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Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo

Chapter 51

She remembered that Kyle told her that he was willing to go to kindergarten.

Seeing the woman got into the car, Nicole hurriedly entered the building and
followed Kyle.

Before Kyle could take a seat inside his classroom, a classmate’s parent came
over and pushed him to the ground.

“What was that for?”

He quickly got up again and glared at the person who pushed him.

Nicole clenched her fists as she continued to walk towards Kyle.

“That was for hitting my child. He’s got bruises and bite marks on him, you little

“I only did it because he threw my pencil case first!”

“All that for your worthless pencil case? I think I’ll… “

The parent was about to give Kyle another hard push when somebody grabbed
her wrist suddenly.

“What the hell? Let go of me!”

The parent struggled to break free of Nicole’s grasp before touching her sore
wrist with the other hand.

Not expecting his mother to appear, Kyle looked at Nicole in surprise. He stared
at Nicole for a couple of seconds before lowering his head to hide his bruised
nose and swollen face from the beating the day before.

Noticing him lowering his head like that, Nicole leaned over to look at Kyle, “It’s
okay, Kyle. I’m here now.”

Her heart broke when she noticed the bruises on Kyle’s face.

“Who hit him?”

The sudden roar shook the classroom and nobody dared to make a sound.

With her fury rising like wildfire, Nicole shifted her focus to the parent who
pushed Kyle, “Was it your child?”

“It was your son who hit mine first!”

Nicole then looked down at the boy next to his parent. The light bruises on the
boy’s face were nothing like the serious ones on Kyle.

How dare she pick on Kyle when he’s obviously the one who got hurt more.

Besides, I heard Kyle said that the boy threw his pencil case first!

“Kyle, is that boy the one who hit you?”

Before Kyle could answer, a voice suddenly interrupted him.

“He said that whoever hits Kyle gets free pizza!”

Free pizza for hitting my boy?

That little sh*t!

Nicole found it hard to believe that a child would know how to use people like

In that case, that boy was still responsible for hurting Kyle.

“Your boy instigated others to hurt mine so he has to apologize! Whoever hit Kyle
yesterday for the free pizza better apologize to him too!”

“Why should we listen to you?”

The parent was unconvinced, especially after checking out Nicole and seeing
how ordinary she looked.

Who’s this woman to tell me what to do?

“Are you going to apologize or not?” Nicole gave the parent a hard push and she
staggered before falling to the ground.

“How dare you push me, you b*tch! Oh, my bones! I think my shoulder broke. I
can’t get up. I need to go to the hospital.”

Sneering at the parent, Nicole took out silver needles, “Is that right? Well, lucky
you, I’m a doctor. I’m sure you’ll be right as rain after I do some poking with my

With needles in hand, Nicole slowly approached the parent who quickly got up
from the ground at the sight of the long needles.

“I’m going to sue you for pushing me!” threatened the parent.
“I only did it because you pushed my child first, so you deserved it. You want to
bring this to the court? Go ahead! Do it!”

“Who are you to talk to me like that? You’re just a nobody from the ordinary
Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 52

Ordinary working-class?

Is that where an internationally well-known miracle doctor belongs nowadays?

I guess even this high-class kindergarten isn’t even free of discrimination.

Nicole scoffed at the accusation, “What’s wrong with the ordinary working-class?
Are we not allowed justice?”

The question quickly sparked a discussion among the other classmates’ parents.

Soon, many of them started to stand with Nicole. They think that it was the boy’s
fault and that he should be the one to apologize.

After approaching the parent, Nicole whispered into her ear, “What’ve you got on
you? Not one of those items on you is authentic. Shall I tell everyone how much
they’re worth?”

The parent’s face flushed as she had no idea how Nicole could tell that the items
on her were fake.

It would be too much of an embarrassment for her if the truth were to be exposed
in public.

The parent knew she could no longer keep up with the argument, “I’m so sorry! I
apologize for both myself and my child.”

“I’m sorry! It’s my fault!”

“Your child has to apologize too.”

The boy was reluctant to do so at first, but after some scolding by his mother, he
finally gave in and apologized to Kyle.

At that moment, Kyle realized how awesome his mother was, so he held her
hand tightly.

Feeling how hard Kyle was holding her, Nicole’s heart was bleeding when she
looked at his bruises again.

“How about some ice-cream?”

Kyle’s eyes sparkled with joy before he nodded excitedly.

“Let’s go.”

And so Nicole left the kindergarten with Kyle and brought him to Fairy Tale Ice
Cream Bar.

“You can have whatever you want, Kyle.”

“I want milkshake.”


It was rare for Kyle to say what he wanted, but whatever wishes he got that day,
Nicole was determined to grant every one of them.
After leaving the ice cream place, Nicole brought Kyle to the zoo where they saw
countless animals. Kyle’s favorite was the fluffy grizzly bear.

“Let’s go to the theme park, Kyle. You weren’t in the mood the last time we’re
there. How about we have some fun this time?”

After some thought, Kyle nodded in agreement.

At the theme park, Kyle had the time of his life riding the roller coaster, the
carousel, and all the rides in the water park.

Kyle’s stoic little face finally broke into joyful laughter.

For a moment there, Nicole even imagined Kyle to be as lively as Juan if she
never left him with Evan.

When Sofie went to the kindergarten to pick up Kyle in the afternoon, she was
told that he left with someone.

After some inquiring, she was shocked to learn from the classmates’ parents that
it was Kyle’s mother who picked him up, and there was a conflict between Kyle’s
mother and another parent.

After walking out of the kindergarten, Sofie immediately took her phone out to call
Evan who answered after a few seconds.

“Who’s Kyle’s mother, Evan?” asked Sofie curiously.

Evan’s face turned pale the second he was asked that question.

“Why do you ask?”

After telling Evan what she found out at the kindergarten, Sofie repeated her
question once again, “So who the hell is Kyle’s mother, Evan? Either somebody
impersonated me or Kyle’s not… “

Before Sofie could finish her sentence, Evan hung up the phone.

“Evan? Evan!” shouted Sofie angrily at the phone before she ordered her driver,
“To the Seet Group office!”

Evan was so furious that John dared not look directly at him. All he could do was
wondered what happened that could have angered Evan so much.

Then he noticed Evan started to make several phone calls, to which nobody

Shifting his focus to John, Evan ordered, “You call!”

After being stunned for a few seconds, John took his phone out in a panic and
dialed the number shown on Evan’s phone.

It did not take long for his call to be answered.

“Who is this?”

Nicole’s voice came over the phone.

Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 53

After swiftly grabbing the phone from John, Evan roared into it, “Where did you
take Kyle, Nicole?”

“Kyle’s with me, Mr. Seet. I promise to send him back home safely tonight.”

“You send him back right now!” Evan gritted his teeth.

“He’s having a great time here and he’s eating now. Why don’t I send him back
when he’s done?”

“You better not be playing games with me, or I’ll chop you up and feed you to the
dogs!” threatened Evan with all seriousness.

Feed to the dogs? Isn’t that a little too harsh?

Nicole shivered at the thought of Evan’s enraged appearance because she knew
well that she might just lose her life for pissing him off.

As she looked down at Kyle who was still enjoying his meal, Nicole decided to
send him home after this and talk to Evan about what happened at the

When Nicole entered the living room of the Hillside Villa with Kyle, Evan was
looking daggers at her. His glare was so sharp that Nicole could almost feel
herself being pierced through by it.

He’s not really going to chop me up, is he?

Just calm yourself down.

After restlessly rubbing the corners of her shirt for a while, Nicole finally broke her
silence, “Mr. Seet, I need to talk to you about what happened at the

Looking at Nicole with his cold eyes in disdain, Evan ridiculed her, “Talk to me?
What makes you think you have the right?”

“I…” Nicole knew Evan was going to remind her how unworthy she was to be a

“Even if I don’t have the right, I don’t think you should have that woman pick up

Did she mean Sofie?

Evan scoffed at her audacity, “Sofie is so much better than you.”

How is she better?

Did Evan hit his head? That woman is a monster! How the hell is she better than

“Well, even if you don’t believe me, you should at least ask Kyle. Let him tell you
what kind of person that woman is.”

“Daddy, please let her send me to school. I don’t like Ms. Su. She’s not nice!”

“You heard Kyle, right? He’s even bullied at that kindergarten. Maybe I can send
him to a different one. I can pick him up too.”

If Kyle were to go to the same kindergarten as Juan, I can pick them up together.
It might make things a little harder for me, but at least I don’t have to worry about
Kyle getting bullied.

“Don’t test my patience, Nicole. I’m warning you. You better stop brain-washing


Did Evan just think what Kyle said came from me? Does he think I put my
thoughts inside Kyle’s head?

“Don’t you dare change his kindergarten! And don’t even think about picking him
up! You stay away from Kyle from now on. If you ever try to use him again, I’ll
make sure you pay the price!”

“Daddy, it’s not her…”

“Go to your room, Kyle!”

Before Kyle could continue, Evan ordered Blake to take him to his room.

“You don’t know what you’re doing to Kyle!”

“No, you don’t! You’re the one who fought with another parent at the kindergarten
like a madwoman! If Kyle were to learn that from you…”

“The only reason I had a dispute with the parent was because she was bullying
Kyle! Don’t you call me a madwoman when you have no idea what happened!”

Evan sneered at Nicole, “All I see now is a madwoman.”

“Leave! And if you ever take Kyle away again, I’ll make sure you regret it, even if
Kyle hates me for it. Now go!”
Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 54

Evan won’t listen to me.

But what do I do if that woman continues to treat Kyle that way?

Filled with worry, Nicole was just about to leave the Hillside Villa when she
unexpectedly met Sofie who was hurrying home.

Sofie stopped to check out Nicole who was dressed casually but could not hide
her hourglass figure. Although Nicole was only wearing thin makeup, Sofie could
tell that she was a beauty.

I’ve never seen this woman before. Is she one of Evan’s admirers?

“You are?”

“Evan’s aunt!”

After giving Sofie a glance, Nicole just left as she had no intention of chatting with
the woman who bullied her child.

Baffled, Sofie watched Nicole walk away as she wondered if Evan had an aunt
that young.

Before I get married into the Seet family, I should probably visit Evan’s family to
get to know them.
After entering through the door, Sofie worriedly asked about Kyle, “Evan, any
news about Kyle yet?”

Evan nodded, “He’s safely back home.”

That’s fast.

A little disappointed, Sofie was hoping that she would never have to see Kyle

“I was so worried! Good thing he’s fine. So was it Kyle’s mother who took him

“No!” replied Evan without any hesitation.

A woman like Nicole is not worthy of being a mother!

“Who was it then?”

“A madwoman!”

Feeling like something was off, Sofie frowned at the answer she got.

Looking at Sofie, Evan exhorted, “Now that this is over, I hope you pay more
attention to Kyle’s emotions. Make him happy.”

Sofie’s face darkened as she wondered what Evan meant by that.

Did Kyle tell Evan something?

After recollecting herself, Sofie assured Evan, “Don’t worry, Evan. I will.”
That night, Nicole got so worried about Kyle that she got distracted while
cooking. When it was finally dinner time, Maya and Nina could not stop
complaining, “Mommy, this is way too salty! Did you get carried away with the

“What salt? This is tasteless! I think mommy forgot about the salt.”

“You probably had too much dessert. Did you lose your taste buds?”

“I think you lost yours! This is anything but salty!”

“Yes, it is!”

“No, it’s not!”

Annoyed by the two’s bickering, Nicole decided to taste her work.

Juan giggled as he pointed at Nina’s plate, “This is salty.” Then he pointed at

Maya’s plate, “This is not.”

After trying out the food herself, Nicole nodded, “You’re right, Juan. I must’ve put
all the salt on the same plate. Let me get you guys another.”

“It’s okay, mommy. We can mix it up.”

“Mommy, is something bothering you?”

Nicole forced a smile, “No! I’m fine.” Then she went back to the kitchen to whip
up some soup for the kids.

While Nina followed Nicole into the kitchen to help out, Maya got the portion that
was unsalted all to her.
The clever boy, Juan knew something was bothering Nicole, and he knew just
what it was because she just went to Kyle’s kindergarten today, so it had to be
related to Kyle.

After dinner, Juan hurriedly went back to his room to text Kyle.

Unexpectedly, he waited but did not get a reply even until he fell asleep.

The next morning, Juan picked up his phone to check but still no reply.

What’s going on?

Juan was starting to worry, so he decided to find the right time to go look for Kyle
at Grant Kindergarten.

Meanwhile, Kyle just had his breakfast and was getting ready for Sofie to send
him to school. As soon as Sofie walked in with a big smile on her face, she gave
Kyle the new Lego she just bought.

“This is a present from me. Do you like it?”

Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 55

After a glance, Kyle ignored Sofie and her present.

“Did you not hear her, Kyle?” asked Evan as he stared at Kyle who remained
silent and was showing them both that he had no intention of responding to

“It’s okay, Evan. Kyle’s still just a boy. He can play with the toy later. I’ll send him
to school now.”

Sofie reached out to pick Kyle up but he quickly evaded her and walked out with
his schoolbag on his own.

Acting like it did not bother her at all, Sofie smiled as followed behind and left
Hillside Villa.

In the car, Sofie sneered as she looked at Kyle, “It’s useless to go to your father.
He saw how I treated you and how you responded. You can tell him whatever
you want but it’s not going to make any difference. You think I want to send you
to school and pick you up?”

“You could’ve told him ‘no’.”

Two-face hypocrite!

Kyle was staring out the window as he would rather not look at Sofie.
“You… I’m not going to do that. In order to be your stepmother, I’m going to take
‘good’ care of you.”

Turning his head to glare at Sofie, Kyle told himself that he would take ‘good’
care of her too.

At Grant Kindergarten, Kyle’s classmates laughed at him the moment he walked

into his classroom.

“Do you always ask your mom to fight for you?”

“What a loser!”

After putting his bag down on the desk, Kyle challenged them, “Who wants to
fight me first? We’ll see who the loser is!”

“Why would we want to do that? So you can ask your mom for help again?”

“You’re a loser and your mom’s a madwoman!”

The part about his mother got Kyle all riled up as he raised his fists to hit the one
who insulted her.

But that boy was too fast for Kyle.

Then Kyle chased those who continued to call his mother a madwoman all the
way to the teacher’s office. There, a teacher just so happened to walk out and
saw what was happening.

“Kyle is hitting us!”

“He kept chasing us!”

“You have to do something!”

“Kyle Seet! What do you think you’re doing?” scolded the teacher harshly.

“They’re insulting my mommy!”

“So you hit them? Do you know it’s not right to hit others?”

“And insulting is?” Kyle fearlessly talked back to the teacher.

“Neither is insulting. As punishment, you’ll stand in class for one period, all of
you! Kyle, you’ll be punished for six days, including the three for what happened
last time.”

The others did not mind the punishment at all if it meant that they could get their
free pizza.

As for Kyle, he got nothing but injustice for the way he was treated.

His father told him that the children there at the kindergarten were supposed to
be educated and well-mannered, but it seemed to him like his father lied.

I wonder if Juan’s kindergarten is like this too.

During breaktime, Kyle’s classmates were all playing together as he stood alone
in a corner.

The kids in the kindergarten did not like playing with whoever got punished by the

Suddenly, someone tapped Kyle on the shoulder.

When he turned to look, Kyle was surprised to see the person who has the same
face as he does.

“Juan, why are you here?”

“You didn’t reply to my text last night, so I came to see you myself. How’s the
kindergarten life treating you?”

Kyle lowered his head in frustration because it was definitely not what he
imagined it to be.

“Cheer up, Kyle. Maybe we should swap. There are a lot of classmates you can
play with at my kindergarten.”

When Kyle heard that, he was once again filled with hope.

He was just wondering what Juan’s kindergarten was like, but then he got his
chance to find out for himself.

“Do you think anybody will notice?”

“Nah! Come on. Let’s find a place to switch our clothes.”

Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 56

Kyle nodded excitedly in agreement.

After switching their clothes, Juan provided Kyle with a location and soon, he
successfully reached Juan’s kindergarten.

On the other hand, Juan took Kyle’s punishment in his place for no reason and
stood until his legs got sore. He decided that he had to convince the teacher
somehow so that he did not have to continue standing like that.

After class, Juan remembered Kyle telling him that a woman called Sofie would
come to pick him up and that he had to be careful of her.

He was curious about how bad Sofie could be and wanted to challenge her.

As soon as he stepped out of the kindergarten, he noticed an Audi parked not far
away before walking towards it.

Sofie got out of the car and looked at Juan with a blank expression, “Did you get
into trouble or fight your classmates today?”

Shaking his head, Juan responded, “I’m a good boy, Ms. Su. Why would I fight
with the other kids?”

Ms. Su? Kyle’s never called me that. What changed?

Sofie was surprised by what Juan called her.

“Did you just call me ‘Ms. Su’?” asked Sofie who was wondering if she misheard

Juan quickly nodded, “Of course! You’re the beautiful Ms. Su!”

‘Beautiful Ms. Su’?

Thinking something must be wrong, Sofie continued to stare at the supposed


Did he somehow change his mind about opposing me?

“I’ll get into the car first, Ms. Su. Thanks for picking me up.”

Sofie was stunned as she watched Juan get into the car. It took Sofie a moment
before she came back to her senses.

On their way home, Juan was pleased to see Sofie so confused.

That’s probably not how Kyle would’ve treated her.

Kyle told him to be careful because Sofie was a two-face hypocrite, so he was
thinking he could give her a taste of her own medicine.

Let me avenge you, Kyle.

“Why are you staring at me, Ms. Su?” asked Juan as he looked at Sofie with his
innocent eyes.

Sneering at him, Sofie inquired, “I’m not used to you being so well-mannered all
of a sudden. Is it because you finally figured out that it’s useless to go to your
father? That’s why… “

“You’re absolutely right!”

“Good! Be careful with your attitude and we’ll be just fine. After your father and I
get married, you’ll request to stay with your grandparents. Trust me, it’s better
that way.”

What a mean woman!

Not only is she trying to marry daddy, but she’s also trying to get rid of Kyle.

I won’t let it happen!

Juan responded with a giggle, “Don’t worry, Ms. Su. I will!”

Looking at the obedient ‘Kyle’, Sofie could not help but sneer at how easy it was
to control a child.

When they reached Hillside Villa, Juan jumped out of the car and ran inside to
see his father. He had been missing his father for the past few days.

Following behind Juan was Sofie who would not let go of any chance to see

Blake welcomed the supposed ‘Kyle’ the moment they met.

“Mr. Seet’s not home yet, Kyle.”

I was going to put on a great show for him. What a shame.

Juan turned to look at Sofie who had no intention to leave just yet.

Then he had an idea, “Ms. Su, why don’t you stay for lunch?”

This is my chance to expose her!

As surprised as Sofie was that ‘Kyle’ asked her to stay for lunch, she would not
want to miss a chance to dine with Evan.

“Are you sure that’s okay?”

The suggestion also took Blake by surprise, but as a butler, he decided not to say
anything about it at all.

“Of course it is. I’ll ask the kitchen to prepare the meal.”
Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 57

As soon as Blake left the living room, Evan’s Maybach arrived at the villa.

After parking his car, Evan walked into the living room where Juan ran towards
him and grabbed his long legs, “Daddy, I’ve missed you!”

Startled, Evan was wondering what happened to ‘Kyle’ because ‘Kyle’ had never
acted that way before.

“Did something happen at the kindergarten again, Kyle?”

“Nope! I’ve been a good boy, daddy! You can ask Ms. Su.”

Ms. Su?

The way ‘Kyle’ addressed Sofie surprised Evan even more.

As he looked up, Evan noticed Sofie approaching him gracefully.

“Kyle was very good today. He got along so well with the other kids at the
kindergarten today.”

Evan then looked down at ‘Kyle’ again as he could not help but notice how
strange ‘Kyle’ seemed, especially the attitude towards Sofie. It was as if ‘Kyle’
was a different person.

At lunch, Juan even served Sofie food the moment she sat down. He was so
well-mannered that even Evan was baffled.
It was just as uneasy for Sofie when she noticed how different ‘Kyle’ was before
and after school.

“Sit down and eat your food, Kyle,” ordered Evan coldly, to which Juan nodded.
Before taking from the dish he wanted, Juan looked at Sofie for her permission.

The gaze was making Sofie uncomfortable, “Do you want the buckle meat, Kyle?
Let me get you some.”

The buckle meat was about to reach Juan’s plate when he suddenly dropped his
plate onto the floor and smashed it.

Juan then began crying as he looked at Sofie, “I’m sorry, Ms. Su. I won’t take the
dishes you want, so please don’t send me away to grandpa and grandma. Even
after you and daddy get married and have another baby, I’ll still be good. Please
don’t make me leave daddy.”

What Juan said shocked Sofie so much that her face turned pale, “What are you
saying, Kyle? When did I…”

“You told me that in the car. You even said… you said…” Juan continued to cry
before he finished his sentence and Evan was not happy about what was said.

No wonder Kyle acted so strangely today!

“What happened?” asked Evan in a tone so cold that it shocked the words out of

“Evan, it’s not like that. It’s…”

“If you really didn’t say anything like that, why would he suddenly ask you to stay
for lunch? And the way his attitude changed.”

“I don’t know. I really don’t. After school, he was just different.”

Secretly, Juan stole a glance at Sofie.

I didn’t make those words up. She did say them and I’m just letting daddy know
in a different way.

Suddenly, Sofie walked up to Juan, “Tell your father, Kyle. Tell him that I didn’t
say those words.”

Juan then quickly hid behind Evan and acted like he was terrified.

“The driver heard it too. She told me that it was useless for me to tell daddy. She
wanted to send me away to grandpa and grandma!”

Reminded of the driver, Sofie’s face darkened as she realized that she got set up.

Was it all part of his plan? From the moment I picked him up to the moment he
asked me to stay for lunch?

Immediately, Evan summoned Sofie’s driver and asked him in a stern voice, “You
should know the consequences of lying to me.”

Evan was not loud but he did not sound any less terrifying to the driver who was
trembling with fear and kneeling on the floor.

After glancing at Sofie, he decided it was more important to save himself.

“I… I… I’ll talk.”

Then the driver told Evan the whole truth and nothing but the truth, including
what Sofie said to Kyle two days before.

Panicking just beside them, Sofie tried a few times to interrupt the driver, but
Evan would not allow it.
“If you try to interrupt again, I’ll make sure Su Group is done for!”
Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 58

“I… I…” stammered Sofie before shutting up. She never thought that she would
be utterly defeated by a child.

Juan finally understood why Kyle wanted him to be careful of Sofie.

Now that daddy knows what’s going on, let’s see what he’s going to do for ‘Kyle’.

Staring at Sofie with his pair of deep-set eyes, Evan suddenly remembered what
Nicole said about keeping Kyle away from Sofie.

He thought Nicole was just stirring up problems when there was none and
brain-washing Kyle then.

It seemed that I was in the wrong and Nicole was in the right.

Clenching her fists, Sofie knew it was impossible to plead for innocence then.

Coming up with excuses would only serve to disgust Evan even more, so
instead, Sofie opted to kneel and apologize, “I’m sorry, Evan. It was my fault and
my mistake. I’m…”

“I only asked you to send Kyle to school and pick him up afterward because I
trusted you. Now, it seems that I’ve made a mistake,” explained Evan in a deep
voice. His unconcealable anger made Sofie tremble in fear.
“Please, Evan. I know it was wrong of me to say those things, but you’ve seen
how Kyle treated me. I wasn’t thinking straight because I was just too angry at
him. I’ll apologize to Kyle and I promise it will never happen again. I promise!”

Sofie lowered her head in repentance and dared not to look into Evan’s glaring

Evan scoffed at her mention of promises, “I don’t need your promises. For every
word that you’ve used to offend Kyle, Su Group will pay at the cost of losing a

“They’re just words, Evan. Please! You can’t just ruin Su Group because of a few

Just words? She sure knows how to make them sound light.

Evan continued his scoffing, “Oh, don’t you worry. I’m but saying a few words.
What happens next to Su Group will depend entirely on itself.”

Evan’s few words will be enough to ruin Su Group!

Sofie started to panic as she could not imagine what Brandon would do to her if
he found out about the trouble she was in.

“Please, Evan. I’m begging you! Please!”

“Get out!” growled Evan before leaving the dining room with ‘Kyle’.

Juan was very pleased with the outcome because it seemed that his father still
cared about Kyle.

Now Sofie finally knows if it’s useless to go to daddy. She deserves this for
bullying Kyle!
Turning back to look at Sofie who was sitting helplessly on the floor, Juan made a
face and stuck his tongue out at her.

Looking at the face he made, Sofie wanted nothing more than to tear ‘Kyle’ to
shreds, but she could not because Evan was still around.

She got up slowly and left Hillside Villa knowing that there was nothing she could
do to amend her mistake.

After closing the door to the study, Evan looked at ‘Kyle’ with concern.

Juan made a sad face as he reached out to hug his father, “Daddy, I don’t want
Ms. Su to send me to school anymore.”

“Don’t worry. She won’t be,” assured Evan as he softly patted Juan’s little

The incident was indeed Evan’s mistake because he never expected that Sofie
would do such a thing to Kyle.

Noticing how guilty Evan seemed, Juan quickly suggested, “Daddy, I want
mommy to send me to school and pick me up.”

Evan’s eyes darkened the moment Juan mentioned Nicole. Even though Nicole
was right about Sofie, it did not change the fact she had deceived him many
times. He was still disgusted at her for abandoning Kyle and would have fed her
to the dogs if it were not for Kyle.

Knowing that Nicole was a ruthless woman who lied compulsively, Evan would
never agree to let Kyle near her.

“How about Uncle Davin or John?”

Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 59

Seeing how his father disagreed, Juan decided not to bring his mother up again
as it would only make his father hate her even more.

I guess it’s time to think of another way to bring daddy and mommy together.

Even after a moment of silence, Juan did not give Evan a definite answer, so
Evan gave him a day to think about it.

On the other side, Kyle went home with Nicole who thought that he was Juan.

To avoid detection, Kyle tried to be as lively as he could. He even tried to smile

more whenever he was talking.

Because of Maya and Nina’s chattering, Nicole did not pay too much attention to
Kyle. That was also because ‘Juan’ was usually the one who worried Nicole the

After lunch, Nicole sent ‘Juan’, Maya, and Nina back to their kindergarten, where
the teacher had the students practice their hands-on ability.

It was a walk in the park for Kyle who got pretty good at playing Lego. In just a
short while, he managed to build all kinds of sports cars and even a picture of his
daddy and mommy.

Maya could not help but be amazed at his work, “You’re awesome, Juan!”
Lowering his head to snicker, Kyle wondered if he was so good at pretending to
be Juan that even Maya did not notice anything wrong.

Nina was also surprised by how much faster ‘Juan’ got at building Lego and
wondered when he learned to do that.

What was more surprising was the fact that he built people and sports cars
instead of the robots that Juan liked so much.

In the end, ‘Juan’ won the first place in class and was rewarded with a small,
red-colored flower and a box of cranberry-flavored cookies.

Greedy little Maya licked her lips as she stared at the box of cookies, “That box
of cookies is delicious. Mommy’s got us one before.”

Noticing how his sister was preying on his cookies, Kyle smiled softly as he
generously gave it to her, “Here, this is for you!”

Maya excitedly accepted the cookies, “You’re the best, Juan! The best brother in
the world!”

Even though he was not actually Juan, Kyle felt great about being called ‘the best
brother in the world’ nonetheless.

Just when Maya was about to start eating after tearing the box open, Nina
approached ‘Juan’ holding her arms, “Can we share the cookies? It’s not good for
Maya to have too much sugar. She’s already fat enough. A fat girl!”

“I am not! Not a fat girl!” defended Maya before rolling her eyes at Nina.

Pouting, Nina continued to stare at Maya, “Said the meatball!”

“You… You’re the meatball! You’re a meanie and a jerk… and… and you’re…”
Maya was getting frustrated that she was at a loss for words.

Seeing his sisters fighting, Kyle frowned at the thought of how unworthy it was to
fight over a box of cookies, so he had an idea, “You two can share this box for
now. I’ll get you guys more when we get home.”

At first, Maya was still a little reluctant to share. She only decided to hand the
cookies over when she was told that they could get more.

The two started to divide the cookies piece by piece but found the last piece to
be extra. While Kyle was scratching his head over the extra piece, Maya
suddenly grabbed it and split it into two uneven halves. She then quickly ate the
bigger half before gleefully handing the smaller one to Nina.

Ignoring Maya’s ‘generosity’, Nina gave her a look before handing out her portion
of the cookies to the other kids.

Those who were given cookies happily shared their own snacks with Nina who
also shared them with ‘Juan’.

Kyle was very happy to see the snacks given by the other kids.

Seeing how all the others are sharing, Maya decided to share her cookies too,
and she got the biggest candy for it.

She wanted to give the candy to Kyle, which made him even happier, but he put
it into Maya’s mouth instead.

“This candy is so sweet! Thank you!” Maya showed her appreciation with her
widest grin.

At that moment, Kyle realized how much he envied Juan for being surrounded by
two adorable sisters and so many friendly classmates.
How Kyle wished to stay as ‘Juan’ forever and never go back to Grant
Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 60

Meanwhile, Juan could not help but sigh as he continued with Kyle’s punishment
to stand in class at Grant Kindergarten.

He was curious about what Kyle could have done to anger Ms. Patty so much
that she’s punishing him for six days.

After standing up for a few minutes, Juan raised his hand, “Ms. Patty, my legs
hurt. I can’t do this anymore.” With a pout on his face, Juan tried to seem as
pitiful as he could.

Ms. Patty gave him a look before ridiculing him coldly, “So your legs hurt, do
they? Do your hands not hurt when you’re hitting others with them?”

Who did Kyle hit?

Kyle may be proud, but I don’t think he would hit anyone unreasonably.

As surprised as he was, Juan decided not to talk back to Ms. Patty since he did
not know the whole story.

By asking Kyle’s classmates after the class, Juan found out that Kyle was only
hitting the other kids because they were calling his mother a ‘madwoman’.

How dare they call mommy a ‘madwoman’! I would’ve hit them too!

While those kids were playing, Juan deliberately stepped into the middle of them.
“Get lost! You’re in our way!”

Juan then raised his head arrogantly and looked at them provocatively, “This is a
public place. I can stand wherever I want!”

The kids glanced at each other and decided to deal with ‘Kyle’ the same way
they did last time, so they started to call his mother a ‘madwoman’ again while
they ran off to the teacher’s office.

They were hoping to get ‘Kyle’ in trouble with Ms. Patty again.

Kyle, who just recovered from a serious illness, could barely catch up with the
healthy kids, but not Juan.

Having practiced taekwondo since he was much younger, Juan caught up with
them easily before punching the fastest and loudest kid in the group.

“Ouch, that hurts! My nose is bleeding.”

Out of their expectation, ‘Kyle’ seemed different with his quick actions.

The other kids started to tremble with fear but Juan was not about to spare those
who bullied Kyle and talked bad about his mother.

Juan clenched his fists as the others got ready to take him down as a team. In
the end, Juan only got two scratches on his face while the others lay on the
ground with bruised noses and swollen faces.

“Talk bad about my mother again and you’ll get my fists!” warned Juan with his
arms akimbo.

After getting up from the ground, the kids ran as fast as their legs could carry
them over to the teacher’s office.
Juan knew that even if they did not complain to Ms. Patty, she would eventually
find out when she saw their faces.

They can complain all they want. I’m not afraid!

Soon, the kids who were beaten came back for ‘Kyle’ with Ms. Patty.

“You’re hitting others again? This is outrageous!”

“I only hit them because they talked bad about my mommy, Ms. Patty.”

“That doesn’t mean you can hit them! No matter what, it’s not right to hit others!”

“Well, what if someone deliberately provoked you and called your mommy
names? Do you just let them, Ms. Patty?”

“Why would they call your mother names for no reason? And why was it just your
mother, not everybody else’s? That’s because both you and your mother have
issues! Look at you! I’m sure the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”

Furious, Ms. Patty was trying to come up with the perfect way to punish ‘Kyle’
and appease the kids’ parents.
Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 62

Patty froze, not knowing how to answer him.

Then she heard Juan continue. “Ms. Patty also said that you are a complete fool,
Daddy! She said that only children from elite families belong in Grant
Kindergarten, so I don’t deserve to be here and that you should be ashamed of
yourself for not knowing better!”

A complete fool?

Ashamed for not knowing better?


Other than that damn Nicole, no other person has dared speak to me like this!

There was a sheet of ice across Evan’s eyes as he stared at Patty. He asked
again nonchalantly, “Is that so?”

However, the calmer he was right then, the more dangerous he would undeniably
become later.

By then, Patty had figured out that she couldn’t afford to worry about leaving a
good impression on Evan anymore. It was more important to sort out the mess at
hand. Besides, she fully believed that she had spoken nothing but facts.
“Yes! I can tell how uncivilized you are just from seeing how your child behaves!
This place is out of your child’s league, so take him home! Oh, and you have to
go apologize, or I won’t know how to explain things to the other parents.”

So, I’m not only a complete fool, but uncivilized as well?

Evan couldn’t help but snicker at the teacher’s obnoxious expression.

“Very well. Then you explain to me first just how my son ended up getting ganged
up on, or…”

Evan narrowed his eyes and waited to see just what excuse Patty could muster

But Patty was still sneering at him, completely ignorant. A mere office worker
dares to threaten me here! At a place that only allows for the rich and influential?

What an idiot!

“Or what?” she spat as she crossed her arms and glared at him.

“Or… you can scram. Because I’ll make sure you’ll be completely out of work.”

“Ha! Are you delusional? You don’t even know who I am! Do you think it’s that
easy to get rid of me? Not unless Mr. Preston, the Head of Kindergarten says

Evan frowned. He could instantly read between the lines.

So it looks like she’s got the Head of Kindergarten backing her.

“Very well!”

Evan whipped out his phone and dialed a number.

“There’s no one you can call. There’s no way Mr. Preston would fire me.”

Evan snorted with disdain but otherwise ignored her.

A little while later, a certain Mr. Preston came running in. And the first thing he did
was to give Evan a deep, apologetic bow.

Then, he glared at Patty and mentally berated her for causing him so much

He was going to make sure she paid for her ignorance.

Patty widened her eyes in disbelief. Why is Mr. Preston, the freaking Head of the
prestigious Grant Kindergarten, bowing to an average parent?

She took a closer look at Evan. That was when an image of the President of Seet
Group flashed across her eyes, and somehow, the two faces looked eerily


No way! It can’t be! I’m… ruined!

Juan tilted his head up to look at Evan. “Daddy, Mommy wanted me to transfer
schools before. A kindergarten who thinks you’re a complete fool must not be
very good. So Mommy’s intuition was right!”

A glint of surprise flashed across Evan’s eyes. Looks like Nicole isn’t that
worthless after all.

At least she was right about Sofie and about this…

“Don’t worry. Things like this won’t happen here ever again!”
After classes ended, Juan returned to Hillside Villa.

He immediately messaged Kyle about how Ms. Patty had been fired, and how
the other kids had been punished.

When Kyle heard this, he felt thoroughly satisfied and ecstatic and praised Juan
for his job well done.

Juan once again brought up the topic of getting their Daddy and Mommy back

Kyle gave it some thought before texting back: They should interact more. That
way, they might get back together.

Juan found this to be a pretty good idea. Then he remembered something

important: Oh! Daddy asked who you’d prefer to drive you to kindergarten —
John or Uncle Davin?

John and Davin?

Kyle considered his choices. He honestly preferred John, but…

Kyle: Uncle Davin can help us in getting Daddy and Mommy back together.

Juan: How?

Kyle quickly shared his idea with Juan, which eventually drew a big thumbs up
for him.

However, Kyle and Davin were practically nemeses. So Juan had to be the one
to convince Davin.

After some discussion, the two boys agreed that it wasn’t time to switch back yet.
They needed to wait until they accomplished their plan.
Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 63

The next day, Juan made sure to tell Evan that he wanted Davin to drop him off
and pick him up from kindergarten.

Evan couldn’t help but stare at “Kyle” in surprise when he heard this. He even
wondered if he had misheard.

“You’ve never liked your uncle Davin, so why are you choosing him?”

Juan’s eyes darted around. “If we hang out more, then our relationship might get

Evan sniggered at the answer. Any time those two were in close proximity with
each other, they would always behave as if they were mortal enemies.

Improving their relationship was quite the long shot, and honestly, he was more
worried that their distaste for each other would only deepen evermore.

But Evan wasn’t going to deny him of this. He grabbed his phone and gave Davin
a call.

When Davin heard what Evan wanted, he was so stunned that he had to
double-check with him multiple times before finally believing his ears.

He then thought back on the recent few times that he had seen Kyle, and
realized that the kid wasn’t always distant and aloof. There were times where he
was enthusiastic and sweetly called him “Uncle Davin,” so it actually wasn’t such
a long shot that he would want him to drive him to and from kindergarten.
After breakfast, he hopped into his sports car and drove to Hillside Villa.

“Hello there, nephew! Your favorite uncle is here to send you to kindergarten!”

“Thank you, Uncle Davin!”

Seeing the boy’s sunny smile made Davin feel extremely delighted and put him in
a wonderful mood.

On their way to class, Juan abruptly asked about his Grandpa and Grandma.

Davin looked at him perplexed. “Not bad, nephew. You’re actually showing
concern for your Grandpa and Grandma now.” You didn’t even want to see them

“I’m their grandson. Of course I should show concern for them. So… how are
they doing, Uncle Davin?”

Davin then proceeded to tell the boy about how Grandpa was very fit and healthy,
while Grandma always complained about how her back and neck hurt. Everyone
had told her it was most probably because she played too much Mahjong, but
she just wouldn’t listen.

Juan’s eyes widened a little. “Dr. Tussaud the miracle doctor is great at
acupuncture! She was the one who healed me too. Why don’t we get her to have
a look at Grandma?”

Davin furrowed his brows at the suggestion.

“Uncle Davin, I don’t have school on the weekends. How about we ask Dr.
Tussaud to come this Saturday? It’ll be like a surprise for Grandma!”

Davin turned to stare at “Kyle” suspiciously. “Do you have something up your
sleeve? Is this another one of your schemes?”
Juan froze a little before breaking out into a big grin. “I just want to impress
Grandma. That way, when Daddy is mean to me, I can ask Grandma for help!”
He could only whip up such an excuse. There was no way he could actually tell
his uncle what his real plan was.

Davin chuckled. “Well, you are quite the smarty pants for knowing that your
Grandma can make your father fall in line. But… how will you thank me if I do this
for you?”

“What would you like in return, Uncle Davin?”

“Let me take you out for some fun over the weekend. How about that?”

Go out for some fun?

What kind of condition is that?

Without an ounce of hesitation, Juan nodded in agreement.

Time flew quickly, and soon, it was Friday night.

Juan secretly placed a call to Kyle so the two of them could draw up a plan to get
their parents back together.

The first step in their plan was to convince their mother to go treat Grandma’s
various pains.

Juan remembered that Grandma had given him a debit card with five hundred
thousand in it. He told Kyle to use it as bait to convince Nicole.

The next morning, Kyle immediately ran up to Nicole and mentioned this to her.

Nicole was very surprised by this. Five hundred thousand was nothing to the rich,
but to an average person, it was quite a large number.
She couldn’t help but feel a little uneasy when she heard that Juan had taken the
money on behalf of Kyle.

“Mommy, he’s already accepted the money. So how about you go give Grandma
some acupuncture sessions as a way to repay her. Okay?”

Do acupuncture? Absolutely not!

If Evan found out that she had approached his mother, he would undeniably think
that she had some dodgy plan up her sleeve again!

She was not interested in getting into such a mess!

Kyle had to use everything he could to convince her — even guaranteeing that
Evan wouldn’t find out — before Nicole finally relented and begrudgingly agreed
to it.

She looked at “Juan” and instructed, “We’ll just say that you’re using the money
your Grandma gave you to hire me to treat her.”
Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 64

Kyle grinned. “That’s right. So don’t worry, Dr. Tussaud.”

After finally convincing his mother, Kyle immediately called Juan to tell him the
good news, who then in turn excitedly called Davin.

“Uncle Davin, Dr. Tussaud has some time right now. Can she go see Grandma?”

“Sure. I’ll swing by to pick you up now, then we’ll go get Dr. Tussaud. Remember,
you promised that I could take you out for some fun after the acupuncture

“Don’t worry, I remember,” answered Juan readily.

After Davin picked Juan up, they then went to Nicole’s. Before they arrived
though, Kyle made sure to keep himself out of sight.

Nicole was getting her things ready when she suddenly realized that he was
missing. But after a while, she saw him running in from outside.

“Juan, where did you go?”

Juan stared right at Nicole. He really missed her a lot after not seeing her for so

“I- I just went out to take a look. Uncle Davin is here, so let’s go.”

Uncle Davin?
Nicole frowned. Since when did Juan get so close with the Seet family?

“Hurry up, Mommy!”

When Nicole heard him address her as “Mommy,” she quickly reminded him,
“Remember, they think you’re Kyle, so you have to call me Dr. Tussaud when
you’re at the Seets.”

“Okay, I’ll remember!” Juan nodded fervently.

They then got into Davin’s car, and he drove them to the Seet Residence.

Davin glanced at “Kyle” and instructed him to be on his best behavior once he
went inside.

“I will, don’t worry Uncle Davin.”

Nicole chuckled to herself. The little boy in front of him wasn’t Kyle, but Juan
instead. And there was no one who could sweet-talk better than Juan.

The trio walked into the living room. When Juan saw his grandparents, he
immediately ran up to them and gave them a huge grin.

“Grandpa, Grandma! I’ve missed you so much!”

“Good, good! What a sweet little boy. Thank you for coming to visit us. You’re a
much sweeter boy than that father of yours!”

“I know, right? I honestly suspect Kyle’s DNA changed somewhere along the
way,” lamented Davin.

“What do you mean his DNA changed? He has your brother’s DNA, doesn’t he?”
questioned Jonathan curiously.
Nicole frowned when she heard Davin’s claim. Juan was one hundred percent
Davin’s son. There was no doubt about it, so the idea of his DNA “changing” was

“I just meant that his DNA mutated. He had Evan’s ‘aloof genes,’ but they
suddenly mutated, and now look how warm and cuddly he is. Don’t you think he’s
completely different from before?”

Jonathan glared towards Davin. “Stop talking nonsense!”

Juan wasn’t bothered by the conversation going on between the adults. In fact,
all he was thinking about was their big plan to get their parents back together.

He looked at his grandma and gave her a toothy grin. “Grandma, this is Dr.
Tussaud. She’s the miracle doctor who healed me. I heard Uncle Davin say that
your back and your neck hurts, so I asked her to come here to treat you.”

Miracle doctor?

Sophia turned her gaze to Nicole and studied her. Even Jonathan looked at her
in surprise.

Dr. Tussaud was quite famous. They hadn’t thought that Davin would be able to
enlist her services.

They immediately got out of their seats and welcomed her warmly.

Sophia then went on to tell Dr. Tussaud about her ailments.

After doing a quick checkup, Nicole decided to give her an acupuncture session.
She had Sophia go to her room and lie down, and the old lady readily obeyed.

When the treatment first started, Sophia was quite nervous. But the
apprehension soon dissipated after the first few needles were inserted.
“I don’t feel any pain at all! You’re really good at this!”

“I’m a doctor. That’s the least I can do.”

Sophie found herself taking a liking towards Nicole, and they chatted on as the
treatment continued.

However, before the treatment ended, Juan suddenly burst in. “Grandma,
Daddy’s here!”

Nicole’s heart plummeted.

She hadn’t wanted Evan to find out about any of this, and yet here he was!

“Oh? Then go tell him that his dearest mother is having acupuncture done to her,
and that she needs him to come and give her some love and support.”

But, if Grandma asks Daddy to come up, then Daddy will see Mommy!

Then our plan will be ruined!

Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 65

Their plan was for Grandma to grow fond of their mother. Then Juan, as the
beloved grandson, would persuade her into hiring Nicole as a nanny at Hillside
Villa, or to arrange for her to go work at Evan’s company.

That way, their parents would have plenty of opportunities to spend some time

But if Grandma finds out that Daddy hates Mommy, then will she still listen to

What should I do now?

At the same time, Nicole’s heart was also thumping hard. She was worried that
Evan would demean her in front of everyone.

Sophia hastened for Juan to go get Evan, so the little boy had no choice but to
walk out with his shoulder sagged and his mind racing.

However, the moment he stepped out of the room, he ran headlong into a pair of
long legs.

He lifted his head and realized that it was none other than his father, Evan.

Oh no!

Daddy’s come up without me even asking for him!

Why do you have such terrible luck, Mommy?

Evan furrowed his brows slightly when he noticed “Kyle” staring at him. “What’s

“N-nothing, Daddy. Are you going in to see Grandma?”

Evan nodded. “Yes, your Grandpa said that she’s getting acupuncture, so I came
to check in on her.”

Yet, when he lifted his leg to take a step forward, he suddenly felt a heavy weight
attached to him.

He looked down and saw that “Kyle” had latched onto him like a koala. “What are
you doing?”

“Daddy, you can’t go in right now!”

“Why not?” asked Evan, puzzled.

“Because… because Grandma’s only wearing a very thin nightgown right now. It
wouldn’t be very polite if you saw her like this, so maybe you can come back

It wouldn’t be very polite? But… she’s my mother!

Juan grinned widely at him. “Just wait a little longer, Daddy. Why don’t you go
and keep Grandpa company first? He was just talking about you earlier.”

Evan gave it some thought before agreeing. “Very well. I’ll come back later then.”

Juan’s stomach finally settled in its right spot after seeing Evan head back
He ran back into the room and smiled at Sophia. “Grandma, Daddy is keeping
Grandpa company right now. He’ll come to see you in a little bit!”

Sophia was surprised to hear this. “Your father barely says ten sentences to your
grandfather in a year. And you’re saying he’s keeping him company?”

Juan scratched his head self-consciously. I guess I did a good thing then?

After the acupuncture treatment ended, Nicole instructed Sophia to lie still on the
bed for half an hour. She then packed up her instruments and left the room with

After exiting the room, they leaned their heads together to come up with a plan.
Juan suggested for Nicole to sneak out so as to not come face-to-face with Evan.

Nicole was very happy with this plan. She would love nothing more than to stay
far, far away from that stone-faced tyrant.

She gave him a big thumbs up as she looked at him proudly. “You understand me
so well, son!”

Juan giggled. “Okay then let’s split up!”

He then ran downstairs to keep Evan occupied while Nicole snuck past them and
ran straight to the garage.

Ten minutes later, Juan surmised that enough time had passed for his mother to
get out, so he then changed gears and pestered his father to go check in on

“Why’re you so restless today?”

“Grandma was just asking about you, so you should go see her right away!”
coaxed Juan.
“Tsk, tsk,” went Davin. “Right before you arrived, I told Mom and Dad that Kyle’s
DNA must’ve mutated. He was practically as cold and as icy as you before, but
now look at him. He’s completely different! He’s such a charmer, and he pouts
and acts cute too. Tsk, tsk. This level of mutation…”

Davin was naturally only joking, but his little speech lingered in Evan’s mind. Now
that he thought about it, he realized Kyle really had changed a lot. In fact, he had
been startled by his behavior a few times now.

Juan’s heart skipped a beat when he saw Evan carefully studying him. He hasn’t
figured out I’m a fake, has he?

No, that’s impossible. I look exactly like Kyle and I’m a mini-version of Evan too.
Besides, even if they do run a DNA test, I’m still his biological son.

That’s right, as long as I don’t say anything, they’ll never figure out that I’m not
actually Kyle.

“Daddy, is there something on my face?” asked Juan as he blinked his eyes

Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 66

Evan came back to his senses and shook his head.

“Then you can go upstairs and check in on Grandma now!” Mommy is still waiting
in the garage!

Evan got up from his seat and headed upstairs. Davin followed after him, but he
was stopped by an anxious Juan.

“What are you doing?”

“Uncle Davin, I need a favor.”

“What? And why should I help you?” teased Davin.

Juan thought about it and replied, “If you help me, I’ll promise I’ll do something
for you in return. That sounds fair, doesn’t it?”

Davin considered this. “Alright, deal! What do you want me to do?”

“The kid sure has considered everything,” muttered Davin as he headed towards
the garage.

The little boy had told him that he was worried his father would make things
difficult for Dr. Tussaud.
He then recalled how Evan had thrown the miracle doctor onto the rockery
before, and he had to agree that “Kyle” was right to be worried.

So this was one favor he was happy to oblige with.

Meanwhile, Evan had walked into his mother’s bedroom. However, he hadn’t
managed to even say a word before Sophia started nagging at him.

“What took you so long? You can learn a thing or two from your son! At least your
son knows to get me the miracle doctor!”

Evan frowned at this information. “Kyle got you the miracle doctor?”

“That’s right! The internationally known miracle doctor, Dr. Tussaud!”



That woman came to perform acupuncture on my mother?


What’s she trying to do?

All these questions swam around in Evan’s head, which caused him to not hear
anything else that Sophia said.

He hurriedly interrupted her. “Where’s this Dr. Tussaud now?”

“She’s gone down. Didn’t you see her? Is she the type that you like? I found her
to be quite nice, so I wanted you to come to meet her. Who knew you were more
interested in keeping your father company instead, even though I hardly ever see
you talk to him in the first place! Sigh…”
Gone down?

Evan didn’t even wait for Sophia to finish speaking before barging out the door
and running downstairs.

“Hey, I wasn’t finished! Evan, E-,” shouted Sophia at the disappearing figure.

When Evan didn’t find either “Kyle” or Davin downstairs, he immediately gave
Davin a call.

Davin had just reached the garage then. He took his phone out and stared at the
caller ID for a little before finally answering it.

“Yes, Evan?”

“Where’s Dr. Tussaud?”

“H-how would I know?”

“Bring her to the living room in five minutes, or I’ll have you sent to I Nation to
manage the branch office there!”

“But I… I just came back!” wailed Davin.

However, Davin heard nothing more but silence. He pulled his phone away from
his ear only to realize that Evan had hung up on him.

Nicole was waiting a little further inside the garage. She ran out to him
ecstatically when she heard his voice. She felt as if her savior had finally arrived.

She stared at Davin expectantly. “We can go now, right? Thank you so much!”

Davin rubbed his nose self-consciously. He didn’t know how to break the news to
Will it be too harsh if I say “Yes, we can go now. Straight to the living room.
President Seet awaits your presence there.”?

I’m sure those bright shining eyes of hers will instantly dim when she hears that.

But if I don’t tell her…

After considering all his options, Davin decided he had no choice but to sacrifice
her. He truly couldn’t go overseas and suffer through everything again.

I’m so sorry, Ms. Lane. But… I need to save my own ass first!

“Dr. Tussaud, can you… can you follow me to the living room?”


“Living room? Aren’t you sending me home?”

Nicole stared at Davin with her eyes wide in confusion. Surely I misheard him!

“Yes, that’s what Kyle asked me to do, b-but there’s been a s-sudden change of
plans.” Davin scratched his head and smiled at her sheepishly. “Please go to the
living room with me.”

Nicole was suddenly at a loss for words. She just stood there, dazed.

What the hell?

Can anyone be this unlucky?

Oh screw it. It’s not like I can actually run away right now. Besides, I came here
to treat his mother. What can he possibly to do me?
She took a deep breath to brace herself, then strode towards the living room.
Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 67

Davin gave a small sigh when he saw her walk off. “Good luck, Ms. Lane…” he
mumbled under his breath.

When Nicole stepped into the living room, she immediately saw Evan on the
coffee-colored couch. He was observing her with his usual icy-cold gaze…

Her chest suddenly tightened.

She had to remind herself that she was there to help his mother before she could
finally calm down a little. She then clenched her fists tightly, straightened her
back, and walked towards him as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

“Dr. Tussaud, what a coincidence meeting you here.”

Evan placed special emphasis on the words “coincidence” and “here.” He wanted
her to know that he clearly believed that there was nothing coincidental about this

Nicole pretended to not understand his insinuation. “Is it? I’m just a doctor who
goes where she’s needed, so there’s no coincidence to speak of.”

“Doctor? There’s plenty of doctors around, and yet you’re the one who’s here.
Care to explain why?”


Because I was the one who came!

Because I wanted to do something to make up for Juan accepting the debit card
with five hundred thousand in it!

Because Juan asked me to come take a look at your mother!

Whatever my reasons, it has nothing to do with you, Evan!

Yes, she had plenty of perfectly good reasons, yet she didn’t dare to say any of
them to him. In the end, she only rolled her eyes and let him speculate to his
heart’s content.

“Since you’re not saying anything, I’m right to assume that this is all

“When you’re asking a person if he murdered anyone, is he immediately guilty

just because he’s not saying anything? How ridiculous!”

Nicole had just finished sniping back at Evan when Juan and Davin walked in.

Right as they did, Sophia — who had completed her thirty minutes of bed rest —
also came down the stairs. She had even dropped by the study to get Jonathan
to join her on her way down.

What on earth! Why’s everyone suddenly appearing at the same time? Did they
call each other beforehand or something?

Nicole was getting a little nervous, and she unconsciously clenched and
unclenched her fingers. She really was worried that Evan would do something to
her, especially in front of everyone else.

Evan naturally noticed Nicole’s skittish behavior and was thus even more
convinced that she was feeling guilty.
“Dr. Tussaud, you really are a miracle-worker! Thanks to your acupuncture, my
back, and my neck are feeling so much better!” Sophia couldn’t stop herself from
praising Nicole the moment she saw her.

Nicole gave her a gracious smile in response. “I’m glad to hear that.”

Suddenly, a snort echoed through the living room. Evan looked at his mother.
“Mom, you don’t know the half of it. She’s not only great with needles, but she’s
great at manipulating people too. Lying and deception are her forte!”

Nicole was rendered speechless.

Is he calling me a con-artist?

Evan, you stupid idiot! You’re really going to do this to me now?

Hearing Evan’s claims, Davin couldn’t help but feel a little sorry for Nicole. Huh?
He’s opening fire right away? He should at least have some hard evidence if he’s
going to call someone a fraud…

No. Dr. Tussaud has never been afraid of my brother. Go, Dr. Tussaud! Show him
what you’re made of! Look at how arrogant he looks right now! Give him a piece
of your mind, Dr. Tussaud! Go, go!

Sophia was feeling a little perplexed at the situation too. She couldn’t understand
why her son was suddenly picking on a woman. It was a rare, no, a
never-before-seen sight!

Juan, on the other hand, was about to speak up for his mother, when he
suddenly heard a little laugh from Nicole.

“You’re over-exaggerating. My skills are nothing compared to the all-powerful and

highly influential Mr. Seet. As for the ‘lying and deception’ you mentioned, doctors
sometimes need to say some white lies in order to help their patients. So really,
these white lies can be more valuable than the truth. Don’t you agree?”
Nicole’s answer thoroughly impressed Jonathan.

He had rarely seen anyone who was able to handle his son’s intentional belittling
with such poise and unflappability.

He was now quite excited to see what his son would do next.

And so Jonathan stood there silently so he could enjoy the show.

Evan didn’t expect such a comeback from Nicole. His piercing eyes bored into
Nicole for so long that she could feel goosebumps sprouting all over her body.

Just as she was guessing what else he had in store for her, she saw him curling
his lips up into a slight smile. “I’m afraid my description was lacking a little earlier.
She can also be very unscrupulous, obstinate, and a great twister of facts!”
Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 68

Damn it, I knew he wouldn’t let me go so easily. Are we just going to continue

Nicole smiled. Be my guest. I’m not scared of you anyway.

She pulled herself together, giving Evan her most sincere expression. “You’re too
kind, Mr. Seet. Calling me unscrupulous is definitely the highest compliment
anyone has ever given me.”

Complimenting her?

Evan snorted coldly as he looked at Nicole. He definitely underestimated her

capacity for being thick-skinned.

“If I’m not mistaken, Mr. Seet, you’ve once said that if a person does something
with a noble goal in mind, it doesn’t matter what method they use to achieve that
goal. So, why should we be so particular then?”

Evan stared at her. His original saying only applied to good intentions and noble
goals ultimately.

This was definitely the biggest joke Evan had ever heard in his entire life. Even
after Nicole wove a web of lies and abandoned her biological child, she still had
the audacity to claim that her intentions were noble.

Where does she find the gut to speak lies so blatantly? She is just unbelievable!
Nicole smiled beatifically when she saw Evan’s gloomy expression. So, he called
her an unreasonable person who shamelessly twisted the facts and hide the truth
just to suit her goals.

Internally, under the calm mask she was wearing, Nicole was laughing.

Of course, she needed to give him a practical demonstration of her skills. There
was no way she could be worthy of the compliments he bestowed on her

She even shot him a defiantly challenging look. Bring it on, Evan. I’m not scared
of you at all.

Inside his heart, Juan was cheering for his mother as she chewed out Evan. He
was starting to feel that he inherited his eloquent way with words from his mother.

On the other hand, Davin just prayed fervently for Nicole when he saw the
disgusted expression on his brother’s face. Evan looked like he was just forced to
swallow a fly.

This was the second time that Davin witnessed Nicole mercilessly making
sarcastic comments at his brother’s expense.

As worried as he was for Nicole, Davin still admitted that it was very entertaining
to watch.

It seemed that she was already past the incident of being abandoned on the

Jonathan was watching the entertaining show as well when he suddenly laughed
out loud. “Ms. Tussaud is right, you know. There’s a Buddhist saying that states
that even the evilest of methods are seen as justice in the hands of a righteous
man. But in the hands of an evil man, even the most righteous methods can only
be twisted into an evil act. Sometimes, it’s okay to be a little unethical for the
greater good.”
“Well said! You’re truly the wise one here, Mr. Jonathan!” Nicole beamed,
shooting a smug look at Evan.

By now, Evan felt like he was suffocating under the weight of his frustration. Even
breathing was difficult. There’s really nothing to say, especially to a woman like

He rose to his feet abruptly and walked out of the room. When he passed Nicole,
he paused suddenly, making her heart skip a beat.

What? Is he actually going to hit me if he can’t win this argument?

However, Evan did not move anything but his lips. His tone was dangerously cold
and full of warning. “Watch yourself, Nicole. Don’t make me show you real

His voice was low, but he spoke each of his words with utter seriousness.

Nicole felt a sudden spike of fear in her chest. Evan’s gaze was cold enough to
suggest that he wanted nothing more than to snap her neck on the spot.

The man was too petty. He was prepared to kill her just because he lost one of
their little arguments.

“Mr. Seet, you… “

Nicole did not get to finish her sentence because Evan was already leaving the
room. When he reached the door, he abruptly yelled for “Kyle” to leave with him.

Juan turned to look at Davin pleadingly.

Davin responded immediately. “Evan, I promised Kyle to bring him out to play this
“Kyle, are you really going to just stand there?” Evan asked coolly.

Juan froze momentarily. His Daddy really did look awfully angry. If I don’t leave
with him, will he be even angrier?

Seeing that “Kyle” faced a dilemma, Sophia decided enough was enough. “Just
let him stay, Evan. Dave can bring Kyle out to play in the afternoon and send him
home tonight.”

Sophia’s words actually worked wonders. Evan did not protest any longer but left
a curt reminder to his son before exiting the room. “Make sure you stay away
from liars!”

He was referring to Nicole, of course.

Damn him to hell and back. Nicole was furious. It was so typical of Evan to take a
final parting shot at her before leaving. He wanted her to feel embarrassed. This
man was truly turning out to be her ultimate nemesis.

Jonathan and Sophia were surprised as well when they witnessed the attitude
that Evan gave Dr. Tussaud.

Being a straightforward woman, Sophia just asked bluntly, “Ms. Tussaud, do you
and my son have a grudge with each other?”

A grudge?

What kind of grudge results in four children after spending one night together?

Nicole hesitated for a brief moment before shaking her head. “I don’t think so.
Maybe I offended Mr. Seet when I was treating Kyle. Regardless, it’s all just a
misunderstanding and nothing more.”
Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 69

Nicole stammered slightly as she spoke. Her voice was completely devoid of the
cocky tone when she faced Evan earlier.

That made it more than obvious to Jonathan and Sophia that she was lying.

“Evan mentioned that you have used, ah, unscrupulous methods. Did you two
have a misunderstanding with each other before?” Sophia asked.

Nicole just shook her head, saying she did not remember anything.

Sophia broke into a sudden smile. “You know, you and my son make quite a
good match, Ms. Tussaud. I’ve never seen him so angry with a woman before.”

What? In what world does getting angry with someone means a perfect match?

Nicole suddenly felt that her brain was probably short-circuiting because she
couldn’t understand Sophia’s viewpoint.

“Well, opposites attract, after all. Ms. Tussaud, are you willing to give it a try and
get to know Evan better?”

Nicole never expected Jonathan to suddenly raise a question like this either. In
her opinion, if he and his wife could read each other’s minds so well, they were
actually a perfect match here.

You want me to get to know Evan better? I only have one life. I don’t think it is
enough to play this game with him?
Juan just watched the entire affair unfold with wide eyes. He never expected his
Mommy and Daddy to still have a chance to get back together like how he and
Kyle hoped for, especially after Mommy made Daddy storm off after their
arguments. Is God looking out for us?

This was the best chance they would ever get. He needed to convince Mommy to
take it, no matter what.

I have to persuade Mommy to stay together with Daddy!

Juan walked over to his mother’s side, looking at her pitifully. “Ms. Tussaud, if
you really try to get to know Daddy, then you can visit me more too! I miss you a
lot already, and I want to see you every day!”


Juan’s words were a sudden reminder to Nicole.

She could kill two birds with one stone. This was not just a chance for her to
approach Evan but also a chance for her to meet with Kyle more often.

If she could see Kyle more often and maybe even do something for him, she
could hopefully make up for some of the motherly duties that she had missed.
She owed Kyle far too much.

Seeing that Nicole was slightly moved, Sophia quickly jumped in to advise her.
“Our Kyle likes you a lot too! Just try to get along with Evan. If it doesn’t work out,
we won’t force you to do anything. We don’t want to push you or anything, but
Evan has been single for so long that it’s truly becoming a matter that weighs
heavily on both of us being his parents.”

Sophia’s gaze landed awkwardly on “Kyle” as she spoke. Then, she hurriedly
added, “Kyle’s birth was an accident. We’re not sure who his mother is, but you
don’t have to worry, Ms. Tussaud. I’m sure he’ll accept you as his real mother.”
Yeah, I’m sure no one else knows more about that “accident” than I do.

Nicole smiled slightly, reaching out to pat Juan’s head. “I like Kyle a lot too!
Would you like me to try and get along with Evan?”

Sophia paused to think for a moment. “Will being a nanny be too upsetting for
you? Evan has a maid, but I can arrange for you to be Kyle’s nanny in name and
take care of him. It will certainly give you many chances to approach Evan and
get to know him better.”

Nicole would do anything to take care of Kyle.

For that point alone, she nodded in agreement to Sophia’s plan. “Of course! I’m
willing to take care of Kyle.”

“That’s fantastic! I really hope that you and Evan will turn out to be quarrelsome
lovers who can find happiness with each other.”

Nicole just smiled and remained silent. She did not allow herself the luxury of
thinking that she would ever stay together with Evan, the man who wanted
nothing more but to get rid of her.

Davin was surprised as well. He never expected Nicole to agree to the plan so
easily, but she did.

Living at Hillside Villa with Evan?

What are they going to do? Snipe at each other all the time?

Unbidden, a grin spread across Davin’s face. It seemed like there would be no
shortage of entertaining shows to watch in the future.
Juan was excited to see his Mommy agree as well. He hurriedly excused himself
to find a quiet place without anyone else where he could call Kyle to give him the
good news.

When Kyle heard the news, he was delighted as well. He did not expect the
results to be even better than their plan. It looked like his Mommy had already
gotten Grandpa and Grandma’s approval too.

“Kyle, we’ll have to switch back. Mommy’s going to Hillside Villa tomorrow to take
care of you.”

“When and where then?”

“This afternoon, I guess. It depends on the situation. Don’t worry, I’ll call you.”


After lunch, Davin excitedly left the Seet Residence with “Kyle” in tow, bringing
him out on the promised outing.

On the way there, Juan kept asking where they were going, but Davin just
remained annoyingly secretive.

“Oh, stop asking! You’ll like it, I promise.”

So mysterious?

Juan could only continue wondering.

Davin’s car sped along on the wide road. Juan found himself suddenly worrying
that Kyle might be unable to meet him wherever they were going if Davin went
too far.
Thankfully, their destination was not very far. Davin parked his sports car properly
before turning to look at Kyle smugly.

“Well, Kyle, I bet you’ve never been here before!”

Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 70

Juan took a closer look at the place. It turned out to be the famous water park in

He overheard his classmates talking about the place a few days ago, claiming
that it was the best place to have fun. Juan was moved enough that he was
about to beg his Mommy to bring him there, but he had never expected Davin to
bring him here first.

Juan was so excited that he hugged Davin’s leg, clinging onto him like a koala
bear. “Uncle Davin, you really are the best uncle in the entire world!”

Hearing Juan’s adoring praise, Davin’s eyes lit up at once. He bent down to
scoop the happy boy into his arms. “Come on, I’ll carry you inside!”

Juan clung onto his neck happily, kissing his neck without a second thought.

Looking at the boy, Davin felt delirious happiness blossoming in his heart. His
oldest nephew was too charming for his own good.

Davin resolved to let the boy have the time of his life today. Carrying “Kyle” in his
arms, he charged into the park.

After they changed into their wetsuits, Juan proceeded to enjoy himself
immensely. He went boat rowing with Davin before engaging in a furious water
gun battle with him.
As someone who loved playing in the water, Juan was far happier being here
than in an amusement park.

Seeing how happy Juan was, Davin was even happier and he followed him
around willingly. He was content to accompany Juan to play with whatever he

Soon enough, Juan remembered that he was supposed to switch places with
Kyle. He knew he had played enough, and his twin deserved to have some fun
as well.

Slipping away to use the washroom, Juan quickly called Kyle. After that, Juan
played with Davin some more while waiting for his twin.

When Kyle arrived, Juan found another chance to slip away, hurrying to the
washroom when Davin was distracted.

“Here’s the wetsuit, Kyle! Hurry up and put it on!”

Kyle looked at the wetsuit with a frown of distaste. He did not want to wear it at
all, but there was nothing he could do now except to grit his teeth and put it on.

“Go on, then. I’ll go back to accompany Mommy.” Juan smiled, waving goodbye
to him.

Kyle nodded, walking towards the water park.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Davin sitting on a boat, playing with two
water guns looking happier than a child.

“Idiot!” Kyle said fervently. He walked up to Davin, looking at him with an

expressionless face.
“Hey, Kyle, you’re back! Come on, let’s finish them off together!” Davin offered
him one of the water guns.

“I want to go home!” Kyle snapped coldly.

Davin started to suspect that his hearing had failed him. He looked at Kyle with a
frown. “What did you say?”

What’s the matter with this kid? Oh… his face looks upset. Did anything happen?

Davin hurriedly got up from the boat, walking over to show some concern. But as
soon as he approached him, Kyle suddenly snatched one of the water guns in his
arms and started shooting at his face.

The first stream of water hit Davin squarely in the face. Sputtering as he wiped
away the water, Davin hurriedly turned his back as Kyle continued shooting.
“Kyle! Why are you shooting me in the face? We don’t do that!”

“Because I want to!” Kyle shouted petulantly. He did not stop shooting. When
Davin presented his back to him, Kyle just aimed for the back of his head

“Kyle!” Seeing that he was not stopping, Davin reluctantly started shooting him
with the other water gun.

Kyle suddenly hurled his water gun at Davin before running away quickly.

The heavy gun smacked into Davin’s body, eliciting a loud groan of pain from
him. Davin braced a hand on his bruised waist gingerly. “Damn it! Kid, are you

When he looked again, Kyle was gone.

“Kyle! Kyle!” Davin shouted, looking around frantically.

At this moment, Juan returned to the water park for the pendant he forgot.
Hearing Davin’s calls, he walked over to him. “Uncle, what’s wrong?”

“Kyle, don’t just run away like that! You’ll get lost!”

Juan nodded obediently. He looked at Davin with a confused expression. “Did

you fall into the pool, Uncle Davin? Why is your hair wet?”

Did I fall into the pool?

Davin scoffed, “Kyle, you did this and you hit my waist real good too.”

Juan blinked in surprise. This has to be Kyle’s fault.

But where is Kyle?

He looked around nervously. Kyle was nowhere to be found. The crowd of people
in the water park was big enough to make Juan worry about Kyle.

“I’ll go get you a towel, uncle.” Juan hurriedly spun an excuse, leaving to look for
Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 71

In the few minutes that Kyle was gone, he managed to find a larger water gun.
The gun was heavy enough that it could not be carried and needed two people to
pull it.

Making sure Davin was in range, Kyle requested the two helpful men who had
helped him pull the water gun earlier to mount the gun on the stand. With a
devious grin on his face, he proceeded to open fire at Davin.

Davin swore loudly. “Who the hell is spraying me?”

Jerking his head around, Davin saw Kyle having the time of his life as he handled
a water gun larger and taller than him. Kyle pulled the trigger again, and a torrent
of water descended on Davin’s head like heavy rain.

Seeing Davin soaked and disheveled, Kyle shouted happily. “Is this fun, Davin

Davin Seet?

The brat’s calling my full name just like that?

Davin had to restrain the urge to give Kyle a good thrashing as the little brat
hosed him like a stray cat again and again.

This isn’t playing with water! This is playing with my life! Davin ducked and
dodged the best he could, but Kyle still managed to get him every time. The
torrent of water seemed to follow Davin no matter where he ran, soaking him
from head to toe.

Kyle only stopped and ran when he exhausted the water supply in the water gun.

By then, Davin was thoroughly drenched and wet. He stood dazedly in the pool,

Suddenly, he returned to his senses when he heard someone calling him “uncle”.
Davin lowered his head slowly, seeing “Kyle” return with a thick towel.

“Come on, uncle, you’d better dry off.” It was Kyle.

Davin frowned. Kyle had soaked him within an inch of his life just now, but now
he was offering him a towel as if nothing happened. The brat had been gleefully
using his full name earlier but now he had gone back to being respectful.

What is this kid trying to pull?

“Kyle, you brat! Have I been treating you far too nicely? Look at what you’ve
done! I’m more than a drowned rat now—I am a drenched dog!”

Juan was surprised as well. He wondered if Kyle had some unspeakable grudge
against his uncle.


He looked up at Davin, staring at his uncle with two gleaming dark eyes. “Is there
a difference between a drowned rat and a drenched dog?”

“Rats and dogs are different, okay?” Davin fumed, snatching the towel from Juan,
and started to dry his face and hair. “Kyle, I’m warning you. Don’t ever do
anything like this again!”
Juan nodded vigorously, reaching for the wet towel after Davin was done with it
and setting it aside thoughtfully.

While he was putting away the towel, he saw Kyle stealthily moving towards

Juan’s heart jumped into his throat. If Davin saw two Kyles standing together,
their secret would be exposed.

No way! We can’t be exposed!

Juan had to think on his feet. Making up his mind quickly, he waved at Davin.
Seeing that Davin was still frowning at him, Juan hurriedly planted a kiss on his
cheek again.

While Davin was still confused, Juan gave him a cheeky smile before quickly
saying he needed to use the washroom again. He pitied his uncle silently. Good
luck, uncle!

Juan quickly made himself scarce. While Davin was bending over to pick up the
water guns, he felt a sudden forceful shove on his back. Caught off guard, he
stumbled forwards, falling into the pool.

“For f*ck’s sake! Who did this?”

Disheveled and dripping once again, Davin stood up in the pool furiously only to
see Kyle smiling at him smugly. “Enjoying yourself, Davin Seet?”

Juan’s smiling face flashed across Davin’s mind. He remembered the little kiss
Juan left on his cheek as well.

But the same little boy that stood before him now smiled as coldly as the devil
and called his full name like a taunt.
Something is very wrong here.

Kyle excused himself to use the washroom barely a minute ago. Davin saw him
leave. How can Kyle just reappear behind me so quickly?

Studying Kyle carefully, Davin could almost see the two starkly different
expressions that appeared on his little face today, morphing from one into the
other continuously.

What the hell is going on?

Davin doubted that he was hallucinating that badly after just falling into the pool a
few times.

He patted his wet hair and glanced at the towel “Kyle” handed him earlier. The
towel was still lying there innocently.

Oh, god! This isn’t a hallucination!

When he looked at Kyle again, Davin’s heart jumped into his throat.

Is he having a mental health condition? Maybe he has a split personality


“Kyle, d-didn’t you just leave?”

Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 72
30/06/2021 by Novel Heart

“Don’t talk nonsense.” Kyle frowned when he saw the genuine fear in his uncle’s

Is he really afraid?

Some adult he is. He’s always blustering around here and there, but he can’t
stand being teased like this? I can’t believe a kid like me can shake him so badly.

“You’re embarrassing! Let’s go home.” Kyle shot his uncle a disgusted glance,
turning to leave without waiting for him.

Davin watched Kyle’s retreating figure. He could still see the almost identical
scene happening in his mind’s eye. Kyle had walked out just like that before
reappearing behind him again in the blink of an eye.

No, there’s definitely a problem here! Something is not right!

Davin felt a chill run through the length of his entire body. He looked back once
before running after Kyle hurriedly.

On the journey home, Davin stole discreet glances at Kyle from time to time as
he drove back to their house. The distant and cold expression on Kyle’s small
face was almost an exact copy of his brother’s.

This Kyle was a completely different person from the Kyle on the way to the
water park.
When they reached Hillside Villa, Kyle went into his room immediately. On the
other hand, Davin mysteriously pulled Evan into the study upstairs and closed
the door.

Evan looked at him suspiciously. “All right, what trouble did you get yourself into

“No, Evan. I swear it isn’t me. Listen, it’s about Kyle!”

Seeing Davin’s cautious and spooked expression, Evan frowned slightly. “Get to
the point.”

“Kyle has a psychological problem, Evan. I think he probably has a split

personality. He might even be astral projecting!”

Evan’s expression grew thunderous. “Are you out of your mind?”

“Evan, I’m serious!” Davin was doing his best to defend himself and explain
everything at the same time.

He told Evan about everything that happened earlier and how Kyle acted, leaving
no detail out.

“Evan, listen to me! A minute ago, he called me by my full name only to act polite
and call me Uncle in the next! He kept spraying me with a water gun before
suddenly handing me a towel. Then, he tells me he wants to go to the restroom
only to reappear behind me and pushed me into the pool! I remember that he
was cold like you before smiling and actually kissing my cheek a moment later. I
swear to god, Evan. It’s actually scary how fast his mood changes. You have to
do something about it!”

Evan was flabbergasted. “Stop spewing nonsense, Davin. Kyle is still young.
How could he… “

Evan trailed off abruptly as he thought about Kyle’s recent actions.

Just a few days ago, his son had clung to him adorably like a koala bear before
going on to charm him by calling him “Daddy” cutely.

Kyle seemed to have developed a lot of new behaviors recently. He spoke a lot
more now, seemingly becoming a master at cajoling people into getting things his
way. Evan quickly thought of those ‘new’ behavior compared to Kyle’s usual

It’s almost like two completely different personalities! Is Davin really right about

“You see it too, don’t you, Evan? Think about it!”

Evan narrowed his eyes. Kyle had only started behaving so strangely after that
woman began his acupuncture sessions. Before that, Kyle never acted like this.

Did Nicole do this?

“Did you remember something? Anyway, I suggest we bring Kyle for a checkup
first. Borderline personality disorders aren’t that uncommon. If there’s really a
problem, Kyle should be treated as soon as possible.”

When Evan remained stonily silent, Davin took it as a cue to make his way out of
the study quickly.

After a moment of consideration, Evan still could not shake the feeling that there
was truly something wrong with his son. He rose to his feet and went to Kyle’s

Kyle was sitting on his bed and playing games on his tablet. When Kyle saw
Evan entering his room, he barely looked up and glanced dismissively at his
father before lowering his head to continue as if there was no one else in the
Evan walked to stand in front of his son. “Did you have fun with Uncle Davin

“It was meaningless.” Kyle did not even look at him.

Evan’s gaze darkened imperceptibly. “What do you want to have for dinner?”

“Anything.” Kyle’s little face was expressionless.

Evan frowned. Kyle had never behaved like this before whenever they interacted.

He made a note to keep an eye on Kyle’s every move from now on.

If there really was a problem with his son, Evan wanted him to get treatment as
soon as possible.

If this matter really were somehow connected to Nicole, Evan would make sure
that she suffered all the consequences.

The next morning, after he was finished with breakfast, Evan settled down on the
sofa to read a report, folding his legs elegantly.

Suddenly, he heard his housekeeper greet someone. “Ms. Tussaud, please come

The greeting caught his attention immediately. Evan looked up only to see his
butler leading Nicole into the living room.

“Hello, Mr. Seet. We meet again.”

Nicole already knew that their meeting today would be an unpleasant one. But
she was standing here only because Jonathan and Sophia had hired her, and
that reason alone was enough to give her a valid reason to be there.
Evan frowned and he was not bothered to hide the look of disgust on his face.
“Who let her in?”
Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 73

“It’s Sir and Ma’am.”

Mom and Dad? What in the world do they want this woman here for?

Noticing Evan’s confusion, Nicole gave a helpful explanation. “Mrs. Seet hired me
to be Kyle’s nanny. I’m supposed to take care of him.”

Evan sprang to his feet, looking at Nicole like she was a ticking time bomb. He
immediately knew that this woman was a threat.

It was too much of a coincidence. After she performed acupuncture on his

mother yesterday, he should have known that she had no good intentions.

This is her ultimate goal?

“Well played, Nicole. Using Kyle to please my mother and then using my mother
to get closer to Kyle? Well-played. I bow to your wisdom.”

Nicole frowned. Evan was accusing her of something she did not even do. I
never even thought about doing this at all!

“I didn’t expect Mrs. Seet to hire me to take care of Kyle just because she likes

“How can you not know? Just look at the amount of posturing and flattering you
did in front of her!”

Nicole bit back her words. Evan was already determined to be suspicious of her,
no matter what. So it was no use explaining anything to a person who was
convinced that she was guilty.

He can think of whatever he wants. He’s not going to believe anything I say

“Are you speechless now? Good, you can get out of my sight now,” Evan

Up until now, Blake was just watching them silently. But when he heard Evan’s
attempt to kick Nicole out of the house, he quickly issued a reminder. “Mr. Seet,
she’s the nanny your parents specifically called in. They want her to stay.”

Feeling his anger flare to even greater heights at the statement, Evan pulled out
his phone to call his mother instantly.

The call got through, but before Evan could say anything, his mother silenced
him with a simple ultimatum. “You can either find a random woman to marry
immediately, or you let Ms. Tussaud take care of Kyle for two months. The choice
is yours.”

“I’ve made it clear that I don’t want to be married!”

“Maybe you don’t need a wife, but can you let Kyle grow up without a mother?
Unless you want Sofie to marry into this family and be Kyle’s mother, of course.”

Evan was well-aware of how Sofie had treated Kyle earlier. If he truly married
that sort of a woman, it would be no better than sending Kyle to a concentration
After carefully considering his choices again, Evan decided that his best option
was to comply with his mother’s demands for now. He was confident that he
could come up with a plan to put up a fight with Nicole until she backed down.

“You win this round, mother,” Evan said scornfully, then hanging up immediately.

Kyle walked out of his bedroom, feeling a rush of happiness when he saw Nicole.
He rushed over to her and grabbed her hand, his little face beaming with joy. “Do
you know how to make a pizza?”

Nicole smiled as she nodded. Her daughter Maya was a little foodie as well, so
she had mastered the skill of making various types of food. “Well, what type of
pizza do you want?”

“I want to eat a beef pepperoni and cheese pizza.” Kyle beamed.

“Shall I make it for you now?” Nicole threw a glance at Evan.

She walked to the kitchen, chatting merrily with Kyle as he followed her.

Evan watched them go with an ugly expression on his face. Kyle was
unresponsive and laconic when Evan spoke to him last night, but he was now
talking to Nicole happily. He even wanted to eat the pizza she made.

He was the one who had raised Kyle ever since he was born, yet Kyle already
preferred the mother he had just met for a few days.

“Don’t think that you’re actually worthy to be Kyle’s mother, Nicole!”

Watching Evan fume resentfully, Blake cleared his throat. “Mr. Seet, it’s time for
you to go to the office now.”

Evan acknowledged the reminder with a cold nod. He was about to leave when
he suddenly remembered something, then he stopped in his tracks. He glared at
Blake. “Watch that woman carefully. I want to know every single move she

After that, Evan strode out of the room as soon as he had finished talking, but he
added, “It will be the best if you can put a camera on her. Make sure the footage
can be checked anytime, too.”

Blake’s expression changed suddenly. “You can turn on every single camera in
the villa, Mr. Seet, but if you secretly put a camera on Ms. Tussaud, it’s
considered an invasion of privacy and that is illegal. So I don’t think that’s a good

“Then make sure all of the cameras in this villa are turned on! Make sure there
aren’t any blind spots and get people to install cameras if there are!”
Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 74

Blake was speechless. Do you really need to be so guarded against one

woman? But he did not dare to voice his opinion, thus, he merely nodded silently
and carried out Evan’s orders.

After Nicole was done making the pizza, Kyle took a bite of it happily. The taste
was heavenly, even better than those sold in restaurants.

“Eat more if you like it,” Nicole said.

Kyle nodded, reaching for another slice and eating it happily.

Nicole broke into a smile at the sight. She was content just watching Kyle eat,
knowing that she was quietly fulfilling her motherly duties to Kyle and that was

Near noon, Mrs. Seet suddenly called Nicole to inform her about Evan’s favorite
dishes, asking her to prepare them for him.

Nicole was quite speechless with the request. She had no problem cooking those
dishes, but whether Evan was willing to eat her food was another matter entirely.

Won’t it just be a waste of time and ingredients?

However, if Nicole wanted to continue taking care of Kyle, she needed to comply
with Mrs. Seet’s requests. So obediently, Nicole washed her hands before
retrieving the ingredients from the fridge. She started to cook after taking a deep
She asked Kyle what he wanted to eat as well, so she could cook it for him too.

By noon, she needed to return home to take care of her remaining three children.
She left before Evan returned home.

Before she left, Nicole looked at the dishes she had made pensively and
reminded Blake. “Don’t tell Mr. Seet that I cooked them. If he doesn’t eat them,
then please help yourself. It’s a shame seeing so much good food go to waste.”

Blake understood what she meant. Evan would order all the food to be thrown
away immediately if he knew Nicole was the one who prepared them. “Rest
assured, Ms. Tussaud. I know what needs to be done.”

After Nicole left, Blake specially sent the other helpers to arrange the dishes
artfully on the dining table. Looking at the exquisite dishes, he felt his mouth
started to water. Blake never expected Ms. Tussaud to be able to cook so well.

Evan would definitely enjoy this meal.

Evan returned home on time, he barely parked his Maybach properly before
hurrying to ask Blake about Nicole’s every single move throughout the day.

Blake reported everything truthfully, sparing no detail. Evan just laughed coldly
when he heard the report. He refused to believe that woman was so obedient.
There were definitely still some tricks up her sleeve.

When Evan walked into the dining room, he frowned when he saw the
mouthwatering array of dishes arranged on the table.

“Do we have a new chef?”

“No, sir. Mrs. Seet specially sent someone over to deliver these dishes for you.”
Blake delivered the excuse calmly.
Evan took a seat at the dining table, finding his gaze drawn by the beef stew in
front of him. The beef cutlets were coated in the velvety gravy, tempting him to
pick a piece up with his fork. When he bit into the meat, it was tender and juicy,
flavorful, and not cloying. It was the best beef stew he had ever tasted, cooked
exactly to his tastes.

The rest of the dishes on the table were as delicious as the beef stew. Evan was
a notoriously picky eater, but even he could not help but enjoy a second serving
of everything.

Watching Evan dig in with relish, Blake felt a sense of delight. If Ms. Tussaud
continued taking care of Kyle, Mr. Seet would be adequately taken care of as

Blake was just confused as to why Evan insisted on guarding himself so carefully
against Ms. Tussaud like she was a petty thief. As far as he knew, Ms. Tussaud
was just a brilliant doctor who happened to be a fantastic cook.

He was ruminating when he saw Evan put down his empty plate. Evan asked,
“Are the cameras installed yet?”

“John’s work efficiency has always been good, Mr. Seet. The cameras have been
installed since this morning.”

“Very good.”

Evan knew that Nicole would not be content without playing one trick or another.
With these newly installed cameras, he could easily find out if she did anything

All that was left for him to do now was just waiting to catch her in the act.

The sound of rushing water in the kitchen stopped as the tap was turned off.
Finished with her chores in the kitchen, Nicole made her way to the living room.

In one corner of the room, Juan was drawn into learning hacking techniques.

On the other hand, Nina was carefully practicing make-up techniques on her

Meanwhile, Maya was looking at various boxes arranged in front of her, each
filled with desserts of different flavors. She mumbled quietly as she tasted a tiny
cake. “Why do rolled oats taste so good paired with yogurt? This is delicious!”

Looking at her three children, a smile spread across Nicole’s face. “Be nice to
each other. Mommy’s going to work now.”

“Bye, Mommy.”

“See you at night, Mommy.”

“Mommy, I want to eat cake pops tonight!”

Hearing Maya’s loud exclamation, Nina just said three words, “What a pig!”

“But if you say that, then I think Mommy gave you the wrong name! Mommy, I
suggest that Nina shouldn’t be called Nina anymore.” Maya’s tiny voice was very

Nicole just laughed slightly. “Then what should we call her?”

Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 75

“How about… grouchy?” suggested Maya as her clear eyes shone.

Juan turned around and stared at Maya in astonishment. That nickname is pretty
accurate. Juan was tempted to give Maya a big thumbs up, but Nina’s deadly
glare scared him into keeping his arm down.

Nina refused to admit defeat. She retaliated, “Fine, I’ll accept the nickname
grouchy if you also change your name from Maya to piggy.”

“You’re the piggy!”

“No, you are! The one who likes snacks is the pig!”

“Alright, alright, stop it! Juan, keep an eye on these two. Also, girls, I will
confiscate your things if you keep arguing like that.”

Nina had her eyes on her beautiful trinkets while Maya stared at her delicious
snacks. Neither of them wanted to have their things confiscated, so they turned
to one another. They were in sync when they rolled their eyes at one another
before shutting up.

The room was finally quiet.

Nicole left the house in a hurry and got to Hillside Villa.

She was about to go hang out with Kyle when Sophia walked over with a curious
expression on. Sophia held Nicole’s hand as if they knew each other well.
“So how is it? Is Evan nicer to you now?”

Nicole wasn’t used to being that close to Sophia, but she didn’t feel right
retracting her arm either. Nicole thought about it for a while before reporting
honestly, “He was surprised to see me this morning…”

Surprised and disgusted, that is. He even told me to f*ck off.

Nicole left that part out because she knew that Sophia could guess it, anyway.
Sophia was a little stunned to hear that. Nicole then added, “I went to my place
this afternoon because I left some stuffs there, and he had gone to work by the
time I got back. I haven’t seen him since.”

They haven’t seen each other since this morning? thought Sophia.

“Did you cook for him?”


“Did he eat the food? Did he say anything?”

Nicole shook her head and replied, “I wasn’t there at that time, so I have no idea
how he acted.”

Sophia turned to Blake, who reported that Evan loved Nicole’s cooking and
asked for a second helping of rice.

“I was worried that Mr. Seet would refuse to eat, so I didn’t tell him that Ms.
Tussaud was the one who prepared the dishes, though.”

Sophia couldn’t help but laugh aloud. She was amused so she turned to Nicole
and said, “Interesting… Hah, that son of mine has always discriminated against
you. How embarrassed do you think he’d feel if he learned that you are the one
who cooked those delicious dishes? And the timing is perfect too. After all, he
can’t act like an a*shole once he found out that he has accepted your kindness
and gift…”

Nicole was flabbergasted as she stared at Sophia. I-is she coming up with ways
to kick Evan’s a*s? Holy… just how playful are these two towards one another?

A moment later, Sophia returned to reality. Her eyes shone with revelation when
she looked at Nicole and asked, “Ms. Tussaud, what other skills do you have
aside from practicing TCM? Have you ever worked in an office before?”

These two spend too little time together, which will result in their relationship
progressing too slowly.

As far as Sophia was concerned, she must not let any opportunity slip out of her
fingers, and she had to get Tussaud and Evan madly in love with one another.

Nicole deliberated for a while before answering, “I can translate texts.”

When Nicole first started learning TCM, she had to study foreign medical data, so
she took a language course. She already had the basics down before she started
her course, but she wasn’t fluent then.

However, Nicole was confident with her foreign language skills after completing
her course.

“Translation? Okay, that’s not bad,” murmured Sophia as she nodded. After that,
Sophia dragged Nicole to the mall to pick out some formal outfits.

Nicole wasn’t used to Sophia’s aggressive style, so she was a little troubled by
her “kindness”.

Sophia is really going all out for her son’s sake. She’s not going to back down or
let me off.
When Sophia went to pick out more clothes, Kyle chimed in and helped his
grandma, “Hmph, Daddy has always seen you as inferior. You should kick his a*s
and teach him a lesson!”

Kyle’s words stirred Nicole, who was reluctant at the beginning.

However, Nicole didn’t reply Kyle.

The grandmother and grandson worked together and finally got Nicole to change
into the formal outfit that Sophia picked out.

Nicole was a little nervous when she walked out of the changing room. Her
presence by the Hillside Villa that morning had already upset Evan, and she
didn’t know how he would react to her going to his workplace.

Nicole couldn’t even imagine how furious Evan would look.

Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 76

When Nicole walked out of the changing room, Kyle told her that she looked
stunning. The black formal outfit highlighted her beauty and her strength, so she
looked like a boss at that moment.

Sophia scanned Nicole from head to toe, and the former was satisfied as well.
“This is really not bad, it fits you really well,” commented Sophia.

At Seet Group.

The meeting ended, and Evan hurried back to the director’s office. When he
opened the door, he became somewhat stunned.

Why is this woman everywhere? And what is she doing in my office?

“What are you doing here?” asked Evan, who was so surprised that he stared
like she was a monster.

Nicole didn’t reply. She simply shifted her gaze to the side, and Evan traced that
gaze to Sophia, who was sitting on the sofa with a bright smile on her face.

“I brought her here.”

“Mom, I’m at work. Why did you bring her over?”

“I think we overpay her as Kyle’s nanny, so I’m increasing her workload and
making her work at the office.”
Working here in Seet Group?

Evan grinned in distaste when he turned to Nicole. This woman is that eager to
get close to me, huh? It’s not enough to bother me at my home? Does she have
to come to my office as well? Dang, she is even crazier than Sofie, and her
shamelessness is downright revolting.

“The company doesn’t need useless people like her,” said Evan immediately.

Sophia expected that reaction. She fished out the company’s HR advertisement
and placed it on the table before replying, “I’ve looked into the matter, and the
company is looking for a translator. It just so happens that she can do

A translator?

Evan frowned. When has the company ever needed a translator? Why don’t I
know about it?

Evan picked up the phone and called John over to ask about that matter.

John stared at Evan’s darkened expression, then at Sophia, who had been
glaring over as well. He didn’t dare to offend either.

He couldn’t afford do make a single mistake now.

John deliberated for a long while before replying carefully, “Mr. Seet, an
employee from the translation department quit about two hours ago. He said that
he was feeling unwell and have difficulty coping with the job, so he left.”

Two hours ago?

Evan guessed that his mother must’ve done something behind the scenes.
Wow, she works fast.

Evan wondered how Nicole could manipulate someone as powerful as Sophia to

help her. What the hell has this woman drugged my mother with?

Evan’s eyes shone with cruelty when he glared at Nicole. “What. Do. You. Want?”
demanded Evan slowly in a harsh tone.

“She doesn’t want anything. I’m the one forcing her to work here.”

“Mom, I can’t let her into the office. She’s not as simple-minded as you think.
Don’t be fooled by her!”

“You can’t turn her away from the office. You’ve already accepted her gift,” said
Sophia. Her words got Evan stupefied.

He scoffed, “When have I ever gotten anything from her?”

“She prepared lunch today, and not only did you eat the dishes, but you also
asked for a second helping. As such, you must let her work here. It’s only right.”

Sophia went all out to get what she wanted, and she looked firm when she glared
at Evan.

Evan recalled the lunch and his handsome face shone with fury. He was tempted
to vomit everything out and spat it onto Nicole’s face.

He wouldn’t have taken a single bite if he had known that Nicole prepared them.

Nicole had her head down and never said a word. Sophia was too eager, and it
backfired because it sounded like Nicole had an ulterior motive for cooking that
meal. The truth, however, was that Nicole was just cooking innocently.
Nicole knew that Evan wouldn’t believe in a word she said, so she didn’t bother

“Nicole Lane, you are disgusting.”

Nicole’s fury flashed up after being accused by him. She glared back into Evan’s
dark eyes and said, “Mr. Seet, it’s fine if you don’t want me to join your company,
but please mind your language. You have no right to insult me like that.”

Evan scoffed, “Women like you have no place in my company. Be smart and
leave on your own if you don’t want to be humiliated.”

“Oh, women like me, huh? Then, pray tell, what kind of woman is qualified for the

“Every Seet Group’s employee must pass the test and will only be accepted after
they’ve proven themselves. You can’t get in via connection!”
Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 77

Nicole sneered back after being looked down on like that. “A test? That’s nothing.
Women like me can pass easily,” replied Nicole as she crossed her arms

John watched the show from the side. He had never seen anyone being that
rude to the renowned Mr. Seet before.

Huh… This is getting interesting.

Evan assumed that Nicole was just lying through her teeth, so he turned to
Sophia and said, “Then it’s settled, mom. I will only let her stay if she does well in
the test.”

Sophia got up and walked to Nicole and asked if Nicole were sure she could do

Nicole analyzed the situation. If Evan deliberately made things difficult for her and
mock her regardless of whether her answer was right or wrong, then she had no
shot. However, in a fair game, Nicole was confident that she could do it.

“I have confidence in my ability. Mr. Seet’s ego might get in my way, though.”

Evan frowned upon hearing that. This woman is claiming to be good while
accusing me of being so proud that I’d deliberately mess things up for her?

“Not everyone is as scornful as you. Seet Group has always focused on its
employee’s ability and does not discriminate!”
“That’s good then.”

Sophia watched as the duo fought. She decided then and there that she would
monitor the test to ensure that it would be fair.

The questions for the test were sent to Evan’s computer soon after. Nicole was
asked to translate the content into three different languages.

Nicole sat down and examined the content. She needed to translate a document
from the languages used in A Nation, M Nation, and H Nation. The languages of
those countries were her specialties, so it was a piece of cake for her.

She read the document as she translated it. The director’s office soon rang up
with the clicking sound of the computer.

Evan remained grouchy and frowning. Is this woman actually that capable, or is
she just putting on an act? I hope she’s not secretly playing video games over

Evan walked to her side curiously and checked the computer screen. Holy, she’s
actually translating the document! Wait, so she really can communicate in three
different languages?

The language from A Nation was not popular, so most applicants were stuck at
that stage, but Nicole could understand it.

Evan thought about the way Nicole acted that night all those years ago. It was
like they were two completely different people!

There was a saying that claimed that women were most attractive when they
were focused on doing something. There was a moment when Evan’s heart
thumped faster when he saw her fingers dancing on the keyboard.

Unfortunately, his earlier bias on Nicole squashed any positive impression he had
for her within seconds.
After Nicole finished translating everything, she stood up and asked, “Are you
going to personally check everything, Mr. Seet?”

Evan shot her a deadly glare before answering, “The HR department is

responsible for that.”

John walked over to the computer soon after and sent the translated content to
the HR department.

About twenty minutes later, Evan received the call.

“Mr. Seet, those three documents were perfect. It is especially impressive that
the potential recruit could translate the document in the language from A Nation.
That language is not popular, so very few knew it. No one has ever scored 100%
on that part of the test before, and our department needs a skilled employee like

Sophia sat at the side and heard everything from the phone. She couldn’t help
but give Nicole a big thumbs up.

Sophia liked Nicole more and more. Kind, beautiful, and smart. She is perfect for
my boy. Given the current situation, it is difficult to find a beautiful woman who is
also skilled to be placed in the workforce.

Sophia was certain that the woman standing in front of her could break through
to her arrogant son.

“Anything else you’d like to say, Evan? She has proved herself.”

As a director, Evan couldn’t go back on his words.

He had no choice but to let Nicole stay and work there.

“Who would’ve thought that you’re not completely useless? Stay at the office and
do your job. Don’t stray or work outside your job scope.”

Nicole knew exactly what Evan meant when he used the word stray.

She never thought about seducing him, but if she stayed with the company, she
could have a stable income. That would give the kids a better life, and she could
spend more time with Kyle, so she was delighted.

“Don’t worry, Mr. Seet. I am only here to do my job.”

Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 78

“That’s good.”

Nicole’s job wasn’t too difficult or stressful, so Sophia discussed the matter with
Evan. Nicole still had to take care of Kyle, so they made a deal and decided that
she only needed to work part-time. She would be tasked with translating
documents from A Nation only.

Nicole was delighted with that arrangement. That would give her sufficient time to
take care of her three other kids as well.

At night, Nicole had already left when Evan returned to Hillside Villa.

When he saw the tableful of exquisite and salivating dishes, he frowned a little
because he was sure that Nicole had cooked the food as well. Evan tried, but he
couldn’t deny that her cooking was… perhaps, possibly, just a teeny bit above

Blake caught Evan staring at dinner, so the former quickly walked up. Blake
hesitated for a moment before saying, “Tussaud prepared dinner tonight, Mr.
Seet. She asked us not to throw the food away, even if you refuse to eat them.
That’d be too wasteful, so she asked us to call her instead. She would drive over
and take the food home.”

Take them home? Huh? What is that woman thinking? Is she trying to take
advantage of the situation?

Evan pulled up the chair angrily and sat down.

She is trying to take advantage of the situation, huh? Like hell I’d let you!

“Get Kyle over. It’s time for dinner.”

Kyle got out of his room and deliberately put a food container beside him as
Nicole had instructed. Evan stared strangely at him.

“What are you doing?”

“Oh, I’m going to pack some for Mommy, so she doesn’t need to do anything else
when she comes to collect the food.”

Evan’s face darkened instantly. He tossed the food container aside and
instructed, “We are not giving that woman anything! Finish everything, and you
are not allowed to call her Mommy!”

Blake tilted his head down and was secretly gleeful. Evan acted just as Tussaud

Looks like Mr. Seet’s mother is no longer the only person who can deal with Mr.
Seet’s temper. Ms. Tussaud can handle it as well.

The more Evan ate, the hungrier he became. He suspected that Nicole had
drugged the dishes, so he talked about how he should have the doctor examine
the food she prepared.

“Don’t worry, Mr. Seet. Every inch of the house, including the kitchen, is under
surveillance. I was also in the kitchen monitoring everything when Ms. Tussaud
cooked, and I never left, so it is definitely fine.”

Really? Then why am I so addicted to it?

Evan handed his empty bowl over and instructed, “Get me another bowl of

That night, Kyle and Juan talked via their smartwatches. Kyle told Juan which
dishes Evan ate and which were Evan’s favorites.

After that, Juan acted like a walkie-talkie and shared everything with Nicole.

Nicole grinned as she listened.

“Daddy seems to like your cooking a lot, Mommy.”

“That man…”

Nicole suddenly realized that she didn’t know how to comment on Evan. In a way,
they were almost as estranged as the bird in the sky and the fish in the water.

“Mommy, do you miss Daddy?” asked Juan as he stared at Nicole. His clear dark
eyes shone under the lights.

Nicole turned around and stroked his tiny head. “That is not true! Why would I
miss him?” insisted Nicole.

Juan giggled. Mommy’s face is turning as red as the apple that Maya loves.

The next morning.

Nicole prepared breakfast for her children, and Juan noticed that his Mommy was
rushing back and forth between the kitchen and the living room. He knew that
meant that she was in a hurry.

“Mommy, I will take Maya and Nina to the kindergarten today. You don’t need to
walk with us.”

“No, that won’t do. I’ll be worried.”

“It’s fine. We can handle it. Besides, the kindergarten is close by now that we’ve
moved to our new place.”

“He’s right, Mommy. We can do it!”

Nicole was touched when she saw how persistent the kids were. She had
planned to drop them off at the kindergarten early before rushing to Hillside Villa
to take care of Kyle. After that, she would take Kyle to the kindergarten as well.
She could save some time if the three kids walked over on their own.

“Are you sure you’ll be okay?”

“Don’t worry, Mommy. We’ll call you if anything happens.”

Nicole stared appreciatively at her kids. “Mommy will whip up something good for
lunch today,” promised Nicole.

“Hurray!” cheered Maya, who was louder than her siblings.

Nicole didn’t eat any breakfast before she rushed to Hillside Villa.

Evan stared strangely at Nicole.

That’s early. Doesn’t she have two other kids? Don’t they need her to take care of

“Morning, Mr. Seet. Is Kyle up yet? I’ll go make him some breakfast.”

Kyle was still dreaming when he heard Nicole’s voice. That prompted him to kick
his tiny blanket away and scratch his messy hair as he walked out of his room.
Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 79

Nicole hurried over. “Kyle, let me help you wash up,” offered Nicole.

Evan spoke up before Kyle could respond. “He can do it on his own, so don’t
spoil him,” ordered Evan.

Kyle turned around and stared at him. His tiny face looked annoyed before he
dragged himself to the washroom.

Nicole then headed to the kitchen to make him some breakfast.

Blake grinned at her and informed, “You don’t need to prepare breakfast, Ms.
Tussaud. Your mornings are too packed, so Mr. Seet’s mother said that you only
need to prepare lunch and dinner.”

Nicole really appreciated how thoughtful Sophia was.

Kyle barely ate any of his sandwiches before he set it down. It was obvious that
he didn’t like them.

Nicole was heartbroken to see that, so she asked, “Kyle, what would you like to
have for breakfast? I’ll make it for you.”

What? Do you have any idea what time it is?”

Evan’s frustrated tone rang up and prompted Nicole to check her watch. Evan
was right, and she didn’t have time to cook anything.
“Sorry, I was worried about him going hungry, so I didn’t pay attention to the

Evan stared intently at her before he suddenly scoffed aloud.

You abandoned Kyle when he was just a baby, so why bother putting on an act
now? Do you honestly think you can fool everyone?

Nicole got confused. She was trying to figure out why he scoffed when Evan
glared over in distaste and insulted, “Your acting sucks.” After that, he walked up
the stairs.

Nicole connected the dots then. Ah, he assumed that this is all an act. Wow, a
man really would find everything you do suspicious when he doesn’t trust you.

Nicole figured that she would never be able to clear her good name with Evan.

She sighed but soon realized that she was overthinking. Why bother caring what
he thinks of me? He can think of anything he wants. That won’t affect me.

Kyle packed up soon after and walked out of his bedroom with his backpack on.
Nicole helped him straighten his clothes some more before they held hands and
left the living room together.

They got into the car, and Nicole turned to Kyle. She asked with a concerned
tone, “What do you like to have for breakfast? How about Mommy prepare
everything beforehand and bring it over for you? You can have the same
breakfast as Juan, Nina, and Maya.”

Kyle was curious about what his siblings have for breakfast, so he nodded
happily as soon as he heard that they could all have the same dishes for

The car reached Grant Kindergarten soon after.

Kyle hopped out of the car and waved goodbye to Nicole before he turned
around and walked into the kindergarten. Nicole grinned as she stared at his tiny
figure moving away.

She had fantasized countless times about having the opportunity to do

something for Kyle. Just some motherly care for him, and her wish finally came

Nicole didn’t get back into her car until she could no longer see Kyle’s back. She
quickly made a U-turn and rushed to Seet Group.

That was her first day at work, so she was terrified of making a mistake. She kept
reminding herself that she must do a good job.

John led her to her department and handed two documents to her. “Ms. Tussaud,
this is your task for the day, please print the documents out once you have
finished translating them. You can leave after you deliver them to Mr. Seet.”

Translating those documents was a simple task for her, but delivering them to
Evan… He’s gonna scowl at me and insult me again. Nicole was extremely
reluctant to do that.

“Can I ask someone else to hand them to Mr. Seet?”

“No, that won’t do. These documents are confidential, and Mr. Seet had specially
requested for you to deliver them personally. You cannot let anyone else see

They’re that important? And Evan requested them?

Nicole got even more nervous.

She felt like Evan had an ulterior motive for asking her to deliver these
Unfortunately, she couldn’t do anything about it. She would have to deal with it
when the problem arose.
Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 80

I should be fine as long as I deal with him like I always do, right? At worst, I will
just act dumb and get through it.

Nicole dove into her job after coming to that conclusion. She was focused, and
her beautiful fingers danced endlessly on the keyboard while her gaze was stuck
on the document from A Nation. She got a hang of it rather quickly.

She was perfect when she focused on the job.

About an hour later, she translated both documents. She stretched a little and
massaged her neck before she printed the documents out as requested.

The crucial moment and most difficult task came after that. Her anxiety spread
from the deepest core of her heart. She was about to go face Evan, and her
heart thumped in an uneven rhythm.

She walked to the director’s office and hesitated for three seconds before she
took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

“Come in.”

Nicole walked into the office as soon as that deep, sexy voice rang up. She
politely placed the translated documents in front of Evan as she said, “Mr. Seet,
these are the translated documents. Please take a look.”

Evan never bothered looking at her. He got the documents and scanned them.
Others would take several hours to translate those documents, but she did it in
an hour. That was fast.

Evan was worried about her making a mistake, so he scanned every word.

To his surprise, everything was accurate, and the job was done perfectly. Fast
and accurate. This woman is actually pretty good. Still… when did she learn the
language from A Nation?

Evan had always been surprised and curious about that.

He tilted his gaze up and asked, “You mastered the language from A Nation.

“To read medical documents and treat my patients better,” replied Nicole humbly
and directly.

Evan narrowed his eyes and examined her. Her beautiful face only had a little
make-up on, but she still looked stunning. Moreover, that simple make-up
matched her pink formal outfit.

Who would’ve thought that this woman has a good side too?

Then Evan thought about how she said that she learned the language to better
cure others.

Evan’s eyes shone with a hint of anger. She did cure Kyle, but he seemed to
have developed some mental issues after being in contact with her. She must be
behind all that!

Evan suddenly felt like the woman was too scheming and looked mean.

This woman did so many vile things just to work by my side, and I will not let her
scheme progress so smoothly!

“Not bad,” praised Evan generously despite his grouchy expression.

Nicole didn’t expect that. She grinned slightly and was about to thank him out of
courtesy when she heard Evan adding, “Now write the translated document down
by hand. Please make sure that your handwriting is clear, strong, and in a
straight line.”

W-what? Writing everything down by hand? And with all those conditions? The
content is printed, so why would he need a handwritten copy?

Nicole stared at him suspiciously.

“This is a unique document, and the client asked for the content to be written by
hand. You are an employee of the company, so it is your job to do as you are
told. Please start writing right away.”

Evan spoke calmly and made his excuse and request sound ever so justified.

Naturally, Nicole knew that he was bullsh*tting, but there was nothing she could
do about it.

She glared angrily and replied, “John actually mentioned that I can leave after I
translated these two documents. I would be late in picking Kyle up if I stay and
copy everything by hand.”

Evan’s handsome face darkened a little. His fingers tapped on the table before
he said, “Don’t worry about that. I will have someone else to go pick Kyle up.”

“But…” I have three other kids to pick up!

“Go ahead, tell me what other problems you have,” replied Evan as he looked at
her with a meaning glow in his eyes. He looked as if he would solve all problems
so she could stay and work.
Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 81

Nicole knew that he was determined to go against her and that there was no
point in saying anything else, so she kept quiet.

Still, the way he bullied her so blatantly got her upset, and she rolled her eyes at
him before picking up the documents and left the office.

Bang! She slammed the door.

Ah, what a terrible temper.

Evan was sitting on his chair, and not only was he not angry, but his handsome
face also lit up with a hint of glee. Take your time and copy those documents by
hand. Do you think you can get what you want by using dirty tricks? No freaking

Nicole returned to her office and slammed the documents onto her desk. The fury
burning in her was intense.

That f*cking Evan Seet! Asking me to write everything down by hand like that.
He’s obviously just making things difficult for me!

If I skip lunch and write them out, would that assh*le claim that my handwriting
wasn’t good enough and use that as an excuse to make me write repeatedly?
Am I doomed to be bullied for no reason? What do I do now?

Nicole stared at those two thick documents and sighed.


It was time to go home from kindergarten, and Kyle saw that the one who went to
pick him up was not his Mommy. Instead, Davin came. Kyle couldn’t help but

“What are you doing here?”

Davin wasn’t angry about that rude question. He understood that was Kyle’s
usual style.

No mental illness or episodes today…

Kyle had always scowled at Davin as if Davin owed him money or something.

“Your Daddy called me to come and pick you up. Why else would I bother
coming?” replied Davin, who adjusted based on Kyle’s attitude. Davin looked just
as mean as Kyle at that moment.

Kyle ignored Davin and crawled into the car before instructing, “Bring me home
as quickly as possible.”

“As quickly as possible? My car doesn’t work that way and I will determine the

Kyle rolled his eyes at Davin. This idiot is becoming more and more annoying.
Juan is too nice to Davin and he has spoiled this man!

Davin only started driving to the Hillside Villa when Kyle stopped making

Kyle dashed into his room and locked the door as soon as he got home.
Davin’s suspicion grew. He felt that the kid must have some sort of secrets and
must be monitored.

Kyle fished out his smartwatch and called Juan to ask why their Mommy didn’t go
pick him up. Is something wrong?

Juan was upset as well. He replied, “Mommy hasn’t come home. She said that
she has to work overtime and asked us to have lunch on our own.”

Work overtime?

Kyle frowned and recalled how Davin had said that Evan was the one who asked
Davin to go pick Kyle up from the kindergarten. Daddy must be responsible for
Mommy having to work overtime!

Kyle soon heard a car pulling up, and he checked via the window. As expected,
he saw Evan’s car pulling up in the driveway.

Mommy is so busy that she can’t go home to cook for Juan and the others, yet
Daddy is free enough to come home on time? Daddy must’ve done something to

Evan had just gotten into the living room when Davin walked up mysteriously and
informed, “Kyle locked himself in the room as soon as he got home. I suspect he
is keeping a secret.”

Davin didn’t want to be yelled at by Evan again, so he left as soon as he finished


Evan’s irises constricted, and he walked to Kyle’s room and knock on it.

“Kyle, it’s Daddy. Come out for lunch.”

No response?
Evan got the spare key for the room and opened the door. That was when Evan
caught Kyle hiding something nervously in a hurry.

If I saw correctly, he is hiding the smartwatch I bought for him. Who is Kyle
talking to? And why is he worried about me finding out?

“Time for lunch, Kyle.”

Evan acted calm as he asked Kyle to come out for lunch. Kyle pouted and had
his tiny head down as he followed behind his dad.

Kyle complained when he sat by the dining table and saw what was for lunch. “I
don’t like this.”

“That’s all we have today, so bear with it and dig in.”

Evan picked up his fork. He thought about Nicole’s amazing cooking and felt that
the food in front of him was rather bland as well.

He had his fork with him, but he never moved either. It seemed that Evan was
displeased with the food and was reluctant to eat them as well.

Kyle caught all that, and his tiny face scowled as he complained, “We won’t need
to suffer for lunch if you hadn’t forced Mommy to work overtime. Davin wouldn’t
need to go pick me up either!”

Evan turned to Kyle. How did he know that I made Nicole work overtime?

“Who told you that she is working overtime?”

Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 82

Juan told Kyle about the overtime when they spoke on the phone. He even
learned that Nicole had his siblings to feed themselves.

However, Kyle didn’t dare to share that aloud because his Mommy told him that
he couldn’t let his Daddy know about Juan’s existence.

Kyle was stunned and never said a word.

Evan frowned and thought about how Kyle had hid the smartwatch away when
the door was opened…

Could it be… Did Nicole tell Kyle about the overtime? Is that why Kyle is worried
about me finding out who he was talking to?

Evan’s dark eyes narrowed. That woman is trying to drive me and my son apart
by telling Kyle about how I messed with her at work? Oh, Nicole Lane, you are
going to be so dead!

Kyle didn’t dare to say anything anymore when he saw how furious his father
looked. The former simply drank his soup.

Kyle only had a sip before he spat it out. After that, he claimed to be full even
though he never took a bite. He got up angrily and returned to his room.

Evan stared at the boy’s tiny figure and felt terrible.

Is he going on a hunger strike for Nicole’s sake? Does Nicole think that she can
get out of working overtime by conning Kyle into not eating? Does she think she
can do whatever she wants by manipulating Kyle?

Countless incidents happened after she cured Kyle, and that must’ve affected
Kyle’s mind deeply. No, I can’t let her anywhere near my son anymore!

That afternoon, Evan rushed to Nicole’s desk angrily as soon as he reached the

He saw, via the glass window, that Nicole was writing away.

This woman is fluent in the language from A Nation, and she can be an asset to
the company. Hence, she can stay if she wants, but I will not let her anywhere
near Kyle again!

Evan made up his mind and opened the door.

Nicole was stunned to see him walking in suddenly. She stood up. He’s probably
here to check on the handwritten documents.

Nicole handed a few pieces of paper to him and said, “Is Mr. Seet happy with

Evan checked the document. To his surprise, her handwriting was pretty neat,
and she actually had been writing everything by hand.


Evan’s irises constricted. He ignored the beautiful handwriting and the effort
Nicole put in it before tearing them apart cruelly.

“I am not satisfied. Rewrite everything!”

Nicole saw how Evan had torn the documents that she skipped lunch to work on.
She clenched her fist, and the fury in her was no longer controllable.

She was about to complain when she heard Evan sharing yet another surprising
news with her.

“You are no longer needed as Kyle’s nanny, so stay away from him!”

Evan spoke like he was barking military orders, and his tone was domineering.

“Why not?” asked Nicole as she frowned in confusion as she looked at him.

It was bad enough that he bullied her at work. Now, he won’t let her near Kyle
anymore? This man is really going all out against me.

Evan glared at her in disdain before he scoffed, “You knew the reason. Do you
really think that you can manipulate Kyle and get whatever you want? That won’t
happen. Not even in your dreams!”

Manipulating Kyle? When have I ever manipulated Kyle? And what did I
supposedly make him do?

“Evan Seet, what are you talking about?”

“You told Kyle about how you’re working overtime, and you knew what you asked
him to do.”

When have I ever told Kyle about me working overtime?

Evan’s convinced tone made Nicole feel like she couldn’t clear her name.

“I didn’t do any of that! I honestly didn’t.”

Evan ignored her. His sharp gaze shifted from her before he walked out of the

Nicole’s heart felt hollowed out when she saw the pieces of paper on the floor.

Evan Seet, you a*shole! How could you do this to me?

Nicole was in a daze the entire afternoon. She knew what the consequences
were for stubbornly going against Evan.

Sophia made the job arrangement and if Evan acted that way, then he must’ve
already come up with a way to deal with Sophia. As such, there was no way he
would hold back on bullying Nicole.

But what about Kyle? He needs his mother!

Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 83

That night.

Kyle had been grouchy ever since he got home from kindergarten. He kept
staring at the origami Nicole folded for him without saying a word.

Blake could tell that the kid missed his mother, so he sighed. Blake got the new
Lego set out of the toy box and placed it in front of Kyle before suggesting, “Let’s
build a boat together. It’s your favorite game.”

Kyle didn’t even look at it. He stood up coolly and proudly, then headed back to
his own room.

Lego is nothing compared to Mommy, regardless of what new technology they


His Mommy had to work overtime that afternoon, so she couldn’t go pick him up
from the kindergarten. She didn’t drop by that night either, and Kyle knew that his
Daddy must have something to do with it.

Daddy is so mean!

Kyle laid on the bed in protest, and he refused to eat even though Evan told him
to go have dinner.

“Kyle skipped lunch too. This is unhealthy and simply won’t do, Mr. Seet.”
Evan’s eyes darkened. So Kyle plans on continuing the hunger strike all just to
help Nicole?

“Just ignore him. He’ll have to eat when he’s hungry enough.”

Blake knew just how stubborn Evan was, and Kyle would just end up hurting
himself by acting up like that.

How can a kid skip meals like that?

That night, Blake secretly made some chicken drumstick and fried prawns for
Kyle after Evan had gone into the study room to work.

“Kyle, you should have some food. You’re still a kid, and your body is still
developing, so you can’t skip meals like that.”

Kyle’s tiny lips pouted, and he took one look at the delicious chicken drumstick. In
the end, he stubbornly instructed Blake to take everything away.

Blake sighed. There is no DNA test needed. These two are definitely father and

Blake had no choice but to leave the room.

The door had just been closed when Kyle’s smartwatch suddenly rang.

He quickly picked it up and saw that he had a message. He opened it.

Juan: Daddy is a meanie and he bullies Mommy! We must teach him a lesson.

After their Mommy got home, she made dinner for them, then went back to her
room to copy the documents. She kept working and still hadn’t gone to bed, even
though it was already late.
Juan peeped and saw that his Mommy’s eyes were reddened. She put some eye
drops on them before she continued working. She worked overtime this
afternoon and still has to work this late at night…

Someone must’ve forced her to do so!

Grandma personally got Mommy into the company, so no one but Daddy would
dare to bully her!

That was how Juan came to the conclusion that his Daddy was bullying his

Kyle: How do we teach him a lesson? I miss Mommy.

Juan: Daddy raised you, and you may feel bad for going against him, so let me
do it!

Kyle: What are you going to do?

Juan: Let’s switch identities tomorrow. I’ll go to your kindergarten.

Kyle thought about how he could hang out with his Mommy and eat the delicious
food his Mommy cooked if he switched identity with Juan…

Kyle’s eyes glowed as brightly as the stars in the sky before he agreed to the
plan: Deal!

After making that deal, his tiny, proud face shone with a hint of joy.

Evan thought that Kyle was asleep, so he quietly opened the door to check on
him. That was when he saw Kyle giggling at his smartwatch. Evan couldn’t help
but frown. Is he talking to Nicole again? Oh, f*ck! Fine, I’d like to see what else
could that woman get Kyle to do now since it is clear that a hunger strike won’t
The next day.

Davin was dropping Kyle off at the kindergarten that day, and he dashed out of
the house as if his life depended on it.

Davin grinned at that tiny figure and sighed, “Awh, the kid likes school.”

Evan was sitting gracefully on the sofa with his legs crossed. His handsome face
oozed immense darkness.

This is not about him liking school. This is about him not wanting to see me. He
even had his back to me when he drank milk this morning, and he never took one
look at me.

That was how upset Kyle was with Evan.

This kid got brainwashed by that woman so easily even though I have raised him.
Shouldn’t our years together make me more important to him? She’s only been
around for a few days!

Evan was undeniably depressed about it.

Davin saw how his brother was ignoring him, so he cleared his throat awkwardly
before he left to chase after Kyle.
Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 84

On the way to the kindergarten, Davin kept sneaking a peek at Kyle. That was
the tinier version of Evan’s emotionless face, and it was Kyle’s usual style.

Davin hadn’t seen that cute, energetic side of Kyle in a while. Could it be… Is he

Davin frowned a little. That’s too bad. I won’t hear his cute voice calling me uncle
or praising me as the best anymore.

And he’s definitely not going to hug me without being asked or ambush me with a
kiss on my cheek anymore…

Davin couldn’t help but sigh quietly.

Then he thought about it more. Hang on, it’s healthy for Kyle to not show any
signs of having a split personality disorder! Darn it, what kind of uncle would
hope for his nephew to be mentally ill? I am such a jerk!

The car soon arrived at Grant Kindergarten.

Davin told Kyle to be careful when getting out of the car and advised him to get
along well with the other kids. Kyle ignored all that and left with his backpack. He
didn’t even look back!

He’s still as distant towards me as he always has.

Davin’s heart hurt, and he suddenly had a weird idea. How great would it be if
there are two Kyles? One would be all cool and proud while the other can be
playful and energetic…

You idiot! You may want two nephews, but your brother doesn’t have twins!

Davin chuckled mockingly at himself before he drove away.

Evan went to work. He had just gotten out of the elevator when he saw someone
standing by his office door.

She is standing over there… did she come all the way just to wait for me?

Evan paused. He later continued walking in that confident and sexy manner.

When he walked past Nicole, he heard her greeting politely, “Mr. Seet.”

He frowned and stopped.

What trick is this woman playing? Or did she get so tired from copying the
document that she’s acting up?

“What’s up?” asked Evan calmly.

Nicole handed him the documents that she spent an entire night copying. “Please

Evan turned around and accepted the documents. He flipped through the thick
files. That woman actually copied everything? She didn’t work all night, did she?

Evan scanned her and saw her bloodshot eyes. She put on some make-up to
conceal her weariness, but it was still plain to see that she worked the entire
night. Evan was surprised, and shock zipped past his eyes.
Hmm, she is going all out just to work beside me, huh? You won’t give up until
you get what you want. Is that it? Okay, fine! I’d like to see just how much you
can endure.

“They are not good enough. Redo,” said Evan while wearing no emotions on his

Nicole wasn’t surprised to hear any of that. Her exhausted face even lit up with a
faint smile upon hearing his order.

Evan stared and wondered if he saw it right. Is that woman smiling even though
she is asked to rewrite everything? Why would she do that?

Nicole’s red lips mocked him at the very next second. “Mr. Seet, a resignation
letter is placed within these documents, yet you never noticed it. I guess you
must have paid attention when you read it,” said Nicole sarcastically.

She deliberately put emphasis on the words ‘must have paid attention’ to
highlight her sarcasm.

Evan only flipped through the pages because he had already decided to get her
to rewrite everything. Thus, he never really looked carefully.

In other words, it didn’t matter how good her handwriting was. Her handwriting
could be better than the printed version, and Evan would still ask her to rewrite
the whole thing.

She obviously saw that coming. That’s why she deliberately hid her resignation
letter within the documents. She’s probably not serious about resigning, though.
Otherwise, she wouldn’t have spent the entire night writing the documents. She
could’ve just skipped them and only type out the resignation letter.

“Nicole Lane, what do you mean by your resignation letter?”

“Obviously, it means that I am resigning.”

“Resigning? Why spent the night rewriting everything if you’re going to resign
anyway?” asked Evan as he stared at her in surprise.

Nicole looked into his eyes and scoffed, “Because I want to know how far you
would go just to make things difficult for me. You never even read anything
before you asked me to rewrite repeatedly. Mr. Seet, this is your doing, and you
should keep that in mind.”
Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 85

Nicole spoke softly, but her tone was dead serious.

I-is she saying something else? Is there a hidden message somewhere?

Nicole later got the handwritten documents from Evan. She had spent the entire
night rewriting it, but rip! She tore those documents up without any hesitation.
One after another… until everything was in pieces.

She then tossed those shreds in the air, and they danced like snow on a beautiful
winter night.

Evan narrowed his eyes. This woman spent the entire night writing everything,
then tore them apart herself. What game is she playing?

Evan was still trying to figure it out when Nicole turned around and walked away

She was cool, determined, wild, and free.

Who would’ve thought that this woman can be so cool?

At that moment, Evan found himself a little lost with anxiety slowly creeping up in
him as he stared at her walking away.

Evan instinctively tightened his fist. Nicole Lane got off easy. She deserved the
treatment she received compared to all the vile things she had done. What I did
was nothing!
The glint in Evan’s eyes became less bright when he walked into his office. He
hadn’t even sat down before his door was knocked.

“Come in.”

John rushed over as soon as Evan finished speaking.

“Ms. Tussaud refused to translate the document from A Nation and is leaving, Mr.
Seet. Maybe…”

“She has resigned. Have someone else translate the document.”

“What? Uh… Um…” said John, who looked surprised when he heard what Evan
said. He seemed to be at a loss for words after that.

Evan shifted his gaze to John and barked, “What? Why are you acting like the
company can’t survive without her?”

John seemed troubled when he replied, “We regularly receive sizable orders from
A Nation, but the company never accepted them because no one is fluent in that
language. After Ms. Tussaud joined us, we finally had the skill needed, so
yesterday afternoon, we accepted our clients’ orders from A Nation. Every single
one of those business transactions is over a hundred million in value, and we
need the related documents translated immediately.”

Evan glared at John, “So?”

John answered nervously, “The translator before Ms. Tussaud, Jimmy, used to
translate documents from A Nation, but Jimmy doesn’t fully understand that
language. Hence, we can’t get him to work on those documents. Uhm… So, uh,
t-the company needs Ms. Tussaud. She’s the only one who can do it.”

She’s the only one? Huh, that is ridiculous! Those documents aren’t holy
scriptures, and there is no way that only she can translate them!
Evan scoffed and ordered, “Get HR to recruit someone else. Offer a great salary.
I refuse to believe that we can’t find anyone else.”

“We’re in a rush, and only a few people know that nation’s language, so it might
be difficult…”

“Then you better f*cking hurry! Get out now!” scolded Evan before John even
finished speaking. John was frightened, and he quickly turned around to get out
of the office.

Holy! What is up with Mr. Seet today? Why is he so angry suddenly?

John sighed before he hurried over to the HR department.


Nicole hadn’t left the office for long before her phone suddenly rang.

She checked the screen and saw that it was an unknown number. That got her to
hesitate a little before answering it.

“Hi, who is this?”

“Ms. Tussaud, it’s me, Evan’s mom.”

“Hi, Mrs. Seet. What’s up?”

“I have heard all about it. Why didn’t you tell me that Evan has been bullying
you? I’ll help you out.”

“It’s fine. I’ve already resigned.”

“Resign? That stupid kid. Don’t you worry, I will have him beg you to go back!”
“Actually, I…”

Sophia was truly impatient. Nicole hadn’t even finished speaking but the call was
hung up.

Get Evan to beg me? That’s not going to be easy… Wait, something’s off. How
did Sophia know that Evan had been bullying me? Evan certainly won’t tell her,
and those close to him won’t either. They wouldn’t dare to. Is there a
whistleblower who simply can’t stand how he bullied me? That’s not likely. Who
would risk offending the boss just for me?

Nicole simply couldn’t figure it out.

Sophia sighed in front of her grandson after hanging up the phone.

“Your dad really needs a good whooping!”

“Grandma, you gotta help Ms. Tussaud. Daddy refused to let her take care of me
and forced her to work overtime during lunch. She even had to stay up all night
just to finish work. He is such a big bully.”
Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 86

Sophia looked at “Kyle” and sighed, “Don’t worry, grandma will talk to your dad
and settle scores with him!”

“Thanks grandma.”

Juan, who was impersonating Kyle, went to look for Sophia early in the morning
to complain and seek justice for his mom.

He was satisfied after getting Sophia’s promise that she would support his mom.
Soon, it was time for him to go to school in Kyle’s place. The boy looked at
Sophia miserably and said, “Grandma, it’s time for me to go to school, see you

“I’ll get the maids to send you there!”

Juan had wanted to reject the offer but agreed after remembering that he was
going to Kyle’s school.

When they arrived at Grant Kindergarten, Juan got out of the car and texted Kyle

Kyle raised his hand immediately after reading the message. “Teacher, my
tummy is aching. May I go to the toilet?”

The teachers knew that Kyle was from an influential family as the Head of
Kindergarten and a few other teachers got fired because of him. As such, the
current staff members of the school took note to pay special attention to Kyle.

However, as Evan had previously instructed the school not to give his son any
privileged treatment and to treat him just like one of the other kids, they did not
dare to show concern for Kyle too blatantly.

That being said, Kyle was still the heir of the Seet Group. As such, his teachers
made sure that the boy was well taken care of in school.

A few minutes later, “Kyle” returned to the classroom.

The teacher approached him and asked with concern, “Is your stomach feeling


Juan was stunned for a moment but quickly realized what was going on. He
nodded vigorously and replied, “Yes, I’m fine now.”

“That’s a relief then. If you’re not feeling well again, inform me immediately,

Juan was pleasantly surprised by the treatment Kyle was receiving and was truly
happy for him.

After school, Juan took the initiative to mingle with the rest of the students, joking
around and joining them for games.

Kyle’s such an introvert and had always kept to himself, why is he suddenly so
The teacher was secretly observing “Kyle” as she was worried about his
stomachache. That was when she saw the strange scene and found it puzzling.

Because of that, she decided to pay even more attention to him.

Meanwhile, Sophia had just arrived at the office in a huff. Dressed in warm colors
matched with a purple jacket and with her hair neatly tied up into a bun, the
woman looked extremely smart, professional, and elegant.

The office employees took turns to greet Sophia as she walked past them.

As Sophia was in a rush, she merely waved at them as a form of

acknowledgment. With a clear goal of settling scores with her son in mind, she
headed straight towards the president’s office.


The door to the president’s office was suddenly swung open. The moment Evan
looked up, he saw his mother charging in with a murderous look on her face.

“Mom, what brought you here?”

“What do you think?”

Evan cradled his forehead. For some unknown reason, images of Nicole feigning
ignorance suddenly flashed in his mind. He seemed to have had an idea.

I should feign ignorance!

“Are you here for the board meeting?”

Sophia looked at her son in bewilderment. There’s still a long way to go until the
next board meeting. Didn’t we just have one a few days ago?
As Evan was someone who always had a good sense of time, it was hard for
Sophia to believe that he had remembered the date of the board meeting

Is he…

Trying to feign ignorance?

Ha! I’m ready to take you on, my dear son!

“That’s right, I’m here for the board meeting!”

Sophia plopped herself down on the sofa after saying that and fixed her gaze on

Evan, feeling uneasy being stared at, said, “Let me go and take a look to see if
the directors have arrived.”

“Sure, I’ll go with you,” Sophia stood up and walked towards her son.

Evan froze. He was finally resigned to the fact that there was no way he could

“Mom, please take a seat!”

“Why? Are you not going anymore?”

“I’ll get John to check.”

“Why don’t you get him to check on Tussaud’s situation at work instead?”

As expected, mom’s here for Nicole. That woman must have b*tched about me
behind my back!
She really is the ultimate queen of complaints!

Evan’s pupils constricted and his handsome face darkened. Simmering with
anger, the man stopped avoiding his mom’s questioning and replied, “She has
already resigned!”

“And what’s her reason for doing that?” Sophia asked directly without beating
about the bush.

“You should be asking her instead!” Evan turned around and looked at his mom
as he uttered each word firmly and clearly.
Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 87

“Mom, I’ve already made up my mind. Even if she asks you to talk to me, I am
not changing my stance. I will never let that woman step into the office or Hillside
Villa ever again!”

“You… why do you have to make life so difficult for a woman?”


Because I hate her!

Because we’re talking about a heartless, instigative, and manipulative woman

who abandoned her family, feigned death, lied… and did all sorts of bad things!

But Evan did not intend to mention any of those to Sophia.

He did not want his mom to know that Tussaud’s real name was Nicole and that
she was Kyle’s mother.

Evan was worried that if Sophia found out about that, she would start helping that
woman so that Kyle would finally have a mom.

He did not expect that even without him mentioning it, Sophia was already taking
that woman’s side. That had really surprised Evan.

Wait a minute!

Mom can’t have possibly already found out that Nicole is Kyle’s mom… right?
Wanting to test the waters, Evan spoke, “Mom, do you know that she’s… “

“What?” Sophia looked at Evan with a confused look on her face.

Ah, I don’t think mom knows it yet. Evan heaved a sigh of relief.

“Mom, she’s an extremely competent doctor and should be using her skills to
treat patients and save lives! How can we keep her in our company?”

Sophia was at a loss for words as she stared at her son. The reason he gave
seemed like a good one.


She would very much prefer such a virtuous woman to be her daughter-in-law

Sophia was feeling rather confused by Evan’s words.

By saying that, is he actually putting Tussaud’s interests first or going against


Maybe he has his own plans?

“Evan, what exactly are you thinking of?”

“Mom, just stop worrying about me. You and dad haven’t taken a vacation for a
long time, right? Why don’t you guys go somewhere and have some fun? You’ve
always wanted to go to Paris, no?”

Indeed, Sophia had been planning to go to Paris for a long time.

However, Jonathan seemed reluctant to go as he kept giving her excuses on
multiple occasions when she brought up the idea. That was also the reason why
the trip was delayed.

“But your dad… “

“Don’t worry about dad, I’ll handle him!”

Why is this boy so keen for me to go away on a holiday…?

Sophia’s eyes darkened.

On the surface, she pretended to leave the office happily as Evan had promised
to settle the problems surrounding her Paris holiday.

The corners of Evan’s mouth curled up into a smile, thinking that the matter had
finally been resolved.

Nicole, now that there’s no one to back you up anymore, I’ll see what other tricks
you have!

At the same time, Nicole was munching on an apple while watching the job
advertisement which Seet Group had put up on television.

It seemed like the position she held was indeed an important one.

Just then, an idea suddenly struck her. Nicole put down her apple and clasped
her hands together as she prayed: Dear God, Evan Seet is such a horrible man
to bully a defenseless woman like me! Please make sure that he would not be
able to find any suitable candidate to fill that position. I’ll definitely give thanks for
my prayer answered! Please help me! Amen!

When Nicole was done with her prayer, she opened her eyes and let out a peal
of abrupt laughter.
She was surprised that her hatred for Evan had already grown to such an extent.

Heh, am I too evil for wishing that?

As if the heavens took pity on Nicole, the next few candidates interviewed by the
hiring team who knew how to speak the native dialect of A Nation did not meet
the company’s hiring requirements.

The only one who passed had requested for an exorbitant remuneration.

When Evan heard about that outrageous request, he slammed the candidate’s
portfolio on the desk and bellowed, “How dare he state such a condition with just
these capabilities! Don’t we have any better candidates? The ones we had are all

John looked towards the ground, afraid to make eye contact with his boss.

He cleared his throat lightly and touched his nose nervously. “Maybe, top talents
tend to be more arrogant due to their sense of superiority?”

Arrogant to the point that his requested salary is even more than the entire net
worth of the company?

“Just tell him to get lost!” Evan yelled, exuding a terrifying aura.

“Yes, boss!” John answered and darted out of the room as if running for his life.

As for that candidate, he was treated like a madman and thrown out of the
building by the security guards.

Feeling aggrieved by the company’s treatment towards him, the completely

baffled man took a detailed look at the hiring contract. There was a mistake in the
expected remuneration…
Something doesn’t seem right.

He remembered very clearly that he did not ask for one hundred million for every
word translated!

What was going on?

Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 88

Even though the man wanted to go back and clarify matters, he remembered
John’s warning, stating clearly that if he had the nerves to return to the Seet
Group, he would be beaten to a cripple. At that thought, the man decided against
the idea.

Forget it, what a strange company. Those people are too hostile and not
welcoming at all. It’s better for me to apply for a job elsewhere.

Sophia rang John after booking air tickets for her vacation. “How did it go?”

I knew that rascal had something up his sleeves when he showed so much
enthusiasm over my vacation plans.

He wouldn’t be so nice to me out of the blue for nothing!

A mother knows her son best after all.

Obviously, Sophia would gladly go on a vacation to Paris with her son’s help, but
she also needed to take care of her own goals.

“Mrs. Seet, I’ve done everything as you instructed!”

“Excellent! Just keep the objective in mind, which is, other than Tussaud, the
company would not be able to hire any other translators. Don’t worry, I will not
forget your reward when the task is completed!”
John felt uncomfortable when he heard the word ‘reward’ as it made him feel like
he had betrayed his boss.

The man was torn between his boss and his boss’ mom. Why do I have to be
caught between the both of them…

Indeed, the older one gets, the wiser one is!

John fervently hoped that whatever he was doing was for Evan’s happiness, as
what Sophia had told him. That way, he would not feel so bad.

After getting off the phone with Sophia, John headed to the president’s office
armed with a stack of urgent orders from A Nation.

His heart was pounding frantically as he hesitated to knock on the door.

Would boss kill me if I suggest that he ask Ms. Tussaud to return to the

That thought lingered for just a second before John took a deep breath and

“Come in,” Evan’s voice sounded from inside the room. After hearing that, John
braced himself and strode into the office.

Evan was staring intently at his computer screen.

John walked towards Evan’s desk gingerly and placed the stack of documents
beside his computer.

“Mr. Seet, our clients from A Nation are starting to rush us for their documents.
We need to get them translated as soon as possible.” After John finished
speaking, Evan looked up at him.
Feeling the jitters, John did not dare to look directly at his boss and cast his eyes
downwards immediately.

Evan picked up the order document at the top of the pile and looked at the date,
then at the amount…

His handsome face darkened instantly, as though an icy mask was placed over it.

“Where’s our translator?”

John looked at his boss and stuttered, “A-about that… w-we are still… searching
for a suitable one.”

Evan narrowed his eyes. John could already feel the temperature of the
surrounding air decreasing rapidly even before Evan spoke.

John felt as if he was trapped in an ice cellar as shivers raced down his spine.

Then he remembered Sophia’s constant reminders. For Evan’s happiness, we

have to get Tussaud back to the company at all costs. With that, John made up
his mind to go all out to accomplish his mission.

“Mr. Seet, in view of the urgency of the matter, should we ask Ms. Tussaud to
come back?”

John dug his nails into his tightly clenched fists as he made the suggestion. It felt
like the most difficult sentence he had ever uttered. When John caught a glimpse
of Evan’s face, he noticed that it had turned even darker.

To John, that was understandable. Evan was the president of a company after
all. It was indeed not easy for him to personally ask an employee who had
resigned to return to the company. That would be too humiliating. Furthermore,
the reason for her resignation was that Evan had intentionally made things
difficult for her.
Besides, with Tussaud’s temper, she would not easily forgive Evan for giving her
a hard time and agree to return to the company.

Damn, this is such a tough challenge…

While John was analyzing the situation in his head and feeling worried for Evan,
Evan suddenly spoke, “John, I’ll leave this matter to you, do as you deem fit!”

John was momentarily stunned and looked at Evan blankly.

What did Mr. Seet mean by that?

Does he want me to be the one to persuade Ms. Tussaud to come back?

Are you serious, Mr. Seet? Since you’re the one who chased her away, shouldn’t
you bring her back personally? What a coward!

John looked at Evan with an aggrieved expression and did not know what to do.

“Mr. Seet, I’m worried that I might not be the best person for the task. Ms.
Tussaud left because of you, if you send me to bring her back, I… “

Even though John was speaking at an almost inaudible volume, Evan still
managed to hear what he said.

“Did I ask you to bring her back?” Evan paused while a faint smile appeared on
his perfectly sculpted face. “But of course, if you are unable to find any other
suitable candidates, you can always choose to find her. It’s your call.”
Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 89


It was obvious that Evan wanted John to be the one to bring Tussaud back.

In other words, finding a translator for the company had become John’s

That way, even if Nicole were being asked to return to the company, it wouldn’t
be Evan’s doing. John would be the one who had brought her back. What a
brilliant way for boss to preserve his dignity!

But Mr. Seet, does it not prick your conscience to get another person to sort out
your mess! Argh!

“Go ahead and get it done!”

“Errr… “

“Is there a problem?” Evan cocked his eyebrows and asked in a cold tone.

“Oh, no. No problem at all,” John had no choice but to give in begrudgingly.

John hung his head in defeat as he left Evan’s office and let out a bitter laugh.
Just then, he suddenly remembered that Sophia’s intention was for Evan to bring
Tussaud back personally.

He rang Sophia immediately.

After Sophia heard John’s grievances, the corners of her lips curled up into a
smile. Shirking responsibility, eh? Seems exactly like what my son would do.

Hmm, as the president’s assistant, John should also share the president’s
burdens. Otherwise, what’s the point of hiring assistants?

“What should we do next, Mrs. Seet?”

“Just go and bring her back!”

“Errr… me?”

“Yup, you’re the president’s assistant, you should… “

John let out a heavy sigh after Sophia finished speaking and decided to do
according to her wishes. If Mr. Seet knew what I have done, I wonder how mad
he would be!

At that moment, John only had one thought in his mind, It’s not easy to be a
president’s assistant! However, it’s arduous to be President Seet’s assistant!

To be…

Thoughts were running wild in John’s head when he decided to stop thinking
about it as it was more important for him to complete the task he was entrusted

He took out his phone and dialed Nicole’s number while walking out of the

Nicole was on her way to pick up her kids when she heard her phone ring.

When she saw John’s number flashing on the caller ID, it was as though Evan’s
detestable face was flashing in front of her.
Nicole frowned and ignored the call.

Call all you want but I’m definitely not answering!

After the first call went unanswered, John tried calling a second time but Nicole
continued to ignore it.

She only picked up when John called the third time.

“Hello, Ms. Tussaud, John here.”

“What’s the matter?” Nicole asked nonchalantly.

“Are you free to meet now? There’s something I would like to discuss with you.”

“I shouldn’t be wasting Mr. Lin’s precious time. If there’s anything important, you
can just tell me over the phone.”

Caught off guard by Nicole’s response, John was stunned for a moment. After he
recovered from his daze, he brought up the idea of Nicole returning back to work
at the company and lavished compliments on her. He even gave her the freedom
to state her desired remuneration.

“So, Ms. Tussaud, what do you… “

“Oh, I’m so sorry, my network signal doesn’t seem to be working well, I can’t
really hear you… Hello? Hmm, why can’t I seem to hear anything? Hello? Can
you hear me…”

Nicole hung up the phone after pretending that she was unable to hear.

Who do they think I am? Do they see me as someone who’s at their beck and
John sighed when he heard the line go dead. I knew that Ms. Tussaud wouldn’t
be easy to handle given that she had even dared to go against Mr. Seet!

It seemed like John had to pay Nicole a visit personally in order to make any
progress with the situation.

A wide grin appeared on Nicole’s face when she saw ‘Juan’ running towards her.

“Why are you running so fast? Where’s Maya and Nina?”

As Kyle missed his mommy too much and could not wait to see her, he was the
first one to dash out of the kindergarten once the school bell rang.

Nicole was still unaware of the fact that Kyle and Juan had switched places and
had assumed that the little boy in front of her was Juan.

“They’re behind,” Kyle replied simply.

The boy’s eyes twinkled as he stared at Nicole lovingly.

There was a puzzled look on Nicole’s face when she saw her son’s peculiar
expression. “Is there something on my face?”

Kyle shook his head but nodded immediately after.

“What is it?” Nicole touched her face at once.

Kyle was amused at his mom’s reaction and he broke into laughter. “There’s…

My mommy is the gentlest and most beautiful woman in the whole wide world.

Nicole tousled Kyle’s hair and suddenly found the smell of the boy’s hair familiar.
It smells like…
Before she could process her thoughts, however, she saw Nina sprinting towards
them. “Mommy, Juan ran off so quickly and didn’t wait for us,” Nina, who was still
catching her breath, complained to her mom while rolling her eyes at Kyle.

Kyle’s small face darkened. He was only in a rush because he wanted to see his
mommy so badly.

“Where’s Maya?”

Nicole looked around and got worried when she could not see Maya.
Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 90

“She’s behind.”

At that, Nicole lifted her feet and started walking into the kindergarten. She had
only taken a few steps when she saw Maya running toward her.

Maya’s round face was as red as an apple, and her arms were stretched out in
front of her. She ran clumsily, clearly not as nimble as Nina.

When she reached Nicole, she was completely out of breath.

She panted, “Mommy, t-they didn’t wait for me.”

Nina walked over, folded her arms, and sighed, “Mommy, you should get Maya to
lose some weight. Look at her. She’s like a marshmallow when she runs. She’s
almost as round as a ball!”

Nina was right. Maya was indeed heavier than the other children.

“Maya, you’ll have to eat less sweet things from now on. Let’s lose some of your
weight, okay?” Nicole gently wiped the sweat off her forehead.

Maya pouted as she stayed silent. Her small hands rubbed against each other.
Didn’t Mommy ask me to eat more in the past? Why is she asking me to lose
weight now?

“You’re always like this whenever you’re told to eat less,” Nina reprimanded,
sounding like an adult.
Maya glanced at her with a look that said, “Busybodies are annoying.”

“Fine, fine. Eat more then. Don’t lose any weight. You’ll definitely turn into a pig

“Don’t you know what else to say? All you do is annoy people!”

“I’m saying this for your sake!” Nina scoffed.

Can’t you say it in a nicer way if it’s for my sake?

“But you’re hurting my ego!” Maya argued, her cheeks puffing up.

“You can talk about ego only when you’re as pretty as me, you fatty!” Nina shot
her a glare.

Nina felt that Maya was only talking about her ego because she did not want to
decrease the amount of food she ate.

Infuriated by her words, Maya rolled her eyes at her sister. She then roared,
“Juan, Nina broke your iPad yesterday. You should get her to compensate you!”

What the hell! She promised not to tell him about it. How dare she…

She’s betraying me!

“You! Maya, you’ve gone over the line!”

“I’m doing this for Juan’s sake.”

Maya glared at Nina. If you can hurt someone and excuse it as doing it for their
sake, so can I!
“Mommy, she’s…”

“Did you really break my iPad?” Kyle walked over and asked in a solemn

Nina froze. She had never seen Juan as serious as now. And the way he was
questioning her… Is he really going to ask me to pay for it?

She had been planning to use the money she saved up for new makeup
products. If she compensated him for the iPad, she would not be able to buy

“I-I don’t have the money to compensate you!”

“It’s one thing to compensate me, but it’s another to admit it. If you really broke
my iPad, you should’ve told me and apologized to me.”

Kyle sounded grave.

Nina felt as if she was talking to a complete stranger with Juan’s face. Juan was
usually all smiles, but now he seemed so solemn over an iPad. Is an iPad more
important than me, his sister?

Is Juan picking on me to help Maya?

“Juan, Maya, I don’t want to speak to any of you ever again!”

With that said, Nina huffed and stormed toward the car.

Kyle turned to look at his mother, wondering if she would reprimand him for
infuriating Nina.

Looking at “Juan,” Nicole smiled. She agreed with his words earlier.
Before, Juan was a doting brother who let his younger sisters do anything they
wanted as long as they were happy; he did not mind about the right and wrong of
their actions. Nicole was glad that her son could be strict with Nina today.

Nina was a prideful girl with a temper of her own, but Nicole knew she would
eventually understand his words.

“Let’s go home. What do you all want to eat for lunch? I’ll make them for you.”

Mommy isn’t blaming me for this?

Relieved, Kyle told her what he wanted for lunch.

After Juan was sent back to Hillside Villa by Davin, he thought about his plan of
teaching Evan a lesson for being mean to his mother.
Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 91

Juan sat on the semi-circle brown sofa as he contemplated the execution of his

Right then, he heard engine noises from the courtyard. Looking out the window,
he realized it was Evan’s Maybach driving into the garage.

The evil Daddy’s back!

Juan rolled his eyes in Evan’s direction before he sat up straight, unmoving.
Usually, he would have rushed out to greet Evan by now.

This time, he had to teach Evan a lesson on behalf of his Mommy. I can’t be too
nice to him.

When Evan walked into the living room, he glanced at his son. However, that was
the only thing he did before he went upstairs to his study room.

Juan blinked. Why is Daddy acting like this to me… Wait. I mean to Kyle?

Blake sighed and walked over. “Kyle, don’t be angry with Mr. Seet about Ms.
Tussaud. Have lunch with him later and talk to him. He’s always loved you. If you
keep this up, he’ll be heartbroken.”

Only then did Juan realize that Kyle was angry with Evan because of their
mother’s matters.

In his heart, Juan praised Kyle for his action.

That’s right! You should be angry with Daddy for being mean to Mommy.

But Kyle isn’t good at this. It doesn’t really matter if you refuse to eat with him.

You should find another way to reach your goal, Kyle.

“You’re right. I’ll eat with Daddy later. I’ll make him happy.”

Juan enunciated the last word as the gears in his head turned.

Blake stared at him and frowned involuntarily. However, it was not because he
had heard the odd way Juan had said “happy,” it was because of “Kyle’s” abrupt
change of attitude that had surprised him.

Kyle is as stubborn as Mr. Seet. He was still furious when he left for school this
morning. Why is he suddenly convinced now?

Before he had said his part, he thought his words would be a waste of time. Even
if Kyle listened to him, he would not completely heed his words.

Yet, Blake could not help but try to persuade him.

However, the attitude of the boy in front of him was not what he had expected.

Juan gazed at Blake’s surprised look and blinked. Anxiously, he wondered, Did
Blake realize something’s amiss?

He hurriedly climbed down from the sofa and mumbled, “I’ll go to the kitchen to
see if there’s anything Daddy likes to eat.”

With that, he fled to the kitchen.

Why is Kyle so concerned about Mr. Seet so suddenly?

His mind changes too quickly.

It’s as if that’s not him!

But I do hope that his relationship with Mr. Seet will be less tense after lunch.

When Juan entered the kitchen, he saw the sumptuous dishes on the table. With
a giggle, a thought popped into his mind.

In the study room.

Evan was deep in his thoughts. He was pondering whether if John could
convince Nicole to translate the documents of A Nation’s project details. Just
then, someone knocked on the door.

“Mr. Seet, it’s time for lunch.”

Coming back to his senses, Evan muttered, “Got it.” However, he remained
seated on his office chair.

“Mr. Seet, Kyle has been waiting for a while. He’s been complaining that he’s
hungry and that he wants to eat with you,” Blake urged.

Upon hearing the butler’s words, Evan creased his brows.

Kyle wants to eat with me?

He’s no longer rebelling by fasting, and he’s even asking to eat with me?

Wait… Kyle talked to Nicole last night. That woman must have known that fasting
is useless, so she taught him something else.
The boy listened to Nicole, and he had been on a hunger strike. He must be
hungry after eating the bare minimum for several meals.

No matter what methods Nicole had taught him, accompanying him for a proper
meal was of utmost importance to Evan.

With that thought, he stood up and went down the stairs.

The moment he stepped into the dining room, he saw “Kyle” munching down on
two chicken drumsticks.

He hates drumsticks. Did he change his preferences?

Well, he’s been in frequent contact with that idiot, Nicole. So I guess anything can

“Daddy, come and eat. Today’s lunch is delicious,” Juan said as he looked down
on his plate. In it was every dish that had been served for lunch today.
Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 92

Evan’s lips curled. In the past, Kyle always insisted on having food that was
made by Nicole. Now, he was eating everything. It seemed like the boy was
really hungry.

“Is it? Let me have a try.”

Evan sat down and picked up his utensils, looking at the braised beef in front of

After peeking a glance at Evan, Juan snickered under his breath.

Go on, eat it. Once you eat it, you’ll remember its taste for the rest of your life.

Evan placed the beef into his mouth and chewed. Suddenly, he frowned.

What is this taste?

It’s salty, sweet, pungent, and spicy all at the same time. It’s a mess!

In the next second, he spat out the beef and gargled his mouth with water from
his cup. However, he had only taken a small sip of the water before he spat it out
as well.

Even the water tastes weird!

Standing up, he rushed toward the living room to pour the contents of the teapot
into his mouth. Lo and behold, even the tea…
A deep frown was seared onto Blake’s face as he watched Evan’s actions.

He walked swiftly toward the man and asked, “Mr. Seet, what’s wrong?”

“Water. I need clean water.”

At the sight of Evan’s discomfort, Blake hurriedly poured a glass of water for him.

“Mr. Seet, here.”

Evan looked at the glass of water in Blake’s hands as though it was his savior.
He hastily grabbed it and gargled his mouth before spitting it out.

“Get me another glass.”

Blake was speechless.

He was also confused. Is lunch so terrible?

After drinking a few glasses of water, the odd taste in Evan’s tongue finally
washed away. He then looked at Blake with fury in his eyes.

“Where’s the chef?” I’m going to make him finish the plate of beef himself!

Blake realized that things had turned sour with the way Evan seemed to fume.
He quickly did as instructed. “I’ll go get him right away, Mr. Seet.”

The chef entered the dining room and took a look at the beef on the table before
looking at Evan. “Mr. Seet, is there a problem with the beef?”

Evan narrowed his eyes and ordered, “Eat it.”

Eat it?
Momentarily stunned by confusion, the chef walked over to place a piece of beef
into his mouth. In an instant, multiple expressions flashed past his face.

It’s salty and sweet, pungent and bitter. It’s… What is this?

For the first time in his many years of being a chef, he could not find a word to
describe the flavor.

He immediately ran to the courtyard and spat the beef into the trash can. He only
returned to the dining room after gargling his mouth, like what Evan had done

On the chef’s face was a bewildered and fearful look.

“Is this a dish you made with care?”

The way Evan said the last two words were ear-piercing to the chef.

“Mr. Seet, I don’t know why it tastes like this. I really don’t.”

Evan then turned to look at “Kyle’s” plate. The beef was missing from his plate.

Is this the only one that tastes bad?

Evan glanced at “Kyle” and inquired, “Are the rest of the dishes tasty?”

Juan nodded fervently. “Daddy, try them!”

Evan picked up his utensils again and took a piece of mushroom. Carefully, he
chewed on it. In the next second, he spat it out too.

Following that was another round of gargling.

This time, without needing Evan’s instruction, the chef took a piece of mushroom
and chewed. Immediately, he frowned.

“Why does it taste like this?”

This is impossible.

I didn’t put any strange condiments in it. Why does it…

After washing down the taste, instead of questioning the chef again, Evan turned
his attention to the plate in front of “Kyle.”

“Kyle” said it’s delicious. Does that mean the food on his plate tastes different
from mine?


He walked over to “Kyle” to try his mushroom. After two chews, he realized he
had to spit it out too; it tasted as peculiar as the rest of the dishes.

Juan lowered his head and fidgeted with the edge of his shirt. He snickered
secretly. The ones he had eaten earlier had been specially prepared as he did
not put any condiments on them.

The only food left on his plate was the ones that tasted the same as the plates in
front of him.

Evan looked at him in shock. The dishes are horrible, but Kyle said it’s delicious.
Is there something wrong with his tastebuds?

“Kyle, d-do you really think that these are delicious?”

Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 93

Juan stared at him for a second before nodding. He then moved to take more
food when Evan stopped him.

Juan heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. I knew Daddy won’t let me eat
something as terrible as this.

Intentionally fluttering his lashes, he queried, “What’s wrong, Daddy?”

A bitter feeling swelled in Evan’s heart. Kyle had just recovered not too long ago.
If something went wrong with his tastebuds…

No. I can’t let this happen.

“Kyle, why don’t you follow Daddy to the hospital?”


Evan remained silent at that. He held Juan’s hand tightly as they went out of the

When they reached the hospital, Juan cooperated with the checkups.

The results returned, and Juan had a clean bill of health. Even the doctor did not
know what had happened.

“Daddy, perhaps I’ll only taste the correct flavors if it’s Mommy’s cooking?”
Upon hearing “Kyle’s” innocent question, doubt seeped into Evan’s heart.

He still misses Nicole. Could it be…

Is this what Nicole taught him to do?

Now that he thought about it, the chef had been working at Hillside Villa for
several years now. His cooking could not have abruptly turned bad.

Evan narrowed his eyes and quietly led “Kyle” out of the hospital.

On the way home, Juan could not decipher what Evan was thinking about. He
thought to himself, I planned this cautiously. I don’t think Daddy will notice
anything wrong with it.

After they reached home, Evan asked the maids to keep “Kyle” company.

Meanwhile, he looked through the security footage in the kitchen.

Previously, to keep an eye on Nicole, Evan had asked John to add more security
cameras in Hillside Villa.

The kitchen had the most security cameras because Nicole was in charge of

Evan never thought that it would come to great use now.

On the screen, Evan saw “Kyle” sneakily placed the untampered food onto his

Then, he poured all sorts of condiments into the other plates, including sugar,
salt, apple cider vinegar, and more; he had used every condiment in the kitchen
he could find.
Evan’s expression turned as dark as night.

So that’s why Kyle said it’s tasty, and he even ate it.

The Kyle of the past would never lie, but now he’s doing things like these.

Nicole must be the one to teach him this.

This damn woman. Isn’t she afraid that Kyle will grow up to be a terrible person?

She’s beyond help!

In Evan’s mind, “Kyle” was the victim of the matter and the one who had to bear
the responsibility was Nicole.

He did not want to reprimand “Kyle.” He knew that if he did, the boy would
distance himself from him even more.

Hence, he decided to hold Nicole accountable instead.

It took John a great effort to find Nicole’s new abode. After knocking on the door,
he waited patiently for her.

When Nicole opened the door and saw that it was John, she was stunned.

Fortunately, the three children were already at the kindergarten. If John saw
“Juan,” Evan would be swift to know about it too.

“Mr. Lin, how can I help you?”

“Ms. Tussaud, I called you in the morning. I’m sure you know why I’m here.”
A faint smile curled on Nicole’s lips. “Mr. Lin, if you’re thinking about asking me to
return to the company, it won’t be happening. Please leave.”

Nicole’s rejection was swift.

John had anticipated her response. “Ms. Tussaud, if you think it’s inconvenient
for me to enter your house, why don’t we have a cup of coffee instead?”

“Is there really a need for that?”

“Of course. Ms. Tussaud, you won’t regret it.”

Nicole hesitated. She knew that if she did not agree to it, John would never leave
her alone.

Fine. Let’s hear what he plans to say.

Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 94

At Mellow Cafe.

John requested to be seated in the luxurious private room, and he ordered the
best coffee they had. The environment was pleasant to be in.

“Ms. Tussaud, try the coffee and see if you like it.”

Nicole paid no heed to minor details like these. After taking a small sip of the
coffee, she placed the cup back on the table. “Mr. Lin, let’s dive straight into the

Nicole was a straightforward woman, and that was a trait John appreciated. In
comparison with women who schemed in the shadows, Nicole was better suited
for Evan.

He smiled. “Ms. Tussaud, I was hoping to help you familiarize yourself with Mr.
Seet. As long as you return to the company, I can tell you everything you want to
know until you win his heart. You can ask about his preferences and his

Nicole froze. What does he mean?

Evan’s secretary is trying to help me win over Evan?

She wanted to ask if his boss knew what his subordinate was trying to do.

What do you get from doing this?

John had long thought of the questions that were swirling in her head. Without
needing her to ask, he explained, “Ms. Tussaud, I’m only following orders. Mrs.
Seet likes you very much.”

I see. So it’s Mrs. Seet’s idea.

His words were the perfect reply to Nicole’s unspoken questions.

However, she did not know why she should court Evan.

Whenever she thought about the way Evan made her life difficult, she felt
disgusted by him.

After a brief pause, Nicole scoffed as she looked at John. “Mr. Lin, it seems that
helping me isn’t the only reason you want me back. I’m sure the company hasn’t
found a translator who knows A Nation’s language. Am I right?”

Truth be told, we had found one. However, Mrs. Seet had come up with a plan to
make Evan dismiss the translator from the company.

John fell silent, keeping the words in his heart. Instead, he replied, “Yes.” That
way, Nicole would feel that the company truly needed her.

Upon hearing his answer, a surge of glee flowed into Nicole’s heart. They actually
didn’t manage to find a suitable person for the job?

My prayers must have been heard. God is helping me fulfill my wish.

It seems like God is on my side.

It serves that bastard Evan well to not find anyone for the role.

Should I go back and get him back for what he’s done?
It’s a splendid opportunity for revenge, after all.

“Ms. Tussaud, you can tell us your terms. Even if they’re against Mr. Seet, we’ll
agree to it as long as you return to the company.”

John had lowered his voice to sound subservient.

“Let me think about it.”

Unlike the outright rejection earlier, Nicole was now giving his words a thought.

John saw a trace of hope from her expression, and he heaved a sigh of relief in
his heart.

As long as Nicole returned, he would have successfully carried out Sophia’s

request. He would also be able to tell Evan he found a translator for their
collaboration with A Nation.

The future events—whether it would be love or hate between Nicole and

Evan—had nothing to do with John.

The next day.

Nicole woke up early and prepared breakfast for the three children. While they
were eating, she put on sophisticated makeup and the black office attire Sophia
had given to her earlier.

Her tied-up hair matched perfectly with the set of clothes she was wearing.

Her lips curled into a confident smile as she looked at herself in the mirror. She
knew she looked elegant and professional.

Unlike the previous time, this time, Nicole was returning with confidence.
There were three reasons for her confidence.

Firstly, the company needed her.

Secondly, John had called her last night, and she told him her terms, which he
had agreed to.

Thirdly, the set of clothes she was wearing was physical evidence of Sophia’s

In the past, she was bullied because Evan was intentionally making her life
difficult like the petty man he was. Now, it seemed like things were starting to turn
in her favor. As the saying goes, evil will never prevail.

In other words, Nicole thought, I’m not afraid of you, Evan Seet.
Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 95

If Evan did not act like he used to, Nicole would not start a fight with him. All she
planned to do was to vent a little of her frustration toward him.

However, if he acted the same as before, if he still intentionally made life difficult
for her, she would definitely teach him a lesson.

At that thought, she imagined the speechless, disheveled state Evan would be in.
Joy poured into her heart, and a laugh escaped her.

“Mommy, it’s time for us to go to the kindergarten.”

Nina’s words snapped her back to reality. Nicole cleared her throat. “Let’s go.”

On the way to the kindergarten, Nina insisted on keeping a distance from “Juan”
and Maya.

The girl still held a grudge against her siblings. Maya had betrayed her and
“Juan” made her apologize for the broken iPad.

Soon, the car came to a stop outside the kindergarten. The three children
alighted the car, and Nina walked in front away from the other two.

Nicole let out a silent sigh at the three children’s figures. It seemed like she had
to talk to Nina tonight.

Once they were inside, she turned the car around and drove to Seet Group.
When she stepped into the office, she saw John standing in the lobby, looking
around. When he saw her, he made a beeline for her.

“Ms. Tussaud, welcome!”

“Thank you. Remember what you’ve promised me last night,” Nicole whispered
her reminder.

“Don’t worry, Ms. Tussaud. This way, please.”

With a small smile, she elegantly walked to the translation department and to her
old office.

Soon, John brought her the materials for A Nation’s project.

“Thank you for your hard work, Ms. Tussaud.”

“There’s no need to thank me, it’s my job, after all.”

Within seconds, Nicole had turned on her computer and dived straight into work.

John’s heart, which had been beating erratically, went back to its original rhythm
after hearing her rapid typing.

I’ve completed what Mrs. Seet and Mr. Seet have asked of me.

After Evan heard of Nicole’s return, the look in his eyes turned grim. He thought
about the plans she taught “Kyle” and the beef and mushrooms he ate…

In an instant, the odd combination of flavors crashed into his mouth in waves. For
a moment, it was as if he was having the meal again.

He gulped a mouthful of water and rushed to the restroom to spit it out. Only after
continuously gargling that he felt slightly better.
Damn it!

This is all because of Nicole. If she didn’t come up with this idea for Kyle, this
wouldn’t be happening to me.

He felt he would never have beef and mushrooms for the rest of his life.

How should I make Nicole pay for this?

Walking back to his office chair, his slender fingers slowly moved the cursor
across the screen.

He clicked on the menu for Y City’s top dessert store.

His gaze landed on their latest product, mousse cake, for a while before a smile
grew on his face.

However, it was a smile that did not reach his eyes.

He picked up his phone to make a call. When he was done with that, he called

John had a look of bewilderment on his face after hearing Evan’s words.

He’s asking me to pick up a mousse cake from a dessert store for Ms. Tussaud?

Mr. Seet is concerned about her? He even bought her a mousse cake from the
top dessert store in the city?

This is… Unexpected.

Does Mr. Seet want to lessen the tension in his relationship with Ms. Tussaud, or
is he concerned about the company? If it’s the latter, he must be thinking of
encouraging Ms. Tussaud to work harder.
Regardless of his reasons, Ms. Tussaud must feel happy to be treated well by

Without delaying any second, John immediately went to the dessert store to pick
the cake up.

Half an hour later, he came back to the office holding the mousse cake which
was packed inside a fancy box. John then asked Evan if he was meant to send
the cake to Nicole immediately.

Evan lowered his eyes slightly. He was joyous at the thought of Nicole’s reaction
when she ate the cake.

“Go ahead.”

At the president’s order, John sped to Nicole’s office.

Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 96

After John knocked on Nicole’s door, he entered the room without waiting for her

“Ms. Tussaud, you must have worked hard. Why don’t you take a rest?”

“It’s all right.” Nicole looked up at him. Her gaze then lowered to look at the fancy
box in his hands. “What’s this?”

With an overjoyed expression, John explained, “Ms. Tussaud, our president

ordered this from the best dessert store in the city for you. Do try it.”

Evan ordered this for me?

From the best dessert store?

Nicole stared at John in disbelief, wondering if she had heard him wrong. That
bastard Evan. How can he possibly be nice to me?

“I beg your pardon?”

John looked at her before repeating his words in a serious tone. He even added,
“Ms. Tussaud, you didn’t hear me wrong. Mr. Seet had specially ordered this for

Did Evan really ordered this for me?

What happened to him? Does he have ulterior motives?

After all, there are no free lunches in this world. What is he planning?

Knitting his brows, John looked at the contemplating woman. “Ms. Tussaud, our
president is actually nice to his employees. Last month, one of the staff members’
family was diagnosed with cancer. He needed money, and Mr. Seet gave him his
annual salary in advance without hesitation.”

Nicole fell silent. She had not expected an inapproachable man like Evan to have

Is John saying that Evan is encouraging me as my employer?

Yes. That must be it. Evan wants me to go through the documents carefully. It
seems like the collaboration with A Nation is quite important to the company. I’m
useful to him.

Sensing her worth, Nicole smiled.

She then lowered her head to look at the mousse cake. She had always been
reluctant to buy the cake. It was a long queue for the new products of the dessert
store. Not to mention that even if she had the money for it, she still might not be
able to get it.

The last time Maya saw the poster, she stared at it for nearly a day. If I bring it
back for the three kids…

For a moment, Nicole thought she could see the way Maya’s eyes lit up at the
sight of the cake.

She’ll love it.

“Ms. Tussaud, try it.”

John’s words dragged Nicole back to her senses. “Work is more important.
Please thank Mr. Seet for the cake on my behalf. I’ll bring it home to enjoy it


John had wanted to ask her for a bite, but that seemed impossible now.

Regardless, although Evan had not met with Nicole, they seemed to be on good
terms; one had sent a cake, and the other had expressed her gratitude.

Mrs. Seet will be happy to hear about this.

After returning to the president’s office, Evan stared at John, eager for the latter’s
answer. “Did she eat it?”

John shook his head. “No. She’s busy with work. She said she’ll bring it home to
eat, and she said thank you.”

She thanked me?

The look in Evan’s eyes darkened. It’s too early to thank me now. You’ll know
how special the mousse cake is once you try it. You can thank me then.

Nicole was so absorbed in her work that she had not realized it was lunch break.
It wasn’t until Nina called, and the ringtone sounded that it snapped her back to
reality. She quickly kept her things and rushed to the kindergarten to pick her
children up.

Naturally, in her rush, she had forgotten about Evan’s cake.

In the afternoon, she came back to the office. Evan was leisurely waiting for her
in his office.
However, after waiting for a long time, he saw no signs of her storming into his
office demanding for an explanation.

Was the taste of the cake not special enough for her?

Or is Nicole feeling guilty about the idea she planted in Kyle’s head? Is that why
she’s not coming after me?

Unable to guess what was going on, he stood up and went to Nicole’s office.

Through the glass windows, he could see Nicole’s head lowered as she typed on
her keyboard. Once in a while, her eyes would glance to the side, where the
information must be at.

Evan was surprised to find that she looked pleasant while working attentively.

His gaze then landed on the untouched mousse cake on the table. Frowning, he
thought, Didn’t she says she’ll bring it home? It’s still here. Is she not planning to
eat it or…
Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 97

Evan returned to his office and sent John to ask her about it. What does Nicole
mean by doing that? Does she think that my cake isn’t good enough for her?

It wasn’t until John came back to report to him that he found out she had left it
behind because she was in a rush to pick her kids up after burying herself in

She was completely wrapped up in her work?

After hearing John’s words, he couldn’t help but thought, She’s that serious about

He suddenly recalled about the time when he was making things difficult for
Nicole; he had forced her to copy the information for an entire night back then.
Right. She’s serious about her work.

And stubborn too. Almost inhumanely stubborn.

“Remind her to bring it back when working hours are over. She has to try it.”

“Of course, Mr. Seet.”

In the evening, John peeked at Nicole, fearing that she would forget about the
cake again.
He was relieved when he saw her walking out of her office with the cake box. He
then went up to her and reminded her, “Ms. Tussaud, the president had ordered
this for you. You really have to try it.”

Nicole flashed a tense smile at him. It’s just a cake. Does he need to remind me
so many times that it’s specifically for me?


“All right, I understand. I’ll definitely try it and remember its taste. I’ll remember
Mr. Seet’s kindness.”

John noticed Nicole’s impatience with him, and he knew that he was nagging her.
However, he was not to blame. This was Evan’s instructions, and he had to obey

Right then, a sneaking suspicion appeared in his mind. Why is Mr. Seet so
concerned about whether Nicole eats the cake anyway?

Does Mr. Seet want Ms. Tussaud to realize his intentions?

Well, I hope the cake will make Mr. Seet and Ms. Tussaud closer to each other.

By the time Nicole returned home, the three kids were back from kindergarten.

When Maya saw the cake box, she made a beeline for it.

“Mommy, what’s that you’re holding?”

Her eyes were fixed on the cake box.

Kyle instantly recognized the cake as the latest mousse cake from the top
dessert store.
“It’s your favorite,” he answered on behalf of Nicole.

“Really? What dessert is it? The box is beautiful. Wow! It’s so magnificent!”

“This cake is the latest product and the store’s best-seller. Of course the
packaging has to be nice.”

Nicole glanced at “Juan” curiously. “When were you so well-versed in desserts?”

Kyle instantly realized that Juan must not have had this in the past. Oh no, will
Mommy suspect me?

He quickly blurted out an excuse. “I heard it from my classmates.”

Nina walked over and called out for Nicole, drawing her attention away. Kyle
heaved a sigh of relief.

Nina peeked at “Juan” and Maya. “Mommy, I want to eat it too.”

“All right. I’ll open it and let’s share.”

Nicole opened the box to reveal the exquisite cake within. It caught everyone’s
attention, especially Maya, who was staring at it without even blinking.

“Wow. It’s so pretty. It looks different from the cakes that we usually see.”

The mousse cake was extravagant. In the middle was a large white flower that
bloomed. It was as if magic was instilled in each petal, and everyone found it
tough to bring themselves to destroy it.

“Mommy, look. The flower looks like it’s blooming. How magical.”

Maya continued to stare at the cake.

Nina sighed quietly when she looked at her sister. The sun must have risen from
the west today. Maya usually gobbles up everything she deems delicious. I’m
surprised she’s actually appreciating it this time.
Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 98

In the past, Maya was the first to try out any food as she was the foodie of the
family. However, because Nina was currently mad at “Juan” and Maya. She
thought, Why do we have to let Maya dig in first?

With that, she took the knife and cut out a piece for herself.

When Maya saw the blooming flower destroyed by Nina, she glared at Nina

“I’m still in the middle of appreciating it, but you destroyed it. You killjoy.”

“This cake isn’t yours alone. It’s mine too,” Nina huffed. Then, she scooped a
piece and sent it into her mouth.

A few seconds later, she paled and spat out the cake.

She then jumped to her feet and ran to the bathroom with a cup.

“What’s wrong?” Nicole queried, confused.

Maya glared at the bathroom. “Serves her right for ruining the cake first.”

Kyle was startled by her actions as well. Nina only took a bite before she spat it
out. Why?

Something’s wrong. The cakes Daddy buys for me are usually fragrant. When I
open the box, the smell should fill the room. Why isn’t there any smell this time?
Finally, Nina walked out of the bathroom. Her features were twisted as she
frowned. She mumbled to them, “Don’t eat it. It tastes awful.”

Nicole furrowed her brows. How can the best-selling cake in the best dessert
store taste awful?

On the other hand, Kyle fully believed in Nina’s words as the cake seemed
different from the one he usually had.

Maya huffed before pouting in Nina’s direction. “Did you think that by saying that,
I’ll leave some cake for you? Dream on!”

With that said, she stabbed a large piece of cake and shoved it into her mouth.
Nina rushed over to stop her, but she was too late.

She could only watch as Maya’s mouth close after putting the cake in it.

Three seconds later, Maya wailed.

“What’s wrong?” Nicole looked at Maya with concern.

“Mommy, she must be crying because it tastes awful.”

Upon hearing Nina’s words, Nicole’s frown deepened. She took a small piece
and tried it herself. In less than a second, she scrunched up her nose.

With one arm carrying the crying Maya and another holding a cup, she sped to
the bathroom.

Ten minutes later, the two other children heard a roar from the bathroom. “Evan
Seet, I’m going to turn your life upside-down from now on!” For a moment, Nina
thought the walls were shaking from her volume.

Kyle frowned as he sighed quietly.

It’s over.

Mommy’s going to war against Daddy again.

For the rest of the night, Nicole coaxed Nina and Maya as she cursed at Evan.

Infuriated, Nina slammed her cup onto the table.

“Mommy, he’s clearly messing with you. He’s mean and horrible. You must settle
the scores with him!”

“Mommy, I never knew there could be cakes as awful as this. What if I think of
this awful taste whenever I see a cake?”

Maya pouted and tears were brimming in her eyes.

Nicole squeezed the wet towel before wiping Maya’s face with it. She squeezed it
vigorously as if the towel were Evan, and she was squeezing the living daylights
out of him.

Evan you bastard. A*shole. It’s one thing to mess with me, but another about the
others. Has he ever thought about the innocent ones?

Maybe he gets happier if more innocent people are involved.

She looked at her two daughters and wiped the tears away from Maya’s eyes.
“Don’t worry. Mommy will definitely avenge you. If I don’t, I’m not fit to be your

“Mommy, do you need our help?” Nina inquired with a serious look on her face.

“No. You need to go to kindergarten tomorrow. I can deal with this alone.”
Her daughters were too young, and Evan did not know that they were his. If Nina
did something rash to infuriate Evan, she did not know what he would do.

Therefore, she could not involve her children.

Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 99

“Mommy, you have to teach him a lesson that he’ll never forget,” Nina grumbled.
Beside her, Maya was puffing up her cheeks angrily.

“That’s right. How can he turn such a pretty cake into such an awful one? He’s
mean to the cake.”

Mean to the cake?


Nicole was speechless, and so was Nina.

Beside them, Kyle remained silent, not daring to speak on Evan’s behalf. He
knew that if he chose the wrong words, they would direct their fury at him.

Furthermore, Kyle agreed with them. Daddy has gone overboard this time.


Kyle was worried that something would happen tomorrow. He had wanted to let
his father and mother grow feelings for each other. That way, his family would be

However, it seemed like he was getting further and further from his goal.

Worriedly, he retired to his bedroom and messaged Juan with his smartwatch.
He typed: Juan, Mommy’s going to war against Daddy tomorrow. What should we


Juan was about to tell Kyle a good news after his meal with Evan when he saw
Kyle’s message. Shock appeared in his eyes.

Evan had been in a good mood today, so Juan had asked if his mother could pick
him up for kindergarten.

Evan had stayed silent. The only thing he told him was that he had given his
mother the best-selling mousse cake from a top dessert store.

In the end, he even looked at him and enunciated, “Your mommy will love it.”

When he heard those words from Evan, he thought that Nicole’s return to Hillside
Villa to send and take care of Kyle was inevitable. It was good news, and he was
about to share it with Kyle.

However, Kyle had sent him that message.

He quickly replied: What happened? Didn’t Daddy buy a cake for Mommy?

Kyle texted: It’s precisely because of the cake!

He then told Juan everything that happened earlier in the day.

It was then that Juan realized the reason for Evan’s good mood. Daddy did not
patch things up with Mommy, instead, he had pulled a trick on her!

Sigh… and here I am thinking that…

I can never guess what adults are thinking about.

Kyle said the cake was so bad that Maya cried from eating it.

All of a sudden, Juan recalled adding the assortment of condiments into their
meal previously. The beef and mushrooms Daddy ate tasted bad too…

Oh no. Did Daddy hold Mommy accountable for that?

Damn. It seems like this is my fault.

His smartwatch vibrated. Juan, do you think Mommy and Daddy will fight
tomorrow? Will Mommy lose?

Juan blinked. I’m the one who pranked Daddy, I can’t possibly let Mommy take
the blame, nor could I let Mommy lose.

Juan typed out his message: Let’s sneak there tomorrow. We have to make sure
Mommy and Daddy don’t fight.

Kyle replied: Okay, Juan. It’s a deal.

After coming to an agreement, Juan kept his smartwatch aside and tucked
himself into the blanket. He blinked at the ceiling before sighing. Why is it so
difficult to make Mommy and Daddy get together? Why is it so difficult to make
my family reunite?

I’m so anxious.

The next day.

When Nina woke up, she instantly asked Nicole if she remembered what had
happened the night before.

“Huh?” Nicole stared at her daughter’s solemn look in confusion.

Nina squeezed her mother’s waist and huffed, “Mommy, what happened to your
fighting spirit overnight?”

Hearing Nina’s words, Maya ran over. “That’s right. That cake was horrible. It
made me have nightmares throughout the night. I dreamt a bunch of horrible
cakes running after me, asking me to eat them. It was so scary!”

Nicole looked at her daughters as she locked her fingers and cracked her

“Don’t worry. Mommy will definitely avenge you.”

Mistaking the CEO for a Gigolo
Chapter 100

When Kyle walked out of his bedroom, he saw Nicole gritting her teeth. His heart
skipped a beat as he thought, Seems to me that Mommy and Daddy will be
fighting today.

“That’s right! You have to avenge us and the cake.”

Maya cheered Nicole on.

Nina snorted. “If you don’t want to eat cakes in the future because of this, you
might get skinnier. Maybe this is a good thing for you.”

Maya whipped her head around to glare at Nina. “What’s good about this? It’s
obviously a bad thing. Also, didn’t you say you’ll ignore Juan and me? Why are
you talking to me? Hmph!”

Before their argument could worsen, Nicole hastily interrupted, “Maya, don’t talk
to your sister like that. Nina did warn you against eating the awful cake.”

“That’s right. I warned her, but she didn’t believe in my words.”

Nina rolled her eyes as she folded her arms.

Maya mumbled, “That’s because you’re always so annoying.”

Nicole rubbed her temples. She muttered to herself, “It’s normal for Maya and
Nina to fight. It’s better than ignoring each other.”

“All right, that’s enough. Stop fighting. Wash up and get yourself ready for

The two sisters rolled their eyes at each other before heading to the bathroom.

After breakfast, Nicole sent the three kids to the kindergarten as usual.

Once they were in the building, she left for Seet Group.

When she reached the office building, she called John and asked for Evan’s
office room passcode.

“Ms. Tussaud, why do you need the passcode? You’re not planning to sneak in,
are you?”

Nicole ground out, “That’s right. The cake that Mr. Seet gave me yesterday was
especially great. I’ll never forget its taste. I was hoping to thank him with a
surprise of my own. To give him something he’ll never forget too.”

On the other end of the line, John raised his brows. He was overjoyed; he had
not expected their relationship to improve so quickly.

If this continues, will the flower of love finally bloom for this aloof man?

John was an avid reader of romantic stories. He was eager to see what it was
like for the inapproachable Mr. Seet to court a woman.

“Mr. Lin, I hope you remember our deal. You have to tell me the passcode.”

“Ms. Tussaud, I do remember. But the president’s office is an important place.

Please don’t do anything that’s too brash.”
“Don’t worry.”

Once John had rattled off the passcode, Nicole ended the call.

Since that b*stard Evan pulled such tricks on me, he must know that I’ll take
revenge on him. He’ll be wary of me.


I can’t do things the usual way.

Nicole came down from the car and glanced at her surroundings. She did not see
Evan’s Rolls-Royce or his Maybach. As such, she was sure that the president
was not in yet.

She blinked, knowing that this was an excellent opportunity that she should not

Sneakily, she reached the highest level and entered the president’s office. Then,
she carefully closed the office door.

The next thing she did was to execute her plan.

However, a few minutes later, she heard footsteps and voices outside the door.

Someone’s here! What do I do now?

Nicole’s heart skipped a beat, and she promptly hid in the break room.

The door to the president’s office creaked open, and she heard Evan say, “Did
she really say that?”
“That’s right, it seems like Ms. Tussaud really likes the cake you’ve given her.
After she gives you the best surprise she’s got, shouldn’t you give her something
in return?”

John wished with all his heart that their relationship would take off instantly.

After all, that was his goal, and he would do everything he could to matchmake

When Nicole heard him, she rolled his eyes at John, feeling exasperated.

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