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Republic of the Philippines


Higher Education Regional Office VI (HERO VI)
City Government of Bago
Rafael Salas Drive, Brgy. Balingasag, Bago City, Negros Occidental 6101
Tel: [034] 4611-363 | Fax: [034] 4610-546 | E-mail:

NAME: _____________________________________________ CONTACT #: ____________________________________

COURSE/SECTION: _______________________________________ INSTRUCTOR: ___________________________________

Republic of the Philippines
Higher Education Regional Office VI (HERO VI)
City Government of Bago
Rafael Salas Drive, Brgy. Balingasag, Bago City, Negros Occidental 6101
Tel: [034] 4611-363 | Fax: [034] 4610-546 | E-mail:




This course is focused on the principles, development and utilization of basic assessment tools to improve teaching-learning process. In the process of
measuring knowledge, comprehension and other thinking skills along the cognitive, psychomotor an affective domains, this course distinguishes the uses of assessment “of”
learning, assessment “for” learning and assessment ‘as” learning. They will effectively blend measurement and evaluation in the discussion of OBE and learning outcomes-based
assessment in order to ensure validity and reliability of assessment done. This course will also emphasize the practical applications of assessment in constructing different
assessment tools. The students will appreciate the authentic application of assessment through experiential learning approach, explicit, reflective and research-based teaching and
learning process.

Assessment in Student Learning 1 is a professional education subject of 3rd Year BEED and BSED students in the Teacher Education Department.

At the end of the course, the students must have:

1. Facilitated learning using a wide range of teaching methodologies and delivery modes appropriate to specific learners and their environments.
2. Developed innovative curricula, instructional plans, teaching approaches and resources for diverse learners.
3. Applied skills in the development and utilization of ICT to promote quality relevant and sustainable educational practices.

4. Demonstrate a variety of thinking skills in planning, monitoring, assisting, and reporting learning processes and outcomes.


To ensure that you will demonstrate the above cited course learning outcomes at the end of the semester, this module is divided into the following:


This module aims to understand the educative process between the teacher and you as a student. However, there is a change in educational
perspective from content to learning outcomes, and the teacher becomes the facilitator of learning. In this unit, you will learn to distinguish among institutional outcomes,
programs outcomes, course outcomes and learning instructional outcome and formulate learning outcomes based on given educational objectives which one of the most
essential tasks of being future teacher. This module will provide you deeper understanding on learning outcomes in three different domains.


This module aims to clarify you in the different terms used to determine progress towards the attainment of the intended learning outcomes. These are
measurement, assessment and evaluation. Through this module, students will distinguish among measurement, assessment and evaluation and explain the meaning of
assessment “for”, “of” and “as” learning.


This module will develop your skills in constructing a table of specifications and paper and pencil tests in accordance with the guidelines in test construction.
This will help you to reflect on the congruency and alignment of learning outcomes and assessment task.


The key to successfully finish this module lies in your hands. This module was prepared for you to learn diligently, systematically and independently in preparation
for your future venture as an effective and efficient teacher. You will be engaging in various activities that will equip and enhance your skills to become a responsible and
competent learner. The following guidelines will help you in accomplishing these modules.

1. TIME MANAGEMENT. For the whole semester, you will be accomplishing three modules in which you can work your tasks per term period. This means the
in every term period you will accomplish one module and by the end of the semester the whole module will have an output. One module for prelim, midterm and
final period.

2. STUDY HABIT. Doing what is required of you in each module can be highlighted and can be presented in matrix form about the lists of things needed and time
schedule by posting it in your schedule log to avoid delay. Filing of documents per activity and module is highly advised.

3. SETTING GUIDELINES. Set guidelines how you will work your module by logging it in your log book. Condition yourself to be guided with the criteria and
rubrics provided in the module. Provide yourself a notebook where you will write your draft before finalizing your output for completion. Consider the idea that in
accomplishing all activities required of you in each module means allowing yourself to pass the subject. In presenting all your output, develop this as your

* Write your answer clearly

* Collect and organize your ideas before writing it.
* Observe correct usage of grammar. Avoid constructing ambiguous statements and phrasing.
* Do not use abbreviation and ACRONYMs unless these are introduced in the reading.
* Avoid writing in all caps
* Do not write lengthy answers. Stick to the point. Be clear with your main point and express it as concisely and possible.
* Work your module based on experience to come up with an output.
* Your family members and friends at home will support you but the activities must be done by you.


Prelim Period Activity: Modules
(4 weeks) 1. Cited specific situation for each characteristic of outcome- based  “Knowing your Goals”
education based on area of specialization.
Analysis: Online Platforms (Facebook, Messenger,
2. Formulated samples or situations which fall under immediate and  Understanding and Analyzing the Given Google)
deferred outcomes. Inputs and Information
 Processing of Information Given Activity Sheets
3. Formulated learning outcomes based on the given educational
objectives and identified what domain is being described in each Abstraction:
2020  Presentation and Generalization of Assessment of Learning 1 Textbook by
Concepts Rosita Navarro, Rosita Santos and
Brenda Corpuz
 Formulation of Learning Outcomes from
Educational Objectives


Mid-term Period Activity: Modules
(4-weeks)  Cycle of Learner’s Life
Online Platforms (Facebook, Messenger,
Analysis: Google)
1. Formulated situations in classroom setting which involve  Understanding and Analyzing the Given
measurement, assessment and evaluation. Inputs and Information Activity Sheets
 Processing of Information Given
2. Explained the various approaches to assessment: assessment
FOR, OF, and AS learning. Abstraction: Assessment of Learning 1 Textbook by
 Presentation and Generalization of Rosita Navarro, Rosita Santos and
3. Cited situations which involves the various approaches to Concepts Brenda Corpuz
assessment: assessment FOR, OF, and AS learning.

 Formulation of situations for Assessment
FOR, OF, and AS learning


Final Term Period 1. Cite non- examples of each of the guidelines in the Activity: Modules
(4 weeks) construction of paper-and-pencil test (True-false, multiple  Identifying the level of taxonomy in
choice ,and essays) Cognitive domain Online Platforms (Facebook, Messenger,
 “Spot the errors”
Analysis: Google)
 Understanding and Analyzing the Given
Inputs and Information Activity Sheets
2. Constructed a table of specifications.  Processing of Information Given

3. Constructed paper-and-pencil tests in accordance with the Abstraction: Assessment of Learning 1 Textbook by
guidelines in test construction (True-false, multiple choice, and  Presentation and Generalization of Rosita Navarro, Rosita Santos and
Concepts Brenda Corpuz
Construction of –paper-and pencil test with

To pass this course, you must:
1. Comply what is asked in each procedure of the module.
2. Present all outputs in a short-bond paper either in hand or typed-written following the prescribed format of a project paper.
3. Submit all required outputs in each modules every end of each term period.
4. Submit the final output using technology as required by informing your subject facilitator through text message.
5. Accomplish the final evaluation through online examination based on time schedule set by your facilitator.
Basis of Grade Computation
Online Examination on the Final Period
Output in each Procedure of the Module
Portfolio required in each Term-Period
Research Paper/Action Research
Note: See Attached Grading System, Criteria and Scoring Rubrics Appended in your Module in the Appendices.

For you to be able to accomplish the activities, you will need the following software Application, MS Word, MS Powerpoint, Cellphone with camera

You can contact me through my email add (; Facebook (Joel Lachica III); and cellphone no. (09278340524

Republic of the Philippines

Higher Education Regional Office VI (HERO VI)
City Government of Bago
Rafael Salas Drive, Brgy. Balingasag, Bago City, Negros Occidental 6101
Tel: [034] 4611-363 | Fax: [034] 4610-546 | E-mail:
Module 3 in Assessment of Learning 1 (Ed 8)
BSED 3rd Year Students


Intended Learning Outcomes: At the end of this module, the student must have:
1. Cited non-examples of each of the guidelines in the construction of paper-and-pencil test (True-false, multiple choice, and essays)
2. Constructed a table of specifications
3. Constructed paper-and-pencil tests in accordance with the guidelines in test construction (True-false, multiple choice, and essays)
A. Introduction
In this module, you are concerned with developing paper-and-pencil tests for assessing the attainment of educational objectives based on Bloom’s Taxonomy such as a)
true-false items, b) multiple- choice type items, c) essays. The construction of valid test items begins with a Table of Specifications.

B. Activity
I. Identify the following learning outcomes statements as remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating. Write your answer on the space
provided before the number.

________________ 1. Explain in one’s own words the stages in the life cycle of a butterfly. __________________6. Write a syllabus for a school project.
________________ 2. Defend a research proposal. __________________7. Use a mathematical formula to solve a problem.
________________ 3. Observe a classroom and list down the things to be improved. __________________ 8. Select the most effective solution
________________ 4. Distinguish among the different geometric figures. __________________ 9. Critique a class demonstration.

________________ 5. Recite the multiplication tables. __________________10. Compile personal records and documents into a

B. “Spot the Error”: The following are true –false and multiple choice items. Examine the questions closely, spot the error, and give your insights.

1. “The Philippine gained its independence in 1898 and therefore celebrated its centennial year in 2000”.


2. “What do you call a four-sided polygon?

a. quadrilateral b. pentagon c. hexagon d. airplane”


C. Analysis
. Kindly read and analyze carefully the information and concepts given below for you to learn. Then answer the guide questions or tasks included.


The important steps in planning for a test are:
1. Identifying test objectives/lesson outcomes
2. Deciding on the type of objective test to be prepared.
3. Preparing a Table of Specifications
4. Constructing the draft test items.
5. Try-out and validation
Example: “You want to construct a test on the topic: “Subject-Verb Agreement in English” for Grade V class, the following are the typical objectives:

Knowledge/Remembering. The students must be able to identify the subject and the verb in the given sentence.
Comprehension/Understanding. The students must be able to identify the subject and the verb in a given sentence.
Application/Applying. The students must be able to write sentences observing rules on subject-verb agreement.
Analysis/Analyzing. The students must be able to break down a given sentence into its subject and predicate.

Evaluation/Evaluating. The students must be able to evaluate whether or not a sentence observes rules on subject-verb agreement.
Synthesis/Creating. The students must be able to formulate rules to be followed regarding subject-verb agreement.


1. REMEMBERING Identify subject-verb 1,3,5,7,9 5 14.29%
2. UNDERSTANDING Form appropriate of a verb 2,4,6,8,10 5 14.29%
3. APPLYING Write sentence observing rules on subject-verb agreement 11,13,15,17,19 5 14.29%
4. ANALYZING Determine subject and predicate 12,14,16,18,20 5 14.29%
5. EVALUATING Evaluate whether or not a sentence observes rules on subject verb- agreement 21,22,23,24,25 5 14.29%
6. CREATING Formulate rules on subject-verb agreement PART II 10pts 28.57%
TOTAL 35 100%

Development of paper-and-pencil test requires careful planning and expertise in terms of actual test construction. The more seasoned teachers can produce true-false items
that can test even higher order thinking skills and not just rote memory learning. Essays are easier to construct than the other types of objective test, but the difficulty in scoring
essay examinations teachers from using this particular form of examination in actual practice.

Binomial-choice or alternate response tests are tests that have only two (2) options such as true or false, right or wrong, yes or no, good or better, check (4) or cross out (6)
and so on. A student who knows nothing of the content of the examination would have 50% chance of getting the correct answer by sheer guess work. Although correction-for-
guessing formulas exist, it is best that the teacher ensures that a true-false item is able to discriminate properly between those who know and those who are just guessing.

Guidelines for constructing True-False Test (modified)

1. Do not give a hint (inadvertently) in the body of the question.

Example: “The Philippines gained its independence in 1898 and therefore celebrated its centennial year in 2000”. _____
Obviously, the answer is FALSE because 100 years form 1898 is not 2000 but 1998.

2. Avoid using the words “always”, “never”, “often” and other words that tend to be either always true or always true.
Example: “Christmas always falls on a Sunday because it is a Sabbath Day”.____

Statements that use the word “always” are almost always false. A test-wise student can easily guess his way through a test like these and get high scores even if he does not
know anything about the test.

3. Avoid trick statements with some minor misleading word or spelling anomaly, misplaced phrases, etc. A wise student who does not know the subject matter may detect this
strategy and thus get the answer correctly.
Example: “The Raven was written by Edgar Allan Poe”.
Allen is misspelled and the answer would be false. This is an example of a tricky but utterly useless item.

4. Avoid double negatives. This makes test item unclear and definitely will confuse the student.
Example: “The changes that take place in early childhood are NOT unchangeable.
The test item simply means “The changes in early childhood are changeable.

TASK 1. Give one non- example of each of the following rules of thumb in the construction of a true-false test. Improve on the non-example for it to become a good example of
a. Avoid giving hints in the body of the question.
Non-example item: ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Improved item: _________________________________________________________________________________________________

b. Avoid using the words “always”, “never” and other such adverbs which tend to be always true or always false.
Non-example item: ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Improved item: _________________________________________________________________________________________________

c. Avoid double negatives.

Non-example item: ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Improved item: _________________________________________________________________________________________________


The multiple choice type of test offers the student with more than two (2) options per item to choose from. Each item in a multiple choice test consists of two parts: a) the
stem and b) the options. In the set of options, there is a “correct” or “best” option while all the others are considered “distracters”. The distracters are chosen in such a way that they
are attractive to those who do not know the answer or who are guessing but at the same time, have no appeal to those who actually know the answer. It is this feature of multiple
choice type tests that allows the teacher to test higher order thinking skills even if the options are clearly stated.

Guidelines for Constructing Multiple Choice Items (modified)

1. Do not use unfamiliar words, terms and phrases. The ability of the item to discriminate or its level of difficulty should stem from the subject matter rather than from the wording
of the question.
Example: “What would be the system reliability of a computer system whose slave and peripherals are connected in parallel circuits and each one has a known time to
failure probability of 0.005?”
A student completely unfamiliar with the terms “slave” and ‘”peripherals” may not be able to answer correctly even if he knew the subject matter of reliability.

2. Do not use modifiers that are vague and whose meanings can differ from one person to the next such as: much, often, usually, etc.
Much of the process of photosynthesis takes place in the:
a. bark b, leaf c stem
The qualifier “much” is vague and could have been replaced by more specific qualifiers like: “90% of the photosynthetic process” or some similar phrase that would be
more precise. Be quantitative.

3. Do not use negatives or double negatives as such statements tend to be confusing. It is best to use simpler sentences rather than sentences that would require expertise in
grammatical construction.
(Poor): What does the statement “development patterns acquired during the formative years are not unchangeable” imply?
(Better): What does the statement “development patterns acquired during the formative years are changeable imply?

4. Distracters should be equally plausible and attractive.

The short story: May Day’s Eve, was written by which Filipino Author?
a. Jose Garcia Villa b. Nick Joaquin c. Genoveva Edrosa Matute d. Robert Frost d. Edgar Allan Poe
If distracters had all been Filipino authors, the value of the item would be greatly increased. In this particular instance, only the first three carry the burden of the entire item
since the last two can be essentially disregarded by the students.

5. Avoid alternatives that are synonymous with others or those that include or overlap others.
What causes ice to transform from solid state to liquid state?
a. Change in temperature b. Change in pressure c. change in the chemical composition d. change in heat levels
The options “a” and “d” are essentially the same. Thus, a student who spots these identical choices would right away narrow down the field of choices to a, b, and c. The
last distracter would play no significant role in increasing the value of the item. If this happens, then the item has two answers, which is not acceptable.

6. Avoid stems that reveal the answer to another item.

1. Who will most strongly disagree with the progressivist who claims that the child should be taught only that which interests him and if he is not interested, wait till the
child gets interested?
a. Essentialist b. Empiricist c. Progressivist d. rationalist

2. Which group will most strongly focus its teaching on the interest of the child?
a. progressivist b. essentialist c. Perennials d. reconstructionist

7. Use the “none of the above” option only when the keyed answer is totally correct. When choice of the ‘best” response is intended, “none of the above” is not appropriate, since
the implication has already been made that the correct response may be partially inaccurate.

8. Having compound response choices may purposefully increase difficulty of an item.

The difficulty in a multiple choice item may be controlled by varying the homogeneity or degree of similarity of responses. The more homogeneous, the more difficult the
item because they all look like the correct answer.
(Less Homogeneous)
Thailand is located in:
a. Southeast Asia b. Eastern Europe c. South America d. East Africa e. Central America
(More Homogeneous)
Thailand is located next to:
a. Laos and Kampuchea b. India and China c. China and Malaya d. Laos and China e. India and Malaya

TASK 2. Give one non- example of each of the following rules of thumb in the construction of multiple choice test. Improve on the non-example for it to become a good example
of test.
1. Do not use unfamiliar words, terms and phrases

Non-example item: ______________________________________________________________________________________________

Improved item: _________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Distracters should be equally plausible and attractive.

Non-example item: ______________________________________________________________________________________________

Improved item: _________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Avoid alternatives that are synonymous with others or those that include or overlap others.

Non-example item: ______________________________________________________________________________________________

Improved item: _________________________________________________________________________________________________

Essays classified as non-objective tests, allow for the assessment of higher order thinking skills. Such tests require students to organize their thoughts on a subject matter in
coherent sentences in order to inform an audience. In essay tests, students are required to write one or more paragraphs on a specific topic Essay questions can be used to measure
attainment of a variety of objectives.
1. Comparing 3. Justifying 5. Generalizing 7. Classifying 9. Analyzing 11. Creating
2. Relating cause-and-effect 4. Summarizing 6. Inferring 8. Applying 10. Evaluating

Types of Essays
Restricted Essay – it is also referred to as short focused response. Examples are asking students to ‘write an example”, ‘list three reasons” or ‘compare and contrast two
Example: Sample Short Response Question (10th Grade Reading)
“How are the scrub jay and the mockingbird different? Support your answer with details and information from the article”.

Non-restricted/Extended Essay – extended responses can be much longer and complex that short responses, but students are encouraged to remain focused and organized.

Example: Sample Extended Response Question (5th Grade Science)

Robert is designing a demonstration to display at his school’s Science fair. He will show how changing the position of a fulcrum on a lever changes the amount
of force needed to lift an object. To do this, Robert will use a piece of wood for a lever and a block of wood to act as fulcrum. He plans to move the fulcrum to different places on
the lever to see how its placement affects the force needed to lift an object.
Part A. Identify at least two other actions that would make Robert’s demonstration better.
Part B. Explain why each action would improve the demonstration.
Guidelines for the Formulation and Scoring of Essay Tests

1. Phrase the direction in such a way that students are guided on the key concepts to be included. Specify how the students should respond.
Using details and information from the article (Hundred Islands), summarize the main points of the article. For a complete and correct response, consider
these points:
- its history (10 pts) - its interesting features (10 pts) - why it is a landmark (5 pts)
Using details and information form the article (hundred islands) summarize the main points of the article.
(Source: https:/

2. Inform the students on the criteria to be used for grading their essays. This rule allows the students to focus on relevant and substantive materials rather than on
peripheral and unnecessary facts and bits of information.
Example: Write an essay on the topic: “Plant Photosynthesis” using the keywords indicated. You will graded according to the following criteria: a) coherence, b)
accuracy of statements, c) use of keywords, d) clarity and e) extra points for innovative presentation of ideas.

3. Put a time limit on the essay test.

4. Decide on your essay grading system prior to getting the essays of your students.
5. Evaluate all the students’ answers to one question before proceeding to the next question.
6. Evaluate answers to essay questions without knowing the identity of the writer.
7. Whenever possible, have two or more persons grade each answer.
8. Do not provide optional questions.
9. Provide information about the value/weight of the question and how it will be scored.
10. Emphasize higher level thinking skills.
Scientists have found that oceans can influence the temperature of nearby landmasses. Coastal landmasses tend to have more moderate temperatures in
summer and winter than inland landmasses of the same latitude.
Considering the influence of ocean temperatures, explain why inland temperatures vary in summer and winter to a greater degree than coastal temperatures.
List three coastal land masses.

TASK 3. Formulate one restricted essay and one extended essay.

Restricted Essay


Extended Essay

D. Abstraction
Summary of Concept
Answer the following questions for further clarification.
1. Which is better, essay test or objective test? Why? Support your answer.

2. In what sense is a true-false test a variant of a multiple choice type of test? Justify your answer.

E. Application
Construct a 30-item test with Table of Specifications, using true-false, multiple choice, and essay type of test. Choose a topic that is in line of your specialization. Use the
prototype TOS given in the preceding pages. Use font size (12), font style (times new roman), single space, and in long –sized bond paper.

F. Evaluation
Answer the following questions below and be guided with the scoring rubrics.
A. 1. What have you learned in this module? Explain.


2. How these concepts will help you to become a future educator someday? Cite one example for further clarification.

25 %

Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Satisfactory Outstanding

0 pts 5 pts 15 pts 25 pts

Content & Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Satisfactory Outstanding

- Content is incomplete. - Content is not comprehensive - Content is accurate and - Content is comprehensive,
- Major points are not clear. and /or persuasive. persuasive. accurate, and persuasive.
-Specific examples are not used. - Major points are addressed, but - Major points are stated. - Major points are stated clearly
not well supported. - Responses are adequate and and are well supported.
- Responses are inadequate or do address topic. - Responses are excellent, timely
not address topic. - Content is clear. and address topic.
-Specific examples do not support -Specific examples are used. - Content is clear.
topic. -Specific examples are used.

Organization & Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Satisfactory Outstanding

- Organization and structure - Structure of the paper is not - Structure is mostly clear and -Structure of the paper is clear
detract from the message. easy to follow. easy to follow. and easy to follow.
- Writing is disjointed and lacks - Transitions need improvement. - Transitions are present. - Transitions are logical and
transition of thoughts. - Conclusion is missing, or if - Conclusion is logical. maintain the flow of thought
provided, does not flow from the throughout the paper.
body of the paper. - Conclusion is logical and flows
from the body of the paper.

Grammar, Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Satisfactory Outstanding

Punctuation &
Spelling - Paper contains numerous - Paper contains few grammatical, - Rules of grammar, usage, and - Rules of grammar, usage, and
grammatical, punctuation, and punctuation and spelling errors. punctuation are followed with punctuation are followed; spelling
spelling errors. minor errors. is correct.
Spelling is correct.


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