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Full name: ______________________________ Grade 10

Date: _____/______/_________________ Mark ____

1. ask sb out for sth (v): rủ rê ai đó làm gì đó
2. do the cooking (v): nấu ăn
3. household duties (n): trách nhiệm việc nhà
4. share (household duties) (v) chia sẻ (trách nhiệm công việc nhà)
5. divide sth (into…) (v) chia cái gì đó (thành …) - divider (n): vật , người thực hiện việc phân chia
divisively (adj): chia rẽ - divisiveness (n): sự chia rẽ
6. split = divide (v): chia ra
7. equal # unequal (adj) bình đẳng # không công bằng - equally (adv): một cách bình đẳng, công bằng
equality # inequality (n) sự công bằng # sự không công bằng
8. the chores (n) công việc nhà
9. do the heavy lifting: thực hiện các việc nặng nhọc
10. do the laundry: làm công chuyện giặt giũ
11. do the washing-up: rửa chén bát
12. give sb advice on behavior (v): cho ai đó lời khuyên về hành vi cư xử
13. crime rate (n) tỉ lệ tội phạm
14. ingredient (n) thành phần nấu ăn
15. (require) physical strength (n) (đòi hỏi): sức khỏe thể chất
16. recreation = pastime (n): sự giải trí
17. be suitable for sth (adj) thích hợp cho cái gì
1. After every meal, I usually help my mom …………………………….. .
2. Don't …………………………….. playing badminton tonight because I have a very important test tomorrow.
I will be free next weekend.
3. Because I am the eldest girl, so I am responsible for …………………………….. . My younger sister and
brother help me collect and put dirty clothes away.
4. My siblings share household duties …………………………….. .
5. Pay attention to what you …………………………….. on your Facebook because this will help bad content
spread quickly and harmfully.
6. …………………………….. in splitting household chores helps family members be willing to share and do
their jobs voluntarily.
7. My father always takes a responsibility for …………………………….. and mending broken things in my
8. I personally think that the chores should be …………………………….. equally for each member in the
family. This helps individuals to know how hard the chores are.
9. Parents should treat their children …………………………….. although they are boys or girls.
10. Don't just focus on your studying all the time, spend more time sharing the ……………………………..
with your parents such as cooking rice, sweeping the floor or anything you can do.
11. Drinking coffee in the morning is a popular …………………………….. in the city.
12. The city government has to declare martial law and curfews because of the high
…………………………….. at the present time.
13. I like talking with my grandmother. She usually gives good …………………………….. my behaviors
towards other people around me. She's very knowledgeable.
14. Men usually do things that require …………………………….. . Instead, women help men to do things
that need great patience and scrupulousness.
15. She chooses the freshest and healthiest …………………………….. to cook good meals for every
member in her family.
16. I think every young teen should choose …………………………….. household chores to share with your
parents. You'll be able to experience how hard these simple things are.
Word form
11. Dividing household chores unequally will make family members …………………………….. (divide) and
unwilling to help each other.

Compiled by Teacher Tran Thi Thanh Huong 1

12. The …………………………….. (equal) of splitting household duties can cause conflicts among siblings.
They may consider that parents love these ones than another.
13. Doing the washing-up is a simple work to share …………………………….. (house) chores with your
parents. Try to help your parents as much as you can.

1. take out (the rubbish) (v): dọn dẹp ( rác )
2. handle (most of the chores) (v): đảm trách (hầu hết công chuyện nhà)
3. be responsible for sth = take responsibility for sth (v): chịu trách nhiệm cho việc gì
4. homemaker # breadinner (n): nội trợ # trụ cột chính
5. raise (children) (v): nuôi con = children parenting (n) việc nuôi dạy con
6. a routine task (n): công việc hàng ngày
7. an urgent report (n): một bản báo cáo cấp bách
8. family finances (n) tài chính gia đình
9. the rest of (the family ) (n) phần toàn bộ còn lại (của gia đình)
10. individual (member) (adj): (các thành viên) riêng lẻ - individuals (n): các thành viên
11. psychology (n): tâm lý, tâm lý học
psychological (adj): thuộc về tâm lý - psychologist (n) nhà tâm lý học
1. Do you feel bored with your ……………………………..? I'm really fed up with doing the same things every
2. In some families, wises become …………………………….. when their husbands are unemployed.
3. Doing household chores effectively requires the efforts of the …………………………….., not the work of
only a single individual.
4. Men usually take responsibilities for …………………………….. . He has to earn enough money to support
his families' expenses.
5. Both mothers and fathers in a family have to well cooperate together in …………………………….. their
6. Sorry for not coming to year party tonight! I have to finalize a (n) …………………………….. for my boss
tomorrow. What’s a pity!
7. I think that all …………………………….. in the society should raise the awareness of sharing and helping
others to make a better place for everyone to live harmoniously.
8. Children in divorced-parent families usually encounter and face some serious ……………………………..
problems that can lead them to autism.
9. My younger brother, Brian, helps to …………………………….. the rubbish every day.
10. Women usually …………………………….. all of household chores from cooking meals to washing
clothes for men.
11. …………………………….. members in a family should help each other to do household chores. This
makes everyone improve their close relationship.
12. Don't criticize your children seriously or punish them strictly because these can affect them
…………………………….. .
13. My sister is interested in …………………………….. .She likes analyzing the ways that how the mind
influences their behavior.

1. realize sth (v): nhận thức được cái gì
realization (n): sự nhận thức, sự thực hiện hóa
2. enormous (benefits) (adj): (lợi ích) to lớn
3. (become) sociable (adj): (trở nên) hòa đồng
socialize with (v): hòa đồng với ai đó - society (n): xã hội
4. tend (to be good people) (v): có khuynh hướng trở thành người tốt
5. relations (n) sự liên hệ - relationship (n): tình hữu nghị - relate to sb (v): liên quan với ai đó
6. contribute to sth / sb (v): y đóng góp vào cái gì / cho ai đó = make contribution to sth
7. vulnerable to sth (adj): dễ dàng bị cái gì
8. divorce (n): sự ly dị - divorced (adj): ( trạng thái ) ly dị
9. a positive atmosphere (n): bầu không khí tích cực
10. set a good example for sb (v): làm nên tấm gương cho ai đó
11. (be) critical of (each other) (adj): chỉ trích nhau
Compiled by Teacher Tran Thi Thanh Huong 2
1. We should give constructive comments and shouldn't be …………………………….. of others’ mistakes or
weak points.
2. Children raised in …………………………….. families usually have some psychological problems because
of being separated from their mother or father.
3. Children who usually help to share household chores with their parents …………………………….. to be
more sympathetic, responsible and sensitive.
4. Teachers shouldn't strictly …………………………….. their students’ mistakes; instead, they should
sympathize and inspire them to be better and better.
5. My friend decided to …………………………….. her husband because she can't stand his irresponsibility
and lack of mutual understanding.
6. In order to teach their children well and effectively, parents should …………………………….. for their kids
to follow.
7. People living slums are …………………………….. to infectious and dangerous diseases.
8. I'll give you a topic such as “family life”, and then you need to find out any words
…………………………….. to it.
9. When helping do and share household duties, children gradually …………………………….. the hardship
their parents have to face every day.
10. He feels very proud of his new scientific invention because he can …………………………….. to the
development of his nation.
11. Teachers at primary schools should create …………………………….. in class to help students feel
comfortable and free to express their ideas.
12. Mutual understanding, sympathy and trust are considered the most important factors that help maintain a
close and long …………………………….. .
13. The two countries have some effective diplomatic policies to improve their …………………………….. .
14. Nam is really …………………………….. and he has a lot of friends. He's extremely good at
…………………………….. .
15. A good education includes the cooperation of schools, families and the whole ………………………….. .

1. behave (v): cư xử - behavior (n): hành vi
2. a particular way: cách cụ thể
3. sweep – swept – swept: quét (nhà)
4. an expert (n): chuyên gia
5. parenting (n): chuyện nuôi con
6. balance (n): sự cân bằng
7. nurture (n): sự nuôi dưỡng
8. tradition (n): truyền thống - traditionally (adj): (thuộc về) truyền thống
9. solution = measure = proposal (n): giải pháp
10. role of sb (n): vai trò của ai đó
11. apply to do sth (v): áp dụng vào làm cgd
1. Modern parents should …………………………….. psychological approaches to educate their children
instead of heavily criticizing or punishing them.
2. The …………………………….. between work and relaxation must be paid attention carefully; otherwise,
your living, sleep pattern and psychology will be harmfully affected.
3. You must have taught your children very well. They …………………………….. very politely and gratefully.
They're really lovely.
4. The city are facing the high unemployment rate, the government should find some effective
…………………………….. to solve the problem.
5. Some economic …………………………….. predict that the nation's economy will increase dramatically at
the end of the year.
6. Children need careful …………………………….. from both their father and mother.
7. We can't deny the important …………………………….. of the Internet; however, it also brings about lots of
drawbacks and negative effects on children's behaviors.
8. Parents should pay attention to the types of film children watch because they can dramatically affect their
…………………………….. .
9. …………………………….. the floor makes me feel happy because it makes my house look cleaner,
fresher and more comfortable.

Compiled by Teacher Tran Thi Thanh Huong 3

10. All of your proposals are very common and do not specify clear outcomes, so we need a
…………………………….. solution that can absolutely solve the problem.
11. In Vietnam, people usually judge a person through their …………………………….. .
Word form
12. Children …………………………….. (parent) should begin at every home because that's the most
important stage of education process.
13. People in the …………………………….. (socialize) must work together to reduce air pollution and other
common social issues.
14. My children enjoy taking part in …………………………….. (tradition) festivals instead of playing online
games. It sounds strange in the Internet world, right?
15. Your …………………………….. (behave) must be trained every day to be better and better.

1. mend things (v): sửa chữa (cái gì đó đã hư hỏng)
2. take turn doing sth (v): thay phiên nhau làm cái gì
3. lay the table (v): dọn bàn ăn lay - laid - laid
4. (un) willing(ly) (adj): một cách sẵn lòng
5. burden (n): gánh nặng
6. finance (n): tài chính - financial (burden) (adj): (gánh nặng) tài chính
7. join hands (v): chung tay
8. provide sb with sth (v): cung cấp cho ai đó với cái gì
provide sth for sb (v): cung cấp cái gì đó cho ai đó
provider (n): nhà cung cấp
9. perform something (n): thực hiện
performance (n): sự thực hiện, phần trình diễn
10. nuclear family (n): gia đình hạt nhân (ba mẹ và con)
11. consist of sth (v): bao gồm cái gì = comprise sth
1. This vocabulary book is really useful. It …………………………….. ten units with lots of new ưords for us to
2. The book also …………………………….. us with effective exercises to understand new words in real
3. - A: “What's ……………………………..?”
- B: “It consists of parents and their children.”
4. My sister and I …………………………….. doing the washing up. When she's busy, I help her to fulfill her
duty and so does she when l am busy.
5. Although she is busy learning and preparing for her exams, she's …………………………….. to help her
mom anytime she needs.
6. Both father and mother in a family should …………………………….. to contribute educating their children.
7. My younger brother usually helps mom and dad …………………………….. the table. He seems to be very
happy with it.
8. Can you show me how to …………………………….. this new photocopier?
9. In the modern world, both women and men try to work as hard as they can to share family's financial
…………………………….., so they don't have enough time to play with their kids at all.
10. Some poor families don't have enough …………………………….. to pay for their children's education.
Therefore, the children have to go to work at the very early age.
11. My father can't cook, but he's very good at …………………………….. . He usually helps mom fix the
washing machine, fridge or replace dim light bulbs.
12. Everyone in the room stood up and gave a big applause for her great …………………………….. .
13. She helps her mother …………………………….. . You can know this by looking at her facial expression.
She looks rather upset.
14. VNPT is one of the Internet …………………………….. in Vietnam.

---------The end---------

Compiled by Teacher Tran Thi Thanh Huong 4

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