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It’s time to identify the self perception and worth you need to embody and ground, so that

you can better support yourself into becoming the successful leader and Spiritual Life Coach
that can positively impact many lives.

What are the top 2 -4 emotions you experience daily?

What are the top 2 -4 emotions you would like to experience daily?

What are the top emotions you feel when stressed or overwhelmed ?

Write down 1-2 times when you let your emotions get the best of you and you were angry, upset,
depressed, etc.

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What steps did you take to shift your emotions to better ones during the times you identified in
last question?

From your perspective now, what other steps could you have taken to help move the emotions to
better ones?

What are the top emotions you feel when things are going well and the way you want them to

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What are the top 2-4 emotions you want to feel more consistently?

What are 5 actions steps you have taken in the past or can add now that can support the
emotions you want to feel? Circle at least 3 that will commit to doing daily or weekly to create,
engage, and maintain the top 2- 4 emotions you want to feel?






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