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The Third Level access to Video Lecture of

his search for the third level
Summary at a Glance wife. She dissuades him and he stops
of stamp collection. The stamp
The Third Level', by Jack Finney, isa science-fiction. The third level and reverts back to his old hobby
with a blank page inside
refers to the third level of the Grand Central Station in New York collectors affix new stamp on an envelope
of the sale. Envelope is
which in reality has two levels and the third level is the creation of and mail it to themselves on the first day
opened, it is called the first day
the commuter's imagination. The commuter is Charley who works never
sudden. Charley gets proof
late one summer night in the office and is very keen to get back Sam, the psychiatrist disappears all of a hundred dol-
home. In a hurry to board a train home goes down to the second of the third level's existence. Sam had bought eight
lars worth of old style currency. This money is enough to set him up
level where he crosses the arched doorway for the subway and
can't go back to his old
loses his way and feels Grand Central grows like a tree and push- abusiness in grain, says the narrator. Sam
in Galesburg of 1894.
es out new corridors and stairs. Charley walks down a corridor and business since psychiatrists are redundant
finds himself on the third level of the Grand Central Station where in his collection
One day the narrator finds a strange first day cover

everything seems differently strange e.g., smaller rooms, fewer in Galesburg. The en-
which was mailed to his grandfather's address
ticket windows and open-flame gas-lights. People dressed in a style Sam. Sam confirms
velope contains a letter for Charley by his friend
of 19th century. He buys a newspaper "The World" which dated the presence of the third level and advises Charley to keep looking
June 11, 1894. Then goes to the ticket window to buy two tickets for the third level.
for Galesburg, illinois. He wants to go there with his wife Louisa.
But his currency notes are not accepted by the clerk. He runs away Theme
to escape jail. Then Charley draws three hundred dollars from his The story reflects the fact that life in the earlier times was much

bank next day to buy currency. He buys two hundred in old style happier. The people in the earlier times were not anxious or fearful,
currency for his three hundred dollars. Now he wants to go back to as they are in the present. Escapism is a significant theme of the
the third level to travel to Galesburg, Ilinois but now he fails to Find story as Charley wishes to escape into a world that is far from his
the corridor leading to the third level. He tells the whole story to his grim realities. Another significant theme of the story is time travel


Directions: Read the extracts given below and answer the questions 2. There's probably a long tunnel that nobody knows about
that follow by choosing the best option. feeling its way under the city right now, on its way to Times
1. Anyway, here's what happened at Grand Central. One night Square, and maybe another to Central Park. And maybe
last summer I worked late at the office. I was in a hurry to because for so many people through the years Grand Central
get uptown to my apartment sol decided to take the subway has been an exit, a way of escape-maybe that's how the
from Grand Central because it's faster than the bus. tunnelI got into But I never told my
(a) Where was the incident happened?
about that idea.
() On the first level
(i) On the second level (a) Where is probably a long tunnel?
(i) At Grand Central Station () At the Grand Central Station
(iv) In Galesburg (ii) Near the way to suburban area
(b) The writer of the above lines is: (in) In the mountain
) William 0. Douglas (i) Jack Finney (iv) Near the Vanderbilt Avenue
ii) Anees Junig (iv) Stephen Spender (b) Who got into the tunnel?
(c) Who worked late at the office? () The friend of the narrator
) Charley (i) Louisa (i) The narrator himself
(ii) Sam Weiner (iv) Grandfather of Charley (i) Both the narrator and his friend
(d) Why did the narrator decide to take the subway from (iv) None of the above
Grand Central?
() It was easy to go by it. (c) Which is an exit, a way of escape for many people?
(i) It was nearest to Grand Central () The tunnel
(ii) It's faster than the bus. (i) Way to Times Square
(iv) It was safer. (ii) Way to Central Park
Ans. (a) (i): (6) (i): (c) 0): (d) (ii). (iv) Grand Central
English Core Class 12 Term-1 97
(d) Name the lesson from
which the above m o n y, mister",
he said,
been taken. extract has 4. He nodded at the bills. "That isn't
(0) The Enemy and if you're trying to skin me, you won't get very
far" and he
course the mnoney
(i) On the Face of It glanced at the cash drawer beside him. Of
(ii) The Third Level was old-style bills, half again as big as the money w e use
(iv) Journey to the End of the and I turned away and got out
Earth nowadays,
Ans. (a) (): (6) (i): () (iv): (a) (ii). fast. There's nothing nice about jail, even in 1894.
To make sure, I walked over to a (a) Who nodded at the bills?
the stack of papers at his feet. It newsboy and glanced at () The clerk
was The
World hasn't been published for World; and The (i) The narrator
years. The lead story said
something about President Cleveland. I've
(ii) The newspaper boy
page since, in the Public Library files, and found that front (iv) The station master
11, 1894.
it was printed June (b) The bills are:
(a) Why did the narrator go to the (0) amount
() To make sure newspaper boy? (ii) money coins
(ii) To purchase a newspaper (i) posters
(ii) To enquire the way to tunnel (iv) money notes
(iv) To have talks with him (c) Why did the clerk said, "if you're trying to skin me, you
(b) What is The World'? won't get very far?
i) A magazine Gi) A newspaper stall ) Because the narrator did not have new currency
Gii) A book (iv) A newspaper (i) Because the narrator did not have old currency.
(C) Why is June 11, 1894
important in the above extract? (ii) Because the narrator wanted to deceive the clerk
() The World' was
published on this date. iv) Because the narrator wanted to make agree the clerk.
(i) The publication of the The World'
on this date. (d) Why did the narrator turn away and get out fast?
(ii) The narrator reached the Third Level on this date. ) He wanted to reach his destination very soon.
(iv) The narrator met the newspaper boy on this date. Gi) He did not want to be arrested again.
(d) Sort out the word from the above extract (ii) He wanted to convert his new currency to old style
which means
main news.
) Stack (i) Lead story (iv) He wanted to make arrangement to purchase two
(ii) The World (iv) None of these coach tickets.
Ans. (a) ): (b) (iv): (c) (): (d) (i). Ans. (a) (0): (b) (iv): (c) (i): (d) (i)


01. Who is the author of 'The Third Level'?
Q5. What is the meaning of Waking dream wish fulfillment"?
a. George Orwell b. Agatha Christie a. A pleasant wish that makes one
C. James Joyce
forgets the present
d. Jack Finney b. A pleasant wish that takes one to the future
Ans. (d) Jack Finney A pleasant wish which inspires to work
Q2. What was Jack's full name? d. A pleasant wish that makes one enjoys the present
a. Walter Braden Jack
Finney Ans. (a) A pleasant wish that makes one forgets the present
b. Stephen Jone Jack Q 6. What is the theme of the lesson?
c. Ray Douglas Bradbury a. Human tendency of escapism because of the harsh realities
d. None of the above of the present
Ans. (a) Walter Braden Jack Finney b. Time travelling
3. Why was the author renamed? c. Theory of escapism
a. To change his name b. Priest's suggestion d. A dialogue between a patient and a psychiatrist
c To honour his mother d. As an honour to his father Ans. (a) Human tendency of escapism because of the harsh realities
Ans. (c)
To honour his mother of the present
4. What are the author's best known works? Q7. How does the story begin?
a. English and Science fiction a. In a jovial manner
b. Science and history fiction b. In an aggressive manner
c Science fiction and nature c. On a happy note
d. Science fiction and thrillers d. In a serious manner
Ans. (d) Science fiction and thrillers Ans. (d) In a serious manner
we try to
Q8 Wht does the third level signify? Q17. In what way do
present harsh times?
hu nan tendency to escape from the harsh realities of the activities
ourselves in practical
Cnt to pasthappy times a. By engaging
and family
Athird ay on Grand Central Station b. By talking to friends
c.Readinggood books
dfdgate on Grand Central Station
d. All of the above
a of theabove
tendency to escape from the harsh realities of the Ans. (d) All of the above
in the lesson?

e l tO past happy times Q18. What is the significance of1894

Q9 hat is 'Waking dream wish fulfillment" according to the a. It was past
were alive
b. Authors' parents
syctiutist in the lesson? time
C. Author's childhood
hales Tinding of a Third level at Grand Central Station and
a peaceful,
romantic living time
d. Representing
alization of his wish to visit Galesberg. Illinois. time
romantic living
Ans. (d) Representing a peaceful,
C3esescapism Third Level?
i l e s eScapism from realities 19. Who was Sam in The
One of the above a. A doctor
b. A friend
Ans. ia) harles finding of a Third level at Grand Central Station and and a friend of Charley
c. A psychiatrist
ralisation of his wish to visit Galesberg. Illinois. d. None of the above
10. Whu was Charles' wife? friend of Charley
Ans. () A psychiatrist and a
Q20. Why did Charley visit at Grand
AWoIan with bright top
To consult the incident
of third level incident
C Tman at The Third Level
Central Station
d.oi3 b. To invite him
Ans. at Galesberg8
C. To invite him to accompany
Q t amed to get home to: d. To guide him in Galesberg
level incident at Grand
b. Lolita C.Livla d. Weiner Ans. (a) To consult the incident of third
Central Station
at Grand Station?
Q12. talhed to
friend of mine, among others.
eseooeeooo**o****** Q21. Does the third level reallyexist
b. physician a. Yes
b. Yes, there were three levels
thiztst d. childhood
No, there were only two levels at the
d. None of the above
Q hl is Sm'stetter to Charley's represent? Ans. (c) No, there were only two levels at the

22. The narrator happened to be on the third level

CPiance tovisit
a. June 11, 1894 b. July 11, 1893
. f fhis fantasy d. May 11. 1498
C. June 14, 1894
tui f reality with fantasy
Ans. (a) June 11, 1894
An toi reality with fantasy
as big as Q23.
What unusual thing does the narrator see at the Grand Central
Q course the money was old-style bills, half again Station?
a. Trees b. Motorcars
b. paper note
c. Third Level d. All of these
d. dollars Ans. (c) Third Level
Q24. Whywas the narrator seeing thisThird Level?
hundred dollars' worth of
g 15. founa out that Sam bought eight a. As a wish to visit Galesberg
b. Wanted to meet his friends
ld style:
b. money c. Wanted to take a break from ofice
d. town d. As a result of stress and anxiety in his mind
Ans. (d) As a result of stress and anxiety in his mind
Ans. Tenyy
Q16 W ts Se.a's lettertestimonytointhe lesson proving'? 25. What does the Psychlatrist explain to Charley?
a. Third level is a beautiful place
Ctrtance totravel
b. Third level is worthseeing
ri3 1etusal to travel
C. Third level is well maintained
C.Sa accompanying Charley
d. That it was the result of stress and anxiety of his mind
d.Charley s tendency ofescapism from the
Ans. (d) That it was the result of stress and anxiety of his mind
Ane I)
Charlav tendenru ofescapism from the realities
12 | Term-1| 99
English Core Class
a 26. How did Charley reach the Third Level? dull brown, with a picture of..
a. In his fantasy he takes a
Q 35. The stamp was six-cent, b. President Garfield
b. In a superfast train
subway or a corridor faster thana bus a. President Cleveland
c. In jetways c. President Roosevelt d. Currier and lves
d. In an escalator Ans. (b) President Garfield
. . . hundred
Ans. (a) In his fantasy he takes a
subway or a corridor faster than hundred dollars bought less than ...

a bus Q 36. Mythree

in old-style bills.
o27. What was the Third Level? C. three d. four
a. one b. two
a. A third tier on the station
Ans. (b) two
b. A third storey on the station Third
Q 37. What do you understand by the first day cover (The
c.An imaginary discovery of the
narrator's mind
d. None of the above Level)?
a. Bought on the first day and posted to oneself
Ans. (c) An imaginary discovery of the narrator's mind
28. What did Charley see at the Third Level? b. That covers the envelope
c. Bought on the new year eve
a. Flickering gas lights and people with funny mustaches
b. Brass spittoons d. Bought on one's birthday
c. Men wearing a tan Ans. (a) Bought on the first day and posted to oneself
gabardine suit and a straw
d. All of the above Q 38. How does the story interweave fantasy and reality?
Ans. (d) Al of the above
a. For Charley's tendency to treat harsh realities with his
29. Why was Louisa,Charley's wife worried? imaginary Third Level
a. Knowing the incident of Third Level b. It presents imagination
b. For not getting tickets c. Imagination happens on Central Station
c. Tickets were delayed d. None of the above
d. Sam was scaring
Ans. (a) For Charley's tendency to treat harsh realities with his
Ans. (a) Knowing the incident of Third Leve
imaginary Third Level
Q 30. Why does Charley want to visit Galesberg?
Q 39. What specific difference did Charley notice at the Third Level of
a. To escape from the troublesome world
Central Station?
b. To enjoy
c. To see the beautiful
a. Everything was weird
landscape b. Everything was old styled and smaller in size
d. To meet his old friends
c. Everything was too big
Ans. (a) To escape from the troublesome world
d. Everything was shining
Q 31. What does the Grand Central Station symbolise?
Ans. (b) Everything was old styled and smaler in size
a. The complicated world
b. The easy life Q 40. Where was Charley ducked on Central Staticn?
c. The technological progress a. Into a room
d. The need to work hard b. Into an office
Ans. (a) The complicated world c. Into an arched door
heading for subway
d. Into a store
Q32. Why do you think the Third Level was an escape for Charley?
a. Because it existed at the third storey Ans. (c) Into an arched door heading for subway
b. Because Sam knew about it Q41. What was the strangest thing at The Third Level?
C. Because he shared it with Sam a. Beards
d. Because it existed only in his fantasy and not in reality b. Mustaches
Ans. (d) Because it existed only in his fantasy and not in reality c. Dresses
33. What is First Day Cover? d. The corridor that led him intq the past
a. A new stamp gets the postmark and date Ans. (d) The corridor that led him into the past
b. A gift
Q 42. Where was Charley often lost?
C. A
gift wrapper a. From a train
d. A gift wrapped in a beautiful wrapper
b. From the footpath
Ans. (a) A new stamp gets the postmark and date c. From an escalator
4 . When a new stamp is issued, stamp collectors buy some and
d. From a subway faster than bus at The
use them to mail envelopes to themselves on the... Central Station
Ans. (d) From a subway faster than bus at The Central
a. the second day of sale Station
b. very first day of sale Q43. What did Charley find
in his stamp collection? the last a. Old addresses
day of sale b. Hair styles
d. at the end of the month c. Old letters d. First day cover
Ans. (b) very first day of sale Ans. (d) First day cover
Q44. What happens when Charley enters the Grand Central Station? Q48. What did the letter state?
a. He finds a huge tree like Station a. That everything is okay
b. New staircases.corridors and tunnels b. That Sam is joining
was advised to keep looking
c. Tree keeps spreading its roots throwing rooms and windows c. Third level do exist and Charley
d. All of the above at this worthseeing place
Ans. (d) All of the above d. None of the above
was advised to keep looking
45. What convinced Charley that hehad reached the Third Level Ans. (c) Third level do exist and Charley
Grand Central Statlon and not the second level? at this worthseeing place
according to the letter?
a. A different world of gas lights and brass spittoons 949. What was Sam invited for
b. For a tea party
b. Beards and mustaches of 1894 a. For a party
d. For a lemonade party
c. Newspaper with a date June 11, 1894 c. For a bachelor's party
d. All of the above Ans. (d) For a lemonade party
had at Third level and why
Ans. (d) All of the above 50. What kind of appearances people
046. Who had sent that "First Day cover and when? did the clerk refuse to accept money?
because it was
refused to accept money
a. Sam's father b. Sam's uncle a. Funny and clerk
c. Sam's friend d. Sam, a psychiatrist in 1894 Currency of modern
Ans. (d) Sam, a psychiatrist in 1894 b. Weird and notes were big
c.Weird and notes were torn
47. Whose signature were there on the letter?
d.Weird and notes were wet
a. Charle's teacher b. Charle's friend because it was
Ans. (a) Funny and clerk refused to accept money
C. Sam d. None of these
currency of modern
Ans. (c) Sam

The Enemy
Sadao and Hana operated him and the enemy patient started improv-
Summary at a Glance soldier and
ing in health. Dr. Sadao tells the General about the enemy
The Enemy', written by Pearl S. Buck, is a story that brings to light
conspire to kill him while he is asleep. The General had promised
studied in
the greatness of a japanese surgeon named Sadao who send his private assassins to kill the soldier. Sadao awaits but no as

America and married a girl named Hana. They lived on Japanese

sassins turn up. Sadao understands the value of human life and rises
coast. His house is located on the sea coast where he had spent
above all levels of races, wars and continents not thinking him to be
and Japan was
his childhood days. Although war between America his enemy and helps the American soldier to rescue.
for two reasons-
going on, he was not sent abroad with the troops Theme
he was perfecting a discovery on wounds and the old General was
The story deals with the conflict that Dr. Sadaa and his wife suffer.
under his treatment.
When they try to reason out their action of helping the POw they
wounded enters
One night an American Navy man who is badly is
are reminded that the country is at war with theirs, but there
Sadao's life. Sadao, though unwilling to help the enemy soldier,
always a world beyond all reasons, the world of professional loyaly
took him to his house and provided him with the medical assis- and the world of piety.
tance. Now Sadao was in danger and all his servants left him for Whenallissaid and done one can't help admiring the skill and talent
fear of being arrested by the police on the charge of staying
of the author who succeeds in condemning wars and warmongers
traitor's house. in the strongest of terms, in the most artistic and sensitive manne


Directions: Read the extracts given below and answer the questions (a) Who speaks "the master ought not to heal the wound
that follow by choosing the best option. of this white man"?
the wound of this white man," () Some old man in the neighbourhood
1 "The master ought not to heal
man ought to die. Firsthe
he said bluntly to Hana. 'The white (i) The doctor's father
him and wounded him with
was shot. Then the sea caught (i) The old gardener
what the gun did and what the
her rocks. If the master heals (iv) None of the above
sea did they will take revenge
on us. (NCERT)
(b) Who is the 'master referred English Core Class 12 | Term-1
to in the first line? Americans are his
narrator say that all
() The school teacher (c) Why does the
(i) The landlord enemy?
(ii) Dr. Sadao
(iv) None of these between Japan and America
() Due to war

ought not the master heal the wound of the white (i) Due to war between Japan and England
i ) Due to war between Japan and Italy
) The master i and Russia
incapable. (iv) Due to war between Japan
(ii)The white man's
wound was incurable. Then there is only oneto do. What is that?
(ii) The white man was (d)
an Sadao wanted to take the wounded m a n into
(iv) None of the above enemy soldier. i)
(d) Who will take 'revenge' as mentioned in the last (i) Hana wanted to take the wounded man into her
(ii) Both of the above
Whom does 'they' refer to?
(iv) None of the above
(6) The enemy soldiers
Ans. (a) (iv): (b) (i): () (): (d) ) .
(i) The people whom the doctor offended 4. In the conviction of her own superiority she bent impulsively
(ii) 'Gun' and the 'sea' and untied the knotted rugs that kept the white man covered.
(iv) Al of the above
When she had his breast bare she dipped the small clean
Ans. (a) (ii): (b) (i): ()(ii): (d) (ii). towel that Yumi had brought into the steaming hot water
2. It was at this moment that both of them saw and washed his face carefully. The man's skin, though rough
something with exposure, was of a fine texture and must have been very
black come out of the mist. It was a man. He was flung up
out of the ocean-flung, it seemed, to his blond when he was a child.
He staggered a few steps, his
feet by a breaker. In the first line of the given extract, she refers to:
body outlined against the (a)
mist, his arms above his head. Then the curled mists hid () Yumi (i) Hana
him again. (ii) sister of Hana (iv) colleague of Yumi

(a) The name of the author of the given extract is: (b) What relation is between Hana and Yumi?
() Pearl5. Buck () Both are real sisters
(i) Colin Dexter
(i) Susan Hill (i) Hana is niece of Yumi
Giv) Jack Finney
(ii) Sister-in-law of Hana
(b) In the given extract 'both of them' are:
(iv) Maid servant of Hana
) Sadao and his friend (i) Hana and Sadao
(c)Who washed the face of the white man?
(i) Hana and his friend (iv) White man and Hana
() Hana (i) Yumi
()What something black coming out of the mists was (ii) Sadao (iv) White man himself
seen by both of them? (d) Who was much impressed to see the body of the
() A curved shape (i) A healthy person white man?
(ii) A woman (iv) An animal () Sadao (ii) Yumi
(d) He was flung up out of the ocean. He refers here (ii) Hana (iv) Both (i) and (ii)
() a fisherman (i) a shipman Ans. (a) (i): (b) (iv): () (0): (d) (ii).
(ii) a soldier (iv) a boatman 5. Thus agreed, together they lifted the man. He was very light,
Ans. (a) (): (b) (i): (o) ): (d) (i). like a fowl that had been half-starved for a long time until
3. The strange thing is," he said, "that if the man were hole it is only features and skeleton. So, his arms hanging, they
carried him up the steps and into the side door of the house.
Icould turn him over to the police without difficulty.
This door opened into a passage, and dowm the passage they
I care for him. He is my enemy. All Americans are my
nothing carried the man towards and empty bedroom.
enemy. And he is only a common fellow. You see how foolish (a) Who lifted the man together?
his face is. But since he is wounded... () Hana and Sadao (i) Hana and Yumi
"You also cannot throw him back to the sea," Hana said, "Then (ii) Sadao and Hana (iv) Sadao and colonel
there is only one thing to do". (b) In the given extract, "He was very light, like a fow"
(a) "The strange thing is," he said, 'he' refers here: Here he' refers to:
) to the wounded man ) the wounded person (i) servant of Sadao
(i) to Sadao's servant (Gi) compounder of Sadao (iv) male nurse of Sadao
(Gi) to Sadao's compounder (c) The condition of the body of the man was:
(iv) to Sadao 0) normal (i) very weak
In the first line of the given extract 'whole' means: (i) very serious (iv) not so bad
() a complete man (d) To whom the empty room belong?
(i) a fully healthy person () Sadao i) Hana
wounded man (ii) Both () and (i) (iv) Father-in-law of Hana
(ii) a partial
with only sound head Ans. (a) (): (b) (0): () (ii): (d) (iv).
(iv) man
now, and the blood began to
6. But the utter pallor of the man's unconscious face moved him 8. He taking out the packing
into the wound with the bright
first to stoop and feel his pulse. It was faint but it was there. flow more quickly. He peered
"The bullet is stiu
his forehead.
He put his hand against the man's cold breast. The heart too surgeon's light fastened on
wonder how deep
interest. "Now I
was yet alive. there" he said with cool be that I can
too deep it may
"He will die unless he is operated on,"Sadao said, considering. this rock wound is. If it is not
He has lost
is not superficial.
"The question is whether he will not die anyway" get the bullet. But the bleeding
(a) What did Sadao do to make sure if the man was alive? much blood."
taking... Here 'he
() He checked man's pulse (a) In the given extract, "He was

(i) He checked man's heart refers to:

(ii) Both ) and (i) ) Surgeon's compounder
(iv) He checked man's eyves i) Sadao's servant
(b) Sadao was not certain about the man's survival because: (ii) Sadao's assistant
) the man's face was conscious. (iv) Sadao, the surgeon
(i) the man was lying like a dead body.
b) The packing was inside the:
(ii) the colour of the man's face was utter pallor.
) sore of the white man
(iv) he was not taking breathe.
i) leg of the white man
(c) Sadao wants that the man:
Gii) head of the white man
) should not die
iv) back of the white man
i) should die
(c) What was the observation of Sadao?
(ii) should not run away
There was no bullet inside the sore.
(iv) should eat food very early
(i) There was no blood inside the sore.
(d) Which of the following statement is false?
Gii) There was the bullet still there.
() Sadao was willing that the man should be washed.
(i) Hana was not against her husband. (iv) There was no pus inside the sore.

been taken:
(ii) The breast of the man was hot. (d) The lesson from which this passage has
(iv) The pulse of the man was alive. () The Enemy
Ans. (a) (ii); (6) (ii): () (); () (i). i) The Third Level

7. He did not seem to hear her. But she was used to his absorption (Gii) Memories of Childhood
when he was at work. She wondered for a moment if it (iv) On the Face of It
mattered to him what was the body upon which he worked Ans. (a) (iv): (b) (0): () (ii): (d) (0).
so long as it was for the work he did so excellently. 9. "It will be better for her to empty her stomach," he thought.
(a) What did not Sadao hear? He had forgotten that of course she had never seen an
() Hana's answer to Sadao that she washed the wounded her distress and his go to her at
inability to
operation. But
man. once made him impatient and irritable with this man who lay
(i) Yumi's answer to Sadao that she washed the wounded
like dead under his knife.
(a) Name the writer of the given extract.
(ii) Hana's answer that she did not washed the wounded
() Jack Fenny (i) Tishani Doshi
Yumi's that she did not washed the wounded
ii) Pearl 5. Buck (iv) Susan Hill
(iv) answer

man. (b) Why does to Hana that-"lt will be better for her to
empty her stomach"
(b) What work was doing by Sadao?
() Because he heard vomiting Hana outside in the garden
() He was washing the dirty body of the wounded man.
(i) He was operating to get the bullet out of man's body. Gi) Because he heard weeping Hana outside in the
wounded garden.
(i) He was giving oxygen to the man.

shaking the body of the wounded (ii) Because Hana was feeling unwell to see the wounded
(iv) He was man.
(c)Whatwas Sadao so expert?
() Medicine (v) Because Hana hated operation
(o) Sadao was impatient and irritable with this man as:
Gi) Surgery
(ii) Giving anaesthesia () he was unable to cure this man
(iv) Dermatology (i) he was unable to go to Hana.
(d) Mattered means: (i) he was tired to operate the sore of the man.
) thought (i) concerned (iv) the man was Sadao's enemy and he did not want to
(ii) without reason (v) concise help him.

Ans. (a) (): (6) (i): (c) (i): (G) (i).

English Core Class 12 Term-1|
d)Sadao had a knife in his hand to: How is the blood of the cock used by
the gardener?
) kill the man (d)
() It is a drink (i) It is a
i) frighten the man (iv) It is given to patients
(ii) t is a drug
(i) protect himself from his
enemy Ans. (a) (i); (b) (0): (¢) 0); () 6i)
(v) operate the sore of the man the
certainly I can allow nothing to happen you,"
12. "Then
Ans.(a) (i):(6) 0: () (6i): (d) (w). General said with anxiety. His long pale Japanese face
10. His old American professor of anatomy had seen to that expressionless, which meant that he was in deep thought.
knowledge. "lgnorance of the human "You cannot be arrested" the General said, closing his eyes.
cardinal sin, sirs!" he had body is the surgeon's
"Supposeyou were condemned to death and the
thundered at his classes year after
year. "To operate without as
complete knowledge of the body had to have my operation?"
as if you had made
it-anything less than that is murder" (a) "Then certainly I can allow nothing to happen to you,"
(a) To whom did old Who is'you'in the given line?
American professor belong?
() Hana Gi) Hana
i) Sadao () General
(Gi) Both () and (i)
iv) Yumi i) Sadao (iv) The white man
(b) What did the old American (b) Sadao helped enemy by caring and operating. Even
students loudly every year? professor taught his an
then the General did not arrest him, the reason is:
() A student of surgery should have ) the General was afraid of Sadao.
knowledge. (i) he was not interested in the arrestation of Sadao.
(i) A student of surgery should have
he was afraid that who will operate him if he becomes il
complete Gi)
knowledge human anatomy.
(iv) that Sadao did a kindhearted act.
(i) A student of
surgery should have complete (c)Suppose the General had arrested Sadao, what
knowledge of human heart.
punishment would have been given to Sadao?
iv) A student of
surgery should be strong and healthy.
) He was jailed only for few month
(c) lgnorance of the human body means:
(i)He was given life imprisonment
()superficial knowledge of human body
(i) unknown about anatomy i) One lakh yen fine
i) unknown about human soul (v) Death sentence
(v) unknown about human brain (d) Sort out the true statement.
(d) Opposite of ignorance is: () Sadao did not afraid of the General
() deep information i) The General was a kindhearted man.
Gi) acquaintance Gi) Sadao was in deep thinking when the General met him
i) callowness (iv) The General did not have any attack.
(iv) benightedness Ans. (a) (Gi)(6) (i): () (v); ()(i).
Ans. (a) (i): (6) (i); (¢) (i): (4) (i). 13. The young American, without a word, shook Sadao's hand
"That young master is so proud of his skill to save life that warmly, and then walked quite well across the floor and
he saves any life"the cooksaid contemptuously. She split a down the step into the darkness of the garden. Once-twice..
fowl's neck skillfully and held the fluttering bird and let its Sadao saw his light flash to find his way. But that would not
be suspected. He waited until from the shore there was one
blood flow into the roots of a wistaria vine. Blood is the best
more flash. Then he closed the partition. That night he slept
of fertilisers, and the old gardener would not let her waste a
(a) How many times was the flashlight shown to the boy?
drop of it.
(a) Who is young master?
)One time (i) Two times
i) Three times (iv) Four times
) The gardener
(b) The American was in Japanese clothes when he started
(i) The assistant of Sadao
towards the shore of the ocean. Why he was given
(i) Sadao
Japanese clothes?
(v) General
) So that he might not be recognised
(b) The skillness of Hana, according the cook is: (i) So that he may feel easiness
) she is a very good lady ii) So that he live inside Japan
(Gi) she tears the neck of the cook quickly. (v) So that he may sleep peacefully
(ii) she knows how to make a person senseless. () Sadao waited until:
(iv) she is good house keeper. ) two more flash saw the boy
(c) Wistaria is a: (i) no flash was seen by the boy
() creeper (i) plant (i) one more flash saw the boy
i) tree (iv) bush (v) one more flash sawthe surgeon
(d) Was Sadao a traitor? if yes, in what sense.
(b) What real reward was for Sadao?
(6) He saved life of an
enemy General successfully
()He did the operatlon of the
(i) He gave shelter to an
enemy in his house. successful to escape the boy safely from his
(ii) He helped an enemy to () He was

escape safely. country.

iv) All of the above
Ans. (a) (i): (6) (i) His wife Hana was happy to help the boy through her
0: () (iv): (d) (v).
14. "You are a
good man, the General murmured husband
and closed his taken against him by the General
eyes. You will be rewarded." (v) No action was

(c) "The black spot in the twilighted sea that night"In the
But Sadao,
searching the spot of black in the twilighted sea
that night, had his reward. There was no given line the black spot means:
prick of light in the
dusk. No one was on the Island. His ) the light of the ship in the sea
prisoner was gone-safe,
doubtless, for he had warned him to wait only for a Korean (i) the image of the Korean fishing boat in the sea
fishing boat. Gi) the image of war ship in the sea
(a) "You are a good man, the General murmured and closed (iv) the image of the boy in the sea
his eyes."The General said these words to
Sadao, why? (d) His prisoner was gone. Who is the prisoner?
() Because he Sadao made the General believed to be () The American boy
loyal to him by swearing Gi) The General
(i) Because he did the operation of the General successfully (i) The Gardener
(i) Because he kept the white man in his custody (iv) The Korean boat
(iv) Because he told the General every thing clearly Ans. (a) (): (b) (Gi): () (Gi): (d) 0).


QL Who is the author of the lesson The Enemy? Q7. How did Hana help Dr. Sadao?
a. Pearl S. Buck b. Dickens a. By assisting him b. By giving him money
c. D.H. Lawrence d. None of these
C. By giving him tools d. By working as a nurse
Ans. (a) Pearl 5. Buck
Ans. (d) By working as a nurse
Q2. Who was the 'misty figure' that had been washed ashore in
front of Dr. Sadao's house? 08. Whydid the General not pass orders to arrest Dr. Sadao for
a. An army officer giving space to a white man?
b. An American prisoner of war a. Because he trusted him
C. Sadao's old enemy b. Because he needed him
d. Sadao's old patient c. General was not in good health and needed his services
Ans. (b) An American prisoner of war d. None of the above
03. Whydid Dr. Sadao treat thesoldierwhen he was from enemy's Ans. () General was not in good health and needed his services
nationality? 09. Sadao drew his kimeno round his weary:
a. He was a do
b. It was against his professional ethics.
a. body b. friend
. leg d. head
C. As a doctor he could not let anyone die.
d. All of the above Ans. (a) body
Ans. (d) Al of the above Q10. Who untied the knotted rugs that kept the white man
Q4. Where was Dr. Sadao's house situated?
a. Sadao b. Yumi
a. Near a prison
. Hana d. Compounder
b. On rocks above a narrow beach
Ans. (c) Hana
c.Onthe beach
d. Near an army camp
Q11. This man must have extraordinary... Or he would have
Ans. (b) On rocks above a narrow beach been dead by now.
a. courage b. vitality
Q5. Who was Dr.Sadao? c. immunity d. strength
a. An Iranian doctor b. An American doctor Ans. (b) vitality
c. A Japanese doctor d. None of these
Ans. (c) AJapanese doctor
Q12. Why did Hana wash the wounded soldier herself? (NCERT)
a. The servants couldn't do so.
Q6. What was his fathers chiefconcern about Dr. Sadao? b. The servants refused to do so.
a. His education b. His health C. She was an expert.
c. His attitude d. His married life
d. She knew the soldier.
Ans. (a) His education Ans. (b) The servants refused to do so.
Q13. Who was Yumi? English Core Class 12 Term-1|
a. The maid servant of 23. The General said, "'t would be best if he could be quletly
b. Sister of Hana *********s****

b. murdered c. slain d. dipped

c. Daughter of Sadao a. killed

d. Daughter of the General Ans. (a) killed

Ans. (a) The maid servant of Hana Q24. When the American man was going towards the shore of the
sea, he was cladded in:
al4. Why did Sadao not marry
heedlessly in America?
a. He didn't want to hurt his
a. American clothes b. Japanese clothes
father. c. Military clothes d. Simple clothes
b. He didn't want to
marry at all. Ans. (b) Japanese clothes
C.He wanted to marry out of America. so?
d. He wanted to marry in 25. "Americans are our enemies."Who said
Japan. a fumi b. Hana
Ans. (a) He didn't want to hurt his father.
.C. Sadao d. The General
a15. The wounded man must have been very blond when he was a Ans. () Sadao
child. Here blond means:
Q26. Why did Dr. Sadao become iritable and impatient with his
a. dark coloured
b. rough skin the whiteman to help his
a. Because of his inability to leave
C white spotted on the body distressed wife
d. fair coloured b. Because of many patients
Ans. (d) fair coloured c. Because of General's pressure
d. All of the above
g16. Tokonama' is a Japanese word which means: his
Ans. (a) Because of his inability to leave the whiteman to help
a. a niche (alcove) b. a window
distressed wife
C. a gallery d. a yard
Ans.(a) a niche (alcove) Q27. Why did Dr. Sadao's wife feel distressed?
a. Seeing many patients
Q17. The white man became wounded by: b. Seeing General's reaction
a. firing the bullet C. Seeing the orders
b. beating with iron-rod d. Seeing white man's blood
Ans. (d) Seeing white man's blood
C. pushing in the sea wife?
d. colliding against the rock inside the sea-water Q28. Why did the surgeon speak sharply to his
Ans. (a) firing the bullet a. To get things he needed
b. To get her help
Q18. The American professorwas the expert of: C. To stop any disturbance that could lead to harm the
a. nervous system b. skeleton system
wounded man
C.physiology of skull d. anatomy d. None of the above
Ans. (d) anatomy lead to harm the
Ans. (c) To stop any disturbance that could
Q19. The wounded soldier was a: wounded man
husband's words?
a. policeman Q29. What was Hana's reaction overher
b. member of royal army of America outside the
a. She held her mouth with her hands and vomited
C. prisoner of war operation room

d. patrolman b. She shouted

Ans. (c) prisoner of war c. She cried
with troops? d. She stopped helping him
20. Whywas Dr. Sadao not sent abroad along
hands and vomited outside the
(C8SESOP2020-21)Ans. (a) She held her mouth with her
operation room
a. Dr. Sadao was sick.
b. The General needed him. 30. Why did the servants refuse to help?
a. Out of fears
c Dr. Sadao was not willing
b. Because of superstitions
d. None of the above American soldier
c. Because he was an
Ans. (b) The General needed him. d. All of the above
as a:
Q21 Hana used the blood of the fond Ans. (d) All of the above
b. fertiliser
How did Dr. Sadao ensure that the American soldier had left
a. medicine 31.
d. preserver safely?
c. food stuff
a. By escorting him
Ans. (b) fertiliser b. By seelng no signal of flashlight
922. Sadaoinstructed theboy not darkness c. By giving him a call
b. signal in the
a. signal in the evening the late night
d. None of the above
signal inthe morning d. signal in Ans. (b) By seeing no signal of flashlight
Ans. (b) signal in the darkness
s e r v a n t s leave
Dr. Sadao's
did the
32. Why did Sadao marry a Japanese girl only? 942. Why
was wounded
a. Because he liked Japanese a. Because he

b. He didn't like any other nationality b. Because he wa[ dirty

American soldier and they didn't like him
. Because of his father's fear he was an
C. Because

d. Because he didn't want to upset his father d. All of the above

soldier and they didn't like him
Ans. (d) Because he didn't want t upset his father an American
Ans. (c) Because he was soldier?
33. What kind of person was Sadaos father? find American
943. Where did Dr. Sadao battlefield
b. In the
a. A serious man a. In the park
d. None of the above
b. A jollygood man c. Outside his house
c. Very strict man Ans. (c) Outside his house
d. A true patriot and traditional person soldier?
Q44. Why did Dr. Sadao helpethical and sincere doctor
Ans. (d) A true patriot and traditional person
a. Because he was an

Q 34. Why did the messenger come to the doctor? his friend
b. Because he was
a. To meet him
c. Because he knew him
b. For check up
d. None of the above
c. To inform about the General's pain and sincere doctor
Because he was an ethical
d. All of the above Ans. (a)
What conflicting ideas
disturb Dr. Sadao's
mind after he
Ans. (c) To inform about the General's pain 945.
brought American soldier?
Q 35. Seeing the messenger, what was Hana's reaction? nation
a. Duty of a doctor
and loyalty towards
a. She got frightened
b. She thought he has come to arrest her husband b. His wife's health and general's
c.General'sman c. Patient's health and
d. All of the above d. Servants behaviour
Ans. (d) All of the above Ans. (a) Duty of a doctor and loyalty towards
out of all the
Q 36. What kind of person the General was? Q46.How did Dr. Sadao emerge successfully
a. A kind hearted man b. A wise man conflicts?
None of these of his house
C.A selfish man a. By throwing the patients out
Ans. (c) A selfish man b. By sending his servants out of
the house
Q37. Why did the General spare the white American soldier? c. By succumbing before the sincere doctor and
a. To spare his own life b. He himself was in pain d. By saving soldier's life as a helping him
c. Needed Dr. Sadao's help d. All of these to escape
Ans. (d) Al of these Ans. (d) By saving soldier's life as a sincere doctor and helping him
to escape
Q38. How did Dr. Sadao get rid of the American soldier?
a. By giving him instructions 047. What kind of person Dr. Sadao was?
b. By giving him flashlight to use in times of distress OR
What idea do you form of Dr. Sadao after reading the lesson?
c.By asking him to row to the Island
d. All of the above a. An excellent doctor
Ans. (d) All of the above b. A compassionate human being
c. Sincere and responsible citizen
Q39. Who said-"It is clear what our master ought to do"? d. All of the above
a. The old gardener b. Hana
Ans. (d) All of the above
c. Yumi d. The assistant
Ans. (a) The old gardener Q48. What were the dominant traits of Dr. Sadao's personality?
a. Expertise in his profession and compassion as a human
Q40. Whydid Dr. give his flashlight to the enemy soldier? b. Obstinate
a. To help him
c. Doesn't like to obey anyone
b. To show him the way in the dark
d. Rude
c. So that he could send him signal in case of any distress
Ans. (a) Expertise in his profession and compassion as a human
d. All of the above
Q49. Why did Dr. Sadao go to America?
Ans.() So that he could send him signal in case of any distress a. To meet the soldiers
Q41. What was General's plan for American soldier? b. To meet his frlends
a. He wanted him to reach safely c. To travel
b. Will inform his country d. To study surgery and medicine which was his father's wish
c. Will get him assassinated by some private assassins Ans. (d) To study surgeny and medicine which was his father's wish
d. None of the above
Ans. (c) Will get him assassinated by some private assassins

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