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The customs of the business and Professional

In Spain

Each people has its own rituals, behaviours or habits. If you go to Spain one day, it will be very useful to know some of the customs and traditions that this
poster will mention in order to facilitate integration and adaptation in this country and to avoid making any mistakes or having any bad surprises.

Values in business
In negotiation, for example, the Spanish people appreciate the following
qualities: patience, professionalism, respect, friendliness and, most
importantly, structure. Meetings can be longer or shorter in order to have Greetings in Spain are an extensive ritual. You can expect to shake
time to address all the important issues. hands with everybody present, and only people who know each other
kiss on both cheeks.

Working hours Dress code

The way you present yourself is of critical importance when dealing with
In Spain, the working day generally starts at 9am at the earliest and can
Spanish business people. They usually spend a fair amount of time and
last until 9pm. The lunch break often lasts up to 2 hours (or even 3 hours)
money on their outfit and appearance. Business dress is classic,
and starts at 1:30 pm at the earliest! However, don't get me wrong,
professional, and conventional.
Spaniards work a lot and finish later than the majority of European
countries since 1 out of 3 employees finishes at 7pm and 1 out of 10
finishes at 9pm.

Convivial meetings in the restaurant Decision making

Many meetings take place in restaurants before the start of the In Spanish organisations, strategic planning is generally less important
negotiations, in order to deepen the knowledge, to discuss general than in many other countries where it is paramount. In addition, very
topics and to create an agreement which facilitates and accelerates the important decisions are usually taken by the company director.
good progress of the negotiations and the business.

In the professional world, the Spanish culture shows us an example in the respect of professional values, the
tradition of hospitality, the sense of communication and negotiation to carry out business efficiently. This
presents points to acquire in order to develop professional relationships and facilitate collaboration with this

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