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Department of Mechanical Engineering

Question Bank for the Units – I to V

1 Define density or mass density.
2 Define specific weight or weight density.
3 Define specific volume.
4 Define dynamic viscosity.
5 Define Kinematic viscosity.
6 What are the different types of fluids?
7 Define Compressibility
8 Define Surface Tension.
9 Define Capillarity
10 Write the continuity equation
11 State Newton‟s law of viscosity.
12 Write the Bernoulli‟s equation applied between two sections
13 State the assumptions used in deriving Bernoulli‟s equation
14 List the instruments works on the basis of Bernoulli‟s equation
15 Define Impulse Momentum Equation (or) Momentum Equation.
16 State Bernoulli‟s equation.
17 What is Euler‟s equation of motion?
18 What is Hagen Poiseuille‟s formula?
19 Define Boundary layer.
20 Classification of boundary layer.
21 Define Boundary layer Thickness
22 List the various types of boundary layer thickness.
23 What is meant by energy loss in a pipe?
24 Explain the major losses in a pipe.
25 Explain minor losses in a pipe.
26 State Darcy-Weibach equation OR What is the expression for head loss due to friction?
27 What are the factors influencing the frictional loss in pipe flow?
28 Define the terms a) Hydraulic gradient line [HGL] b) Total Energy line [TEL]
29 State Buckingham‟s π theorem.
30 Define model and prototype.
31 Write the advantages of model analysis.
32 List the types of similarities or similitude used in model analysis.
33 Define geometric similarities
34 State Buckingham‟s π theorem.
35 Define kinematic similarities
36 Define dynamic similarities
37 Mention the various forces considered in fluid flow.
38 State Reynolds‟s model law
39 State Mach‟s model law
40 What are fluid machines or Hydraulic machines
41 How are fluid machines classified?
42 What are called turbines?
43 What are the efficiencies of a turbine?
44 What are an impulse turbine and a reaction turbine?
45 Classification of hydraulic turbines:
46 Define Radial flow reaction turbine and their types.
47 Define specific speed of a turbine.
48 Define specific speed of a turbine.
49 Define Specific speed of a centrifugal pump.
50 What is a reciprocating pump?
51 What is single acting pump and double acting pump?
52 Define slip and % slip.
53 Define coefficient of discharge of reciprocating pump?
54 Define indicator diagram?
55 What is an air vessel?
56 What is the purpose of an air vessel fitted in the pump?
57 Define Cavitation.
58 Write the workdone saved by fitting the air vessel in reciprocating pump
59 Write the formula for workdone against friction with air vessel in reciprocating pump.

Part B and Part C

Unit -1
1 List out and explain the following properties of fluid.
1. Density; 2. Specific weight; 3. Specific volume; 4. Specific Gravity; 5.
Viscosity; 6. Kinematic Viscosity; 7. Surface tension; and 8. Capilarity.
2 Calculate the specific weight, density and specific gravity of one litre of a liquid which
weighs 7 N.
3 Calculate the density, specific weight and weight of one litre of petrol of specific gravity =
4 If the velocity distribution over a plate is given by u = (2/3)y – y2 in which u is the velocity in
metre per second at a distance y metre above the plate, determine the shear stress at y =
0 and y = 0.15 m. Take dynamic viscosity of fluid as 8.63 poises.
5 A plate 0.025 mm distant from a fixed plate, moves at 60 cm/s and requires a force of 2 N
per unit area i.e., 2 N/m2 to maintain this speed. Determine the fluid viscosity between the
6 Calculate the dynamic viscosity of an oil, which is used for lubrication between a square
plate of size
0.8 m x 0.8 m and an inclined plane with angle of inclination 30 o as shown in figure. The
weight of the square plate is 300 N and it slides down the inclined plane with a uniform
velocity of 0.3 m/s. The thickness of oil film is 1.5 mm.
7 The space between two square flat parallel plates is filled with oil. Each side of the plate is
60 cm. The thickness of the oil film is 12.5 mm. The upper plate, which moves at 2.5 metre
per sec requires
8 a force of 98.1 N to maintain the speed. Determine – (i) the dynamic viscosity of the oil in
poise and;
(ii) the kinematic viscosity of the oil in stokes if the specific gravity of the oil is 0.95.
9 3 2
The velocity distribution for flow over a flat plate is given by u = y  y in which u is the
velocity in
metre per second at a distance y metre above the plate. Determine the shear stress at y =
0.15 m. Take dynamic viscosity of fluid as 8.6 poise.
10 The dynamic viscosity of an oil, used for lubrication between a shaft and sleeve is 6 poise.
The shaft is of diameter 0.4 m and rotates at 190 rpm. Calculate the power lost in the
bearing for a sleeve length of 90 mm. The thickness of the oil film is 1.5 mm.
11 If the velocity profile of a fluid over a plate is parabolic with the vertex 20 cm from the plate,
where the velocity is 120 cm/sec. calculate the velocity gradients and shear stresses at a
distance of 0, 10
and 20 cm from the plate, if the viscosity of the fluid is 8.5 poise.
12 A 30cm diameter pipe conveying water branches into two pipes of diameters 20cm and
15cm respectively. if the average velocity in 30cm diameter pipe is 2.5m/s, find the
discharge in this pipe.
Also determine the velocity in 15cm pipe if the average velocity in 20cm diameter pipe is
13 The surface tension of water in contact with air at 20oC is 0.0725 N/m. The pressure inside
a droplet of water is to be 0.02 N/cm2 greater than the outside pressure. Calculate the
diameter of the droplet
of water.
14 Find the surface tension in a soap bubble of 40 mm diameter when the inside pressure is
2.5 N/m2 above atmospheric pressure.
15 The pressure outside the droplet of water of diameter of 0.04 mm is 10.32 N/cm2
(atmospheric pressure). Calculate the pressure within the droplet if surface is given as
0.0725 N/m of water.
16 Calculate the capillary effect in millimeters in a glass tube of 4 mm diameter, when
immersed in (i) water, and (ii) mercury. The temperature of the liquid is 20 oC and the
values of the surface tension of water and mercury at 20 oC in contact with air are
0.073575 N/m and 0.51 N/m respectively. The angle of contact for water is zero and that
for mercury is 130o. Take density of water at 20oC as equal to 998 kg/m3.

Unit -2
17 3
Water flows at 0.05 m /s in a pipe of 20 cm diameter, 500 m long. Find the loss of head
due to friction assuming friction factor is 0.025
18 The rate of flow of water through horizontal pipe 0.25 m 3/s. The dia of the pipe which is
200 mm is suddenly enlarged to 400 mm. The pressure intensity in the smaller pipe is
11.772 N/cm2. Det. (i) Loss of head due to sudden enlargement (ii) pressure intensity in a
large pipe (iii) power lost due to
19 A smooth pipe carries 0.30 m3/s of water discharge with a head loss of 3 m per 100 m
length of pipe if the water temp is 20oC. Determine. The diameter of the pipe.
20 Water is flowing through a horizontal pipe of diameter 200 mm velocity of 3 m/s. The
circular solid plate of diameter 150 mm is placed in the pipe to obstruct the flow. Find the
loss of head due to obstruction in the pipe if cc = 0.62. At a sudden enlargement of a water
main from 240 mm to 480
mm diameter. The hydraulic gradient rises by 10 mm estimate the rate of flow.
21 A horizontal pipe of diameter 500 mm is suddenly contracted to a diameter of 250 mm. The
pressure intensity is in the large and smaller pipe is given as 13.734 N/cm2 and 11.772
N/cm2 respectively. Find the loss of head due to contraction if cc = 0.62 also det. The rate
of flow.
22 A 150 mm diameter pipe reduces in diameter abruptly to 100 mm diameter if the pipe
carrier water
at 30 lit/sec. Calculate the pressure loss across contraction. Take cc = 0.6.
23 Three pipes of length 800 m, 500 m, and 400 m and of diameter 500 mm, 400 mm and 300
mm respectively are connected in series. These pipes are to be replaced by a single pipe
of length 1700
m. Find the diameter of single pipe.
24 A main pipe divided into two parallel pipe which again forms one pipe length and dia for
the first parallel pipe are 2000 m and 1 m respectively, while the length and dia of second
parallel pipe are 2000 m and 0.8 m. Find the rate of flow in each parallel pipe if total flow in
the main is 3 m3/s. The coefficient of friction for each parallel pipe is same and equal
25 A pipe of dia 20 cm and length 2000 m connects two reservoir, having difference of water
level has 20 m. Determine the discharge through the pipe. If an additional pipe of dia 20
cm and length 1200 m is attached to the last 1200 m length of the existing pipe. Find the
increase in the discharge. Take f
= 0.015 and neglect minor losses.
Unit -3
26 The frictional torque T of a disc of diameter D rotating at a speed N in a fluid of viscosity µ
and density ρ in a turbulent flow is given by
  
T  D 5 N 2 
 2 
D N
 
28 Using Buckingham’s -theorem, show that the discharge Q consumed by an oil ring is
given by
2    
Q  Nd  ,3 
,2 
Nd N d N d
2 2
 
Where d is the internal diameter of the ring, N is rotational speed, ρ is density, µ is
viscosity, σ is the surface tension and w is the specific weight of oil.
29 Using Buckingham’s -theorem, show that the velocity through a circular orifice is
given by
D  
V  2gH , . Where H is the head causing flow, D is the diameter of

  the orifice, µ is
 
coefficient of viscosity, ρ is the mass density and g is the acceleration due to gravity.

Unit -4
30 Explain and working of positive displacement single acting pump (Reciprocating pump)
31 centrifugal pump discharges 0.15m3 /s of water against a head of 12.5m, the speed of the
impeller being 600rpm. The outer and inner diameters of impeller are 500mm and 250mm
respectively and the vanes are bent back at 35̊ to the tangent at the exit. If the area of flow
remains 0.07m2 form inlet to outlet, Calculate
i.) Manometric efficiency of the
pump. ii.) Vane angle at inlet.
ii.) Loss of head at inlet to impeller when the discharge is reduced by 40% without changing
the speed.
32 The cylinder bore diameter of a single acting reciprocating pump is 150mm and its stroke
is 300mm. The pump runs at 50rpm and lifts water through a height of 25m. The delivery
pipe is 22m long and 100mm in diameter. Find the theoretical discharge and the
theoretical power required to run the
pump. If the actual discharge is 4.2 lit/s, find the percentage slip. Also determine the
acceleration head at the beginning and middle of the delivery stroke
33 Explain and working of double acting reciprocating pump
34 Explain the following Rotary Pump
(a) Gear Pump b) Vane Pump
35 A Centrifugal pump having outer diameter equal to two times the inner diameter and
running at 1000rpm, works against a total head of 40m. The velocity of flow through the
impeller is constant and equal to 2.5m/s. The vanes are set back at an angle of 40̊ at
outlet. If the outer diameter of the impeller is 500mm and width at outlet is 50mm.
i.) Vane angle at inlet ii.) Work done by impeller on water per second
iii.) Manometric Efficiency
36 Explain and working of Centrifugal pump
37 Difference between the Reciprocating pump and Centrifugal pump

Unit -5
38 Explain and working of Pelton Wheel Turbine

39 A Kaplan turbine develops 24647.6 KW power at an average head of 39 metres.

Assuming a speed ratio of 2, flow ratio of 0.6, diameter of the boss equal to 0.35 times the
diameter of the runner and an overall efficiency of 90%, calculate the diameter, speed and
specific speed of a turbine.
40 The following data is given for a Francis turbine. Net head =60m; Speed = 700rpm; Shaft
power = 294.3KW; Overall efficiency=84%; Hydraulic efficiency=93%; Flow ratio=0.20;
Breadth ratio= 0.1; Outer diameter of runner= 2 X Inner diameter of the runner. The
thickness of vanes occupy 5% of circumferential area of the runner, velocity of flow is
constant at inlet and outlet and discharge is radial at outlet. Determine
i.) Guide Blade angle ii.) Runner vane angles at inlet & outlet
iii) Diameters of runner at inlet & outlet iv.) Width of wheel at inlet.
41 A Pelton wheel is to be designed for a head of 60m when running at 200rpm. The pelton
wheel develops 95.6475KW shaft power. The velocity of the buckets = 0.45 times the
velocity of the jet, overall efficiency = 0.85 and co – efficient of the velocity is equal to 0.98

42 Explain and working of Kaplan turbine.

43 Explain and working of francis turbine.

44 A pelton wheel turbine has a mean bucket speed of 10 m /s with a jet of water flowing at
the rate of 700 lit/s under a head of 30 m . the bucket deflect the jet trough an angle of
1600 calculate power given by water to the runner and the runner hydraulic efficiency of
turbine assume co-efficiency of
velocity is 0.98

45 A Kaplan turbine runner is to be design to develop 9100 kw the net available head is 5.6 m
if the speed ratio 2.09 flow ratio 0.68 overall efficiency 86% and the diameter of boss is
1/3 the diameter of the runner . Find the diameter of the runner. Its speed and specific
speed of the turbine.

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