Critique Paper

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The title of the study is The effects of biochar and nitrogen fertilizer on soil
physiochemical properties. The title itself well understood and the accuracy is on point.
Indeed, the abstract of the article is clearly explained. From the purpose up to the
conclusions are stated with information. The step by step of making this article's
abstract is a big help to have a right form in stating the facts about the title itself. An
experiments is one of the important part of an article and even in research. The purpose
of this article's experiments is to give guidance as well as an information on how to
make a proper and good Biochar production. The layouts, materials and measurements
are need be able to conduct an experiments. And this article have it. The introduction of
this article is filled with information in international, national and local. It was stated in
the specific theories, the problem and it's setting. Those theories are all connected in
the title that provides information, facts and experiences about the effects of biochar
and nitrogen fertilizer on soil that proves by those authors of every specific theories.
The experimental process was performed in an accurate way. It was describe the
meters, spacing, samples and sizes. And even the process of growing the soils of each
plots wherein the rice rusk biochar tilled. Also, by the experiments it has a solutions to
solve the problem of the effects of biochar and fertilizer to soil.

The aspect of this article has connected in each specific information. The tools
that has been used with it regards to the effects of biochar and fertilizer to soil is
appropriate, on point and proved by theories. Also, it's stated where this article
conducted, what are the instrument to use. Those procedures and the statistical
analysis in order to gathered data, and this article have it. The process of conducting
and gathering data are presented. The step by step process are showed. It can be
identified and understood. The statistical analysis is use on its specific area of finding
results from the title problem itself. The conductor of this article can have a conclusion
because of the process appropriately explained. Above mentioned information proved
that this article have a contents of an example of reliable article. The source of data to
gather information and interpretation are presented on point which has a connection to
the main purpose of conducting this article. Also, the data results helps to identify if this
are accepted or rejected. The starting ideas 'till the last part of the discussions are
connected. The information within this article proven by authors. The discussions are
based on the experimental process and statistical analysis. The table of contents
distributed according to their role to this article. The author of this article is using an
essential information that is suitable or accurate to the central idea of this article. The
information was distributed according to their specific area.

The important ideas or discussions that are related in this article is the only thing
that the author put in. Information are direct to the point. When in references the author
put the important person or the sites that been used. The ideas within this article are all
emphasizes. It was related to the topic. The authors give equity that this article needed.
The information are well distributed in it's role in this article. The appropriate
discussions, analysis, experiments, results and etc. are not able to change because it's
exactly put in its place and connected in this article. The author gives justice in his
article. All the information are based on the process. The statement is proven by those
analysis that have been experimented. The discussions and results are all connected.
The idea of this article is on point to it's problem and setting. This article has the step by
step process which is the basis of conducting this study. Aside from this, there are
theories that specify the information regarding to the central problem of this article. The
purpose of this article is prove or know that the biochar and nitrogen fertilizer affects the
physicochemical of the soil. Therefore, this article is not just for nothing but rather, it has
a big contribution in the soil problems. The essence of conducting this article is helps to
those who have been suffering from this kind of thing.

The title of study is informative and attention seeker. However, it is a confusing at

the same. It does not only focusing on one idea, but it have two central idea which is
the problem. But, the title itself can be useful to identify or know if truly climate change
have an impacts to soil. The whole idea was planned by the author, it has a connection
from the title up to the other information. The explanation of the summary is clearly
direct on its point. Also, the author used a form of the step to step process where the
are designated to each position. The author of this article emphasizes what he want to
convey in order to know how does the title affects the soil problems. Moreover, to verify
that there’s an impact of climate change to soil. The author do an experimental process
which be a way to make a results. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact
of protection measure of soil that is chosen. The introduction gives more information
that is related to the title itself. The specific places international, national and local that
states theory. When it comes to experimental processes, this article do experiments in
order to see the results of the problem. It is good to know that the author used tables as
a method to his experiments. Therefore, this is an easy way to understand this article.

The methods that has been used to gather information are specified accordingly.
Also, the usage of data analysis helps to have a results about those experimental
processes. The connection of the information are all related. The purpose of the author
was emphasized. All these details are essential in order to catch the attention of the
other researcher who’s planning to conduct a study like this. A better guidelines for
them to be able to make their study not more difficult. Therefore, this article made of
allotted time by the author. You can see the effort, the discussions, interpretation and
results are appropriate. The connection of the information are all related, specified and
the point is there. All the information are proven by theories and results of the
experimental process. Furthermore, the author used the important data that related to
the central point only. There’s no more flowering words added, but just direct to what is
the main point. Gathering data are focuses on the related topics that regards to the
impact of climate change on soil erosion and the of soil conservation.

Above mentioned, this article is clarify. All the data have its basis which is proven
of theories by the different authors. There’s also an analysis, experiments to prove that
this article is not just an article. The purpose of the author in conducting this is clearly
stated. Moreover, this article are based on the experiments that have been done, as
well the discussions, interpretation and most specially the results. All of these are the
basis of the author to make this article proven and accepted. Also, to make this article
reliable there are theories that provides statement that is related to the topic which
proved that the study are not for nothing. Therefore, this study has its purpose. The
author conducting this for a reason, to help those people who are been struggling with
climate change. Also, to know, that is there an impacts of climate change on oil erosion
and if is an efficiency of soil conservation.

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