Gerunds N Infınıtıves

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1) Cümlenin öznesi olarak kullanılabilirler.

* Living in İstanbul is not easy for the poor. Swimming is good.

2) Bir fiilin tamamlayıcısı olarak kullanılabilir. (Fiilin nesnesi konumunda)

* She likes reading books. She admitted stealing / to steal the money.

admit discuss postpone

anticipate dislike practise
appreciate enjoy quit
avoid excuse recollect/recall
busy finish recommend
can’t help forgive remember
can’t stand fancy resent
complete imagine resist
consider involve risk
contemplate keep stop
defer mean suggest
delay mention tolerate
deny mind
detest miss

3) Preposition’lardan sonra Ving kullanılır. (in-of-to-with-about-for….)

* He was accused of smuggling.

2018 YDT

The first woman to cycle around the world was the Latvian-American Annie Kopchovsky who ---- financial sponsorship in
return for ---- an advertised placard on her bike.

A) had received / to be hung

B) was receiving / to hang
C) has been receiving / being hung
D) received / hanging
E) would receive / having hung

“To” ‘ nun preposition olarak kullanıldığı yapılar:

Be used to/ Be accustomed to

Get used to / get accustomed to
reduce to
object to
look forward to
confine oneself to
devote to
be addicted to
be subjected to

* Owen did not confine himself to writing only one type of poem.
*The poor man was reduced to begging for food.

* The children objected ---- their meal. A) to eat B) to eating

She wants to improve her English. (purpose) (-mek için / -mek-mak)

4) Ving cümlede sıfat olarak kullanılabilir. (-en/-an)

* She looked at the running water. … the water which is running)

5) Possessive adjectives (my,his,our,their,your...) ya da object pronoun (me,him,us,you,them...) gibi yapılardan sonra

Ving kullanılabilir. Kimi zaman NOUN+’s yapısıyla da Ving kullanılabilir.

* My parents hate my coming home late ya da My parents hate me coming home late.

* My father doesn’t like my brother’s working until late hours.

6) Aşağıdaki yapılardan sonra Ving kullanılır.

It’s no use
be worth
there’s no point (in)
It’s no good
have difficulty (in)
waste/ spend one’s time/money
have (some) problems
have a difficult time
have a good time
have a hard time
have a problem
have an easy time
have fun
have no difficulty
have no problem

It’s no use talking to her. She never listens to you.

I strongly recommend this film. It’s worth watching.

Konum bildiren fiillerden sonraV ing kullanılır.


cling She clung to the bottom of the bridge trying to resist the swift current.
cower The family cowered in their basement hoping the tornado would change directions.
crouch The mountain lion crouched on a boulder watching the deer walk by below.
hang The monkey hung in the tree chewing on the ripened fruit.
lean Tom leaned against the wall resting a few moments before he continued on.
lie He lay in bed thinking about the day's events.
sit She always sits on the couch watching TV.
stand Nancy stood at the corner looking up and down
7) Verbs of Perception ile Ving ya da Verb1 kullanılabilir.

See / hear/listen/watch/observe etc.

Bu fiillerden sonra Ving kullanımı WHILE anlamı verirken VERB1 kullanımı bir olaya başından itibaren tanıklık
ettiğimizi gösterir.

I saw Mary doing her homework ( while she was doing her homework.)

I saw Mary do her homework ( ödevini yapmaya başladığı anı da gördüm)

I heard them talking about the exam. ( konuşurlarken duydum.)

I heard them talk about the exam ( konuşmaya bağladıkları andan itibaren duydum)

8) Need/want/deserve/require filllerinden sonra Ving kullanımı passive yapıdadır. (Passive anlamı to be + V3 yapısıyla
da verebiliriz.)

* These shoes need cleaning / These shoes need to be cleaned.

* This kid deserves punishing / This kid deserves to be punished.

9) Go + Ving yapısını bir aktiviteden bahsederken kullanırız.

go fishing / go shopping / go skiing / go sailing etc.

I go shopping on Sundays. (I go to shopping…)

GO to PLACE: Go to school / go to the cinema…

INFINITIVES: (to + infinitive)

1) Cümle başında özne olarak kullanılabilirler ancak bu kullanım yaygın değildir. Yerine cümleye “IT” zamiriyle başlanıp
“TO+VERB1” olarak devam edilir.

Swimming is good. / To swim is good. (more common) It is good to swim.

TO VERB1 = Bu yapı bir cümlenin öznesi olması dışında amaç bildiren “-mek için” anlamı da taşımaktadır.

You need a lot of patience to write wiriting an English grammar book.

To write / writing an English grammar book requires a lot of patience. Bunun yerine It requires a lot of patience to write an
English book demek daha yaygındır.
2) Bir fiilin nesnesi olabilirler.

he agreed to lend me his car. / He claims to know many prominent politicians.

afford forget refuse

agree happen seem
aim hesitate struggle
appear hope swear
arrange learn threaten
attempt manage volunteer
claim offer wait
decide plan would like
demand prepare would love
deserve pretend would hate
dread proceed would prefer
encourage promise
endeavour prove
fail recall

We can’t afford to buy / buying this car. It is too expensive for us.

3) Aşağıdaki isimlerden sonra TO+INFINITIVE kullanılır.

advice His advice to continue was good.
appeal The appeal to reduce pollution was ineffective.
attempt Her attempt to locate them was unsuccessful.
chance In Britain, you will have a chance to improve your English.
goal His goal to run a marathon seemed unrealistic.
motivation Her motivation to enter university impressed them.
need .
proposal Her proposal to host the party impressed the committee.
refusal Debra's refusal to help did not go unnoticed.
request Their request to participate was granted.
way One way to improve your English is to read novels.

4) too + adjective/adverb + to infinitive

adjective/adverb + enough + to infinitive

This television is too expensive to buy / buying.

We arrived too late to see the beginning of the movie.
She is tall enough to reach the book on the shelf.
Brian was smart enough to enter / entering college at the age of 12.

5) Object Pronoun ya da bir isimden sonra TO+INFINITIVE kullanılır.

ask/order/request/warn + me/him/you/us.. + TO INFINITIVE

Peter asked Melisa to wake him earlier than usual.

The judge ordered the suspect to appear in court.
Aylin requests me to help her.

6) If cümlelerinde BE+ TO INFINITIVE kullanımı “isteniyorsa ya da –mek için” anlamı taşır.

If we are to catch the train, we’ll have to take a taxi immediately.

If we are to win the match, we must all do our best.

7) Aşağıdaki sıfatlardan sonra TO+INFINITIVE gelir.

be about to be angry be excited

be due to (be expected to) be ashamed be easy
be bound to (be certain to be anxious be free
be prone to be advisable be glad
be apt to be boring be happy
be liable to be bewildered be lucky
be inclined to be curious be pleased
be obliged to be common be prepared
be reluctant to be convenient be proud
be eager to be delighted be possible
be willing to be determined be ready
be afraid be difficult be shocked
be amazed be dangerous
be astonished be eager

We are prone to make mistakes when we are tired.

Old people are apt to be forgetful.
The president is due to approve the plan.
Our boss is liable to lose his temper when things go wrong in the office.
John is bound to end up in prison if he goes like this.
It isn’t difficult to pass the YDS exam as you think.
She is lucky to have been awarded.
8) Aşağıdaki yapılardan sonra TO+INFINITIVE kullanılır.

make an effort
occur to sb + TO INFINITIVE
take the trouble
do one’s best

It didn’t occur to her to ask how he’d found her.

9) Do + anything/nothing etc. + but + INFINITIVE

She does nothing but complain.

10) Düş kırıklığı ya da şaşkınlık yaratan bir olayı anlatmak için “ONLY” ile “TO+INFINITIVE” yapısı kullanılabilir.

He hurried to the house only to find that it was empty.

11) Help fiilinden sonra INFINITIVE ya da TO+INFINITIVE kullnaılabilir.

She helped her brother do/to do his Math homework.




Bir şeyin başka bir şeye tercih edildiğini anlatmak için iki ismin arasında “to” edatı kullanılır.

I prefer tea to/over coffee. (Çayı kahveye tercih ederim.)

I prefer fruit to desserts.


prefer fiilinden sonra kullanılan fiile “ing” takısı eklenir.

I prefer drinking tea.

I prefer eating fruit.

PREFER + VERB+ing + TO +VERB+ing

“to” edatı iki fiil arasında da kullanılabilir.

I prefer staying at home to going out.

(Evde kalmayı dışarı çıkamaya tercih ederim.)

She prefers walking to doing exercise.

(O, yürümeyi egzersiz yapmaya tercih eder.)


prefer fiilinden sonra “to” ve fiilin birinci hali kullanılabilir. Fakat buradaki “to” mastar ekidir ve “to” edatıyla karıştırılmamalıdır.
She prefers to walk.

I prefer to stay at home.


PREFER + VERB+ing + TO +VERB+ing

Bir işi yapmanın başka bir işi yapmaya tercih edildiğinin anlatmak için iki fiil arasında “rather than” kalıbı kullanılır. İkinci fiilden

önce “to” kullanılmaz.

She prefers to walk rather than do exercise. She prefers walking to doing exercise.

(O, egzersiz yapmaktansa yürümeyi tercih eder.)

I prefer to stay at home rather than go out.

(Dışarı çıkmaktansa evde kalmayı tercih ederim.)


Tercihler genellikle Present Simple Tense (Geniş Zaman) ile anlatıldığında prefer “don’t” ya da “doesn’t” yardımcı fiilleri ile

olumsuz yapılır.

I don’t prefer studying lying down.

(Uzanarak ders çalışmayı tercih etmem.)

She doesn’t prefer studyin alone.

(O, tek başına ders çalışmayı tercih etmez.)


A: Would you like to drink coffee? (Kahve içmek ister misin?)

B: No, I would rather drink tea. (Hayır, Çay içmeyi tercih ederim.)

We’d rather go to the cinema.

He’d rather play basketball.

WOULD RATHER yapısından sonra NOUN kullanamayız.

I’d rather tea than coffee. (yanlış)

I’d prefer tea rather than / over coffee.


Bir işin başka bir işe tercih edildiğini anlatmak için iki fiil arasında “than” kullanılır. Fakat, birinci fiil ve ikinci fiil aynıysa ikinciyi

tekrar etmeye gerek yoktur.

We would rather go to the cinema than do homework.

(Ödev yapmaktansa sinemaya gitmeyi tercih ederiz.)

He would rather play basketball than football.

(O, futboldansa basketbol oynamayı tercih eder)


“would rather” kalıbını olumsuz yapmak için sadece no kullanılır.

I’m very tired. I would rather not go out today.

(Çok yorgunum. Bugün dışarı çıkmamayı tercih ederim.)

Hem GERUND hem de TO INFINITIVE alıp anlam değişikliği olmayan yapılar:

Begin ( He begins working / to workat 10am)

continue (He continues working / to work 10 am)




neglect (He neglected telling her about the exam. / she neglected to tell her the whole stroy.)



commence (She’s finally commenced doing/to do the filing)

Aşağıdaki fiillerden sonra Ving ya da OBJECT+ to verb1

advise ( the doctor advised going on a holiday) ( The doctor advised me to go on...)

allow ( My mother doesn’t allow smoking in the house) ( My mother doesn’t allow anyone to smoke in the house.)

consider ( I consider firing him.) ( Many people consider him to be innocent)

forbid The teacher forbade leaving the class / The teacher forbade us to leave the class.



Aşağıdaki yapılar Ving ya da To+infinitive alabilirler ancak anlamda değişiklik olur.

forget / remember + To infinitive = Yapmamız gereken ancak henüzyapmadığımız bir eylemden bahsederken kullanılır.

I forgot to invite John to the party.

She forgot to close the window.

Forget / remember + Ving = Geçmişte yaptığımız bir eylemi unutmak ya da hatırlamak anlamında kullanılır.

I still remember buying my first car.

I don’t remember lending you money.

Go on + Ving ( aynı eyleme devam etmek)

Go on + to infinitive ( bir eylemi bitirip başka bir eyleme başlayı devam etmek)

After receiving the award, the actor went on to thank all the people who helped him.

The band went on playing even after everyone had left.

Mean: Ving ( anlamına gelmek) / to verb1 ( kastetmek, istemek)


Gerund ya da Infinitive cümlesindeki eylem, temel cümledeki eylem ile eş zamanlıysa Present Gerund/Present Infinitive kullanılır.


to + verb1(active) Ving(active)
to be + v3(passive) being+V3(passive)
to be+ Ving(continuous)

Gerund ya da Infinitive cümlesindeki eylem, temel cümledeki eylemden daha önce gerçekleşmişse Perfect Gerund/Perfect Infinitive

To have + V3 (active) having+V3(active)
To have been+ V3(passive) having been +V3(passive)
to have been+Ving(active)
The teacher enjoys teaching.

The teacher wants to teach.

The teacher wants this subject to be learnt.

The taps seems to have been dripping for a long time.

Mr. Smith is really enjoying teaching his class.

Mr. Smith would like to be teaching his class.

The students enjoy being taught.

The students want to be taught.

The retired teacher recalled having taught.

The teacher was expecting to have taught that already.

The older students recalled having been taught that already.

The students were expecting to have been taught that by now.

Carol denied that she had stolen the money. / Carol denied having stolen/stealing the money.

He appreciates that he had the opportunity to meet the President./ He appreciates having had the opportunity ...

It is good that you have finished your work on time. / It is good to have finished your work..

John is lucky to have been promoted at the beginning of this term.

James pretended to have understood everthing clearly.

The ancient Egyptians are known to have established a high level of civilisation.

The prisoners in the military camp were alleged to have been systemativally tortured.

Many sicentists are known to have been trying to find a cure for AIDS for a long time.

He is believed to have been living in London for a while.

He was said to have been working on this project over three years.

Two businessmen were reported to have been kidnapped.


Participle yapılar Relative Clause ya da herhangi bir bağlacın kısaltması olarak kullanılabilir.

A) Present Participle (Ving) (active)

B) Past Participle (V3) (passive)

C) Perfect Participle (having+V3 / Having been +Ving) (active)

(Having been +V3) (passive)

Seçeneklerde bu yapıları görüyorsak

1) cümle active mi yoksa passive mi

2) öncelik sonralık var mı dikkat etmeliyiz.


Relative Clause cümlesi AKTIF ise Ving olarak kısaltılır.

The students who were protesting sharp increase in tuition fees were attacked by the police.
People who suffer from kidney failure lead hard lives.

A) Present Participle (Ving) (active)

B) Past Participle (V3) (passive)

C) Perfect Participle (having+V3 / Having been +Ving) (active)

(Having been +V3) (passive)

NOT: Cümlede the first/the second/ the last/the only gibi yapılar var ise Superlative ( the best/ the most interesting)

Eşzamanlı eylemler ACTIVE to V1


Zaman Farkı vurgusu var ise ACTIVE To have V3 Bu iki yapı aslında Perfect Tense’lerin relative clause kısalatmalarıdır.
PASSIVE To have been V3
Seçeneklerde bu yapıları görüyorsak

1) cümle active mi yoksa passive mi

2) öncelik sonralık var mı dikkat etmeliyiz.

İsimden önce sıfat görevinde de kullanılır.

Oil producing countries are generally rich.(Countries which produce oil...)

Tüm cümleyi kapsayan WHICH ile kurulan Realtive Clause cümlesi ya da “and” bağlacı ile kurulan cümle Ving olarak

A bomb exploded in front of a bank, and caused extensive damage.

Food prices have risen sharply, which has made life difficult.

The rapid disappearance of Arctic ice ---- the use of an undersea Internet cable, ---- a shorter path between Europe and
A) can enable / to be created
B) must enable / being created
C) would enable / to have created
D) may enable / creating
E) should enable / to be creating

(2018 YDT)

2017 ilkbahar YDS

In the age of steam, with new railroads ---- across Europe and the US, engineers began ---- even more applications for the
steam engine.

A) to spread / finding active kısaltma soruyor (ilk boşluk) Ving / having V3 / to V1

B) having spread / to have found

C) spreading / to find

D) to have spread / find

E) spread / having found

Non-Defining, yani iki virgül arasında ek bilgi veren Relative Clause yapılarda, Cümle aktifse Ving olarak kısaltılabilir.
Ek bilgi veren bu cümle, cümlenin en başına da alınabilir.

Ali’s father, who is working in a company as an accountant, got promoted last week.
Ali’s father, working in a company as an accountant, got promoted last week.
Working in a company as an accountant, Ali’s father got promoted last week.

Herhangi bir bağlaç cümlesi (zaman,zıtlık,sebep belirten,sonuç belirten vb.) Ving olarak kısaltılabilir. Bunun için iki
unsur göz önüne alınır. Ving olarak kısaltma yapabilmek için 1) Bağlaç cümlesinin AKTIF olması,
2) bağlaç cümlesinin ana fiildeki eylemle eş zamanlı olması gerekir.

When she saw me, she turned pale.

Seeing me, she turned pale.

While she cooked dinner, she listened to the radio.

(while) Cooking dinner, she listened to the radio.

Since she is an experienced driver, she can teach you how to drive.
Being an experienced teacher,...

As Jim didn’t know the answer, he was quite embarrassed.

Not knowing the answer...

Bir işi nasıl yaptığımızı belirtirken BY+Ving olarak kısalltılabilir. BY yapısını kullanmak zorunda değliz. Türkçe’ye “-
erek/-arak” eki olarak çevrilebilir.

Ali measured the length of the table (by) using a ruler.

On/Upon + Ving yapısı “as soon as” ya da “when” anlamı verir. “ON/UPON” edatları kullanılmasa da aynı anlam
sağlanmış olur.

(On) reaching the top of the hill, Jason felt so tired that he lay on the ground.(Zirveye ulaşır ulaşmaz...)
(Upon) arriving home, she had her dinner. (Eve varır varmaz...)


Relative Clause yapısı Pasif ise V3 ya da Being + V3 olarak kısaltabiliriz.

The computers which were upgraded last month are crashed again.
The computers upgraded last month are crashed again.

Anyone who is bitten by a strange dog must be given a shot.

Anyone bitten by a strange dog ...

The song which is being played now is rather weird.

The song being played now is rather weird.

Non-Defining, yani iki virgül arasında ek bilgi veren Relative Clause yapılarda, Cümle PASSIVE ise V3 olarak
kısaltılabilir. Ek bilgi veren bu cümle, cümlenin en başına da alınabilir.
Ali, who was born and raised in a village, finds it difficult to live in a city.
Ali, born and raised in a village, finds it difficult to live in a city.
Born and raised in a village, Ali finds it difficult to live in a city.

2016 LYS 5
---- as a temple in the 2nd century AD, the Pantheon in Rome ---- famed for its dome, one of the largest ones in the

A) Having created / was active / passive mi? Zaman farkı var mı?
B) Created / is
C) Creating / has been Passive V3
D) To be created / could be
E) Being created / should have been to be V3 – the first/the second / the last / the only / superlative

Past Participle yapılar (V3) bir bağlaç cümlesinin kısaltması olarak da kullnılabilir. Bunun için iki unsur göz önüne
alınır. V3 olarak kısaltma yapabilmek için
1) Bağlaç cümlesinin PASSIVE olması ve
2) bağlaç cümlesinin ana fiildeki eylemle eş zamanlı olması ya da hemen art arda gerekir.

When he was questioned, he admitted his guilt.

(when) questioned, he admitted his guilt.

As he was exhausted, the man lay on the ground.

Exhausted, the man lay on the ground.

If the medicine is kept in the fridge, it will remain effective for a week.
If kept in the fridge, it will remain effective for a week.

He won’t resign unless he is forced to do so.

He won’t resign unless forced to do so.

Ving (active) V3 (passive) (eş zamanlı olaylar üzerine vurgu)

PERFECT PARTCIPLE (having+V3 / having been+V3)

Relative Clause ya da bağlaç cümlesindeki eylem, ana cümledeki eylemden önce olmuşsa
AKTIF olarak= HAVING+V3,
PASSIVE olara= HAVING BEEN + V3 olarak kısaltma yapılır. (Passive yapılarda “having been+V3” yerine “V3”
de kullanılabilir.)

Aşağıdaki örneklerde altı çizili olan bağlaç cümlesindeki eylem, ana cümledeki eylemden daha önce gerçekleşmiştir.

Having studied this subject before, David was able to answers all the questions correctly.

Örnek soru: 2017 LYS 5

---- by a Roman-Goth coalition in Gaul in 452 AD, the Huns, led by King Attila, invaded northern Italy,---- Padua and Verona.

A) Having been defeated / attacking

B) To have been defeated / being attacked
C) To defeat / having attacked
D) Defeating / to have attacked
E) Being defeated / to be attacked

After she had graduated from university, she began to look for a job.
(after) having graduated from university, she began to look for a job.

He told everthing he knew to the police, when he had been questioned for two hours.
He told everthing he knew to the police, having been questioned / Questioned for two hours.

Although he finished two universities, he is still out of work.

Having finished two universities, he is still out of work.

Even though the cathedral was built in the eighteenth century, it is still in a good condition.
Having been built / Built in the eighteenth century, it is still in a good condition.


As it was sunny, we decided to go on a picnic.

It being sunny, we decided to go on a picnic.

Because today is holiday, many people will be resting.

Today being holiday, many people will be resting.

Kısaltma cümlesinin hangi bağlacın kısaltması olduğu cümlenin anlamından çıkarılabilir.

Frighetened of the mouse, the little girl began to cry. (As/Because)

Built in the 17th century, the cathedral still looks splendid. (Although)

(calculate, claim, consider, discover, estimate, expect, feel, hope, prove, report, show, understand,
think, believe, say, report, know, consider, presume, hope)

Yukarıdaki fiiller passive yapıda kullanılırsa devamında TO’lu yapılar gelir. Ving gelmez.

1) cümle active mi yoksa passive mi

2) öncelik sonralık var mı dikkat etmeliyiz.

Simple To write (active) / to be V3 (passive)

Continuous To be writing (cont. act)
Perfect To have written / To have been V3
Perfect Continuous To have been writing

Active Passive
They say she works hard She is said to work hard.
They say she played well She is said to have played well last
They said she has done well She was said to have done well.
They believe he is having an answer He is believed to be having an answer
They believe he is having an answer He is believed to be having an answer
They believe he has been having an He is believed to have been having an
answer answer.
She believes the repairs have been The repairs are believed to have been
finished finished.

A) Present Participle (Ving) (active) Relative ya da bir bağlacın kıslatması.

B) Past Participle (V3) (passive)

C) Perfect Participle (having+V3 / Having been +V3)

People believe that English is the most widely spoken language.

 English is believed ---- the most widely spoken language.

A) to be B) being

Police have reported that it was Peter who caused the accident.

 Peter has been reported/is reported/was reported to have caused the accident.
Having caused

They say Jason is going through hard times nowadays.

Jason is said to be going through hard times nowadays.

Everyone knows that Ali has been living in London with his wife for sometime.

Ali is known ---- in London with his wife for sometime.

A) to have been living B) to be living

They know that the picture was painted / has been painted by Caspar David Friedrich
The picture is known to have been painted by Caspar David Friedrich.

Jason is believed to have been kidnapped. (passive)

Seçeneklerde aşağıdaki yapıları görüyorsak

1) Cümlenin akctive mi passive mi olduğuna. Özneyi buluruz. Seçenekte verilen fiili özne direkt kendi yapmışsa ACTIVE’dir.

2) zaman farkı olup olmadığına bakmalıyız. (iki eylemden daha önce olan eylem)
A) Present Participle (Ving) (active)

B) Past Participle (V3) (passive) / Being V3 RELATIVE CLAUSE ya da BAĞLAÇ kısaltması.

C) Perfect Participle (having+V3 / Having been +Ving) (active)

(Having been +V3) (passive)

NOT: Cümlede the first/the second/ the last/the only gibi yapılar var ise Superlative (the best/ the most interesting)

Eşzamanlı eylemler ACTIVE To V1


Zaman Farkı vurgusu var ise ACTIVE To have V3 .

PASSIVE To have been V3

Simple To write (active)

Continuous To be writing (cont. act)
Perfect To have written / To have been V3
Perfect Continuous To have been writing

calculate, claim, consider, discover, advise, estimate, expect, feel, hope, prove, report, show, understand,
think, believe, say, report, know, consider, presume, hope,suspect) Bu fiiller passive yapıda kullanılmışsa
arkalarından TO’lu yapı alır.

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