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a graph
Statistical and
1 Writing the overview

Today's 2 Language for statistical graph

Agenda 3 Planning for DC

4 Language for DC (BP)

Finding the most stand
out tren
Don’t use any
data/number in this part
Use the longest time-
space and not the
specific one
Don’t mention any detail
How to form an overview?
Languages to be used in overview

Phrase 1
In general;
Phrase 2 Form= Phrase 1 + P2 + the main sentence + P3 +P4
The most noticeable feature;
What stands out from the graph
Phrase 3 Example:
Throughout the period; Overall, what stands out from the graph is the significant download of games
Over period and DVD sales experienced an upward trend, while DVD rentals and music
download underwent the opposite throughout the period in question.
Phrase 4
In question,
Covered by the graphs

Other important phrases

● Another interesting/ prominent point
● Moreover/ furthermore
● experience/ undergo - e.g. The earnings of X experienced an upward trend while Y underwent the opposite
● witness/ see - e.g. All figures witnessed upward tendencies

for the statistical chart
(main focus: comparative, superlative structure,
showing proportion)
Language for Statistical Charts
Comparative Structure Superlative Structure Language for Proportion

Linking Verb and Preposition

Let's Practise!
Body Paragraph of
Statistical Chart

for the Dynamical Chart
(main focus: finding the Main Features, Language
to describe it)
Main Features
For the Dynamical Chart

What we are looking for?

1. the highest & lowest value
2. biggest rise/ decrease
3. the most changing trend
4. not changing trend
Language to Describe the Data
Common Language to describe the dynamical chart
1. There is a (adj + noun) in the .... (data, it can be conveyed as the...of... or as two nouns)
> There was a significant rise in International cinema ticket sales over the period
>In 2004, there was a significant rise in the number of International DVD sales at $18 billion

2. verb + adverb
> There was a mild fluctuation in International cinema ticket sales over the period
to be >> The International cinema tiket sales fluctuated mildly over the period

>In 2004, there was a significant rise in the number of International DVD sales at $18 billion
to be >>

3. Making a comparison in the chart

a. using more/less/fewer
more/fewer + noun + than ==>> there are more people choose TV rather than radio at 8 PM by 30%.
more/less + adj + than ===>> the number of births were more common in the year of 1999 than death values at 1.5 million
(adj = popular; important; common)(verb: pick, choose, vote, select)
3. Making a comparison in the chart

b.using adverb in comparison

JUST A FEW > slightly
A LOT MORE > considerably, many, substantially, far, much, significantly
ALMOST > nearly, partially

>> There are considerably more people who choose TV rather than radio at 8 PM by 30%.
>> Afterwards, it rises nearly at 89% , which stand for the highest value at the year of 2001.

Let's try!
Make a sentence which
represent one of this trend
the example of body paragraph

the dynamical chats

Linking Verb
Have a great
day ahead.

Thank you for


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