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Read the article and choose the correct answers.

D Read the grammar box. Work in pairs. Match

these words with the types of nouns (A-C).
Many teenagers will be looking for part-time jobs this
year. For most, it's about eaming. ^a^bitpf / littie pocket
advice boss colleagues courses information
money, but it's also a chance to gain ^many /some'useful experience.
people role stuFf task
So does it really matter what kind of job you get? Undoubtedly, the
single countable nouns —b^^í^^ jCO\ ?'^OíJ^ most popular jobs are those with good street cred, such as life-guard
at the local pool or sales assistant at a fashionable clothes shop.
uncountable nouns rvAÍbíiim^Oo j ^ ^ o t í ^ y O d ^ ' ' ^
However, in reality n i t t l e ( j ^ ) o b s like this are available to most
plural countable nouns -peOpiC ^ o O o í s C b teenagers. More likely, it will be a non-glam job such as cleaning table
at a fast food restaurant, delivenngnewspapers or washing cars.
explore grammar The good news is that there a r j ^ e v e r a j / plenty beneñts to haying_a
less glamorous job. OK, you may not earn great many ( a g r e a t deaj)
determiners with countable/ (QÍ rnoney, but the life lessons are considerable. For example, in these
'non-glam' jobs you'll appreciate how hard some people work for
uncountable nouns sometimes *few /Trt3e)ñnancial reward. It may also involve working
A With^ngle countable nounsjwe use eoch, every with people from very different backgrounds, requiring you to interact
I didn't realise it was such a responsibility in different ways and step out of your comfort zone.
making sure each customer is satisfied.
B W i t h ^ n c o u n t a b í e n o u n ^ e use a qreat deal
of, a larqe amount of, o bit of, alittle^ ¡ittle, (not) _3 Complete the second sentence so it has a similar meaning to the
rnuch first sentence, using the word given. You must use between two and
You have to be on hand 24/7 when you work five words, including the word given.
with animáis so you have very littie time for 1 There aren't many teenagers in my class who have a part-time job.
yourself. ONLY
C With^iurai countaoie noüns'lyeuse pll, most^ There are ...Q.0.!.yi.!^..í.?..*^..d..?.'^.íí9'.^.?^^^ i'^ ^'^^^ "^^^ ^^^^ ^
seyergl, (a areat) many. anumber of, a few (of),
part-time Job.
2 Most students don't earn a lot of money from their part-time job.
I know the early starts are a problem but I could
maybe do it for a few years.
D With'^Tural countaDie nouns and uncounta'bíS Most students t(^S^.
i ñ o u n a w e use same, o lotHots of. plentv money from their
part-time jobs.
Some people I worked with were doing courses
at college one day a week. 3 Generally not many teenagers will get their dream job. ; •
On the wholG S.^Í^.^^^9'3^S¡>. will get their dream
Q Complete the sentences with these words. job.
4 A lot has changedsince I started working here.
¿ h í e w a large ametm^of 4#ss- m«€h -s^uewl y ThereM.)f..l.b.C.&.'0...p.te.Y:)+^.Q£c^^^ since 1 started working here.
1 I didn't realise an architect had so..^.OCV>. 5 Jackrespectshisbossalot.
2 We spent(IÍQr<Ji.e- «.pf .tin-ie out of the ofñce
visiting clients who she was designing houses for. Jack has ....(A....^í tg.l.d.?.í?.l.Q£ respect for his boss.

3 I got to meet so ...y:Oí^.O..'¿^ interesting 6 A lot of experience is unnecessary for this job.
people. MUCH
4 Of course, it gets harder asyou get older asyou You d?2.r'IJ?....G.?.í.í!..rí].y..?íí^ experience for this job.
might have l^bb. energy
5 Getting up early in the nniddie of winter for Speak up
....L.Í>J^Í..?.! mornings in a row isn't much fun.
iSl Work in pairs. Think of five adults you know (not your teachers!)
6 I only did it for ...O-.i^.V^) days and it was ... who have different jobs, e.g. bus driver, shop assistant, waiter, etc.
well, let's say challenging. Discuss the questions.
Kl Read the title of the article. What do you think it 1 What kind of satisfaction do you think their jobs provide?
is about? 2 What are the difficulties or challenges of these jobs?
3 Regardiess of money would the jobs suit you? Why / Why not?

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