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INTERVIEW Global Business Reports Industry Explorations EDITORIAL

Rafael In 2024, we expect to

Innovation & more interested in using tools that allow
them to become more efficient without
people in the field. Wieland gave the
Ravettino inaugurate our new foundry
facility in Chilca, with the
Technology example of a rising demand for remote
control centers, noting that, while many The biggest challenge on
of these technologies existed before
goal of having one big, Covid, they have gained more traction
the path to digitalization is
centralized facility with 1,500 during the crisis. “The early adopters the mindset. Here is where
General Manager tons of monthly production of these technologies could potentially change management will play
REMOTE WORK HAS INCREASED serve as a model for other mining com-
ACEROS CHILCA of castings and 7,000 tons of a key role, especially in legacy
AUTOMATION, BUT CHANGE IS A panies and trigger a virtuous cycle,” he
grinding media. said, suggesting that as more solutions operations where most of
are deployed, it is likely more people the operators have done the
in the sector will become aware of how same job the same way for
these technologies make processes
the past 30 years.
The pandemic has unquestionably more efficient. “Companies will have to
changed the way we work, however, move towards technology in order to
most changes have been to cope with remain competitive,” affirmed Wieland.
Can you provide an overview of Aceros Chilca’s activities The strategic association with our bars suppliers allows us the constraints that Covid has imposed. TORSA, a Spanish company specialized - Carlos Travezaño,
and main milestones achieved in 2020? to improve the product’s chemistry and manufacturing the In many cases, these are reactive rather in the research, development and manu-
Aceros Chilca is focused on the production and commercial- bars for Aceros Chilca carries out the whole process of trans- CEO,
than proactive; Zoom meetings replac- facturing of technological solutions for
ization of grinding media (balls) and castings, mainly for the formation to produce the balls, through the heat treatment, ing in-person interaction and technical heavy industry, has been working with Siemens Peru
mining industry. The castings are made through our brand achieving the characteristics that customers need. We are support via video because of travel re- SITECH in Peru for a number of years.
MEPSA, while forged balls are part of the Aceros Chilca currently trying to develop balls that have greater durability strictions. However, Covid has also ac- One of its main solutions for the mining
brand. We are currently working in a strategic relationship together with clients. Similarly, regarding the production of celerated the use of remote-controlled, industry is a Collision Avoidance System
with our bars supplier to develop balls that are specific to pieces, we are present in the mines working together with autonomous solutions, an important (CAS), for which TORSA takes part in the
each type of mineral and mine site, looking to increase our our customers, which allows us to understand their needs in step towards a future that will depend Innovation for Cleaner, Safer Vehicles
customers’ productivity and decrease cost of operation. terms of alloys or the design that allow greater performance on moving to automated, continuous (ICSV) program carried on by the ICMM,
2020 was a tough year as the halt in the mining sector meant and productivity. production systems. as well as the Earth Moving Equipment
that there was a lower demand for steel. This affected our “We still hear, “what you are suggest- Safety Round Table (EMESRT) working Latam director. Huaco elaborated on the
projections and, despite our positive results, we did not What initiatives does the company have in terms of so- ing is not a pace of change that we are group. work Zyfra is doing with SITECH for Hud-
reach our objectives. However, 2021 has started very favor- cial responsibility? comfortable with,” and herein lies the Jaime Solano, TORSA’s technical sales bay in Peru regarding the implementa-
ably, possibly due to high metal prices, as mines are aim- Our group promotes education in Peru and Chile, especially problem: disruption is not comfortable, director, remarked that the company’s tion of autonomous drilling technology:
ing to increase production. Aceros Chilca has changed the in reading and comprehension, through the Foundation in but it is required if real progress is to be solutions in highest demand are related “Deploying autonomous solutions with
strategy and is currently working with customers to provide Peru - Margot Echecopar and in Chile - Sara Raier Rassmus made,” reflected Doug Morrison, CEO to reducing occupational risks and im- drills, as opposed to trucks, is complete-
them with cast steel liners for crushers and SAG/Ball mills. ( As a result of the pandemic, we have also taken of the Centre of Excellence for Mining proving safety, such as a Human Vibra- ly different. The drilling section is con-
This has allowed us to maintain significant volumes and make measures to support and protect our workers, and the peo- Innovation (CEMI), adding that the iner- tion Exposure Monitoring System that tained and easier to deploy, so you do
interesting developments in our alloys, being able to pro- ple who are close to our operations, providing them with tia that Covid has brought about creates allows real-time analysis of the exposure not need to radically change the mining
vide our customers products that exceed their expectations, oxygen and tests. the opportunity to make changes hap- to vibrations of equipment operators. operation to implement this.”
especially in terms of mineral processability. pen – if the will is there. “Mining companies are also demand- He noted that autonomous drilling so-
What are Aceros Chilca´s objetives for 2022-2023 and Marcos Wieland, general manager of ing our High Precision Collision Avoid- lutions allow mining companies to save
Which of Acero Chilca’s products and solutions have the opportunities you see for growth? Sitech, a Ferreycorp group company ance System (HPCAS) to improve the ve- money quickly without having to make
been in high demand in Peru’s mining sector in the past In 2021 we expect to grow by approximately 30% in terms of specialized in introducing technology hicle interaction to protect shovels, haul expensive, wholesale changes, reveal-
year? castings, and 20% in terms of grinding media. We are off to solutions to mining operations, revealed trucks, auxiliary, light vehicles and per- ing that in addition to Zyfra’s work with
Aceros Chilca has two main products that have been in high a good start, as we have already received purchase orders that the company’s initial expectation sonnel,” he said, adding: “Safety always Hudbay, he knows of five other large
demand: forged balls, ranging from one to three and a half fulfilling a large part of our yearly production. was that Covid would bring about a new goes hand in hand with ROI since there mines in Peru that are looking to deploy
inches; and wear spare parts. We add value to our sales pro- In 2024, we expect to inaugurate our new foundry facility in interest in biosecurity and health solu- is nothing more profitable than keeping autonomous drilling solutions.
cess with an effective presence in the mine and with valuable Chilca, with the goal of having one big, centralized facility tions. However, Sitech found that inter- your personnel safe.
engineering services: we scan the mills and develop new de- with 1,500 tons of monthly production of castings and 7,000 est in these topics peaked in 2020, then Another of the companies working with
signs jointly with our customers to achieve new alloys that tons of grinding media. faded away as work dynamics began SITECH in Peru is Zyfra, a Finnish-based Educating a traditional industry
allow them to process the mineral further. We also see important opportunities in the export market, to normalize. “What we have observed company with its R&D center in Russia.
In the past, we produced an average of 8,000 tons of casted as there are significant investments being made in the mi- is an increase in fatigue management, Zyfra provides digital industrial solutions When asked what the biggest barrier to
balls per month. However, the industry has migrated through ning industry worldwide and we have plenty experience which has come as a result of longer utilizing Industrial Internet of Things the adoption of new technologies cu-
the years to forged balls, which are much more wear resis- exporting our products. Aceros Chilca plans to reach these work shifts during the pandemic,” he (IIoT) platforms and artificial intelligence rrently is, the response of our interview-
tant, reliable, and allow to process more ores. markets through partnerships with the main OEMs. We cu- said. (AI), and intends to grow its business in ees was invariably the human element.
rrently export to Chile, Canada, USA, Brazil and Mexico but Sitech has also noticed an uptick in the Latin America after establishing a strong Mining is inherently a risky business, but
What solutions are being introduced in the supply chain plan to broaden the horizon of our company towards Europe adoption of technology that supports client-base in Europe, Asia and North the appetite to take further risks once a
to improve efficiency and reduce costs? and Asia. ■ remote work, as miners are becoming Africa, according to Víctor Huaco, Zyfra’s project is in operation can evaporate as

118 PERU MINING 2021 Industry Explorations Global Business Reports PERU MINING 2021 119

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