Ansys Manual 2013

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Ex. No.



To study about a Finite Element Analysis Software such as Ansys and the various techniques
involved in the process of simulation using the software.

Finite Element Analysis (FEA) was first developed in 1943 by R. Courant, who utilized the Ritz
method of numerical analysis and minimization of variational calculus to obtain approximate solutions to
vibration systems. FEM encompasses all the methods for connecting many simple element equations over
many small subdomains, named finite elements, to approximate a more complex equation over a
larger domain. By the early 70's, FEA was limited to expensive mainframe computers generally owned
by the aeronautics, automotive, defence, and nuclear industries. Since the rapid decline in the cost of
computers and the phenomenal increase in computing power, FEA has been developed to an incredible
precision. Present day supercomputers are now able to produce accurate results for all kinds of parameters.

FEA consists of a computer model of a material or design that is stressed and analysed for specific
results. It is used in new product design, and existing product refinement. A company is able to verify a
proposed design will be able to perform to the client's specifications prior to manufacturing or
construction. Modifying an existing product or structure is utilized to qualify the product or structure for
a new service condition. In case of structural failure, FEA may be used to help determine the design
modifications to meet the new condition.

Finite Element Analysis Software - ANSYS:

ANSYS, Inc. is an Finite Element Analysis and engineering simulation software (computer-aided
engineering, or CAE) developer that is headquartered south of Pittsburgh in theSouthpointe business park
in Cecil Township, Pennsylvania, United States. ANSYS offers engineering simulation solution sets in
engineering simulation that a design process requires. Companies in a wide variety of industries use
ANSYS software. The tools put a virtual product through a rigorous testing procedure (such as crashing
a car into a brick wall, or running for several years on a tarmac road) before it becomes a physical object.
It is utilized to solve complex problems in various fields such as Automotive, Aerospace, Energy,
Electronics and various other product design industries and R&D departments. It is able to solve all kinds
of problems from structural mechanics to various other heat transfer problems, fluid dynamics and many
other crash test analysis problems. Ansys have grown so much in the recent decades such that it acquired
lot of other companies. But the main drawback is that Ansys is Black box software.
Techniques Involved in Finite Element Analysis:
There are three basic steps in any finite element analysis software to solve any kind of problems.

They are,

• Pre-Processing
• Processing
• Post-Processing

Let’s see them in detail.

1. Pre-Processing:

The pre-processing is the first stage in the analysis methods. It involves the following steps in it.

i. Defining the Element

ii. Applying the material properties
iii. Modelling the problem
iv. Meshing
v. Applying Boundary Conditions

These are the five basic steps that is to be followed in solving a problem. The problem may be of any type
but these five steps are sure to be done.

1.1. Defining the element:

The basic concept of Finite element method lies in the fact that the given model or the
object to be analysed is initially divided into many number of finite elements. One of such element is
taken and solved and then it is integrated to the whole domain. So Element is the smallest piece of an
object which contributes to the whole domain value. There are various types of elements for various types
of problems. Some of them are listed below.

 Linear Element
 Quadratic element
 Line element
 Bar element
 Beam Element
 Link element
 Contact element
 Plane element
 Solid Elements
 Axisymmetric element
 Iso Parametric element
Element Library:

The ANSYS element library consists of more than 100 different element formulations. The
selection of the element polynomial order also needs to be decided upon analysis accuracy. They are
usually categorised as 1D, 2D and 3D. Elements are divided into the following categories.

 Linear Element: Linear elements are generally used to model straight geometric curves in the
model. These elements have nodes only at the endpoint of area. This gives fast solution, but with
less accuracy.
 Quadratic Element: Quadratic elements are generally used to model geometric curvatures in the
model and facilitate appropriate resolution of high displacement gradients in the analysis. These
elements having one intermediate node in between the two nodes, require more computational
time, but reasonably improved results.
 Line Element (1D): Line elements can represent 2D and 3D beams, pipe structures and 2D models
of 3D axisymmetric shell structures. A spar, rod, bar, link and pipe or truss element is able to
support forces in the element direction only. These elements carry no rotation, so are limited in
 Beams: Beams can support rotational (DOF), they can be used to model any tupe of cross sectional
profile. This cross-section property is defined in the description of element (area, Ixx, Iyy, Izz…)
and a direction cosine property which defines the direction of the beam axis in 3D space.
 Area Elements (2D): Area elements can be triangular or quadrilateral in shape. The selection of
the element shape and order is based on considerations relating to the complexity of the geometry
and the nature of the problem being modelled.
 Solid Elements (3D): The Solid elements can be Cube, cuboid, cylinder, prism or pyramid. These
elements are used to model complex three dimensional problems involving more parts i.e. a
complex assembly. Solid elements also offers the characteristics of modelling with ease.
 Link Elements: Link elements are used for connection modelling. The link elements can be used
to connect nodes together, so that they undergo the same displacements. There are usually one
master and one slave.
 Contact Elements: It is used to define a contact between two surfaces. On the creation of the
elements, a set of slave nodes and master nodes are defined contact occurs if either group of nodes
attempts to penetrate other.

Like plate elements, shell elements, plane strain element, plane stress element are the various elements in
the pre-processing.
Element properties:

Element name, nodes, degrees of freedom, real constants, material properties, loads, solution
output are the elements given as input parameter in the ANSYS analysis.

Elements choosing in ANSYS:

The various elements chosen in ANSYS are listed below.

S. No. Type Element name Element

1 Beam BEAM 2D elastic 3

2 Link LINK 2D spar 1

3 Pipe PIPE Elastic Straight 16

4 Solid PLANE Quad 4 Node 42

5 Solid SOLID Brick 8 Node 70

6 Link LINK 2D conduction 32

7 Flotran CFD FLUID 2D Flotran 141

1.2. Applying the material Properties:

The type of material is to be provided and the material constants such as the Young’s
modulus, Poisson’s ratio in case of structural problem and Conductivity, Specific heat capacity in case of
heat transfer problems and Viscosity, Density in case of Fluid Dynamics problem etc…The material may
be isotropic, Orthotropic or anisotropic. The corresponding material values is provided.

1.3. Modelling the problem:

The given problem is to be modelled. It may be a two dimension or 3d dimension problem.

Ansys has the various options to create and model the problem both in 2d and 3d. Also various operations
such as extrude, sweep, subtract, add can be done over the problem. Also the given model can be modelled
in any other CAD packages such as creo, solid works, catia, solid edge, Pro-e and any other CAD
softwares that you are aware of. The Ansys has most of the CAD softwares supporting it. Hence is it
possible to import any models into Ansys directly for analysing.
1.4. Meshing:

Meshing is a discrete representation of the geometry that is involved in the problem.

Essentially, it assigns cells or smaller regions over which the problem is solved. Several parts of the mesh
are grouped into regions where boundary conditions may be applied to solve the problem. In Ansys Mesh
generation is one of the most critical aspects of engineering simulation. Too many cells may result in long
solver runs, and too few may lead to inaccurate results. ANSYS Meshing technology provides a means to
balance these requirements and obtain the right mesh for each simulation in the most automated way
possible. ANSYS Meshing technology has been built on the strengths of stand-alone, class-leading
meshing tools. Consistent user controls make switching methods very straight forward and multiple
methods can be used within the same model. Mesh connectivity is maintained automatically. Different
physics requires different meshing approaches. ANSYS Meshing has a physics preference setting
ensuring the right mesh for each simulation.

1.5. Applying the Boundary Conditions:

The boundary conditions for the problems is to be defined. The boundary conditions is
necessary to solve any problem in Ansys. It may be of the following categories such as,

 Displacement
 Force/Moment
 Pressure
 Temperature
 Velocity

2. Processing:

The processing is the stage where the problem is solved by the software to generate the
results. It is the operation which can discretize the model into no of elements of the solving the problem
to perform element equation. There is no such manual work in this stage just to sit back and wait till the
process is over. Here the type of analysis is to be defined. It means that for example in structural problem
there is various types of analysis within it such as static, modal, harmonic, fatigue, buckling etc. so the
type of analysis to be provided here. Then the problem is to be solved.

• Generates element shape function.

• Calculates master elements equations.
• Calculates transformation matrices.
• Maps elements equations into global system.
• Assembles the element equation.
• Introduces the boundary conditions.
• Perform the solution procedures.
3. Post-Processing:

This is the final stage of a finite element analysis method. Using Finite
Element software post processing graphics capabilities to enhance interpretation of Finite
Element analyses results This is where the results is viewed. For example the displacement, stress, strain,
elasticity, reaction forces can be viewed both graphically and also the list of values. In case of heat transfer
problems the temperature distribution can be viewed and for fluid the velocity, pressure etc. can be clearly

• Plots contours of stress components.

• Plots of contours of displacements.
• Evaluates and prints error bounds.
• Plots maximum equivalent stress.
• Plots nodal temperature for thermal analysis.
• Plots the principle stresses.


Thus the FEA software Ansys and the various techniques in the process of simulation
using Ansys was studied.
Ex. No. 2


To determine the displacement and the bending stress in the given cantilever beam under
1) Point load
2) Uniformly Distributed Load (UDL)
3) Uniformly Varying Load (UVL)
by simulation using FEA software and verifying it with theoretical methods.
Apparatus required:
i. Ansys v12 Software
ii. Personal Computer
Problem Definition:

1.) A cantilever beam experiences a point load at the free end in the downwards direction whose value
is 0.5kN. The span of the beam is 100mm. The cross section of the beam is rectangle whose dimensions are
10x12mm. The value of young’s modulus and poisons ratio is 200GPa and 0.3. All Dimensions are in mm.

Using FEA software:


Selecting the area of

Step: 1 Preferences → Structural → ok

Pre-processor → Element Type → Add/Edit/Delete → Add → Beam →

Step: 2 Defining the element
2D elastic3
Pre-processor → Real constants → Add/Edit/Delete → Add → ok →
Adding Real cross sectional area = 120 mm2
Step: 3
constants moment of inertia = 1440 mm4
height = 12 mm
Pre-processor → Material properties → Material models → Structural→
Defining the Linear → Elastic → Isotropic →
Step: 4
material properties Young’s modulus = 2e5 (2x105) N/mm2
Poisson’s ratio = 0.3
Pre-processor → Modelling → Create → Keypoints → In active CS →
Plotting the key
Step: 5 Key point number: 1 ; X=0,Y=0,Z=0
Key point number: 2 ; X=100,Y=0,Z=0
Drawing a Straight Pre-processor → Modelling → Create → Lines → Lines → Straight line
Step: 6
line → pick the two keypoints
Pre-processor → Meshing → Size cntrls → Manual Size → Lines →
Defining the number
Step: 7 Picked lines → Select the straight line → enter the number of
of elements
divisions.(say 10)
Meshing the
Step: 8 Pre-processor → Meshing → Mesh → Lines → Select the straight line
Pre-processor → Loads → Define Loads → Apply → Structural →
Defining the
Step: 9 Displacement → On Nodes → Select the node where the cantilever is to
be fixed → select All DOF → Enter the displacement value as 0
Pre-processor → Loads → Define Loads → Apply → Structural →
Force/Moment → On nodes → Select the node where the point load is to
Step: 10 Applying the loads
be applied → Select Fy direction → -500 N (–ve sign for downward


Selecting the
Step: 11 Solution → Analysis Type → New Analysis → Static → ok
analysis type

Solution → Solve → Current LS → A dialog box with “Solution is done”

Step: 12 Solving the problem
is displayed if the above procedure is followed correctly.


General Postproc → Plot results → Deformed Shape →

Determining the
Step: 13 Def +Undeformed → Max displacement value is displayed in the left
General Postproc → Element Table → Define Table → Add
1. Stress 1 → By sequence numbering → NMISC,1
2. Stress 2 → By sequence numbering → NMISC,3
Determining the
Step: 14 Click plot results → Contour Plot → Line Elem Res →
Element table item at node I → Stress 1
Element table item at node J → Stress 2
Click ok to see the stress variations along the beam.
Figure 1. Deflection Plot for cantilever beam with point load

Figure 2. Stress plot for cantilever beam with point load

Theoretical Calculations:-
Cantilever beam with a point load:-
𝑏𝑏 𝑑𝑑3 10 ×123
1. Moment of Inertia: - I = = = 1440 mm4
12 12
Where, b = Breadth = 10mm
d = Depth = 12mm

𝑃𝑃𝐿𝐿3 500 ×(100)3

2. Deflection: - δ = = = 0.5787 mm
3𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸 3 ×2 ×105 ×1440

Where, P = Applied Load = 500 N

L = Length or span of the beam = 100mm
E = Young’s modulus = 2 x 105 N/mm2
I = Moment of Inertia = 1440 mm4

𝑀𝑀 × 𝑦𝑦 𝑃𝑃 ×𝑙𝑙 ×𝑦𝑦 500 ×100 ×6

3. Stress: - σ = = = = 208.33 N/mm2
𝐼𝐼 𝐼𝐼 1440
Where, M = Bending Moment
P = Applied Load = 500N
𝑙𝑙 = Length or span of the beam = 100mm
y = Distance from the neutral axis = 6mm
I = Moment of inertia = 1440mm4
Problem Definition:
2.) A cantilever beam experiences a uniformly distributed load throughout the beam in the downwards
direction whose value is 0.1kN/mm. The span of the beam is 100mm. The cross section of the beam is
rectangle whose dimensions are 10x12mm. The value of young’s modulus and poisons ratio is 200GPa and
0.3. All Dimensions are in mm.

Using FEA software:


Selecting the area of

Step: 1 Preferences → Structural → ok

Pre-processor → Element Type → Add/Edit/Delete → Add → Beam →

Step: 2 Defining the element
2D elastic3
Pre-processor → Real constants → Add/Edit/Delete → Add → ok →
Adding Real cross sectional area = 120 mm2
Step: 3
constants moment of inertia = 1440 mm4
height = 12 mm
Pre-processor → Material properties → Material models → Structural→
Defining the Linear → Elastic → Isotropic →
Step: 4
material properties Young’s modulus = 2e5 (2x105) N/mm2
Poisson’s ratio = 0.3
Pre-processor → Modelling → Create → Keypoints → In active CS →
Plotting the key
Step: 5 Key point number: 1 ; X=0,Y=0,Z=0
Key point number: 2 ; X=100,Y=0,Z=0
Drawing a Straight Pre-processor → Modelling → Create → Lines → Lines → Straight line
Step: 6
line → pick the two keypoints
Pre-processor → Meshing → Size cntrls → Manual Size → Lines →
Defining the number
Step: 7 Picked lines → Select the straight line → enter the number of
of elements
divisions.(say 10)
Meshing the
Step: 8 Pre-processor → Meshing → Mesh → Lines → Select the straight line
Pre-processor → Loads → Define Loads → Apply → Structural →
Defining the
Step: 9 Displacement → On Nodes → Select the node where the cantilever is to
be fixed → select All DOF → Enter the displacement value as 0
Pre-processor → Loads → Define Loads → Apply → Structural →
Pressure → On Beams → Select all the elements where the UDL is to be
applied → Pressure value at node I = 100 N/mm
Step: 10 Applying the loads
(Even though the UDL is in downward direction do not include –ve sign
while giving the value i.e., do not enter as -100.
–ve here refers to upward direction)


Selecting the
Step: 11 Solution → Analysis Type → New Analysis → Static → ok
analysis type

Solution → Solve → Current LS → A dialog box with “Solution is done”

Step: 12 Solving the problem
is displayed if the above procedure is followed correctly.


General Postproc → Plot results → Deformed Shape →

Determining the
Step: 13 Def +Undeformed → Max displacement value is displayed in the left
General Postproc → Element Table → Define Table → Add
1. Stress 1 → By sequence numbering → NMISC,1
2. Stress 2 → By sequence numbering → NMISC,3
Determining the
Step: 14 Click plot results → Contour Plot → Line Elem Res →
Element table item at node I → Stress 1
Element table item at node J → Stress 2
Click ok to see the stress variations along the beam.
Figure 1. Deflection Plot for cantilever beam with uniformly distributed load

Figure 2. Stress plot for cantilever beam with uniformly distributed load
Theoretical Calculations:-
Cantilever beam with a uniformly distributed load:-
𝑏𝑏 𝑑𝑑3 10 ×123
1. Moment of Inertia: - I = = = 1440 mm4
12 12
Where, b = Breadth = 10mm
d = Depth = 12mm

𝑃𝑃𝐿𝐿4 100 ×(100)4

2. Deflection: - δ = = = 4.34 mm
8𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸 8 ×2 ×105 ×1440

Where, P = Applied Load = 100N

L = Length or span of the beam = 100mm
E = Young’s modulus = 2 x 105N/mm2
I = Moment of Inertia = 1440mm4

𝑀𝑀 × 𝑦𝑦 𝑃𝑃 ×𝑙𝑙 2 ×𝑦𝑦 100 ×1002 ×6

3. Stress:- σ = = = = 2083.33 N/mm2
𝐼𝐼 2 × 𝐼𝐼 2 ×1440
Where, M = Bending Moment
P = Applied Load = 100N
𝑙𝑙 = Length or span of the beam =100mm
y = Distance from the neutral axis = 6mm
I = Moment of inertia = 1440mm4
Problem Definition:
3.) A cantilever beam experiences a uniformly varying load throughout the beam in the downwards
direction whose maximum value is 0.5kN/mm. The span of the beam is 100mm. The cross section of the
beam is rectangle whose dimensions are 10x12mm. The value of young’s modulus and poisons ratio is
200GPa and 0.3. All Dimensions are in mm.

Using FEA software:


Selecting the area of

Step: 1 Preferences → Structural → ok

Pre-processor → Element Type → Add/Edit/Delete → Add → Beam →

Step: 2 Defining the element
2D elastic → Beam3
Pre-processor → Real constants → Add/Edit/Delete → Add → ok →
Adding Real cross sectional area = 120 mm2
Step: 3
constants moment of inertia = 1440 mm4
height = 12 mm
Pre-processor → Material properties → Material models → Structural→
Defining the Linear → Elastic → Isotropic →
Step: 4
material properties Young’s modulus = 2e5 (2x105) N/mm2
Poisson’s ratio = 0.3
Pre-processor → Modelling → Create → Keypoints → In active CS →
Plotting the key
Step: 5 Key point number: 1 ; X=0,Y=0,Z=0
Key point number: 2 ; X=100,Y=0,Z=0
Drawing a Straight Pre-processor → Modelling → Create → Lines → Lines → Straight line
Step: 6
line → pick the two keypoints
Pre-processor → Meshing → Size cntrls → Manual Size → Lines →
Defining the number
Step: 7 Picked lines → Select the straight line → enter the number of
of elements
divisions.(say 10)
Meshing the
Step: 8 Pre-processor → Meshing → Mesh → Lines → Select the straight line
Pre-processor → Loads → Define Loads → Apply → Structural →
Defining the
Step: 9 Displacement → On Nodes → Select the node where the cantilever is to
be fixed → select All DOF → Enter the displacement value as 0
Pre-processor → Loads → Define Loads → Apply → Structural →
Pressure → On Beams → Select each elements individually where the
UVL is to be applied → Divide the maximum UVL value by number of
elements and enter each value in ranges.
For first element :-
Pressure value at node I = 0 N/mm
Pressure value at node J = 50 N/mm
Step: 10 Applying the loads
For second element :-
Pressure value at node I = 50 N/mm
Pressure value at node J = 100 N/mm
And so on for all the elements.
(Even though the UVL is in downward direction do not include –ve sign
while giving the value i.e., do not enter as -100.
–ve here refers to upward direction)


Selecting the
Step: 11 Solution → Analysis Type → New Analysis → Static → ok
analysis type

Solution → Solve → Current LS → A dialog box with “Solution is done”

Step: 12 Solving the problem
is displayed if the above procedure is followed correctly.


General Postproc → Plot results → Deformed Shape →

Determining the
Step: 13 Def +Undeformed → Max displacement value is displayed in the left
General Postproc → Element Table → Define Table → Add
1. Stress 1 → By sequence numbering → NMISC,1
2. Stress 2 → By sequence numbering → NMISC,3
Determining the
Step: 14 Click plot results → Contour Plot → Line Elem Res →
Element table item at node I → Stress 1
Element table item at node J → Stress 2
Click ok to see the stress variations along the beam.
Figure 1. Deflection Plot for cantilever beam with uniformly varying load

Figure 2. Stress plot for cantilever beam with uniformly varying load
Theoretical Calculations:-
Cantilever beam with a uniformly varying load:-
𝑏𝑏 𝑑𝑑3 10 ×123
1. Moment of Inertia: - I = = = 1440 mm4
12 12
Where, b = Breadth = 10mm
d = Depth =12mm

11 𝑃𝑃𝐿𝐿4 11 ×500 ×(100)4

2. Deflection: - δ = = = 15.914 mm
120𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸 120 ×2 ×105 ×1440

Where, P = Applied Load = 500N

L = Length or span of the beam = 100mm
E = Young’s modulus = 2 x 105 N/mm2
I = Moment of Inertia = 1440mm4

𝑀𝑀 × 𝑦𝑦 𝑃𝑃 ×𝑙𝑙 2 ×𝑦𝑦 500 ×1002 ×6

3. Stress: - σ = = = = 6944.44 N/mm2
𝐼𝐼 3 × 𝐼𝐼 3 ×1440
Where, M = Bending Moment
P = Applied Load = 500N
𝑙𝑙 = Length or span of the beam = 100mm
y = Distance from the neutral axis = 6mm
I = Moment of inertia = 1440 mm4
Comparison of Results:-

FEA Simulation Theoretical

S.No. Description % Deviation
results Results

Case:1 Cantilever beam with a point load

1. Deflection (mm) 0.5787 0.5787 0
2. Stress (N/mm2) 208.33 208.33 0
Case:2 Cantilever beam with a Uniformly Distributed Load
1. Deflection (mm) 4.34 4.34 0
2. Stress (N/mm2) 2083 2083.33 1.54x10-4
Case:3 Cantilever beam with a Uniformly Varying Load
1. Deflection (mm) 15.914 15.914 0
2. Stress (N/mm2) 6944 6944.44 6.336x10-5

Thus the displacement value and the bending stress value is calculated for the given cantilever beam
under point load, Uniformly Distributed Load (UDL) and Uniformly Varying Load (UVL) by FEA
simulation using Ansys software and is verified with theoretical results.
Ex. No. 3


To determine the displacement and the bending stress in the given simply supported beam under
1) Point load
2) Uniformly Distributed Load (UDL)
3) Uniformly Varying Load (UVL)
by simulation using FEA software and verifying it with theoretical methods.
Apparatus required:
i. Ansys v12 Software
ii. Personal Computer
Problem Definition:

1.) A simply supported beam experiences a point load at the centre in the downwards direction whose
value is 0.5kN. The span of the beam is 100mm. The cross section of the beam is rectangle with 10x12mm.
The value of young’s modulus and poisons ratio is 200GPa and 0.3. All Dimensions are in mm.

Using FEA software:


Selecting the area of

Step: 1 Preferences → Structural → ok

Pre-processor → Element Type → Add/Edit/Delete → Add → Beam →

Step: 2 Defining the element
2D elastic 3
Pre-processor → Real constants → Add/Edit/Delete → Add → ok →
Adding Real cross sectional area = 120 mm2
Step: 3
constants moment of inertia = 1440 mm4
height = 12 mm
Pre-processor → Material properties → Material models → Structural→
Defining the Linear → Elastic → Isotropic →
Step: 4
material properties Young’s modulus = 2e5 (2x105) N/mm2
Poisson’s ratio = 0.3
Pre-processor → Modelling → Create → Keypoints → In active CS →
Plotting the key
Step: 5 Key point number: 1 ; X=0,Y=0,Z=0
Key point number: 2 ; X=100,Y=0,Z=0
Drawing a Straight Pre-processor → Modelling → Create → Lines → Lines → Straight line
Step: 6
line → pick the two keypoints
Pre-processor → Meshing → Size cntrls → Manual Size → Lines →
Defining the number
Step: 7 Picked lines → Select the straight line → enter the number of
of elements
divisions.(say 10)
Meshing the
Step: 8 Pre-processor → Meshing → Mesh → Lines → Select the straight line
Pre-processor → Loads → Define Loads → Apply → Structural →
Defining the
Step: 9 Displacement → On Nodes → Select the end nodes → select UY → Enter
the displacement value as 0
Pre-processor → Loads → Define Loads → Apply → Structural →
Force/Moment → On nodes → Select the node where the point load is to
Step: 10 Applying the loads
be applied → Select Fy direction → -500 N (–ve sign for downward


Selecting the
Step: 11 Solution → Analysis Type → New Analysis → Static → ok
analysis type

Solution → Solve → Current LS → A dialog box with “Solution is done”

Step: 12 Solving the problem
is displayed if the above procedure is followed correctly.


General Postproc → Plot results → Deformed Shape →

Determining the
Step: 13 Def +Undeformed → Max displacement value is displayed in the left
General Postproc → Element Table → Define Table → Add
1. Stress 1 → By sequence numbering → NMISC,1
2. Stress 2 → By sequence numbering → NMISC,3
Determining the
Step: 14 Click plot results → Contour Plot → Line Elem Res →
Element table item at node I → Stress 1
Element table item at node J → Stress 2
Click ok to see the stress variations along the beam.
Figure 1. Deflection Plot for simply supported beam with point load

Figure 2. Stress plot for simply supported beam with point load
Theoretical Calculations:-
Simply Supported beam with a point load:-
𝑏𝑏 𝑑𝑑3 10 ×123
1. Moment of Inertia: - I = = = 1440 mm4
12 12
Where, b = Breadth = 10mm
d = Depth = 12mm

𝑃𝑃𝐿𝐿3 500 ×(100)3

2. Deflection: - δ = = = 0.036169 mm
48𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸 48 ×2 ×105 ×1440

Where, P = Applied Load = 500N

L = Length or span of the beam = 100mm
E = Young’s modulus = 2 x 105 N/mm2
I = Moment of Inertia = 1440mm4

𝑀𝑀 × 𝑦𝑦 𝑃𝑃 ×𝑙𝑙 ×𝑦𝑦 500 ×100 ×6

3. Stress: - σ = = = = 52.083 N/mm2
𝐼𝐼 4 ×𝐼𝐼 4 ×1440
Where, M = Bending Moment
P = Applied Load = 500 N
𝑙𝑙 = Length or span of the beam = 100mm
y = Distance from the neutral axis = 6mm
I = Moment of inertia = 1440 mm4
Problem Definition:
2.) A simply supported beam experiences a uniformly distributed load throughout the beam in the
downwards direction whose value is 0.1kN/mm. The span of the beam is 100mm. The cross section of the
beam is rectangle whose dimensions are 10x12mm. The value of young’s modulus and poisons ratio is
200GPa and 0.3. All Dimensions are in mm.

Using FEA software:


Selecting the area of

Step: 1 Preferences → Structural → ok

Pre-processor → Element Type → Add/Edit/Delete → Add → Beam →

Step: 2 Defining the element
2D elastic 3
Pre-processor → Real constants → Add/Edit/Delete → Add → ok →
Adding Real cross sectional area = 120 mm2
Step: 3
constants moment of inertia = 1440 mm4
height = 12 mm
Pre-processor → Material properties → Material models → Structural→
Defining the Linear → Elastic → Isotropic →
Step: 4
material properties Young’s modulus = 2e5 (2x105) N/mm2
Poisson’s ratio = 0.3
Pre-processor → Modelling → Create → Keypoints → In active CS →
Plotting the key
Step: 5 Key point number: 1 ; X=0,Y=0,Z=0
Key point number: 2 ; X=100,Y=0,Z=0
Drawing a Straight Pre-processor → Modelling → Create → Lines → Lines → Straight line
Step: 6
line → pick the two keypoints
Pre-processor → Meshing → Size cntrls → Manual Size → Lines →
Defining the number
Step: 7 Picked lines → Select the straight line → enter the number of
of elements
divisions.(say 10)
Meshing the
Step: 8 Pre-processor → Meshing → Mesh → Lines → Select the straight line
Pre-processor → Loads → Define Loads → Apply → Structural →
Defining the
Step: 9 Displacement → On Nodes → Select the end nodes → select UY → Enter
the displacement value as 0
Pre-processor → Loads → Define Loads → Apply → Structural →
Pressure → On Beams → Select all the elements where the UDL is to be
applied → Pressure value at node I = 100 N/mm
Step: 10 Applying the loads
(Even though the UDL is in downward direction do not include –ve sign
while giving the value i.e., do not enter as -100.
–ve here refers to upward direction)


Selecting the
Step: 11 Solution → Analysis Type → New Analysis → Static → ok
analysis type

Solution → Solve → Current LS → A dialog box with “Solution is done”

Step: 12 Solving the problem
is displayed if the above procedure is followed correctly.


General Postproc → Plot results → Deformed Shape →

Determining the
Step: 13 Def +Undeformed → Max displacement value is displayed in the left
General Postproc → Element Table → Define Table → Add
1. Stress 1 → By sequence numbering → NMISC,1
2. Stress 2 → By sequence numbering → NMISC,3
Determining the
Step: 14 Click plot results → Contour Plot → Line Elem Res →
Element table item at node I → Stress 1
Element table item at node J → Stress 2
Click ok to see the stress variations along the beam.
Figure 1. Deflection Plot for simply supported beam with uniformly distributed load

Figure 2. Stress plot for simply supported beam with uniformly distributed load
Theoretical Calculations:-
Simply supported beam with a uniformly distributed load:-
𝑏𝑏 𝑑𝑑3 10 ×123
1. Moment of Inertia:- I = = = 1440 mm4
12 12
Where, b = Breadth = 10mm
d = Depth = 12mm

5𝑃𝑃𝐿𝐿4 5 ×100 ×(100)4

2. Deflection:- δ = = = 0.452112 mm
384𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸 384 ×2 ×105 ×1440

Where, P = Applied Load = 100N

L = Length or span of the beam = 100mm
E = Young’s modulus = 2 x 105 N/mm2
I = Moment of Inertia = 1440mm4

𝑀𝑀 × 𝑦𝑦 𝑃𝑃 ×𝑙𝑙 2 ×𝑦𝑦 100 ×1002 ×6

3. Stress:- σ = = = = 520.833 N/mm2
𝐼𝐼 8 × 𝐼𝐼 8 ×1440
Where, M = Bending Moment
P = Applied Load = 100 N
𝑙𝑙 = Length or span of the beam = 100mm
y = Distance from the neutral axis = 6mm
I = Moment of inertia = 1440 mm4
Problem Definition:
3.) A simply supported beam experiences a uniformly varying load throughout the beam in the
downwards direction whose maximum value is 0.5kN/mm. The span of the beam is 100mm. The cross
section of the beam is rectangle whose dimensions are 10x12mm. The value of young’s modulus and poisons
ratio is 200GPa and 0.3. All Dimensions are in mm.

Using FEA software:


Selecting the area of

Step: 1 Preferences → Structural → ok

Pre-processor → Element Type → Add/Edit/Delete → Add → Beam →

Step: 2 Defining the element
2D elastic 3
Pre-processor → Real constants → Add/Edit/Delete → Add → ok →
Adding Real cross sectional area = 120 mm2
Step: 3
constants moment of inertia = 1440 mm4
height = 12 mm
Pre-processor → Material properties → Material models → Structural→
Defining the Linear → Elastic → Isotropic →
Step: 4
material properties Young’s modulus = 2e5 (2x105) N/mm2
Poisson’s ratio = 0.3
Pre-processor → Modelling → Create → Keypoints → In active CS →
Plotting the key
Step: 5 Key point number: 1 ; X=0,Y=0,Z=0
Key point number: 2 ; X=100,Y=0,Z=0
Drawing a Straight Pre-processor → Modelling → Create → Lines → Lines → Straight line
Step: 6
line → pick the two keypoints
Pre-processor → Meshing → Size cntrls → Manual Size → Lines →
Defining the number
Step: 7 Picked lines → Select the straight line → enter the number of
of elements
divisions.(say 10)
Meshing the
Step: 8 Pre-processor → Meshing → Mesh → Lines → Select the straight line
Pre-processor → Loads → Define Loads → Apply → Structural →
Defining the
Step: 9 Displacement → On Nodes → Select the end nodes → select UY → Enter
the displacement value as 0
Pre-processor → Loads → Define Loads → Apply → Structural →
Pressure → On Beams → Select each elements individually where the
UVL is to be applied → Divide the maximum UVL value by number of
elements and enter each value in ranges.
For first element :-
Pressure value at node I = 0 N/mm
Pressure value at node J = 50 N/mm
Step: 10 Applying the loads
For second element :-
Pressure value at node I = 50 N/mm
Pressure value at node J = 100 N/mm
And so on for all the elements.
(Even though the UVL is in downward direction do not include –ve sign
while giving the value i.e., do not enter as -100.
–ve here refers to upward direction)


Selecting the
Step: 11 Solution → Analysis Type → New Analysis → Static → ok
analysis type

Solution → Solve → Current LS → A dialog box with “Solution is done”

Step: 12 Solving the problem
is displayed if the above procedure is followed correctly.


General Postproc → Plot results → Deformed Shape →

Determining the
Step: 13 Def +Undeformed → Max displacement value is displayed in the left
General Postproc → Element Table → Define Table → Add
1. Stress 1 → By sequence numbering → NMISC,1
2. Stress 2 → By sequence numbering → NMISC,3
Determining the
Step: 14 Click plot results → Contour Plot → Line Elem Res →
Element table item at node I → Stress 1
Element table item at node J → Stress 2
Click ok to see the stress variations along the beam.
Figure 1. Deflection Plot for simply supported beam with uniformly varying load

Figure 2. Stress plot for simply supported beam with uniformly varying load
Theoretical Calculations:-
Simply supported beam with a uniformly varying load:-
𝑏𝑏 𝑑𝑑3 10 ×123
1. Moment of Inertia:- I = = = 1440 mm4
12 12
Where, b = Breadth = 10mm
d = Depth = 12mm

0.01304 𝑃𝑃𝐿𝐿4 0.01304 ×500 ×(100)4

2. Deflection:- δ = = = 1.1319 mm
2𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸 2 ×2 ×105 ×1440

Where, P = Applied Load = 500N

L = Length or span of the beam = 100mm
E = Young’s modulus = 2 x 105 N/mm2
I = Moment of Inertia = 1440mm4

𝑀𝑀 × 𝑦𝑦 0.128 ×𝑃𝑃 ×𝑙𝑙 2 ×𝑦𝑦 0.128 ×500 ×1002 ×6

3. Stress:- σ = = = = 1333.33 N/mm2
𝐼𝐼 2 × 𝐼𝐼 2 ×1440
Where, M = Bending Moment
P = Applied Load = 500 N
𝑙𝑙 = Length or span of the beam = 100mm
y = Distance from the neutral axis = 6mm
I = Moment of inertia = 1440 mm4
Comparison of Results:-

FEA Simulation Theoretical

S.No. Description % Deviation
results Results

Case:1 Simply Supported beam with a point load

1. Deflection (mm) 0.036169 0.036169 0
2. Stress (N/mm2) 52.083 52.083 0
Case:2 Simply Supported beam with a Uniformly Distributed Load
1. Deflection (mm) 0.452112 0.452112 0
2. Stress (N/mm2) 520.833 520.833 0
Case:3 Simply Supported beam with a Uniformly Varying Load
1. Deflection (mm) 1.13 1.1319 1.6786x10-3
2. Stress (N/mm2) 1333 1333.33 2.475x10-4

Thus the displacement value and the bending stress value is calculated for the given simply supported
beam under point load, Uniformly Distributed Load (UDL) and Uniformly Varying Load (UVL) by FEA
simulation using Ansys software and is verified with theoretical results.
Ex. No. 4


To determine the displacement and the bending stress in the given fixed beam under
1) Point load
2) Uniformly Distributed Load (UDL)
3) Uniformly Varying Load (UVL)
by simulation using FEA software and verifying it with theoretical methods.
Apparatus required:
i. Ansys v12 Software
ii. Personal Computer
Problem Definition:

1.) A fixed beam experiences a point load at the centre in the downwards direction whose value is
0.5kN. The span of the beam is 100mm. The cross section of the beam is rectangle whose dimensions are
10x12mm. The value of young’s modulus and poisons ratio is 200GPa and 0.3. All dimensions are in mm.

Using FEA software:


Selecting the area of

Step: 1 Preferences → Structural → ok

Pre-processor → Element Type → Add/Edit/Delete → Add → Beam →

Step: 2 Defining the element
2D elastic 3
Pre-processor → Real constants → Add/Edit/Delete → Add → ok →
Adding Real cross sectional area = 120 mm2
Step: 3
constants moment of inertia = 1440 mm4
height = 12 mm
Pre-processor → Material properties → Material models → Structural→
Defining the Linear → Elastic → Isotropic →
Step: 4
material properties Young’s modulus = 2e5 (2x105) N/mm2
Poisson’s ratio = 0.3
Pre-processor → Modelling → Create → Keypoints → In active CS →
Plotting the key
Step: 5 Key point number: 1 ; X=0,Y=0,Z=0
Key point number: 2 ; X=100,Y=0,Z=0
Drawing a Straight Pre-processor → Modelling → Create → Lines → Lines → Straight line
Step: 6
line → pick the two keypoints
Pre-processor → Meshing → Size cntrls → Manual Size → Lines →
Defining the number
Step: 7 Picked lines → Select the straight line → enter the number of
of elements
divisions.(say 10)
Meshing the
Step: 8 Pre-processor → Meshing → Mesh → Lines → Select the straight line
Pre-processor → Loads → Define Loads → Apply → Structural →
Defining the
Step: 9 Displacement → On Nodes → Select the end nodes → select All DOF →
Enter the displacement value as 0
Pre-processor → Loads → Define Loads → Apply → Structural →
Force/Moment → On nodes → Select the node where the point load is to
Step: 10 Applying the loads
be applied → Select Fy direction → -500 N (–ve sign for downward


Selecting the
Step: 11 Solution → Analysis Type → New Analysis → Static → ok
analysis type

Solution → Solve → Current LS → A dialog box with “Solution is done”

Step: 12 Solving the problem
is displayed if the above procedure is followed correctly.


General Postproc → Plot results → Deformed Shape →

Determining the
Step: 13 Def +Undeformed → Max displacement value is displayed in the left
General Postproc → Element Table → Define Table → Add
1. Stress 1 → By sequence numbering → NMISC,1
2. Stress 2 → By sequence numbering → NMISC,3
Determining the
Step: 14 Click plot results → Contour Plot → Line Elem Res →
Element table item at node I → Stress 1
Element table item at node J → Stress 2
Click ok to see the stress variations along the beam.
Figure 1. Deflection Plot for fixed beam with point load

Figure 2. Stress plot for fixed beam with point load

Theoretical Calculations:-
Fixed beam with a point load:-
𝑏𝑏 𝑑𝑑3 10 ×123
1. Moment of Inertia:- I = = = 1440 mm4
12 12
Where, b = Breadth = 10mm
d = Depth = 12mm

𝑃𝑃𝐿𝐿3 500 ×(100)3

2. Deflection:- δ = = = 0.0090422 mm
192𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸 192 ×2 ×105 ×1440

Where, P = Applied Load = 500N

L = Length or span of the beam = 100mm
E = Young’s modulus = 2 x 105 N/mm2
I = Moment of Inertia = 1440mm4

𝑀𝑀 × 𝑦𝑦 𝑃𝑃 ×𝑙𝑙 ×𝑦𝑦 500 ×100 ×6

3. Stress:- σ = = = = 26.042 N/mm2
𝐼𝐼 8 ×𝐼𝐼 8 ×1440
Where, M = Bending Moment
P = Applied Load = 100 N
𝑙𝑙 = Length or span of the beam = 100mm
y = Distance from the neutral axis = 6mm
I = Moment of inertia = 1440 mm4
Problem Definition:
2.) A fixed beam experiences a uniformly distributed load throughout the beam in the downwards
direction whose value is 0.1kN/mm. The span of the beam is 100mm. The cross section of the beam is
rectangle whose dimensions are 10x12mm. The value of young’s modulus and poisons ratio is 200GPa and
0.3. All dimensions are in mm.

Using FEA software:


Selecting the area of

Step: 1 Preferences → Structural → ok

Pre-processor → Element Type → Add/Edit/Delete → Add → Beam →

Step: 2 Defining the element
2D elastic 3
Pre-processor → Real constants → Add/Edit/Delete → Add → ok →
Adding Real cross sectional area = 120 mm2
Step: 3
constants moment of inertia = 1440 mm4
height = 12 mm
Pre-processor → Material properties → Material models → Structural→
Defining the Linear → Elastic → Isotropic →
Step: 4
material properties Young’s modulus = 2e5 (2x105) N/mm2
Poisson’s ratio = 0.3
Pre-processor → Modelling → Create → Keypoints → In active CS →
Plotting the key
Step: 5 Key point number: 1 ; X=0,Y=0,Z=0
Key point number: 2 ; X=100,Y=0,Z=0
Drawing a Straight Pre-processor → Modelling → Create → Lines → Lines → Straight line
Step: 6
line → pick the two keypoints
Pre-processor → Meshing → Size cntrls → Manual Size → Lines →
Defining the number
Step: 7 Picked lines → Select the straight line → enter the number of
of elements
divisions.(say 10)
Meshing the
Step: 8 Pre-processor → Meshing → Mesh → Lines → Select the straight line
Pre-processor → Loads → Define Loads → Apply → Structural →
Defining the
Step: 9 Displacement → On Nodes → Select the end nodes → select All DOF →
Enter the displacement value as 0
Pre-processor → Loads → Define Loads → Apply → Structural →
Pressure → On Beams → Select all the elements where the UDL is to be
applied → Pressure value at node I = 100 N/mm
Step: 10 Applying the loads
(Even though the UDL is in downward direction do not include –ve sign
while giving the value i.e., do not enter as -100.
–ve here refers to upward direction)


Selecting the
Step: 11 Solution → Analysis Type → New Analysis → Static → ok
analysis type

Solution → Solve → Current LS → A dialog box with “Solution is done”

Step: 12 Solving the problem
is displayed if the above procedure is followed correctly.


General Postproc → Plot results → Deformed Shape →

Determining the
Step: 13 Def +Undeformed → Max displacement value is displayed in the left
General Postproc → Element Table → Define Table → Add
1. Stress 1 → By sequence numbering → NMISC,1
2. Stress 2 → By sequence numbering → NMISC,3
Determining the
Step: 14 Click plot results → Contour Plot → Line Elem Res →
Element table item at node I → Stress 1
Element table item at node J → Stress 2
Click ok to see the stress variations along the beam.
Figure 1. Deflection Plot for fixed beam with uniformly distributed load

Figure 2. Stress plot for fixed beam with uniformly distributed load
Theoretical Calculations:-
Fixed beam with a uniformly distributed load:-
𝑏𝑏 𝑑𝑑3 10 ×123
1. Moment of Inertia:- I = = = 1440 mm4
12 12
Where, b = Breadth = 10mm
d = Depth = 12mm

𝑃𝑃𝐿𝐿4 100 ×(100)4

2. Deflection:- δ = = = 0.090422 mm
384𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸 384 ×2 ×105 ×1440

Where, P = Applied Load = 100N

L = Length or span of the beam = 100mm
E = Young’s modulus = 2 x 105 N/mm2
I = Moment of Inertia = 1440mm4

𝑀𝑀 × 𝑦𝑦 𝑃𝑃 ×𝑙𝑙 2 ×𝑦𝑦 100 ×1002 ×6

3. Stress:- σ = = = = 347.222 N/mm2
𝐼𝐼 12 × 𝐼𝐼 12 ×1440
Where, M = Bending Moment
P = Applied Load = 100 N
𝑙𝑙 = Length or span of the beam = 100mm
y = Distance from the neutral axis = 6mm
I = Moment of inertia = 1440 mm4
Problem Definition:
3.) A fixed beam experiences a uniformly varying load throughout the beam in the downwards
direction whose maximum value is 0.5kN/mm. The span of the beam is 100mm. The cross section of the
beam is rectangle whose dimensions are 10x12mm. The value of young’s modulus and poisons ratio is
200GPa and 0.3. All dimensions are in mm.

Using FEA software:


Selecting the area of

Step: 1 Preferences → Structural → ok

Pre-processor → Element Type → Add/Edit/Delete → Add → Beam →

Step: 2 Defining the element
2D elastic 3
Pre-processor → Real constants → Add/Edit/Delete → Add → ok →
Adding Real cross sectional area = 120 mm2
Step: 3
constants moment of inertia = 1440 mm4
height = 12 mm
Pre-processor → Material properties → Material models → Structural→
Defining the Linear → Elastic → Isotropic →
Step: 4
material properties Young’s modulus = 2e5 (2x105) N/mm2
Poisson’s ratio = 0.3
Pre-processor → Modelling → Create → Keypoints → In active CS →
Plotting the key
Step: 5 Key point number: 1 ; X=0,Y=0,Z=0
Key point number: 2 ; X=100,Y=0,Z=0
Drawing a Straight Pre-processor → Modelling → Create → Lines → Lines → Straight line
Step: 6
line → pick the two keypoints
Pre-processor → Meshing → Size cntrls → Manual Size → Lines →
Defining the number
Step: 7 Picked lines → Select the straight line → enter the number of
of elements
divisions.(say 10)
Meshing the
Step: 8 Pre-processor → Meshing → Mesh → Lines → Select the straight line
Pre-processor → Loads → Define Loads → Apply → Structural →
Defining the
Step: 9 Displacement → On Nodes → Select the end nodes → select All DOF →
Enter the displacement value as 0
Pre-processor → Loads → Define Loads → Apply → Structural →
Pressure → On Beams → Select each elements individually where the
UVL is to be applied → Divide the maximum UVL value by number of
elements and enter each value in ranges.
For first element :-
Pressure value at node I = 0 N/mm
Pressure value at node J = 50 N/mm
Step: 10 Applying the loads
For second element :-
Pressure value at node I = 50 N/mm
Pressure value at node J = 100 N/mm
And so on for all the elements.
(Even though the UVL is in downward direction do not include –ve sign
while giving the value i.e., do not enter as -100.
–ve here refers to upward direction)


Selecting the
Step: 11 Solution → Analysis Type → New Analysis → Static → ok
analysis type

Solution → Solve → Current LS → A dialog box with “Solution is done”

Step: 12 Solving the problem
is displayed if the above procedure is followed correctly.


General Postproc → Plot results → Deformed Shape →

Determining the
Step: 13 Def +Undeformed → Max displacement value is displayed in the left
General Postproc → Element Table → Define Table → Add
1. Stress 1 → By sequence numbering → NMISC,1
2. Stress 2 → By sequence numbering → NMISC,3
Determining the
Step: 14 Click plot results → Contour Plot → Line Elem Res →
Element table item at node I → Stress 1
Element table item at node J → Stress 2
Click ok to see the stress variations along the beam.
Figure 1. Deflection Plot for fixed beam with uniformly varying load

Figure 2. Stress plot for fixed beam with uniformly varying load
Theoretical Calculations:-
Fixed beam with a uniformly varying load:-
𝑏𝑏 𝑑𝑑3 10 ×123
1. Moment of Inertia: - I = = = 1440 mm4
12 12
Where, b = Breadth = 10mm
d = Depth = 12mm

7𝑃𝑃𝐿𝐿4 7 ×500 ×(100)4

2. Deflection: - δ = = = 0.316479 mm
1920×2𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸 1920 ×2 ×2 ×105 ×1440

Where, P = Applied Load = 500N

L = Length or span of the beam = 100mm
E = Young’s modulus = 2 x 105 N/mm2
I = Moment of Inertia = 1440mm4

𝑀𝑀 × 𝑦𝑦 5 ×𝑃𝑃 ×𝑙𝑙 2 ×𝑦𝑦 0.128 ×500 ×1002 ×6

3. Stress: - σ = = = = 1085.06944 N/mm2
𝐼𝐼 48 ×2 × 𝐼𝐼 2 ×1440
Where, M = Bending Moment
P = Applied Load = 500 N
𝑙𝑙 = Length or span of the beam = 100mm
y = Distance from the neutral axis = 6mm
I = Moment of inertia = 1440 mm4
Comparison of Results:-

FEA Simulation Theoretical

S.No. Description % Deviation
results Results

Case:1 Fixed beam with a point load

1. Deflection (mm) 0.0090422 0.0090422 0
2. Stress (N/mm2) 26.042 26.042 0
Case:2 Fixed beam with a Uniformly Distributed Load
1. Deflection (mm) 0.090422 0.090422 0
2. Stress (N/mm2) 347.222 347.222 0
Case:3 Fixed beam with a Uniformly Varying Load
1. Deflection (mm) 0.316479 0.316479 0
2. Stress (N/mm2) 1085 1085.06944 6.4x10-5

Thus the displacement value and the bending stress value is calculated for the given fixed beam under
point load, Uniformly Distributed Load (UDL) and Uniformly Varying Load (UVL) by FEA simulation
using Ansys software and is verified with theoretical results.
Ex. No. 5


To determine the Natural frequencies of the

1) Cantilever beam
2) Simply supported beam
3) Fixed beam
For the first three modes by simulation using FEA software and verifying it with theoretical methods.
Apparatus required:
i. Ansys v12 Software
ii. Personal Computer
Problem Definition:

1.) A cantilever beam has a span of 100mm. The cross section of the beam is rectangle whose
dimensions are 10x12mm. The value of young’s modulus and poisons ratio is 200GPa and 0.3. Assume the
material of the beam to be C-45 steel of density 7840 kg/m3.

Using FEA software:


Selecting the area of

Step: 1 Preferences → Structural → ok

Pre-processor → Element Type → Add/Edit/Delete → Add → Beam →

Step: 2 Defining the element
2D elastic → Beam3
Pre-processor → Real constants → Add/Edit/Delete → Add → ok →
Adding Real cross sectional area = 120 mm2
Step: 3
constants moment of inertia = 1440 mm4
height = 12 mm
Pre-processor → Material properties → Material models → Structural→
Linear → Elastic → Isotropic →
Defining the
Step: 4 Young’s modulus = 2e5 (2x105) N/mm2
material properties
Poisons ratio = 0.3
Density = 7.84e-06 (kg/mm3)
Pre-processor → Modelling → Create → Keypoints → In active CS →
Plotting the key
Step: 5 Key point number: 1 ; X=0,Y=0,Z=0
Key point number: 2 ; X=100,Y=0,Z=0
Drawing a Straight Pre-processor → Modelling → Create → Lines → Lines → Straight line
Step: 6
line → pick the two keypoints

Meshing the Pre-processor → Meshing → Mesh Tool → Smart Size → Fine → Select
Step: 7
elements the straight line → ok
Pre-processor → Loads → Define Loads → Apply → Structural →
Defining the
Step: 8 Displacement → On Nodes → Select the node where the cantilever is to
be fixed → select All DOF → Enter the displacement value as 0


Selecting the
Step: 9 Solution → Analysis Type → New Analysis → Modal → ok
analysis type
Defining the number Solution → Analysis Options → Block Lanczos →
Step: 10 of modes of No. of modes to extract: 3
frequency No. of modes to expand: 3 → ok
Solution → Solve → Current LS → A dialog box with “Solution is done”
Step: 11 Solving the problem
is displayed if the above procedure is followed correctly.


Read results → First Set

General Postproc → Plot results → Deformed Shape →
Def +Undeformed → Frequency along with deflection value is shown
Determining the
Step: 12 for first mode
For next mode, Read Results → Next set
And view the results in the plot results → Deformed shape
Results Summary → To view all the frequency values
Figure 1. I Mode Frequency plot for Cantilever Beam

Figure 2. II Mode Frequency plot for Cantilever Beam

Figure 3. III Mode Frequency plot for Cantilever Beam
Theoretical Calculations:-
Cantilever beam:-

𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔 𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸
Frequency = C � =C�
𝑤𝑤 𝐿𝐿4 ρ 𝑉𝑉𝐿𝐿3

E = Young’s modulus (2e-05 N/mm2)
𝑏𝑏 𝑑𝑑3 10 ×123
I = Moment of inertia (I = = = 1440 mm4
12 12
Where, b = Breadth
d = Depth)
L = Beam length = 100 mm
Mass = Density x volume = 7.84e-06 x 12 x 10 x 100
= 0.09408 kg
C = Constant
(For Cantilever beam first mode = 0.56
Second mode = 3.51
Third mode = 9.82)

For first mode,

2×105 ×1440
Frequency, f = 0.56 � = 30.984 Hz
0.09408 × 1003

For Second mode,

2×105 ×1440
Frequency, f = 3.51 � = 194.202 Hz
0.09408 × 1003

For Third mode,

2×105 ×1440
Frequency, f = 9.82 � = 543.324 Hz
0.09408 × 1003
Problem Definition:
2.) A simply supported beam has a span of 100mm. The cross section of the beam is rectangle whose
dimensions are 10x12mm. The value of young’s modulus and poisons ratio is 200GPa and 0.3. Assume the
material of the beam to be C-45 steel of density 7840 kg/m3.

Using FEA software:


Selecting the area of

Step: 1 Preferences → Structural → ok

Pre-processor → Element Type → Add/Edit/Delete → Add → Beam →

Step: 2 Defining the element
2D elastic → Beam3
Pre-processor → Real constants → Add/Edit/Delete → Add → ok →
Adding Real cross sectional area = 120 mm2
Step: 3
constants moment of inertia = 1440 mm4
height = 12 mm
Pre-processor → Material properties → Material models → Structural→
Linear → Elastic → Isotropic →
Defining the
Step: 4 Young’s modulus = 2e5 (2x105) N/mm2
material properties
Poisons ratio = 0.3
Density = 7.84e-06 kg/mm3
Pre-processor → Modelling → Create → Keypoints → In active CS →
Plotting the key
Step: 5 Key point number: 1 ; X=0,Y=0,Z=0
Key point number: 2 ; X=100,Y=0,Z=0
Drawing a Straight Pre-processor → Modelling → Create → Lines → Lines → Straight line
Step: 6
line → pick the two keypoints

Meshing the Pre-processor → Meshing → Mesh Tool → Smart Size → Fine → Select
Step: 7
elements the straight line → ok
Pre-processor → Loads → Define Loads → Apply → Structural →
Displacement → On Nodes → Select the node where the simply
Defining the
Step: 8 supported is to be fixed → select Uy alone→
Enter the displacement value as 0

Selecting the
Step: 9 Solution → Analysis Type → New Analysis → Modal → ok
analysis type
Defining the number Solution → Analysis Options → Block Lanczos →
Step: 10 of modes of No. of modes to extract: 3
frequency No. of modes to expand: 3 → ok
Solution → Solve → Current LS → A dialog box with “Solution is done”
Step: 11 Solving the problem
is displayed if the above procedure is followed correctly.


Read results → First Set

General Postproc → Plot results → Deformed Shape →
Def +Undeformed → Frequency along with deflection value is shown
Determining the
Step: 12 for first mode
For next mode, Read Results → Next set
And view the results in the plot results → Deformed shape
Results Summary → To view all the frequency values
Figure 1. I Mode Frequency plot for Simply Supported Beam

Figure 2. II Mode Frequency plot for Simply Supported Beam

Figure 3. III Mode Frequency plot for Simply Supported Beam
Theoretical Calculations:-
Simply Supported beam:-

𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔 𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸
Frequency = C � =C�
𝑤𝑤 𝐿𝐿4 ρ 𝑉𝑉𝐿𝐿3

E = Young’s modulus (2e-05 N/mm2)
𝑏𝑏 𝑑𝑑3 10 ×123
I = Moment of inertia (I = = = 1440 mm4
12 12
Where, b = Breadth
d = Depth)
L = Beam length = 100 mm
Mass = Density x volume = 7.84e-06 x 12 x 10 x 100
= 0.09408 kg
C = Constant
(For Simply supported beam first mode = 1.57
Second mode = 6.28
Third mode = 14.14)

For first mode,

2×105 ×1440
Frequency, f = 1.57 � = 86.865 Hz
0.09408 × 1003

For Second mode,

2×105 ×1440
Frequency, f = 6.28 � = 347.462 Hz
0.09408 × 1003

For Third mode,

2×105 ×1440
Frequency, f = 14.14 � = 782.342 Hz
0.09408 × 1003
Problem Definition:
3.) A fixed beam has a span of 100mm. The cross section of the beam is rectangle whose dimensions
are 10x12mm. The value of young’s modulus and poisons ratio is 200GPa and 0.3. Assume the material of
the beam to be C-45 steel of density 7840 kg/m3.

Using FEA software:


Selecting the area of

Step: 1 Preferences → Structural → ok

Pre-processor → Element Type → Add/Edit/Delete → Add → Beam →

Step: 2 Defining the element
2D elastic → Beam3
Pre-processor → Real constants → Add/Edit/Delete → Add → ok →
Adding Real cross sectional area = 120 mm2
Step: 3
constants moment of inertia = 1440 mm4
height = 12 mm
Pre-processor → Material properties → Material models → Structural→
Linear → Elastic → Isotropic →
Defining the
Step: 4 Young’s modulus = 2e5 (2x105) N/mm2
material properties
Poisons ratio = 0.3
Density = 7.84e-06 Kg/mm3
Pre-processor → Modelling → Create → Keypoints → In active CS →
Plotting the key
Step: 5 Key point number: 1 ; X=0,Y=0, Z=0
Key point number: 2 ; X=100,Y=0, Z=0
Drawing a Straight Pre-processor → Modelling → Create → Lines → Lines → Straight line
Step: 6
line → pick the two keypoints

Meshing the Pre-processor → Meshing → Mesh Tool → Smart Size → Fine → Select
Step: 7
elements the straight line → ok
Pre-processor → Loads → Define Loads → Apply → Structural →
Defining the Displacement → On Nodes → Select the node where the fixed beam is
Step: 8
Constraints to be fixed → select All DOF →
Enter the displacement value as 0
Selecting the
Step: 9 Solution → Analysis Type → New Analysis → Modal → ok
analysis type
Defining the number Solution → Analysis Options → Block Lanczos →
Step: 10 of modes of No. of modes to extract: - 3
frequency No. of modes to expand: - 3 → ok
Solution → Solve → Current LS → A dialog box with “Solution is done”
Step: 11 Solving the problem
is displayed if the above procedure is followed correctly.


Read results → First Set

General Postproc → Plot results → Deformed Shape →
Def +Undeformed → Frequency along with deflection value is shown
Determining the
Step: 12 for first mode
For next mode, Read Results → Next set
And view the results in the plot results → Deformed shape
Results Summary → To view all the frequency values
Figure 1. I Mode Frequency plot for Fixed Beam

Figure 2. II Mode Frequency plot for Fixed Beam

Figure 3. III Mode Frequency plot for Fixed Beam
Theoretical Calculations:-
Fixed beam:-

𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔 𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸
Frequency = C � =C�
𝑤𝑤 𝐿𝐿4 ρ 𝑉𝑉𝐿𝐿3

E = Young’s modulus (2e-05 N/mm2)
𝑏𝑏 𝑑𝑑3 10 ×123
I = Moment of inertia (I = = = 1440 mm4
12 12
Where, b = Breadth
d = Depth)
L = Beam length = 100 mm
Mass = Density x volume = 7.84e-06 x 12 x 10 x 100
= 0.09408 kg
C = Constant
(For fixed beam first mode = 3.56
Second mode = 9.82
Third mode = 19.24)

For first mode,

2×105 ×1440
Frequency, f = 3.56 � = 196.968 Hz
0.09408 × 1003

For Second mode,

2×105 ×1440
Frequency, f = 9.82 � = 543.324 Hz
0.09408 × 1003

For Third mode,

2×105 ×1440
Frequency, f = 19.24 � = 1064.517 Hz
0.09408 × 1003
Comparison of Results:-

FEA Simulation Theoretical

S.No. Description results Results % Deviation
Cycles/Second Cycles/Second
Case:1 Cantilever beam
1. I Mode frequency 30.878 30.98 3.29 x10-3
2. II Mode frequency 190.96 194.20 17 x10-3
3. III Mode frequency 525.82 543.32 32.21 x 10-3
Case:2 Simply Supported Beam
1. I Mode frequency 86.469 86.86 4.6 x 10-3
2. II Mode frequency 343.69 347.46 10.85 x 10-3
3. III Mode frequency 824.77 782.34 -54.23 x 10-3
Case:3 Fixed Beam
1. I Mode frequency 196.37 196.97 3.046 x 10-3
2. II Mode frequency 538.58 543.32 8.72 x 10-3
3. III Mode frequency 835.39 1064.52 215.24 x 10-3

Thus the natural frequencies of various beams for three modes have been obtained by FEA analysis
using Ansys Software and verified with the theoretical results.
Ex. No. 6


To determine the displacement, bending stress and the reaction forces in the given two dimensional
truss by simulation using FEA software and verifying it with theoretical methods.
Apparatus required:
i. Ansys v12 Software
ii. Personal Computer
Problem Definition:

1.) A two dimensional truss is given below in the figure. Various loads acting on the truss are given
in detail. The cross section of the truss to be taken as 200 mm2. One end of the truss is fixed while the other
end has a roller support.

1. Using FEA software:


Selecting the area of

Step: 1 Preferences → Structural → ok

Pre-processor → Element Type → Add/Edit/Delete → Add → Link →

Step: 2 Defining the element
Pre-processor → Real constants → Add/Edit/Delete → Add → ok →
Adding Real
Step: 3 cross sectional area = 200 mm2
Pre-processor → Material properties → Material models → Structural→
Defining the Linear → Elastic → Isotropic →
Step: 4
material properties Young’s modulus = 2e5 (2x105) N/mm2
Poisson’s ratio = 0.3
Pre-processor → Modelling → Create → Nodes → In active CS →
Node number: 1 ; X=0,Y=0,Z=0
Node number: 2 ; X=1800,Y=3118,Z=0
Plotting the key Node number: 2 ; X=3600,Y=0,Z=0
Step: 5
points Node number: 2 ; X=5400,Y=3118,Z=0
Node number: 2 ; X=7200,Y=0,Z=0
Node number: 2 ; X=9000,Y=3118,Z=0
Node number: 2 ; X=10800,Y=0,Z=0
Pre-processor → Modelling → Create → Elements → Auto numbered →
Defining the
Step: 6 Through nodes → pick the two nodes and do it for connecting all the
Pre-processor → Loads → Define Loads → Apply → Structural →
Displacement → On Nodes →
Defining the Select the node where the cantilever is to be fixed → select All DOF →
Step: 7
Constraints Enter the displacement value as 0
Select the node where the cantilever is to have a roller support → select
Uy → Enter the displacement value as 0
Pre-processor → Loads → Define Loads → Apply → Structural →
Force/Moment → On nodes → Select the node where the point load is to
be applied → Select Fy direction →
Step: 8 Applying the loads -280000 N (–ve sign for downward direction)
-210000 N
-280000 N
-360000 N at each corresponding nodes.


Selecting the
Step: 9 Solution → Analysis Type → New Analysis → Static → ok
analysis type

Solution → Solve → Current LS → A dialog box with “Solution is done”

Step: 10 Solving the problem
is displayed if the above procedure is followed correctly.


General Postproc → Plot results → Deformed Shape →

Determining the
Step: 11 Def +Undeformed → Max displacement value is displayed in the left
General Postproc → Element Table → Define Table → Add
1. Stress 1 → By sequence numbering → LS,1
Determining the Click plot results → Contour Plot → Line Elem Res →
Step: 12
stress Element table item at node I → Stress 1
Element table item at node J → Stress 1
Click ok to see the stress variations along the beam.
Figure 1. Deflection Plot for two dimensional truss

Figure 2. Stress plot for two dimensional truss

Reaction Forces: (Simulation Results)
Go to General Postproc → List results → Reaction Solu → All Struc forc F → the reaction
forces are,

Node Fx (N) Fy (N) Fz (N)

1 (Fixed) 0.29104E-09 0.51333E+06 0.0000

7 (Roller Support) 0.61667E+06

2. Theoretical Methods:-
Two Dimensional Truss:-
1. Reaction forces:
• Sum of the upward forces = Sum of the downward forces
R1 + R2 = 280000 + 210000 + 280000 + 360000 ---------- (i)
• Taking Moment about the fixed support,
210000 x 3.6 + 280000 x 7.2 + 360000 x 10.8 – R 2 x 10.8 = 0 ---------- (ii)
6.66 ×103
R2 = = 0.61667 x 106 N.
Sub R 2 in the eqn (i),
R 1 = 1130000 - 0.61667x106
= 0.5133 x 106 N.

Thus the reaction forces are,

R 1 = 0.5133 x 106 N.
R 2 = 0.61667 x 106 N.
Comparison of Results:-

FEA Simulation Theoretical

S.No. Description % Deviation
results Results

Two Dimensional Truss

0.5133 x 106 0.5133 x 106 0

1. Reaction forces (N)
0.61667 x 106 0.61667 x 106 0

Thus the displacement, bending stress and the reaction forces are calculated for the given two
dimensional truss by FEA simulation using Ansys software and is verified with theoretical results.
Ex. No. 7


To determine the displacement and the stresses induced in a given model of a bicycle frame under
static loading conditions by simulation using FEA software.
Apparatus required:

i. Ansys v12 Software

ii. Personal Computer

Problem Definition:

A bicycle frame with its dimensions are given below. The loading conditions are also provided in the
given figure. The cross section of the frame is a hollow cylinder whose outer diameter is 50 mm and inner
diameter is 50 mm. A 600 N load of a human being is applied at the top and the force applied to the pedal is
given at the bottom as 200 N. The left most end is fixed for translation and rotation in all directions but it is
free to rotate about y axis. The right most end is fixed for rotation and translation in all direction except for
translation along x axis. All the dimensions are in mm.
Using FEA software:


Selecting the area of

Step: 1 Preferences → Structural → ok

Pre-processor → Element Type → Add/Edit/Delete → Add → Pipe → 2D

Step: 2 Defining the element
Node 16
Pre-processor → Real constants → Add/Edit/Delete → Add → ok →
Adding Real
Step: 3 Outside Diameter = 50
Wall thickness = 5
Pre-processor → Material properties → Material models → Structural→
Defining the Linear → Elastic → Isotropic →
Step: 4
material properties Young’s modulus = 2e5 (2x105) N/mm2
Poisson’s ratio = 0.3
Pre-processor → Modelling → Create → Keypoints → In active CS →
Node number: 1 ; X=0,Y=325,Z=0
Node number: 2 ; X=0,Y=400,Z=0
Plotting the key
Step: 5 Node number: 3 ; X=500,Y=400,Z=0
Node number: 4 ; X=500,Y=0,Z=0
Node number: 5 ; X=825,Y=0,Z=-25
Node number: 6 ; X=825,Y=0,Z=25
Drawing a Straight Pre-processor → Modelling → Create → Elements → Thru nodes → pick
Step: 6
line the nodes individually and connect them together
Pre-processor → Loads → Define Loads → Apply → Structural →
Defining the
Step: 7 Displacement → On Nodes → Select the nodes where the frame is to be
constrained → Enter the displacement value as 0
Pre-processor → Loads → Define Loads → Apply → Structural →
Step: 8 Applying the loads Force/Moment → On nodes → Select the node where the point load is to
be applied → Select Fy direction → -600 N and -200 N


Selecting the
Step: 9 Solution → Analysis Type → New Analysis → Static → ok
analysis type

Solution → Solve → Current LS → A dialog box with “Solution is done”

Step: 10 Solving the problem
is displayed if the above procedure is followed correctly.


General Postproc → Plot results → Deformed Shape →

Determining the
Step: 11 Def +Undeformed → Max displacement value is displayed in the left
General Postproc → Element Table → Define Table → Add
1. Stress 1 → Stress → Von Mises SEQV
Determining the Click plot results → Contour Plot → Line Elem Res →
Step: 12
stress Element table item at node I → Stress 1
Element table item at node J → Stress 1
Click ok to see the stress variations along the beam.
Figure 7.1. Deflection Plot for Bicycle frame

Figure 7.2. Stress plot for Bicycle frame

Thus the displacement value and the bending stress value is calculated for the given Bicycle Frame
by FEA simulation using Ansys software.
Ex. No. 8


To model and analyse the stress distribution of a plate with a hole.

Apparatus required:

i. Ansys v12 Software

ii. Personal Computer

Problem Definition:

A square plate is given below with the necessary dimensions. It is a mild steel plate of
young’s modulus = 2e5 N/mm2 and poisons ratio = 0.3. The thickness of the plate is given as 10 mm. A
force of 10Mpa is given in opposite directions to each other.
Using FEA software:


Selecting the area of

Step: 1 Preferences → Structural → ok
Pre-processor → Element Type → Add/Edit/Delete → Add → Solid →
Defining the
Step: 2 Quad 4 Node 42
Options → Element behaviour → Plane stress with thickness
Adding Real Pre-processor → Real constants → Add/Edit/Delete → Add → ok →
Step: 3
constants Thickness = 10 mm
Pre-processor → Material properties → Material models → Structural→
Defining the Linear → Elastic → Isotropic →
Step: 4
material properties Young’s modulus = 2e5 (2x105) N/mm2
Poisson’s ratio = 0.3
Pre-processor → Modelling → Create → Area → Rectangle → by 2
corners → specify,
Step: 5 Drawing a rectangle
X=0, Y=0
Width = 100 mm and Height = 100 mm
Pre-processor → Modelling → Create → Area → Solid circle →
Drawing a Solid Specify,
Step: 6
circle X = 100, Y = 100
Radius = 5 mm
Pre-processor → Modelling → operate → Boolean → subtract →
Step: 7 Subtracting the area select the rectangle area first then select ok then select the circle and
select ok
Pre-processor → Meshing → mesh tool → fine mesh → pick the area
Step: 8 Meshing
→ ok.
Pre-processor → Loads → Define Loads → Apply → Structural →
Step: 9 Applying the loads Pressure → On lines → Select the line where the load is to be applied
→ Select the direction → 10 Mpa


Selecting the
Step: 10 Solution → Analysis Type → New Analysis → Static → ok
analysis type

Solution → Solve → Current LS → A dialog box with “Solution is

Step: 11 Solving the problem
done” is displayed if the above procedure is followed correctly.


Determining the General Postproc → Plot results → Contour plot → stress → Von mises
Step: 12
Displacement stress → ok.
The same procedure is followed for the holes of diameter 10, 20, 30, 40 & 50 mm respectively.

Theoretical Calculations:-
For hole of dia 10 mm:-
• a/w = 10/200 = 0.05
Where, a = diameter of the hole = 10 mm
w = width of the plate = 200 mm

• σ nom = (𝑤𝑤−𝑎𝑎)ℎ = (𝑤𝑤−𝑎𝑎)ℎ

Where, P = Pressure on the line x area = 100 x 10 x 200

P = 2 x 105 N
h = thickness of the plate = 10 mm

2 × 105
σ nom = (200−10)10 = 105.263 N/mm2

σ𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚 295.375
• Kt = = = 2.806
𝜎𝜎𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛𝑛 105.263
STEP=1 SEP 4 2013
SUB =1
DMX =.051999
SMN =30.212
SMX =293.785


30.212 88.783 147.355 205.927 264.499

59.497 118.069 176.641 235.213 293.785

Figure 8.1. Stress Plot for Plate with a hole of 10 mm under tension load

STEP=1 SEP 4 2013
SUB =1 12:50:19
DMX =.052562
SMN =26.772
SMX =305.86


26.772 88.792 150.811 212.831 274.85

57.782 119.802 181.821 243.84 305.86

Figure 8.2. Stress Plot for Plate with a hole of 20 mm under tension load
SEP 4 2013
SUB =1
DMX =.056001
SMN =25.769
SMX =314.243


25.769 89.874 153.979 218.085 282.19

57.821 121.927 186.032 250.138 314.243

Figure 8.3. Stress Plot for Plate with a hole of 30 mm under tension load

SEP 4 2013
SUB =1
DMX =.061236
SMN =29.335
SMX =327.864


29.335 95.675 162.014 228.354 294.694

62.505 128.844 195.184 261.524 327.864

Figure 8.4. Stress Plot for Plate with a hole of 40 mm under tension load
STEP=1 SEP 4 2013
SUB =1
DMX =.068794
SMN =34.144
SMX =348.668



34.144 104.039 173.933 243.827 313.721

69.091 138.986 208.88 278.774 348.668

Figure 8.5. Stress Plot for Plate with a hole of 50 mm under tension load





Kt 2.78






0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3


a w a/w σ max σ nom Kt

10 200 0.05 295.375 105.263 2.806
20 200 0.1 303.733 111.111 2.734
30 200 0.15 325.095 117.64 2.763
40 200 0.2 341.514 125.00 2.732
50 200 0.25 364.265 133.33 2.732

Thus the stress distribution in a plate with a hole was analysed and compared with stress
concentration factor.
Ex. No. 9


To model and analyse the stress and deflection of ‘L’ Bracket using ANSYS software
Apparatus required:

i. Ansys v12 Software

ii. Personal Computer

Problem Definition:

An L-bracket with holes and its dimensions are given below. The hole on the top is fixed and the
pressure of 10 MPa is applied to the bottom hole. Find out the stress value for the L-bracket. The thickness
of the bracket is 5 mm.
Using FEA software:


Selecting the area of

Step: 1 Preferences → Structural → ok
Pre-processor → Element Type → Add/Edit/Delete → Add → Solid→
Step: 2 Defining the element Quad 4 Node 42
Option → Element behaviour → plane stress with thickness.
Adding Real Pre-processor → Real constants → Add/Edit/Delete → Add → ok →
Step: 3
constants Thickness = 5 mm
Pre-processor → Material properties → Material models → Structural→
Defining the Linear → Elastic → Isotropic →
Step: 4
material properties Young’s modulus = 2e5 (2x105) N/mm2
Poisson’s ratio = 0.3
Pre-processor → Modelling → Create → area → rectangle → by 2
corners → specify :
X=0, Y=0
Width = 30 mm
Step: 5 Drawing the area Height = 100 mm
Create → area → rectangle → by two corners → specify:
X=0, Y=70
Width = 70 mm
Height = 30 mm
Pre-processor → Modelling → Create → line → line fillet.
Select two lines in between where the fillet should occur then specify
Step: 6 Creating a fillet Radius = 5 mm → ok.
Then menu bar → plot control → area.
To create the outer fillet the same procedure is followed
Create → area → solid circle → specify:
X=15, Y=0
Radius = 15 mm
Create → area → solid circle → specify:
X=-70, Y=85
Drawing the solid Radius = 15 mm
Step: 7
circle Create → area → solid circle → specify:
X=0, Y=15
Radius = 5 mm
Create → area → solid circle → specify:
X=-70, Y=85
Radius = 5 mm
Creating area using Menu bar → plot control → line.
Step: 8
line Create → area → arbitrary → by lines → select the lines.
Modelling → Boolean → Add → select all the areas → ok.
Modelling → operate → Boolean → Subtract → select the total area
first → apply → select the unwanted area → ok.
Meshing → mesh tool → fine mesh → pick the area → ok.
Combine all areas
Step: 9 Loads → Define Loads → Apply → Structural → Displacement → On
into single area
line → Select the top circle → select ALL DOF → Enter the
displacement value as 0.
Loads → define loads → apply → structural → pressure → on line →
select the bottom circle → specify : Pressure = 10 MPa
Pre-processor → Loads → Define Loads → Apply → Structural →
Defining the
Step: 10 Displacement → On lines→ Select the lines where the bracket is to be
constrained → Enter the displacement value as 0
Pre-processor → Loads → Define Loads → Apply → Structural →
Step: 11 Applying the loads pressure → On lines → Select the line where the load is to be applied →
Select Fy direction → - 10 MPa


Selecting the
Step: 12 Solution → Analysis Type → New Analysis → Static → ok
analysis type

Solution → Solve → Current LS → A dialog box with “Solution is done”

Step: 13 Solving the problem
is displayed if the above procedure is followed correctly.


General Postproc → Plot results → Deformed Shape →

Determining the
Step: 14 Def +Undeformed → Max displacement value is displayed in the left
Determining the General Postproc → Plot results → Contour plot → Stress → Von Mises
Step: 15
stress stress
Figure 9.1. Deflection Plot for L-Bracket

Figure 9.2. Stress plot for L-Bracket

Thus the displacement and the stress is analysed for the given L-Bracket by FEA simulation using
Ansys software.
Ex. No. 10


To model and analyse the stresses in a Pressure vessel using ANSYS software.
Apparatus required:

i. Ansys v12 Software

ii. Personal Computer

Problem Definition:

The pressure vessel with dimensions and pressure are given below. The left and the bottom
ends have roller support. The pressure is applied to the inner surface of the vessel. Find out the value of
stress in the pressure vessel.
Using FEA software:


Selecting the area of

Step: 1 Preferences → Structural → ok
Pre-processor → Element Type → Add/Edit/Delete → Add → Solid →
Defining the
Step: 2 Quad 4 Node 42
Options → Element behaviour → Axisymmetric
Pre-processor → Material properties → Material models → Structural→
Defining the Linear → Elastic → Isotropic →
Step: 3
material properties Young’s modulus = 2e5 (2x105) N/mm2
Poisson’s ratio = 0.3
Pre-processor → Modelling → Create → Area → Rectangle → by 2
corners → specify,
Step: 4 Drawing a rectangle X=100, Y=0
Width = 5 mm
Height = 300 mm
Pre-processor → Modeling → create → areas → circle → partial
annulus → specify
X = 0, Y = 300
Drawing a Solid
Step: 5 Rad1 = 105 mm
Theta-1 = 0°
Rad2 = 100 mm
Theta-2 = 90°
Pre-processor → Modeling → operate → Boolean → add → areas →
Step: 6 Adding the areas
select both the areas → ok

Pre-processor → Meshing → mesh tool → fine mesh → pick the area

Step: 7 Meshing
→ ok.
Loads → define loads → apply → structural → displacement → on
lines → select the bottom most line → select UY → enter the
displacement value as 0.

Loads → define loads → apply → structural → displacement → on

lines → select the bottom most line → select UY → enter the
displacement value as 0.
Step: 8 Applying the loads
Loads → define loads → apply → structural → displacement → on
lines → select the top left most line → select UX → enter the
displacement value as 0.

Loads → define loads → apply → structural → Pressure → on line →

enter the pressure value as 100 Mpa

Selecting the
Step: 9 Solution → Analysis Type → New Analysis → Static → ok
analysis type

Solution → Solve → Current LS → A dialog box with “Solution is

Step: 10 Solving the problem
done” is displayed if the above procedure is followed correctly.


General Postproc → Plot results → Read result → first set.

General Postproc → plot results → contour plot → nodal solution →

Stress → select X component of stress → ok

Select Plot controls → style → Symmetry expansion → 2D

Axisymmetric → ¾ expansion → ok

General Postproc → plot results → contour plot → nodal solu →

Determining the Stress → select Y component of stress → ok
Step: 11
Select Plot controls → style → Symmetry expansion → 2D
Axisymmetric → ¾ expansion → ok

General Postproc → plot results → contour plot → nodal solu →

Stress → select Z component of stress → ok

Select Plot controls → style → Symmetry expansion → 2D

Axisymmetric → ¾ expansion → ok
STEP=1 SEP 11 2013
SUB =1 11:31:23
DMX =1.043
SMN =-100.976
SMX =1018


-100.976 147.739 396.454 645.168 893.883

23.381 272.096 520.811 769.526 1018

Fig 10.1: Longitudinal stress in the pressure vessel

SEP 11 2013
SUB =1 11:31:48
DMX =1.043 MN
SMN =-92.105
SMX =1282



-92.105 213.354 518.813 824.272 1130

60.624 366.083 671.543 977.002 1282

Fig 10.2: Lateral stress in the pressure vessel

STEP=1 SEP 11 2013
SUB =1 11:32:03
DMX =1.043
SMN =885.099
SMX =2075




885.099 1149 1414 1678 1942

1017 1282 1546 1810 2075

Fig 10.3: Circumferential stress in the pressure vessel

Theoretical Calculations:
Hoop or Circumferential stress:
Fc =
d = internal diameter of the cylinder = 200mm
t = thickness of wall of the cylinder = 5mm
p = internal fluid pressure = 100N/mm2
100 ×200
Fc = = 2000 N/mm2
2× 5
Longitudinal or axial stress:
Fc =
Fc = = 1000N/mm2
4 ×5


Stress Lateral Longitudinal Circumferential

Ansys Values in
1018 1282 2075
Theoretical values
- 1000 2000
% Deviation 0 0.2199 0.03614

Thus the stress distribution in a pressure vessel was analysed using Ansys software.
Ex. No. 11


To model and analyse the frequency of a 2D cantilever plate using ANSYS software.
Apparatus required:

i. Ansys v12 Software

ii. Personal Computer

Problem Definition:

The cantilever plate with its dimensions are given below. One side of the plate is fixed. Find the
modal frequencies.

Using FEA software:


Selecting the area of

Step: 1 Preferences → Structural → ok
Pre-processor → Element Type → Add/Edit/Delete → Add → Solid→
Step: 2 Defining the element Quad 4 Node 42
Option → Element behaviour → plane stress with thickness.
Adding Real Pre-processor → Real constants → Add/Edit/Delete → Add → ok →
Step: 3
constants Thickness = 10 mm
Pre-processor → Material properties → Material models → Structural→
Linear → Elastic → Isotropic →
Defining the
Step: 4 Young’s modulus = 2e5 (2x105) N/mm2
material properties
Poisson’s ratio = 0.3
Density = 7.8e-6 kg/mm3
Modelling → Create → area → rectangle → by 2 corners → specify :
X=0, Y=0
Step: 5 Drawing the area
Width = 100 mm
Height = 50 mm

Step: 6 Meshing Meshing → mesh tool → fine mesh → pick the area → ok.

Pre-processor → Loads → define loads → apply → structural →

Step: 7 Applying the loads displacement → on lines → select one side → all dof → enter the
displacement value as 0 → ok.


Solution → Analysis Type → New Analysis → Modal → ok

Selecting the
Step: 8 Loads → Analysis Type → Analysis options → enter the no. of modes
analysis type
to extract and no of modes to expand as 5 → ok.
Solution → Solve → Current LS → A dialog box with “Solution is done”
Step: 9 Solving the problem
is displayed if the above procedure is followed correctly.


General Postproc → Read results → First set.

General Postproc → Plot results → Deformed shape → Def shape


Determining the General Postproc → Read results → Next set.

Step: 10
General Postproc → Plot results → Deformed shape → Def shape

The steps 3 and 4 are repeated for 3 times and the deformation is noted
for each mode.
SEP 25 2013
STEP=1 10:34:40
SUB =1
DMX =3.073


Fig11.1: Deflection for first mode

SEP 25 2013
STEP=1 10:36:16
SUB =2
DMX =2.287


Fig11.2: Deflection for second mode

SEP 25 2013
STEP=1 10:36:46
SUB =3
DMX =3.178


Fig11.3: Deflection for third mode

SEP 25 2013
STEP=1 10:39:15
SUB =4
DMX =3.593


Fig11.4: Deflection for fourth mode

SEP 25 2013
STEP=1 10:39:35
SUB =5
DMX =2.763


Fig11.5: Deflection for fifth mode


Modes First Second Third Fourth Fifth

110.793 402.062 422.899 886.568 1134

-3.073 2.287 3.178 3.593 -2.763

Thus the modal frequency of a cantilever plate was found and analysed using Ansys software.
Ex. No. 12


To model and analyse the heat transfer in a composite wall and a circular fin using ANSYS
Apparatus required:

i. Ansys v12 Software

ii. Personal Computer

Problem Definition:

1. A composite wall is made of steel, brass, and glass. The innermost temperature near the steel is 8000C
and the outer atmospheric temperature is 300C. The area of the wall is 100mm2.
K for steel = 0.045 W/mm2.0C
K for brass = 0.005 W/mm2.0C
K for glass = 0.001 W/mm2.0C
Using FEA software:


Selecting the area of

Step: 1 Preferences → Thermal → ok
Defining the Pre-processor → Element Type → Add/Edit/Delete → Add → link→ 2D
Step: 2
element conduction
Adding Real Pre-processor → Real constants → Add/Edit/Delete → Add → ok →
Step: 3
constants Area = 100 mm2
Pre-processor → Material properties → Material models → Thermal→
Thermal conductivity.
K = 0.045 W/mm2.0C
Defining the
Step: 4 New material → Thermal → Thermal conductivity
material properties
K = 0.005 W/mm2.0C
New material → Thermal → Thermal conductivity
K = 0.001
Pre-processor → Modelling → Create → Nodes → In Active CS →
specify :
Node number1: X=0, Y=0
Step: 5 Creating the Nodes
Node number2: X=50,Y=0
Node number3: X=80,Y=0
Node number4: X=100,Y=0
Pre-processor → Modelling → Create → Elements → Element
attributes → Select the material property 1 → Thru nodes → Select the
first two nodes (1&2)
Creating the
Step: 6 Then select the material property 2 → Thru nodes → Select the next
two nodes (2&3)
Then select the material property 3 → Thru nodes → Select the
remaining two nodes (3&4)
Pre-processor → Loads → define loads → apply → Thermal →
Temperature → on nodes → select first node → temp → enter the
Step: 7 Applying the loads
temperature value as 800 → ok.
Select the last node → temp → enter the value as 30 → ok.


Selecting the Solution → Analysis Type → SteadyState → ok

Step: 8
analysis type
Solution → Solve → Current LS → A dialog box with “Solution is
Step: 9 Solving the problem
done” is displayed if the above procedure is followed correctly.


Determining the General Postproc → Plot results → Contour plot → Nodal solution →
Step: 10
nodal temperature DOF solution → Nodal temperature → ok.
Fig12.1: Temperature distribution plot for composite wall

Theoretical Calculations:

Heat Transfer, Q=∆𝑇𝑇 / R total

Thermal resistance, R total = R 1 + R 2 + R 3
R 1 = L1 / k 1 A 1 = 50/ ( 0.045 x 100 ) = 11.11 (w/K)-1s
R 2 = L2 / k 2 A 2 = 30/ ( 0.005 x 100 ) = 60 (w/K)-1
R 3 = L3 / k 3 A 3 = 20/ ( 0.001 x 100 ) = 200 (w/K)-1
R total = R 1 + R 2 + R 3 = 11.11 + 60 + 200 = 271.11 (w/K)-1
Heat transfer , Q = ∆𝑇𝑇 / R total = ( 800-30 ) / 271.11 = 2.84 W
Intermediate Temperature between Steel and Brass ( T 3 ):
Q = (T 1 – T 3 ) / R 1
2.84 = ( 800 – T 3 ) / 11.11
T 3 = 768.44 ° C
Intermediate Temperature between Brass and Glass ( T 4 ) :
Q = ( T3 – T4 ) / R2
2.84 = ( 768.44 – T 4 ) / 60
T 4 = 598.44 ° C

Temperature (0C) Temperature (0C)

Ansys Theoretical

Inner most 800 800

Junction between steel and

768.44 768.44

Junction between brass and

598.44 598.44

Outer most 30 30
Problem Definition:

2. A circular fin of radius 25mm is given below. The innermost temperature 3000C and the outer
atmospheric temperature is 300C. The length of the fin is 200mm.
K for fin= 0.045 W/mm2.0C

Using FEA software:


Selecting the area of

Step: 1 Preferences → Thermal → ok

Defining the Pre-processor → Element Type → Add/Edit/Delete → Add → Solid→

Step: 2
element Brick 4 node 141
Pre-processor → Material properties → Material models → Thermal→
Defining the
Step: 3 Thermal conductivity.
material properties
K = 0.045 W/mm2.0C
Pre-processor → Modelling → Create → Area → Solid circle →
Creating the solid specify :
Step: 4
circle X=0, Y=0
Radius = 25
Pre-processor → Modelling → Operate → Boolean → Extrude → area
Step: 5 Extruding the circle
→ select the circle → provide the length
Pre-processor → Loads → define loads → apply → Thermal →
Temperature → areas → select first node → temp → enter the
Step: 6 Applying the loads
temperature value as 300 → ok.
Select the last area → temp → enter the value as 30 → ok.


Selecting the Solution → Analysis Type → SteadyState → ok

Step: 7
analysis type
Solution → Solve → Current LS → A dialog box with “Solution is
Step: 8 Solving the problem
done” is displayed if the above procedure is followed correctly.


Determining the General Postproc → Plot results → Contour plot → Nodal solution →
Step: 9
nodal temperature DOF solution → Nodal temperature → ok.
Fig12.2: Temperature distribution plot for circular fin
Thus the heat transfer in a composite wall and a circular fin was analysed using Ansys software.
Ex. No. 13


To model and analyse the deformation due to heat transfer in a two dimensional plate using ANSYS
Apparatus required:

i. Ansys v12 Software

ii. Personal Computer

Problem Definition:

A beam is fixed at one end and is given a temperature of 1000C at that end. The other end is free to move in
y axis and is constrained in the other two axes. The length of the beam is 100mm. Atmospheric temperature
is 300C.

Using FEA software:


Selecting the area of

Step: 1 Preferences → Thermal → ok

Defining the Pre-processor → Element Type → Add/Edit/Delete → Add → link→ 2D

Step: 2
element conduction

Adding Real Pre-processor → Real constants → Add/Edit/Delete → Add → ok →

Step: 3
constants Area = 400 mm2
Defining the Pre-processor → Material properties → Material models → Thermal→
Step: 4 thermal material Thermal conductivity.
properties K = 0.045 W/mm2.0C
Pre-processor → Modelling → Create → Keypoints → In Active CS
Creating the → specify :
Step: 5
Keypoints Keypoint number1: X=0, Y=0
Keypoint number2: X=100,Y=0
Pre-processor → Modelling → Create → lines → Straight lines →
Step: 6 Creating the line
select the two keypoints

Pre-processor → Meshing →Mesh tool → lines →smart mesh →

Step: 7 Meshing
select the lines

Saving the Pre-processor →Physics → Environment → write → THERMAL

Step: 8
Environment (name) → clear

Switching the
Step: 9 Pre-processor → Elem type → switch elem type → Thermal to struc
Pre-processor →material properties →material models →strucutural
Defining the E = 2 x 105N/mm2
Step: 10
properties Poisons ratio = 0.3
Thermal expansion coefficient = 12 x 10-6 /0C
Saving the Pre-processor →Physics → Environment → write → STRUCTURAL
Step: 11
Environment (name) → clear

Reading the
Step: 12 Physics →Read →THERMAL
Pre-processor → Loads → define loads → apply → Thermal →
Step: 13 Applying the loads Temperature → on nodes → select first node → temp → enter the
temperature value as 100 → ok.


Selecting the Solution → Analysis Type → SteadyState → ok

analysis type
Solution → Solve → Current LS → A dialog box with “Solution is
Step: 15 Solving the problem done” is displayed if the above procedure is followed correctly→


Reading the
Step: 16 Physics →Read →STRUCTURAL
Pre-processor → Loads → define loads → apply → structural →
Step: 17 Applying the loads Displacement → on nodes → select first node → All DOF → zero
Select last node →fix UX
Structural →temperature →from thermal analysis → browse → *rth
Settings → reference temperature → 300C


Selecting the Solution → Analysis Type → Static → ok

analysis type

Solution → Solve → Current LS → A dialog box with “Solution is

Step: 19 Solving the problem
done” is displayed if the above procedure is followed correctly.


General Postproc → Element table → Create table → by seq

Determining the
Step: 20 numbering → LS,1→ ok.
nodal temperature
General Postproc → plot results → Contour plot →
Fig13.1: Temperature distribution plot for Solid-Thermal Interaction Problem

Theoretical calculations:
Stress = E ∝ ΔT

= 2 x 105 x 12 x 10-6 x (100 – 30)

= 168 N/mm2.

Thus the stress analysis for a solid thermal interaction problem has been analysed using ansys.
Ex. No. 14


To model and analyse the fluid flow in a convergent-divergent nozzle fin using ANSYS software.
Apparatus required:

i. Ansys v12 Software

ii. Personal Computer

Problem Definition:

1. A convergent divergent nozzle is shown below. Air at velocity of 25m/s enter the convergent portion of
the nozzle. The necessary dimensions are given below.

Using FEA software:


Selecting the area of

Step: 1 Preferences → Flotron CFD → ok
Defining the Pre-processor → Element Type → Add/Edit/Delete → Add → Fluid→
Step: 2
element 2D Flotron 141
Pre-processor → Modelling → Create → Areas → Rectangle → by two
Modelling the
Step: 3 X=0,Y=0
Width = 100
Height = 25
Modelling → Create → lines → tang to → select the first line → select
the first point → select the second line → select the second point

Converting into Pre-processor → Modelling → Create → Areas → by lines → select

Step: 4
areas the lines

Pre-processor → Modelling → Operate → Booleans → Add → Select

Step: 5 Joining the areas

Step: 6 Meshing Meshing → Mesh tool → smart size → mesh → Select the areas

Pre-processor → Loads → define loads → fluid CFD → Velocity → on

lines → 10 m/s
Step: 7 Applying the loads
On lines → select the boundaries → zero
Pressure DOF → On lines → select the exit line → zero → ok
Setting up the fluid Flotron Setup → Fluid properties → density = air, SI ; Viscosity =
Step: 8
properties air,SI → ok
Number of
Step: 9 Execution ctrl → 40 → ok
Flow environment → Ref condition → Reference pressure = 1
Normal temperature = 70
Step: 10 Environment
Stagnation temperature = 70
Offset temperature = 460 → ok → save


Step: 11 Solving the problem Solution → Run flotron


Determining the General Postproc → Plot results → Vector plot → predefined → DOF
Step: 12
velocity distribution (vx) select → ok

Step: 13 Stagnation pressure Contour plot → nodal solution → total stagnation pressure → ok
Fig14.1: Velocity distribution plot for convergent divergent nozzle

Fig14.2: Total Stagnation pressure distribution plot for convergent divergent nozzle
Thus the fluid flow in a convergent divergent nozzle was analysed using Ansys software.

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