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11 Importance of Business Communication

1.Improves Employee Engagement

By influencing how things are done at work, communicators hold a significant position.
Employees benefit from a two-way flow of information, and effective communicators persuade
managers and leaders to communicate more effectively, which leads to more employee
engagement. In reality, effective communication can significantly improve employee
2. Eliminates Email Overload
An extremely common way that emails go unanswered or inboxes get out of hand is
when employees suffer from email overload. The sense of being overwhelmed by the volume of
messages in one's inbox, or simply not being able to keep up with email responses, is produced
by an employee receiving more emails each day than he or she can reasonably respond to. This is
a particular issue for businesses that provide employees with access to shared inboxes.
You can help employees feel more motivated and focused at work by assisting them in
reducing email overload. Because they won't be burdened down by an overloaded email inbox,
employees will feel free to collaborate on assignments.
3. Eliminates Communication Silos
Information silos are common when there is too much irrelevant stuff. Meaning,
information that is critical to an employee can quickly be misplaced. Consider why information
is misplaced in your company.
Internal company communications, as well as the usage of the appropriate
communications tools, are critical to overcoming this difficulty.
4. Improve Employee Productivity
Because it has such a direct impact on employee behavior and performance, effective
communication is critical to enhancing productivity. The key to successful collaboration between
managers and staff is effective communication, which involves clear instructions, quick message
delivery, and thorough explanation. It is crucial in getting things done, which leads to an increase
in productivity.
5. Improves Interdepartmental Communications
Your business will perform better when your teams communicate with each other.
Effective interdepartmental communication keeps information moving. A team doesn’t keep all
its information to itself. Instead, it shares information with other teams so everyone can do their
best work.
6. Improves Communication with Remote Workers
Coordinating across time zones, information silos and overcoming language and cultural
barriers are just a few communication challenges remote teams face and distance often makes it
harder for team members to feel like a team. Better internal business communications can have a
significant positive impact on how remote teams collaborate and feel. 
7. Reduces Employee Turnover

Employee turnover is substantially lower in companies with more engaged and satisfied
staff. Employers must ensure that their employees are kept educated on what is important to their
jobs in order to attract and retain Millennials and younger generations in the workplace.

8. Improves Knowledge Sharing Effort

Improved information sharing best practices is one of the primary aims firms are
attempting to achieve by investing in internal communications. Employers must facilitate easy
information sharing within their firms in a world where employees are continually growing and
learning new things. Knowledge exchange and organizational knowledge are difficult to achieve
without a well-defined internal corporate communications plan.
9. Increases Employee Advocacy
When employers know how to communicate with their employees effectively, they are
much more successful in turning their employees into brand ambassadors. 
Brand ambassadorship is not so hard to achieve as many companies believe. In fact, happy
employees would love to contribute in brand ambassadorship programs. 

There are 4 main ways how brand ambassadorship and employee advocacy can help company's
 Increase brand awareness
 Improve employer brand and attract high-quality candidates
 Boost marketing efforts
 Increase sales

10. Improves Customer Satisfaction and Retention

Better business communication also means better customer satisfaction. If there’s poor
communication within an organization, two things happen when it comes to customer service
and satisfaction. First, personnel in customer-facing positions will be unable to obtain the
information they require. Second, clients will pick up on low employee morale and have a
negative experience as a result. Indeed, according to one study, employee attitude has a major
impact on customer satisfaction, which leads to increased income.
11. Builds a Better Company Culture
Finally, a proper business communications strategy is crucial for building a better
company culture and workplace environment. Companies that communicate in an open and
transparent manner have a far healthier work environment, as well as higher employee
motivation and satisfaction. Organizations that ignore business communications as a means of
building workplace culture, on the other hand, experience poor engagement, high turnover, and
low employee and customer satisfaction.

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