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India Glycols Limited is a Public Limited Company which

was incorporated on 19th November, 1983 under

Companies Act 1956 as U.P. Glycols Limited. It was

renamed as India Glycols Limited on 28-03-1986. It

started its commercial production of MEG on 24-04-89,

First Company in the world to produce Ethylene Oxide

(EO)/Mono Ethylene Glycol (MEG) from renewable agro route

based on molasses. Ethoxylates on 25-01-95 and

Formulation/Specialty Chemicals on 01-09-97 Some other

qualities of IGL are:

• Largest Ethoxylate, Glycol Ether producer and thus leader

in Ethylene Oxide Derivatives/Surfacetant business in


• Global player meeting international specifications

and norms, exporting to South East Asia, Middle East,

Europe, Australia and USA.

• Catering to more than 1,000 customers in various

end-use industries such as Textile, Agrochemical, Oil &

Gas, Personal Care, Pharmaceuticals, Brake Fluids,

Detegent, Emulsion Polymersation & paints etc.

• Offer customer specific products to meet their

performance/technical requirements.

• Customer base includes large MNCs, Public

Sector Undertakings and large as well as medium & small

Indian organizations.

The Company had initially set up the manufacturing

facilities at Kolhapur for manufacturing Mono Ethylene

Glycol, Di Ethylene Glycol and Tri Ethylene Glycol from

Molasses as against the conventional petro-route with an

investment of Rs. 90 core. The foundation stone was laid by

erstwhile Honorable Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh Shri

Narayan Dutt Tiwari on 16th May, 1985. The commercial

production started in April, 1989. Subsequently, it September,

1997 Guar Gum in July, 2001 Glycol Ether in August, 2001

and Potable Alcohol & Liquor bottling in April, 2002. In

between, the company has expanded its production capacity

of Alcohol, Glycols, Ethoxylates, Formulation and Glycol Ether

plants. IGL had set up a Rib manufacturing unit in their campus

at Kashipur to supplement their raw material/feed stock

Molasses. IGL, Kolhapur products 260 different types of

chemicals. IGL holds the biggest capacity of producing alcohol

in Asia, with annual turnover of about 7 to 8 hundred corers


IGL also set up a Distillery at Gorakhpur, U.P. to

supplement their raw material/feed stock Alcohol. It has

biggest capacity in U.P. and its annual turnover is over 300

corers rupees. IGL, Gorakhpur produces rectified sprit,

specific degenerated sprit, country liquor and Indian made

foreign liquor.

 To collaborate with and support internal customers of HR in

achieving business objectives through services viz . effective

manpower planning ensuring harmonious industrial relations etc.

 To review and redesign the structure of the organization with

clarity of roles, responsibility and accountability for overall

organizational effectiveness and speedy response to the emerging

business challenges.

 To develop knowledge and skills of the employees and groom

leaders with functional and business competencies to meet future

demands of the organization ( viz. Flexibility & change


 To benchmark best HR practices in order to enhance human

resource effectiveness.

 To enhance employee productivity through rationalization of jobs

and manpower optimization.

 To promote employee involvement in decision-making, team

working, creatively and empowerment.

 To institutionalize transparency by farming, updating &

communicating systems and processes.

 To maintain good liaison with government/ external agencies in

order to better serve the organizational cause.

 To provide a safe and healthy work environment and continuously

benchmark and upgrade the standards of safety and hygiene.

 To work towards improving the quality of work life of employees

and their families.

The primary objective of HRM is to ensure the availability

of competent and willing work force of an organization.

Apart from this, there are other objectives too,

specifically, HRM objective are four fold:

Societal, organizational, functional and personal.


The societal objectives are socially and ethically responsible

for the needs and challenges of society. While doing so, they

have to minimize the negative impact of such demands upon

the organization. The failure of organizations to use their

resources for society’s benefit in ethical ways may lead to



The objective is recognize the role of human resource

management in bringing about organizational effectiveness.

HRM is not an end in itself; it is only a means to assist the

organization with its primary objectives. Simply stated the

human resources department exists to serve the rest of the



Functional objectives try to maintain the department’s

contribution at a level appropriate to the organization’s needs.

HR are to be adjusted to suit the organization’s demands. The

department’s level of service must be tailored to fit the

organization it serves.


Personal objectives assist employees in achieving their

personal goals, at least insofar as these goals enhance the

individual’s contribution to the organization. Personal

objectives of employees must be met if they are to be

maintained, retained and motivated. Otherwise, employee

performance and sati facts on may decline giving rise to

employee turnover.

Liquors are sweetened, colored and flavored spirits,

generally having a base of scotch whisky or brandy they are

sweetened with sugar and colored with vegetable pigments.

Two methods are used to extract maximum color and flavor:

It is used to extract flavor mainly from soft fresh fruits

or dried fruits, but not nuts, is cut into small pieces and

seeds are removed as they often contain bitter oils. The fruits

are placed in large vessels, into which Scotch whisky or brandy

is pumped from below. The spirit remains in contact with the

fruit for 4-6 months, during which, due to action of the

alcohol, the fruits gets mashed up. The solids are separated

from the by liquid by frication or distillation if necessary.

Required sweating and colouring are added to the distillate.


It is used to derive flavours from plant (such as stems,

leaves, bank and roots) which are hard and from which it

is very difficult to extract flavour. The desired herbs

and spices are put, along with the base and boiled

(percolated) in large vessels. This is distilled along

with the herb spices. The distillate thus obtained is

highly concentrated & defined color & sweetening is added

according to the type of liquor. Honey, especially heather

honey, is added to some plant liquors. Some liqueurs,

like tequila are unsweetened and some have a base of rum.

People use liquor as an add to festive joy. Many find

that liquor does indeed make glad the heart of man. Some use

it as a convenient and effective lubricant to social mixings.

Most of the people can testify to the values of alcohol as an

add of ‘Making the party go’ Now and again a person used

it to distract himself from difficult situation for some movement

or to soften for a movement the reality of the world.

Alcohol is popularly conceived as a stimulant; in fact all

these impressions are brought about its anesthetic effects

upon the nervous system and particularly upon the cartex of

the by its depressant action on the cerebral cartex. Alcohol

reduces inhabitation and judgment; as a result a person mixed

more easily and pays less attention to the frustrating elements

in the environment.

The purists maintain that it is unforgivable to

defile whisky with soda and ice, diehards are shocked

that anything at all can be mixed with whisky. Each person

involves his/her own style of drinking which is an extension of

that individual’s personality. Pleasure and consolation has

been found in alcohol through out history and over a wide

range of cultural achievement from the most preference in the

literature of India to the use of alcoholic drinks carving in the

tombs of Egypt. Man has seen almost everywhere to have

produced and consumed alcohol in one form or the other.

The discoverer of alcohol is unkonwn, even the

substance from which the first alcohol originated is not

historically recorded, but most likely grape, grains or

honey served as the precursor. Evidence exists that alcohol

played an important role in the man’s social development for

many years.

Ruche even suggests that in the Neolithic period

agriculture may have sprung from a desire to ensure a

regular supply of alcohol. A more reasonable assumption is

that the desire for alcohol was simply an added impetus

towards increased agricultural productivity.

The early role of alcohol inhuman life is emphasized by

its close relation with religion. One of the earliest uses of

alcohol was in religious practices and ritualism. In the presence

of the unknown into a comprehensive frame of reference

religion makes it possible for a man to feel some security,

anxiety is diminished and it become easier to live with one’s

feelings. Alcohol like religion serves man in the sense that is

‘Pharmacologically’ changed its perspective and others

temporary relief.

The pace of our current civilization creates impossible

burden of adjustment which become omni alcoholic beverages.

Alcohol in general is rationalization into an antidote for any

kind of stress.

Alcoholic beverages besides their pharmacological

action, have acquired a symbolic meaning as have other basic

fluids such as water, milk and blood.

The taxes on alcohol, liquors and beers are one of the

most important revenue of the state treasury.

The taxes fall alike on rich and poor. Number of

persons going to the shops is so great that the consumption

of liquor and beer reaches surprisingly high figures, the

amount of taxed thus collected is very large.

It started its commercial production of MEG on 25.04.89, First

Company in the world to produce Ethylene Oxide (EO) / Mono

Ethylene Glycol (MEG) from renewable agro route based on

molasses. Ethoxylates on 25.01.95 and Formulation/Specialty

Chemicals on 01.09.97. Some other qualities of IGL are:

 Ethoxylate, Glycol Ether producer and thus

leader in Ethylene Oxide Derivatives/Surfacetant

business in India.

∗Global player meeting international specifications and

norms, exporting to South East Asia, Middle East, Europe,

Australia and USA.

∗Catering to more than 1,000 customers in various end-

use industries such as Textile, Agrochemical, Oil & Gas,

Personal Care, Pharmaceuticals, Brake Fluids, Detergent,

Emulsion Polymerisation & paints etc.

∗Offer customer specific products to meet their

performance / technical requirements.

 base includes large MNCs, Public Sector

Undertakings and large as well as medium & small Indian


The Company had initially set up the manufacturing facilities at

Kashipur for manufacturing Mono Ethylene Glycol, Di Ethylene

Glycol and Tri Ethylene Glycol from Molasses as against the

conventional petro-route with an investment of Rs. 90 crore.

The foundation stone was laid by erstwhile Honarable Chief

Minister of Uttar Pradesh Shri Narayan Dutt Tiwari on 16th May,

1985. The commercial production started in April, 1989.

Subsequently, it diversified into Ethoxylates in January, 1995,

Formulation/Specialty Chemicals in September, 1997, Guar

Gum in July, 2001, Glycol Ether in August, 2001 and Potable

Alcohol & Liquor bottling in April, 2002. In between, the

company has expanded its production capacity of Alcohol,

Glycols, Ethoxylates, Formulation and Glycol Ether plants. IGL

had set up a Rab manufacturing unit in their campus at

Kashipur to supplement their raw material / feed stock

Molasses. IGL, Kashipur produces 260 different types of

chemicals. IGL holds the biggest capacity of producing alcohol

in Asia, with annual turnover of about 7 to 8 hundred corers


IGL also set up a Distillery at Gorakhpur, U.P to supplement

their raw material / feed stock Alcohol. It has biggest capacity

in U.P. and its annual turnover is over 300 corers rupees. IGL,

Gorakhpur produces rectified sprit, specific degenerated sprit,

country liquor and Indian made foreign liquor.


Before embarking on the details of research methodology and

Techniques, it seems appropriate to present a brief overview

of the research process consists of series of actions or steps

necessary to effectively carry out research and the desired

sequencing of these steps.

Research in a common parlance refers to a search for

knowledge. Research is also defined as a scientific and

systematic search for pertinent information on a specific topic.

In fact research is an scientific investigation. The Advanced

Learner’s Dictionary of Current English lays down the meaning

of research as “A Carefully investigation or inquiry especially

through search for new facts in any branch of knowledge.”

Redman & Mory define research as a “systemized effort to gain

new knowledge.”

According to Clifford woody research comprises defining and

redefining problems, formulating hypothesis or suggested

solutions; collecting, organizing and evaluating data; making

deductions and reaching conclusions; and at last carefully

testing the conclusions to determine whether they fit the

formulating hypothesis. “Research is the systematic design,

collection, analysis and reporting of data findings and relevant

to specific situations facing the organization.”

Research is, thus, an original contribution to the existing stock

of knowledge making for its advancement. It is the pursuit of

truth with the help of study, observation, comparison and

experiment. In short, the search of knowledge through

objectives and systematic method of finding solution to a

problem is research. The systematic approach concerning

generalization and the formulation of theory is also research.

Descriptive and conclusive types of research is conducted. The emphasis

laid on the analysis of the information and the type of data used in

descriptive research. This kind of research is needed to provide a

theoretical framework and background on which, total knowledge and

operational practices can be used and judged. The major purpose of

descriptive research is description of the state of affairs, as it exits at



The study is carried out on the basis of information and data collected

from selection & recruitment center of IGL Automobiles Pvt. Ltd. The

following procedure is followed:-

 The research includes interpretation of selection & recruitment

process at IGL Ltd.

 Understanding the HR policies of IGL Ltd.

 Determining the selection plan.

 Analyzing the selection process, evaluation and conclusion.


Both primary and secondary data are collected for the purpose of

completion of this project report.


The data is collected through both primary and secondary methods.


Information gathered by feedback forms filled by and interview and

discussions with the employees of various departments and my project


Secondary data is being collected through following methods;

 IGL Ltd.’s training planner and induction guide.

 Training report and manuals available in the Organisation.

 Company annual report and other publication.

 Other training documents available at the training centre.


• A large section of sales persons were illiterate, so they

were not willing to respond to several questions such as

name, contact number, suggestions.

• Some respondents, considering the interviewer to be

company personnel, could have given biased answers in

order to please.

• Names of 36% products of different brands are quite

similar to each other, e.g. Mr. Lemon of IGL and Mr. Lime

of Sarraiya. Hence, a lot of respondents confuses

between them.

A company cannot fill all its vacancies from on single source. It

must carefully combine some of these sources. Weighing their

cost and flexibility, the quality of men they supply and their

effect on the present work force.



The basic statistics needed to estimate the time lag are time-

laps data. If the company begins its recruitment and selection

process today, the best estimate is that it will be 48 days

before the new employee is added to pay roll.


These ratio tell us about the number of leads/contacts needed

to generate a given number of hires in a given time.


The training and development function gives employees the

skills and knowledge to perform their jobs effectively. Training

& development programmes provided useful means of

assuring that employees are capable of performing their jobs

at acceptable levels.

The oldest and most basic personnel function is employee

record – keeping. This function involves recording maintaining

and retrieving employees – related information for a variety of

purposes. Complete and up – to – date employee records are

essential for most personnel functions.


All personal people engage in some form of research activities.

In a good research approach the object is to get facts and

information about personnel specifics in order to develop and

maintain a programme that works. Through a well – designed

attitude survey, employee opinions can be gathered on wages,

promotions, welfare services, working conditions job security,

leadership, industrial relations and the like. In spite of its

importance, how every in most companies, research is the

most neglected area because personnel people are too busy

putting out fires.






Fig.3. Recruiting yield pyramid


These studies try to discover the reaction of present

employees to both external and internal resource of


Human resource planning may be defined as strategy for

acquisition, utilization improvement and preservation of the

human resources of an enterprise. The objective is to provide

right personnel for the right work and optimum utilization of

the existing human resources. HRP exists as a part of the

planning process of business. This is the activity of the

management which is aimed at co-ordinating requirements for

and the availability of different types of employers.

The major activities of HRP includes : fore costing (future

requirements), inventorying (present strength), anticipating

(comparison of present and future requirements and planning

(necessary programme to meet future requirements).


The process of HRP is entirely based on the corporate plans

and objective. HRP is a continuous process of review, control

and assessment.

The main problems in the process of HRP are as follows:


HRP is entirely dependent on the HR fore costing and supply,

which can not be cent percent accurate process.


Employees and their union feel that by HRP their work

load increases so they resist the process.


Labour absenteeism, labour turn over, seasonal

employment technological changes and market

fluctuations are the uncertainties which HRP process

might have to face.


In Indian industries, HRIS is not much strong. In the

absence of reliable date it is not possible develop

effective HRP.

HRP is time consuming so and expensive exercise so

industries avoid.


Selection as the name implies involves picking for hire a subset

of workers from the total set of workers who have applied for

the job selections are done comparing the recruitment of a job

with applicant’s qualifications an attempt is made to find a

round hole. In doing so naturally many applicants are rejected.

This makes selection a negative function. In contrast

recruitment is a positive function because in it an attempt is

made to increase the number of applicants for job opening.

Advantages of Selection programme:

Generally speaking there are two advantages of having a

selection programme.
1 When there is labour surplus and there are individual

differences in job performance the programme helps in

eliminating poor performers. E.g. on a production line

having a similarly paced activity there may be no

differences at all in the output of workers. Further social

pressure of fellow workers may compel uniformity in their

rate of production.

2 The programme helps in identifying people with a hope

syndrome i.e. tendency to frequently changing jobs.

Many organizations provide potential candidates with

accurate and complete information about organizational

opportunities and constraints to help them assess the

match, which exists between their personality and the job



Selection techniques are typically referred to as predictors

because they help in distinguishing between ‘good’ and ‘poor’

workers by predicting their future job success.

Following are some common selection techniques.

There is a high degree of similarity among the application

forms of various companies. The type of information, which

they generally ask for, is more or less the same. It relates to

the applicant’s sex, age, height and weight his educational

qualification, experience and his participation in extracurricular

activities. Still we can classify application forms as under.

• Structured application form

• Unstructured application form

• Weighted application form


An interview is a face-to-face observational and personal

appraisal method of evaluating the applicant where the

interviewer who is higher in status is in a dominant role. Two

interviewers-preliminary and final-generally occur during the

selection process. Where a large number of candidates are

asking for application forms a preliminary interview becomes a

necessity. Its purpose is not to make a detailed probe of

qualification but to refuse application forms to those who

cannot be employed because of such reasons as average,

disqualifying physical handicaps and lack of required

experience or training. The final interview is generally

conducted in two stages:

In the first stage, some official of the personnel department

makes a comprehensive appraisal of the candidates and

recommends the successful ones to the line department, which

has made the requisition.

In the second stage, the line official interviews these

candidates and makes final selection.

Kinds of interview-interviews may be classified under eight

main categories, depending on their methods.


This interview is a straight forward, face to face, question and

answer situation intended to measures the candidate’s

knowledge and back ground.


In this type of interview the interviewer refrains from asking

direct and specific question but creates an atmosphere in

which the interviewer feels free to talk and go into any subject

he considers important.

The difficulties of this type of interview keep many companies

from using it. It requires a highly trained interviewer. It also

requires more time than other method.


In these interviews a series of question, which can illuminate

the strategic parts of the applicant’s background, are

standardized in advance and validated against the record of

employees who have succeeded or failed on the job.

a) The stress interview:

In this interview the interviewers deliberately creates stress to

see how an applicant operates under it. To include the stress,

the interviewer responds to the applicant’s answers with

anger, silence, criticism or a flurry of incisive follow-up



In this interview the interviewer has a plan of areas he wishes

to cover. Ordinary, the interviewer exhausts one area before

launching into the next so that he can be more certain of

complete cover. Ordinary the interviewer exhausts one area

before launching into the next so that he can be more certain

of complete coverage.


In the board interview more than one person interviews an

applicant at the same time. Areas of question are allocated to

each interviewer before the interview starts.


In this interview 5 or 6 applicants are placed together in a

situation in which they must interact. The situation may be

structured or unstructured. Some times the applicant and the

selectors may live together for a few days thus providing a

chance to the selectors to know about the personal

idiosyncrasies of applicants better. This is known as the house

party technique.


In this interview candidates are not required to apply for the

post before hand they are asked to approach the employer for

interview on the advertised date, time and place with their bio

data and copy of their passport size photograph.


Follow steps are generally involved in an interview procedure: -

1. Reviewing background information.

2. Preparing a question plan

3. Creating a helpful setting

4. Conducting the interview

5. Concluding the interview


Interviewing has two big advantages over other methods.

These are as follow: -

1. It can fill information gaps and can correct questionable


2. It can effectively bring out the behavior characteristics of

the applicant. The interviewer can easily find out whether

the applicant is likely to get along with others in organizing

or not where can talents be utilized most effectively and so


Following are some important reason which generally accounts

for this difference:

a) The interviewer differs in their bias related to sex, ethnic

group, age etc. Hence they may match men and prejudice

instead of men and job.

b) Interviews typically make some tentative decisions about

candidates early in the interview.

c) Interviews are mostly influenced by the impression of the

preceding interviewee.

d) Interviewers are influenced by interview structure.

From the above description it is clear that only unsystematic

and pseudo-scientific interviews have little dependability.


Another important devoice used in selection in psychological

test. A psychological test is designed to measure such skills

and abilities in a worker as are found by job analysis to be

essential for successful job performance.

Some important tests are:

Intelligence tests, interest tests, knowledge tests, ability tests,

aptitude tests, personality tests and stimulation exercise

Intelligence Tests:

Intelligence quotient [IQ]=mental age [MA] / chronical age



Psychological tests as a selection technique have definite

advantages over other methods of selection. They are less

time consuming and costly compared with interviews.

One common weakness of all psychological test in that they

cannot have a known zero point and equal intervals.

Personality and interest tests suffer from one additional

weakness. It’s difficult in their care to obtain truthful answers

from the applicant. Tests alone are inaccurate predictors of job



Requesting reference is a wild speed practice with substantial

doubt as to its validity. Reference is usually obtained from the

candidate’s friends or from his previous employer.


Physical examination reveals whether or not a candidate

possesses the required stamina, strength and tolerance of hard

working condition. Major deficiencies may serve as a basis for

rejection but minor deficiencies serve as a positive aid to

selective placement and as indicating restrictions on the

candidate’s transfer to other position.


Should be remembered that in personate testing a manager is

more interested in the capacity of his selection device to

improve the over all performance of the selected

Group than in its capacity to accrue tally predicts the

performance of any single individual.

One important factor, which helps in improving the overall

performance of the selected groups in the selection ratio. The

selection ratio is they ratio of the number of applicants to be

selected to the total number of applicants available. It is

expressed as n/N.

Where n is the number of job to be field and N is the

number of applicants for those jobs. When this ratio is greater

than 1.

(a) Scatter plot showing relationship (r = 0.70) between

predictor and criterion SR=1.00 i.e. all applicants are

being hired.

(b) Same scatter plot when SR=0.80 i.e. there are eight

job openings for every Ten applications. Thus the lower

20 % on predictor can be rejected.

(c)Same scatter plot when SR= 0.20 i.e. there are only two

jobs openings for every fen applicants. Thus the lower

80% on predictor can be rejected.


1. Off the job training-

It is also called Lecture method. It is generally theoretical in nature and is imparted [n

a class-room type atmosphere. It is associated more with knowledge than with skills.

The lacture method can be easily used for training large groups.It violates the

principle of learning-by-doing and constitutes one way communication. But students

may be permitted to ask questions.


Optimum utilization of human resource

Training helps in Optimizing the utilization human resource that further helps

employees to achieve the organizational goals as well as their individual goals.

Development of skills of employee

Training helps in increasing the productivity of the employees.


Training helps in improving upon the quality of work and work life.


Training helps in improving the morale of the workforce.

2.On the job training-

Under this method, the worker is trained on the job and at his work place. This enable

him to get training under the same working conditions and with the same processes,

materials and equipment that he will be using ultimately. There are three forms of on-

the-job training which are:

• Coaching

• Understudy

• Position Rotation

- To continuously upgrade the knowledge of the employees to grain working


3. Vestibule training-

The employees are taken through a short course under working conditions that are

similar to actual shop, sales or office conditions. Vestibule schools are adopted to the

same general type of training problem that is faced at the actual place of work. An

attempt is made to create working conditions which are similar to the actual work



1. On the job development-

The main feature of all on-the-job methods is to increase the ability

of the executives to work while performing their duties.

• On- the -job Coaching:

It is important to note that the superior only guides and does

not teach, although he extends his assistance whenever

needed. Periodic feedback and evaluation are also the part of

coaching activity.

• Understudy:

In it the trainee is prepared to perform the work or fill the

position of his superior. He is a trainee who at a future time

will assume the duties and responsibilities of the position

currently by his immediate superior when the latter separates

from the job because of transfer, promotion, resignation,

retirement, etc.

• Job Rotation:

It consists of systematic and co-ordinated effort to transfer an

executive from job to job and plant to plant. The executive is

given all the normal duties and responsibilities which go along

with the job to which he is transferred.

• Multiple Management:

Under this method, permanent advisory committees of the

mangers are constituted. These committees study various

problems and make recommendations to the higher

management. Each manager stays on for tow years in a

2. Off the job development-

The focus in off-the-job methods of development is to improve

general behavioural and decision-making skills of the executives.

Role Playing:

Role playing may be described as a technique of creating a

life situation, usually one involving conflict between people

and then having persons in a group play the parts or roles of

specific personalities.

Sensitivity Training:

It is also called T-group training. Its main objective is the

development of awareness and sensitivity to one’s own

behavioral pattern through interactions with others.

Syndicate Method:

It enables an executives to acquire a proper perspective of

his job in relation to the activities in areas other than his own

and to give him practice in skills, techniques and procedures

which he has to use in his day-to-day work as he rises higher

up a ladder of management.

Conference Training:
A conference is a group meeting conducted according to an

organized plan in which the participants seek to develop

knowledge and understanding by obtaining a considerable

amount of oral participation.


After the quality and quantity of personnel needed have been

decided the task of its recruitments and selection beings.

There are a number of steps involved in this task:

1. Placing the requisition

2. Recruitment
3. Selection

4. Placement and

5. Induction

A description of these steps is given below:


As soon as the blueprint for the future recruitment activities is

ready the line manager or the head of the department can

submit an indent for recruitment to the personnel department.

An indent usually specifies the jobs or operation or positions

for which persons are required the number to be recruited, the

time by which the persons should be available, their duration

of employment, the salary to be offered and any other terms

and conditions of employment which the indenting officer feels

necessary. This from is prepared in duplicate, one copy being

sent to the personnel department, and the other retained by

the requisitioning department for reference.


Once the requisition or the indent has been received the

personnel department can be the process of recruitment.

Some people define the recruitment as the process of

searching prospective workers and stimulating them to apply

for jobs in the organizations according to this definition

recruitment is a prospecting job where organization make

search for prospective employees. Therefore the job of

recruitment is based on the mating theory where success of

both the parties is critically dependent on timing. Unless the

two searches synchronies conditions are not ripe for

recruitment to succeed. The synchronization its turn depends

on these factor:

1. There should be a common communication medium. If an

organization advertises read vacancies in paper, which is

never read by the job- seekers, its efforts will go waste.

2. There should be match between the job seeker’s personal

characteristics and job characteristics.

3. The job seeker must be motivated to apply for the job.


The sources of recruitment can broadly be classified into two:

• Internal

• External

Internal sources refer to the present working force of a

company. In the event of a vacancy, some one already on the

payroll is prompted. Thus at the Tata engineering and

locomotive company and at Hindustan lever. Outside

recruitment is resorted to only when requirement cannot be

met form internal promotions.

There are three advantage of internal recruitment:

1. It results into promoting people and they’re by increasing

their morale, commitment and satisfaction.

2. It is less costly than external recruitment.

3. It recruits people about whom organizing typically have a

better knowledge

Three disadvantage of this method are as follow:

1. It encourages inter-personal politics and bickering.

2. It perpetuates the old concept and way of doing things.

3. It promotes competition among different section of the

same organization for getting the same individual.


Among the more commonly used external source are the



Senior posts are largely filled by this method.


There are some companies, which do not know their own



There is some companies which although do their own

advertising but give only box numbers.

There are some companies in which divulge their names

in their advertisements which hide employer’s identity are

known as blind advertisements.


An employment exchange is an office setup by the

government for bringing together as quickly as possible those

men who are in search of employment and those employers

who are looking for men. Employment exchanges register

unemployment people and nation the record pf their names,

qualification etc.


An interviewing team makes trips to towns and cities, which

are known to contain the kinds of employees, required arrival

dates and the time and venue of interview, are advertised in



Sometimes recruiters are sent to educational institutions

where they meet the members of the faculty and persons in

charge of placement services who recommend suitable


Some industries [taking talent search] with a record of good

personal relations encourage their employees to bring suitable

candidates for various openings in the organizing


Some times workers are recruited through unions in pursuance

to closed shop agreement.


The use of resume database is the popular method of



Another source that is gaining prominences is the recruitment

of key personnel from competitor’s organizing. Poaching has

become a common practice in the IT industry.


An increasing number of large companies in sectors like

automobiles, real e state, cement, retail, PMCG and

manufacturing are now a days, outsourcing their entire human

resources requirements to professional head-hunters.


Some mobile companies [hutch in west Bengal] are toying with

the idea of teaming up with recruitment and staffing firms to

provide to their subscribers jobs on phones. Sub sequent on

SMS would be sent to the recruitment firm for getting in touch

with the caller.


So far we have focused on selection, that is, a decision to

accept or reject each applicant on the basis of his performance

in some selection techniques. Now we are going to focus on

placement that is a decision to place a selected individual in

one job than in other. In selection the task is to match people

with positions. In placement the task is to much positions with

people so that each individual is assigned to that potion where

he is likely to make the best use of his abilities consistent with

the requirements of his total working group. Selection is best

done where the number of available jobs in large relative to

the number of selected individuals. Proper placement of a

worker reduces employee turnover, absenteeism, accident

rates etc. and improves morale and motivation.

As the time of employment, selection and placement are

often inseparable parts of a single process. As a rule, a small

company has only a few vacancies at any one time, and

consequently it selects people for specifics jobs .In large

companies, however, where there are a number of vacancies ,

selection and placement may become distinct processes .

Placement problems arise when large –scale transfer or

promotions are being made or when some people rendered

surplus from some parts of the organization are being placed

elsewhere in the organization or when executive trainees on

completion of their general training programme are being

assigned to jobs in production , sales, marketing or some other

functional area and so on .In such situations the individual is

already “employed” and the placement decision is then made

to assign him to the job for which he considered to be best


In making placements of individuals are the principle that

each individual should be placed on that job for which he has

the greater ability should not be rigidly followed because this

may result in some jobs being filled by unqualified persons

.The aim should be to realise the abilities and talents of the

largest number of individuals . This may involve some workers

being assigned to jobs for which their talents are secondary

but the composite assignments collectively are optimum.


The country liquor products are categorized into 3 different levels of

concentration as per the standards fixed by the excise department.

The 3 different levels of concentration are 25%, 36%, 42.8%. IGL

produces 7 brands of country liquor, which are as follows:

25% 36% 42.8%





(All products available in 180ml, 375ml, 750ml)

All bottles are packed in cases.

Total no. of units (bottles) in a case containing 180ml bottles=48

Total no. of units (bottles) in a case containing 375ml bottles=24

Total no. of units (bottles) in a case containing 750ml bottles=12

Trade is carried out in terms of Bulk Liters (BL). To calculate the

total excise duty to be paid to the department:

Firstly, total BL of different concentrations (25%, 36% and 42.8%)

are converted to that of 36% and then it is multiplied to the excise

duty per BL which is fixed by the excise department. The current

excise duty per BL (which is fixed for 36%) = Rs.92. The formula for

converting BL of different concentrations to 36% is:

BL in n cases = [(Concentration)/36] X No. of cases (n) X no. of

units per case X Volume per unit



• Pieces = bottles

• Bulk Liter (BL) per case of 180ml bottles = 48x0.18 = 8.64 BL

• BL per case of 375ml bottles = 24x0.375 = 9 BL

• BL per case of 750ml bottles =12x0.75 = 9 BL

• CL2 – Office where C & F agent sits, Wholesaling outlet.

• CL5 – Retailer’s shop.

In a case there are 48 units of 180 ml bottle, or 24 units of 375

ml bottle, or 12 units of 750 ml bottle. In a truck there are 600


IGL produces 17 brands of Indian made foreign liquor, which are as follows:

1. IGL Excellence Select Whisky

(Available in 375ml, 180ml & 90ml)

2. IGL Supreme Whisky

(Available in 750ml, 375ml, 180ml & 90ml)

3. IGL No. 1 Whisky

(Available in 750ml, 375ml, 180ml & 90ml)

4. IGL No. 1 XXX Rum

(Available in 750ml, 375ml, 180ml & 90ml)

5. IGL No. 1 Dry Gin

(Available in 750ml, 375ml, 180ml & 90ml)

6. IGL No. 1 – Gold Whisky

(Available in 90ml)

7. OB Deluxe Whisky
(Available in 750ml, 375ml & 180ml)

8. OB Lemon Duet Gin

(Available in 750ml, 375ml, 180ml & 90ml)

9. OB Orange Tango Gin

(Available in 750ml, 375ml & 180ml)

10. OB Deluxe Orange Tango Gin

(Available in 90ml)

11. OB Whisky

(Aailable in 90ml)

12. Saturday’s Deluxe Whisky

(Available in 750ml & 375ml)

13. Saturday’s Aged 1 Whisky

(Available in 180ml & 90ml)

14. Silky Studs Prestige Whisky

(Available in 375ml & 180ml)

15. Silky Studs Extra Dry Gin

(Available in 750ml, 375ml & 180ml)

16. Silky Studs XXX Rum

(Available in 750ml, 375ml & 180ml)

17. Silky Studs Deluxe Whisky

(Available in 750ml, 375ml & 180ml)

IMFL can be divided into 5 segments according to their brands.

These are: Cheap, Medium, Regular, Premium and Prestigious.

Among these brand segments, the customers of cheap brands

buy a brand on the basis of its price. The customers of

premium and prestigious brands are brand loyal. They don’t

consider price as a factor. The customers of medium and

regular brands are generally split loyal. They substitute a

brand with other when it is not available.

Among above brands of IGL, brands with name starting with

IGL No. 1 and Silky are cheap brands, whereas all others are

medium brands.

Marketing normally provides two functions: one the

satisfaction of consumer needs and wants; other providing an

outlet for production.

Goods produced have no value in themselves, it is only when

they are made available to consumers who want them and

willing to buy them, they assume any value.

Marketing of liquor is although a different ball game. Liquor

marketers face several restrictions:


Advertising is limited to putting up banners and posters

in retail shops only.


Retail and wholesale outlets are controlled or owned by

the Government. Their number is strictly limited area wise.


Prices of liquor are controlled by the Government. This

restricts the option of increasing sales by lowering price.

Also this may lead to fall in quality.

4. NO DIRECT MARKETING: No door to door selling can be

taken up in liquor as in other consumer goods.

In the light of above constraints, liquor sales can be performed

through the following strategies only:

1. Advertising brand name through other related

products like soda, lime juice, etc.

2. Banners and posters displayed at outlets are made

more eyes catching, so that customers see and retain the

brand name.

3. Sales promotion could be effected by giving

incentives to retailers like distributing free gifts or giving

larger profit margins in the states where retail outlets are

own by Government.

4. Frequent visit of personals to the retail outlets could

also help to increase the sales. Complaints, if any can be

rectified faster and early assessment of the product’s

market position can be made. This could help in

remedying the state of affairs before it is too late.


The marketing department is set up by all the companies to

facilitate distribution and sale of their products.

The duties of each marketing personnel and its position is well

defined. This ladder like system functions in a synchronized

manner to achieve the best possible results. The authority

increases as one move upward and so also the duties,

responsibilities and remuneration.

The Government policies regarding to the licensing of

distilleries, along with tax structure are usually headed by the

General Manager who is responsible for the sale of the

products in the market. He has to operate whole marketing

system of the company with skills and efforts; and take

decision regarding changing pattern in society, consumer

demand and competitive condition.

The General Manager is assisted by the required sales

managers who are responsible for a defined region. They are

intern assisted by area sales manager of the particular area in

the region.
Area sales manager co-ordinate and instruct the field staff and

they report about the market position, market share of

different products, consumer’s expectations, competitive

activities, and also give the idea for sales and promotional

activities necessary for the market.




With the help of this analysis, we are able to know the

strengths and weaknesses, threats and opportunities of our

targeted IGL country liquor products for the research work and

study. For any product 3A’s play a vital role in the market.

3A’s = Availability



• IGL is the largest producer of alcohol in Asia.

• The distillery, compared to other distilleries, is closely

located to the city.

• Better quality.

• Highly skilled sales force.


• No promotional activities such as postures, banners.

• Taste and smell of Bunty-Bubbly registered not up to the

expectations of the customers.

• No schemes for the sales persons.

• Weaker brand names such as Guru.

• Unavailability of IGL products at many shops.

• People are not much aware about its all product.


• Coverage of virgin areas.

• Schemes for salesmen like commission on sales or gifts.

• Product sales with unique customer attracting


• Product development to meet them with customer


• The biggest threats are:


As the liquor of 25% sells most, Sarraiya distillery’s Laila

and also products by Redico and Ojus.


llegal sale of raw liquor at lower price and

administration’s ignorance towards it.

• Inadaptability of customers to emerging brands.

• Some shops related to syndicate sell liquor at less m.r.p.

• Poor conditions of road which cause damage while


• Various religious laws and rituals, e.g. A month long

period defined by the Hindu customs as ‘Malmas’ when

people don’t drink. In Islam also, taking liquor is a sin.

The population in the area is highly fanatic for its religion.

• Between the months of July to October as an average

customer who is a farmer, painter, labor or a washer man

has less job opportunities. Construction works, laundry

works and agriculture are less practiced during the

months of July to October due to reasons like monsoons.

During this period due to less work, the buyer has a

limited income. So he is forced to shift to cheaper forms

of liquor which is raw liquor (available @ Rs.20 / 750ml).


• IGL is the biggest largest producer of alcohol in Asia. This

unit is closely situated to Gorakhpur city. There are 52%

of the CL-5s in Gorakhpur district that IGL country liquor

brands. But there is still a great scope for expansion of

the market.

• The success of a brand depends mainly on customer

demand and its availability at different CL-5s. Customers

generally take home those brands which retailers offer

and retailers offer as per their demands. E.g. when a

customer goes to a CL-5 to buy 36% liquor, the retailer

offers the brands available at his shop. Even if the

customer demands for a specific brand and it is

unavailable at that moment, he buys the competitors’

brands. This implies that customers, on an average, are

not brand loyal they are CL-5 loyal. However Laila is the

most successful brand and it has drawn away a large

number of customers. Since there is a lack of IGL

products at many CL-5s in the area, the company has

been unable to reach out to a significant number of


• 25 % country liquor has the maximum demand in the

area and the highest selling brand is Laila (which is in

25%). On the other hand, Bunty-Bubbly, a product of IGL

in 25%, is making its market slowly. But Guru, another

product of IGL in 25%, is unable to make its name and is

not sold in Gorakhpur.

• Due to quite similar name and packaging some shops

and many customers don’t distinguished between Wah

Orange, Mr. Lemon and Mr. Orange, Mr. Lime of Sarraiya


• Company has not adopted strong promotional techniques

such as motivational schemes for salesmen or posters,

banners etc.

• Retailers do not take any interest in promoting brands.

• Customers are highly inadaptable to new brands or


• Taste remains the most important criteria for customers

at the time of purchase however taste is an unstated

factor up to great extent as most of them belong to

economically weaker sections of the society. This is the

reason why 42.8% liquor brands record comparatively

lower sales and illegal sale of cheap raw liquor is at its


• Sarraiya distillery’s products happen to be the favorite of

the local customers as it is oldest among the distilleries

active in Gorakhpur. IGL is second in the race.

• A decent percentage of retailers are satisfied with IGL

services. Yet a lot more can be achieved by improving

the taste and smell of IGL brands.

• Some customers also complaint that they want IGL

brands but the CL-5 from where they buy liquor cannot

have the brands.

• Salesmen don’t get any reward from the company on

selling its brands. So he don’t cannot bother much about

convincing the customer to buy a brand.

• Some companies promises to give benefits to the

salesmen, but they don’t provide it. Such type of

practices make a negative image of company in

salesmen mind.

On the basis of market experience and market survey, I would

like to suggest the following to increase the sales of IGL

country liquor products:


Since the company is in the introduction phase, the company

should provide the best quality products. The base spirit being

used for country liquor production should be of potable grade.

The company can adopt better packaging techniques (e.g.

Inside the case, bottles can be covered by a cardboard sheet,

or any form of spongy material). Even the trucks in which the

cases are transported to the CL-2, a provision can be made to

ensure safety and least damages to the bottles.

During the survey it was found out that, taste and smell of

Bunty-Bubbly was not registered up to the customer’s

satisfaction. A lot of customers were unsatisfied with it. So the

company can take up this issue and check this problem.

The entire eastern U.P. belt is a 25% country liquor dominated

market. Customers have been drinking Laila which comes in

rose flavor. Since Laila is in the market for a long time now,

they have got used to this taste available in 25% liquor. The

company has already launched a product in the same flavor

with the name of Guru. But Guru has been comparatively

unpopular, so what the company can do is give Guru some

striking name such as Majnu, Masuka, Janam, Hir-Ranjha, Don

with packaging similar to that of English liquor bottles to draw

attention of more and more customers because it was seen

that the name in itself acts as a big magnet to pull the buyers

towards itself.


Unlike the conventional norms of the introduction phase, the

company should increase its coverage area so that it can reach

out to more customers since it was found out from the survey
that large number of people have still not tasted IGL products.

Still 48% of the retailers don’t sell IGL.


Since IGL brands are not as popular among the customers as

Laila or other brands, the company can adopt heavy

promotional tools. The company can put up attractive and

colorful postures at shops or boards outside. It can also paint

the refrigerators with IGL logo. To attract more customers, IGL

can distribute freebies such as openers, steel glasses, and

small pack of chips or namkeen. Various promotional schemes

can be adopted such as, on collecting 10 bottle caps or on

purchase of 3 bottles one more for free.


Company can set up certain targets for retailers which on

meeting, the retailers can get rewards such as family trip,

cameras, watches, television sets etc. And just as retailers get

certain rebates, there should be scheme under which salesmen

should get something too. The survey shows that a number of

salesmen demanded some kind of motivational schemes for

themselves too. It should start ‘Lucky Draw’ schemes for

retailers and salesmen. IGL can pursue ‘Push Marketing’

techniques. The company can also distribute free ‘IGL’ t-shirts

or caps to the vendors who sell snakes or any kind of eatables

within or outside the CL-5 premises.

Company should follow following suggestions:

1. Company should not send the promoters to retailers


2. Company should give some special gift, incentive to

retailers because they play an important role in selling

the product.

3. Company should follow various sales promotion schemes

like money back scheme, lucky coupons scheme etc.


1. Human Resources Development------------- Prof. P.C. Tripathi







4. Annual Report of IGL 2006-2007


Name: - Age: -
Address: - Sex: -
Contact No: -
M/S: -

1) How many time you use the selection process.

a) Yearly

b) Thrice a week

c) Weekly

d) Occasionally
e) Others, please specify

2) Can you name any 3 process of selection?




3) Which method the HR Manager recruited the employee?

4) Do you have any suggestions to improve the employee motivation?

5) Do you want any new employee in the company?

6) According to you, what steps should be taken by the organization to

increase your morale of employee?

Thank you for sparing your valuable time

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