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Flamingo (Prose)

The Last Lesson Scan the QR Code and get

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Main Points is a student in Mr.
Hamel's class at a school in Alsace.
Franz's Worry story The Last Lesson' is set in the Actually the
days of Franco-Prussian war
Late for school (1870-1871) in which France was defeated
Participles not prepared Bismarck. So the French districts of by Prussia led by
Rush at the Bulletin-Board Alsace and Lorraine passed
into Prussian hands. The
Prussians wanted to
only the territory of France, but also the acquire
not and rule over
Atmosphere in classroom minds and hearts of
All classmates already in
people. One day a notice came from Bertin
Hamel wearing special fine
places that French (language) would no informing the French
Sunday clothes two districts of Alsace and
longer be taught in the schools of
Village people also sitting quietly Lorraine. Only German would be
Sadness in the air instead. When Mr. Hamel taught
discloses this news to the class,
Hamel's address including Franz was taken aback. Mr.
Hamel tells the students
The last lesson about the importance of one's native
Ref. to news at to keep their French
language. He also tells them
the bulletin-board language alive because it is the key to their
No more French prison in slavery. Franz feels extremely bad for not
German to be taught lessons seriously. Then Mr. Hamel learning his
taught his last lesson in French.
Casual Approach towards French The students learnt with
rapt attention. They suddenly realised
>Children preferred postponing how important learning was. As the
their children earning learning; parents preferred class came to an end, Mr. Hamel
money looked very sad and emotional Before he
Hamel preferred children dismissed the class, he
watering his plants; he gave them wrote on the blackboard in
holidays as he wanted to go fishing large letters, "Vive La France!" Long
Live France!
His Opinion about French
The most beautiful language in the world Theme
Clearest and most logical The story beautifully highlights the human tendency to postpone
slavery-the key to their prison learning of
things for one feels there is plenty of time to do so. One
The Last Lesson in the never knows when the
Classs doomsday will dawn and bring an end to all
Grammar, writing and histoory our plans, hopes and
Old Hauser spelt letters from
primer with babies crying The natives of
Alsace realise their folly of not giving due importance
M r . Hamel pale,
throat choked, wrote 'Vive La France!' to the study of French in their school
days. So they become victims of
Summary at a Glance Linguistic Chauvinism with the acquisition of their districts by Prussia.
The Last Lesson' is written by a French writer
The story is narrated by a small Alphonse Daudet. The story also brings to light the
brutality of war which makes man
boy Franz in the first person. He insensitive to human feelings and sentiments.


Directions: Read the extracts given below and answer the
that follow
questions (c) Why does the narrator want to
spend the day out of
by choosing the best option. doors?
1. For a moment I thought of running away and spending thee () The weather was very pleasant.
day out of doors. It was so warm, so bright! The birds were
(i) Birds were chirping
chirping at the edge of the woods; and in the open field
back of the sawmill the Prussian soldiers were
(i) He was scared of teacher for not learning his lesson.
drilling. (iv) None of the above
(a) Whom does'T refer to? (d) Who were drilling at the back of sawmill?
() M. Hamel ) Franz
(i) One of the elders present in the class (i) Officers
(ii) The narrator (i) Prussian soldiers
(iv) None of the above (iv) None of the above
(b) Why does T'say'1 thought of running away'? Ans. (a) (il): (b) (i): (c) (iv): (d) ().
() He was sick. 2. When I passed the town has there was a crowd in front of
(i) He had not learnt his lesson. the bulletin-board. For the last two years all our bad news
(ii) He had an urgent piece of work. had come from there-the lost battles, the draft, the orders
(iv) None of the above of the commanding officer-and l
thought to myself, without
the village people
stopping."What can be the matter now?" Then, as I hurried always empty,
back benches that were Hauser, with his three.
by a fast as I could go, the blacksmith, Watcher, who was ourselves; old
sitting quietly like the former postmaster, and
there, with his apprentice, reading the bulletin. cornered hat, the former mayor,
several others besides.
(a)Where was the crowd?
() Near the church (a) Whom does '" refer to?
(i) Franz
(i) In the market place () M. Hamel these
(i) In front of the bulletin-board (i) Hauser (iv) None of
iv) None of the above notice after getting over his
(b) What did the narrator
(b) Who passed the Town Hall? fright'?
occupied by village elders.
() Franz () The back benches were something.
(i) M. Hamel i) The old Hauser was writing dress.
(Gii) The blacksmith, Watcher (ii) M. Hamel was in his special
(iv) None of the above iv) None of the above
Hamel wore his special dress?
(c)Whywas the bulletin board an attraction to the crowd? () Why do you think M.
() There were beautiful pictures pasted on it. () It was annual day.
(i) It had the list of winners in the (i) It was inspection dry.
competition. (i) It was Christmas.
(ii) For the last two years all bad news had come from it.
(iv) It his last lesson to the class.
(iv) None of the above most?
(d) 1 hurried by as fast as I could' Why was l" in so much (d) What was it that surprised Franz the
Hamel in his black silk cap, all embroidered.
hurry? () M. was
elders sitting on the last benches.
() He was very ariious to break the news he read on the (i) The village
Gii)The whole school seemed strange and solemn.
iv) None of the above
(i) He wanted to watch the soldiers
drilling Ans. (a) (i): (6) (i): (c) (iv); (d) (i).
(ii) He didn't want to be scolded by M. Hamel for becoming
5. 'Bah! 've plenty of time. l'll learn it tomorrow' And now
late for school
(iv) None of the above you see where we've come out. Ah, that's the great trouble
with Alsace; she puts off learning till tomorrow. Now those
Ans. (a) (ii); (b) (): (c) (ii): (d) (ii) fellows out there will have the right to say to you. 'How is
3. Usually, when school began, there was a great bustie, which
could be heard out in the street, the opening and closing of it; you pretend to be Frenchmen, and yet you can neither
desks, lessons repeated in unison, very loud, with our hands speak nor write your own language?' But you are not the
over our ears to understandbetter,and the teacher's great, worst, poor little Franz. We've all a great deal to reproach
ruler rapping on the table. But now it was all so still! I had ourselves with."
counted on the commotion to get to my desk without being (a) What does "We've come out' imply?
seen; but of course, that day everything had to be as quiet () Outcome i) Attainment
as Sunday morning. (ii) Result (iv) None of these
(a) What was so unusual in the school as observed by Franz? (b) What does she' refer to in the above passage?
) The opening and closing of desks () Franz's mother Gi) A girl student
i) Lessons repeated in unison (i) Alsace (iv) None of these
(ii) Ruler rapping on the table (c) What do you think is the trouble with Alsace?
(iv) It was all still () It had been taken over by Prussia.
(b) What did Franz notice about M. Hamel that was i) It was in the habit of 'postponing things till tomorrow.
unusual? (ii) It cannot speak French language.
) Sitting quietly (iv) None of the above
(i) Shouting at the students (d) Whom does M. Hamel blame for not learning their
ii) Rapping his ruler language?
(iv) Walking up and down (0) Himself (i) Parents
() What did Hamel carry under his arms? (i) Students (iv) None of these
) Books (i) Files Ans. (a) (i): (b) (i): (c) (i): (d) (). (i). (i).
(i) Iron ruler iv) None of these 6. That we must guard it among us and never forget it,
because when a people are
(d) Find word from the extract that is opposite to 'solo. enslaved, as long as they hold
() Terrible (i) Commotion fast to their language it is as if
they had the key to thelr
(i) Unison (iv) None of these prison. Then he opened a grammar and read us our lesson.
I was amazed to see how well I
Ans. (a) (iv): (b) (iv): () (ii): (d) (Gii). understood it.
4. Not till then, when I had got a little over my fright, did I (a) How does M. Hamel explain the French to the
see that our teacher had on his beautiful green coal, his students? language
frilled shirt, and the little black silk cap, all embroidered, (0) It was the most beautiful
that he never wore except on inspection and prize days. (i) It is easy to learn it language in the world.
(ui) It is better than German.
Besides, the whole school seemed so strange and solemn.
iv) None of the above
But the thing that surprised me most was to see, on the
Class 12 | Term-1 69
English Core
(b) What does the phrase'a key to the prison imply? sentence 'He could not go on'throw
(a) What light does the
() A language which can
open any lock on M. Hamel?
(ii) One's native language
() He physically weak.
(ii) One's customs and culture (ii) He was hesitant
iv) None of the above
(ii) He was emotionally full
(c)Why does Franz say'l was amazed to see'? (iv) None of the above
() His teacher did not scold him like other the black board?
days. (b) Why did M. Hamel turn to
(i) The class was sitting
quietly. ) To complete his lesson
(ii) He 'understood the lesson so well.
(i) To write Vive La-France
(iv) None of the above
(ii) He couldn't face the class any more

(d) What is the antonym of the word impassive? Find from None of the above
the above lines.
(C) Why did M. Hamel lean his head against the wall?
() Guard (i) Enslaved ) He was tired.
(i) Amazed (iv) None of these (i) He was feeling dizzy.
Ans. (a) 0): (b) (i): (c) (ii): (d) (i). (ii) He was emotionally broken.
iv) None of the above
7. "My friends," said he, "T-1:" But something choked him. He
above lines.
could not go on. Then he turned to the blackboard, tooka (d) . . made a sign' means in the
piece of chalk, and bearing on with all his might, he wrote () Leaned
as large as he could (i) Made a gesture
"Vive La France!" Gii) Choked
(iv) Turned
Then he and leaned his head against the wall,
without a word, he made a gesture to us with his hand.
and Ans. (a) (ii): (b) (i): (c) (ii): (d) (i).


Q1. Who is the author of The Last Lesson'? Q7. What do themarching soldiers under the windows represent?
a. Jane Austen b Rabindra Nath Tagore a. The Dawn of Prussia in the defeat of French pêople
C. Alphonse Daudet d. None of these b. The defeat of Prussia
Ans. (c) Alphonse Daudet c. The victory of French
Q2. Alphonse Daudet was from which country? d. None of the above
Ans. (a) The Dawn of Prussia in the defeat of French people
a. India b. France
c. England d. New Zealand Q8. From where did the orders come to teach only German in the
districts of Alsace and Lorraine?
Ans. (b) France
a. France b. Lorraine
Q3. The story'The Last Lesson' highlights which human tendency? c. Berlin d. Germany
a. Male Chauvinism b. Procrastination
Ans. (c) Berlin
c. Courage d. Cowardice
9. What does effects this storyspeaks about?
Ans. (b) Procrastination
a. Power b. Money
Q4. What were the things being taken for granted by the people
c. Transition d. People
of Alsace? Ans. (c) Transition
a. Teachers of the school
Q 10. Why was Franz reluctant to go to school?
b. Time and school
a. Wanted to enjoy warm sunlight
c. People around
b. Wanted to see soldiers drill
d. Money and power
c. Wanted to enjoy outdoor
Ans. (b) Time and school
d. Lesson on participles was not prepared
Q5. What does 'The Last Lesson' symbolise? Ans. (d) lesson on participles was not prepared
a. Loss
Q11. What did Franz find on reaching the school?
b. Loss of freedom
a. People were dancing b. School was closed
c Loss of language d. Strange quietness
c. Police patrolling
d. Loss of language and freedom
Ans. (d) Strange quietness
Ans. (d) Loss of language and freedom
Q12. What did Franz notice on his way to school?
6. What does 'The Last Lesson' signify? a. A snake charmer
a. Change of power
b. A crowd in front of the bulletin-board
b. Change of Government
c. Prussian soldiers
c. Change in life
d. None of the above
d. Change of teachers
Ans. (b) A crowd in front of the bulletin-board
Ans. (a) Change of power

What did Hauser

Q13. Why was Franz surprised? 22. b. Children
a. Because of village elders a. Sweets d. Old Primer
c. Friends
b. Because of police patrolling
Ans. (d) 0ld Primer
c. Because of students' behaviour French language?
Hamel present the
d.Because of M.Hamel's kind and polite behaviour 23. How does M.
Ans. (d) Because of M.Hamel's kind and polite behaviour a. Very difficult
most beautiful language
b. The
Q14. Who occupied the back benches in the class?
C.A rare language
a. Weak students
d. None of the above
b. Teachers beautiful language
Ans. (b) The most
c. Monitors of the class their children?
parents send
d. Village elders Q 24. Where did the b. Coaching
a. School
Ans. (d) Village elders C. Farms and mills
d. Movies

Q15. Why was Franz feeling regretful and sad? Ans. (c) Farms and mills
children to the farms and
a. For reaching late sending their
b. For not learning participles
Q 25. Why were the parents
c. For change of the Government b. To meet friends
a. To play
d. For not learning his mother tongue d. To earn money
C. To meet relatives
Ans. (d) For not learning his mother tongue Ans. (d) to earn money
Q16. Whom did M. Hamel blame for not sending students to a26. How did one order from Berlin change the entire scenario of
school? the school?
a. Parents b. Friends a. There was a bedlam in the school.
c. Teachers d. Watchman b. There was celebration in the school.
Ans. (a) parents C. The school was as quiet as a Sunday morning.
Q17. Who was M. Hamel? d. None of the above
a. A spy Ans. (c) The school was as quiet as a Sunday morning
b. Language teacher enslaved, what key do they have to the
Q 27. When people are
c. Soldier to M. Hamel?
prison, according
d. School Principal a. Their behaviour b. Power
Ans. (b) Language teacher C. Aggressiveness d. Mother tongue
Q 18. Why does Franz think of running away and spending the day Ans. (d) Mother tongue
out of doors? (Tick the false answer). 28. Whydid the villagers come to meet M. Hamel in the school?
a. It was s0 warm, so bright. a. To complain b. To say goodbye
b. The Prussian soldiers were drilling c. To gossip d. To show gratitude
Ans. (d) To show gratitude
c. He had not learnt the participles
d. He had got hurt on the way Q29. Why did Mr. M. Hamel call the French language the most
Ans. (d) He had got hurt on the way. beautiful?
a. Because it was the clearest and
Q19. Franz was in great dread of a scolding because: logical
b. Because it was his native
a. his teacher did not love him. language
c. Because people were from France
b. his uniform was always shabby. d. None of the above
c. he had not learnt his lesson. Ans. (a) Because it was the clearest and
d. None of the above
30. What was Franz expected to be prepared for
Ans. (c) he had not learnt his lesson. day?
school that
Q 20. "Don't go so fast, bub; you'll get to your school in plenty a. Song b. Dance
of time-what does this sentence speak of watcher the c. Essay writing d. Participles
Ans. (d) Participles
Blacksmith's intention for z?
a. He is concerned about Franz. Q31. What did Franz notice that was
a. Quietness in the
unusual that day?
b. He is making fun of Franz. school
b. Soldiers in the school
c. He warns Franz against having a bad fall.
d. None of the above c.Crowdin school
d. All of the above
Ans. (b) He is making fun of Franz. Ans. (a) Quietness school in the
Q21. What made Franz forget M. Hamel's ruler and crankiness?
Q32. What had been put up on the
a. Police patrolling a. Teach
only French Bulletin-Board that day?
b. Strange quietness b. Speak only
C. Bustle on the streets C. Teach
only German
d. The idea of his going away d. Teach all these
Ans. (d) The idea of his going away Ans. (c) Teach only German
Term-1 71
English Core Class 12
g3. What changes did the orderfrom Berlin cause in school that: 042, What did Mr. Hamel bring for his class on his last day" the
day? school?
a. Hustle-bustle b. New notebooks
a. New pens
b. People were happy d. Story books
c. Sweets
c. Teachers were sad Ans. (b) New notebooks
Strange quietness and sadness Franz react to this
Q43. "This is your last French lesson." How
Ans. (d) Strange quietness and sadness declaration of M. Hamel?

g34. What changed Franz's feelings about M. Hamel and school? a. He jumped with joy.
a. Police Patrolling b. He was surprised.
b.Orders from Berlin C. He was shocked and repentant.

c. Strict words from M. Hamel d. None of the above

d. Old Primer Ans. (c) He was shocked and repentant.
Ans. (b) Orders from Berlin Q44. What made Franz and the people realize about
preciousness of their mother tongue?
g 35. Expression Thunder Clap" in the lesson means.****** a. M. Hamel's words
a. loud but not clear
b. School orders
b. loud and clear
C.startling and unexpected c. Sudden orders from Berlin
d. School Principal
d. unpleasant
Ans. () Sudden orders from Berlin
Ans. (c) startling and unexpected
045. What does the expression "in great dread of scolding" mean?
Q36. "What a thunder clap these words were to me!" which were a. To be happy about it
the words that shocked and surprised little Franz? b. Very badly scared of scolding
a. The school is going to be closed. c. To be indifferent
b. The new teacher was to arrive the following day to teach d. None of the above
German Ans. (6) Very badly scared of scolding
c.Prussia has taken over France.
Q46. Whywas Franz was shocked to see M. Hamel?
d. None of the above
a. Because of his formal dress
Ans. (b) The new teacher was to arrive the following day to teach
b. Because he gave sweets
c. Because he had a flower in his hand
Q37. "The Last Lesson" story was written in which year? d. All of the above
a. 1869 1870 1870-1871 Ans. (a) Because of his formal dress
c. 1872-1873 d.1870-1872 Q47. For how many years did M. Hamel serve the school?
Ans. (b) 1870 1871 a. 20 years b.35 years
Q38. Don't go so fast, you will get to your school in plenty of time c. 30 years d. 40 years
means. Ans. (d) 40 years
a. getting late b.very early Q48. What do the last words "Vive La France" mean?
C. not early d.early enough
a. France is beautiful
Ans. (d) early enough
b. Long Live France
Q39. What was there in front of the Bulletin-Board?
c. God Save France
a. Children b. Police
d. None of the above
c. Hawkers d. A crowd
Ans. (d) A crowd Ans. (6) Long Live France

940. What bad news used to come from the Bulletin-Board? Q49. How did M. Hamel bid farewell to the students?
a. Lost battles a. He dressed himself in the best of his clothes.
b. The draft b. He looked pale and tall as he stood on the chair.
cOrders of commanding officers C. He hugged every student.
d. All of the above d. None of the above
Ans. (c) Orders of commanding officers Ans. (b) He looked pale and tall as he stood on the chair.
941 Which language would the students study from the next day? Q50. What attitude of M. Hamel surprised Franz?
a. English b.German a. Soft and kind b.Rude
c. Dutch d. Spanish c. Firm and strict d. None of these
Ans. (b) German Ans. (a) Soft and kind

Lost Spring
want to drive a car
Summary at a Glance I
another boy who
is also deprived
Lost Spring' is an excerpt from a book titled Lost Spring, Stories This part of the story deals with Mukesh. He is a child
childhood-his name is
of Stolen Childhood authored by Anees Jung, an Indian writer. She of a carefree, playful the families in
Firozabad. Most of
analyses the grinding poverty and traditions which condemn these labourer in a glass factory of
in the business of
making glass bangles.
children to a life of exploitation. Firozabad are engaged work in the glass furnaces of Firozabad.
About 20,000 children Mukesh
The story deals with two children in two parts. to work are very poor.
Conditions under which they have located in narrow
Sometimes I Find a Rupee in the garbage takes the author to his dilapidated
his inability to change the family
lanes. Mukesh's father expresses
The author interviews Saheb--a ragpicker who scrounges regards it their destiny. The author
conditions, his grandmother are in the vicious circle of pain
the garbage heaps for some coins and other things to sustain feels that the bangle makers caught
his living. Saheb lives in Seemapuri with his family which and misery which has no end.
elder brother named Savita
has migrated from Dhaka in Bangladesh. He moves about The author meets the wife of Mukesh's
front of male members of the
barefoot, which he attributes to their tradition simply to hide who covers her face with a veil in
Children of Firozabad are
his poverty. The author advises him to go to school. Saheb family and is the in-charge of cooking. in poverty ridden
the victims of two worlds: first-they are
complains of lack of opportunity and absence of school in his second-victims of a no hope
families burdened by stigma of caste;
neighbourhood. bureaucrats
situation-ruled by sahukars, middlemen, policemen,
Saheb's full name is Saheb-e-Alam which means Lord of the and politicians.
universe. It is ironic. Saheb's being barefoot reminds the Their desire to dream, dare and do is ipped in childhood.
author of a priest's barefoot son who wished to have a pair mechanic. He
of shoes. After thirty years, the priest's son in Udipi wears
Mukesh is an exception. He aspires to be a motor
also realises that dreaming of aeroplanes would be over-reaching
shoes-but ragpickers are still shoeless. himself. Ironically few planes fly over Firozabad.
Saheb lives in Seemapuri, which ironically is at the periphery
of Delhi, the national capital of India, where their living
conditions are miserable. Structures of mud with tin and The thread that binds the entire story 'Lost Spring'-runs through
the miserable plight of street children forced into labour early in
tarpaulin roofs, there is no sewage, drainage or running
life and denied the opportunity of schooling. Another themethat
water. Their only boon is ration cards enabling them to buy runs parallel to the major theme is the apathetic attitude of the
grain. Picking garbage earns them daily bread. Rag-picking society and the political figures to these people's misery.
means fun for children and a means of survival for elders.
Thus 'Lost Spring' sensitises the reader to the miserable plight of
Saheb picks a job at a tea stall and earns 800 and all his
the poorest of the poor and emphasises the urgent need to end
meals. He appears burdened because he has lost his freedom. the vicious circle of exploitation through education, awareness,
He is now a bonded labourer cooperative organisation and empowerment.


irections: Read the extracts given below and answer the questions (b) Why do you do this?"What does the person being asked
this question do?
at follow by choosing the best option.
) Rag picking
1 "Why do you do this?" I ask Saheb whom. I encounter every i) Bangle making
morning serounging for gold in the garbage dumps of my (ii) Working in front the furance
neighbourhood. Saheb left his home long ago. Set amidst (iv) Loitering aimlessly
the green fields of Dhaka, his home is not even a distant (c) Where was Saheb's home before coming to Delhi?
memory. () Bengal Gi) Dhaka
(a) Who asks whom in the first line? (i) Seemapuri (iv) Bihar
() Saheb to the narrator (d) In the extract what does 'encounter' means same as:
(i) Saheb's mather to her son ) meet ii) see
(ii) The narrator to Saheb (ii) talk
(iv) None of these
(iv) Narrator to the bangle-seller Ans. (a) (ii): (6) (0): (¢) (Gi): (d) ().
English Core Class 12 | Term-1 73
2. There were many storms
that (d) What is the antonym of the word perpetual?
homes, his mother tells him. swept away their fields and
That's why they left, looking () Permanent (i) Transitory
for gold is the big
city where he now lives. (ii) Miserable (iv) None of these
(a) Name the writer of the lesson from Ans. (a) (il): (b) (0): () (i): (d) (Gi).
which the above
extract has been taken. 5. "If at the end of the day we can feed our families and go
() William Douglas i) Alphonse Daudet
to bed without an aching stomach, we would rather live
(ii) Kamala Das (iv) Anees Jung here than in the fields that gave us no grain", Say a group
of women in tattered saris when I asked them why they lef
(b) Whose mother is being referred to?
their beautiful land and with green fields and rivers.
() Mukesh's mother i) Saheb's
i) The narrator's (a)What does the phrases aching stomach' imply?
(iv) None of these () Paining stomach (ii) Empty stomach
(c) Why did they leave their homes?
(ii) Stomach full of food (iv) None of these
) They 8ot good jobs in Delhi.
(b) Whom does 'We' refer to?
i) Their homes were swept away by storms. () The boys picking rags
(ii) These used to be frequent earthquakes. (in) Women of Firozabad
(iv) None of the above Gii) Women of Seemapuri
(d) What do they do in the big cities? (iv) None of the above
() They work in factories (c) "We would rather live here. Where would they like to live?
(i) They do domestic labour (i) In Dhaka (ii) In Firozabad
(ii) Rag picking Gii) In Delhi (iv) Nowhere
(iv) None of the above (d) Which word in the passage mean old and wornout?
Ans. (a) (iv): (b) (i): (c) (i): (d) (ii). ) Aching Gi) Grain
3. "It takes longer to build a school" I say embarrassed at (ii) Tattered (iv) None of these
having made a promise that was not meant. But promises Ans. (a) (i): (b) (ii): (c) (Gii); (d) (ii).
like mine abound in every corner of this bleak world. 6. It has acquired the proportions of a fine art. Garbage to
them is gold. It is their daily bread, a roof over their heads,
(a) Name the lesson from which these lines have been
even if it is a leaking roof. But for a child it is even more.
(a) It" in the first line refers to:
() The Last Lesson (i) Indigo () art of bangle making
(Gii) Lost Spring (iv) The Rattrap
(i) job at the tea stal
(b) Whom does T refer to here? ii) rag picking
() Saheb (i) Saheb's mother (iv) None of the above
ii) Anees Jung (iv) None of these (b) Them' stands for:
(c) What promise did the speaker make to Saheb? ) children working in glass bangle factory.
) She will take him home. people living in Firozabad.
(i) She will get him a good job. (ii) people picking rags.
(ii) She will buitd a school (iv) None of the above
(iv) None of the above (c) "Garbage to them is gold" because:
(d) What does the word 'embarrassed' mean same as: (i) they can buy gold in exchange of garbage.
) confused i) worried (i) they find something precius in the garbage
(ii) uncomfortable (iv) None of these (ii) garbage is the means of their livelihood.
iv) None of the above
Ans. (a) (Gi): (b) Gi): (c) (Gi): (d) (Gi).
4. Travelling across the countryI have seen children walking (d) "For a child it is even more" In what sense is rag picking
even more?
barefoot, in cities, on village roads. It is not lack of money,
() A surprise 'something wrapped in wonder
but a tradition to stay barefoot, is one explanation. I wonder
(i) a pair of shoes
of this is only an excuse to explain away a perpetual state
(ii) a gold coin
of poverty. (iv) None of the above
(a) For whom does the phrase "travelling across the Ans. (a) (ii): (b) (ii): (c) (ii): (d) ().
country" stand? 7. For one who has walked barefoot, even shoes with a hole is
) The rag pickers (i) Mukesh a dream come true. But the
game he is watching so intentlyy
ii) The author (iv) The inspector is out of his reach.
(b)What is the explanation for walking barefoot as given (a) Who is being talked about?
in the lines above? ) Mukesh () Saheb
(i) Social barrier
() Traditional trend (i) Anees Jung (iv) None of these
(ii) Religious barrier (iv) None of these (b) Why is the wearing shoes with a hole?
() What reason does the author give for the ragpickers (0) He couldn't it get it repaired.
walking barefoot? (i) He can't afford to buy a new pair.
() Lack of employment (i) State of poverty (ii) He has only one pair of shoes.
(ii) Cultural barriers (iv) None of these (iv) None of the above
(c)What game is he watching so intently? Mukesh's eyes beam?
(a) Why do
() Cricket (i) Basketball () He has found a job.
(i) Tennis (iv) None of these He has met his brother after a long time.
(d) Why is the game out of his reach to play? Gii)He takes the author home.
) He doesn't know how to play it (iv) None of the above
(i) He is poor Firozabad?
(b) What is the condition of the lanes of
(ii) He has no time to spare for playing it (i) Traffic free
) Very clean
(iv) None of the above (iv) Polished
Ans. (a) (i): (6) (Gi): () (Gi): (a) (Gi).
ii) Stinking
live in?
8. This morning Saheb is on his () What is the state of homes people
way to the milk booth in his ) Wobbly doors
hand is a steel canister. 'I now work in a tea stall
down the i) Without windows
road, he says pointing in the distance.
(ii) Families of humans and animals live together
(a) Why has Saheb switched over to a tea stall? (iv) All of the above
) He likes to work there.
(d) What is the meaning of 'wobbly doors'?
Gi) He earns more than rag picking ) Doors without polish and paint
(i) He enjoys more freedom at tea-stall.
(i) Door with no latch
iv) None of the above (ii) Shaking doors without hinges
(b) How much does Saheb earn at the tea stalu? (iv) None of the above
) 500 per month Ans. (a) (ii); (b) (i): () (ii); (d) (i)
(i) T300 and a meal 1. In his case, the elder is an impoverished bangle maker.
(ii) T800 and a meal Despite long years of hard labour, first as a tailor, then a
(iv) None of the above bangle maker, he has failed to renovate a house, send his
() Steel canister has taken the place of: two sons to school
() School bag (i) Rag bag (a) Whom does the impoverished bangle maker refer to?
(ii) Milk booth (iv) None of these ) Mukesh
(d) Saheb is not happy at the tea stall because: (i) Mukesh's father
) The owner mistreats him. ii) Mukesh's elder brother
(i) He has lost his carefree look. (iv) Anees Jung
(Gii) He doesn't like to work. (b) What business was he into before being a bangle
(iv) None of the above maker?
Ans. (a) (i): (b) (i): (c) (i): (d) (i). ()Ragpicker
9. 'I will learn to drive a car' he answers, looking straight into (i) Tailor
my eyes. His dream looms like a mirage amidst the dust of i) Teastall owner
streets that fill his town Firozabad, famous for its bangles. (iv) None of the above
(a) Who will learn to drive a car? (c) What did he fail to do even after working so hard?
() Mukesh () Could not purchase a house
(i) Saheb (i) Could not renovate his house
(i) William Douglas (ii) Could not send his sons to school
(iv) None of these (v) Both (i) and (ii)
(b) Whom does he answer? (d) What is the financial condition of the family?
() His teacher (i) His brother ) Hand to mouth (i) Quite sufficient
(ii) The author (iv) His father (i) Average (iv) None of these
(c) Where does 'he' live? Ans. (a) (i); (6) (i): () (i): (d) (0).
() In Delhi i) In Seemapuri 12. Can a God-given lineage ever be broken?' she
(ii) In Firozabad (iv) None of these in the caste of bangle makers,
implies. Bom
they have seen nothing but
(d) What question does he answer? bangles-in the house, in the yard, in every other house,
() Do you konw anything about ears? every other yard, every street in Firozabad.
Gi) What do you want to learn? (a) Whom does 'she' refer to in the lines above?
(ii) What is your ambition? () Mukesh's sister in-law
(iv) None of the above (i) Mukesh's mother
Ans. (a) (): (b) (): (c) (in): (d) () (i) Anees Jung
10. Mukesh's eyes beam as he voluteers to take me home, (iv) Mukesh's grandmother
which he proudly says is being rebuitt. We walk down (b) What does 'she imply?
stinking lanes choked with garbage, past homes that remain () Silent acceptance of fate is the only way
hovels with crumbling walls, wobbly doors, no windows, (i) Destiny can be changed
crowded with families of humans and animals coexisting (ii) They can change their God given lineage
in a primeval state. (iv) None of the above
Term-1 75
English Core Class 12 |
(c)What harm does
working in bangle factory cause to the How the people of Firozabad described?
workers? (a) are

() Loss of. hair () Very happy

(i) Loss of (i) Financially very weak
hearing ability (ii) Good businsess men
(ii) Loss of eye
sight (iv) None of the above
(iv) None of these to do?
(b) What are the people of Firozabad
(d) Name the author
) Rag picking
() Anees Jung (i) Alphonse Daudet (i) Working in frontof the furnaces with high temperature
(ii) Selma Lager iv) William Douglas (ii) Tailoring
Ans. (a) (iv): (6) (i): () (ii): (d) (). (iv) Building houses

13. I wonder if she knows the (c) Find a word from the lines above which means

sanctity of the bangles she 'Complaint'?

hepls make. It symoblises an Indian woman's suhaag, ) The cry (i) Lament (ii) Echo (iv) Initiative
auspiciousness in marriage. It will dawn on her suddenly
one day when
her head is draped with a red (d) Why does the writer sya 'Little has moved with time?
veil, her () They are poor people (i) They are illiterate
hands dyed red with henna and red
her wrists.
bangles rolled onto (ii) They are ignorant (iv) All of these
(a) Whom does 'she' in the first line refer to?
Ans. (a) (i): (b) (i): (c) (i): (d) (iv)
15. Why not organise yourselves into a cooperative?" I ask a
() Mukesh's mother
group of young men who have fallen into the vicious circle
(i) Mukesh's grandmother of middlemen who trapped their fathers and forefathers.
(ii) Mukesh's brother's wife (a) Who is asking whom in the first line?
(iv) Mukesh's sister () Saheb to Anees Jung
(b) What does 'It in the second line symbolise? (i) Anees Jung to a group of young men
() Bangles in the arms of a woman ii) Mukesh to Anees Jung
(i) Auspiciousness in marriage (iv) None of the above
(ii) Happiness in marriage (b) What does T suggest the young men?
(iv) None of the above i) To join a school
(i) To organise into a cooperative
(c) What does the word 'sanctity' mean?
ii) To form a trade union
) Price (i) Value (iv) None of the above
(ii) Piousness Giv) None of these
(c) Why can't they form a 'cooperative'?
(d) Name the lesson? ) They are trapped by milddlemen
) The Last Lesson (i) Deep Water (i) They lack money
(i) Rattrap iv) Lost Spring ii) They are illiterate
Ans. (a) (iv): (b) (i): () (i): (d) (iv). iv) They lack proper guidance
14. The cry of not having money to do anything except carry (d) What out of the following means 'vicious circle?
on the business of making bangles, not even enough to eat, ) A circle which causes pain
rings in every home. The young echo the lament of their
men (ii) Never ending problem
elders. Little has moved with time, it seems, in Firozabad. (Gin) A circle which entraps you
Years of mind-numbing toil have killed all initiative and the (iv) None of the above
ability to dream. [CBSE SOP 2020-21] Ans. (a) (i): (b) (i): ( ) : (d) (i).


Q1 Who is the author of'Lost Spring? 04. According to the author what was garbage for the children?
a. James Bond b. Arundhati Roy a. Means of entertainment b. Means of timepass
d. Anees Jung c. Means of playing d. A wonder
C. Sudha Murthy
Ans. (d) Anees Jung Ans. (d) A wonder
2. Name the birthplace ofthe Q5. Who was Saheb?
b. California a. A shopkeeper b. A servant
a. U.S.A
c. Koch d. Rourkela c. A ragpicker d. All of these
Ans. (d) Rourkela Ans. (c) A ragpicker
of the author? 6. According to the author what was garbage for the parents?
Q3. This story is an excerpt from which book
a. Lost Spring Stories of Stolen Childhood a. Means of entertainment
b. Means of joy
b. Unveiling India
c. Means of sorrow
c. Breaking the Silence
d. Means of survival
d. The Song of India
Childhood Ans. (d) Means of survival
Ans. (a) Lost Spring Stories of Stolen
Q7. What is the meaning of Saheb-e-Alam? Q18. Why did Saheb leave Dhaka?
a. Owner a. Because of lack of resources
b. Rich man b. Because of lack of enough food
c. Poor man C. Because of friends
d. Lord of the Universe d. Because of parents
Ans. (d) Lord of the Universe Ans. (6) Because of lack of enough food
Q8. Why did Saheb -e-Alam not go to school? Q19. What does Saheb look for in the garbage
a. Not interested a. A pair of shoes
b. Had no money to pay fees b. Some utility item
c. Wanted to go for movie note
C. Some silver coin or currency
d. Wanted to earn money d. None of the above
Ans. (b) Had no money to pay fees note
Ans. () Some silver coin or currency
set amidst the green fields of
Q9. What do the boys appear like to the author in the story? Q20. Why did Saheb leave his home,
a. Morning crows b. Evening crows Dhaka?
c. Morning birds d. Evening Birds Storms swept away their homes
and fields.
Ans. (c) Morning birds b. He wanted to see the outward places
Q10. Where was Saheb employed? He had many relatives in Delhi.

a. At a tea stall in Seemapuri d. None of the above

Storms swept away their homes
and fields.
b. At a saree shop Ans. (a)
C.At a jewellery shop Q21. The tea canister seems heavier
than rag bag to Saheb.Why?
d. At a sweet shop canister is too much.
a. The weight of the
Ans. (a) At a tea stall in Seemapuri b. It has deprived him of his freedom.

Q11. Is Saheb happy working at the tea stall? C. It is made of heavy metal
a. Yes d. None of the above
Ans. (b) It has deprived him of his freedom.
b. Yes, he earns money
chappals tell us about the
c. No earning Q22. What does the reference to
d. No, earning but no freedom economic condition of the ragpickers?
ecomomic condition.
Ans. (d) No, earning but no freedom a. They have improved their
Q12. Why is the author calling garbage as gold' in the story?
b. They are still very poor
a. Because of jewels in it
c. They can buy chappals
d. None of the above
b. Because of gems in it
Ans. (d) They are still very poor.
C. Because of gold init
Q 23. What is the means of survival in Seemapuri?
d. Because of its encashment value
a. Work b. Merchandising
Ans. (d) Because of its encashment value
c. Education d.Ragpicking
Q13. What does the tea stall owner pay Saheb? Ans. (d) Ragpicking
a.500/- b.800/-
meal d.1000/ q24. What is the metaphorical symbol of Seemapuri in the lesson?
c. 800 and a
a. Poverty b.Exploitation
Ans. (c)7800 and a meal d. A little hell
c. Enjoyment
Q14. How does Saheb earn his living? Ans. (d) A little hell
a. By working in a factory
Q25. What change did Anees Jung see in Saheb when she saw him
b. By picking rags standing by the gate of the neighbourhood club?
c. By working in a tea stall a. As if lost his freedom
d. Both b. and c. b. Lost ownership
Ans. (d) Both b. and c. C. Lost joy
d. All of the above
Q15. Saheb hailed from which place?
Ans. (d) All of the above
a. Delhi
Q26. Who are responsiblefor the poor condition of bangle makers
b. Seemapuri
c.Greenfields of Dhaka in Firozabad?
d. None of the above
a. Parents b.Society
Ans. (c) Greenfields of Dhaka c.Bureaucrats d. All of these
Ans. (d) All of these
Q16. What forced Saheb to be a ragpicker?
b. Destiny 27. What efforts can help Mukesh materialise his dream of
a. Hard work
c. People around him d. Acute poverty becoming a car driver?
a. Hard work
Ans. (d) Acute poverty
b. Going to garage
Q17. Where is Seemapuri? c.Guidance of his owner
a. In Noida b. South Delhi
d. All of the above
C. North Delhi d. East Delhi
Ans. (d) All of the above
Ans. (d) East Delhi
English Core Class 12 | Term-1
28 e hazards of working in the glass bangles: Q38. What instances in the'LostSpring'revealthatinfrastructur

Firozabad is a neglected city?

a. Poor health a. There are no school buildings.
b. Impaired vision b . No restaurants are seen.
c. Miserable life strewn here and there with dilapidated working
d. All of the above c. Garbage
and living conditions.
Ans. (d) All of the above d. None of the above
Ans. (c) Garbage strewn here and there with dilapidated working
o 29. Who employs the local families of Firozabad? and living conditions.
a. Bureaucrats
What has Mukesh's father achieved in life despite years of
b. Merchants Q 39.
c. Politicians hard bock-breaking labour?
a. He has renovated his old house.
d. The glass blowing
industry b. He has educated his children.
Ans. (d) The glass blowing industry in shack with his
c. He leads a hand to mouth existence

g 30. What is the function of glass blowing industry? family of two elderly parents.
a. To make windowvs d. None of the above
b. To make doors He leads hand to mouth existence in a shack with his
Ans. (c) a
c. To mould glass family of two elderly parents.
d. To mould glass and make colorful Q40. Firozabad is the centre of which industry?
Ans. (d) To mould glass and make colorful bangles a. Cotton industry
Q31. What makes the working conditions of the children worst in b. Furniture industry
the glass industry? c Textile industry
a. Dark dingy cells without light and air d. Glassblowing industry
b. Dazzling and sparking of welding light Ans. (d) Glassblowing industry
Q41. How is Mukesh's attitude different from that of his family?
C. High temperature
a. Being daring. firm and clear
d. All of the above
Ans. (d) Al of the above b. Being a fighter
c. Being a coward
Q 32. What excuse do the ragpickers give for not wearing chappals? d. Not clear
a. Mothers don't give b. No interest Ans. (a) Being daring. firm and clear
C.Atradition d. All of these
: Q42. What is Mukesh's dream?
Ans. (d) AUl of these a. To be a doctor b. To be a mer chant
33. Who is Mukesh? c. To be a rogue d. To be a motor- mechanic
a. Student b. Worker Ans. (d) To be a motor- mechanic
c. Bangle maker d. Ragpicker Q43. How is Mukesh different from his peers?
Ans. (c) Bangle maker a. He goes to school
the for the migration of people from b. He is a good singer.
34. What are reasons
C. He earns lot of money.
villages to city in the lesson? d. Unlike his peers he has a dream to do something different.
a. Sweeping of houses and fields by storms
Ans. (d) Unlike his peers he has a dream to do something different.
b. No money
c. Education and unemployment Q44. Why do bangle makers lack initiative and an ability to dream?
d. Safety a. Their parents don't encourage them.
Ans. (a) Sweeping of houses and fields by storms b. They like the business of bangle-making8
c. They lack resources to change their line of business.
35. What compels the workers in bangle industry of Firozabad to d. The lack education and acute poverty has sucked away
poverty? people's energy to dream for something new.
a. Cast and ancestral profession
Ans. (d) The lack education and acute poverty has sucked away
b. Karam theory and society
people's energy to dream for something new.
. Bureaucrats and politicians
Q45. What does the author analyse in the story?
d. All of the above
a. Rich people
Ans. (d) Al of the above
b. Garbage
36. The city of Firozabad is famous for
c. Poor children and their exploitation
a. For casteism b. For ragpickers
d. Her works
c. For poverty d. For bangles
Ans. (c) Poor children and their exploitation
Ans. (d) For bangles
37. In what way is working in glass bangle industry hazardous? 046. What is the central theme ofthe story Lost Spring?
a. Pitiable Poor children and their lost childhood
a. Loss of sight b. Garbage
b. Loss of appetite c.Saheb and Mukesh
.Affects the lungs d. Spring Season
d. Loss of hearing ability Ans. (a) Pitiable Poor children and their lost childhood
Ans. (a) Loss of sight
Q47. What forces the children to live a life of exploitation? 49. What explanation does the author offer for the children not
a. Greed
wearing footwear?
b. Extreme Poverty a. Children are poor and can't afford.
c. Peers b. Due to their family tradition.
d. Parents C. It is easy for them to walk barefoot.
Ans. (b) Extreme Poverty d. Their religious constraints.
Q48. Why the Ans. (a) Children are poor and can't afford
are people of Firozabad averse to the
movement? Q50. What does the title 'Lost Spring'symbolise?
a. There is no unity among them. a. Lost blooming childhood
b. They are scared of police and the middlemen. b. Autumn season
c. They have no desire to forma cooperative. c. Lost money
d. None of the above d. Lost age
Ans. (b) They are scared of police and the middlemen. Ans. (a) Lost blooming childhood

Deep Water
Summary at a Glance Main Points
Deep Water', by Wiliam Douglas, is taken from his book
and Mountains. It is an autobiographical account of his childhood
of Men Douglas' first aversion to water

experiences. It reveals how as a young boy William Douglas nearly Age-3-4 years
Beach in California
drowned in a swimming pool. He talks about his fear of water
Waves knocked him down and swept over him
and thereafter, how he finally overcomes it. The entire account is
written in the first person which takes the readers along through Frightened- breath stopped
his experience. When Douglas was ten or eleven years old he Misadventure at YMCA pool
decided to learn swimming. Yakima river had cases of drowning, so Boxer boy picked up and tossed him in deep water
it was decided to go to YMCA pool to learn. He is reminded of his Frightened- thought of strategy
experience in water when he was three or four years old and father
took him to the beach in California and a strong wave knocked him
down and swept over him, his breath was gone for a while. His heart To make a big jump once he touched bottom
Reaching the surface and swam out
harboureda terror of the overpowering force of waves.
His introduction to YMCA pool revived unpleasant memories of Failure of the plan
the beach. But he gathered confidence and tried to learn with Legs rigid and paralysed
the help of water wings. But one day a strong boy picked him and Lost breath
tossed him into the deepest end of the pool (9 feet). Douglas sank Throbbing in heart and ache in lungs
to the bottom. He planned to touch the bottom and came up on
the surface with a big jump. But failed. Fear gripped him and he
Unable to scream
was nearly drowned. All his efforts to come to the surface proved
useless. He tried to breathe but he swallowed water. He could Effect of misadventure
experience death. Now there was no fear but only peace. When he Fear of water
opened his eyes, he found himself on the brink of the pool. This Lost pleasure in activities related to water such as canoeing,
horific experience shook Douglas badly. Its memories haunted
boating, swimming
him. He Felt sick. This experience robbed his pleasures of swimming,
fishing, boating and all other water sports. But the swimmer in him Douglas' efforts to overcome the fear of water
was still alive. He decided to hire a coach who trained him and built Got instructor and started learning
a swimmer bit by bit. He worked hard himself and defeated the
Instructor's role
terror of water. Made him cross the pool with a rope attached to a belt
Central ldea Putting face under water; exhale and inhale
The lesson leaves a message for the readers that it is not death but Kicking with legs
the fear of it that instils terror and anxiety in our minds. Yet another
>Put all these exercises together into an integrated whole
message that the story conveys to the readers is that clinging to
the past experiences of fears and defeat can spoil one's present. So Douglas' experience at Lake wWentworth in New Hampshire
persistent efforts are needed to shake off the past bad experiences Return of terror
to live life to its fullest. Laughed and challenged -

fear disappeared
Class 12 | Term-1 79
English Core
airections: Read the extracts given below and With
that follow by choosing the best option.
answer the questions 3. He yelled. 'Hi, Skinny! How'd you like to be ducked?"
L "My introduction to the YMCA that he picked me up and tossed me into the deep end.
swimming pool revived
unpleasant memories and stirred childish landed in a sitting position, swallowed water, and went

while I gathered confidence" fears. But in a little once to the bottom. I was frightened, but not yet frightened
out of my wits.
(a)What are the 'unpleasant memories' of
() His
fight with his friends. the writer? (a) 'He yelled' who yelled in the first line?
(i) Teacher's scoldings in the school () The coach
(ii) His fearful experience on the beach in (i) The father
he was 3 or 4
California when (ii) An eighteen years old boy
years old. (iv) None of the above
(iv) None of the above
(b) Who is addressed as 'Skinny'?
(b) How did the writer
overcome his childhood fear in () The other swimmer
YMCA pool?
(i) The narrator's friend
() By reading books on swimming (ii) The narrator
(i) With firm determination to learn swimming (iv) The eighteen years old boy
(ii) His friends helped him a lot (c)What did the boy do with thee narrator?
(iv) All of the above () He took him along into the pool
(c) Why did the writer refrain from going into the pool all (i) He tossed him into the deep end.
alone on the fateful day? He told him to wait outside the pool
() He was told by his mother not to go into the pool all alone. (iv) None of the above
(i) He was scared to go into the pool all by himself. (d) Why was the narrator frightened?
(ii) He was waiting for others to come. () His father was very strict.
(iv) Both (i) and (ii) (i) His coach had scolded him.
(ii) He was pushed into the deepest end of the pool and
(d) What describes the writer best?
he didn't know swimming.
() Bold i) Scared
(iv) None of the above
(ii) Timid (iv) Strong willed
Ans. (a) (i): (b) (ii): () (i): (d) (ii).
Ans. (a) (ii): (b) (i): () (iv): (d) (Giv).
4. It seemed a long way down. Those nine feet were more
2. It had happened when I was ten or eleven years old, I had
like ninety, and before I touched bottom, my lungs were
decided to learn to swim. There was a pool at the YMCA
ready to burst. But when my feet hit bottom; I summoned
in Yakima that offered exactly the opportunity. The Yakima
all my strength and made what I thought was a great spring
River was treacherous. Mother continually warned against
upwards.I imagined I would bob to the surface like a cork.
it, and kept fresh in my mind the details of each drowning
Instead,I came up slowly. I opened my eyes and saw nothing
in the river. But the YMCA pool was safe.
but water-water that had a dirty yellow tinge to it.
(a) What does 'It' refer to?
(a) Explain the reason of the narrator's experience as
i) Going to school
mentioned in the lines above.
i) Joining a swimming club
() He slipped and fell into the pool
(ii) His decision to learn swimming
(i) He was in the pool just to have fun
iv) None of the above (ii) He jumped into the water to search his watch.
(b) Whom does T refer to? (iv) He was pushed into the deepest end of the pool and
) Coach at the swimming pool didn't know how to swim ashore.
(i) A school boy (b) What happened before he touched the bottom?
(ii) The narrator () His lungs were ready to burst.
(iv) None of the above (i) He was playing with waves.
to as treacherous? ii) Fish came across him.
(c) Why is Yakima River referred (iv) None of the above
It had dangerous water animals.
Several drownings took place in it. (c) Why did he panic underwater?
(ii) Its water was poisonous. () He saw nothing around except water.
None of the above
(i) He couldn't finda rope.
(ii) He was suffocating.
(d) Why was YMCA pool safe? (iv) He tried to yell but couldn't.
) It had expert coaches. (d) Find a word from the passage which means 'gathered'?
(i) Its water was transparent.
to three feet deep at the shallow end. () Tinge (i) Summoned
(ii) It was only two
(ii) Clutched (iv) None of these
(iv) None of the above
Ans. (a) (ii): (b) (Gi): () (i): (d) (ii). Ans. (a) (iv): (b) (0): (c)): (d) (i).
5. The yellowish light was going out. Then all effort ceased. I into the pool?
(b) Why did the boy throw him
relaxed. Even my legs felt limp and a blackness swept over () He was jealous of the
my brain. It wiped out fear; it wiped out terror. There was to be a musculor boy.
(i) He was boasting
no more panic. It was quiet and peaceful. Nothing to be (ii) Just out of fun.
afraid of. This is be drowsy... to go to sleep... no
(iv) None of the above
need to jump... too tired to jump... it's nice to be carried locker room"?
gently... to float along in space. (C) Who said, "Let's carry him to the
) Narrator's coach
(a) Where is the narrator in the above lines?
()The boy who threw him in
) In the night club
(i) Right in the middle of the pool ii) Some passer by
(ii) At his home in bed (iv) None of the above
which the above
(iv) None of the above (d) Name the lesson and its author from
(b) Then all effort ceased' why? lines have been taken.
) He was too exhausted. ) The Last Lesson/Alphonse Daudet
i) He was feeling sleepy. (i) Deep Water/Anees Jung
Gii) He was unconscious. (ii) Lost Spring/William Douglas
(iv) None of the above (iv) Deep Water/William Douglas
(c)There was no more panic'explain. Ans. (a) (i);: (b) (ii): (c) (ii): (d) (v).
) He was quite sure that he would come to the shore.
Q7. I laughed and said, "Well, Mr. Terror, what do you think you
i) He had left his fate on God can do to me?" It fled and I swam on.
(ii) He was swimming across..
iv) None of the above (a) Who is'T here?
(6) William Douglas (i) Anees Jung
(d) What happened to the narrator after his effort ceased?
ii) Khushwant Singh (iv) Kamala Devi
() He successfully swam out
(b) Who is being addressed to as Mr. Terror?
(i) He died
i) He was taken out by someone () Coach (i) Young boy
(i) Water (iv) None of these
(iv) None of the above
(c) Why did the narrator laugh?
Ans. (a) (i): (b)0): (c) (i): (d) (Gi).
) Happy-go-lucky nature
6. The nextI remember l was lying on my stomach beside the (i) Mocking Mr. Terror
pool, vomiting.The chap, that threw me in, was saying "But ii) Confident of defeating Mr. Terror
I was only fooling". Someonesaid,"The kid nearly died. But (iv) All of the above
alright now. Let's cary him to the locker room (d) Why did Mr. Terror leave?
(a) In what condition did the narrator lay beside the pool? 0) Could intimidate the narrator
() He was calmlysleeping i) Could not make the narrator beg for help
(i) He was vomiting (i) Could brighten up the narrator
ii) He was crying for help. (iv) Could not.frighten the narrator
(iv) None of the above Ans. (a) 6): (6) (i): (c) (i): (d) (iv).


Q1 Who is the author of'Deep Water? Q5. What is the story Deep Water speaking about?
a. William Shakespeare b. William George Bernard Shaw a. Fear of water and the way to overcome it
c. William Wordsworth d. William Douglas b. Fear of people
C. Fear of dogs
Ans. (d) Wiliam Douglas d. Fear of swimming
Q2. In which subject has the author graduated? Ans. (a) Fear of water and the way to overcome it
a. English and History . English and Science
Q6. How did the author's fear vanish?
c Science and Social studies d. English and Economics
a. With courage, guidance and determination
Ans. (d) English and Economics b. With care
Q3. For how many years had the author taught in high school in c.With mother's words
Yakima? d. With guidance
a. 2 years b. 4 years C.3 years d. 5 years Ans. (a) With courage. guidance and determination
Ans. (a) 2 years
Q7. Y.M.C.A stands for?
04. After the author was fed up with teaching, he decided to opt a. Young Men's Christian
for which career?
b. Young Men's Christopher Association
a. Medical b. Gardening C. Young Men's Christian
d. A legal career
c.Engineering d. Young Men's Christian Association
Ans. (d) A legal career Ans. (d) Young Men's Christian Association
Term-1| 81
English Core Class 12
8. YMCA pool was safe because: 20. What does Deep Water signity?
a. it had long
boundary walls a. Beauty b. Depth of Sea
b. it had iron chains to hold. c. Depth of Ocean d. Fear
.it was only two or three feet
d. None of the above
deep at the shallow end. Ans. (d) Fear
Q21. Who threw Douglas into the swimming pool?
Ans. () It was only two or three feet deep at the shallow end b. Instructor
a. A young boy
9. Where is Yakima located? d. Watchman
c. Mother
a. In Newzealand b. In california Ans. (a) A young boy
c. In Washington d. None of these
Ans. (c) In Washington Q22. What was the fear in Douglas' mind?
a. To be defeated b. To be pushed
Q10. Why did Douglas' mother warn aqainst Yakima River? d. None of these
c. Being drowned
a. It was far from their home b. It
water was filthy Ans. (c) Being drowned
c. It was risky d. None of the above his father.
Ans. () It was risky 23. At the age of 3 or 4 Douglas visited the beach with
What caused a terror in his heart then?
Q11. In the beginning Douglas had an aversion to the water because:
a. The sight of the sea waves.
a. he had a bad experience in the beach of California.
b. The overpowering force of the waves.
b. he was timid.
c. he did not like water sports. c. The colour of the water.
d. None of the above d. All of the above
Ans.(a) he had a bad experlence in the beach of California. Ans. (d) All of the above
were the series of emotions and fears that Douglas
12. Where did the writer go when he was 3 or 4years old in the story? Q24. What
experienced when he was thrown into the pool?
a. Washington b. New Zealand
C. California d. Canada a. Fear
Ans. (c) California b. Confidence
c. Overconfidence
Q13. What is haunting the author?
d. Mixed feelings of confidence and fear
a. Terrible experience in the pool
Ans. (d) Mixed feelings of confidence and fear
b. Ghosts
c. His mother's words Q25. What plans did he make to come to the surface of the pool?
d. A push by a young boy a. Thrilled to jump and push himself up
Ans. (a) Terrible experience in the pool b. Shouted
Q14. How did the author learn swimming? c.Cried aloud
a. With the help of a rope d. Shouted "help"
Ans. (a) Thrilled to jump and push himself up
b.With the help of a friend
c.With the help of his mother Q26. How did this experience affect the author?
d. With the help of a swimming instructor a. Became fearless b. Confident
Ans. (d) With the help of a swimming instructor c.Overconfident d. Became hydrophobic
Ans. (d) Became hydrophobic
Q15. What did William Douglas desire for?
a. Visit to California b. To be a judge Q 27. What lesson did Douglas learn from his experience of
d. To be with his mother
c. To learn swimming drowning learning to swim?
Ans. (c) To learn swimming a. Learnt swimming
in the pool? b. Love for swimming
Q16. What did the author realise while drowning c. Swimming is not difficult
a. Terror in fear of death
b. Swimming was fun d. Face the fear
to his rescue Ans. (d) Face the fear
c. The lifeguard did not

d. All of the above 28. How did the instructor make Douglas a good swimmer?
Ans. (a) Terror in fear of death a. Planning
Water? b. With the help of ropes
Q17. What is the theme ofthe story Deep . By pushing him into the pool
a. Victory in facing the
fear b. Being fearful
d. All of the above d.With the help of ropes and belts
c.To learn swimming Ans. (d) With the help of ropes and belts
Ans. (a) Victory in facing the fear
which book? Q29. What plan did Douglas make to learnb.swimming?
Q28. Deep water is an excerpt from and Mountains
a. Planned to get an instructor Planned to swim more
a. Fear of water b.Of Men c. Pla watch swinmmers d. Planned to jump
d. Fearless
c. How to Swim Ans. (a) Planned to get an instructor
Ans. (b) Of Men and Mountains about?
Q30. What is the 'misadventure' that Douglas speaks
Q19. What did the big bruiser of a boy do with Wiliam Douglas? a. He had a violent encounter with a boy.
a. He shook hands with him. b. He was thrown into the deep end of the pool
b. He hugged him. c.He slipped into the pool
with him.
cHe gossiped tossed him into the deep
end. d. None of the above
d. He picked him up and Ans. (b) He was thrown into the deep end of the pool
tossed him into the deep end.
Ans. (d) He picked him up and
Q31 In the third phase of the learning process. What did the Q41. Why did Douglas hire an instructor
instructor teach William? a. To be confident in swimming
a. To dip into the water b. Butterfly stroke b. To compete with others
c. To inhale and to exhale d. To kick with legs C. To flaunt
learn swimming
Ans. (d) To kick with legs d. To overcome his fear of water and
and learn swimming
32. How did his swimming instructor build a swimmer out ofDouglas? Ans. (d) To overcome his fear of water
from his experience
lesson did Douglas learn
a. He gave him several books on swimming 942. What important
b. He showed him videos on swimming exercises. in YMCA pool?
c. He dispelled fear of water from him and taught him the a. We must not believe anyone.
terror in the fear of
techniques of swimming. b. In death there is peace and
of life seriously.
d. None of the above . We should not take the challenge

Ans. (c) He dispelled fear of water from him and taught him the d. None of the above
in the fear of death.
techniques of swimming8 Ans. (b) In death there is peace and terror
YMCA pool affect him?
Q 33. What does Douglas do to save himself in the pool? 43. How did Douglas experience at
a. He started avoiding water sports.
a. Used his mind and pushed himself up
b. Shouted aloud b. He became more confident.
c. He lost interest in everything
c.Called people d. None of the above
d. Shouted help help
Ans. (a) He started avoiding water sports.
Ans. (a) Used his mind and pushed himself up
of life fell. What does
9 34. Why did Douglas fail to come to the surface of the pool as he 04. "I crossed to oblivion, and the curtain
hoped to? oblivion mean?
b. Changing room
a. Because of fear of swimming a. Spavilion
b. Because of fear c.Unconsciousness d. Death
c. Because of inability to move Ans. () Unconsciousness
fear of water?
d. Because of fear and inability to move Q45. Why was Douglas determined to get over his
Ans. (d) Because of fear and inabitlity to move he wanted to swim in the waters of the Cascade
a. Because
b. Because his friend had challenged him
Q35. What did Douglas see deep down the water? C. Because he had a bet on it
a. Beautiful corals and fishes b. White marbles
d. Because he wanted to win a medal
c. Water with yellow glow d. None of the above
Ans. (a) Because he wanted to swim in the waters of the Cascade
Ans. (c) Water with yellow glow
Q46. What was stopping Douglas to get into the waters ofcascade?
Q36. How did William Douglas know that he was still alive? a. Memories of Washington
a. His legs were moving
b. Memories of California
b.Waterwas bubbling in his mouth c. Instructions given by the instructor
c. His heart was beating
d. Memories full of terror in the pool
d. None of the above
Ans. (d) Memories full of terror in the pool
Ans. (c) His heart was beating
Q37. He felt 'Wobbly in the knees. What does the phrase Wobbly 47. How did Douglas make sure that he had conquered the old
in the knees' imply?
a. By visiting California
a. He felt severe pain in the knees.
b. By jumping into the waters
b. His knees were trembling
c. He felt weak and lost strength in the knees.
c. By taking a lesson from the instructor
d. By swimming into the lake Wentworth
d. None of the above
Ans. () He felt weak and lost strength in the knees. Ans. (d) By swimming into the lake Wentworth
048. What distance Douglas covered while swimming across the
38. What was the impact of the pool incident? lake Wentworth?
a. Developed fear b. 3 miles
a. 4 miles c. 5 miles d. 2 miles
b. Became confident
Ans. (d) 2 miles
c Became overconfident
Q49. Where was the lake Wentworth?
d. Hydrophobia was revived
a. In New Hampshire b. In Washington
Ans. (d) Hydrophobia was revived
c. In California d. In Washington D.C.
Q39. How many times did Douglas try to come to the surface of the Ans. (a) In New Hampshire
pool? Q50. At first, why was the writer not much frightened when he was
a. Twice b. Once . Five times d. Thrice
thrown into the pool?
Ans. (d) Thrice a. Because he was sleeping
Why did Douglas' mother recommend that he should learn b. Because he was intoxicated
Q40. c. Because he thought that the lifeguard would come to his
swimming at the YMCA swimming pool?
b. Because it was safe rescue
a. Because it was local d. Because of confidence
cBecause it was shallow d. Because it was shallow and safe
shallow and safe Ans. (d) Because of confidence
Ans. (d) Because it was

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