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God provides water from a rock.

Numbers 20:1-13

© 2007 Gospel Light. Permission to photocopy granted to original purchaser only. The Really Big Book of Bible Story Coloring Pages • 65
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God provides water from a rock.

Numbers 20:1-13

The people were thirsty. They came to Moses. “Why did you make us
come out here to the desert?” they said. “Why did you make us leave
Egypt? There is nothing good to eat here. There is no water.”
Moses was angry with the people. They blamed him for all their prob-
lems. They forgot how God protected them and always cared for them.
So Moses talked to God. God told Moses to speak to a rock in front of
the people. God would make water come out of the rock.
Moses went to the rock. But Moses was so angry, he didn’t do what
God said. Instead of speaking to the rock, Moses hit the rock with his
staff! God made water come out of the rock even though Moses didn’t
do what God said. God was sad that Moses didn’t obey Him.

66 • © 2007 Gospel Light. Permission to photocopy granted to original purchaser only. The Really Big Book of Bible Story Coloring Pages

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