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All elements of tragedy are not in epic poem

Epic poetry hexameter, many actions

Tragedy Rhythm changes varies iambic pentameter confined to single day

Expression through action in front of audience, focused

Human action is imp – Aristotle ‘imitation is creation’


Pskistan important geography



Definition to other things

Nature ,scope subject matter, objectives


International relation deal with relations taking place among sovereign political units.

Trevor Taylor (1979) defines International Relations as: "A discipline, which tries to explain political
activities across state boundaries".

According to Ola, Joseph (1999): "International relations are the study of all forms of interactions that
exist between members of separate entities or nations within the international system".

Seymon Brown (1988) thus defines international relations as. "The investigating and study of patterns of
action and “reactions among sovereign states as represented by their governing elites”.

Political concept

Free of interference from any other state.

 Interdisciplinary
Different nature

Drawing attention from other fields

From Social and natural sciences

Peace of land, social solidarity, cohesion –NATION

International system



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