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Our self perception and worth are things that can vary from time to time.

A lot of times, it's

dependant on the meaning we are giving to our current circumstances, ourselves, where we
are in life, and those around us. This PDF is intended to help you identify where you are
currently, so that you can then identify and get clear on where you would like to be.

Please answer the prompts below and move through it free of judgment towards yourself and
comparison to others. Have fun and proceed with a smile, as you know this is getting you one
step closer to Becoming the Empowered Spiritual Life Coach you are destined to be.

How would you describe yourself?

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What would skills, behaviors, mindsets, attitudes, and self perceptions would you like to
add to yourself to have you feeling more confident about yourself?

What are you Strengths?

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What are your weaknesses?

How have your life experiences prepared you to lead as a Spiritual Life Coach?

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What are the top 10 steps have you taken to perfect your skills as a Spiritual Life Coach?

(This can include courses, practices like being in nature and meditation, books you have read)

1. This Course 6.

2. 7.

3. 8.

4. 9.

5. 10.

What are the top 10 steps that you can identify and commit to,

to better perfect your skills as a Spiritual Life Coach?

1. This Course

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Imagine you are the Spiritual Life Coach that is already leading thousands of individuals

into success and experiencing the financial freedom you desire. How would you describe

yourself now?

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Imagine you are the Spiritual Life Coach that is already leading thousands of individuals

into success and experiencing the financial freedom you desire. What are your strengths

and what do you value the most about yourself?

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Imagine you are the Spiritual Life Coach that is already leading thousands of individuals

into success and experiencing the financial freedom you desire. What are your daily

routines and habits?

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Imagine you are the Spiritual Life Coach that is already leading thousands of individuals

into success and experiencing the financial freedom you desire. How are you similar to the

person you are today? How are you different?

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What 4 things can you commit to today that will help you move faster into becoming the

person that you need to become to lead as the Successful Spiritual Life Coach you

described above?





Why is RIGHT NOW the best time for you to move forward as a Spiritual Life Coach?

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