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Review test 45 –class 11(number 1)

I. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the others

1. A. celebrate B. decorate C. represent D. savor
2 .A. experience B. embarrass C. floppy D. embrace
3. A. enthusiasm B. interest C. capable D. sympathy
4. A. candle B. embrace C. sneaky D. finish
5. A. celebrate B. together C. family D. special
6. A. generous B. suspicious C. constancy D. sympathy
7. A. relationship B. sympathy C. incapable D. experience
8. A. intelligent B. interesting C. hospitable D. favourite
II. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the
other words.
1. A. honor B. however C. home D. happy
2. A. invite B. confirm C. distribute D. Interact
3. A. looked B. finished C. turned D. helped
4. A. children B. divorce C. married D. present
5. A. jam B. dangerous C. village D. glance
6. A. machine B. church C. question D. children
III. Choose the best answer.
1. Vietnamese people do not eat with _________. We use spoons and __________.
A. cutlery/ chopsticks B. napkin/ sticks C. plate/ teaspoon D. etiquette/ dish
2. Remove the teaspoon ___________ the cup before drinking.
A. to B. from C. back D. out
3. I always hear you ______ with your sister. What‟s wrong between you?
A. argue B. to argue C. argued D. argues
4. Try _______ so many mistakes.
A. not to make B. not make C. to make not D. make not
5. There are some similarities in table __________ of different cultures in the world.
A. ways B. etiquette C. styles D. manners
6. You had better _______ home and have a rest.
A. going B. goes C. to go D. go
7. A person or thing that is loved and admired very much is the____.
A. ideal B. idea C. idol D. fan
8. A short part of a film or movie that is shown separately is called a ______.
A. picture B. clip C. news D. cartoon
9. She _______ shyly at him and then lowered her eyes.
A. looked B. stared C. glanced D. sighted
10. This _______ girl was disliked by the rest of the class.
A. helpful B. sneaky C. unselfish D. generous
11. He pulled a(n) _______ of £10 notes out of his pocket.
A. sum B. amount C. piece D. wad
12. I‟ve never fallen in such a(n) ______ situation before.
A. embarrassed B. embarrassing C. confused D. confusing
13. When I _______ home, I ______ a phone call.
A. got/ received B. got/ had received
C. was getting/ was receiving D. had got/ had received
14. They _______ small cups of coffee after they _______ dinner.
A. had drunk/ finished B. were drinking/ finished
C. drank/ finished D. drank/ had finished
15. It was midnight. Outside it ______ very hard.
A. rains B. rained C. had rained D. was raining
16. When he _______ at the station, his train already _______.
A. arrived/ left B. had arrived/ left C. arrived/ had left D. had arrived/ left
17. We always admire the________between Karl Marx and Frederic Engels.
A. difference B. friendship C. harmony D.contribution
18. There must be__________trust between friends.
A. shared B. common C. mutual D. perfect
19. Constancy is the second___________for a true friendship.
A. character B. claim C. demand D. quality
20. Her parents want her________a doctor.
A. become B. to become C. becoming D. Became
21. My friend often shows her ___________ whenever I have troubles.
A. sympathy B. sympathize C. sympathetic D. sympathetically
23. He doesn‟t know much about the project but he is very ____________.
A. enthusiastic B. enthusiast C. enthusiasm D. enthusiastically
24. Daisy is so ___________. She only cares about herself, not about other people.
A. helpful B. selfish C. loyal D. talkative
25. She is not determined and often changes her ideas. What a/an _____________ girl she is.
A. uncertain B. mutual C. suspicious D. changeable
26._________ is the quality of being faithful and loyal to a particular person or belief.
A. Acquaintance B. Constancy C. Sympathy D. Sorrow
27. On Christmas Day, people exchange presents with each other and say „_____Christmas‟.
A. Happy B. Merry C. Exciting D. Nice
28. Children often receive presents from their parents at Christmas.
A. candles B. candy C. cards D. gifts
29. The girls agreed____ ____the cake equally.
A. to be divided B. to divide C. dividing D. divide
30. I hope_________ _to university next year.
A. to go B. go C. going D. went
31. I expected ________to the party, but I was not.
A. to invite B. inviting C. to be invited D. being invited
32. Could I have something non-alcoholic, like__________, please?
A. vodka B. whisky C. orange juice D. beer
33. The new students hoped to be included _____ many of the school‟s social activities.
A. in B. at C. about D. on
34. Wedding anniversaries mark the _____ of a happy and lasting relationship between
married couples.
A. labels B. starting points C. symptoms D. milestones
35. She complains _____ about anything she doesn‟t like. She is the type of person who is
always making a fuss.
A. noise B. noisy C. noisily D. noises
36. When we __________ to see him last night, he ________ to music.
A. come / is listening B. had come / listened
C. came / was listening D. were coming / had listened
37. Most ______ couples in the United States celebrate wedding anniversaries each year.
A. marry B. marrying C. marriage D. married
38. I don‟t like that boy because there‟s a _____ look on his face.
A. careful B. illegal C. sneaky D. happy
39. Jack got into trouble when he refused ________ his briefcase for the custom officer.
A. opening B. being opened C. to open D. to be opened
40. We can‟t count on ________ by our parents every time we get into difficulty. rescue B. to be rescued C. rescuing D. being rescued
41. When I ________ home, I ________ a phone call.
A. was getting/ was receiving B. had got/ had received
C. got/ received D. got/ had received
42. Now, I'd like to tell you my most memorable experience.
A. forgetting B. forgettable C. unforgettable D.forget
43. The 25th wedding anniversary is called the _______ anniversary.
A. silver B. special C. golden D. diamond
44. Would you mind if I asked you some _______ questions ?
A. personally B. person C. personal D. perfectly
45.On a birthday, people usually make a wish and blow _______ the candles.
A. in B. out C. on D. A, B and C are correct
46. I wanted to stop _________ some presents but we didn't have enough time.
A. to buy B. buy C. buying D. bought
47. Business leaders gave an _______ welcome to the proposal.
A. official B. exciting C. enthusiastic D. warmly
48. Peter _______to go in for the exam.
A. avoided B .let C. advised D. decided
49. Sarah brightened _______ considerably as she thought of Emily's words.
A.with B. on C. up D. for
50. Unselfishness is the very essence of friendship.
A. romantic part B. important part C. difficult part D. interesting part
51. I got my friend ________ her car for the weekend.
A. to let me to borrow B. to let me borrow
C. let me borrow D. let me to borrow
52. Are you going to let me_______that last piece of apple pie?
A. eat B. to eat C. eaten D. eating
53.The Second World War________in 1939 and_______in 1945.
A. begins/ends B. had begun/ended C. has begun/had ended D. began/ended
54. How did the experience ________you?
A. affects B. affect C. affected D. affecting
55. I am looking forward to _______ from you soon
A. hearing B. hear C. heard D. be heard
56. While he _______ dinner, I _______.
A. had/ had come B. had/ come C. had/ was having D. was having/ came
57.______ is all that most human beings are looking for.
A. Happiness B. Happily C. Happy D. Unhappy
58. We always celebrate our wedding ___ with dinner in an expensive restaurant every year.
A. party B. anniversary C. cake D. ring
59. Could you keep ______ while I‟m on the phone, please? Don‟t make so much noise.
A. quiet B. enjoyable C. happy D. comfortable
60. Because of the drought, many people starved to ______.
A. die B. dead C. deadly D. death
61.I think you should give it up. There is no ______ for it.
A. help B. helpful C. helpless D. helpfully
62. They let their children _______ up late at weekends.
A. staying B. to stay C. stay D. stayed
63.The children were eager ________ their parents.
A. to see B. see C. seeing D. saw
64. I‟d rather _______ at home.
A. to stay B. staying C. stayed D. stay
65. Peter is very funny. He makes me _______ a lot.
A. laugh B. to laugh C. laughing D. laughed
66.________ bread, you usually need flour, salt and yeast..
A. Make B. To make C. Making D. Made
67.It‟s important for her _________ the office.
A. ringing B. to ring C. ring D. rang
68. They would _______ go by plane than spend a week traveling by train.
A. like B. rather C. prefer D. better
69. The boss made _______ for a meeting after work.
A. us to stay B. us stay C. us staying D. us to staying
70. Her parents want her _______ a doctor.
A. become B. to become C. becoming D. became
10. She asked Mary ________ her.
A. to help B. help C. helped D. helping
71. The children were ________ about opening their presents.
A. interested B. fond C. keen D. excited
72.Andrew ________ the test before so he ________ it very easy.
A. did/ had found B. had done/ found
C. was doing/ found D. did/ was founding
73.You ________ your new hat when I ________ you yesterday.
A. were wearing/ had met B. wore/ had met C. were wearing/ met D. wore/ was meeting
74.As I ________ the glass, it suddenly ________ into two pieces.
A. cut/ broke B. cut/ was breaking C. was cutting/ had broken D. was cutting/ broke
75.A burglar ________ into the house while we ________ television.
A. broke/ were watching B. broke/ watched
C. had broken/ watched D. broke/ had watched
76.The fire________some years ago at Dong Xuan market.
A. happen B. happened C. happening D. happens
77.I was going home when I ________an accident.
A. see B. was seeing C. saw D. had seen
78.When I came, they________chess.
A. are playing B. was playing C. were playing D. has played
79.Listen. Do you hear someone_________at the door?
A. knocking B. to knock C. knock D. knocks
80.He should know how________the film projector.
A. to use B. use C. used D. using
81.He is ________ for his elderly parents.
A. paying attention B. looking C. caring D. taking care
82.He is smartly ________ when he comes to an interview.
A. dressed B. put on C. worn D. undressed
83. John had agreed ________ me in his office.
A. to meet B. meeting C. to be met D. being met
84. It‟s important for the figures ________ regularly.
A. to update B. updating C. to be updated D. being updated
85. It is no good ________ sorry for yourself.
A. to feel B. feeling C. feel D. felt
86.I tried ________ the bus, but I missed it.
A. to catch B. catching C. to be caught D. being caught
87. The plants want ________ daily.
A. to water B. watering C. to be watered D. being watered
88. Sun-Young avoids _________ underwear at the thrift store.
A. buy B. bought C. to buy D. buying
89. Ann hoped _________ to join the private talk.
A. inviting B. being invited C. to invite D. to be invited
90. Please let me _________ your decision as soon as possible.
A. know B. to know C. knows D. knowing

IV. Choose the part that is incorrect.

1.I spent (A) most of time (B) in the train read (C) my favorite book (D).
2.I heard (A) him talked (B) about(C) you this morning (D).
3.By the time (A) he is twenty-five (B), he had written (C) 20 books (D).
4.I break (A) a glass when (B) I was washing (C) the glasses (D) yesterday.
5.She enjoys (A) to be (B) invited (C) to Minh's (D) birthday party.
6.Lan was (A) in a difficult situation (B), so I agreed lending (C) her (D) some money.
7.He seldom travels (A) by bicycle (B) before (C) he went (D) to Vietnam.
8.I used to eating (A) ice cream when (B) I was (C) a child (D).
9.After he received (A) my postcard (B), he phoned (C) me immediately(D).
10.Could (A) you please stop (B) to make (C) so much noise (D)?
11.It‟s (A) impossible for (B) me be (C) there before (D) 8 p.m.
12.The children (A) admitted (B) to have (C) taken (D) the money.
13.After she bought (A) herself (B) a (C) new motorbike, she sold (D) her bicycle.
14.I expected (A) to admit (B) to the (C) school, but I wasn‟t (D) .
15.He was (A) terribly excited (B) to ask (C) to play for (D) Manchester.

V. Read the passage and choose the best answer to each question.
Having a best friend to confide in can bring a positive effect on our emotional health. An
evening out with the closest friend may be the best guarantee of a good time. In fact, our best
friend can prevent us from developing serious psychological problems such as depression
and anxiety.
Best friendship evolves with time - we cannot go out and pick our best friend. We become
friends with people who share common interests – at school or through hobbies, for example.
Best friends have usually known each other for years and stuck together through good and
bad times. If you haven't got one, perhaps you are being too distant from people, or focusing
too much on your work.
1. A best friend can ________.
A. give us a healthy life B. go out with us in the evening
C. spend much time finding D. share joy and sadness with us
2. Close friends need to ________.
A. study at the same school B. have the same interests
C. pursue the same hobbies D. spend time together
3. According to the passage, ________.
A. it takes a lot of time to make close friendships
B. we can go out and choose a good friend easily
C. best friends have good and bad times D. It‟s very difficult to make lasting friendships
4. The word 'one' in the last paragraph refers to ________.
A. good time B. bad time C. a friendship D. a close friend
5. According to the passage, a best friend can help you with _______.
A. doing homework B. doing housework
C. overcoming difficulties D. overcoming depression and anxiety
VI. Write the sentence, using the given cues:
1.She/ not stand/ kept/ wait/ such/ long time//
2.She/ decide/ go back/ shop/ buy/ long dress//
3.It/ worth/ try/ make/ change/ her mind//
4.While / I / open / letter / telephone / ring
5.selfish person / incapable / true friendship
………………………………………………………………………………………………… play/ five/ He/ piano/ started/ the/ years/ ago
7.letter/ the/ ,/ opening/ the/ was/ telephone/ I/ rang/ While
8.been/ We/ for/ two/ hours/ for/ have/ waiting/ you
9.window/ Tommy/ to/ throwing/ admitted/ the/ through/ rock/ the
10.Jack/ at/ me/ Whenever/ avoided/,/ met/ we/ looking

VII. Read the passage and choose the best answer to each question.
When the bus ________ (1) in a small square, Maria was reading her magazine and didn‟t
realize that she had arrived at her destination. “This is Santa Teresa,” Martin said. “You‟ve
arrived home!” I suppose your cousin will be ________ (2) for us. Come on. I‟ll carry the
bags.” Maria thought, “All those years when I ________ (3) in New York, I used to dream of
this moment. And now it‟s real, I can‟t believe it! Here I am, I‟m really standing in the
square.” Santa Teresa was Maria‟s birthplace, but she often left the town at the age of six.
She had some ________ (4) of the town, and some photos, but did she belong here still? She
didn‟t know. Nobody was waiting in the square. Perhaps her cousin Pablo hadn‟t received
Maria‟s letter. “What are we going to do now?” asked Martin. “There isn‟t ________ (5) a
hotel here!”
1. A. reached B. got C. stopped D. came
2. A. expecting B. waiting C. welcoming D. receiving
3. A. was living B. have lived C. live D. am living
4. A. recall B. memories C. thinking D. remembering
5. A. even B. hardly C. too D. very
VIII. Read the passage and choose the best answer to each question.
After spending a day at the beach, I stopped to buy a snack on my way home. But when I
searched for my wallet, it wasn‟t there. I checked my other pockets, and the car and then
headed back to look at the beach. My driver‟s license, my ID card - my mind was racing
through all the things I had lost and I felt rotten. A search of the beach and parking lot
proved fruitless, so I headed home. I tried to forget it because there was nothing I could do,
but I was mad at myself for losing it. After dinner when I was watching TV and trying to
forget, the phone rang and a voice asked: “Did you lose a wallet? I found it on the beach.”
What a great feeling that gave me - not only for my luck, but also for my faith in all
1. How much time did the writer spend on the beach?
A. Two days B. Three days C. A day and a half D. One day
2. What did he lose?
A. His car B. His key C. His wallet D. His mind
3. How did he feel when he knew that he lost his driver‟s license and ID card?
A. He felt happy B. He felt unhappy C. He felt angry D. He felt excited
4. Where did he go after searching the beach and the parking lot and finding nothing?
A. He went home. B. He went to his office.
C. He went to the grocery store. D. He went to his police station.


Giving a dinner party is a wonderful way of entertain people. You can also make new
friends and give others the chance to get to know each other better.
It needs planning, though. First, make a guest list, with different kinds of people and a
mixture of women and men. Don‟t invite couples because they aren‟t so much fun.
When you know who can come, find out what they like to eat and drink. Note down any
who are vegetarians, or who can‟t eat or drink certain things for religious seasons.
Then plan their menu. Include a first course, a choice of main courses and a dessert, plus
lots of people‟s favorite drinks.
The next thing to do is the shopping. Make sure buy more than enough of everything, and
that someone can help you carry it!
On the day, start cooking early. Give people appetizers like Greek mezze or Spanish tapas,
so they don‟t get hungry if they have to wait. Serve the delicious meal, sit down with your
guests and have a good time – you‟ve earned it!
1.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as the purpose of giving a dinner party?
A. to entertain people B. to make new friends
C. to get people to know more about their host and hostess
D. to help people to know each other better
2.When giving a dinner party, you should NOT invite ________.
A. husbands and wives B. those who are vegetarians
C. both women and men D. those who can‟t eat or drink certain things
3.The menu should include these EXCEPT ________.
A. a first course B. a supper C. a dessert D. main courses
4.According to the passage, starters should be served ________.
A. because the guests want to have a good time together
B. because the guests like eating them
C. because the guests want to eat them while having to wait
D. because the guests may be hungry while having to wait
5.What should you do while the guests are having their evening meal?
A. Stand beside the guests without doing anything.
B. Sit down with the guests and have a good time.
C. Sit down with the guests to show your politeness.
D. Only serve the guests with the food.
IX. Rewrite the following :
1.They got ready and then went out to dinner.
After they …………………………………………………………………………………..
2.We can‟t finish our report in such a short time.
It is ………………………………………………………………………………………..
3.“Would you like some coffee?” Peter asked me.
Peter invited ……………………………………………………………………………
4. My mother never allows me to go out alone at night.
My mother never lets ………………………………………………………………………
5.“Shall I make you a coffee?” the girl said to the lady.
The girl promised …………………………………………………………………………..
6.“I think you should look for a better job, Jerry.”
I advised... ………………………………………………………………………………….
7.“You must practice for two hours every day!”
My piano teacher makes……………………………………………………………………
8. He locked the door when he went out .
We saw.................................................................................................................................
9. Mary played the piano very well at the party .
They heard... …………………………………………………………………………
10. “You can go home early, Tom ”,
The manager let...............................................................................................................
11. They sang a song. I heard them.
I heard ……………………………………………………………………………………
12. I started working as a teacher 10 years ago.
I have…………………………………………………….........................................
13.He made her go out.
He forced ……………………………………………………………...................
14.The cat jumped through the window.
The boy saw…………………………………………………………………………….
15. She met her husband. At that time, she was studying in USA.

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