Is this my son whom I left with Evan Seet?

He really looks exactly like Juan…

Nicole reached out with trembling fingers to touch Kyle’s face on the screen, her
eyes misting over.

“Mommy, why does he look exactly like Juan?” Nina was puzzled.

“Mommy, this little boy seems to be sick. His daddy is looking for Dr. Tussaud. I
feel sad for him.” Maya blinked innocently.
“Mommy, Evan Seet is looking for the miracle doctor. He’s looking for Dr.
Tussaud, the miracle doctor!”

Tussaud… Juan instinctively looked towards Nicole.

The miracle doctor, whom Evan Seet is so desperately looking for, is our
Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 9

However, Nicole didn’t seem to hear what her children said. Her eyes were
fixated on the screen while listening attentively to Evan as he described Kyle’s

He has been severely ill since he was a baby and is in urgent need of
treatment… This sentence seemed to have formed into a chant that played in her
mind on repeat.

I’m so sorry, Kyle…

It’s all Mommy’s fault. Mommy didn’t fulfill the responsibility of being a mother.
Mommy is so, so sorry!

Looking at her mother with a perplexed expression, Nina couldn’t seem to

understand her mother’s reaction.

Her mother had always nailed everything from fighting thieves and gangsters to
working miracles and doing house chores. She raised the three of them on her
own and never once shed a tear, even when encountering the biggest of

Nina then turned to look at Juan, her brother, with the same expression.

At the same time, Juan suddenly recalled the incident where he was mistaken for
someone else. Those bodyguards must have mistaken me for this boy, Kyle.

Kyle is my brother?

Then, could Evan Seet, who looks so similar to Kyle and me…

Be our daddy?

The gears in his little brain churned as Juan’s jaw hung open slightly, and his
eyes lit up.

On the other hand, Maya hopped down from the small chair she was sitting on
and padded towards Nicole. She stretched out a chubby hand and said, “Don’t
cry, Mommy. Here’s a piece of candy for you!”

Nicole returned to her senses and hastily wiped her tears away. Warmth spread
through her chest as she leaned down to scoop Maya into her arms.

At the same time, Juan was whispering a huge secret he had just unraveled to

Nina was equally shocked when she heard it.


Her abruptly raised voice got the attention of both Nicole and Maya.

“What’s going on with you two?”

“It’s nothing, Mommy. We were just talking about Kyle’s illness. It’s so sad to hear
what he had to go through, so we think that you should use your skills and treat
him, Mommy!”

Juan practically read Nicole’s mind.

Evan hates my guts, so he definitely won’t let me go anywhere near Kyle!

Getting past the Seets to treat Kyle is easier said than done.

Though still young, Nina could clearly detect her mother’s anxiousness. She then
ran to her bedroom and took out her most precious box.

“Mommy, I don’t mind letting you use my magic tools.”

“What magic tools?” Maya craned her neck to look at the box.

Nina gave her a sidelong glance. “You don’t need to know. It’s definitely not
chocolate, candies, or cakes.”

Maya rolled her eyes in response. “Of course I know that. Your box is filled with
makeup products meant for grown-ups. Mommy doesn’t need any of these things
because she’s already beautiful.”

But Nicole’s eyes brightened with understanding and asked, “Nina, were you
trying to ask Mommy to put on a disguise and treat Kyle?”

“Yes! Mommy is the smartest!”

Nicole studied the variety of tools in Nina’s makeup box, nodding imperceptibly
as Nina’s suggestion settled in her mind.

This is indeed a good idea and also the fastest way I can get close to Kyle.

It’s a good thing God has blessed me with a daughter who has skills that can rival
that of international makeup artists. So, this problem of mine is officially solved.

Meanwhile, at Seet Group.

When John, who was still fretting over the company’s abrupt system failure, saw
Evan seeking medical treatment for Kyle on TV, he suddenly recalled something
and rushed out of the company.

Twenty minutes later.

He knocked on the front door of Hillside Villa.

The Seets’ butler, Blake, was the one who opened the door. When he saw who it
was, he politely asked, “Mr. Lane, are you looking for Mr. Seet? I’m afraid he’s
not home.”

“No, it’s Kyle I’m looking for.”

John walked into the living room and saw Kyle sitting on the sofa with a sullen
expression. He was literally a miniature version of Evan with that cold and
arrogant temperament of his.

Clearing his throat, he then approached Kyle.

“Hi there, little Kyle. Do you remember me? I’m John, and I came here to see

Kyle turned around to give him a once-over before replying in a bored tone,
“Well? Do you like what you see?”


“Yes. Yes, of course. You’re the most handsome boy I’ve ever seen, little Kyle!”
John gave him two thumbs-up.

Hearing his response, Kyle sent John a fleeting glance and turned away. “Then
you can leave now.”
John was stunned for a moment, then put on a tight smile. “Little Kyle, there’s
also something else.”

“In that case, stop talking nonsense and get straight to the point!”

Although Kyle was young, he was highly perceptive and often seemed like he
could unveil a person’s innermost thoughts.

John suddenly felt like he wasn’t talking to a mere child but to the overbearing
and intimidating Evan Seet instead.

“Okay. Then, I’ll get straight to the point, little Kyle. I heard that Mason, the
world’s top hacker, personally taught you how to crack various system encryption
keys. Is that true?”

Kyle squinted at him impatiently.

John immediately blurted out, “The company has been hacked, and the system is
completely down. Can you help me, little Kyle?”
Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 10

“What does that have to do with me?” Kyle scoffed and got up to head back to his

John was surprised by his reaction. “Little Kyle, this is your family’s company. Of
course, it has something to do with you-”


Only the sound of the door being slammed shut answered John.

His temper is exactly the same as Mr. Seet’s! Like father like son!

John stood outside his door with a humiliated look on his face, at a loss of what
to do.

When he spotted Blake, the family butler, his eyes lit up, and he immediately
approached him. “Sir, what does Kyle usually like to do?”

Blake mused over the question for a while, then sighed.

“Kyle’s Lego collection and iPad have been confiscated by Mr. Seet. He usually
likes to play with those.”

Lego and an iPad… That’s easy enough!

John rushed to a mall to buy the latest iPad version and ten Lego models. Then,
he brought them back to Hillside Villa and knocked on Kyle’s bedroom door.
“Kyle, I bought for you your favorite Lego as well as an iPad. They’re all the latest
and hottest models!”

After making his announcement, he waited outside, fully confident in himself.

Sure enough, the door opened after only a short while.

Kyle blinked at the pile of toys on the floor in surprise before transferring his gaze
to John.

His eyes flashed with an array of emotions as he tried to figure out John’s

John chuckled awkwardly and explained, “I bought all of this for you. I’m happy
as long as you like it. You don’t need to thank me.”

“Thank you?” Kyle curled his lips and feigned sympathy when he looked at him.
“Don’t get me wrong. I’m actually worried for you.”

John’s brows creased in confusion.

“My dad confiscated my Lego and iPad, but here you are, bringing me ten
different Lego models and a new iPad. Are you deliberately defying him?”


John’s heart went cold. He didn’t mean it like this at all.

“My dad hates it the most when people go against him. Just think about the

The consequences…
Evan’s cold and emotionless face appeared in John’s mind, making a chill run
down his spine.

What was I thinking, coming to the president’s house and outright challenging his

“Kyle, I better take these toys away first. I don’t know if I’ll be able to keep my job
if Mr. Seet gets angry!”

But Kyle didn’t answer him. He only took out his phone to snap photos of this pile
of Lego models.

“My dad will know even if you take them away.”

With a calm look on his face, he showed the screen of his phone to John and
waved the evidence in front of him.


John was dumbstruck and could only suffer in silence because the retaliation
would get him nowhere. “Kyle, I didn’t do anything to you. You can’t possibly do
this to me.”

“Let’s make a deal. If you help me with something, then I’ll keep this a secret
between us.”

“What is it?”

Kyle gestured for him to come closer. Following that, John leaned in and
obediently put his ear next to the boy’s mouth.

Then, Kyle cupped a hand around his mouth and whispered something.
After he was done, John’s eyes widened in shock. “You want me to… No, no, no!
Mr. Seet will kill me!”

Kyle wants me to find out where his mother is and dig up information about Mr.
Seet’s woman. How can I do something like this?

“You won’t do it? I can make sure my dad sees these photos in less than three

“No! Why don’t we discuss it further, Kyle?”

Just after he said this, his phone rang in his pocket. He glanced at the screen,
and his heart almost leaped out of his chest when he saw that it was Evan

Instantly, he straightened himself and went to the living room to answer the call.

“You still haven’t found out who got past the firewalls? I’m starting to think you
actually want to be thrown into the Pacific Ocean and fed to the sharks!”

“Mr. Seet, I’m on it. I’ll find the culprit as soon as possible!”

“You have two hours, or else…”

“I’ll be thrown into the Pacific Ocean and fed to the sharks!” John blurted out as if
he were answering to a military order.

“You’re going to the Pacific Ocean?”

John looked down and saw Kyle, who was standing by the side with a look of

For some reason, he felt slightly comforted by that and sighed in an aggrieved
manner. “Of course I don’t!”
“Yeah. The sharks will probably have an upset stomach if they eat you!”

John was utterly speechless. Kyle is sympathizing with the sharks and not me?

“Kyle, for the… for the sake of the sharks, can you help me out?”

“Then promise me that you’ll help find my mommy!”

John breathed in and out several times. After contemplating for a while, he finally
chose the most likely option to preserve his own life. “Deal!”

When the two reached a consensus, Kyle ran to his study and turned on the
computer. Meanwhile, John almost went cross-eyed watching Kyle’s fingers fly
across the keyboard.

“Done! This is the hacker’s address!”

John was pleasantly surprised.

“You’ve found it that soon?”

Kyle shot him a look that could cut and said, “Half a month. I want to know about
my mommy in half a month!”

With that, he went straight downstairs.

Half a month…

John felt as if he was carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders.

But lucky for him, the current crisis had been resolved!

He couldn’t wait to call Evan and relay the good news.

“Who did it?” This was still the matter at the forefront of Evan’s mind.

“Mr. Seet, it seems that the hacker lives in Parkland Garden.”

“Continue investigating!”

“Yes, Mr. Seet.”

The company’s system had returned to normal. In the meantime, Evan had just
turned on his computer when an email notification popped up.

He opened it, and the next thing he knew, the ice coating his face instantly
melted a fraction.

After reading the email, he immediately dialed the number that was stated in it.

“Hello, this is Evan Seet. Are you Dr. Tussaud?”

Nicole subconsciously clenched her fingers when she heard this deep and sexy

Her heart was beating frantically in her chest.

If it weren’t for Kyle, I would never take the initiative to contact this vile and
Lucifer-like pervert!

“Yes, I’m Tussaud. I heard that you were looking for me. I can save your son, but
on one condition…”
Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 11

Outside Hillside Villa.

An anxious Nicole mustered up her courage and pressed the doorbell.

The face Nina drew is obviously different from the one before. No one’s gonna

That’s right, so stay calm. Stay calm!

The door opened, and the butler, Blake, glanced at her. Realization dawned upon
him as he noticed the medical kit in her hand.

“Are you the miracle doctor who’s here to see Kyle?”


“Please come with me. Mr. Seet’s waiting for you.”

Nicole carefully observed the villa while walking behind Blake. As expected of the
Seet family. Every decoration here reflects their power and wealth.

As soon as she reached the living room, Nicole’s chest tightened when she saw
Evan’s stand-offish face.

“You’re Dr. Tussaud?” he asked, gazing at her with a pair of hawk eyes.
The woman appeared to be in her thirties and had slightly tanned skin. She was
the kind of woman who wouldn’t stand out from the crowd if she were thrown into

“Yes,” Nicole answered, gripping her fists as she tried her best to remain calm.

After a pause, Evan responded casually, “You may proceed.”

Seeing that he didn’t recognize her, Nicole breathed a sigh of relief.

“Please come with me, Doctor,” said Blake.

After that, they headed to the bedroom, with Evan following behind.

Kyle’s room was decorated lavishly but also looked fresh and clean. It looks like
the Seets are treating him exactly as they should be. Nicole was relieved.

However, her heart ached as she gazed upon an ashen-looking Kyle lying in bed.

“This is Kyle, Dr. Tussaud. Please have a look at him.”

With a nod, Nicole rushed to the bedside, leaned over, and touched Kyle’s

Kyle opened his eyes and frowned as he saw Nicole.

As the mother and son met, Nicole was overwhelmed with mixed feelings.

The agony was indescribable.

“Where does it hurt, Kyle?”

“Who are you?” Kyle stared at her with his big eyes.
All the women who came to the villa would always have their faces caked, but
this lady was very different from the rest as she only had light makeup on.

Moreover, she had a faint, reddish mark the size of a fingernail on her left cheek.

The woman didn’t look pretty, but there was something oddly familiar about her.

“I’m a doctor, and I’m here to treat you.”

Her gaze darkened as she gently felt his pulse.

From the boy’s heartbeat, she could deduce that his stomach and lungs were
very weak for someone his age.

“Kyle was coughing blood again just a while ago, Dr. Tussaud. What on earth is

“His body is weak. That was why he coughed up blood earlier. This often has
something to do with the digestive and respiratory tracts, and this time, it was his
stomach. So he has to be extra meticulous with his diet. I’ll perform acupuncture
on him and give him a prescription later. After that, do remember to keep him
under vigilant care.”


Hearing Blake’s reply, Kyle began to act out.

“I don’t want any acupuncture! I don’t need to be treated because I’m perfectly
fine! Get her out of here!”

Evan, who had remained silent all this while, finally spoke up. “Behave, Kyle!”

Despite giving the boy an order, there was a trace of pity in his voice.
Nicole glanced at him before walking toward Kyle with a few long and thin silver

Right then, Kyle proceeded to kick up another fuss before she even touched him.

“No! I’m not sick! I don’t want acupuncture!”

“That’s enough, Kyle!”

With Evan’s sudden yelling, the ill child burst into tears. “Mommy! I want my

Nicole instantly felt like her heart was squeezed by an invisible hand. It hurt so
much that her expression turned awful in a flash.

“Mommy! Mommy! I want Mommy!”

Kyle. My dear Kyle…

At that moment, Nicole could no longer contain herself at the sound of the child’s
weeping anymore. With trembling hands, she reached out towards Kyle’s arm.

Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo

Chapter 12

“I told you your mother’s dead! Don’t you ever mention her again!”

Evan’s cold admonishing caused Nicole to freeze for a moment.


He actually told Kyle I’m dead?

Her eyes were instantly filled with rage.

“No! You’re lying. Mommy isn’t dead!” Kyle continued to throw a fit.

Evan began to exude a dangerous aura at the mention of the woman. He now
looked like a lion that had been angered.

“I said she’s dead, so she’s dead! You’d better start behaving, Kyle, or -”

“How could you talk to a child like that? I’d say he’s in such a state because you
didn’t take good care of him! What kind of a father are you?” Nicole shouted as
her motherly instincts came over, wanting to protect the kid.

She trembled as she spoke.

Her words rang in Evan’s ears. It made him especially surprised to have been
interrupted, and even worse, berated.

Realizing she had gotten too worked up, Nicole lowered her head and tried to
recompose herself. “What I meant was – the boy is still young, so you should talk
to him nicely.”

Evan stared at her in suspicion. “That voice of yours earlier…”

“I got too emotional. People tend to sound different when their emotions get the
better of them.”

While explaining, Nicole noticed Evan’s inquisitive gaze on her, and her chest
“Don’t forget that you’ve agreed to my terms, Mr. Seet. I’m the doctor here, and
I’m in charge of the entire treatment process. So, I’m asking you now to please
leave, and don’t interfere with my work.”

Evan stared at the miracle doctor attentively. Despite feeling suspicious about
her, he couldn’t figure anything out.

Seeing the man remain still, Nicole urged once more, “Please cooperate.”

He gave a final look at his son, who was lying in bed. Only then, he finally left the
room with a stony expression.

After Evan left, Nicole began to comfort the sobbing child.

“You’re a tough guy, Kyle. Don’t cry.”

Kyle glanced at her unhappily and wiped his tears.

He never cried except when he was thinking of his mother.

After much coaxing, the boy finally agreed to let Nicole perform acupuncture on

“Does it hurt?”

Kyle shook his head.

Nicole’s eyes became wet with tears. How could it not hurt? He was crying so
much, and yet he’s acting so strong right now.

“You’re amazing, Kyle!”

“I don’t need you to tell me that.”

Hearing the boy refute her, Nicole caressed his head.

Kyle hated being touched by others, but for some reason, he didn’t feel like
getting mad at Nicole for doing it.

“You’ll have to eat your meals regularly from now on, Kyle. Don’t take anything
spicy, and also -”

“Okay, I got it. You’re so annoying!”

Since Kyle didn’t like listening to her, Nicole stopped talking. It’s better if I talked
to Evan anyway.

Nicole then left the room, prescribed some herbs, and told Blake, the butler, to be
more mindful of the boy’s diet.

“I’ll remember everything, Dr. Tussaud,” Blake responded.

“Okay. I’ll drop by again tomorrow.”

Just as she spoke, Evan’s frigid voice came from behind.

“Will Kyle have to go through acupuncture every day?”

Nicole stilled for a moment. “I can’t say right now if it’s necessary. I’ll have a look
at his condition again tomorrow.”

Evan stared at her for a long while before finally giving her a one-word response.


“Well, I’ll be heading back now.”

Unable to handle the man’s sharp eyes, Nicole put on a calm act and left with her
medical kit.

After watching her leave, Evan’s eyes darkened as he gave one of the
bodyguards an order.

“Follow her.”

“Yes, Sir.”

Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo

Chapter 13

After leaving the Seet family villa, Nicole dropped by a dessert store and grabbed
some yogurt and chocolate cake before heading back to Parkland Garden.

The children were relieved to see their mother return safely.

“Did you get recognized, Mommy?”


“I told you I have awesome makeup skills. I’m so good at it that there’s no way
you’d be found out.”

Nina looked up proudly.

Nicole stroked the girl’s head and gave her a thumbs up. “You’re the best, Nina!”
“Are those for me, Mommy?” Maya stared at the box of desserts in Nicole’s hand,
her eyes twinkling with excitement.

“That’s right. They’re your favorite, Maya.”

“Thanks, Mommy!”

Maya happily took the box, placed it on the table, and opened it up.

“All you do is eat!”

“Yeah, well, that’s cause I love eating!” Maya rolled her eyes at Nina. “All you do
is play with makeup every day.”

“T-that’s cause I love being pretty! And I’ll always be, but as for you, you’re going
to end up looking like a pig!”


“Alright, Nina! Come here and help Mommy to remove makeup.”

Seeing the two little girls starting to bicker, Nicole hurriedly dragged the furious
Nina into the bathroom.

Juan frowned and sighed. They always said three was a crowd, but at their
home, having just two of those girls around was more than enough trouble.


Meanwhile, at Hillside Villa.

Evan’s gaze darkened as he stared at the location shown on the phone.

“This is the exact location of the hacker who ruined the company’s system, Mr.
Seet. 108, Block 4, Parkland Garden.”

Just as John’s words fell, the bodyguard who had been following Nicole walked

“The one you told us to follow entered Parkland Garden, Mr. Seet – to be precise,
it’s Unit 108, Block 4.”

The exact same address?

Evan’s face instantly turned gloomy as he clenched his fists.

The hacker, who destroyed the company’s system, and this “Dr. Tussaud”…

Evan emitted such a frosty aura that the room instantly turned cold.

On the other hand, John and the bodyguard exchanged glances. Knowing that
Evan was on the verge of exploding, they instinctively held their breaths, fearing
that their boss was about to take his anger out on them.

Then, Evan stood up all of a sudden. “Head on to Parkland Garden now!”

“Yes, Sir!”

The two quickly followed.

Twenty minutes later, a black Maybach sped into Parkland Garden.

With a loud screech, the car stopped right in front of a certain block.
Following that, a tall and cold-looking Evan got out of the vehicle.

He strode toward the mentioned location. Every step he took could make
someone tense up in fear.

At the same time, John and the bodyguards followed their boss closely behind.
They were well aware that whoever lived here was about to be in huge trouble.

Soon after that, they arrived in front of Unit 108, Block 4.

Evan glanced at John, causing the latter to bang on the door immediately.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The urgent knock from the other side of the door gave Nicole a shock, making
her nervous.

“Who is it?”

However, no one answered her, and instead, the loud banging continued.

My God. Why does it feel like there’s a loan shark at my door?

I just got back a few days ago, and I don’t owe anyone money.

Clearly displeased with the sudden disturbance, Nicole violently opened the door
and couldn’t help but grumble, “What the hell? Are you a…”

She immediately caught sight of Evan’s cold, menacing face.

Nicole’s mind went black, as though she had just been struck by lightning.

“So it really is you, woman!”

Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 14

Evan’s lips curled into a chilling smirk the moment he saw Nicole.

Without any delay, he walked straight into the woman’s home, but not before
giving her a shove.

Nicole swiftly returned to her senses while staggering. The man who stood in
front of her just a moment ago was now inside her living room.

“This is my home, Mr. Seet! You’re trespassing! Please leave right now!”

Nicole’s heart nearly leaped out of her chest. She was terrified that Evan would
stumble upon the three children.

Yet, Evan disregarded her words and smiled contemptuously. “Trespassing?

That’s nothing compared to your nasty deeds.”

Nasty deeds?

Nicole’s heart pounded. The fact that Evan had managed to find this place meant
he must have figured something out. Does he know I’m Dr. Tussaud?

“Feeling a tad guilty?”

Evan glared at the now stunned Nicole with his dagger-like eyes.
Upon hearing his words, Nicole gripped her fists in panic. Fighting Evan head-on
was certainly not an option; neither was going against those few bodyguards
behind him.

“Parents will always care about their children, Mr. Seet. I did it only so I could
give Kyle—” the treatment he needs!

The mention of that boy’s name struck a nerve in Evan.

“Shut it! You have no right to say my son’s name, and you certainly don’t have
the right to talk about parents being concerned about children!”

“Who are these guys, Mommy?”

Maya walked out of the bedroom and gazed at the group of men in curiosity.
“Wow, he looks just like Juan,” she muttered as her eyes fell on Evan’s face.

Evan stared at Maya with a frown.

This chubby kid just called her Mommy and looks just like her. Is that her

“What’s going on, Mommy?”

Maya also rushed out of the bedroom and frowned.

Her heart instantly began to boil as she saw Evan’s face.

Is he our daddy?

He had never asked how they were doing all these years and even picked on
their mommy the last time; now, he’s trespassing into their home? Outrageous.

“What are you doing?”

Nina hurriedly stood in front of Nicole and shouted at Evan.

Evan’s pupils constricted slightly at the sight of that. This woman sure is lucky.

She’s actually given birth to two daughters who look just like her.

Kyle, on the other hand, had always yearned for his mother, but sadly, never got
to experience a mother’s love!

Yet, this heartless woman completely forgot about his existence and bore herself
more children so quickly.

The thought of this made Evan’s eyes flash with rage.

“Are both of them your daughters?”

“Yes, Mr. Seet. If you have something against me, please come at me. Don’t hurt
them. They’re just children!”

“I’m not scared of him, Mommy!” Nina glared at Evan furiously as though the man
owed her a huge sum.

Evan scoffed. To him, Nina was a wild child with a terrible upbringing. Only a
woman like Nicole would raise such a child.

At the same time, Nicole was extremely frantic. Both Nina and Maya were slightly
shorter than Juan, and they looked completely different from the boys. Thus, it
was normal for Evan not to realize they were his children.

However, Juan was different. Not only did the boy resemble Kyle and Evan, but
he and Kyle were also of similar heights too. If Juan shows up and Evan sees
him, I’m going to lose him for sure.
“You had quite the guts to threaten me back there, didn’t you? Why are you
playing dumb now?”

Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo

Chapter 15

Evan’s glacial tone interrupted Nicole’s thoughts.

She looked up at the man, not understanding a word he had just said.

Threaten him? When have I ever done that?

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Mr. Seet.”

Evan snorted. “Too afraid to own up?”

Seeing how bewildered Nicole looked, the man scoffed and continued, “Only a
woman like you can do something as shallow as hacking into a company’s
system. Still, I’m more curious as to where you learned to be a hacker and

The doctor part was no surprise to Nicole. However, the hacking…

Did Juan do something?

He did fiddle around with the computer earlier when he was alone. Could he
have gotten revenge for me by hacking into Evan’s company website?
Upon realizing this, Nicole immediately eased the situation by admitting it was
her doing. “I learned hacking and medicine from my mentors.”

“So you admit it? Do you not fear death from doing such things?”

Evan’s frosty eyes narrowed as an intimidating aura engulfed him.

The moment he said that, Nicole instantly froze.

He’s going to take my life just because of this?

I can’t die yet!

I have to raise my three babies and make sure Kyle gets better.

“Kyle won’t be able to get better if you kill me, Mr. Seet.”

Evan’s face darkened at the mention of Kyle. There was no denying that Nicole’s
acupuncture treatments were helping.

The boy now felt much more at ease from just one treatment.

In that case, I’ll keep her alive for now so she can treat Kyle. This is her chance
to redeem herself, and I’ll think about the rest later.

“You can’t kill Mommy, Mister! Mommy works so hard to raise us!” Maya said
while looking innocent with her puppy eyes.

“We’ll hate you for life if you kill Mommy!”

Meanwhile, Nina looked as angry as a bull.

Evan was instantly filled with wrath as he looked down and saw the two little girls
protecting their mother.

It’s hard to raise them? They’ll hate me for life?

How is it my problem if she’s had a tough time raising them? She deserves it!

“I’ll spare your life, for now, Nicole Lane. Be glad that you’re being given a
chance at redemption. You’ll continue to treat Kyle, but you must never tell him
you’re his mother, or else…”

The rage in Evan’s eyes made Nicole quiver. She immediately placed herself in
front of her daughters and responded, “I understand, Mr. Seet. Don’t worry. I
won’t tell Kyle anything.”

“You’d better not.”

After Evan said that, he stared at her for a long time.

But just as he turned to leave, the sound of a mug falling to the ground suddenly
came from inside the bedroom.

There’s someone else?

Evan stopped in his tracks and turned to Nicole.

The woman’s eyes were filled with anxiety.

It must be the man she ended up marrying. He must be the father of these two

The thought of this made Evan’s gaze darken.

His precious Kyle had gone through so much suffering, but this woman continued
to live like the boy never existed.

He was determined to find out who this despicable man was.

After a short pause, Evan began heading toward the bedroom.

“You can’t go in there, Mr. Seet!”

Juan’s inside! Evan would surely recognize the boy.


“Mr. Seet, you can’t-”

The more Nicole resist, the more Evan became frustrated. With that, he pushed
her aside angrily. Look at how nervous she is. Is she worried that I’m about to
hurt her man?

D*mn it!

Evan slammed the door open as he arrived in front of the bedroom.

Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 16

Nicole’s heart stopped beating.

“Who are you?” Evan asked as he stared at the child curled up into a ball next to
the bed.

Nicole immediately rushed in and jumped in shock at the sight.

Since when did my precious Juan become a little girl?

The boy was wearing Nina’s clothes and had a wig on.

He sure moved quickly!

“S-She’s my daughters’ playmate.”

“Is that so?”

Juan nodded fervently.

Evan couldn’t be bothered with a “little girl”. He turned and left after giving Nicole
a glance.

Juan was secretly delighted. Isn’t he supposed to be a smart guy?

He actually fell for my tricks.

But this is just a preview. The show’s only about to start.

After locking the door, Nicole frantically pulled Juan into her arms.

“Thank God you acted quickly, or he would have found out.”

Juan fell silent as his eyes turned misty. If I tell Mommy that I had purposely drop
that glass, Mommy would surely…

Forget it. The moment he imagined his mother nagging him, he changed his
mind instantly. He wouldn’t want to go through that.

“Don’t worry, Mommy. I’ll be careful next time.”

Nicole hugged Juan even more tightly. This boy was her life. Evan Seet must
never find out about him.

Inside the Maybach.

“Who would’ve thought that woman had such guts to mess with you, Mr. Seet?”

“She’ll pay for it!”

John nodded thoughtfully.

“They’re right. Your abilities are endless, Mr. Seet. Mr. Kyle’s going to give that
woman a hard time whenever she tries to treat him.”

Thinking back to how Kyle behaved when he gave the child a Lego set and a
tablet, John figured he was being objective with his remarks.

Evan’s lips curled into a faint smirk. Kyle was abandoned not long after he was
born; it’s only natural if he gives that woman a hard time now.
The next day.

Nicole arrived at the Hillside Villa on time to treat Kyle.

Since she had already been discovered by Evan last night, there was no longer
any need to put on a disguise. Thus, she showed up as her true self.

Meanwhile, Kyle couldn’t get used to this new look.

“Where’s the lady from yesterday?”

Nicole reached for her medical kit and told Kyle that she was the same woman.

Kyle frowned; the more he stared at her, the more things didn’t seem right.

“No, you’re not!”

“It really is me. I had my own reasons for using a disguise yesterday, so…”

As Kyle listened to the woman explaining herself, he had a puzzled expression

on his face. The woman from yesterday might not look pretty at all, but she gave
off a warm and down-to-earth feeling.

Yet, that plain-looking face turned out to be a disguise?

Feeling as though his heart had been shattered, Kyle flew into a rage.

“So you’re a liar!”

“No, I’m not a liar. I’m-”

“Why should I believe you when you can even change your face?”
Nicole was stumped.

Evan, who was standing right next to them, gazed at Nicole in amusement.

“Remember this, Kyle. Women are always great liars. Not only can they change
their faces, but they can also play dead!”

Play dead…

Nicole could only suffer in silence at the mention of these two words.

She wouldn’t have chosen to play dead if it weren’t for the sake of protecting the
three children.

Upon hearing Evan’s words, Kyle glared at Nicole like an enemy.

“I won’t let a liar treat me, Dad. Make her leave!”

“I won’t lie to you, Kyle. You have to get better quickly,” Nicole insisted.

Then, she anxiously turned to Evan. “Kyle really has to be treated as soon as
possible, Mr. Seet. You should know what matters most right now.”

Evan glared at her before walking over to Kyle and stroking his head.

“She may be terrible, Kyle, but there’s no one else who can replace her. She’s an
excellent doctor and hacker. You can let her treat you as you compete over your
hacking skills.”

A hint of astonishment appeared in Kyle’s disdainful eyes.

“You know how to hack?”

Nicole stilled for a moment before nodding.

She didn’t know how to hack at all, but she’d readily say yes if it meant being
able to continue treating Kyle.

“Really? Then you can stay. But you’ll have to spend two hours practicing
hacking skills with me every day.”

Kyle gave her a goading stare.

Two hours each day…

This was practically impossible for Nicole as she obviously knew nothing about

Just as she was in a bind, Kyle continued, “What do you say?” If you won’t, then
get out of here!

Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo

Chapter 17

Nicole had no choice but to bite the bullet and agree to it.

She could only take one step at a time now.

Meanwhile, Evan narrowed his eyes. Kyle’s hacking skills were taught by the
world’s top hacker, so Nicole would definitely be no match for him.

Hopefully, after that, Kyle would think that she was stupid and come to hate her.
When Kyle can’t stand her anymore, I can tell him that she’s his mother whom he
has been wanting to meet. By then, he will definitely not accept her.

That’d be great then!

“Dr. Tussaud is extremely good at hacking. She easily changed my company’s

encryption key. So, Ms. Tussaud, don’t hesitate to guide Kyle while practicing
with him, will you?”

Evan’s exaggerated bragging made it sound like Nicole was an expert, sparking
Kyle’s curiosity so much that he wished to get it on with her right away.

Nicole’s heart was pounding as she listened to Evan. My cover will definitely be
blown if we were to start hacking now.

I must do something.

“Kyle, didn’t you promise to get treatment first? It’s more important.”

“Alright, then. Make it quick. We’ll have a go after it’s done!”

Nicole had no choice but to nod her head in agreement.

This time around, Kyle was cooperative and did not even frown. It was as if he
did not feel any pain at all.

However, Nicole felt distressed seeing a child showing such a high tolerance to

“It must have hurt a lot. I can give you a break before continuing with other

“Enough talk. Keep going!”

Saying nothing, Nicole sighed and continued with the acupuncture.

After the acupuncture treatment was over, Kyle got off the bed immediately,
ready to have a “hacking battle” with Nicole.

“Kyle, you can rest first.”

“Nah, there’s no need to! There are several computers in the study. You can
choose whichever you want.”

Nicole was stunned for a while, feeling guilty. “I need to use the washroom first.”

After which, she left in a hurry.

Once she was inside the washroom, she locked the door and let out a long sigh.

She then took out her phone and moved her fingers on the screen as she
muttered, “Juan, you’re the only one who can help me right now.”

She found Juan’s number and sent him a message.

Five minutes later, she walked out of the washroom.

“I’m ready.”

Seeing her confident stance, Kyle frowned. Could it be that this woman is really
good at hacking?

“Let’s go to the study!”

“But I have a request—we have to do it in different rooms!”

“To keep you from peeking at my screen!”

Kyle shot Nicole a disapproving look and wondered where she got her
confidence to say such a thing.

“As you wish!”

Immediately afterward, the two of them went into the study to choose their “battle
weapons”. After a while, Nicole held a laptop and walked into one of the guest

After that, she immediately texted Juan so that he could control the laptop

In the study, Kyle took his time to build the firewall, but it was cracked within a
few minutes.

This lady is really something!

He raised the level of difficulty.

Similarly, it was cracked within minutes.

In a fit of anger, he raised the degree of difficulty to the highest, which was a feat
taught to him by the world’s top hacker. He didn’t believe that it could be cracked.

Just when he was confident that he would win, a firewall alert popped up.

Kyle widened his eyes in surprise as he began to work on resolving it with

intense concentration.

Looking at the screen, Nicole frowned slightly and suddenly halted Juan’s remote
access to her laptop.
That’s enough. If Juan can really defeat Kyle, it will definitely deal a blow to Kyle.

On the other end, Juan thumped the table after his remote access was cut off.
What is mommy doing?

I was still figuring out how to crack this rare firewall system.

The more he thought about it, the more upset he felt. Thus, he took his phone
and called his mother.

Nicole glanced at the door before answering the phone with her voice lowered,
“Juan, that’s enough help.”

“Mommy, the system Kyle builds is so complicated. I was still looking into it. Why
did you-”

“Can you crack it?”

“I’m not sure. It is quite advance, and I’ve never encountered one before.”

It seemed that Kyle was still more skillful than Juan was.

“Alright, Juan, you’ve already done a great job. It’s inconvenient for me to talk
now. Talk to you later.”

After she hung up the phone, she started to click around cluelessly.

Earlier, Kyle had asked her to practice with him for two hours a day. But since
she had decided not to take it too far, she could just spend two hours
dilly-dallying on the screen. Surely, Kyle would not come up with other tactics
after this?

It was not until two hours had passed that Nicole walked out of the room.
“You’re amazing, Kyle. I can’t crack it. I surrender.”

Saying nothing, Kyle looked up at Nicole, feeling angry.

Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo

Chapter 18

He was no fool and knew very well that this woman was obviously holding back.

Judging from the time it took her to crack the first two firewalls, such a long
period of time could have allowed her to at least do something to the last firewall
even though it was of the advanced level.

He gave Nicole a cold look, walked into his bedroom, and then slammed the door

What’s going on?

Confused, Nicole did not understand why he acted that way.

Blake, the butler, walked over and looked at her, saying, “Dr. Tussaud, maybe
Kyle is too tired. You should go back first.”

Nicole thought for a while and nodded her head. Before coming over this
morning, she had promised her three kids that she would take them to the

“Okay, I’ll come back tomorrow.”

When Evan returned from his office at noon, Nicole had already left.

He nodded in satisfaction after learning from Blake that Kyle had slammed the
door in Nicole’s face.

Nicole must have made Kyle angry. That’s great!

I’m glad that this woman is good at being annoying. By the time Kyle’s illness is
cured, he will probably never want to see her again.

After Nicole sent her three kids to the kindergarten early the next morning, she
rushed to get some desserts and brought them to the Hillside Villa.

When she brought Maya to get some desserts yesterday, she remembered that
she had previously run into Evan, who was buying desserts for Kyle. That meant
Kyle liked the desserts too.

Therefore, she purposely went to get some desserts and brought them over

Looking at the pastries she brought, Kyle knitted his brows.

This woman held back while practicing with me yesterday, and today, she
brought pastries over. She must be up to something.

“This is for you, Kyle.”

Nicole happily handed a piece of cake to Kyle.

Kyle looked at her warily and uttered a “No” before he turned his head away.

Nicole’s hand stopped in the air for a brief moment, and she retracted it
Evan looked on while thinking to himself, Serves you right, Nicole. You’re simply
biting off more than you can chew. Hmph! To think you’re trying to get Kyle to like
you using some cakes.

“Dr. Tussaud, just do your job as a doctor! You don’t need to worry about the
other stuff concerning my son.”

Nicole turned around and looked at the gloating Evan as her blood boiled.

This man really wants Kyle to hate me, doesn’t he?

Damn it!

She feigned a bitter smile. “You’re right, Mr. Seet. I’ll focus on treating Kyle.”

“That’s good then.”

Smirking slightly, Evan shot Nicole a meaningful glance before he walked out
with his coat.

“Let’s start.”

Kyle’s voice pulled her back to reality. She sighed and followed him into his

He silently endured the pain during the whole treatment like he did yesterday.

After the acupuncture session, Kyle wanted Nicole to hack with him again.

Nicole hesitated. It was because Juan was at the kindergarten today, so he

couldn’t help her.

“What now? You’re scared?”

“Yes, Kyle, your skills are too good. You beat me.”

Yet Kyle wasn’t happy, albeit being praised. Instead, he glanced at her with a
displeased look. “You’re faking it!”

Well, yes… but, I’m more like an impostor since I know nothing about hacking.

Either way, she did not mind what Kyle said to her.

“Kyle, since I’ve already bought the cakes, why don’t you have a bite?”

Kyle, however, only glanced at her and did not answer.

Nicole suddenly remembered Maya, her little glutton. If I were to eat in front of
Kyle, would it make him crave for it too?

With this in mind, Nicole immediately put it into action.

Unboxing one of the cheesecake, she took one slice, sat down, and ate it with

But it backfired – Kyle just went upstairs after shooting her a glance.

Nevertheless, Nicole did not give up and followed him up the stairs. Since it was
something Kyle liked to eat, she hoped that he could have a little, even if it was
just one bite.

However, Kyle chided at her as soon as she walked upstairs, “Stay away from

“I know you like this cake, Kyle. Why don’t you-”

Before she could finish her sentence, she saw Kyle calling Evan and telling him,
“She’s got ulterior motives. Don’t have her over anymore.”
“Kyle, you-”

“My dad will agree to it!”

Kyle gave her a look of determination and walked straight downstairs.

Nicole was at a loss. A second later, her phone rang.

“Dr. Tussaud, it seems that Kyle really dislikes you.”

Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo

Chapter 19

Evan had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

“Mr. Seet, Kyle’s illness has not been cured, so I can’t just leave like this.”

Evan sneered. “Telling me this is useless. Kyle is the one that is determined to
dismiss you away. There’s nothing I can do.”

He’s determined to send me away?

If Even hadn’t give Kyle the idea that I’m a liar, Kyle would not have done that to

However, she was the one to blame after all…

She gave birth to quadruplets back then. If it weren’t for Kyle’s poor health and
the need for the best treatment since birth, she would not have sent him to the
But now that she was already a well-known doctor, Tussaud, she must cure Kyle.

“Mr. Seet, I will convince Kyle. Please give me another chance!” Nicole implored.

Due to Kyle’s illness, Evan was not in a rush to chase Nicole away. After a long
silence, he said coldly, “Well, that depends on you. You must know that I’m not
the one to give you this chance, but Kyle!”

After he finished that sentence, he directly hung up.

Nicole let out a long sigh. As long as Evan didn’t insist on dismissing her, she
could still try to convince Kyle.

That’s right. I’d be a failure if I can’t even handle a kid.

However, Kyle’s a stubborn, arrogant, and strong-minded kid. How should I deal
with him?

Nicole sank into deep thought.

It’s often said that knowing is half the battle. It seems that I have to find out Kyle’s
preferences and weaknesses first.

Looking at Blake in the courtyard, an idea popped up in Nicole’s mind, and she
walked over to talk to him.

Blake was respectful towards her since she was, after all, known as a miracle
doctor and was now treating Kyle.

“Ms. Tussaud, you’re saying you want to know if Kyle has a wish?”

“Yes!” Nicole gave a firm nod.

Blake heaved a sigh and began to speak earnestly.

Nicole’s sorrow grew as she listened to what Blake had said. It turned out that
Kyle’s greatest wish was to find his mother.

For a child who had lacked the love of a mother since young, he would, of
course, yearn for a mother’s love and hope that his mother could be by his side.

However, Evan forbade her from telling Kyle that she was his mother.

What should I do?

Blake sighed and continued, “Ms. Tussaud, I believe, as a woman, you can relate
as well. I heard that you also have children of your own. You can pay more
attention to Kyle. He spends most of his time with Mr. Seet only. In fact, he’s also
quite lonely and needs love too.”

Nicole nodded her head, feeling her heart ache.

After that, Blake went on with his work, leaving Nicole to her thoughts as she
pondered about what Blake had said.

All of a sudden, her eyes lit up. I’ve got an idea!

She walked towards Kyle’s bedroom and plucked up the courage to knock on the

“Open the door, Kyle!”

“Why haven’t you left?”

“There’s one more thing I haven’t done.”

“Which is?”

“I’ll tell you after you open the door.”

“Ugh, you’re so annoying!”

It took a full fifteen minutes before Kyle opened the door.

He glanced at her, irritated. “So?”

“Kyle, why don’t you let me stay, and we’ll change some rules?”

Kyle shot her a wary glance, wondering what this woman was up to again.

“I wanted to make some changes to our original plan of the two-hour

post-treatment practicing.”

Staring straight at her, Kyle remained silent despite his curiosity.

After a while, Nicole added, “I think it’s not good for you to always stay at home.
How about I go out with you for two hours every day to get more contact with the
outside world? What do you think?”

This suggestion came as a surprise to Kyle. Having some contact with the
outside world did seem very appealing to him.

Due to his poor health, his father never allowed him to play outside…

It was just that if his father found out about this, he would definitely be mad.

Noticing his hesitation, Nicole put forward what she thought was more

“Only by getting more contact with the outside world may you meet the person
you like and want to see.”

As soon as Kyle heard that, he immediately thought of his mother.

He had always been wanting to look for his mother, but his father would not let
him. His father kept telling him that his mother had died and forbade him from
talking about her.

If I can go out for two hours a day, isn’t this a good opportunity for me to look for
Mommy in secret?

Seeing Kyle lost in thoughts, Nicole knew that she had a shot. Thus, she
prompted softly, “How about it?”

Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo

Chapter 20

Kyle was happy deep down, but he simply gave a slight nod with a calm
expression on his face.

Seeing that he had agreed to it, Nicole breathed a sigh of relief as she was finally
able to stay and treat him.

“Will your dad agree to it?” Nicole was worried.

“I won’t tell my dad.”

Nicole was satisfied with this answer. “That’s great! Pinky promise!”

Kyle glanced at her disdainfully and said, “How childish!”

But he still stretched out his pinky to lock hers.

Finally, they had come to an understanding! Nicole smiled sweetly while looking
at both of their fingers that were hooked together.

Later, in the evening, Evan was very surprised to learn that Kyle had given Nicole
a second chance. It baffled him as he wondered how Nicole did it.

Kyle was stunned. If I tell him that we’ll be going out for two hours a day, Dad will
most definitely object.

After thinking for a while, he told Evan, “She’s quite good for a doctor.”

Huh? Just because of this?

Nonetheless, Evan was not convinced, as Kyle was not a child who could be
easily persuaded.

Nicole must have pulled some sort of trick. That scheming woman.

He glanced at Kyle before walking to his study.

Kyle breathed a sigh of relief. Having never lied, he hoped that his father would
not find out.

The next day, Nicole arrived at the Hillside Villa on time.

Evan especially warned her that he would make her pay a terrible price if she
dared to harbor intentions that shouldn’t be harbored or lead Kyle astray.

Pulling a long face, Nicole could not help but protest inwardly. Why does this
bastard always think that I’m up to no good? I’m Kyle’s mom, for goodness’ sake.
No mom will purposely harm their son!

“Did you hear me?” Evan probed after not getting a response from her.
Nicole had no choice but to reply, “Yes, I did. Don’t worry, Mr. Seet, I’ll never lead
Kyle astray.”

Upon hearing that, Evan’s sharp eyes scanned her from head to toe before he
left for work.

After he left, she went to the bedroom and began to insert needles on the
acupoints of Kyle, who had already gotten himself ready.

During the treatment, Kyle kept urging her to hurry up.

When the treatment was finally over, Nicole was worried as she looked at Kyle’s
expectant face and asked, “Will Blake tell your dad?”

“Don’t worry!”

After speaking, Kyle covered a teddy bear and one of his pillows with a blanket
and made it as if he were sleeping on his bed.

Then, he had Nicole tell Blake that he needed to rest and sleep after the
acupuncture treatment and that no one should disrupt his sleep.

After that, Nicole helped him sneaked out of Hillside Villa when Blake was not

Looking at Kyle, who was next to her, Nicole was very excited, as she had been
dreaming of having the opportunity to spend time alone with her son.

“Would you like to have some froyo, Kyle? I can take you.”

Kyle glanced at her.

Although he really wanted to eat it, it was more important to find mommy.
Besides, he could have froyo anytime by simply making a call to his father.
“I wanna go to The Passion.”


Nicole looked at him in astonishment. Why would a kid want to go to such a


However, Kyle was too lazy to explain, only urging her to drive.

“Why do you want to go to a bar?”

Kyle gave her a sidelong glance.

Seeing Kyle’s serious face and his refusal to answer her, Nicole had no choice
but to take him there.

After twenty minutes, she parked her car in the parking lot of the bar.

When they reached, Kyle didn’t get out of the car. Instead, he took out his phone
and called John.

Once the call connected, he asked while furrowing his brows, “You still remember
our deal, right?

The mention of the deal caused John’s heart to skip a beat. Kyle has such a
good memory.

“Y-Yes, of course I still remember it.”

“Did you manage to find anything?”

Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 21

“Kyle, you know very well that this is no easy job. Besides, I can’t let Mr. Seet
know and can only do it in secret, so the progress is slower.” John cooked up
some excuses.

Kyle had expected him to say so. “Come to The Passion now. You must be here
within twenty minutes.”

“What? I’m at work, Kyle, if Mr. Seet finds out—”

“Or bear the consequences!”

With that, Kyle directly hung up without waiting for him to finish his sentence.

John placed his palm over his forehead helplessly. Gosh! Why do I have to deal
with both “Lucifer” and his son? Why is my life so difficult?

Considering that Kyle was as cruel as Mr. Seet and had always done what he
said, he didn’t dare to waste any more time and rushed to The Passion on time.

After that, Kyle got out of the car by himself and told Nicole not to show her face
as he didn’t want John to find out about her.

“Can I help you, Kyle?”

“Go and get a CCTV footage for me!”

“What footage specifically?”

“I heard that my dad once looked for a woman with one million as a reward. That
woman once threw money at him in this bar. I want the footage of that woman.”

John’s heart skipped a beat. Does Kyle actually know about this?

He must have seen it from the computer.

In order to let Kyle know the history of Seet Group, Evan had specifically let Kyle
go through all his interviews. Thus, Kyle did not miss out on a single interview,
and he must have learned about it because of this.

“Why do you want to find that woman, Kyle?”

She was the only woman his father had ever looked for, so she must have an
unusual relationship with his father. Moreover, there were no other clues, so he
could only start from her.

“Just do as I say!”

Oh, I can’t even ask?

John had no choice but to obey. “Please wait for a while.”

As he walked into the bar, he thought, It’s true that this woman is his mother, but
Mr. Seet doesn’t want him to know about this. How can I get around it?

But John did not return even after a long time, and Kyle got a little impatient.

Just when he turned around to make a call, a voice was suddenly heard coming
from above him, asking, “Why are you here, Kyle?”

Sofie Sweeting again? Ah, the woman who keeps pestering dad. She is so
Hearing her voice, Kyle deliberately turned around and walked straight ahead
while completely ignoring her.

“Hey, I’m talking to you, Kyle!” shouted Sofie.

But Kyle kept going.

“What a rude kid!”

Sofie frowned as she looked at him leaving and thought to herself. Why is he
here alone?

Nah, Evan won’t let Kyle come out alone, which means Evan must be here too.

In the past few days, she had been trying to find a chance to see Evan, so this
came as a good chance for her.

With this in mind, she immediately went after Kyle.

Why is this rascal gone in a blink of an eye?

Looking at the rows of cars, Sofie grew anxious.

I must not miss such a good opportunity to meet Evan!

After being stunned for a while, she immediately took out her phone and called

Evan, who was working, glanced at the caller ID and answered impatiently, “What
is it?”

“Evan, I saw Kyle just now, but he disappeared in a blink of an eye. I’m a little
worried. Is he with you?”
She saw Kyle?

Evan was surprised.

“Where did you see him?”

“At the parking lot of The Passion.”

The mention of the location surprised Evan even more. Why would Kyle go to
that place?

“You’re seeing things!”

What a weirdo!

Evan could not be bothered by her and hung up the phone directly. Lowering his
head, he continued to bury himself in his work. After a while, he suddenly froze
as he thought of something.

Kyle wouldn’t go to a bar, but he’s with Nicole. That weird woman will do

What if she’s the one bringing Kyle to the bar…

Thinking of this, Evan immediately called Blake.

“Is Kyle home?”

Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 22

“Yes, he has been napping in his room since an hour ago. Mr. Seet, do you need

“An hour?”

“Yes, Ms. Tussaud had instructed me not to disturb him earlier, before she left.”

With that, Evan hung up almost immediately. He grabbed his jacket and swiftly
made his way back home.

Meanwhile, Sofie flew into a fit of rage upon learning that Evan had hung up on

She was certain that Evan did not want her to know of his whereabouts. He must
have been in the bar, flirting with some b*tch!

With such a thought in mind, Sofie hurried off to the bar in a huff.

Only daring to stand up after she had left, Kyle returned to Nicole’s car restlessly.

“Kyle, where have you been? You’ve scared the wits out of me!”

Since Nicole appeared to be anxious, Kyle informed her about the situation
regarding Sofie.

“Sofie has just informed Dad about me. We have to leave now!”

Nicole tensed up as she started to knead her hands together anxiously. If Evan
finds out about it, he won’t allow me to even cast a step near Kyle anymore.

What shall I do now?

At that instance, her phone rang. She glanced at the caller’s ID before she had
answered it, asking, “Juan, what is it?”

“Mommy, Maya has seen the other kids eating yogurt toast. She wants some too.
Can you give me some money so that I can buy some?”

“Y-You aren’t at school?”

“The teacher at school has been teaching us stuff that I already know. I had
promised you that I’d take care of Maya, right? I’m outside Hillside Villa now.
Mommy, come on out!”

“Outside Hillside Villa? How did you get there?” Nicole was shocked.

“I had won an electric scooter from my friend! It’s the latest edition, so it’s cool
and pretty swift!”

If Evan discovers that I’d brought Kyle out secretly, he’ll chase me out. Seeing
that he is still sick, I can’t leave now.

Since Juan is currently outside Hillside Villa, there seems to be only one way out.

Meanwhile, a black Rolls-Royce drove into Hillside Villa’s garage.

The door opened to reveal Evan’s grim face; soon after, he immediately made his
way to Kyle’s room.
Nicole, if I find out that you’ve taken Kyle out without my permission, I’ll skin you

Meanwhile, upstairs, the butler, Blake, was slightly astounded to see Evan back,
at such an early hour.

“Mr. Seet, why are you home this early?”

“Where’s Kyle?”

Blake was confused. “Kyle? He’s sleeping in his room.”

Evan ignored him and strode over to open the door, only to discover that it was

Kyle had never once locked the door, even when he slept unless he was upset at

Something’s wrong.

Did Sofie really see Kyle? Then, did Kyle lock the door before climbing out of the

How ridiculous!

At that thought, anger blazed through Evan’s heart. He kicked the door open and
barged into the room right away.

There was a lump on the bed beneath the covers. Evan reached out and pulled
back the covers back to reveal a huge teddy bear.

Blake panicked instantly. “Err…”

“It must have been that foolish woman’s idea!” Evan gritted out.
Hmph! How could Daddy even yell at Mommy?

Juan, who happened to be changing his clothes in the closet, pouted in anger.

Momentarily, he pushed the doors open.

Blake was shocked by the noise, along with the kid’s sudden appearance.

“Kyle, why are you in the closet?”

Even Evan was astonished to see him. He frowned, as he studied the teddy bear
on the bed. “Kyle, what’s going on?”
Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 23

Barely managing to change into Kyle’s clothes after coming in, Juan found that
he had no time to deal with the teddy bear.

He hesitated, “I had merely hugged it while I was sleeping. Can’t I do that much?”

“You had hugged it? Kyle, you hate having other stuff on your bed when you


Oh, so Kyle has that habit?

Juan scratched his head.

“Well, people do change! As of now, I like hugging it to sleep. It’s fluffy and cute. I
can pinch it or cuddle with it, especially when I’m upset. That will certainly make
me feel much better.”

Making such a statement, Juan made his way towards the bed. Pulling the bear
into his arms, he demonstrated what he had meant.

Both Evan and Blake furrowed their brows, upon seeing how he had pinched and
cuddled the teddy bear.

Evan knew Kyle well. His son was not a person who would act in such a manner,
“What’s wrong? Is this not fun? Wanna try it for yourself?” Juan suggested as he
made an effort to push the teddy bear towards them.

Evan shot him a suspicious glance before taking the teddy bear from him. “Do
you feel better now?”

Juan was secretly thrilled. This is the perfect opportunity for me to praise

“I feel much better now. Dr. Tussaud certainly works miracles! Look, I’m so
energetic now!”

He even went as far as to kick his little legs out, in an effort to display his little

Blake was surprised at his reaction.

“Mr. Seet, it truly seems like Dr. Tussaud is really a miracle doctor! She had
healed Kyle and had even brought him into merry spirits.”

Evan’s eyes narrowed at his words. He studied his son, who had suddenly
seemed strange to him.

Kyle isn’t usually this talkative.

Why does he seem like a different boy altogether, today?

However, that’s certainly my son. He resembles me.

Juan felt uncomfortable under his intense gaze. His little heart began to thump
rapidly. I need to do this well. I can’t let them find out the truth, lest Mommy gets
He scratched his head pitifully before tugging at Evan’s top. “Daddy, can I sleep
some more?”

Mommy loves it when I act adorably.

This will work on Daddy, too!

Evan lowered his gaze and stared at his son.

Kyle had never once been so enthusiastic before. He had also never acted so
petulantly. Hence, Evan was unaccustomed to his son’s childish behavior, which
was seemingly abrupt.

“Sure. What do you want for dinner? I’ll ask the chef to prepare it for you.”

“Um, I want—” Juan trailed off.

He didn’t even know what Kyle’s favorite food was. What should I say?

“Kyle, just mention it. I’ll ensure that the chef prepares it for you, just as you have
wished for!” Blake urged.

Juan replied, “I want pork ribs, tofu, grilled pork, and vegetable rolls.”

Blake stared at him in utter disbelief. I had never prepared those dishes for Kyle
before. Why is he suddenly asking for them?

Evan was stunned as well.

Was it Nicole who told him about such dishes? She was the only person whom
he had met today.

“Mr. Seet, the chef has never concocted such dishes before. I’m not sure if he
can whip them up.”
“Since it’s Kyle’s wish, tell him to do his best.”

“Yes, Sir!”

Blake and Evan soon made their exit, leaving Juan alone on his bed. The little
boy rolled around and started muttering to himself, wondering when his Mommy
would arrive to pick him up.
Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 24

Meanwhile, Kyle was doubtful when Nicole reassured him that Evan wouldn’t find

Daddy is terribly clever. How did she manage to trick him?

“Are you sure that no one will find out?”

“Of course. Don’t worry, you can sneak back into your room. Just don’t let anyone
notice you and you’ll be fine.”

Kyle stared at her, still in doubt.

Earlier on, he had sneaked out, only to have failed to discover anything.

John had informed him that the surveillance cameras’ recordings had all been
destroyed since that happened a long time ago. He had tried his best, only to fail
at discovering anything.

Kyle was counting on another escape to thoroughly investigate the matter. If his
Dad had managed to see through his plan, he wouldn’t get the opportunity to
sneak out again.

That was why he was particularly concerned about this.

Nicole parked her car a distance away from Hillside Villa, so they wouldn’t get
caught. She then accompanied Kyle back to the villa and told him to be careful.
“Don’t worry!” Kyle replied impatiently and headed for the back wall.

Seeing his reaction, Nicole whipped out her phone and texted Juan to make his
exit carefully.

Juan was excited as he could finally leave, but he soon felt disappointed, as he
realized that he wouldn’t get to eat the dishes that he had ordered earlier.

Good food shouldn’t be wasted! I’ll remind Kyle to finish the food on my behalf,
he decided.

At that thought, Juan found that he was curious about Kyle too, leading him to
make the decision to stay, to meet Kyle.

Laying on the bed, he simply awaited Kyle’s return.

Soon, a light squeak was heard. The windows were pushed open and a little boy
jumped in.

Juan sat up and stared at the little boy in surprise.

Oh wow! He looks exactly like the boy on TV! He also looks identical to me! This
is awesome!

Kyle was stunned to see the boy staring at him curiously.

Why does he look exactly like me? He’s even wearing my clothes!

“Who are you?” Kyle inquired, as his usually expressionless eyes widened in

Juan walked up to him and giggled. “We look the same! Can’t you guess it? I’m
your older brother! Err, or maybe your younger brother.”
Older brother? Younger brother?

Kyle was confused. Dad never told me that I had siblings. Then, suddenly, a
sibling around my age appears?


Mommy brought him back!

At such a thought, Kyle’s eyes lit up.

He was about to ask of his Mommy when they both heard footsteps approaching.

Juan panicked and immediately reminded Kyle, “The chef has prepared a lot of
delicious dishes for you. They are all my favorite, so remember to finish them all!
I can’t let them see me, so I have to go now.”

He waved to Kyle and climbed out of the window.

Why can’t he let them see him? Kyle wondered.

However, seeing that his identical brother had thought to bid as such, Kyle
believed that it had ought to be kept a secret as well.

Just then, someone knocked upon the door.

Kyle spoke up impatiently, “What is it?”

“Kyle, dinner is ready. Mr. Seet is waiting downstairs for you.”

Kyle recalled what Juan had told him earlier, so he opened the door curiously.
When he arrived at the dining room and sat down, he could not help but frown at
the dishes on the table.

What are these dishes? They seem strange. I’ve never seen them before.

Evan’s face darkened, upon noticing his son’s expression.

Earlier, his eyes had lit up, in anticipation, when he had mentioned these dishes.

However, why does he appear reluctant to eat it now?

“Kyle, eat up,” he ordered.

At his words, Kyle took hold of his chopsticks and picked up a slice of tofu. He
chewed on it twice, before spitting it out in disgust.

“Is it not good?”

“Mhm, it’s weird.”

He’s complaining about the taste?

I bet he’ll nitpick on our chef; he’ll certainly request for Nicole now!

Evan fixed his gaze upon his son silently, waiting for him to continue.

Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 25

Kyle stood to his feet. “I’m not hungry anymore,” he declared before returning to
his room.

That’s it?

What was that?

Is he planning to go on a hunger strike, to threaten me so I’ll hire Nicole to cook

for him?

Dream on!

Evan was upset because his own son was currently being manipulated by Nicole.

“Mr. Seet, shall I prepare another meal for him?”

Other food?

He’ll simply find another reason to refuse the meal!

“Ignore him!” Evan replied coldly before he went to his study.

Meanwhile, Juan was happy to be reunited with Nicole. He then recounted

everything that had occurred at Hillside Villa.
Nicole’s fury heightened, upon hearing her son’s words. Damn you, Evan. How
dare you call me a foolish woman?

“Mommy, I praised your skills in front of Daddy.”


Nicole’s face turned stern. “Who is your Daddy?”

“Evan Seet, of course!”

“He has never taken care of you! Why are you calling him Daddy now?”

Nicole felt annoyed, as her son, whom she had brought up single-handedly was
now calling a man who had hated her, ‘Daddy’.

Juan touched his own head and grinned. “Mommy, do you want Kyle to call you


I’d given birth to him, so of course, I would want him to call me Mommy.

“That’s different,” Nicole insisted.

Well, Juan did not know what she had meant, by the word ‘different’.

His conclusion was, Mommy took care of us herself for the past few years. If she
reunites with Daddy, we can live together. Daddy will protect her!

We’ll become a perfect family again.

Juan really liked Kyle, so he thought that it would be fun to play with Kyle every

He stared at Nicole intently, hoping that his wish would come true.

“Mommy, did you marry Daddy back then?”

Daddy again?

Nicole glared at him irritatedly and responded, “No!”

Juan continued, “Then, Mommy, will you marry him now?”

Marry Evan Seet?

That b*stard wants me to die! No, he’ll still hate me even after I die!

She would never have escaped abroad with her three kids in tow if he hadn’t
offered a one million reward, for finding her. No one would understand how hard
these years had truly been for her.

Hence, she met Juan’s gaze and announced, “Even if he’s the only man left on
this earth, I’ll refuse to marry him! He can grovel at my feet sincerely, and sob
pitifully, but I still won’t marry him!”

She harrumphed coldly after her announcement.

A silence ensued.

Juan stared at his Mommy’s angry expression and thought to himself, It looks like
our family will not reunite for the time being.

However, if I teach Daddy a lesson to avenge Mommy, will she give him a
When they both arrived at school, Maya and Nina were waiting for them.

Maya was pouting unhappily. Juan had promised to buy her cake pops, but he
had never returned.

Upon seeing Nicole, she tugged at her clothes and complained about Juan.

“Maya, Juan didn’t buy the cake pops for you because he was helping me out.
Let’s go and buy it now, okay?”

Maya broke into a smile promptly and nodded.

At the dessert store, the three kids chose their favorite desserts. Juan picked one
and gave it to Maya. The little girl’s eyes shone with joy as she thanked her

As Juan’s desserts had ended up in front of Maya, Nicole stood up to buy some
for him.

She went to the dessert counter and spotted a walnut cookie, which Juan had
loved. She was about to pick it up when someone else beat her to it.

Looking up, she felt her heart sink.

Why is she here?

Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 26

“Nicole? Is that you? Where have you been for the past few years?”

Sylphiette Lane, her stepsister, came over to her with concern, trying to grab her

Nicole dodged her attempt to touch her.

There was no one else from their family here, so she wasn’t about to play along.

Sylphiette Lane was the daughter of her stepmother, Sylvia Howard, and her
father. She was a replica of Sylvia.

This woman liked to play the sympathy card. She had often pretended to be
weak, but in reality, she would scheme, behind one’s back. Bad, bad woman.

Nicole didn’t want to talk to Sylphiette. She didn’t mention her situation and she
had merely told Sylphiette briefly that she would visit their father soon. Then, she
turned to leave.

Sylphiette glowered at her back before following behind her silently.

Nicole was about to sit, when an abrupt voice rang out, “Nicole, are these your

Back then, Nicole didn’t marry Zach because she had gotten pregnant, with
another man’s kids.
One little girl is chubby, while the other is skinny. Nonetheless, they bear quite
the uncanny resemblance to Nicole.

Hmm, why does this boy seem familiar? I feel as though I’ve seen him
somewhere before.

Alas, Sylphiette’s memory failed her.

“What does that have to do with you?” Nicole shot her an annoyed look.

Damn, why has she followed me here? What is she trying to do now?

A pleasant smile played upon Sylphiette’s lips, as she started praising the kids,
saying that they could be little stars with their looks.

Then, she changed the topic and asked Nicole in a low voice, “Nicole, who is
their father? Back then, you’d gotten drunk and found yourself a… Well, does
their father know of their existence?”

Why is Sylphiette so concerned about the kids’ dad?

If she discovers that Evan is their dad, she might do something horrible!

Hence, she shook her head profusely. “No, I don’t know.”

“Nicole, they are no longer babies. Won’t they ask questions? Shall I hire
someone to help you find some clues?”

Help me find some clues?

There’s no way that she’ll be so kind. That is… until pigs start to fly!
Nicole dissed her silently before she sighed out loud, “It’s been a long time, so I
don’t really remember anything. It doesn’t matter whether they have a dad or not,
since they are already happy with me. There’s no need for an investigation.”

“Of course it matters. Their dad—”

“Okay, my kids have finished eating. We should leave now,” Nicole declared.

At her words, Nina and Juan stood up quickly, while Maya continued chomping
on her delicious chocolate cake.

Nina gave her a shove, and she stood up. Nevertheless, her eyes were still fixed
on the unfinished desserts. “Mommy, are we going to take away the leftovers?”

“No. Let Aunt Sylphiette buy you some desserts as a gift, alright?” Sylphiette put
on her best smile, trying to win them over.

As Juan and Nina were aware that their Mommy was unfriendly towards this
woman, they shook their heads and declined politely.

It was Maya who had hesitated at that moment, seemingly attracted by her offer.

Nina immediately leaned closer and whispered in her ear, “Mommy hates this
woman. We can’t receive her gift. If you do so, you’re a traitor!”

At her reminder, Maya hurriedly shook her head and proclaimed that she was full.

Nicole never expected little Maya to be able to resist the temptation of desserts.
Touched, she reached out to pet Maya’s head.

“We’ll get going now then!”

With that, she left with the kids in tow.

“Nicole, I—”

Sylphiette could only watch, as Nicole left without looking back.

She scoffed, “How arrogant! Your kids are nothing but b*stards! Just wait and
see. You’ll be in trouble soon!”
Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 27

The next day, Nicole arrived at Hillside Villa on time, to treat Kyle.

She was surprised when Evan sat aside and watched the entire treatment, his
gaze fixated on her.

Why isn’t Lucifer at his office today?

Did he suspect something after Kyle had sneaked out and got replaced by Juan?
Nicole pondered, deep in thought.

Suddenly, Evan let out a cold snort. “Dr. Tussaud, what are you scheming now?”

Of course, Nicole didn’t know what he had meant. She replied casually, “Oh,

She then continued her acupuncture treatment.

Kyle silently endured the pain and was cooperative throughout the entire process
of treatment.

The little boy rolled up his sleeves and gave her his little arm while shifting closer
to her.

Kyle was usually indifferent, so this was the first time that Evan had ever seen
him be this cooperative.

She’s good, huh? Kyle even listens to her!

Evan was certain that Kyle had ordered those dishes last night because she had
tricked him!

After the acupuncture treatment, Kyle rose to his feet. He was flabbergasted to
see Evan at home, instead of heading to work.

“Dad, won’t you go to work?”

Evan didn’t respond to his question. Instead, he gazed at Nicole before asking,
“Does she still practice hacking skills with you?”

No, we’ve changed that to playing outside for two hours.

However, since Kyle couldn’t be honest with Evan, he nodded and replied, “Yes.”

“There’s no need for her to go to such lengths. I’ll find someone else to practice
with you. Escort her out after the daily acupuncture treatment!”

Evan’s decision shocked both Kyle and Nicole.

Is he limiting the time that I get to spend with Kyle?

Why would he do that?

Before she could ask, Evan had already told her, “You can leave now!”

Damn, this is simply too sudden!

“Dad, I want to practice with her,” Kyle announced abruptly.

Evan shot him a furious glare. “You don’t like her, right? Then, you should stay
away from her!”
He then met Nicole’s gaze. “Dr. Tussaud, your job for the day is done. Please
leave now.”

Evan’s stance was firm, offering no room for negotiation.

Nicole was speechless at his decisiveness.

She had wanted to argue with Evan, but she knew it would be futile. Her words
would possibly cause him to feel offended.

If he gets offended and stops letting me treat Kyle, that’ll be worse, right?

At that thought, Nicole had no choice but to leave.

As she was forced to leave, Kyle couldn’t even sneak out, to investigate his
Mommy. Anger and displeasure appeared on his usually stoic face.

He turned around willfully, refusing to acknowledge Evan.

His reaction only served to make Evan increasingly certain of his decision.

He then decided that he would watch the treatment every round so that he could
send Nicole out after that, meaning that she wouldn’t have the chance to trick

Upon leaving Hillside Villa, the fury in Nicole’s heart intensified like wildfire.

She couldn’t help but let out a string of curses. “Evan Seet, you b*stard! Pervert!

After cursing her heart out, she heaved heavy breaths as she patted her chest.
That’s so annoying!

At night, she was still deep in thought as she prepared dinner.

As she washed the ingredients, she pondered, Kyle wants to play outdoors. Is
there any way to fulfill his wish?

How can I bring him out, without alerting Evan?

She was frowning when Juan suddenly walked in.

“Mommy, when can I see Kyle again? I want to compare my hacking skills with

Nicole snapped back to reality. That’s a little hard, Juan, she thought. Evan’s
even watching me now!

She paused before sighing, saying, “Not soon, I’m afraid.”

“Why? I can sneak in like I had done the last time.”

“Sneak in—” Nicole repeated before trailing off.


If Juan can sneak in, then…

Her eyes lit up as she gazed at Juan sternly, “Can you help Mommy again?”

“What is it?” asked Juan.

Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 28

The next day, Nicole went straight to Hillside Villa from the kindergarten.

Indeed, Evan was waiting for her, instead of going to work.

He waited for her to arrive, as well as for her to leave.

During the entire treatment, he stared at her intently, as though he was watching
a thief!

Nicole couldn’t be bothered. Do you think that I won’t get to talk to Kyle if you
watch us the entire time?


I have a solution for your plan! Just wait and see!

After the acupuncture treatment, before Evan could chase her out, Nicole packed
up her stuff and left in a hurry.

Evan couldn’t help but furrow his brows at how fast she had escaped, as though
someone was chasing after her. He only looked away when she disappeared
from sight.

Well, it seems like this foolish woman is aware of her limits!

If she had refused to leave, putting on a pitiful act, using Kyle to stay, I would’ve
ensured that she would never return.
Thereafter, Evan reminded Kyle of a few things before going to work

The moment he stepped out, a pair of little hands knocked on the window softly.

Kyle stared at the little hands in puzzlement before he remembered his identical
brother who had left through the window last night. At that thought, he
immediately went to the window.

“Hey, you’re here!”

He opened the window and Juan hopped in.

“Yes. Surprise!”

Kyle nodded blankly.

“What’s your name?”

“I’m Juan Lane. I know your name, Kyle Seet! There’s no need to introduce
yourself to me!”

“Juan Lane? Are you Mommy’s son?”

Juan nodded fervently.

Suddenly, Kyle’s expression brightened. “Where’s Mommy?”

Juan hesitated at his earnest look.

Mommy had told me not to tell Kyle that she was his Mommy because he didn’t
seem to like her very much. She’ll be the one to inform him after he changes his
“You’ll meet Mommy later! Do you want to sneak out? I can take your place like
what I’d done the last time!”

Kyle frowned at him. “How did you know that I’d wanted to sneak out?”

Juan touched his head before he replied, “Err, Dr. Tussaud told me about it.
She’s Mommy’s friend and she’s taught me before.”


“Yes! Otherwise, I wouldn’t have known.”

“Then… when can I meet Mommy?” That was what Kyle had wanted to know.

Juan thought about it. Mommy has said that she would tell Kyle when he came to
like her. However, I don’t know how long it’ll take before he changes his mind!

“Mommy isn’t here. She wants you to have fun with Dr. Tussaud and to send
some photos over to her. She misses you a lot! Don’t worry, she’ll be back soon.
All she wants is for you to be happy!”

Kyle was overcome with mixed feelings when he heard that his Mommy had
missed him.

Then, why isn’t Mommy with me? Does she hate me?

I need to ask her this question when I meet her later.

“Kyle, we don’t have much time. Dr. Tussaud is waiting for you outside, so you
should leave now.”

Under Juan’s urge, Kyle sneaked out of Hillside Villa again.

Nicole was extremely delighted to meet him once again.

“Kyle, you’re here! No one noticed you, right?”

“No!” Kyle replied testily.

“Then, where do you want to go?”

Kyle was taken aback at her question. He didn’t need to investigate his Mommy
anymore, as his mission was now to have fun with Dr. Tussaud, to send some
photos over to his Mommy.

“Where can I have fun?”

At his question, Nicole immediately knew that Juan had successfully persuaded
him, as she had bid.

“I’ll bring you to an amusement park, alright?”

Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 29

Amusement park?

Kyle had never been to such a place, so he didn’t even know what that was. After a brief
moment of hesitation, he nodded.

The three other kids would have jumped with joy if they were brought to the amusement park.
They would have chattered all the way there, but Kyle, on the other hand, remained indifferent.

Nicole felt her heart begin to ache, at his lack of reaction.

She stretched her hand out to pat his head, but the little boy swerved out of her way.

Yes, Kyle doesn’t want anyone to touch him.

At that thought, she withdrew her hand naturally and grinned. “Let’s go!”

At the amusement park, Kyle’s eyes lit up with wonder.

So, this is a place where all the kids have fun.

“Kyle, do you want something to eat? Everything’s nice here.”

Kyle hesitated before shaking his head.

“Then, let’s go on the rides. Look, there’s a Ferris wheel, a roller coaster, a pirate ship, and a
merry-go-round. Which one do you want to go on first?”

As it was Kyle’s first time here, he felt slightly awkward.

“Take a photo for me!”

Nicole was taken aback. Is he going to show the photo to his Mommy?

She nodded and took her phone out. Kyle stood there coolly, as a forced smile played upon his

He is doing this to please his Mommy, right?

Nicole suddenly felt a pang of sadness in her heart.

She took two photos of the little boy.

“Kyle, if you don’t want to go on the rides, we can go somewhere else. Let me bring you to a
dessert store. You like desserts, right?”

After some thought, Kyle nodded.

At the dessert store, he told Nicole to take a photo of him immediately.

However, Nicole merely looked at him sternly, “Kyle, you aren’t happy. Your Mommy would be
able to tell as much. Why don’t we take a photo when you’re truly happy?”

Kyle fell silent as the forced smile on his face faded away.

He then went to the dessert counter.

Kyle picked one cake pop and went back to the table. He licked at it calmly without kicking up a

He looked like a little replica of Evan!

He should be innocent and joyful like his three other siblings.

Bitterness rose in Nicole’s heart.

At noon, Nicole went to pick Nina and Maya up together, with Kyle as her company.

When the boy saw the kids running out from the kindergarten, his eyes shone enviously.

He had never been to a kindergarten.

Nicole took in his reaction and consoled him. “Kyle, when you get better, you can go to
kindergarten just like them.”

Kyle looked at her as the envy in his gaze disappeared.

He fell silent, turning back to the cool, little boy that he was.

Nina and Maya ran to Nicole and greeted her happily.

When Nina spotted ‘Kyle’, she was surprised. “Juan, you’re so handsome today!”

“Yes, Juan. Where did you buy this outfit! It’s so pretty! Your hair looks cool, too!” Maya blinked
innocently and chimed in.

Kyle swept his gaze over them coldly. “I’m not Juan!”

The girls were shocked by his cold answer.

“But… you are Juan.” Maya blinked adorably.

Nina stared at him intently before she remembered that she had seen Kyle on TV, together with
Evan, who was trying to find a miracle doctor.

“Are you Kyle Seet?”

Kyle scrunched his brows up. How does she know my name?

Nicole knew that he was confused, so she hurriedly explained, “Juan had told her about you.
He’d said that you’d looked exactly like him.”
Oh, I see. Kyle’s doubt was dispelled.

Nicole knew how meticulous Kyle was. She was afraid that he would find out about her real
identity, so she had informed Nina not to expose her identity.

“Mommy, you mean we won’t let Kyle know that Juan’s our brother? And that he’s your son?”


“But why?” Nina was curious.

Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 30

“I don’t want Kyle to know that I’m both Juan’s and his Mommy. Not for now.”

Nina thought about it and agreed. “I got it. I’ll tell Maya about this. Don’t worry,
Mommy. We’ll play along!”

Nicole patted her head and smiled happily.

Back at home, Maya and Nina took all of their toys out to play with Kyle.

However, Kyle merely shot the girly toys a look and frowned unhappily.


“You don’t like my toys? Then what do you like?” Maya inquired.

Nina spun around and took out Juan’s Lego and iPad.

“Do you like these? Juan likes these!”

Kyle took the Lego and iPad without a word.

Maya sat aside and watched him, as he played with Lego. She couldn’t help but
praise, “Wow! You are good at this! You’re faster than Juan!”

Kyle looked at the adorable, little girl. Suddenly, he offered, “We can play
Maya nodded. He’s building food! I love them all! Kyle merely grinned at her

What a glutton! he thought.

Nicole watched them play, with a blissful smile on her face.

At Hillside Villa, Evan returned home and was greeted by Blake, who told him
Kyle was drawing happily.

“Really? Let me take a look.”

Evan arrived at his study to see Juan deep in thought.

There was an unfinished drawing by Juan’s side.

He walked over to the table before realizing that it was his face.

The little boy did a good job at making him seem elegant and handsome.

“Well done,” he praised.

Juan turned to look at him. His eyes lit up in delight as he greeted him, “Daddy!”

Well, he was so enthusiastic, being a completely different person now!

Before Evan had departed, Kyle was mad at him, but everything had changed in
just a few hours.

Evan couldn’t help but look at his son in shock.

“Kyle, you—”
“Daddy, don’t move. Let me finish my drawing.”

The little boy then sat upright and resumed drawing, while looking at him from
time to time.

Evan was afraid that he would disturb his son, so he stood rooted to the spot.

Juan was focused on his drawing. When he was finally done, he handed the
paper over to Evan. “Daddy, this is a gift for you.”

At his lovely surprise, Evan broke out into a grin.

As Evan was so happy, Juan suddenly motioned for him to bend down. Evan was
confused, but he did so anyway.

Juan flung his chubby arms around Evan’s neck and gave him a peck on the

The sudden peck struck Evan into a sudden spell.

Shock and delight appeared in his gaze.

“Kyle, do you want to practice your hacking skills with Daddy?”

Hacking skills?

I’d like that very much!

Juan nodded profusely at his suggestion. They were about to begin when Evan’s
phone suddenly rang.

It was Jonathan Seet, his father. Kyle’s uncle had just returned to the country, so
they wanted to gather and meet Kyle.
Unfortunately, Kyle was an indifferent little boy, so he didn’t like to be around
people, let alone join a gathering.

At that thought, Evan looked at Kyle, seemingly stumped.

“Daddy, who is it?”

“Do you want to have lunch with Grandpa?”


Juan’s expression brightened at his question.

I’ve never met Grandpa! I can’t wait to see him! He almost jumped in excitement.

“Of course! Of course I will!”

Evan was astounded at his reaction.

“Are you sure?”

Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 31

“Of course! Are we heading there now? Do I need to change my clothes?”

“There’s no need for that.” Evan scanned his son’s handsome outfit and shook
his head.

The Maybach Evan drove came to a stop at Seet Residence.

After they got off the car, Evan brought Juan to the living room.

When Juan saw the pavilion, the artificial mountain, and the waterways in Seet
Residence, he yelped in delight.

So this is what an Oriental garden looks like!

It’s so pretty! When I grow up and earn enough money, I’ll buy a house like this
for Mommy!

Once they entered the living room, everyone turned to look at Juan.

He couldn’t get used to the stares.

Why are they staring at me? I’m not a panda!

“Oh? You’re here for me today? What a rare occurrence!”

The man who had just spoken was none other than Evan’s brother—Davin
Seet. He stood up in astonishment and went to Juan.

“Hey, Juan. Want a hug from your Uncle Davin?”

Oh, he’s my uncle!

At Davin’s enthusiasm, Juan bowed politely. “Hello, Uncle Davin!”

Davin was dumbfounded by his actions.

Did he just call me Uncle Davin, giving me a bow?

He has always seen me as his enemy! What is this?


Davin was not the only one who had thought as such. Everyone in the room
was startled too.

Previously, no matter how hard Davin had tried, Kyle would merely glare at
him haughtily before criticizing him harshly.

He would always make an effort to humiliate Davin.

Why did his attitude change, all of a sudden?

“Kyle, come to Grandpa.”

Jonathan’s eyes glowed with delight.

Juan nodded and approached Jonathan in a cheerful manner.

“Hello, Grandpa!” he greeted.

“Hello, hello!” Jonathan replied excitedly as he reached out to take the boy’s
tiny hands.

“Kyle, what do you want? What do you like? Tell me. I’ll buy you anything you

Juan blinked and pondered about it. Then, he shook his head.


“I have everything I need at home. Daddy will give me what I want. Thank you,
though!” he thanked Jonathan gratefully.

“When did he grow so sensible? Before I left, he was still that grumpy little kid.
Evan, how did you do it? Why did he change so quickly?”

Confused, Davin turned to Evan and asked.

Evan shot him a look. “I did nothing.”

“Huh? Then why did he change?”

“My son is special, of course!” Evan gazed at Davin proudly.

A silence followed.

Davin stared at ‘Kyle’ who was chattering with Jonathan happily. Something
seemed wrong to him.

Did the kid suddenly come to his senses?

Well, at least he doesn’t treat me as his enemy now. We might even become

“Grandpa, I’m starving. When will we get to eat?”


At Jonathan’s order, the butler started the preparations for dinner.

The whole family sat down for dinner.

Juan glanced at the feast served before him and swallowed hard.

He had never seen these dishes before.

Davin, who had noticed his excitement, took the biggest crab on the table and
removed the shell for him.

“Here you go!”

“Thanks, Uncle Davin!”

“Y-You’re welcome. If you want, I can serve you the entire meal, without taking
a bite. As long as you’re happy.”

With that, he picked up a plate and started getting food for Juan.

“Eat up. Tell me what you like.”

“I—” Juan trailed off at the sight of the delicious spread. Mommy, Maya, and
Nina had never eaten these before!
It’ll be great if I get to bring the food home. Maya will be so delighted!

“Say it! Don’t hesitate. As a Seet, you can’t stammer!” Davin encouraged him.

“These are delicious, so I want to bring them back home with me.”

Bring them home?

Evan was stunned by his request.

Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 32

“What’s your favorite dish, Kyle? I can instruct the kitchen staff to make that dish specifically for

Juan did not merely want one or two dishes specifically made for him. Rather, he had wanted
more variety so that his mother and sisters could have a taste of it too.

Scratching his head, he came up with an idea. “I think that they’re all delicious.”

Instantly, Jonathan ordered, “Alright, all of you stop eating now! Since Kyle likes them all, he can
take them along with him when he leaves.”

Gaping at his father in shock, Davin soon protested, “Dad, this was supposed to be a welcoming
party for me! What you’re saying now is that I can’t eat any of these dishes, just so Kyle can
bring them home with him? Don’t you think that you’re overreacting a little?”

Jonathan glared at his son in response. “Shut up! As long as Kyle likes it, he can have it!”

Davin grimaced at his father’s rebuke. Why is Dad being so mean? It seems as though he’s
acting as if I’m not his biological son!

Evan was equally as surprised.

He reached out to stab at a shrimp, only for Jonathan to bellow, “Put that down! None of you are
allowed to eat a single thing from this table!”

Freezing, Evan raised his eyes to meet his father’s. Upon noticing the serious look in them, he
obediently placed the shrimp back down.

Juan was absolutely stunned at how Jonathan had pampered and spoiled Kyle as such. His
small mouth fell open in shock, as envy towards his brother welled in him.
After that, Jonathan had all the food placed in take-out containers so that ‘Kyle’ could take them
home with him.

“If I had known that I wouldn’t even get to eat anything, I wouldn’t have bothered to return. I
haven’t eaten anything since last night!”

“Then go away! Evan is not exactly young anymore, yet he still doesn’t even have a girlfriend!
Useless! Just the sight of you annoys me!”

Davin was speechless.

What’s going on now? Before Kyle had appeared, I’ve never been treated this way! Why is Dad
suddenly being so horrible towards me? He used to treat me like a favored guest and now he’s
asking me to leave, as though I am an unwanted person!

He couldn’t contain the sigh that had left his lips. He should have known that something was up
when the little boy had suddenly changed his attitude towards him. The little brat has probably
planned this, right from the start.

“Kyle, did something happen between us, for you to hold such a grudge against me? I honestly
don’t remember anything happening!”

How could you starve your poor uncle like that? You are one cruel, little boy!

Juan blinked his eyes innocently as he stood up before handing him two of the take-out


This uncharacteristically kind gesture had alarmed the older man. From their previous
interactions, he had expected the young boy to shoot him a smug look, before saying he had
deserved this. Then, he would be justifiably angry at the child.

But this…

“Brat, why can’t you play by the rules?”

Smiling, Juan moved closer to peck Davin on the cheek. “You’re the best uncle in the world,
Uncle Davin.”

Dumbfounded at the sudden affectionate move, Davin’s hand drifted up to wipe at the saliva on
his face. “Y-you actually kissed me? Me?” A few seconds ticked by before he picked Juan up
and demanded, “Spill it, what do you want? What’s your motive?”

“I like you, Uncle Davin!”

Oh my god! A kiss and a confession? Am I in an alternate dimension or something?

“Kyle, y-you can’t do this to me. I don’t think my poor heart can take it. How about this? I’ll give
you a present, okay?”

“I don’t want a present.” Juan extended a chubby hand to pinch Davin’s cheek, “Uncle Davin,
you should probably eat before the food gets cold. Food always tastes nasty when it’s cold.”

“It’s okay. I’ll eat in a-” He stopped before he could finish, feeling as though something was

Eh? Where’s the food Kyle has given me?

Twisting his head around, he noticed Evan, off to the side, chowing down on the aforementioned

“Evan! That was supposed to be my food! How could you eat my food!” he whined.

Evan shot him a cold glare and replied, in a deadpan voice, “I was hungry.”

A silence ensued.

Hurriedly putting ‘Kyle’ back down on his feet, Davin sat down beside his brother and snatched
the container from his hands.

He was starving as well.

“Kyle, come here,” Sophia called out. “Take this card. It has five hundred thousand as your
allowance. Use it to buy some snacks or whatever you like.”

Juan’s eyes lit up.

Five hundred thousand! Mommy can’t even earn that much in one year! And it’s just an

“Since you don’t like the presents that I usually buy for you, tell your Dad to buy them for you,

The young boy hastily shook his head. “No, I can’t accept your money, Grandma.”
Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 33

“Just take it!” Sophia insisted firmly before shoving the card into his hands.

Uncertain, Juan turned to look at Evan for his opinion.

“You should accept it. Grandma will be very happy if you do!”

Still a little hesitant, he eventually kept the card.

“Thank you, Grandma!”

“Oh, you! There’s no need to be so polite to Grandma!”

“Yes, exactly! We’re your grandparents. You can call Grandpa anytime you want
if you find that you need something!”

Staring at the older couple, Juan felt warmth suffusing him. No one had ever
been this nice to him before, other than his mother. This was the first time he had
experienced affection from others. It had caused him to feel all fuzzy on the

Before he left the Seet Residence, Davin reminded him to come over often to

Juan shot him a delighted nod in reply.

After that, he returned to Hillside Villa.

Evan gazed at Juan for a bit before a small grin tugged at his lips.

This was the first time he had felt what it was like to be surrounded by family.
“Kyle, you did great today!”

Juan rubbed the back of his head and smiled at his father. He had not done
anything much. In fact, he had even gotten a free meal, a huge allowance, and
had brought back a lot of delicious food. This had been a fruitful outing indeed!

“Daddy, can I store the food by myself?”

Evan mulled over it for a bit before nodding.

“You shouldn’t keep these for too long. Remember to throw them away if you
don’t finish them by tonight!”

“Okay! Thanks, Daddy!”

Shooting his son one last smile, Evan headed off to work.

Juan hurried into the kitchen and put all the take-out containers into a big bag
before stuffing it into the fridge. That way, it would be easier to carry when he left.

At long last, he headed back to Kyle’s room and played with some Lego as he
whiled the time away.

On the other side of things.

Nicole sent Maya and Nina off to kindergarten before focusing her attention on
Kyle. “Where would you like to go?”

The little boy thought over the question but soon found that he could not come up
with an answer.
After all, he had never been out of the house before.

Since he had not seemed to enjoy the amusement park, she pondered where to
take him today. After a moment, she suggested, “Kyle, I have an idea of where
we can go. I’m certain that you’ll like it.”

He glanced at her with a blank expression on his face and questioned, “Where?”

“You’ll see when we get there. We can leave immediately if you don’t like the

The young boy shrugged internally and agreed. It was still early now and he was
in no hurry to go back and switch places with Juan anyway.

When they arrived at their destination, Nicole searched Kyle’s face and prodded,
“Do you like it?”

The little boy’s gaze was glued to the animals in the zoo, his eyes shining with

“That’s a monkey. Over there is a panda and those are tigers…” she introduced
the animals one by one.

He whipped his head around and snapped, “I can see for myself!”

With that said, he walked toward the pandas that were chewing on some bamboo

Taken aback at his attitude, she had to remind herself that his temper was
distinctly different from her other three children. She would not hold it against

After all, when it came down to it, she owed him a lot.
She remained quiet after that, as she merely followed along behind him. Only
when his brows furrowed in confusion would she give short explanations about
whatever had seemed puzzled him. Then, she would shut her mouth and wait for
the next time that he had needed her help.

Noticing how careful she was being around him, he realized that he might have
been a little harsh toward her earlier.

“Just say whatever you want. You don’t have to pay me any heed!” he tossed the
sentence over his shoulder before speeding ahead.

Nicole stared at his retreating figure in surprise before a bubble of laughter

escaped her lips. So he does care for how others feel. He just has a different way
of expressing himself. Even while being nice to someone, his face remains so

Lost in her thoughts, she began to hasten, in her steps. When she sped up
again, she abruptly realized that Kyle had disappeared.

Where was he?

Panic rose in her and she swept a glance around, hoping to catch sight of her
little boy. How could he have simply vanished when he had just been right in front
of her?

“Kyle! Kyle!” she shouted desperately.

A muted cry from nearby caught her attention, as she immediately spun to look in
the direction where it had come from.

To her horror, Kyle was currently being held in the arms of a man. He had been
gagged, which explained the muffled sounds that he was making.

Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 34

She dashed after the kidnapper immediately. To her misfortune, the man was
very fast. With her high-heeled shoes being more of a hindrance now than ever,
she tossed them aside before she sprinted after the man barefoot.

The man was currently running through one of the less-walked paths of the zoo,
which was paved with gravel. As such, the path was uneven and incredibly
painful, as the sharp rocks dug into the tender undersides of her feet.

Despite her circumstances being as such, she charged on ahead, completely

ignoring the throbbing in her feet.

“C’mon, c’mon, faster!”

She managed to snag the man right as he was about to stuff Kyle into a car.

Her hand darted down to grab a few of the silver needles that she had always
carried with her. Raising one of them, she jabbed it down into the abductor’s

“How dare you touch Kyle! I’m going to stab you to death!”

Well-versed in the art of acupuncture, she knew exactly where to stab, to inflict
the most pain. Thus, two more stabs from her, and the man began to howl in
agony. She gave him a vicious kick for good measure.

“You b****! I’ll kill-”

He did not get to finish his sentence as a small pebble smacked him right in the

“Who did that!”

The words had barely left his mouth when another pebble struck him in his other

“Ahh!” he wailed as his hands instinctively flew up to his stinging eyes.

Kyle glanced at Nicole and pointed out, “Grab that thick branch!”

Spinning her head around, she spotted the branch that he had spoken of, as she
soon dashed over to pick it up.

“Where do you think I should hit him, Kyle?”

“His arms and his legs.”

Since he used his arms to restrain me and his legs to escape, those places shall
be the areas where he gets punished!


Brandishing the branch as a makeshift club, Nicole started to whack his limbs as
hard as she could.

Just as she was enjoying herself, several men came running over. They were
most likely the man’s accomplices.

“We can’t win against so many men. Let’s go!” She swiftly grabbed Kyle’s hand
and tugged him along, as they bolted out of the vicinity.
They did not stop running until they exited the deserted path. Soon, they returned
to the more crowded areas. She heaved a sigh of relief.

“Are you okay?”

“You alright?”

They asked each other simultaneously.

“I’m okay. What about you, Kyle?”

The little boy shook his head in response. His gaze moved down and he noticed
that Nicole’s feet were bleeding. Just the sight of them had him internally wincing
in sympathetic pain.

The woman followed his eyes and looked down. Upon seeing the crimson red
staining her feet, she let out a yelp of pain.

Earlier, all she could think about was getting Kyle to safety. Hence, she was able
to ignore the way her skin had torn open and bled.

“Your shoes?”

“They’re back on that path. Don’t bother getting them; the men might still be

“Then, you should go to the hospital first. I’ll buy you a pair of shoes later.”

She nodded in acquiescence and limped forward with a grimace.

Every single step hurt so badly!

Kyle watched her struggle and remembered how she had tossed aside all
caution earlier when they had been escaping. The faster we get to the hospital,
the less pain she has to be in.

With that thought in mind, he glanced back at the path where they had come

“We have to hurry; they’re catching up to us! There’s so many of them!”

Panic clouded her thoughts and she did not doubt his words for even a second.
Instantly, she accelerated her pace, hissing in pain as they raced out of there.

Hurrying to her car, she bundled him inside before climbing into the driver’s seat.

“How close are they?” she asked while craning her neck to scan their

Eh? I don’t see anybody!

“Do your feet hurt?”

The curious question from Kyle had her peering down at her feet. The sight that
greeted her was quite gruesome as grit and small rocks clung to her torn-up feet.
Blood was gushing out from her wounds.

“Ouch, it really hurts!”

“To the hospital immediately!” the little boy ordered.

The arrogant and domineering tone that he had taken had reminded her of Evan,
who always used the same tone on her.

Seeing as he had constantly done as such, she often grew immensely annoyed,
yet, she was aware that she was simply unable to do anything about it.
Hmm, speaking of Evan… Now that my feet are injured, does that mean that I
won’t have to go to Hillside Villa tomorrow?

If she was unable to head over to Hillside Villa tomorrow, then there was no
urgent need for Kyle and Juan to switch places. She could give Kyle his
acupuncture session right at home.

She wondered if Evan would agree to that.

Sighing, she decided that she would only think about that when it happened.

First, she would see what condition her feet were in. If they were truly in terrible
shape, then she would call the man to let him know.

At the hospital, the doctor was busy examining Nicole’s feet.

Being familiar with medical knowledge herself, she could not help but comment,
“They’re mostly just abrasions, nothing too serious. You probably only need to
use some disinfectant to clean the wounds.”

The doctor frowned at her and retorted, “I know how to deal with your wounds.
After all, I am the doctor here, not you! You don’t have to tell me what to do.”

Seeing her get rebuked by the doctor, Kyle began to roll his eyes. He scoffed,
“Compared to all the famous miracle doctors from around the world, you’re
nothing! You’re not even worthy of licking their shoes!”
Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 35
Nicole’s eyes widened at her son’s words.

Is he actually speaking up for me? What a surprise! Feeling touched and grateful
at his protective attitude, she did not know what to say at first.

The doctor’s face purpled with rage as he soon glared daggers at the young boy,
“What did you just say?”

“You heard me!” Kyle planted his hands on his hips and stared back at the man

His rudeness enraged the man. “You-!”

“Kyle!” Nicole spoke up in a warning tone before turning to the doctor, “I’m so
sorry, Doctor. I shouldn’t have interrupted you just now. My apologies!”

While she understood that Kyle had only been standing up for her, they were not
here to get into an argument with the medical professional. She did not want her
son to fight with someone because of her own issues.

Besides, she could understand the doctor’s feelings, especially on such a matter.
She, too, would not like it if her patients had continuously told her what to do
while she was treating them.

For that reason, she simply found that she could not place all the blame on his
shoulders, even though he did have a terrible attitude.

Not expecting Nicole to apologize, Kyle’s head snapped up to stare at her. He

rolled his eyes again and huffed, “You’re so useless!”
“You little…” The doctor knitted his brows at the boy, appalled at his rudeness.

“Please forgive him, Doctor. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and
has been spoiled rotten. Can you see to my wounds, please?” Nicole clarified
with a polite smile.

The explanation seemed to appease the doctor, while Kyle left the room in a huff.

“Kyle, where are you going?”

He turned around to shoot a pointed look at her feet. “To buy you shoes!” was his
moody reply. With that, he spun around and left with his head held high.

“Wait, Kyle! Do you have any money? Kyle!”

He had not turned back once.

“That kid of yours is so arrogant and impudent! He’s acting as if he’s a prince or

Nicole chuckled softly. Well, the doctor was not that far off from the truth. Kyle
was the prince of Seet Group.

Once her feet were bandaged, she slipped them into the sandals that Kyle had
bought for her. After that, she stepped out into the corridor gingerly, using the wall
to support her.

Noting how difficult it was for her to even move around, the boy hired a driver to
bring them back home.

When they were back at home, Nicole told him about her idea of him remaining
here for the next few days.
“Kyle, it would be easier for me to administer your treatment if you were staying
here with me. That way, I wouldn’t have to go to Hillside Villa either.” She looked
down at the thick layer of bandages wrapped around her feet. “It truly is quite
inconvenient for me to move around like this. What do you say?”

Kyle hesitated for a moment. Truthfully, he did not much care, but… “You have to
ask my Dad!”

Does this mean that he agrees?

Buoyed at the thought, she reassured him, “Don’t worry, I’ll call your Dad later.
I’m sure that he’ll be okay with it.”

Asking him for Evan’s phone number, she quickly dialed the man.

Evan, who had just finished a meeting, checked the caller ID before he

“Who is this?”

“Mr. Seet, it’s me, Nicole. I just wanted to inform you that I won’t be able to treat
Kyle for the next few days. Do keep an eye on his dietary habits and-”

“No. Kyle’s illness is of the utmost importance and his treatments must not be

“Mr. Seet, it’s not exactly a delay. Missing out on a few days won’t affect him at
all.” She shot a glance at the little boy standing beside her. “I really can’t go.”


“I-I’m injured and can’t get around easily!”

“Oh? Are you dead?”

“De- Evan Seet, what are you saying!”

“If you’re not dead, you had better arrive on time. Otherwise, I’ll send men over to
carry you here!”

“You, you-!”

The call ended before she could find the words to express herself. Fury burned
within her.

What the hell did that damned man say? What does he mean by asking me if I’m

“Evan Seet, you b*****d! You’re the one who’s dead! Unreasonable jerk!”

“Don’t you curse my Dad!”

“I-” She twisted her head around to look at Kyle. The little boy was staring at her
with such a solemn expression on his face. At that moment, he bore an uncanny
resemblance to his father.

What the heck is this? I can’t even throw a temper tantrum now?

“What horrible things did I do in my past life to deserve this!” she muttered to
herself through gritted teeth.

“What did you say?”

“I said, why don’t you and Juan switch places and I’ll go over tomorrow for your
acupuncture session!”

The glum and pitiful expression on her face had Kyle inwardly sighing. Truthfully,
his father had been rather mean to her this time.
Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 36
As evening turned to night, Kyle used the cover of darkness to slink back into
Hillside Villa.

“Juan,” he called out softly while rapping on his room’s window.

The other boy quickly opened the window. “You’re finally back! Did you enjoy
yourself today?”

Kyle found himself mulling over the question carefully. In truth, he did not know
whether he had enjoyed himself or not. However, he had to admit that his heart
had been pounding in excitement when he and Nicole had started beating up that
bad guy. That probably counted as having fun, right?

At long last, he replied, “A little. How did things go on your end?”

“Smoothly. I met Grandpa and Grandma today and I’d even had a huge lunch! I
even brought back some and was hoping to share it with our sisters. Is that
okay?” Pausing, Juan handed the card that their grandmother had given him to
Kyle. “By the way, Grandma gave me this card. It’s your allowance for this month.
Here, take it.”

“I don’t want it.”

“They thought that I was you, so this is supposed to be for you. C’mon, keep it!”

“I don’t want it. Why don’t you take it?”

Kyle did not even bother to cast a glance at the card.

Hesitating, Juan wondered what to do. Technically, Kyle’s Grandma is my
Grandma too. A grandmother giving money to her grandchildren is not anything
new. Since he doesn’t want it, it would still be fine if I take it, right? Hehehe.

Pleased at his own reasoning, he tucked the card into a pocket for safekeeping.

“I’ll be leaving now!” he told his brother.

At Kyle’s nod, he headed into the kitchen to grab the bag with the take-out
containers, lugging it out of there. Even though the bag was quite heavy as Juan
was sagged with the weight, he was not deterred as he snuck out of Hillside Villa
with some considerable effort.

When he finally returned to their house at Parkland Garden, he yelled out happily,
“Come and have a feast!”

Maya, who was in the midst of drawing, tossed her color pencils aside and
zoomed towards the living room.

“I knew that you would be the first one here, Maya,” he teased his sister.

Ignoring him, the little girl’s eyes were glued to the food on the table. “Juan, what
is that?”

“Delicacies that you’ve never even seen before! Where is Mommy and Nina?”

“Mommy’s in her room. Nina isn’t eating!”

Right on cue, Nina entered the living room and glared at her sister. She soon
demanded, “Who had said that I wasn’t eating?”

Maya tilted her head to look at her. “I thought you’d said that you’d wanted to be
a fairy? Fairies only drink flower nectar!”
“Oh yeah? Well, you’re more than welcome to only drink flower nectar. In fact,
you probably should!”

“I’m not the one who wants to be a fairy. What a greedy fairy! Shame on you!”

“Why you-! You’re a… a fat pig! Shame on you!”

Flushing red in anger, Nina could not believe her ears. She was usually the one
who had the upper hands in these arguments. Yet, somehow, Maya was getting
increasingly good at retorting these days. How annoying!

Juan was quick to step in before a physical fight broke out. “Alright, that’s
enough. The both of you, stop arguing. There’s more than enough here for
everyone! Go tell Mommy to come out and eat.” With that said, he turned to grab
some plates from the kitchen.

“Juan, I’ll get the plates while you go and see Mommy. She’s hurt.”

Mommy’s hurt?

He twisted around to look at Nina. “What? How?”

Nina pointed at Nicole’s room, clearly indicating that she had wanted Juan to ask
her himself. After that, she headed for the kitchen.

He went inside the room and hurried to his mother’s side. She was currently
sitting up in bed, leaning back against some pillows. He fussed over her, the
concern on his face obvious.

When he found out how she had gotten hurt, he sighed.

“I was gone for merely a day! Why can’t you take better care of yourself? Aren’t
you supposed to be the adult here?”
“It was an emergency and the situation was dire…”

“And that’s why your only thought was to save Kyle at all cost,” he mumbled to
himself while staring at her bandaged feet. “Are you still in pain?”

“Nope. I’m fine now!”

The bedroom door opened once more and Maya entered with a huge crab.
“Mommy, this is for you!”

“Where did you get that!” Nicole exclaimed in surprise.

“Juan brought it back.”

That’s from Evan?

Still angered by the mere thought of the man, she replied almost instantly, saying
that she was not hungry as she refused to eat it.

“Mommy, I thought you’d loved crabs?” Juan blinked his huge eyes at her

I do! But I’m not going to touch a crab that’s been through that jerk’s house!

“I don’t feel like eating crab today. You guys enjoy.”

Despite uttering such words, Nicole found that her grumbling stomach had soon
woken her up in the middle of the night. Hence, she grudgingly dug out the
leftover food to eat.

The next day.

Nicole got out of bed, only to realize that every step she took sent sharp spikes of
agony coursing through her. This was rather strange, as her feet should have felt
a lot better after a night of rest.

Nina made breakfast for all of them. After the meal, Juan suggested that he
accompany Nicole to Hillside Villa.

“You can’t! What if Evan finds out…”

“Don’t worry, Mommy. I promise I’ll keep out of sight!”

Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 37

“That’s still too dangerous.”

“It’ll be fine. I’ve completely familiarized myself with that villa by now, so I won’t
be discovered. Trust in my intelligence and abilities, Mommy!” Juan replied

She stared at her son for a few short seconds before caving in. Reaching out to
rub his head, she warned him, “Just remember to be careful!”


Gathering her equipment, the mother and son took a taxi to Hillside Villa.

To be on the safe side, Juan got out of the car a shorter distance away from the
villa. Nicole only exited after the taxi stopped right in front of the building.

It took a lot of effort for her to even reach the living room. The pain coming from
her feet was reaching the realm of excruciating and she felt like she was about to
die from it. Beads of sweat dotted her forehead. She did not even have the
energy to look at Evan as she collapsed on the couch.

Evan’s eyes narrowed dangerously.

She’s being extremely rude!

“Who said you could have a seat?”

The moment his cold voice rang out, rage boiled within Nicole. She was sorely
tempted to curse the man six ways to Sunday.

However, she knew that she could not afford to have an unreserved argument
with the man. No, she had to be smart about this!

Struggling hard to reign in her temper, she plastered a pitiful look on her face
before she raised her head to meet his gaze. “Mr. Seet, I’ve injured my feet and
they hurt terribly. I honestly couldn’t bear standing a moment longer!”

She slowly raised her legs to place her feet on the coffee table. “Look at how
serious my injuries are!”

His dark eyes soon focused in on her feet. “How did you hurt them?”

She froze. There was no way that she could tell him the truth! Thinking quickly,
she decided that a partial truth would be the best option here. “I had accidentally
stepped on something that I shouldn’t have.”

“Which was?”


“You injured yourself this badly by stepping on rocks? What a weirdo!”

“Well, more like gravel. Why don’t you try running barefoot on those sharp, tiny
rocks yourself!”

Furrowing his brows, Evan snorted and answered flippantly, “I’m not crazy, unlike
a certain someone. Or is there another reason for your masochistic actions?”

She blinked and spluttered in outrage, “Y-you! I’m not crazy! I didn’t have a
choice on the matter!”
“Someone who’s done something bad will always find an excuse to justify their
actions!” he declared in a tone that paved no room for argument.

Nicole could only fume in silence, unable to release her rage. How dare this
b*****d slander me! I should smash that vase on his head until it breaks and then
stab him with its broken pieces! I’ll gladly bathe in his blood!

“Nothing to say to that? Does that mean that you admit to it?”

The blasted man’s voice dragged her away from her violent thoughts and back to

Mentally chanting at herself to calm down, she stared back at him and explained,
“I didn’t do anything bad. I ran into some people who had tried to attack me and
I’d dropped my shoes in my desperation to escape. That’s how I injured myself.”

“Someone tried to attack you?” He had an expression of disbelief on his face.

Sighing tiredly, she muttered, “Yes. I have no idea why though.”

Evan scoffed and snarked, “It’s probably because they were blind!”

She nearly choked on her saliva at his words.

Blind, my ass! I might not have money but I sure as hell have the looks! After all,
weren’t you one of the many victims to my beauty? Why else would we have
these four?

Such thoughts had her rolling her eyes at the man in contempt.

“That’s enough. Hurry up! Kyle is waiting for his acupuncture therapy.”

“Mr. Seet, I really don’t want to move so I-”

“Want me to carry you?” Evan spoke up indifferently.


“N-no, that’s not what I meant…”

As if he would be so kind! I was just going to say that I really don’t want to move
so I’ll be walking really slowly…

With a few long strides, he was standing in front of her. Before she knew what
was happening, he scooped her up into his arms in a bridal carry.

His handsome and angular features were so close to hers that she could see his
individual eyelashes. Unfortunately, the disdainful frown on his face ruined the

For a moment, Nicole was shocked into stillness.

He’s actually willing to carry me?

Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 38

No, something must have been up his sleeves. Knowing the damn man, he’s
probably going to dump me onto the floor in just a minute.

With that thought in mind, she looped her arms around his neck tightly.

He shot her a disgusted look. “Just give up. It doesn’t matter if you throw yourself
at me like that. I don’t care.”

Throw myself at you? How dare you! You were the one who picked me up first! I
was only preventing myself from getting dropped to the floor like a piece of hot

“As if I would ever throw myself at you!”

Evan snorted. “You say that but your arms are wrapped around my neck like
some sort of anaconda. Have you no shame?”

“Ever looked in a mirror recently?”

He ignored her jab and strode for Kyle’s room. Placing her on the bed, he
ordered, “You can begin!”

“Mr. Seet, my kit is still outside.”

He narrowed his eyes at her impatiently and headed back into the living room to
retrieve her kit.
“Kyle, your Dad didn’t notice anything off, right?”


The only thing that happened was that he did not get any dinner last night.

Evan thought that he had eaten all of the leftover food from lunch and had been
worried that he would suffer from indigestion. Thereafter, the concerned man had
ordered the kitchen staff not to cook any dinner for the boy.

That had led to him suffering through a hungry stomach for the entire night.
Thankfully, he was rather resilient to hunger.

He could not be bothered to tell her about that though.

“That’s good.”

Nicole had barely finished speaking when the closet door swung open.

“Hi, Dr. Tussaud!”

“Juan?” She was surprised to see him hiding in the closet of all places.

With Kyle around, he simply could not call her “Mommy”, so “Dr. Tussaud” would
have to do.

“Hehehe. Don’t worry, it’s safe here!” Juan announced with a mischievous smile.

Suddenly, footsteps approached the room. Kyle hurriedly ushered Juan back into
the closet before he swiftly shut the doors once again.

Not a moment too soon either, as Evan had entered the room in the next second.
“Here. Now, start the session.”

Her heart pounded in her chest and she prayed that Juan would not reveal

She had only just finished preparing the silver needles when she heard someone
shouting out in the corridor.

“Evan! Evan! Where are you?”

A few seconds later, Davin barged into the room and froze upon noticing Nicole.

“Who is she?”

“Kyle’s doctor.”

“Oh. And here I was, thinking that she was Kyle’s mother, my sister-in-law.”

“You don’t have a sister-in-law. Kyle doesn’t have a Mommy either!”

“Yes, I do!” the little boy snapped back angrily.

“Your Mommy doesn’t even care if you’re alive or not. You might as well think of
her as dead!” Evan deliberately looked at Nicole as he said that.

The way she glared daggers at him with fury burning in her eyes had pleased

Is she mad? Well, she deserves it! I’m just speaking the truth anyway! A woman
who only gives birth to the child but doesn’t raise it is not worthy of being a

“My Mommy isn’t dead!” Kyle insisted petulantly.

Nicole’s lips tugged into a smile and she uttered, “Kyle, do you think that
someone who is always wishing for the death of another is normal? Don’t waste
your breath on a crazy person like him!” She shot Evan a smug smirk as she

Standing off to the side, Davin was amazed at the audacity of the woman.

Just who is she? She sure has guts, calling this cruel, ruthless brother of mine a
crazy person. Doesn’t she know that his nickname is “Lucifer?” Is she so
confident in her abilities or is she just unafraid of death?

If it were not for the presence of his brother, he would have given her two thumbs
up in admiration.

“Dr. Tussaud, have you ever heard of the saying ‘you reap what you sow?’ I’m
sure that you’ll understand the meaning of that later!”

The implied threat in Evan’s words had caused Nicole’s heart to thump faster.

Meeting his hard gaze, shivers raced down her spine, leaving her feeling cold.

What is this jerk planning to do to me this time? I’m already wounded! He’s not
going to use this opportunity to harm me, is he?

Never-ending questions emerged in her mind as unease started to well up within


Davin felt pity rise in him, towards the woman. Ohhh, you’re in for it now! Why did
you have to go and antagonize him?

As she began Kyle’s acupuncture treatment, her heart pounded in her chest,
while her nerves strummed with nervousness. Every now and then, she would
sneak a glance at Evan.
Each time, she would be confronted with the same scene; those sharp eyes of
his locked on her form unwaveringly. The sadistic man is definitely thinking about
how to torture me next!

Would Juan be unable to hold himself back and jump out of the closet to rescue
her if Evan were too harsh with her?

“Dr. Tussaud, lose your focus one more time and I’ll stab every single one of your
silver needles into you!”
Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 39

Nicole snapped out of her daze as his menacing voice rang out.

Lowering her eyes, she realized that one of the acupoints was missing a needle.

“Sorry!” She hastily stuck the absent needle into the acupoint.

When the session was over, she took her time placing everything back into her

After all, she was in no hurry to see what horrible fate had awaited her. Maybe he
hasn’t managed to come up with his torture method yet?

Davin made his way over to the bed. “Kyle, are you in pain?”

The little boy glanced at him before promptly disregarding the older man.

“C’mon! I purposely came over so that we could have some fun together. I said I
was going to get you a present yesterday, didn’t I? I brought it with me today. We
can play with it together later!”

He reached out to pat the boy’s head, only for the child to dodge out of the way of
his hand.

“Don’t touch me!” Kyle barked, with a serious look on his youthful face. He then
deliberately moved away further so that they had some distance between them.

Davin was stunned.

Just yesterday, Kyle had said that he was the best uncle in the world and had
even kissed and hugged him. Why was his attitude completely different today?

“What’s wrong, Kyle? Did I somehow do something to offend you? But I’d only
just arrived here!” Davin cried out in protest. He was at a loss for what to do.

Kyle completely ignored the man. It was as though he was air, for all that the
child took notice of him.

Is he throwing a temper tantrum? Why? Is he just unhappy from getting stabbed

by all those needles?

While Davin floundered in his helplessness, he suddenly heard his brother

speak. “How long do you intend on taking to keep your equipment? It should
have only taken half a minute.”

Following the other man’s gaze, he saw that Nicole was still keeping her silver
needles. She was fitting them back into her kit, one by one, and with excruciating

“Do you need any help?”

The woman shook her head at Davin’s offer. “There’s no need for that.”

Thinking that she was only being courteous, he stood up and walked to her side.
In no time at all, he finished packing everything up for her.

Then, he grinned at her. “I’ve noticed that your feet are injured. Helping you was
no trouble at all. You don’t have to thank me!”

Thank him?

She stared at him blankly for several seconds before she had managed to force
a smile onto her lips. She did not care if it was laced with bitterness.
‘Thank you’ were truly not the words that she had wanted to say to him at the

Initially, she had thought that dragging her metaphorical feet would delay the
inevitable. Now… look at what has happened! Her suffering was coming for her
way sooner than she had wanted!

Why did you have to help me, you blasted man! In fact, it’s not called ‘help’ if it’s
unwanted. Ever heard of the term ‘meddling’?

“Since you’re all packed up, come on out!” Evan commanded, with his dark eyes
pinning her to the spot.

“I’m having trouble moving around…”

“You want me to carry you again?”

“N-no! What I meant was, I’m having trouble moving around so I might be a little
slower. Perhaps you should head outside first and wait for me?”

That would give her the chance to inform Kyle to prevent Juan from coming out
no matter what had happened to her.

Unfortunately, Evan was not allowing her that opportunity.

“If it took you so long to keep a few needles, I would have to wait till next year for
you to step out of the house!”

While she did toy with the idea of taking her sweet time, she had no intention of
staying here for that long. At the very least, she would be leaving this house
sometime today. Waiting a whole year is such an exaggeration!

She was about to justify herself to him when that haughty face appeared before
her once again. Just like earlier, he hefted her into his arms, much to her alarm.
What’s happening? This does not seem like a precursor for anything bad!
Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 40

Since they were once again in close proximity to one another, she took the
opportunity to observe his face closely. Her heart seemed to skip a beat before it
began to thump faster, as her blood roared through her veins. She had to admit
to herself that his sharp and chiseled features really were like a work of art. It
was not a surprise that many women were willing to throw themselves at his feet.

It was just too bad that his expression was always so cold and emotionless.

His eyes were like twin pools of unfathomable darkness, placid, with not a ripple
of emotion in them.

Even while carrying such an attractive woman like herself, his gaze remained
staring ahead fixedly. Never once did his eyes stray to her form. How very
vexing! If it weren’t for our children, I would’ve definitely suspected that there was
something fundamentally wrong about, seeing as you are a man!

“Do you like my face that much?” his low voice cut into her thoughts easily.

She coughed lightly to hide her embarrassment at getting caught staring at his
face. “I’m just curious about why you’re doing this.”

“You’ll find out soon enough.”

A silence ensued.

Nicole’s delicate eyebrows creased in a small frown.

Evan lowered his gaze to look at her, noting how her thin lashes had fluttered like
the wings of a butterfly. Her smooth, pale skin seemed to glow with an inner light.

While he was reluctant to actually compliment her, he had to grudgingly admit

that she was considered quite a gorgeous woman. The intelligence that shone in
her big, doe eyes was rather alluring, a far cry from the normally dull look in most
people’s eyes.

However, she had ruthlessly abandoned Kyle, without a moment of hesitation.

She had even found another man and had his children.

The softness that had entered his eyes as he took in her beauty vanished in an
instant, a murderous intent soon replacing it.

Without realizing it, his footsteps quickened.

“Mr. Seet, where are you taking me?”

He had taken her past the living room and was currently heading for the
backyard of the house.

Why are we going to the backyard? What is he planning now? Is he going to lock
me up? Or maybe…

All kinds of terrible ideas scurried through her mind as she began to watch him
with growing anxiety.

Despite her worries, he remained silent, with a dark and foreboding expression
on his face. The menacing aura that he had exuded had caused her to shudder.

“E-Evan Seet, just what are you intending to do?”

Finally, he scoffed and replied with a sneer, “Afraid?”

“Touch a hair on my head and Kyle will hate you for the rest of your life! I’m his
Mommy, the woman he’s been dying to meet, for almost an eternity!”

“You told him who you were!” The hard tone in his voice was enough to cut
through diamonds, as the dangerous air around him intensified.

“N-no!” Nicole answered hurriedly. She was worried that if she had been one
second slower, an ‘accident’ might befall her.

I might accidentally fall to my death. Or maybe I’ll slip into that pond over there
and drown. Or, or…

The conclusion was that there were a hundred and one ways for Lucifer to kill her
and she knew it!

Glaring at her, he continued on his way.

“Mr. Seet, how long are you going to be carrying me for?”

“Don’t be so impatient. We’re nearly there.”

She glanced around warily, taking in her surroundings.

“Mr. Seet, a-are we going up there?”

He did not answer her question.

“B-be careful!”

Her heart leaped to her throat and remained lodged there. She could distinctly
feel how the rocks beneath his feet wobbled. Oh my god, one misstep and we’ll
end up in the pond! I’m so doomed… We’re so high up!
At long last, Evan set her down. She gaped at him, completely dumbstruck at
where they were.

He had followed a gravel road and climbed his way up to the top of the hill in the
middle of the pond.

All around her was nothing but water.

If she fell off the hill, she would be swimming with the fishes!

“Y-you’re not planning on s-shoving me off, are you?”

He snorted. “Shoving you off here? If I had wanted you dead, why would I have
wasted my time and energy to carry you all the way up here?”

“Then what do you want?”

“Did you notice how the road up here was paved with gravel as well?”


She stared at him in bewilderment, her eyes bright with her confusion as her
eyelashes trembled.

For a moment, Evan found himself captivated by her expressive face and
exquisite features.

However, he was quick to recover. In a chilly tone, he instructed, in an almost

casual manner, “I want you to walk down from here barefoot.”
Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 41

Barefoot? Staring at him, Nicole appeared to be stuck in a daze. Upon seeing her
current condition, one would be able to immediately gather that even walking,
would require great effort on her end. With that said, he now wanted her to walk,
barefooted, on such a high and steep gravel road?

“Evan, what are you doing?”

While she stared blankly at him, Evan reached out to remove her slippers, soon
tossing them down the rockery.

“Ms. Lane, please take your time! If you find that you are unable to complete your
walk in a day, do it in two. If you aren’t able to complete it in two days, do it in
three. What’s the problem here?”

“Evan, you are absolutely horrible!”

“Thank you, for your kind words of praise,” retorted Evan, striding down the
gravel road across from the rockery, without even sparing her a glance.

“Hey, you, don’t leave, you… asshole!”

With his back barely visible now, Evan distanced himself further from her line of
sight. Seeing this, Nicole soon found that she was seething with rage, all while
looking down at the gauze on her feet.

Gingerly, she tried taking two steps forward, only to discover that she had felt as
though she was walking on glass.
Clenching the edges of her clothes, Nicole could not help but curse at Evan,
yelling, “Evan, you bastard! The gravel that he has paved is almost as
unforgiving as he is. Damn it!”

What could she possibly do now? Oh well, it seemed as though it was up to Kyle
and Juan, to look for her now.

Seeing that they were so small, it would have been impossible for both of them to
have carried her down.

Who else could save her? Unexpectedly, a strong feeling of helplessness

overtook her senses.

Truthfully, calling for help would have been futile. She could scream herself
hoarse and nobody would give a damn, since it was that bloody Evan’s domain
after all.

Nicole sighed despondently and sank to the ground. “You mustn’t give up,” she
muttered. “You need a plan, just keep thinking.”

When Evan returned to the living room, he noticed Davin eyeing him

“Where have you carried the beauty from earlier to?” queried Davin.

“That’s none of your business!” Evan shot him a glare and retreated into his

“You’re not thinking of keeping a mistress, are you? Is that why you’ve hidden her
away?” wondered Davin aloud, stroking his head thoughtfully.

At that moment, Kyle exited the bedroom and headed towards the study.

“Kyle, are you looking for your father?” asked Davin.

Kyle walked straight to the study without sparing him a second glance.

Damn, why is this kid suddenly so indifferent? wondered Davin as he walked to

the study, puzzled by Kyle’s behavior.

From there, he could hear Kyle ask, “Where’s Dr. Tussaud?”

“Do you need something from her?” came Evan’s reply.

“Where did you carry her off to?”

If not for Davin’s presence, Kyle would have already sneaked off to see what
Evan was up to. Unfortunately, doing so would only have alerted Evan to his

Evan glanced at him, and muttered, “Go and mind your own business.”

“I want to see her!” Kyle shouted at him angrily.

Evan frowned and threw him a glance. Why did Kyle care about her so much, to
the extent where he would yell at him over her? He raised this child himself!

This woman had only been allowed to give Kyle acupuncture under his watchful
eye. Could it be that she had managed to stir the pot under his very nose?

Damn her!

“Get out!” Evan ordered and looked at him.

Kyle turned around sullenly and slinked out of the study.

Having witnessed such an incident, Davin wanted to comfort his nephew.

Nonetheless, Kyle did not want to give him that opportunity. Glancing towards the
bedroom, Davin exclaimed, “Ha, like father like son! Such bad tempers!”
“What are you talking about?” came a response.

Davin chuckled inwardly and looked back at Evan with a smile plastered on his
face. “Why, I’d merely said that he is as good-natured as you are!” His face
dissolved in laughter, and he gave Evan a big thumbs up.

“Piss off!”

“Evan, it looks as though it’s going to be noon soon. Why don’t we have lunch?
Otherwise, I’ll return to complain to our folks at home, telling them that you’re
torturing me. Furthermore, I’ll inform them that you’d wanted to keep a mistress,”
he trailed off.

“Oh, I’ll be sure to let the kitchen prepare you delicacies then!”

The word ‘delicacies’ that was uttered by Evan had held a hidden meaning, one
that was not caught by Davin at the time. With hidden glee, Davin thought, Ah, it
appears that my threat has worked!

In the bedroom, Kyle locked the door, asking Juan what he should do next.

Juan blinked, asking, “Shall I ask him instead?”

“You?” responded Kyle.

“Yes, I will replace you. Now hide!” came Juan’s reply.

Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 42

Juan took out a set of Kyle’s clothes and changed into them before he headed
out to look for Evan.

As soon as he reached the bottom of the stairs, he ran into Davin, who had just
come down.

“Uncle Davin, is my dad still in the study, upstairs?” asked Juan, looking at Davin.

Davin looked at him in surprise. Did he just call me uncle? Why the sudden
change in attitude? Wasn’t he ignoring me just a while ago? And now, it seems
as though he’s had the sudden urge to call me ‘uncle’?

“Uncle, what’s the matter with you?” asked Juan.

Davin was struck back to his senses, and he nodded at Juan enthusiastically.
“Why yes, he is!”

“Then, I will go and find him!” announced Juan, as he hurried back upstairs.

“Kyle, wait!” Davin had to walk a few steps to catch up to him. He whispered
conspiratorially, “Be more gentle with your father. Don’t play hard and don’t fight
back. Heck, even I wouldn’t dare to do that!”

Juan nodded vigorously.

Kyle may have had the slightest makings of a cold and arrogant noble, but not
quite as such. A little bit of coaxing did work on him after all!

“Thank you for the reminder, Uncle. I’ll remember it.” Juan hurriedly walked into
Evan Seet’s study.

“Daddy!” Juan’s pleasant sounding voice had an odd ring to it.

Evan looked up, his expression dark. “Why have you returned again?”

Juan’s clear eyes were full of smiles as he walked towards Evan, tugging at the
corner of his shirt playfully. “Daddy, stop being angry! You’ll become unwell

As Juan did this, he tried to act cute.

Does he actually acknowledge his faults? wondered Evan.

That was more like it. Kyle was raised by Evan single-handedly; there was no
way that he could have fallen prey to Nicole’s wiles.

“Okay, Daddy won’t be angry anymore, let’s go play,” announced Evan.

“You’re really not angry anymore?” asked Juan.

“Yeah!” Suddenly, Evan felt that Juan was being a tad bit too talkative.

“Great! I knew that you were the greatest person in the world, Daddy!”

Evan pursed his lips, smiling. He had failed to notice it before, but Kyle definitely
had a way with people.

Juan had noticed that his father’s demeanor had improved, and he thought that
he could finally play his hand.
He smiled, asking, “Then can the best father in the world tell me where Dr.
Tussaud is?

Dr. Tussaud. Upon hearing these words, Evan’s expression morphed almost

So, he was trying to coax him, all because of that goddamned woman. Ah!

His son truly knew how to fight back. He had the same cold and arrogant
character as his father, but somehow, because of that woman, Kyle was willing to
coax him?

Looking at his father’s dark expression and suddenly under the pressure of his
powerful aura, Juan trembled. Why is Daddy so different from Mommy? Mommy
is easy to placate, but why had Daddy’s expression changed, all of a sudden?
Should I still ask him about Mommy?

“For the last time, Kyle, you’re forbidden to ask about that woman!”

“B-but… She still has to give me acupuncture tomorrow! I need her to get better!”
came Juan’s reply.

Is Kyle worried about his illness? Is that why he cares about Nicole?

When Evan heard this, he remained impassive, but his expression visibly
relaxed. “Don’t worry, you’ll get better. I promise.”

“But…” Juan still had something to say.

He glanced at Juan as if listening to his order. “Go on then,” urged Evan. After
that, he ignored Juan and resumed his work.

Juan felt a sigh arise from the bottom of his heart. He did not expect failure, to be
the result of his actions. It appeared that he would need to find another way.
He went downstairs dejectedly. As soon as he walked into the living room, he
saw Davin calling out to him.

“How did it go? Did your father say anything?”

Juan shook his head, his expression unhappy.

Davin reached over to pat him on the shoulder, saying, “Don’t worry, that lady will
be fine. Your father was just trying to teach her a lesson.”

“I don’t want Daddy to teach her a lesson!” exclaimed Juan indignantly. As soon
as he finished saying that, his eyes lit up. “Uncle Davin, Dr. Tussaud must be in
the villa! Do you want to help me find her?”
Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 43

Me? wondered Davin, looking at him cautiously.

“Isn’t she just some doctor? Is she really worth your concern?”

Some doctor? She’s my Mommy! Juan retorted inwardly, and rolled his eyes.

“Uncle, aren’t you the least bit curious about what daddy will do to her?”

Davin remembered that the woman had actually dared to tell Mr. Seet off. She
was courageous, for certain. However… Saying such a thing to Evan? She was
surely asking for trouble! Teaching her a lesson would have been the right thing
to do!

“Actually, this has nothing to do with me, and your dad wouldn’t want me to pry
either,” answered Davin.

“Uncle, you’re the best uncle in the world, so you should help me! Please?
Please?” Juan pleaded.

Davin could not resist his coquettish nephew at all.

“Fine! Damn it all, I’ll help you!”

“Thank you Uncle Davin!” With that, Juan went back to the bedroom to inform
Kyle of the good news.

Kyle was surprised, and asked, “But why did you ask him to help?”
“Right now, he’s the only one who can help us. We can’t tell anyone of this. If
you’d gone out to find her, the maids would have certainly told your Daddy. He’ll
restrict your freedom and it’ll be bad,” explained Juan. His analysis of the
situation made sense.

Upon hearing this, Kyle stopped himself from arguing further. His face, however,
still wore a mask of displeasure.

Juan did not mind in the least. After all, Kyle had a poker face, just like Daddy!

After half an hour, they heard some urgent knocking at the door, as if something
had happened. Hurriedly, Juan hid in the closet while Kyle answered the door.

“Why are you here?” asked Kyle.

Davin frowned. Was it so strange that he was at the door? After all, it was Kyle
who had asked him for help!

“Kyle, I’m not happy with this tone of yours. I’m not happy with that look on your
face either! Why are you looking at me as if I’m your enemy? I’m merely doing
you a favor!” Davin tried to reason with Kyle, solemnly.

Kyle met his words with impatience, saying, “Well, speak up!”

Damn, what an arrogant kid! Davin tried once more. Placing his hands on his
hips, Davin looked at Kyle condescendingly and murmured, “Well, call me Uncle
Davin and I’ll tell you.”

“Wait a moment!” Having said that, Kyle slammed the door shut.

Davin was dumbstruck. Goddamn, what kind of operation is this? He had actually
shut me out?
“You’re a horrible child!” snapped Davin. He was furious and rapped at the door
twice. “Don’t expect me to ever help you again!”

After speaking, he turned around angrily. He had only taken two steps away,
when suddenly, the door behind him opened.

Juan bolted out of the door, grinning at him gleefully.

Davin’s eyes widened. What is the meaning of this? First, he treats me as though
I’m an antagonist, and now his demeanor has changed so rapidly? Good grief,
his mood is too mercurial, I can’t keep up!

“Uncle Davin, where is Dr. Tussaud?” As Juan finished speaking, he clutched at

Davin’s hand, trying to play coy.

Davin looked at him thunderously, asking, “Why on earth did you shut me out just

Well, it was Kyle who had answered the door. He didn’t want to call you Uncle
Davin or talk to you, so, he’d shut you out so I could replace him. But I’ll take that
with me to the grave, mused Juan.

“Well, I just…” Juan struggled to think of a suitable reason. In a flash, he looked

up at Davin and asked, “What do you think, Uncle Davin?”

“What do I think?” Davin pointed at himself and looked at Juan in bewilderment.

“You closed the door, and you’re asking me why?”

How on earth was he supposed to know the reason behind his nephew’s

“Well, the reason… The reason is that I thought that I’d seen Daddy walk
downstairs, and I was scared that he would notice. That’s why I shut the door like
that!” cried Juan.
“Really?” Davin wondered why had he not noticed.

“Yes!” nodded Juan enthusiastically. “So, Uncle Davin, quickly! Where is Dr.
Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 44

Davin was a little stunned, but he could sense that something was amiss.

“Uncle Davin? Uncle Davin, tell me quickly!” pleaded Juan.

“Alright, I’ll tell you.”

“What did you say?” The question came out like a yelp. When Juan heard that
his Mommy was near the pond, in the middle of the rockery, he felt anxious.

How hateful of Daddy. He actually carried Mommy onto the rockery!

“Ha, she’ll definitely be unable to get off. The trick that your dad has pulled off is
amazing!” exclaimed Davin.

Juan was contemplating his next course of action, when he heard Blake calling
the household to dinner.

Davin’s eyes lit up. He had nearly forgotten that his brother had ordered the
kitchens to prepare ‘delicacies’, so that he could have a feast.

“Come along, let’s eat.” Davin took Juan by his little hand and walked towards the
dining room.

“It’s time for dinner,” announced Evan, who was seated at the head of the table.

Davin sat next to him, and looked forward to the meal. “Evan, what delicacies
have you prepared for me?”
“Seafood!” came his reply.

“Seafood? Hairy crabs? Shark’s fin, sea cucumber, abalone…” He was so

excited just thinking about it. He whispered to Juan who was seated beside him,
“You get to enjoy this because of me!”

Juan turned to look at his Daddy. It seemed like he had an odd expression,
where the smile did not quite reach his eyes.

“Mr. Davin, please enjoy your meal.”

“What is this?” enquired Davin, looking at the food that was set in front of him.

“It’s seafood. Kelp, and it’s fresh too!” replied the servant.

“This, is this seafood?” Davin looked at Evan incredulously.

Evan nodded, and replied, “Eat up, there’s more if that isn’t enough.”

A silence took place.

After lunch, Davin looked disgruntled. He felt that Evan’s behavior was
excessive. No, this simply would not do. He would have to go home to complain.

“Uncle Davin, I think that Daddy has gone a little overboard.”

“A little overboard?” snorted Davin coldly. “He went completely overboard!”

Juan blinked his clear eyes, “Why don’t you retaliate? Have a bit of revenge?”

If Davin were willing to help, he could save his Mommy!

“Revenge? How?” enquired Davin, looking taken aback.

Juan then whispered something into his ear.

Upon hearing this, Davin was surprised. “Kyle, are you sure that this is revenge?
You’re using me as a weapon. I dare not do this!”

“Or maybe Daddy is great, and you do deserve to be bullied!” muttered Juan, as
he rolled his eyes.

“Hey now, don’t aggravate me! It’s useless!” retorted Davin.

Juan glanced at him, and replied, “At least you’re self-aware. You know that
you’re useless.”

Davin was rendered speechless from the awkwardness of the situation. At such a
tender age, Juan had truly called him ‘useless’?

“Juan, you little… You’re going too far!”

“From now on, I can’t even call you Uncle Davin in good faith! You’re such a
coward, and I don’t want to play with you ever again!” Having said those words,
Juan headed directly for the bedroom.

Sensing that he could not count on Davin, Juan had to discuss this with Kyle.
There had to be another way.

Davin looked at Juan’s retreating back and smiled, helplessly. This little guy,
good lord.

Back in the bedroom, Juan looked at Kyle, with melancholy written across both
their identical faces.

“We are too young to lift her. Why don’t we give her something to eat and drink
“Okay, I’ll go. You stay here and hide,” urged Kyle.

Juan pondered on this, for a moment and nodded. He was not as familiar with
the grounds as Kyle was, so Kyle was naturally the better choice for this task.

Kyle snuck into the kitchen and took some food. Then, he ran towards the
rockery in the rear house.

As he approached the rockery, he suddenly noticed that Davin was on it.

What was he saying to Dr. Tussaud?

Kyle was curious and wanted to have a closer look. Soon, he saw that Davin was
carrying Dr. Tussaud on his back.

Kyle was surprised. Was he actually trying to do the right thing?

He rolled his eyes, and hid again.

Davin had his back facing the rockery. Without warning, he set the person down,
muttered a few words, and left in a hurry.

Kyle walked up to Nicole and gave her the once-over. “Are you alright?”


“Yes. But why didn’t he just carry you back?” enquired Kyle.

“I’m afraid that your dad will find out. Can you help me look for something?”
Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 45

Kyle nodded and agreed to the task.

Sometime later, Evan came downstairs and saw Nicole, who stuck out like a sore
thumb in the living room. His handsome face sank.

“You came down by yourself?” he asked.

Nicole nodded.

If she could walk down herself, surely the injury is not as serious as she’d

Evan narrowed his eyes and walked quickly to her side. When he saw her feet,
he wrinkled his thick eyebrows.

The white gauze was dyed a dazzling blood red.

Even her clothes were stained with blood.

With this, she’d actually walked down? It sure seemed like it!

This woman was already so cruel to herself, was there truly anything that she
was incapable of?

He had to keep Kyle away from people like her!

“On my way down, I’d hit myself one too many times. The bone should definitely
be broken. I had to crawl in.”

“You… crawled…” Evan looked at his mahogany floors. Was all of this blood?

He moved aside in disgust.

In tears, Nicole cried, “Mr. Seet, my legs are of no use to me right now. If I can
stay here in the future, it wouldn’t be so bad. I can eat and live well here, and I’d
get to see Kyle all the time. I’m his Mommy! If I can’t walk, I can only let Kyle take
care of me for the rest of my life.”

Ah! You still want to stay here? And have Kyle take care of you? You must be

“Nicole, you were the one who had abandoned Kyle. And you now have the
audacity to ask him to take care of you?” asked Evan.

“I had no choice in the matter! Why don’t you take care of me then? After all, it’s
your fault that I’m in this pathetic state right now!” she retorted.

“In your dreams!” exclaimed Evan icily.

“You can just let me die here then. When Kyle learns the truth, he will hate you
for life!”

Evan’s face immediately sank.

Damn this woman. Was she threatening him with her life?

However, he could not bear to ignore her. If he really did let her die here, Kyle
would have definitely hated him if he had found out.

Goddamned woman, you are cruel to the core!

Evan took out his phone and made a call. Swiftly, Nicole was brought over to the

The doctors were surprised, “Mr. Seet had said that it was serious. But isn’t this
just a flesh wound?”

“Yeah, he said it as if she was going to become an invalid.”

Nicole listened to the doctors’ muttering and gave them a haughty smile. “You
have no idea how good Mr. Seet is to me. Normally, even a pinprick is enough to
make him fuss over me for quite a while. What can I say, really? He feels
heartbroken for me, that’s why he’d thought that it was that serious.”

Hearing what Nicole had uttered, the doctors shared a look of understanding. So
this was the woman who was treasured by Mr. Seet. She was truly an important

After that, the treatment she received was heavenly.

At night, Evan came to visit her in the hospital after work. To his surprise, the
ward was empty!

“Where is she?” asked Evan.

“Mr. Seet, your wife has said that she had something to do, and she’d left.”

“Wife?” Evan frowned. Were they talking about Nicole?

“But… How did she leave with an injury like that?” Evan was puzzled.

Didn’t she say that she’d hit herself multiple times, her bones had broken, and
that she had to crawl into the living room? And in a mere afternoon, she could
suddenly walk again?
“Mr. Seet, your wife’s injury was a surface wound, and it seems to have been
treated before. Don’t worry, she will recover soon.”

Surface wounds? Treated before? But all that blood on her body…

Evan clenched his fists fiercely. That goddamned Nicole had lied to him again!

“Mr. Seet, your wife, she…”

“If I hear the word ‘wife’ one more time, I will rip your bones apart!” roared Evan.

The way Evan gritted his teeth made the doctor’s heart tremble.

“Yes, yes,” came the doctor’s reply.

Turning around, he hurriedly walked out of the ward and drove straight to
Parkland Garden in a frenzy.

When he arrived at Nicole’s residence, he rapped upon the door vigorously.

Unfortunately, the place appeared to be deserted.

When he asked a neighbor, he was informed, “Oh, they’ve moved. They’ve just

“Where did they move to?”

Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 46

“I have no idea,” came the neighbor’s reply.

That hateful woman!

Evan had always had doubts in his mind. How did Nicole come down from the
rockery? Also, what was with that bloodstain?

He would only find answers at the Hillside Villa. Evan went downstairs, and
again, drove back home like a madman.

As soon as he set foot indoors, Evan noticed the butler walking towards him in a
hurry. “This is not good, Mr. Seet!” exclaimed Blake worriedly. “Kyle has gone

“What?” Evan was shocked to his core.

How could Kyle disappear? Unless…

“Go and investigate how that woman got down from the rockery. Then, find the
origins of that blood!”

“Mr. Seet, the blood came from Kyle. He must have snuck it there… But nobody
saw how she had come down,” came his reply.

Kyle and Davin were nowhere near as careful as Evan, when it came to this.
“It came from Kyle?” Evan asked incredulously. The look on Evan’s face was

Nicole! She must have encouraged Kyle to do this!

This woman had dared to stir trouble right beneath his nose! He clenched his
fists, wishing that he could obliterate Nicole.

Nicole who had just finished moving, sat down on the sofa. Looking at her feet,
she sighed in pain.

Getting a taxi from the hospital did not take much effort.

Evan should have found out about her escape by now. She did not know if he
was willing to spend another million, putting up a missing person’s notice for her.

On top of that, Kyle had snuck out to be with her.

“Don’t worry, Mommy. Daddy won’t find us!”

Juan tried to comfort Nicole, upon seeing her preoccupied expression.

Kyle, who was moving some things in, was stunned to hear Juan address Nicole
in such a manner.

“What did you just call her?” His clear eyes looked at both Juan and Nicole,

Nicole was at a loss for words. She was not expecting Kyle to have overheard
that so coincidentally.

Juan stuck out his tongue. He was the one who had failed to notice the faux pas.
However, if he found out, then he would. Kyle would have discovered the truth
eventually anyway.

Juan looked back at Kyle, saying, “I had called her ‘Mommy’. She’s our Mommy.”

“Mommy?” Kyle looked at Nicole uncertainly.

Nicole felt nervous, unsure of how Kyle would react next. She fixed her gaze on
him, and uttered, “I’m so sorry, Kyle!”

“You… really are my Mommy?”

Nicole nodded vigorously.

“Then why did you abandon me? Was it because I was sick? Were you tired of
me? Did you not want me anymore?” Kyle was agitated.

“Kyle, Mommy had no choice. Mommy had to raise four kids on her own…” she
trailed off, but regained her composure soon. “Mommy didn’t leave you behind on
purpose. I have wronged you!”

Kyle was stunned.

All these years, he had often dreamt of seeing ‘Mommy’ in his dreams, holding
her hands, before asking her, “Why did you abandon me?” Why did she not want

The desire for maternal love and inferiority from her abandonment had tortured
him day and night.

Thinking of this, he clenched his fists. However, the tears could not stop falling.

Seeing him crying, Nicole was so distressed that she had wanted to hug him.
When she stood up, she did so too abruptly and nearly fell.
“Mommy, are you okay?” asked Juan, concerned.

“I’m alright,” affirmed Nicole. Instantly, her gaze fell upon Kyle again.

Kyle stood there blankly, not knowing what to make of the situation.

Juan knew what Nicole was thinking, and hence, he walked up to Kyle.

“Mommy loves you very much. She didn’t leave you on purpose. Don’t blame
Mommy, okay?”

Having seen that Kyle was still silent, Juan pressed on, “To treat your illness, she
went through extreme lengths to see you at Hillside Villa. She was scared that
Daddy would recognize her, refusing to allow you to see her. She had also hurt
her foot, trying to rescue you! Kyle, Mommy loves you very much!”
Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 47

Kyle recalled the first time that he had met Dr. Tussaud. She was disguised, with
a birthmark on her face. It was very ugly.

To avoid being discovered by his father, she had disguised herself in such a
manner to save him.

He also thought of all the times that she had protected him, not hesitating to lock
horns with his Daddy.

She had hurt her foot, just to rescue him. She ate dessert with him, brought him
to the playground.

She does love me after all, thought Kyle.

He was not an abandoned child, despised and unloved. Mommy loved him.

Kyle walked towards Nicole, step by step. He grabbed her hand, sobbing, while
calling out, “Mommy!”

Upon saying the word, he could not stop his tears from falling. It was as if he was
letting out all the grief and pain that he had accumulated over the years.

Nicole pulled him into her arms, saying, “Kyle, Mommy’s the one at fault here. I’ll
do more for you, and I’ll compensate for all the time lost!”

Seeing that Kyle and Mommy were reunited, Juan was overjoyed.
Nicole wiped Kyle’s tears and murmured, “Listen, everyone. Kyle is your older
brother. You need to be there for each other, understand?”

Kyle was older?

Juan stuck out his tongue playfully. He did not expect to be a younger brother

“Kyle!” they shouted in unison.

Kyle was happy to be a part of the flock. He now had siblings!

Nicole watched the four children play, with a smile of relief on her face.

She suddenly felt that giving birth to the four of them was the best decision that
she had made.

When Kyle lived with Nicole for a few days, he received daily sessions of
acupuncture and moxibustion. With the aid of traditional medicine, Kyle was on
the road to recovery.

One day, Evan’s financial interview was being broadcasted on television. Kyle
stared directly at the TV screen, feeling his eyes water.

His father had lost quite a bit of weight.

“Do you miss Daddy?” asked Juan, looking at him.

Kyle nodded, “I want to go back.”

“You want to live with Daddy?” queried Juan.

“If I’m not there, Daddy will be lonely. I’ll go and stay with him for a few days.”
“Of course! When Daddy and Mommy live together, our family will be whole

Kyle looked at Juan and affirmed, “We’ll work hard to get them together.”

“I second that. Shall we work together then?”


The two looked at each other and smiled, after which, Kyle told Nicole that he
had wanted to go home.

“Kyle, Mommy understands that you want to go back. You’ve already made a full
recovery! After you do, tell your father that you should already be in
kindergarten,” urged Nicole.

Kyle nodded enthusiastically. He was very willing to go to kindergarten.

It would be best if I could attend my kindergarten with Juan, he thought. Then we

can meet every day!

When Evan drove his Maybach back to the villa, Blake greeted him. He was

“Mr. Seet, good news! Kyle has returned!”

Evan looked at him with surprise. He suspected that he had misheard Blake.

“You said Kyle…” He barely had time to finish his sentence when he heard Kyle
yell, “Daddy!”

Evan turned around. When he saw Kyle, it felt as though the sun had come back
into his life.
All these days, with Kyle absent, he had become seemingly lifeless.

He had even mobilized all of Seet Group to search for his son’s whereabouts, but
to no avail.

“Where have you been?” he asked Kyle urgently.

“Daddy, I went to get medical treatment, and I am well now. Mommy said that I
can go to kindergarten.”


Kyle had already found out.

Evan looked him in the eyes, his expression complicated.

“I know that Dr. Tussaud is my Mommy. Don’t blame her, Daddy, she is very good
to me,” persuaded Kyle.

This wretched woman! After all this, she still sent Kyle back. She is still trying to
use him to get to me!

“Kyle, that woman is not your Mommy. You are to stay away from her, and to
never see her again!”
Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 48

Every word that Evan spoke was clearly enunciated, and he looked at Kyle like
he was issuing commands.

“She is my Mommy,” whispered Kyle.

“No means no!”

Kyle was shocked by the sharpness of Evan’s words and stood there, not daring
to refute him.

Blake suddenly spoke up and issued a reminder, “Mr. Seet? Ms. Su is here.”

Soon after, Sofie Su appeared. She was dressed in all white, and her long, black
hair flowed freely. In her stiletto heels, she walked elegantly towards Evan.

“Evan, what’s wrong?”

She seemed to have heard Evan shouting at Kyle, so naturally, she was very

Kyle had always been the apple of Evan’s eye, but the child had a cold and
arrogant exterior. He never seemed pleased to see her, and she thought that he
should be thoroughly disciplined.

“It’s nothing. Why are you here?”

“My father’s company has a project that needs to be reviewed. I’m not sure if you
have the time…” Sofie trailed off.

Evan turned around and studied Sofie carefully. She had been trying her utmost
best, to get close to him, as she was vying to be his wife. Therefore, if she had
the opportunity, she would definitely be on her best behavior.

Since Kyle had expressed his desire to go to kindergarten, Evan would not have
the time to ferry him around. Why not just let Sofie have her opportunity this

“Sofie, I also have something to do here, and I’m not sure if you have the time.”

Sofie looked at him in astonishment. He was actually in need of a favor? The

timing could not have gotten better.

“Tell me what you need, Evan!”

“I have some errands to run, tomorrow morning. If you’re free then, please
ensure that Kyle is sent to kindergarten.”

Upon hearing his request, Sofie glanced at Kyle hesitantly.

She thought that it would be a chance to get to know Evan up close. Sofie had
not expected to be asked to take Kyle to kindergarten, of all things!

“What is it? Are you busy after all?” asked Evan. Sofie immediately nodded,
smiling at him.

“Of course I have time, Evan. Don’t worry, I’ll treat Kyle like I would, to my own

“Excellent! Now, tell me about that project of yours,” replied Evan, sealing the
A silence soon followed.

When Sofie left, she deliberately stole a glance at Kyle’s closed bedroom.

What was with that attitude earlier? The boy had actually grimaced at her. If not
to please Evan, she never would have agreed to carry out this task at all.

Firstly, when Evan and I have our own children, she schemed, I will send that
little wretch to Jonathan Seet. Let him stay with his grandparents, far away from
me and Evan.

Early next morning, Sofie rushed over to Hillside Villas, making sure to put in the
extra effort of bringing Evan some breakfast.

The gesture was met by Evan, who merely glanced at her and announced, “I’ve
already had my breakfast. Kyle’s now ready to go.”

Sofie placed the container on the table and responded, “I have brought this
especially for you. Eat a little more. You can also bring it to the office for tea!”

Her red lips parted slightly, as she stared at Evan, unfazed.

“Send him off,” came his reply.

Kyle looked at Sofie, and felt that she was getting increasingly irritating, the more
he had looked at her.

“Kyle, go with Ms. Su.”

With that, Kyle ignored her and stepped out of the living room in a rage.

“Don’t worry, Evan. I’ll take care of Kyle.” Sofie Su sighed daintily, as she played
the role of a cultured woman.
Evan nodded and urged, “In his details, I’ve stated that Kyle is merely an
ordinary, working-class child. Be mindful of your words, and don’t make people
think that he is superior.”

“I understand, Evan. This is good for his development. The teacher will be able to
treat him like everyone else.”

Upon boarding the car, Sofie gave Kyle the once-over. Her flattering persona had
completely diminished, only to be replaced by cold indifference.

Even glancing at him indifferently made her uncomfortable still. Sofie announced,
“Kyle, you can’t look this way when you get there. Does someone owe you
money? Who’s the sulky face even for?”

Kyle looked at her and unhappily replied, “So what?”

“Oh, you! With that look on your face, you’d be chased out of there in no time!”
came her retort.

As the car’s frenzied speed came to a stop outside Grant Kindergarten, Sofie
glanced at Kyle and ordered, “Get out of the car, and go in yourself.”

Kyle ignored her, exited the car with his schoolbag, and walked into the

The driver looked at Sofie and asked, “Does he know which class he’s in? If he
can’t find the right one, the teacher might contact Mr. Seet. Wouldn’t that be

“What a pain in the ass!” complained Sofie, as she reluctantly stepped out of the
car to chase after Kyle.

After she had brought Kyle to the right class, Sofie had something else to tell the
teacher, Ms. Patty. “This child has quite the personality and he’s pretty arrogant,”
she explained. “He does not understand basic etiquette or politeness. He likes to
do what he wants. Ms. Patty, please don’t hesitate to discipline him!”
Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 49

Ms. Patty looked at Kyle carefully, before nodding. “Don’t worry, we’ll take good
care of him.”

“I apologize for the trouble, Ms. Patty.”

Kyle stared at Sofie’s retreating back, with anger on his face. What shortcomings
did he have for this woman to make up such awful accusations on his first day?
How annoying!

“Kyle, take your seat.”

In class, Kyle listened attentively. The teacher’s lessons seemed pretty simple,
and he caught up relatively quickly.

Soon, he found classes to be relaxing.

After class, his classmates eyed him carefully, and with curiosity. Evan had the
latest pencil case and even a brand new picture book.

“What is this?” someone asked.

“Be careful with that!” exclaimed Kyle. Carefully, he opened his pencil case and
displayed it for his curious classmates.

“Wow, I’ve never seen a pencil case like this before.”

“Yeah, there are many special things that it can do. Look, it can change colors,
and it can also sort out stationeries!”

Just as his classmates were mesmerized, a pair of hands reached over quickly
and grabbed his pencil case. “What silly thing is this, that you’re showing off?”

“Give it to me!” yelled Kyle. He immediately stood up and glared at his classmate.

The classmate holding the pencil case glanced at him and allowed it to fall to the
ground, unconvinced. “What good is this thing anyway? It’ll break as soon as it’s

Kyle stared at him angrily as he reached his hand out, to strike the other boy.

“How dare you hit me? Everyone, help me beat him. If you all win, I’ll treat you to

As he said this, a few classmates decided to join in, on the brawl.

Kyle was still ill. He had only just recovered from the acupuncture and
moxibustion. Thus, he was no match for these students.

Nonetheless, in spite of his bruised and swollen nose, he tried his best to fight
back. When that failed, he began to bite them, like a crazed wolf-cub.

Ms. Patty caught wind of this and called all the students who had joined in, on the
fight to the office.

“What happened?” she asked.

Kyle was not very good at explaining himself.

Even though it was not his fault that the students had turned on him, and that
they were motivated by pizza, Kyle was the one who had bear the brunt of the

“My word, it’s no wonder your relative had asked me to keep an eye on you! You
truly are arrogant, impolite, extreme, and strong-willed!” chided Ms. Patty.

“I am not!” retorted Kyle.

“Oh, look at this attitude that you have, towards your teacher. Do you still insist
that you’re none of those things? Go back to class and stand for your lessons!
Do this for three days!”

Kyle wiped a trickle of blood from the corner of his mouth and marched back to
the classroom.

After school, Sofie was surprised to see him look so awkward.

“My goodness, how did this happen?”

Kyle simply ignored her, refusing to respond.

How was she going to explain this to Evan? She decided to clarify matters
directly with the teacher.

Following the exchange with Ms. Patty, Sofie explained the situation to Evan.

“Evan, Kyle had apparently made a show of his pencil case, in front of all his
classmates. They were curious, but he had beat up the ones who had wanted a
closer look, getting injured in the process. The others seemed to look worse, for

Hearing this, Evan narrowed his eyes. “Kyle, who said that you could show off?”
“I didn’t!” retorted Kyle vehemently.

“Who made the first move?” asked Evan.

Kyle was stunned. He was not lying! This only happened because his classmate
snatched his pencil case and threw it on the floor, that’s why he threw the first

Evan looked at Kyle who was silent, assuming that it meant that he had admitted
to all his faults.

What a show-off, hitting people! How did he develop such a bad habit?

“Evan, don’t blame him. It’s normal for kids to fight,” persuaded Sofie.

“Tomorrow, all of your belongings will be replaced by ordinary ones!”

If he no longer had the capacity to show off, there would no longer be any more
conflicts. Showing off at such a young age was not a good sign.

With tears of grievance, Kyle glanced angrily at Evan and stomped off to his

Sofie looked at Kyle’s retreat, and her lips curled into a smirk. That should teach
him a lesson!

At night, Juan sent Kyle a text, asking him if he went to kindergarten.

Kyle replied, Yes, at Grant.

Juan was envious upon seeing it. Wow, Mommy has enquired there before. It’s a
very posh place! How lucky you are, Kyle!
Was this happiness? Kyle wondered. He frowned and responded with, It’s not a
good place!

He suddenly heard the door being pushed open. Before he could send the text,
Kyle hurriedly hid his smartwatch beneath the pillow.
Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 50

Juan was tired of waiting for a reply and he soon fell asleep on the bed.

Evan looked at Kyle who had his eyes shut tight. He sat down in front of the bed
and tried to comfort him, saying, “Kindergarten is a new environment for you.
You’ll take a while to adjust, but once you do, things will improve.” Evan reached
out and stroked his injured face.

“Seeing as you’ve already used the best medicine, you’ll get better. Let this be a
lesson to you, got it?”

Kyle ignored him and continued to feign being asleep. Evan leaned over and
gently kissed his forehead. After tucking him in, he left the room.

Kyle watched the tall, stalwart figure disappear from view. In his heart, he knew
that his Daddy loved him.

He secretly picked up his smartwatch and deleted the text that he had meant to
send to Juan.

The next day, Nicole made breakfast and called for her three children to wake up.

Maya did not require much encouragement. The mere mention of a dessert being
prepared for breakfast would make her bolt out of bed with enthusiasm. She was
always the first to get dressed and she constantly reached the table at top speed.
Her eyes would sparkle, thinking about what to eat first.
Nina was the vain one, as she was always the last to arrive. If she felt that her
hair was unsatisfactory or messy, she would spend time combing it.

Juan was in the middle, always arriving before Nina, but after Maya.

Juan poured himself a glass of milk and took a sip, saying, “Mommy, this is the
kind of milk that Kyle likes the most!”

Nicole’s heart trembled, at the mention of Kyle.

“I wonder how he’s doing. Has Kyle gone to kindergarten yet?”

“Yes, he went to Grant Kindergarten!” Juan responded enthusiastically.

As soon as Juan finished speaking, Nina walked slowly to the table, as she
sighed in a thoughtful manner, “Of course, Daddy is rich!”

“Do you envy him? Why don’t you go and live with Daddy then?”

“Don’t be silly! No matter how rich he is, I won’t leave Mommy behind!”

Maya wiped off a bit of the cake pop from her mouth. She then chimed in, saying,
“That’s right! I’ll never leave Mommy as well. She is the best Mommy in the

Nicole tutted, “How sweet you are, Maya! You’ve been eating so much dessert
that your words are so sweet as well!”

“I don’t mind!”

Maya rolled her eyes at Nina. If Nina could praise Mommy, so could she!

“Well, you three, eat quickly or you’ll be late!”

After breakfast, Nicole sent her three children, to their kindergarten.

When she returned, she suddenly recalled Juan mentioning that Kyle had
enrolled in Grant Kindergarten. Nicole wondered if he was fitting in well.

She decided to find out for herself.

She rushed to Grant Kindergarten, just in time to see Kyle, stepping out of an
Audi. He looked gloomy.

She was still unsure of who the driver was. Afraid of being recognized, Nicole
hurriedly lowered her head.

“Hurry in, don’t dawdle now!”

The sudden roar made Nicole’s heart sink.

What was that about?

She looked up to see a beautifully dressed woman staring at Kyle resentfully.

As Kyle walked into the compound, she was still nagging at him from behind,
“Don’t pick any more fights today! Picking you up would be embarrassing,

Damn it! Where did this shrew come from?

Nicole stared at her nasty face, studying it carefully. She found it oddly familiar.

Of course! She’s the one whom I ran into at the airport when I had returned to the
country! She’s always with Evan, and she had even picked a fight with Nina!

Why was she sending Kyle to school?

Judging from what she had said earlier, this was not the first time either.

Was Evan the one who had allowed her to do this?

How could he allow such a woman to send Kyle to school? There had to be
something wrong with him!

Nicole glanced at Sofie, before looking at Kyle once more. He was gradually
walking away. He looked so lonely, and so out of place, even while he was in the
lively school environment.

Juan, Maya, and Nina were always so happy to go to kindergarten. Did

something bad happen to Kyle?
Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 51

She remembered that Kyle told her that he was willing to go to kindergarten.

Seeing the woman got into the car, Nicole hurriedly entered the building and
followed Kyle.

Before Kyle could take a seat inside his classroom, a classmate’s parent came
over and pushed him to the ground.

“What was that for?”

He quickly got up again and glared at the person who pushed him.

Nicole clenched her fists as she continued to walk towards Kyle.

“That was for hitting my child. He’s got bruises and bite marks on him, you little

“I only did it because he threw my pencil case first!”

“All that for your worthless pencil case? I think I’ll… “

The parent was about to give Kyle another hard push when somebody grabbed
her wrist suddenly.

“What the hell? Let go of me!”

The parent struggled to break free of Nicole’s grasp before touching her sore
wrist with the other hand.

Not expecting his mother to appear, Kyle looked at Nicole in surprise. He stared
at Nicole for a couple of seconds before lowering his head to hide his bruised
nose and swollen face from the beating the day before.

Noticing him lowering his head like that, Nicole leaned over to look at Kyle, “It’s
okay, Kyle. I’m here now.”

Her heart broke when she noticed the bruises on Kyle’s face.

“Who hit him?”

The sudden roar shook the classroom and nobody dared to make a sound.

With her fury rising like wildfire, Nicole shifted her focus to the parent who
pushed Kyle, “Was it your child?”

“It was your son who hit mine first!”

Nicole then looked down at the boy next to his parent. The light bruises on the
boy’s face were nothing like the serious ones on Kyle.

How dare she pick on Kyle when he’s obviously the one who got hurt more.

Besides, I heard Kyle said that the boy threw his pencil case first!

“Kyle, is that boy the one who hit you?”

Before Kyle could answer, a voice suddenly interrupted him.

“He said that whoever hits Kyle gets free pizza!”

Free pizza for hitting my boy?

That little sh*t!

Nicole found it hard to believe that a child would know how to use people like

In that case, that boy was still responsible for hurting Kyle.

“Your boy instigated others to hurt mine so he has to apologize! Whoever hit Kyle
yesterday for the free pizza better apologize to him too!”

“Why should we listen to you?”

The parent was unconvinced, especially after checking out Nicole and seeing
how ordinary she looked.

Who’s this woman to tell me what to do?

“Are you going to apologize or not?” Nicole gave the parent a hard push and she
staggered before falling to the ground.

“How dare you push me, you b*tch! Oh, my bones! I think my shoulder broke. I
can’t get up. I need to go to the hospital.”

Sneering at the parent, Nicole took out silver needles, “Is that right? Well, lucky
you, I’m a doctor. I’m sure you’ll be right as rain after I do some poking with my

With needles in hand, Nicole slowly approached the parent who quickly got up
from the ground at the sight of the long needles.

“I’m going to sue you for pushing me!” threatened the parent.
“I only did it because you pushed my child first, so you deserved it. You want to
bring this to the court? Go ahead! Do it!”

“Who are you to talk to me like that? You’re just a nobody from the ordinary
Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 52

Ordinary working-class?

Is that where an internationally well-known miracle doctor belongs nowadays?

I guess even this high-class kindergarten isn’t even free of discrimination.

Nicole scoffed at the accusation, “What’s wrong with the ordinary working-class?
Are we not allowed justice?”

The question quickly sparked a discussion among the other classmates’ parents.

Soon, many of them started to stand with Nicole. They think that it was the boy’s
fault and that he should be the one to apologize.

After approaching the parent, Nicole whispered into her ear, “What’ve you got on
you? Not one of those items on you is authentic. Shall I tell everyone how much
they’re worth?”

The parent’s face flushed as she had no idea how Nicole could tell that the items
on her were fake.

It would be too much of an embarrassment for her if the truth were to be exposed
in public.

The parent knew she could no longer keep up with the argument, “I’m so sorry! I
apologize for both myself and my child.”

“I’m sorry! It’s my fault!”

“Your child has to apologize too.”

The boy was reluctant to do so at first, but after some scolding by his mother, he
finally gave in and apologized to Kyle.

At that moment, Kyle realized how awesome his mother was, so he held her
hand tightly.

Feeling how hard Kyle was holding her, Nicole’s heart was bleeding when she
looked at his bruises again.

“How about some ice-cream?”

Kyle’s eyes sparkled with joy before he nodded excitedly.

“Let’s go.”

And so Nicole left the kindergarten with Kyle and brought him to Fairy Tale Ice
Cream Bar.

“You can have whatever you want, Kyle.”

“I want milkshake.”


It was rare for Kyle to say what he wanted, but whatever wishes he got that day,
Nicole was determined to grant every one of them.
After leaving the ice cream place, Nicole brought Kyle to the zoo where they saw
countless animals. Kyle’s favorite was the fluffy grizzly bear.

“Let’s go to the theme park, Kyle. You weren’t in the mood the last time we’re
there. How about we have some fun this time?”

After some thought, Kyle nodded in agreement.

At the theme park, Kyle had the time of his life riding the roller coaster, the
carousel, and all the rides in the water park.

Kyle’s stoic little face finally broke into joyful laughter.

For a moment there, Nicole even imagined Kyle to be as lively as Juan if she
never left him with Evan.

When Sofie went to the kindergarten to pick up Kyle in the afternoon, she was
told that he left with someone.

After some inquiring, she was shocked to learn from the classmates’ parents that
it was Kyle’s mother who picked him up, and there was a conflict between Kyle’s
mother and another parent.

After walking out of the kindergarten, Sofie immediately took her phone out to call
Evan who answered after a few seconds.

“Who’s Kyle’s mother, Evan?” asked Sofie curiously.

Evan’s face turned pale the second he was asked that question.

“Why do you ask?”

After telling Evan what she found out at the kindergarten, Sofie repeated her
question once again, “So who the hell is Kyle’s mother, Evan? Either somebody
impersonated me or Kyle’s not… “

Before Sofie could finish her sentence, Evan hung up the phone.

“Evan? Evan!” shouted Sofie angrily at the phone before she ordered her driver,
“To the Seet Group office!”

Evan was so furious that John dared not look directly at him. All he could do was
wondered what happened that could have angered Evan so much.

Then he noticed Evan started to make several phone calls, to which nobody

Shifting his focus to John, Evan ordered, “You call!”

After being stunned for a few seconds, John took his phone out in a panic and
dialed the number shown on Evan’s phone.

It did not take long for his call to be answered.

“Who is this?”

Nicole’s voice came over the phone.

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