Chapter 3 Sample

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3.1 Research Approach

A quantitative method was used. According to (Burns and Grove, 2003), quantitative analysis is
a structured systematic approach that aids in the testing and description of relationships as well
as the determination of cause and effect between two variables.

3.2 Research Purpose

The study is conducted over predefined independent variables that are: subjective norms,
perceived self-efficacy, entrepreneurship education, and attitude towards entrepreneurship and
their impact over entrepreneurial intentions of youth. Associated studies are conducted in
different parts of the world in order to understand entrepreneurial intentions. This study follows
'explanatory research purpose' which by definition is the investigation of the connection, cause
and effect between different ideas of the existing problem that is not well researched in a
particular context (Yordanova 2010). To further investigate the issue in the context of
Hyderabad, Sindh, explanatory research purpose has been used.

3.3 Research Design

A research design defines an overall research strategy of a study as it is a framework for the
whole process that starts from agenda to collection and its analysis (Zain 2010). There are
various different procedures or forms, including experimental, descriptive, correlational, review,
meta-analytic etc. The study has applied descriptive research design as it has collected data via
questionnaire survey.

3.4 Data Source

The source through which the data was collected is ‘Primary’. Primary data refers to information
gathered directly from researchers on the factors of concern for the study's purpose. (Sekaran and
Bougie, 2009). A questionnaire was used to collect data for this analysis because it is reasonably
easy to interpret, handle, and react to because the format is familiar to most respondents, and
they are not obligated to respond right away and have enough time to do so. Based on the factors
influencing entrepreneurial intention of Hyderabad university students, an adopted questionnaire
was used.

3.5 Population of the Study

Polit and Hungler (1999) define a population as "the entire community of people who are
important to the researcher and to whom the researcher's results can be summarized,"
encompassing all subjects who meet certain basic requirements. Since the study is about
university students' entrepreneurial intentions, the population of our study is comprised of all
students attending universities in Hyderabad.

3.6 Sampling Strategy

A sample, according to (LoBiondo-Wood and Haber 1998), is a segment or section of the
research population that has agreed to participate in a study and thus represents the entire
population. Due to a variety of constraints, including time, geography, and budget, a subset of
the population is chosen. The technique of 'convenience sampling,' which is called non-
probability sampling, is used in this research analysis. According to (De Vos, 1998),
convenience sampling is the rational option when studying all of the individuals in a population
is difficult.

3.7 Sample Size

Due to certain restrictions, it is not feasible to include the entire population as respondents in the
study, so a sample size has been chosen for the research study. Always use the maximum sample
size possible as a general rule of thumb. The larger the sample size, the more representative it
would be; small sample sizes, on the other hand, provide less reliable results since they represent
a smaller population (LoBiondo-Wood and Haber, 1998). According to rule of thumb for sample
size Total number = (No of items in questionnaire x 10), so 20x10=200. A total of 212 people
took part in the survey.

3.8 Research Variables

The method for describing the relationship between the variables is known as research. A
variable is a concept that can have a variety of quantitative qualities. A dependent variable is a
variable that is affected by another variable and is an outcome of that other variable. The
independent variable, on the other hand, is the variable that causes the shift in the other variable.
(Kothari and Garg, 2014). There are four independent variables in this study: Subjective Norms,
Perceived self-efficacy, Entrepreneurship Education and Attitude towards entrepreneurship, as
well as one dependent variable, Entrepreneurial Intention.

Table 1: Research Variables and its technique

S. Hypothesis Variables Based on Technique

No Independent Dependent objectives
1 H1 Subjective Norms EI* 1 Reliability analysis
Multiple regression analysis
2 H2 Perceived self- EI* 2 Reliability analysis,
efficacy Multiple regression analysis
3 H3 Entrepreneurship EI* 3 Reliability analysis,
Education Multiple regression analysis
4 H4 Attitude towards EI* 4 Reliability analysis,
Entrepreneurship Multiple regression analysis
EI*= Entrepreneurial Intention

3.9 Research Instrument

The primary data source for this study was a questionnaire. In general, the term "questionnaire"
refers to a form-like instrument for obtaining answers to questions that respondents fill out on
their own (Goode and Hatt, 1953). The survey is based on a five-point Likert scale. It is
measured as follows:

1. Strongly Disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neutral
4. Agree
5. Strongly Agree

The study's research instrument is a single-source; questionnaire that assesses entrepreneurial

intention in compliance with subjective norms, perceived self-efficacy, entrepreneurship
education and attitude towards entrepreneurship.

Table 2: Layout of Questionnaire

Section Variables No. of items Scale Source

1. Entrepreneurial 4 Likert scale Dao et al. (2021)


2. Subjective Norms 4 Likert scale Dao et al. (2021)

3. Perceived Self-Efficacy 4 Likert scale Dao et al. (2021)

4. Entrepreneurship 4 Likert scale Tuan et al. (2019)


5. Attitude towards 4 Likert scale Tuan et al. (2019)


3.10 Research Methodology for Data Analysis

3.10.1 Reliability analysis
The analysis of reliability has been applied on the collected data in order to measure the
reliability of data as it can be concluded that whether the data is reliable or not (Sekaran and
Bougie 2010).

3.10.2 Multiple regression analysis

In this study, the relationship between the dependent variable and multiple independent variables
is measured using the multiple regression analysis technique (Tong 2011). In this study the
relationship of ‘entrepreneurial intentions with independent variables that are: entrepreneurship
education, attitude towards entrepreneurship, perceived self-efficacy and subjective norms are
being measured.
3.11 Research Model and Framework
3.11.1 Research Model
EI= c + β1 (SN) + β2 (SE) + β3 (EE) + β4 (AE) + e

Whereas, constant (c), Entrepreneurial Intention (EI), Subjective Norms (SN), Perceived Self-
efficacy (SE), Entrepreneurship Education (EE), Attitude towards Entrepreneurship (AE) and
error (e).

3.11.2 Research Framework

Figure 1: Conceptual Framework

Source: This study

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