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Test 1.


A. True or False

Directions: Read the following statement carefully. Write the T if the given statement is true and F if it is
false. Your answer must be written before each item.

1. In a modular arithmetic, if a, b  Z and n  Z+, then a  b (mod n) if and only if n | a – b.

2. The number n in a  b (mod n) is called modulus.

3. The statement a  b (mod n) is called a congruence.

18  12 (mod 3) is not a true congruence.

For arbitrary integers a and b, a  b(mod n) if and only if a and b do not have the same remainder when
divided by n.

Let n > 0 be fixed and a, b, c and d are arbitrary integers, then, if a  b(mod n) and c 

D(mod n), then a + c = b + d (mod n) and ac  bd (mod n).

The remainder in 14 (mod 3) is 3.

The remainder in (23 + 38) mod 12 is 2.

Statement 12  7 (mod 5) is equivalent to 22  7 (mod 5).

Statement (14 – 21) mod 5 is equal to 2.

In mod 7 arithmetic, the multiplicative inverse of 2 is 4.

In ISBN, the last digit or the 13 th digit is called verified digit.

Cryptology is the study of codes while cryptography is the art of writing and solving them.

A group of order 1 is called an abelian group.

A set of G = Z5 is a group.

A set of integer is closed under addition and multiplication.

In a 12-hour clock, 8 + 13 = 21.

A clock arithmetic is also called as modular arithmetic.

The identity element of addition is 1.

The operation notation for symmetry triangle can be presented into another notation called symbolic
notation or permutation.


Directions: Read the following statement carefully. Choose only the letter of the best correct answer.
Write your answer before each item.

Which of the following is a false statement?

a. −7 ≡ 3 mod5 c. 34 ≡ 4 mod8

b. 33 ≡ 5 mod7d. 15 ≡ 1 mod7
The expression 13 (mod 6) is congruent to:

1 c. 3

2 d. 4

What is the remainder when the difference between 6002 and 601 is divided by 6.

0 c. 2

1 d. 3

In a 15-hour clock, what is the result if we add 47 to 7?

5 c. 7

8 d. 9

Ernesto’s family planned a vacation 25 months from July 2012. What year and month is their family

June, 2014 c. August, 2015

August, 2014 d. June, 2015

Today is Monday; what day will it be in 13 days?

Tuesday c. Sunday

Wednesday d. Friday
What are the values of d so that 15(mod d ) = 3?

a. d = {4, 6, 12}c. d = {2, 3, 6}

b. d = {8, 12, 24} d. d = {5, 7, 13}

Let Z5 = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}. What would be the value of 4 + 3?

7 c. 3

2 d. 0

In item number 28, what is the additive inverse of 3?

a. -3 c. 2

b. 1 d. 0

The statement 96(mod 13) is equal to:

a. -5 c. 5

b. 1/5 d. 0

The statement (1523)mod 11 is equal to:

1 c. 3
2 d. 4

The statement [(11 mod 8 ) x (15 mod 8)] mod 8 is equal to:

5 c. 3

4 d. 2

Which of the following is NOT a property of a group?

Close c. Inverse

Associative d. Reciprocal

Let A = addition, B = Subtraction, C= Multiplication and D = Division. Which of the following is/are the
operations of arithmetic?

A only c. A and C

B and D d. C only

Groups in which the operation satisfies the commutative property are called:

Abelian group c. Abel group

Non-abelian group d. Non-abel group

Group of order 1 is called:

Unit group c. Sole group

One group d. Trivial group

Disregarding A.M. or P.M., if it is 5 o’clock now, what time was it 57 hours ago?

7 o’clock c. 9 o’clock

8 o’clock d. 10 o’clock

What is the additive inverse of 7 in mod 16 arithmetic?

7 c. 9

b. 8 d. 10

A book has an ISBN of 978-0-7432-5820-?. What would be the check digit?

3 c. 5

4 d. 0

What is the check digit for the UPC whose number is 0-25192-21221-?.

3 c. 5

4 d. 0

41 – 43. Complete the table for Z4 under addition and answer the given questions below.

What is 3 + 2 = 5(mod 4).

0 c. 2

1 d. 3

What is the inverse of 2?

0 c. 2

1 d. 3

What is the identity?

0 c. 2

1 d. 3

How many arrangement are there if you are going to rotate/flip a square? a. 4 c. 12

b. 8 d. 24

For a given integer n > 1, let m be an integer such that 1  m < n and gcd (m,n) = 1. Then the set of all
such integers m forms a group, denoted by U(n) is called:

units modulo n c. unity of modulo

Group d. union modulo n

46 – 48. Complete the table and answer the questions below.

What is a  a?

a c. b

e d. none
What is the inverse of a?

a c. b

e d. none

What is (a  b)  e?

a c. b

e d. none

49 – 51. Use the table below to encrypt the given words.

Cyclical English Alphabet

















What is the correct equivalent code for letter H using the congruence c  (p + m)mod 26, where m = 22?

a c. c

b d. d

What equivalent letter if we decode letter S using the congruence p  (c + n) mod 26, where n = 26 – m
based on the previous item?

w c. y

x d. z

What equivalent letter for A if we decode this letter using the congruence c  (3p + 5)mod 26?
Y c. P

A d. E

Who is the card issuer if a card number has a prefix number of 37?

Master Card c. Visa

American Express d. Discover

It is a method on how the ciphertext message converted into its equivalent plaintext.

Encrypt c. decrypt

translation d. coding

54 – 60. Let
𝐀 = (𝟏 𝟐 𝟑) 𝐈 = (𝟏 𝟐 𝟑) 𝐁=
𝟏 𝟐 𝟑)

𝟐 𝟑 𝟏
𝟏 𝟐 𝟑
( 𝟏 𝟐

𝐄 = (𝟏 𝟐 𝟑) 𝐃 = (𝟏 𝟐 𝟑) 𝐂=
𝟏 𝟐 𝟑)

What is A  B?
𝟐 𝟏 𝟑
𝟑 𝟐 𝟏
( 𝟑 𝟐

A c. I

B d. D

What is C  C?

A c. I

B d. D

Is A  B and C  C equal?

Yes c. Maybe

No d. Insufficient Information

What is C  E?

A c. I

B d. D

What is (B  E)  C?

B c. A

C d. E
59. Is (B  E)  C = B  (E  C)?

Yes c. Maybe

No d. Insufficient Information

What is the inverse of B?

B c. A

C d. E

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